xt7dz02z3p6s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z3p6s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-11-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 15, 1929 1929 1929-11-15 2012 true xt7dz02z3p6s section xt7dz02z3p6s Best Copy Available




M. I. Game Will Be Shown

Saturday in Men's Gym






Special Kates Arc Offered



University Students

15, 1929

Bronston, Williams
Score Touchdowns
For Kentucky 'Cats






Pretty Sponsor






Musical Comedy Production
Will Be Presented at
Guignol Theater

Journalistic Fraternity Will
Edit November 22 Issue
of Kentucky Kernel




Only University Students To
Appear in Stroller

Tcmplin Named To Represent
Group at National Meet
at Columbia, Mo.


Kentucky's Blue Brigade of
Minutemeh Prepare for
"Zero Hour"



Fall Play

Rehearsals arc being held dally
for "Local Color," a musical comedy,
semi-annuproduction of the Stroller organization, at Patterson hall.
The play will be presented In the
Guignol theater the week beginning
Monday, December (16.
Elbert Bell is cast leading man
role as Tommle Lumpkins, a small
town sheik, who goes away to college. Bell is from Eminence and is
a member of the Phi Delta Theta
Alice Bruner will carry the lady
leading role as "Always." Miss Bruner is from Louisville, and is a
pledge of the Delta Delta Delta
Evelyn Oaul appears in the cast
as Mrs. Lumpkins, the mother of
Tommle and Flore Bealle. Miss Gall,
a Lexington girl, is a
girl. She was recently cast in the
Guignol production, "Mary, Mary
Quite Contrary."
Florence Morris is cast as Mrs.
Carrie Akers, the home town gossip
who knows how to stir up plenty of
trouble. Miss Morris, of Huntington,
W. Va., is a pledge to the Kappa
Delta sorority. Louise McDonald
will appear as Mertle Jones. Miss
McDonald, of Loulsvlle, is a pledge
to the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority.
Jack Smith will take the part of
Edgar Garland, Jr., a freshman at
college. He also doubles in the last
act as Mr. McCoy, the traveling
salesman. Smith, of Fort Thomas,
is a pledge to Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Mary Elizabeth Fisher acts the old
maid, Miss Mattie Stewart. Miss
Fisher, of Lexington, is a Chi
Russel Steigner plays the part of
Tipsy. Steigner is a pledge of the
Sigma Nu fraternity and his home
is in Louisville. Frances Baskett
will appear as Flora Belle, the ten
year old sister of Tommle. Lumpkins.
Miss Baskett, of Cynthanla, is a
member of the Alpha Gamma Delta
Mary Virginia Willis is cast as
Betty Tyler, the college widow. Miss
Willis, of Ashland, is a pledge to the
Delta Delta Delta sorority. Charles
Goodman has the part of Phil Redding, the room- - mate of Tommle
Lumpkins. Goodman is a pledge
of the Kappa Alpha fraernity. His
home is at Glasgow.
Joe Allen will .appear as Spike.
Allen is a member of the Pi Kappa
Alpha fraternity and his home is at
Mayfield. Earl Cella acts as Bob
Blevins. Cella is a 'member of the
Kappa Sigma fraternity.
He hails
from Chicago, 111.
Those who participate in the girls
ensemble are: Kathleen Fitch, Eliza
beth Billeter, Evelyn Ford, Nina
Budd, Natalie Bryson, Gay Lough
ridge, Virginia Young, Sunnye Allen,
Virginia Reeves, and Virginia Glass.
The men's ensemble consists of:
William Hubble, Slade Carr, George
Kay, Neil Cain, James Gatewood,
Paul Pickering, Robert Porter, James
Regan, Benny Martin, and Ben Met- -'
Those assisting with the costumes
are: Margaret Douglas, Jane Kate,
Christine Johnston, and Dorothy

