xt7dz02z4294 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z4294/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1953-10-23  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 23, 1953 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 23, 1953 1953 1953-10-23 2013 true xt7dz02z4294 section xt7dz02z4294 The Kentucky Kernel






Trygve Lie, First C.N. Chief,
To Appear Here As Lecturer

SGA Decides

To Terminate
Card Section

Will Speak
On Tuesday
Trygw Lie, first Secretin
of tlie United Nations
resiniiecl I lis pst earlier
tli's year, will speak at tlie Com-noitiiConcert Series ;;t S.lo
Tuesday in Memorial Colip.m.

Jim Perry Gives
Unofficial Budget













k it


T Jf'"',"'if



The Norwegian statesman's address will deal Willi his experiences!
dmin- - his lorn; a1' chief administrator of the U.N.
Lie. ihe only candidate acceptable
to both Russia find the Western
nations, was noted for his noddle- policies riurini his te:m
as Secretary-Genera- l.
His constant
plea was for harmony among the
nations of the world.
As Norway's leading labor lawyer
and that country's Minister of Jus- THESE CIIAliMINC; YOUNG LADIES iae leen selected as lYr.sliiin. Bille queen c.uhh-Elletice. Lie won international admira- dates. Emm left to rinlit in tlie Lack row are Anitia Daniel, lewell i lall iine; Mars
tion for his clear thinking. During
Bruce. McDowell Hons Barbara Bercaw, Delta Delta Delta; Vera Bald ridne. Delta Z( t i;
and after World War II. while act- ing es Foreign Minister for Norway,
Betty Lee Miller, Alpha Delta l'i; Joy Sue Blcveus, Patterson Hall; Mary Louise Blakcmore.
he was lauded for his part in the
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Pat MoBley, Zeta Tan Alpha, and Patsy McCoy, Kappa Alpha Theta.
important Norwegian contribution
In the second row are Mary Ellen King. Jewell Hall; Ellmarie Locke. Alpha Xi Delta; Mar-ci- a
to the Allied war effort.
In applying his middle-courJossc lson, Phi Sima Sijjina; Courtney Noel, Alpha Gamma Delta; Marcia Wilder, Kappa
ideas in the United Nations, Lie alDelta, and Mild red Correll, Hamilton House. Front row lovelies are Bnth Wall. Lydia Brown
ternately incurred the wrath of the
House; Justine Stinson, Clii Ometja; Kathleen BoBinson, Dillard House; Shirley Harris, (i"5
Western nations and of Russia. He
constantly reminded his critics,
Maxwclton Court, and Sally Trimble, Boyd Hall.
however, that his first responsibility
allegiance in his post was to
the U.N.
In 1950 when Communist forces
poured across the 38th parallel into
South Korea, Lie acted instantly in
support of the United States' position on the invasion. In authorizing
the use of American troops under
The history of football at UK will ers, will do a Charleston dance, and
Pershing Rifles will hold its an-- j be the theme of the Suky pep rally the Marching One Hundred, under
the U.N. flag, he stated he believed
the U.N. must stand firm against nual Coronation Ball tonight at the at 7:00 o'clock tonight in front of the direction of Warren Lutz, will
armed aggression.
Student Union Ballroom. Pledges Memorial Coliseum.
provide the music for the rally.
Lie was often disheartened by the for the coming year and the spon-- !
Don Stewart, a Suky member, will
This is the third pep rally that the
sor elected Tuesday by PR members narrate the gridiron history, from
short-sightpolicies of governSuky Circle has sponsored this seaments in the U.N. On one occa will be presented,
Uni1881 Wildcat-Kentuck- y
Forrest Dean's orchestra will pro- - versity encounter to the Villanova-Usion, in the early days of the orvide the music for the dance. The
ganization, he said, "Where are the
tilt tomorrow night. Kentucky's
great men, where are the statesmen, Confederate Army of Kentucky will stand on the controversial recruiting r
where are the people with vision put on an exhibition after the coro- - system used by the athletic departnation of the sponsor. Capp Turner, ment, will be included in the narwho will save this thing?"
