xt7dz02z489f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z489f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1977 yearbooks  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The Kentuckian Magazine, Vol. II, No. 2, 1976-1977 text The Kentuckian Magazine, Vol. II, No. 2, 1976-1977 1977 1977 2013 true xt7dz02z489f section xt7dz02z489f i   hg   cnf}! 3
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    '   T Belden Survey, April-June 1975 I
GI   Rm- 2IO
Journdlism Bldg. UK

 l with the editor Students!
l Vl.'e’ve made some changes in this
issue of the Kentuckian Magazine. For $ ·
starters, we’ve converted the old l    
"Llnderwraps/’ into a new feature    
called "Ups 8. Downs." |t’s a series of l    
shorts on the University and the    
Lexington community, and should   .     _ (y
¢\* ¢\ o
pF0ve interesting, §§*' »   ra"
é§?»  ee `. @6
( {IF, 7*
Also, we’ve changed the title of our   $6%
"Out of the Blue" section to    
Silhouette. It will still focus on in-  =:g,;»`
y teresting personalities on and around   ,l?Z, —~·-.._ [ha
campus.     S  
 ég  Z  = > °P1>i,,
Our oover story examines the skinny-     g
mania that has been a part of our   gk  
society for so many years. Mindy    
Fetterman acted as a guinea pig for     * Q)
. . "   Q
someofthe more popular weight-losing Eé é,  , 0%
methods. She managed to recover     @0
from all this in time to write her story, `  gt- `\‘_ (0
but she swears she never wants to see     9g{
another exercise belt.     F
+ /3
"Bread or Plato: Food for the Body éé J   LUHIS
l or the Soul" deals with the conflict EE  Q  
between vocational and liberal arts Q`   4,
education and its effect on the   ’@—
University. The information for the \ _  uQ;‘E·*
article was compiled by our staff and ` Et ’,   Take the    
put together into story form by Susan    
Jones.   `   ·' t W H 7
gg?   { 3 3 306 S
ln our next issue, we plan to devote    
the bulk of our space to Coach Adolph ` ‘\r— Vchgff
Rupp. We plan to show what the ` A `
Coach’s typical day is like and produce F Af Instant Cash
Bn anthology (of sorts) of interesting   3   W
and best-loved stories about the Man in li °"?·,; {  ` A  ,
The Brown SUN      { OH Y0l1I` Textbooks.
STV-'W ‘.     ~· 
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Table of Contents [gg ·—
  H€y_   V
The Quest for the Skinny Body by Mindy Fetterman p. A For the UK lan Wh0 bes o
everything (except a winning
Bread vs. Plato: Food forthe Body or Soul p.il l`00tbHll team) 3 "VWld€3l Phone"! ii
Yes, you TOO can win friends and d
UK Football: Too Good to be True? by Dick Gabriel p.l5 l¤flU€¤€€ people Willi lhls Sl€€l< little
kitty on your bedside table. Even the p
Going, Going, Gone! UK Horseflesh Hits the Block dial lights up at uigltll
by Ron /\/\iiCi·i€·|| p_18 There are several models from
which to choose. We have YOUR
"DearMom . .  At the Tri-Delt House p.22 number: blue on blue. white on n
white, blue and white, white and H
All the Wor|d's A Stage by Pam Parrish p.2A blué. blue 1‘€C€iV€1‘#Whil€ b0dy, (,
The Game Plan: How to Get to the Civic Center 8. Live to Tell About It _ ii    ig if i
*°·"*°    ·i .   C   C     ’
 T4 ,i‘.   9
The Mating Instinct by Bob Cochrane p,32 L ‘ . . —» ` -   3 6
  S! it : ‘  :,’ I L`
Backstage with me Editor p_ i     i   C,
Ups& Downs p_ 2   T · ·’i‘ 'S ‘i_‘ —    
Silhouette: Bennie Raglin by David Brown p_34   _
Staff   l
Editor-in-Chief: Pam Parrish   fl »
Managing Editor: Susan Jones  l
Editorial Director: Mindy Fgiigi-mgm V
Photography Editor: Bruce Orwin V   _ I
Editorial Assistants: Elizabeth Finney, Jo Lux “` T »··@?~"'  
General Staff: Hugh Findlay, Linda Jackson, Debbie Kalman, Roger ‘ it T4 TTT C » " T
Lowry, Bridget McFarland, Valorie Reid, Linda a
Schaars Q
Contributing Editors: David Brown, Dick Gabriel, Ron Miicheii   {
2 l

 white receiver— blue body . . . Lots Safety and LexTran1 on his one XO {pore Singing in ine pgjyp
i of litters to choose from. campaign prom ise—bus shelters. Q
L T Repairs are rarely necessary f`or 'l`hat’s a lot more than most SG
it`s the only cat in town that you presidents can say.  