Alpha Chapter
Of Tau Beta Pi
Holds Pledging
Six men were pledged by Alpha
chapter of Tau Beta Pi, honorary
engineering fraternity, at the annual
fall pledging services held Wednesday morning in Memorial hall.
Dean W. E. Freeman gave the principal address at the meeting on
"Setting Out the Alms and History
of the Fraternity."
Three senior engineers, W. F.
Steers, O. E. Colvin, and W. W. Ford,
and three Juniors, S. W. Worthing-to- n,
R. K. Thornberry, and Ben
Harrison were pledged. Initiation of
the new members will be held December 2.
Sophomore and Junior hqnor students were announced at the meeting by Irman Fort, president of
the local chapter. S. M. Worthing-to- n,
Junior, was awarded the Tau
Beta Pi scholarship prize of $100 for
Raving the highest standing during
his freshman and sophomore years.
W. A. Bruce, sophomore, was presented with a slide rule for having
attained the highest scholastic
standing in his freshman year.
Members of the active chapter of
Tau Beta Pi include! Irman Fort,
president; J. 0. Benson,
Charles F. Bailey, secretary;
M. W. Davis, corresponding secretary; J. W. Pennell, treasurer; Louis
Walton, E. L. Cawby, W. B. Phyth-la- n,
and Orville Richmond,
Tau Beta PI was established in
Lehigh University in 1885 and has
52 chapters in the leading universities In America. Qualifications for
membership are high scholastic
standing and leadership.

"Fatty" Williams crashed Into the scoring: coltunn of the Southern Conference last Saturday when he feU on
a blocked punt behind the Crimson Tide goal line for a touchdown. Williams played a superb game for
the Wildcats In backing up the Kentucky line, which was completely demoralized by the absence of
"Shipwreck" from the halfback post. Jake Bronston registered two touchdowns in the Clemson game
when he captured two of Toth's aerial thrusts and scampered over the Tiger's goal line.


Happy Birthday


Doctor McVey is Honored
By Faculty at Party Held

the Present British
Labor - Liberal Coalition
Survive?" Is Topic of
Noted Educator

in McVey Hall


"The present British Labor-Liber- al
Coalition will enjoy existence for
a considerable period of time, but
win reach its end at some future
time when it Is forced to ?deal with
me ineviuDie uana jouesuon,'" Dr.
noted educator,
stated in his address before an as
sembly of senior engineers, meeting
in Mechancial hall, at 11 o'clock
Wednesday .morning. Doctor Miller
took as his topic "Will the Present
British Labor-Liber- al
Coalition Survive?" and delivered the second of
his lectures on the Single Tax,
whiclr have been planned for the
seniors Pan Politikon.
Doctor Miller opened his discussion by stating that there have been
five administrations
in England
since the World War. This number
may seem large, but when it is composed with the number of administrations which have had part in the
government of Mother nations of Eu
rope since the war, it is really small,
he explained.
In his discussions of the different
stressed the importance of the work
which Lloyd George, of the Liberal
party, and Ramsay McDonald, of
the Labor party, have done in their
efforts to meet conditions which
have resulted from the war and
from unemployment. He said that
it is for the best interests of every
country that the people should, have
rather than" charity. The
Labor party gained its power by
union with the Liberal voters and
by its resolution to study the question of Unemployment, Doctor Miller
Doctor Miller discussed protective
tariff and its relation to industry,
saying that advocates of the protective tariff remind us that it makes
industries, but that they say nothing of the industries which it kills.
He said that the people should be
able to find work on land and that
the only tax which would be neces
sary would be a tax on land.

McVey Requests

President Asks Students To
Uphold Reputation of ,
Good Sportsmanship
To Students of the University:
On November 16 at two o'clock
the University of Kentucky welcomes to Stoll Field the college
football teams of Centre and
The occasion is
the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the first footbaU
game played between these colleges.
Noted alumni of the two
institutions are to be present and
a great occasion has been staged.
The University is the host to
the friends, well wishers and
teams of the two Institutions. It
ill becomes a host to be partisan
to one or the other of the two
(roups. The obligation of the
host Is to be fair in the distribution of applause. Let every
play, no difference on which side,
be applauded generously. Thus
the students of the University
actually do perform the part of
the host on this interesting occasion and maintain their reputation for fairness and good
Any other atsportsmanship.
titude is impossible for ladies and
gentlemeH to take.
(Signed) Frank L. McVey, '

Members of the University Faculty Club gave a surprise birthday
part for yPresident Fank L. McVey on his sixtieth birthday, November 10, in the Faculty room
on the third floor of McVey Hall.
Professor George Roberts of the
College of Agriculture mdae the
congratulatory speech in presenting Dr. McVey with a present
from the Faculty Club In expression of their esteem. Seventy-fiv- e
faculty members were present at the party.
During the course of the evening a big birthday cake was presented to Dr. McVey.


