xt7dz02z4c93 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z4c93/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1977-11-25 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, November 25, 1977, no. 205 text The Green Bean, November 25, 1977, no. 205 1977 1977-11-25 2014 true xt7dz02z4c93 section xt7dz02z4c93 _,...-·   rf 
ll/25/77 N0. 205
2 December — The Gallery Series — Songs of Christmas with
Phyllis Jenness — Noon in the Gallery, King
Library North. V
i 2 December — Library Faculty Meeting — Gallery, 8:30 AM.
i 4 December — The Library Associates meeting — Department of _
Special Collections — King Library North, 3 PM
(see note). ‘
Current Exhibits: Gallery — Department of Special Collections -
; Albert B. Chandler exhibit through December 2. Foyer, King
g Library North — A Tribute to Vladimir Nabokov. Also display of
Q Recent Acquisitions. King Library South, Lobby — Behind the
( Scenes at Interlochen Music Camp, drawings by Robel Paris,
Lexington artist (through November) — Swiss in American Life
(through December l5, see note).
i Contributors to this number; Pat Boyle, David Farrell, Faith
1 Harders, Frances Kelley, Claire McCann (Editor), Gerry Munoff and
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Photographic Archive Established at UK
A Photographic Archive has been established at the University of
l Kentucky in the Department of Special Collections and Archives,
T King Library North. The Archive, under the supervision of
· Gerry Munoff, a graduate student in library science, will orga-
nizethousands of photographs scattered in various collections.
Many will be available to students and researchers for the first
time. The Archive has been developed mainly by gifts from alumni
and friends of the University.
The emphasis of the collections is on historical documentation
rather than artistic photography, although some collections
qualify in both categories. One of the most interesting of this
group are the Appalachian portraits by Doris Ulmann who was
_ assisted in the l930s by John Jacob Niles.
n More typical of the Archive are the thousands of plate glass
_ negatives of UK scenes taken by Louis E. Nollau, professor,
Engineering Drawing from 1904 to l953. Another collection of
lantern slides records the construction of the Panama Canal. There
are also large collections of family and individual portraits,
including a number of famous Kentucky political and literary .
figures. An interesting aspect of the Archive is that it contains
examples of the earliest photographic processes (some dating from
the l840s), including daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, and tintypes.
Photographs provide a unique type of information about a place,
For example, they are proof that a building or business existed in
a certain location. The Archive will be useful for historical
research, exhibits, and publications. "Images of a University,"
a recent publication by the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate
Studies at UK, was illustrated with vintage photographs from the
Proper storage and handling of photographs is a difficult and
time-consuming task. As photographs are the result of delicate
chemical processes they are easily damaged if they are improperly
stored; if, for example, they are exposed to excessive amounts of ·
heat, humidity and light. The UK Photographic Archive will be
stored in a special, climate—controlled environment and duplicates
will be made of many photographs so that the original is handled
as little as possible.
Nunoff expects the Archive to grow in the months ahead as citizens
and alumni learn of its existence. He is interested in acquiring
any photograph; in particular, photographs depicting the University
and aspects of Kentucky life and culture are sought. Munoff would
be happy to look at anyone's personal collection and recommend pro~
cedures for proper storage and handling. An exhibit of the Archive
is scheduled for 1978.

 Swiss in American Life_§xhibit
An exhibit illustrating the many contributions the Swiss and
their descendents have made to American life is on display at
King Library South through l5 December. The exhibit was
assembled by the "Pro Helvetica Foundation" of Switzerland and
is being circulated in America by the Swiss Embassy of Washington,
D. C. The exhibit consists of 70 panels illustrated with numerous
photographs--many in color--accompanied by a lively, informative
text detailing the history of Swiss—American literature,
emigration, politics and military, art, science and business.
A free catalog is available.
The Library AssociatesHMeet
Bell Irvin Wiley, distinguished Southern historian, will speak on
"Common Soldiers of the Civil War" at the 4 December meeting of
The Library Associates in the Department of Special Collections.
The lecture begins at 3 PM and will be followed by a reception. _
The public is cordially invited; for reservations, please call
258-2651 or 258-86ll.
Lost Lunches
Several people in the Library have recently not been able to eat `
lunch because their lunch bags or cartons were not in the frigi-
daire when they looked for them at noon. It has been suggested
that lunches be marked in some manner so that they can easily be
identified. This should solve the problem. There should be no
need to say more about it.
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