i ¤¢"`· get to the shelters firstwill be able to A Super thumbs up tO the COu€g€
rmt matci i keep the rain out ofour galoshes and Of Afms and Sciences mr Sponwfmg
  on the backs Oi- Ow. necks. A&S fétitkthe Shakespeare onhrilm
*   I-an Shelters have been put up course. The course is ulniquein the
' LMS lim li if"` Student GOVam‘ outside the Chemistry-Physics and Hamm 35 It Offers N mms m One
‘ ment President Mike McLaughlin [Jaw buiidmgg Oihells will be up $€m€$i€F Y0? i`T€€- Talk l$ 20mg
I TOY towing UlI`0¤§%h lll grand Siyla soon at Shawneetown and the around that the Course wm ba Of-
iwith a little help from UK Public gninpigii falaa again la a COUPLE Of YQHYS
even though it costs the University
  R $2.500 to put the thing on.
l ·.
i ....  
l ;:\·.
_   _ A 3 rj   (`urci`s Tale
,5: °__° ·· `* ) ' T Once upon a time there were three
_; i ~ E  _. _ little pigs—D.G. Herald. C.J. and T.
  **2 ` .` _ ._,~` Borden and P.R.E.S.S. ·Paul B..
  ‘“ .r AT. V *2 _ _! - Rick. B.. Earl C.. Stuart W. and =
., ~     Q . 7 T     Strexige Wy. H .1 t 4 I g
y it s ._ we ~   T ey were a merriy rippin
A J   .   _}  ‘ ·~;     through the UK football press corps.
K   N V. t  "  » ‘ ` i writing stories about quarterbacks.
    · . D.G[s was made of straw. C.J.`s
t     gg tf sticks and PRESS of bricks.
‘   t “ When along came the big. bad
I °     Z Bambino Wolf. And he huffed and he
P   puffed and he bleeeeew. "Cheap
  1     _ shot," he cried. "Have you no team
i spirit?" His nostrils flared and his
A Italian temper raged. And he huffed
and he puffed some more.
But no matter how hard he tried,
.  jg i he couldnt blow down the stories of
  A     ji 4    _ ~ _ _   straw and sticks.
  _ _! .._. { .1   `   *       Bambino is saf`e for now. But if he
QM _ "i"°;   __   ii_i ’ . .   ~»    fr      »·   »     5: +  .. 6 uwsiobiow¤10wiiiii€r¤nEss‘ story
P   i""°‘ rx R 4 _ .. ,,,,,,_ t-   T —~—»~     "  4 · § cf bricks hell need more than hot
’i i   cg air. Because the only way to get into
T.  I the brick house is through the
V chimney.
Wm DOM It? And hell get his tail end burned.