U. K. Teams to Take Negative
Side of the Question of
Peace Through Interna-

tional Agreement

The University of Kentucky de
bating teams will participate in two
meets this week.
One team will
Journey to Richmond, this morning,
where they will debate with the
Berea College team. The subject
for discussion will be "Resolved that
World Peace Can Not Be Obtained
by International Agreements."
James Porter, Kermit Pack, and
Bruce Waters compose the team
that will oppose Berea. William
Pearce, Hugh Jackson, and Clifford
Amyx will go to Huntington. Both
of the University teams have the
negatfve of the question.
Prof. Sutherland, Coach of the de
baters, and the members of the
team, are of the opinion that the
entire debate will hinge around
the economic- - scheme of things as
they are now organized. The consensus of opinion is that "big busi
ness" and the "profit motive" were
the root causes of international conflicts.
It is proposed that the nations
draft aUreaty by which they would
all agree, that, in case of war, an
embargo would be laid so that no
economic assistance could be rendered by those not participating in the
conflict. They would further agree
by such a treaty that no one should
be drafted to take part in a war
which would be fought outside the
boundaries of the respective countries. In cose of conflict, all those
men receiving large salaries would
be compelled to turn over, for the
purpose of paying for the cost of
the war, all in excess of ten thousand dollars.
"The way to discourage big business from urging war, is to make it
unprofitable," said Professor Sutherland.
In the early part of the fall the
members of the debating team conducted a series of debates among
themselves. This is the first time
this year that they have engaged in
intercollegiate work.

Gridgraph Will Be
Given in Men's Gym
account of the
. M. I. football game will
be given on the Gridgraph at 10:30
o'clock Saturday morning, in the
Men's gymnasium. Admission for
students will be twenty-fiv- e
with their ticket books.
The Gridgraph will be given in the
forenoon Saturday, because the
Wildcats will play their game at
Lexington, Va., in the morning so
the Virginia Cavaliers can play
Washington and Lee that afternoon
on the same field.



Graduate School 'Dean Talks
Before Relations Group on
"Some International
Views of Science"
The spirit of international fellowship engendered among the scientists of the nations of the world in
the course of their work was cited
by Dr. W. D. Funkhouser in an ad
dress on, ''Some International
Aspects of Science" before a regular
weekly meeting-- , of the Internationl
Relations Clubt$f the University
Tuesday night. Approximately 100
persons heard the scientist, who is
the head of the zoology department
and dean of the graduate school
at the University. Mrs. Frank L.
McVey presided.
The meeting was scheduled for
Wednesday, but was moved up due
to a conflict with the Association
of University Women's banquet. Next
Tuesday night Dean F. Paul Anderson will address the group on "The
World Power," Mrs. D. H. Peak
In his address Tuesday night. Dr.
Funkhouser stated that the cooperation internationally among thestu- dents of the pure sciences was neces
sary In the forwarding of their
He said that he received
recently 1,000 specimens of bugs
from Germany, and has been asked
to classify them, citing this example
as the proofs of the code of ethics
and trust which exists internationally among the workers in the field of
He stated that scientists must
rely on the people of other nations
in order to gain much of the
knowledge which they possess. One
obstacle In the path of scientificprogress was described by the zoologist, this being the lack of an universal language.


Miss Carrie Bean. University post
mistress, has announced that several
hundred students have not called at
tne office for post office box assignments, and, as a consequence, scores
of letters have not been called for.
Much of this mall is government
mail and must be returned to the
dead letter office. Students are urged to call immediately and receive
ineir dox.