UK students will be admitted to captain of Preshing Rifles, requests ration.
the Coliseum by showing their iden- that no flowers be given.
Barbara Baldwin, former UK band
Candidates for sponsor are Court- - sponsor,
tification cards, it was announced.
The executive committee of the
ill sing "Mr. Touchdown,
Lie's address is one of several ney Noel, Alpha Gamma Delta; Jus- - US.A," as a
UK Board of Trustees in a meeting
tribute to Steve
tine Stinson, Chi Omega; Marcia
events scheduled for presentation in
during held last Friday accepted several
the concert series within the next Josselson. Phi Sigma Sigma: Betty the program.
gifts, including contributions totalmonth. Other events scheduled are Lee Miller, Alpha Delta Pi; Ellmarie
The Pi Kappa Alpha quartet, com- ing $2,281 to the Victor Hammer
DePaul Infantry Chorus of 34 male Locke, Alpha Xi Delta: Barbara Ber- Graphic Arts Collection.
voices on Wednesday, Nov. 4; The caw, Delta Delta Delta; Norma Jean posed of Charles Campbell. Gene
The gifts accepted and their
Brandenberg. Kappa Delta; Pat Spragens. Spaulding Smith, and
World Affairs Council Panel of Five
will sing several donors were Purcell Company. Lex
Tom Prather,
Mobley. Zeta Tau Alpha.
on Wednesday, Nov. 11; Fred Warington, $250 to the Kentucky Re- Vera
Baldridge, Delta Kappa selections during the evening.
ing and his Pennsylvanians on FriLois and Mary Ann Royden and search Foundation for a scholarship
day, Nov. 13; the Men and Boy's Gamma; Mildred Correll. Hamilton
Choir of St. Paul's Cathedral, Lon- House; Mary Ellen Bruce, McDowell Jacqueline Todd, former UK Troup in the College of Commerce; J.
Stephen Watkin.s, Lexington, $300
don, England, on Tuesday, Nov. 17. House; Kathleen Robinson, Dillard
fur the purchase of 42 letters by
House; Joy Sue Blevins, Patt Hall;
Zachary Taylor for the University
Mary Ellen King. Jewell Hall; Anita
library; William Scott Snead, St.
Daniel, Jewell Hall Annex.
Louis, an old day book once used
Kitty Hanley, 643 Maxwelton
by the Phoenix Hotel and a book enCourt; Shirley Harris, 635 Maxweltitled "The American Saga."
ton Court: Sally Trimble. Boyd Hall,
Nineteen Air Force ROTC cadets
The Middle West Soil Improveand Ruth Wall, Lydia Brown House.
are ranked as the best rifle shooters ment Committee. $1,200 to the
in the AFROTC program, it was Agronomy Department for research
announced by 1st Lt. Robert L. Able, in soils; an anonymous $25 contririfle team director.
bution to the rare book fund and
Competitive firing was conducted $2,280 to the Victor Hammer Colduring the week of Oct.
and lection in contributions ranging
as a result of this competition, the from SI to $1,500.
following cadets remain on the
The meeting was attended by
All students who have not
team: Charles Combs, John Moore. Guy Huiiiielet. Lexington, chairpie'eed up their Icards must
Robert Combs, Charles Wilson. Al-- ! man; John C. Everett. Maysville: R.
do before noon Saturday at Melen Lawrence, Robert Johnson, HowP. Hobson. Louisville: Harper Gat-tomorial Coliseum, it was anMadisonville. President H. L.
ard McHenry, Paul Justice, Thurs- nounced this week.
ton Hurt. Fred Maggard, Charles Donovan and Frank D. Peterson,
Those without
cards must
Harris. Ronald Jones. William Rees. secretary-treasure- r.
report to Dave Doyle in Room 5
Glenn Dorroh, George Montjoy.
of the Coliseum no later than
Robert Stamper. George Tapp. Rob-- 1
noon Saturday in order to make
ert Nightingale, and Leroy Armarraneements to be admitted to
the Villanova football game. No
Postal matches, in which scores
students without II) cards or
are sent and the winner determined,
equivalent will be admitted.
have been scheduled against these
The last date on which late
schools: Oct. 24
Wisconsin State
registrants may have their
College; Oct. 31
Bowling Green;
pictures taken will he between
State University of Ohio; Nov. 7
2 and 6 p.m. Monday in the
Pennsylvania State College: Nov. 7
main foyer of the Coliseum.
Gettysburgh College, Penn.