 The average American diet consists chicken in every pot, Hershey, Pa.--the WEEKS and You Can Too! "ads in the
of~l3 per cent fatand includes 100 lbs. 0f national chocolate capital. The Good back of True Confessions. But it’s a lot. ·
sugar a year. Life. The American Dream. Frankly, the country has gone diet
--10-20 D9? cent of AIT1€I`iC3`S Oncealand of plenty, nowa country crazy. Our obsession with being 4
teenagers are overweight. of altogether too much. slender hasreached neurotic levels and
—-One of the new fad books, Dr. Over 70 million Americans are FAT. we’ve become a species of knock-
Atkin‘s Diet Revolution sold over 1 Call it "pleasingly plump" if you will, kneed, rib—tickling, skinny lovers. .
million copiesin ll months and spent 40 or "healthy," but it’s basically FAT. Columbia University’s Dr. Theodore ` {
weeks on the best seller list. And the majority of that70 million are Van ltallie calls it the "age of calorie y
body—worshipping, diet mongers, like anxiety." More time is spent watching I
you and I. skinny people and wishing we were like
Ah, America. There aren’t any statistics on how them thanjustaboutanything else. The
The amber waves of grain, the fertile many metric—hours are spent poring questfor the skinny body has become a
fields of food, the HoJo‘s on every over the latest "Get Skinny Quick" nationalpasttime.Havewe gone mad'?
corner, Baskin—Robbins` pistachio— article or how many people actually Quite possibly. Americans spend
almond swirl, Big Macs, a bucket of READ those "I lost 278 lbs. in THREE over $10 BILLION a year on the diet
- s
I H E Q U E S I I  
I .
. i I
by Mindy Feiiermcxn  
. i ‘.\.

 industry, which includes low-calorie What are they trying to tell us? Biafra who would love your brussel
foods, paying for doctors who In all this confusion and self-doubt, Sprouts." God.
specialize ln treating weight problems, obesity has lost its original meaning_ Jack Sprat and his chubby wife are
health spas, appetite supressants, Now any 98-pound weakling caught favorite fairy tales and there is even a
exercise devices, diet books, creams, chewing on a chicken leg worries about token fat kid in "Our Gang?
powders, and pllls...pl1ls...pll1s... getting FAT, Men and women spend Yet the brainwashing goes on.
Fat people, we are told are lazy, countless hours pinching and prodding Children and adults are constantly
` stupid and have no will power; Books thighs, underarms and asses. We look bombarded with not-so-subliminal
j describing obesity as a sickness can be fOr flonexistant cellulite and get ulcers $€dUCll0f1 OH Kel€VlSl0ll, l°adl0 afld lll
found on any libpayyg ghglvgg At Ml vworrying about our metabolismsl newspapers. Skinniness is praised
King, f`or example, a rather scholarly Everyone thinks he’s fat these above all else.
volume, The Importance of Over- days! We’ve also learned to blame a
weight is right down the row from Who can blame us? The majority of couple 0feXlTa pounds OH OUP metllefs.
Disorders of Sexual Potency in the Am€I`lC3IE grew up witha Third-World l0b$- 3¤Xl€ll€$ Hfld l"1€I`€dlly_“ll PUBS
Male and The Social llistory of Complex, anyway. "Clean your plate, in my family? We no longer blame
laellegra. No joke. Harold. There are starving children in FAT on overeating. Thats too simple.
i Y  
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 * K5
_! ‘ ` ` No, obesity is caused by, "...the is NO DIET. "We don’tconsciously put
t pI`€S€IlC€ of ELIHIOYS of tht-3 bI'HiIl 0I` the people on 3 diet"’ ghe 53id_ "We just
adrenal gland or it may follow en- discusswhatpeople areeating and why
€€Ph8liYiS 0F bfain Sufgefy OF in- they’re eating it. We want people to
  fectious disease, operations, accidents, lose weight and maintain it 50 we wgyk
` 0 or in combination with mental within their ]jfegty]eg_"
\ deficiency and other developmental Perhaps the most popular weight
abncrma1iticS," according to one reduction fad to come outordietmarua
 s €XD€1`t· is the Spa—those last bastions of health
No wonder we hate fat. Eech. feed and nate
Despair Not Going to a spa for the first time can
.i Yet despite every sensible, in- either be a degrading, demoralizing
~ I telligent and rational thing Americans and embarrassing trauma OR an ego-
have been told about the "Importance boosting pat-on-the-back.udepending
of Good Nutrition," we still continue to on how fat you are.