Initiation services for Sigma Delta
Chi, international honorary professional Journalistic fraternity, will be
held at 4 o'clock this afternoon in
the Journalism rooms of McVey hall.
Ten new pledges will be initiated
Into the mysteries of the organization. Membership is limited to Juniors and seniors, and Is based on
scholarship and Journalistic ability.
Sigma Delta Chi publishes The
Kampas Kat, humorous magazine,
three times each year and derives
its financial support therefrom.
A gridiron banquet will be
by the fraternity early In
the spring and a "Dads" day on the
campus will be sponsored next year.
This year for the first time the local
chapter will publish one edition ,of
The Kentucky Kernel.
Pledges of the fraternity include:
Clarence Barnes, Richard Brewer,
Edward Crady, Martin Glenn, Edward Hill, Percy H. Landrum, L. W.
McMurray, Leonard Stranahan, Albert Stroffel, and Morton Walker.
Time for the Initiation was set at
a meeting of the local chapter of
Sigma Delta Chi Wednesday afternoon, In McVey hall. ' Other important plans were also discussed.
was selected for the
A staff
Sigma Delta Chi edition of the Kernel, which will appear next Friday.
The entire. Kernel plant will be
turned over to the members of Sigma Delta Chi, and the paper will be
edited entirely by them on that
The following staff for the Sigma
Dleta Chi isue of the Kernel was
selected: Jess Laughlin, editor-in-chie- f;
Martin Glenn, managing editor; Clarence Barnes, assistant
managing editor; J. R. Dorman, Jr.,
Leonard Stranahan, O. K. Barnes,
and Warren Llndsey; asslociate
editors; Laurence Shropshire, sports
Hayes Owens,
sport editor; Clay Brock and Neil
Plummer, sport writers; Al Stoffel
and Harry Bolser, special writers;
Morton Walker, news editor; L. W.
McMurray and John Dundon, assistant hews editors; Ed Crady, Ed
Hill, Richard Brewer, E. M. Sargent,
A. L. Pigman, Sam Allen, Percy H.
Landrum, and Buell Gaskin, reporters.
Edwards M. Templln has been selected to represent the local chapter
of Sigma Delta Chi at the national
convention of the fraternity to be
(Continued on page 8)

Guignol Players

Prep for Second

Stage Production

Rehearsals for the second Guignol
play of the season were begun at
the Guignol theatre Monday night.
"The Second Mrs. Tanqueray" is
the title of the next attraction that
will appear at the campus playhouse during the week of December

The play was written by Arthur
Pinero, prominent English playwright, and has been slightly modified by Director Frank Fowler. Two
stage sets of typical English style
have been designed and are
construction. The action of
the play takes place in a fashionable district In London.
Personel of the cast that will ap
pear in the production is as follows:
Mrs. J. P. Troxell as Paula Tanqueray; Prof. George K. Brady as
Aubrey Tanqueray; Miss Willy King
JtU J.C1114UC&UJT , JJCIMMC vail
Meter as Cayley Drummle: Mrs.
Dorothy Martin as Mrs. Cortelyon:
Robert Thompson as Captain Hugh
Araaie;, Martin R. Glenn as Dr.
Gordon Jayne; Richard Carran as
the Hon. Frank Misqulth; John
Noonan as Sir George Orreyed:
therine Davis as Lady Orreyed:
Jke Connely as Morse, the butler,
aa wester ureene, as a mala.