.i t



of the U.N.


Unaffiliated Girls Attend
Called Panhellenic Meeting
Less than half of the girls who tereSted in pledging a sorority than
were not pledged during formal there are vacancies, Miss Haselden
rush this fall attended the meeting reported, and she expressed the wish
railed by ranhelienic Monday to that all of these girls would join a
see how many of the girls were sorority during informal rush.
The Alpha Gamma Deltas have
still interested in becoming members of sororities. Miss Jane Hasel-dc- already pledged two girls in inassistant dean of women, re- formal rush. They are Janet Hum-mel- l,
Louisville and Fat Booth,
Jackie Cottom. president of
ir; Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes,
dean of women: Mrs. J. C. Lamb,
former president of the Lexington
Panhellenic; and Miss Haselden
spoke to the group of girls interested
in rush and urged that they fill the
ivacancies still open in the so- -I
The first Student Uhion championship ping pong tournament will
Miss Haselden explained that begin on Oct. 28 in the Union Game
there was an unusual number of Room.
girls out for rush and that there
Leslie Morris, chairman of the
were fewer vacancies in the sorori- - sports committee, has announced
ties than in previous years.
that entries will be received through
She said that there were always Monday. Men may sign up with
a large number of girls mho go out the game room director, and girls
for rush with no intention of pledg- - are requested to register in Room
ing any sorority, but just in order 122. Entry fee is 25 cents.
to meet the girls on the campus.
This year a men's and women's
These girls, she says, think it is singles tourney will be conducted
worth the $2 rush fee to become concurrently, Morris said. In addiacquainted with people here.
in the singles
Because of the drought in Ken- - competition will vie in a mixed-doublplay-obefore completing
tucky the past few years. Miss
Haselden explained, it would be very play in their respective singles dirisky to try to begin a new sorority visions. Detailed information will
on rumpus. She feels that until all be posted with an announcement of
of the sororities are fiiled to their the pairings on Tuesday, Oct. 27, in
maximum quota that there is no the game room.
Trophies rnd awards to winners
rea:in to even think of allowing
will be presented in
another sorority, which is not bet- - and runners-u- p
ter than any of the ones already ' all divisions, he added.
The mixed-doublhere, to be installed at UK.
Morris said, is "an effort to make
in-- 1
There are fewer girls now
the girls feel more welcome to parn.

Car-rolllo- n.



Match To He Held
In Student Union


semi-finalis- ts



ticipate with the men in the activities of the game room."
In the event that less than the
requisite number of girls enter the
tournament, he added, several events
would have to be cancelled. Dave
Nov. 2 is the deadline for fra- - Fulton and Beverly Botsford are
ternitv !epleiy'na without having a aiding in tourney preparations.
pic-irtrades applied to Ira- unuty's .c!;o!r.ship, according to
Jes Gardii"-!- . president of the

U C Sets AW.