[ _ search for an easy way out—a miracle In my case, the embarassment
i Mrgl cure for fat. For weeks we eat only started before I ever got through the
1 A boiled eggs and water, or milk and doors.Ilied to my friends about where
— · bananas, gnaw on celery and gum lwas going. Admitting to a trip to the
      ~ cottage cheese, or take Ex-Lax and Spa is like saying you had your teeth
V {     pray. capped. Everyone ·wants`to be skinny,
  "The biggest single mistake in but no one wants the work to show.
\ dieting is the belief that there is some I tooka bath, washed my hair and put
miracle way to lose weight and keep it on clean underwear. (What if I had to
I off with no effort. There is no magic," go to the hospital or something?) Then,
said Dr. Neil Soloman, a psychiatrist donned my basic black leotard—
I;   from Johns Hopkins. discreet and tasteful. Added a mat-
`  - Spoil sport. ching black ribbon and was off.
Nonetheless, one mustn’t lose hope. When Iarrived I took a deep breath,
Weight Watchers, started 13 years ago sucked in my stomach and stepped
_    by a housewife from Queens, N.Y., is through the huge, wooden doors. Gasp.
V d now a multi—million dollar in- The room is like a bad "artist’s ren-
2. > ` ternational organization specializing in dition" of the Roman Baths. The walls
_ broiled herring. And for ye of little are lined with sleazy gold couches
-4 ’ faith, there is Overeaters Anonymous, covered with red fuzzy dandruff from
l  ,  . which works on the theory of "confess flocked wallpaper. Plaster figurines in
  thy sins and tell us what vyou ate classic Greek poses hold plastic ferns.
    toda y." Muzak hums discreetly in the distance.
L   P Even the UK Med Center offers Then my hostess arrived. A pertlittle .
p weight reduction workshops called number named Stephie or Joie or
. * ‘ . "Leave Y0¤1` Fat Behind? Clever. Charlie or something boyishly charm-
ll .  "We use behavioral modification ing like that _1 smiled She was
l A U b€ClIHIqLl€S 3l'1d {00115 OH what g0€S on Skiymy What was She dgihg here?
l   inside your head that makes you eat-
‘ the cognitive approach to losing Stephie patted me on the back and
` weight," said assistant program took me off on a tour of the
. coordinator Susan Gaffield. Gaffield placeustarting with the exercise room.
H works with smaH groups of people, A giant mirror covers three walls and
. concentrating on eating habits and the subtle light from two huge chan-
I \ anxiety. She talks a lot aout "goal- deliers reflects off the chrome and steel
. ‘ oriented attitudes" and " re- of exercise equipment: the rack, the
i inforcement of rational responses." iron maiden, the tower of London
`  But the best thing about herprogram revisited.

Lyrics like "When you body’s had
enough of me.." floated through the air ,_ ¢  
giving a kind of nightmarish rhythm to . g   
the grunting of 18 overweight women. I    
held in my stomach and stood up ~ ___g
straight. N F" _ 
"Over 11,000 people here use these #,`;;x_  
spas," Stephie said proudly. We have ` I "
a pool, a steam bath, sauna, showers, "  
sunlamps, massage rooms..." I needed *
a beer.
"We work with you individually to
get that little roll off your bee—hind."
She patted my ass affectionately. I
needed a beer.
"Don’t you worry honey, you got fat?
We’ll get rid of it."
On with the tour. There were about  _
six very overweight women, five " .» -··· **”" lM{_ _
moderately chubby types, four pudgy ;  ..   .
college students, a couple of gl3m0\11` L,   ‘ `     _’,,,  
goddesses and a 15—year—old track star. " ·  
They could hardly be stereotyped.  
However, there were a lot of Alberto  
VO-5 hairdos around and champa gne  
pink was the favorite leotard color. one     ·· 
lady even wore a scarf and a Sagit—  ,3
tarius broach. ‘ ``=a     ···..·  
"One, two, three, four. Stretch, two  
three, f¤¤¤‘-·-"   ·»ia  
I did the exercises and muscles I   '_'‘  
hadn’t heard from in years were it :`.  
screaming, "Cut this shit out! " About    
that beer.    lt
»;._, .  