Flying Squadron To Display
New Aerial Equipment
in Engagement



With the breaking dawn
Saturday morning, Field Marshall Harry Gamage will array
his brawny Blue brigade of
minutemen on the commons
The charming young lady pictured of Lexington, Va., there to
above is Miss Lcura Pcttigrcw, await the charge of the Flyband sponsor par excellence at the ing Squadron from Virginia
University of Kentucky. Today, at Military
Institute. Over level5:30 p. m., she leaves with the
"Best Band in Dixie" for Lexing- ed rifles, the Blue troops scan
ton, Virginia, where she will give the skyline for traces of the
the crowd a treat at the Kentucky- Cadets and anxiously await
M I. game Saturday morn-V.
the referee's whistle that will
ing. Saturday afternoon she wUI announce the
"zero hour" of
appear with the band at the
and Lee - Virginia 10 o clock and another con- ference battle.
football game.
Encamped deep In the enemy territory after an overnight journey,
the University of Kentucky Wildcats will make final preparations
this afternoon for the engagement,
tapering off with a lieht workmit.
under the direction of their leader
ana nis staff. Scouts also rerxirt
Elaborate Program is Planned considerable action in the vicinity
of the hostile camn as tho virHnia
for Homecoming Tilt With militia mobilizes to repulse the in
Tennessee; Information
Booths to Be Erected
W. and L, Virginia Play
The Cadets anfi the 'Cats will
WILL GET 'KEG' cross arms during the morning
hours. Later in the day, the galSuKy Circle, University student lant Washington and Lee Generals
pep organization is arranging an win mane a last desperate stand in
elaborate program that will add to an effort to turn the tide of the
the occassion of the homecoming great conference conflict, facing
game between Kentucky and the University of Virginia Cavaliers the
Tennessee Volunteers on Stoll field the same field. Many loyal followers
Thanksgiving day. The program in of the Kentucky team remaining at
eludes plans for publicity, social af ine scene or tne encounters will
fairs, erection of information booths witness n action Virginia, the foe
and the presentation of the tradl recently added to the Wildcat schedtional beer keg to the winner of the ule.
Plans are under wav for a dinner quest in the team continues Its condance In honor of the football squad,- - patriots foreign fields, thousands of
back in
aiumni members of the Circle and hold confidently the Wildcat strongawait the result of
the cheer leaders. The affair prob the battle.
Director Boles and his
ably will be held at one of the staff
in the Kentucky war departdowntown hotels on November 29. ment have
The organization desires to take this wire to the arranged for, a leased
front line and whije
method to demonstrate their ap- courageous
students cut classes, a
preciation to the Wildcat squad for play by
play report of the fortunes
its brilliant performance of the year.
The officers of SuKy forwarded and failures of war will be diaa letter addressed to the entire stu- grammed on the gridgraph in the
dent body at the University of Ten- gymnasium.
General Gamage will send his
nessee inviting and urging them to
accompany their team to Lexington. charges Into the fray under the diThe letter further stated that stu- rection of Captain Covington, who
dents of the. University extend to has recovered from injuries rethem a hearty welcome and will ceived in the Centre skirmish.
go the limit to .make their visit to Other casualties in the Wildcat linethe Kentucky campus a Dieasant up are conspicious by their absence.
The defensive sector of the Kenone.
As a result of this communication tucky
the University will be host to a strengthened by the reinforcement
large delegation from Tennessee. Ac- of the Phipps brothers who have
cording to the "Orange and White," sufficiently overcome their injuries
official students publication of the to see service against the "kaydets."
University of Tennesee, the largest Ken Andrews, after a marvelous
crowd of Tennesssee supporters to performance in the Alabama bombardment, will be depended upon to
ever accompany the football-teaon any trip probably will come to guard one flank while either Cavana
Lexington. All rooms at downtown or Yates will be sent to the other
hotels have been reserved and re- boundary.
quests for rooms are now being reKelly Will Start
Colonel Shlvely. chief of staff, has
Information booths will be erected well provided for the bulwark of the
in the hotels for the purpose of giv- Wildcat defense with a stalwart line
ing Information about the city and bunt around "Fatty" Williams at
the University to out of town peo- center. "Floppy" Forouer and Joe
This is a novel feature and Thompson at the guard outposts and
should greatly assist in the proper rete urury ana Babe Wright at
handling of the crowd.
.tackles complete the main line of
The traditional bqer keg ceremony
(Continued on page 8)
will be held between halves of the
game. This receptacle is the annual award to the victorious team
and it has inscribed on it theprev-iou- s
scores of games that have been
played between the two, institutions.
Two members of the SuKy and two
members of the Tennessee pep club,
dressed in their respective school
colors, will make an elaborate prePan Politikon. student orcanlza- sentation of the trophy to the wintlon for the study of foreiim coun
ner after the game.
tries, has announced a comprehensive profrram for its studv of thn
British empire during the. nex six
Dr. Hamilton,
Canadian bacteriologist, who will
address students December 12, will
be among the 'principal
during this study.
Under the auspices of Pan Politicommenced firing a pistol at, them. kon, an exhibit of English artists
They all ran and were followed by has been brought to the University
this fellow, who repeatedly loaded and Is now being shown at Ihe art
and fired whenever anyone appeared center. Two vesper procrams are to
In sight. This continued for about be in keeping with the study of
an hour, when two or three of the Great Britain, one November 17,
more courageous approached near when Phi Beta presents numbers by
enough to knock the
from his British composers, and a second on
hand, when they all pitched In and December 1, which will be conductgave him a severe drubbing. They ed by the University band.
rror. Frank Fowler, director of .the
then took his cartridges from him
Guignol theater, will address stuand started him home."
Golden Anniversary dents and people of Lexington, at
game between these pioneer colleges 2 p. m., November 26, on "English
will be an historical event worth Actors and Playwrights."
witnessing. To the old grads of the members of the English department
two institutions
it will awaken will devote at least one lecture pepleasant memories of youth, college riod to a special study of Great
days, romance and splendor; to the Britian.
present flambouyant generation it
The departments of romance langwill serve, as a reminder of tight uages, physics, geology,
corsets, stuffy bustles and hoop-skir- ts science, history, and the colleges of
that could not possibly be Education, Commerce, and Agriculsqueezed Into a Ford coupe. But to ture, will also devoto special periods
everyone, It will be a fitting tribute to this study according to Nicholas
graciously deposited at the shrine W. Williams, chairman of Pan
of King Football, the imperial Politikon. Further announcements
sovereign of collegiate Dixie for the concerning speakers will be made
past half a century.
later, Mr. Williams said.