Fral Deadline



Editors Of Stylus

Gardner said in an IFC meeting
Tue day r.i;lit that any man v ho
Staff members of Stylus, UK
d'pld'-'- s
alter Nov. 2 will be
in wi:h the scholarship ' literary magazine, vere chosen this
week, according to Dr. John L.
compilation of the fraternity.
Tciit.it.:, e pians to procure Ralph! Cutler, faculty advisor for the mag- Fla:ia':a!i for the annual IFC dance iine. Dr. Cutler also announced
on iJer lli were snade during '.in that Stv'.us will be published twice
inc'ti!!. The dane will be held in Id.1.1 ' tili, Jll tllU SJJ1 HiR rtllU 111 L11C
the Etnd- nt Union. Time of the
will be Mary Ann
canc- v. ill be announced later, GardIhe
Mar ton and Carol Sue Caton, both
ner said.
of whom are seniors in the College
ol Ans a,ld Sciences.
Literary editors of Stylus will be
Jim Webb. Don Topping. John Wal- ton, Bill Pemble, John Cooper, Jean
Fiaser, Jackie Averill, and Ann
The 3')i h annua! r.oucalior.al Con-- n Beard. The business managers will
renoc and Huh annual meeting be Ann O'Roark and Ronnie Butler.
of the Kentucky Association of Colleges, Secondary, and Eieir.entary
Schools v.ill be held at UK Oct. 30




lulu valors


Ivvliii'is At UK

and 31.
Meetings a ill be held in Memorial
Hall, the William S. Taylor Education Biuldir.!;. the Fine Arts Building and the S'udent Union during
conference General
meetings and
.'e.ssioiis, business
uf the colleges, secondary
and elementary schools will be held
on Friday.
Art education, business education,
foreign languages, health, physical
i duc at ion and recreation, and school
libraries are included in Saturday's

pro;, r.iiii.

British Students'
Art On Exhibit

An exhibit of drawings, paintings
aiid graphics made by children of
the British Isles and brought to the
United States by the Teachers College of Columbia University is now
being shown in the UK Fine Arts

The 241 paintings were contributed
by British students ranging in age
from five to 16. The annual art
exhibit is held by the Sunday Pic- toi ial. one of London'.' leadum week- , ly newspapers.

Suky Sponsors Pep Rally
With Football History Theme



Ken-tuckia- n:




IVustees Accept
Cash And Hooks




P) Are Eligible

For Hi fie Team

Voters Sponsor


Final Date Set
For LD Cards

12-1- 7,





1 1(111

Guignol To Present
Giraudoux Comedy
Guignol Players will present their
first play of the season, "The Mad-- I
woman of Chaillot" by Jean Girau-- j
doux. next Thursday. Friday, and
Saturday in the Lab Theatre of the
Fine Arts Building,
The play, a comedy with serious
undertones, deals with the conflict
of individualism with the machine
age. Countess Aurelia. the Mad-- !
woman of Chaillot. rids the world
of all the evil people by luring them
down into the sewers of Paris. She
is aided in her crusade by three de-- :
mented friends and a troupe of
Parisian vagabonds.
"Madwoman," which opened in
tlle United States after a long Paris
run. won the New York Critics'
Award for the best foreign drama
of 1949.

School of Music.
During the pa.st year he has
played concerts at Nashville, Tenn..
Morehead State College, and the
meeting of the Woman's Club of
Central Kentucky. In the future he
will give programs for Asbury Col- lege, Morehead State College.
Georgetown College, and Berea College.
Do" Clayton, graduate student
Mr. Patch's Sunday afternoon pro- gram will include "Chaconne.' hy and faculty director, directs the play
"Sonata Op. 81a by and Meg Bailey is his assistant.
The east includes Countess Aurelia.
Beethoven, and Ravel's "Alborada
Del Gracioso.'
Claire Wood; Madame Constance,




Nathaniel Patch, pianist, will pre
sent the second recital in the Sun
day Afternoon Musicals Series at 4
p.m. Sunday in Memorial Hall.
Mr. Patch has given recitals
throughout the state and has ap- as soloist with the LoyiHe
philharmonic and the University
Symphony. Before coming to the
University he played with the
Rochester Philharmonic, the Roches- -'
ter Civic, and the Nashville Civic
Mr. Patch is an associate professor ol music at the University and
holds a masters degree and an
artist's diploma from the Eastman