" Now honey. We’ll put you on a diet-   r  
3 simple one and in two weeks you’ll  
see the difference," Stephie said. **1  
know it does cause here’s a picture of  
me three years ago." She showed me a , 
fuzzy snapshot of somebody in a tent  
dress in the backyard and another of  
her one year later in a white leather ,§é?i] ’   .
jumpsuit. It looked like my Stephie, but _  
1 couldn’t te11...   ··-r    ,.5  ;;%1r,¤i
"Remember, honey. No beer." Shit. {  " » °,;.’€i" ,»£»’
We continued through the spa. A sign   s`    
over the showers said "Face lifts—  
$2·50." A young girl (the goddess kind) ‘    ‘ ‘*·*‘
lowered herself slowly into the
whirlpool. "Why do we do this to
ourselves?" she laughed. Who’s *

laughing. Women sat in the saunas and
gi   sweated,discussing pork sales atWinn-
  r__,V    I Dixie. Younger girls stood in the
  sunlamp rooms with their bras off. I
i , burned my boobs. Older women, 60-
V J: " infinity, swam demurely in the heated
 4 , _ , pool and a housewife thumbed through
> "L""/ the October Playgirl.
  F Narcissis would have been proud.
l "It’s a place where I can come to get
some exercise and relax," said a grade
school teacher. She probably needs it.
"For two hours all I do is think about
myself and how I look."
From whence came this insanity?
_ A Little History on Fat
The Spartans, though stark and
__ I ~ { * sturdy Greeks, were perhaps the first
  “`$";[‘ »a  ,. . real fat—ha ters. In fact, the w
 " J  ·  forced to eat at a common tabble fhg
·——·r.   ·  wa . .
  penalty of amputation of one vital limb
  Q,  or another. Spartans didn’t fool around
.::*5 Y‘i:i*E?~··?¤F’-r.·2I¢<~? `     ”       ..~l   ~`
  wth the
  You ng Spartans were stripped down
  and checked each month for that "Tell—
ai  tale Cellulite." lf found, it was 40 laps
  around the arena.
  But as late as the 19th century, fat
  was considered a sign of success.
.    Never trust a skinny merchant—he’s a
  ·V`·     crook. A successful one was full about
  the middle of his waist and his purse.
  And who could forget those sainted
  Victorians with their round and puffy
Y1?.  " ‘   _/t women?
  But perhaps one of the most famous _
  Fat Men (Jackie Gleason excluded)
  was Shakespeare’s character Falstaff,
  -.._   the fat rogue in "Henry the Fourth."
  Maybe we should blame Shakespeare
  for all our overweight griefs, for he
  · .,; &\.· described Falstaff as...
  "An old fatman’ a tun of man...that
  colting—hutch of beastliness, that
  swoll’n parcel of dropsies, that huge
    bombard of sack, that stuffed cloakbag
I   5 of guts, that roasted Manningtree ox
§ with the pudding in his belly..."
.5 Good God. Who wants to look like
.. _ ._.. I that'? @

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Wh3t’S your favorite Coach Rupp  __   ’ ~   I VIVV p   ,,’¢ ·_ {3,;* xy , ;· 
You canread some of the best ones in   (_   /,_‘   Ei `‘4¤_   _ v, _ €*?¢;,_=  I       _
the next issue of the Kentuckian        ~  ,     ‘ 'S `   .€   _g.;  _ ·
Magazine. Ex-UK basketball players,     ‘ g   '’ae gf;}   ‘‘· * ty: <“  *é€%>·._»;£i./ ¤
· ·      "   1 ,   ·     —‘``   ~ rat   ‘ V ‘
old friends and associates, q,     , V       ,  ;,;_,_;;_.  ,__,, _
_ t I    A t‘ty { ,5’g$¤.T—»r_>¤*‘  ;c;·1;¤·  ‘ V h
cheerleaders,rumor mongers and tall- I _  ,,, t ae   N  V   ,  $,5, , V _
. . 4 V  yi m { az ’2=f‘ * , _,   *~’ _ ’ _ ;···°‘  
taletell ers w1ll have th€1I‘ chance to get     CQ ti ,  — V l       xt;
rid of those Rupp stories they’ve been       __}    “ g   tyz    "   ,   Q   .