Pan Politikon

Plans to Study
British Empire

Saturday's Gjnen Anniversary of Dixie
Football WUI Recall Memorable Events
Many moons before the advent of
collegiate flivvers, galoshes, and yoyos, a handfull of gallant and
gentlemen representing
Centre and Transylvania Colleges
matched brain and brawn on what
is now the happy hunting ground
of the Kentucky Wildcats. Nearly
50 years ago, April 9, 1880 to be
exact, Captain Ernest, of the Centre Colonels, generalled a brilliant
attack upon the valiant cohorts of
J. L. Patterson, captain of the
Transyvlanla Pioneers, but the
were victorious. It was
the first exhibition of football south
of the Mason and Dixon line.
A week after the first game was
played on Stoll field, the Transylvania team went to Danville to
play a return game with Centre.
Again the Pioneers won, the score
being five and one-ha- lf
to one-hal- f.
The University, then known as the
A. & M. College, used the field for
football for the first time in the fall
of 1880.

The Lexington Transcript of April
10, 1880, in commenting on the first
game says: "A large crowd of ladles
and gentlemen, estimated at 500,
witnessed the game. It was pronounced that football had the decided advantage of baseball as a
means of amusement for spectators:"
This bold assertion of the now
antiquated newspaper has surely
come to pass and because of the
rapid ascendency of the popular
sport, "Father " Lumpkin, former
Georgia Tech, star, Bart Peak and
Bill Hicks will officiate at the traditional feud on Stoll field Saturday
That football was not looked upon
with much favor during it period
of adolesence Is manifested by a
story appearing in the Lexington
Press of December 5, 1880, which
"On Tuesday evening, as some of
the students of the A. & M. College
were playing football, a man, who
afterwards gave his name1 as White,
came riding by, and not liking the
noise the students were making,



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The fading leaves nrc glad to die,
The wind goes shivering with cold
Where the brown reeds nrc dry.
Our love Is dying like the grass .
And wc who kissed grow coldly

Half glad to see our old love pass
Like leaves nlong the wind.
Sara Tcasdalc.