iSnnied At Merlin;! Nathaniel Patch
To Give Recital


SI ale

Pledges Will Be
Presented During
Coronation Hall

UK's card section lias Been suspended until proof can Be ;ien
n.t-iia- il
iliat steps to prevent students from 1 rt
l card-- , ainoni;
stvt t.ilors B.ive Been taken.
Student Co ei in i i it AssiK'iatiim niemlxTS voted Monday
niuii! to suspend tlie card sec tion until Snkv, student pep orani.'.i-tio- n
in c!i,iru ol tlie card section, can oiler proof that nieasi'irs
taken to clietk lecurrances of tlie card throw iir.
SGA's reasons far the suspension.
Budget Committee chairman Jm
which followed a report of the card Perry told Lyon that "ro preced-ti- t,
at the lat two gumes. is has been established for sivmsr ni:i-tliserious injury could be roused ey to various colleges." and that, "if
it someone were hit by a card. One one college gets it. the rest will ak
nit mbi r said, "'the loss of an eye for it."
could never be replaced by money."
"We appropriate money to the orJohn Faulkner, Suky president, ganizations which benefit, the most
commenting on SGA's action, said. students." Perry said.
"I'd certainiy hate to see someone
Capp Turner, chaiiman of the
hurt. If the thiny e.m't be handled Judiciary Committee, said that "the
see it not done parking situation seems to be runefficiently. I'd rather
at all."
ning smoothly." He then said that
"We've tried everything." he said, one serious case had come up before
"but you know how people are when the Judiciary Committee in which
they've been drinking. Right now. a student was suspended from the
I just don't have a solution in University for
getting in a fight at
the Men's Dormitories.
I iinffii ial Budget Set
Ann O'Roark, upperclass woman
Jim Perry, chairman of the Bud- Constitutionalist, speaking for the
get Committee, reported that the Minimum Foundation Commit
SGA budget for the fiscal year of said that posters and letters h id
1953-5- 4
had been worked out. but been distributed asking students to
that it had not been approved by help amend Section lrf6 of the Kenthe faculty yet. Upon request of the tucky Constitution.
Assembly. Perry gave the following
Section 18G deals with the distriunofficial budget:
bution of school funds in the state.
Estimated revenues:
Absentee Ballots Available
Unappropriated surplus: $78.
"Absentee ballots have been placed
Total funds available: $4,578.
The appropriations include House in the Student Union." she said. At.
the preceding SGA meeting, it was
President's Council: $500.
that absentee ballots
$488. Stu- - explained
dent Directory : $650, SGA's secre-- I would be procured for student.-- , alio
tary's salary: $1,870.
Freshman wish to vote to amend Section lofl
orientation: $125. "Stylus." UK lit- of the Constitution on Nov. 3.
erary magazine: $200. "The Melting
A request from the Interfraterr.ity
Pot," Cosmopoli'an Club's publica-- : Council to have SGA appeal the 1.3
tion: $50. Displaced Student's Fund: fraternity standing rule before the
UK Faculty was put aside for disFiscellaneous items are Elections: cussion at a later time.
$125. Yearbook: $70. Other: $105.
It was explained that postponeFollowing Perry's report on the ment was necessary in order to give
budget, two SGA representatives SGA more time to study the situaclaimed that their requests for ap-- 1 tion.
propriations had been dealt with
Last, a Shingles Committee was
formed. Its functions, according to
Ghansji Says S50 Not Enou$l'
Carter Glass. SGA president, will be-thelp prepare identification plaMike Ghangi of the graduate
school told the Assembly that the ques for members of SGA.
$50 appropriation for "The Melting
SGA will meet again at 7 p.m.
Pot," a publication of the Cosmo- next Monday in the Student Union,
politan Club, was not enough.
Glass said, in order to "tie up a
"We can't do anything with $50." lot of loose ends." SGA usually
he said, "so I suggest that you keep meets every other Monday.
it." Ghangi then said that many
foreign students would be hurt because SGA had not given them
enough money to publish "The
Melting Pot."
After several SGA members pointed out the "importance of the pubTwo law students, Jimmy Lucas
lication for good relations between and Floyd Mann, will hold a disAmerican and foreign students," a cussion of the two proposed amendmotion was passed to appropriate ments to the Kentucky Constituthe magazine $20.1.
tion Wednesday in Room 123 of the
Student Union.
The League of
Jim Lyon. Law College
was told that his request Women Voters will sponsor the disat the last SGA meeting fur an ap- cussion.
propriation for the Law College's
The first amendment to be conannual Law Day had been refused. sidered applies to Section hJo of
the constitution and Ls called Ihe
"educational amendment". It has
been suggested that the state funds
for primary and secondary school.,
should be redistributed.
The second amendment is called
the "short amendment'' and applies
to changing the way uf aecim
a::iendr.ie:its to the const, tu'ion.
Supporters of this change want 'he
General Assembly to be able To add
more than two amendrr.er.t.s to the
constitution in a two year pcrioc
There will be an audience par'n
session after the clisi a
in which questions may be brar.kt
up and debated.
The League of Womei. vu'er-- Us
backing both of the amendments
and will work at the polls on No-.'i
3 w hen the people
ill vote on the