hidihgeu theseyeere if Y<>Uh¤ve¤¤y  ·   v     he   c
good anecdotes about Kentucky’s most    A     4   ‘ e
p0PUl3l` legend, contact the Kentuckian  *   s_,’ *   l',_   . 4 ,      
·  * , ,.4 '   ' , .;.;g.`_:_`;.;:{:f;:5 ,4;
OMS NOW a    t      a  ,ta   .
The Coach will have e chance tc         ei
. . .   ‘’‘· ‘   af',} *    ‘ ~f» , t
speak out also. An mdepth interview   - ‘  egcs, _ V V
with the Coach reveals what he’s domg   , . V
- · · ·   ···‘ 9% ‘,   I ’ —’ ,
now in between his infrequent public     _  
appearances, and how he feels about   ,      
Rupp Arena and Kentucky basketball,           t
ammg others. He’s got a lot to say.   y *     
Look for it in February! e "  e V V ’·' 

C3.Il VOC3.'D1OI1&l 8,Ild
liberal arts eduoamons coexist?  
Otis Singletary calls it the "new calls it "Washington pr0paganda."
vocationalism fad." John Stephenson, What is it? It’s that feeling you may
dean of undergraduate studies, has, in or may not have in the pit of your
the past, labeled it "the management stomach that upon graduation you
movement." Harriet Rose, director of won’t tind a job. It’s spending four
the Counseling and Testing Center, years, in college going through un-
  speakable hell, only to graduate to
Research compiled by: Mindy lingerie sales, encyclopedia pushing or
Fetterman, Liz Finney, Linda Jackson, burger management.
Roger Lowry, Bridget McFarland, Are UK students WOI`I`l€d about
Vdlorie Reid. future employment or are they content

 simply to lose themselves in the the road and fewer students said they that develops as you sit in the Ivory not
literary annals of Plato, Thackeray felt grades should be abolished. Tower watching unemployment rise. slt
and Melville? In a general summary at the end of But is there a war among ad- ed
Them is only one relevant Study of the study, John Stephenson,wh0 helped ministrators, professors and students I
. . , compile the study, states, "There 1S on campus between leftover ’60’s ad
student attitudes—and it s two years _ ,
Old The Study pmmes freshmen €n_ ample evidence that students have liberals andthgse whowant to eatwhen cle
tering the University between 1967 and reached. new compromises between they graduate.  
1974. eettaia ldeahstlc and °?)$tr€m€_Vah{€s Notawar, perhaps, butat least a few
and the pragmatic realities, primarily skirmishes thi
IH its ¤¤m€1`0¤$ gI`8Ph$, the study economic, which affect their lives." ' ad
shows a slow, but steady deterioration It’s now two years later, but how They’re little things—like a demand Ot
of what are usually considered liberal much have student attitudes for a more clinical education in the law Sei
education support beams. Between ’67 changed? It’s not really surprising that school, more programs imposing sei
and ’74 fewer UK students said they no one is quite sure. Of course, there selective enrollment policies or a E
valued the formulation of a philosophy are a few obvious changes—a perfectly decrease in the number of humanities tre
of life, fewer students called them- calm campus political scene and the majors versus an increase in business no
selves political liberals, more return, to a degree, of a concern for majors. And depending upon your vet
categorized themselves as middle of grades. Not to mention that headache interpretation, these skirmishes mean edi
3.ppl1lC&'DlOI1S hav G IT1l1ShI’O O
Y0u»V€ Spent foul. years in Q   , T   § . This shrinking job market has B
English, anthropology or pursuing a 2   MQ ” . , . made many law students vocation- l and
Bachelor of General Studies major   · it I   mi¤d€>d While th€Y7I`€ ih School- . Rel
(BGS) in how to get through school { , “ "Most students I know are worried ; fat
with the least amount of hassle— g about getting a job," said Bob te"
now what? You’re essentially un- . Jaffee, Student Bar Association , "
marketable, right? ” git   president. And Foster Ockerman i law
Go to law school,young man—like     , Jr., president of the Moot Court we]
everybody and his brother. UK law   l r" it   Board, said "More people in law teal
school Dean Thomas P. Lewis said,   gi   ’ N   it School now are job-oriented than **
"It is a national phenomenon that   if I {     social Change—oriented." we;
law seheei appiieatiehs have it i·iii e I g Law pmt. peui Oberst has wat- eas
mushmomed Since the lam BOS}, . `”*e \ * ched law students for 30 years. He libti
  the 3pp].lC3.tlOIl bOOI'I"l has , ‘ ( *~»-—-· ’i’‘‘       conlpares those in law School now to USE
iereled eff somewhat this year, he -   , the wend wer II G.I.’s. *·1¤ the late ~
Saudi there are stiii het nearly .5 j ¥_§+fQ ’60s, students were not as vocation- beg
eheaeh epehsietste meetdemahds- _.·:::   .   *7;;;:j oriented as these students and the A j
The UKiaW seheeihashetihereaseti i;g§"t! 1       peer-wei- students. In me ieueisos e stm
the Size at its meet body me r:,i§~·‘¢ atv   exits:. person might goto law Sami to ~
belioni the ];°°°mt hegaiii rgitalgavi gift ;;_ Lgt ei   I l   learn about law with no interest in suit
§§O.”i$§f§.J£L§"’;£§ ;’;‘1,iii.§ il, T;- Peel em g;t;;,eg,;;;e;, ggggsgggg, Hee 3,*;;
crease its size. g ° E
If you get in, what about a job'? UKlaw school grads do get jobs, but Oberst said people have flocked to gpc
Law school Placement Officer Paul many of the jobs are not what are law school because of the tight IES
V3;] Bguten 53jd it has become in- generally th0l1ght of HS classical law €COHOmy—3I'l€COHOH‘1y which put all 3 O
creasingly difficult to get jobsin law positions. The legal profession has end to the liberal arts expansion and an
Over the last five years, been expanding into government made it impossible for those with O
Lewis said a high percentage of and public service areas. Ph.D’s in English to get a job. into

 J nothing—or they might mean a tide • •
. slowly turning away from a liberal       •
— education and towards a practical one.
s But whether or not UK professors
s administrators and students have a ,
1 clear handle on the situation, they are   [ 1      
thinking and talking about it.
I 4 Their concern filters down through
the University bureaucracy from Time’s running out. Y0u’re a ofEnglish majors, Bryant said there
addresses like the one UK President junior and you don’t know what to has been a tendency not to refill
i Otis Singletary made to the University major in. What do you major in? places when a professor retires. And
v Senate at the beginning of this English. full professors are teaching
g semester. It probably comes as no surprise beginning English courses. "That
1 Singletary stated, "Another current thatEnglish has been thehardest hit was a nono a few years back,"
s trend is the great popularity of what is by the "new vocationalism" Bryant said.
s now being called the ‘new movement. "We’ve had to reevaluate the way
T vocationalisml narrowly defined as English department Chairman we teach and the value of what W€
1 education for jobs. I would argue that, Joseph Bryantsaid thatalthough the {@36],,, Bryant said. "I think thi5
—‘ ‘ eember of Peeple taking English process has really improved us. The
eourses has ieoreesed S1ightlYi¤ the new vocationalism has made us look
lest eye yeers, the number of P€0P1€ at the English major not as a major
majoring in English has been cut in that prepares anyone for anything,
half,not only here butatuniversities but 35 a vision of life."