Page Williams; Mile Gabiiclle, Sue
Jackson: Mine. Josephine. Lucy
Muberley; the Ragpicker, Jim
the Waiter, Jim Hurt: the
Litt'.e Woman. Pat Ward; the Prospector. Ben Ardery; the President.
Paul Warneke. the Baron. Jim
Therese. Ann Futrcll: the
Street Singer, Barbara Guy; the
Flower Girl, Elsie Baker; Paulette.
Shelley Rumbold; the Deaf-MutGeorsie Moore; Irma, Louise Whitt:
the Shoelace Peddler. I illis Beam:
the Broker. Tom Gover; Dr. Jadin.
Bob Crauser: the Policeman, Jim
Hatehell; Pierre. Lynn Murray: the
Sergeant. Jim Ford; the Sewer Man.
Charles Petras; Second President
Buddy Roberts; Second Prospector.
Doug Grant; the Press Agents, Dolly
Sullivent, Nancy Niles, Sandy Ingram; the Ladies, Donna Gailbraith.
Barbara Francis. Lucy Ford; the
Adolphe Bertauts. Buddy Wilson.
Dick Sellers, and Leslie Morris.























.'nrv.-t,- l


fz- -

Catlidtje Addresses
Kducators Conclave


Turner Catiidue. managing eeitor
the New York Times, will delr.er
tlie principal address to seicrd
hunched Kentucky educators at the
annual Uni.ei'sity of Kesuuckv Educational Conference, which i. scheduled here Friday. Oct. ''.
Simultaneously, instructors aial
administrators from tlie state's
secondary, and elementary
schools will gather for the 19ih annual Kentucky Association of Colleges. Secondary, and Elementary







luluais.ils o,, iiinlciv.i t..r the
Cnionoi rl.tWTs first pimliic'tinii ol tlif srason. " I lie Madwoman ol ( li iillot. to lie pivsi'iitctl in t wccl. laiac tin1 a
tlie lIa are. !'!t to r'"''t
Wood, and Sue Jackson.














Blaer lecture

speaker in the
series, is

scluri-uie- d

to speak at the first general
session meeting Friday n.mu m Me-

morial Hall.

� TH

el sitv students 1,4c pleasure ill being
!i vll Ik live ;is
I ii ig
1' :
Well ;m
their fellow
indents? It appears mi. ; s e ii need ;it flu' Mist




I K football '.mie Sat ild.l y night.
nimi!iatelv following the h.ill time show ill the
card section, scons of h:iv cards were hurled
down upon
ii'nir !i tlu1 air which plumim-le-eiit spcot.lt' us.
Tinpossibility ol illi nium: olhe r people is the
ruin reason tlie (aril throwing should cease". Such
havv pieces of cardlioard could verv well put out
e or slash a neck, knowing this, students still
s it stupidity or
p. isist in sue h foolishness
ih.iii iousTiess on their part
he ards are so cons'im led as to stand up
f.u;' well under normal handling, but when they
the stadium, it is
are pi:iios ly thrown all ov
impossible to expect theni to withstand the Wear

sissippi State








a in! d ar.


fence between tin- Journalism
I'.iiildhi'i a'.id the Mining Labor
is being torn
The Keriicl has advocated getting rid of the fence
f.r m.iiiv months. We led compelled to acknowledge partial credit for its removal.
he Kernel saw no need for the b.ubw ire barrier.
It was merely an unsightly obstruction. Evidently,
Maintenance and Operations agrees with us.
The Kernel pointed out that the fence did little
t :i
the appearance of the ampus. To the
such barriers detract enormously from the
c i.tuiry.
continuity of a green campus. .!. and (). agrees




i'.h us.

The Kernel contended thai a sidewalk should be
acioss that area for the benefit of students who
find it a logical place to walk. l. and t). agrees.
The power of the press has again been lecog-ni'-Work has already begun which will do away
with the unsightly fence.
a ditch was
started preparatory to the install ition of electrical
v iring connecting the Margaret I. King Library
and tin- Mining Laboratory. A brick
Located behind the Mining Laboratory will be removed, prior to the laving of a sidewalk.
The Kernels eflorts toward beautifying the campus .!td aiding the students on their hikes to classes
hive been rewarded!
Or did Maintenance and Operations have this
prcij-'- .t
in mind all alongr"




Fridiv. October 25








You Ve A not Iter One
persons, why we've- never been able" to
figure, continued to sail cards from the card section
at the Mississippi State-1- K game last Saturday


nig! it.
Some people are born ignorant others have to
vvnk hard to get that way. The card sailers, we're
ct itain. are workers. No one could have been born


I'K law students,

Ifort to create healthy
campus organizations, sat in a body


m an


at last Saturday night's football game-- , delivered
several hilariously original veils, and even hired a

bop combination

four-piec- e

to play during the

Such spirit, correct Iv directed as was their's,
cm. 11 do no possible harm and probably would
serve to awaken the campus sleepers. Co to it,
fellows! For what it's worth, von have our hearty



v'e cleaned


out the II .t .nical Gardens! Rip-d up all the nice, thick shriibix-rydone awav
v. i'.h the soft. sXngy nviss and brought light into
the dark, secluded corne rs.
with the gardens gene. v.
will voting
s fmd a .pot avvav from the noise and nosiness
of the crowd.-- Ixioks like another increase in busi- I.ess f, ,i the dirve-ms1








have- bem
to help pass an
,'menihueut to the Kentucky constitution which will
pre Me
monet.uv distribution for education
.!i Cf state.
We'd like to suggest another amendment to the
bee r for all t 'K students!
oiistitiition-f- ii





The Kentucky Kernel
Umvirsmy or KrvircKY
at lt Po't Ottv.if
lass tn it it r irndtf ti. V
!..-(lit. ,f.y m
SI ti- -t Hit'' HlN h




















f ..




i;ii .:ipriiail.




nil Jim


Mjyo, bill






t iiI




,ir. M tir .


;twrf Fdititr
D.diy Sulliv.nt
D'AAur St hw artz
Carl Mav Jr.
HntltT, Leslie Morris
Inn B.irrn kman, Juho



Cf'tTMt'itf Duckworth.
Allen, Beth HifiM,
(.- Httb P..wU,
i'.ui!. K.u! .me l.ln.iK . li.ii I. ir a Morgan,
Ait. iMin.
illiaiit i.utiiain, ('huxU-- s




Ut-ii- i.



M Jr

.... NVws Fditor
Asvt. New





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Kiiitfit. Hank

Lawnmower Used
To Figure Curve
In Wiggle Tests

"Today, we discuss Newton's Iivvs of Motions
He was goexl at motions, yon know, and that ii
why we discuss him."
"Sir, could you explain his eighth Law?'
"Certainly, Mr. Urgitate. The Eighth Law of
Motion says that any lxly that wiggles, and that
is motion, is not going in a straight line of
"1 don't understand. Could you illustrated'
u, SK
Vo (ag-).- "
"Surelv. WM


EfJAI), a flying saucer!