301055 the ¤8ti0¤- Those students now majoring in
’   A NIU the Pest two Years the E¤gh5h English are dedicated, Bryant said.
department has doubled the number ttwhat we are getting now is 3 €01`€
of seryiee-type English courses of people wlle are really interested
Bob Griffith, a third—year student Offered to llpll-majcl~S because cf in the Study of llteratllref
and head of the Kentucky Law popular demand." Bl-yallt still believes strongly in 8
Review, WELS OI‘1€ of those C81’1did3.tBS Bryant Said [hg service courses good liberal educatjgll and he feels
1 for an English Ph.D. before he Bn- are necessary because many en- Student; can obtain that general
U tered law school. tering freshmen can’t read or write. bad{gmund by majoring in English.
~l smlere b€C3l1S€ IW3I`It to sell Beeeese ef eleorooiotee eemeer Philosophy, astrology, rgioiitieei
lawyer, but I also realized there M SeieeceandEnghSh_ar€ the amgli?
Werenlt any inns in college eeeeee \_ disciplineefrom which a viewo 1 e
teaching," Griffith said. _ ' sie` ··l__',_ een gmw· H _
"But I don’t consider the time I `A '°s" Bee h€_addS’_ Amcmcans have to
worked on my doctorate wasted. It’s I ·l " grew UP m _th€u` VIEWS ef educauqn
easy t0 p00p00 English and the       Education is no longer for the ehte
liberal arts and say they aren’t  5;* Opiy when it waS’ the average
nsnfniy but the training is useful-     "· ·\ V citizen hadnoidea of what education
. · = ·ii`   ` ··" . _ — meant, They worked hard, saved
"You can write better, analyze   _ .t._ .. _  _e_ee_;"*e" ·s·.,-__ their money, Sent their kids to
better and see both sides of anllssue.   _e»~;l.i rrir   » e eeueeee They exeeeted him to get a
A hbelfell ees beekgmund _lS “°t     s‘`si_s     ‘ leg up in life, el better job, etc. But
3°m3“““g y°“ 33.3 *’“t 3 p“°3 °“‘ 3   ` , J"` llllw €dl1C3tlOI`1, evell s college
Tpeeele ee eeeee eeey eeeei     education, is lol the lll eeee s.
suited for to get a job and 1t,S a e   ~`,..,_ llwem trying in do Something in
seeme they eeeiee teemselyes     our society lllals never been delle
Teeee ees te ee e eeee yee eeeiee       .   . st l,..,l0l»s-ellleste everyone.
· “p°“ 3 *’“’f33Si°“r b“*“°t Wh3“ y°“   I i'‘*e     Namfauy tile emphasis will be on
first startschool. I feel very strongly     V _  1 %; jobs but in the funn-8 l bgljgvg the
I eeee the yelee ef e leeeel ee-       ··  liberal arts elllslllwl will ‘grow in
d3"g‘3d“3t3 33“°3"°“·”         grace; OHCB mere, as we discover
Of course, Griffith was able to get Joseph Bryant the sense of a liberal education?
into law school.

 Q. \ l. `~ gx! \"\ *.9.,} Q) Q 1 ` @9 `<\\ ` I
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' ,3* 4* \, R s°_oEq~-<_»—°\ ‘_,.·g<\$`\»° .,~$_+»`{,¤“\o“ .~*`°&·c ·· s _,n .~ from the very begmnmg in this ~.
. _ ·‘ 4 { · `x x »\ \ i` .\ _ _·.`· , , ¢`_·\ / . ·
Qtf$;~Q<§* \ \·,,_2__<<:`\ <;3»;_l~\®;`\\I;(_s "<>°`°c,,.;`,:_`,.»‘/4 Q country, higher education has had two E
+ + i   soc? ¢ Qt ·t° » QF J" < t~‘ —>`· <§, < ~ w / u oses not one. We have alwa s in i
S 6** \° ‘~ ¤\`°`®.; c~ tt o to or it   \‘.~¤~· » \ P fp