The Gallery

Movie Patrons Aren 9t Imbeciles
As Hollywood Formerly Thought


"Shane." Even the titanic- gamble, "Quo Vadis,"
dollar investment, and
paid oil' its
"Ivanhoe," also
a share of the boxoflice
And. as if saving the best for last, Hollywood
has ready two extravaganzas: one, from Lloyd
Douglas' moving novel, "The Holx," which, had
it not been for the Gideons, would have
even the Bible in the early forties; and, two, an
adaptation of Herman W'ouk's mexlern sea classic,
"The Caine Mutiny."
The former recently prcemed at Grauman's, and
with the help of its Cinemascopic proportions
(which we class as not a gimmick), should
run of "Gone
even the initial,
Darryl Zanuck is
With The Wind."
so confident of "The Bolx-'ssuccess that he has
already filmed its opulent sequel, which is an unheard of risk in the shaky I
"The Bobe" will soon be shown in Louisville
(we assume in Cinemascope), and we intend to
van a cavalcade to view its





fra-ha- d





Hollywood, at long last, has finally discovered
that movie- patrons are not the imbeciles which
numerous analvtic agencies have long claimed. At
one time it was common knowledge that the
slanted their produce toward the
but the studio refugees now crowding
the orange groves of sunny California attest to the
fact that the average movie addict has become
more discriminating.
Now most of the trash has been sloughed off
and the family can relax at a good,
screening on Friday night and be
fairly confident of viewing a first rate show. Of
course we still have- the lxibbysox mediocrity that
makes a Saturday tvVinhill profit, but, as a rule,
the movies without a gimmick have to be' above
par to cash in.
So now we see the emphasis not only on the
star, but on the script. Producers no longer single
out a movie idol and write a screenplay around
him, but find the plot material and cast to character. Naturally we are speaking gene rally and we
still have our big names and type casting, but the
above ideal has made possible such heretofore
impracticable movies as "The Moon Is Blue," and
"From Here To Eternity." Now it pays to experimentthe guy with the bankroll and the script,
however novel, gets his money back, plus.
The norm is for the money-meto find a successful look or play, and to transform it into a
faithful cinematic translation. The two aforementioned scree nplays have been parlayed into a heap
ol bank notes, even though
maturity has
shocked certain infantile grownups. In addition,
the fan has been able to witness such mellow productions as "Stalag 17," "Julius Caesar," and




multi-millio- n

Numerous complaints have been circulating
around the campus concerning Lances' Carnival
Saturday night.
A main criticism has centered around the belief
that several of the sorority and fraternity booths
had not been judged. Lack of organization and
inefficiency on the part of Lances was blamed.
In an el fort to clear up the matter, several of
the judges and membe-r- of Lances
ami asked to explain how the judging was handled.
At 7 p.m. Saturday the six judges met with a
Lances representative. Each was given a list of
the fraternities and sororities, the booths, and the
names of the queen candidates. They were told to
split up into groups and visit the booths.
The judges reported that they divided up into
two groups, three judging the sorority booths and
three judging the fraternity shows. Each judge
turned in a list of comments about each show he
had seen.
At the same time they visited the booths, the
judges viewed the queen candidates. However,
since they didn't feel that they could judge fairly
without seeing the candidates in a group, the girls
were asked to assemble in boom 127 of the Student
Union shortly after 9 o'clock. Two of the judges
had previous commitments and left early, but
turned in their queen selections to a Lances
According to the judges, who would have no
reason to take sides in the matter, unwarranted
confusion, as was the rumor, did not exist. Some
of the organizations contend that they saw no
judges enter their tent. It's quite possible that they
were unable to recognize who were judges and
who were mere spectators. The judges wore no
mark of identification.
The story that all of the judges failed to show
up for the Carnival has no basis. Ac tually, one of
judges notified a Lance s member Thursday that he could not b