Frldav. November 15
Address of Gen. J. W. Cammack,
to the law students on "Practice of
Law," at 11 o'clock.
Oulgnol players presenting "Mary,
Mary, Quite Contrary" in North
Saturday, November 1G
FootbaH game at Lexington, Virginia University vs. V. M. I.
Alliance of Delta Delta Delta
luncheon meeting at 12:30, at Lafayette hotel.
Sunday, November 17
Vesper services at 4 o'clock in
Memorial hall. Program arranged
by Phi Beta, musical sorority.
Tuesday, November 19
First meeting of Art Circle of Woman's Club of University, with Mrs.
P. P. Boyd on Waller Ave.
meeting at 7:30 p. m. .Dean Anderson speaking on "World of Power."
General convocation, President R.
A. Kent, of the University of Louisville, speaking.
Wednesday, November 20
"Afternoon tea at Maxwell place
for the students and faculty of the
University Women Meek
The American Association of University Women met at dinner Tuesday night, at the Phoenix hotel
Mrs. Maurice Weil, president of the
club presided and introduced the
of Cincinnati.
She is the chair
man of publicity for the organiza
tlon, and spoke on "Wider Opportunities for Women in Research
About 125 members were present.
Scabbard and Blade Dinner
Scabbard and Blade, honorary
military fraternity of the University,
entertained with a dinner-danc- e
Saturday evening, at the Lafayette
hotel, in honor of the new officers

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fnternattotMf Refctitona C1ab
Monday evening the second meeting of the class In International
relations was held in the lecture
room in McVey hall with Dr. W.
D. Funkhouscr as the speaker. His
ubject was "International
of Science."

of the military department faculty
and their wives.
The room was attractively decorated with the fraternity colors,
red, white and blue, and the table
was decorated with flowers. During
the course of the dinner, dancing
was enjoyed, music being furnished
by the Rhythm Kings orchestra.
The members of the fraternity,
the hosts, were Messrs. Howard
Fitch, Lawrence Shropshire, Robert
O'dcar, Hays Owens', Leonard Weakley, J. C. Benson, O. B. Flnley, J. C.
Flnley, Stanley Mllward, Preston
Ordway, and Paul McBraycr.
The pledges are Messrs. Lawrence
Alexander. Agcr Stewart Augustus,
Owen Willis, nnd James Sabcl.
The guests, who Included the R.
O. T. C. sponsors, members of the
military department and their wives,
were Misses Frances Baskctt, Oeorg-ctt- a
Walker, Sara Reynolds, Hazel
Baucom, Mary Elizabeth Fisher,
Jane McCaw, Kathleen Fitch, Evelyn Ford, Josephine Lapsley, Elizabeth Bennett, and Mary Armstrong.
Major and Mrs. J. F. Wall, Captain and Mrs. Clyde Orady, Captain
and Mrs. Richard Ocssford, Lieutenant and Mrs. J. E. Reese, Lieutenant
and Mrs. P. E. LeSturgeon.
Luncheon For Dr. Kent
President and Mrs. frank L.
were hosts after the speaking
Tuesday, to Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Kent
at luncheon at Maxwell Place.
The other guests Included Mr. and
Mrs. Wellesly, Mr. and Mrs. John
Paine, and the presidents of the
colleges and universities of the state
and their wives.
Tea at Maxwell Place
President and Mrs. Frank L. Mc-Ventertained Wednesday afternoon with an enjoyable tea at Maxwell Place.
The guests of honor
were Mr. Guy Whitehead, superintendent of public schools, and his
wife, the teachers of the public
schools and the faculty of the college of education.
Assisting in entertaining
Dean and Mrs. W. S. Taylor, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles E. Skinner, Miss
Maizle Wolverton, Miss Isobel Schmidt; Miss Mary Hunt, Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Gotherman, Mrs. Eva
Edmonds, Misses Etta Koonz, Roberta Newman, Jean Smith, Lucille
Lovely, Elizabeth Cloud, and Mrs.
Mllford White.
Those who poured tea were: Mrs.
Charles Judson Smith, Mrs. George
Graves, Mrs. Nathan Elliott, and
Mrs. Harrison Simrall. They were
assisted by the Kappa Delta PI,
honorary educational fraternity.

On Esplanade
Mr. Poster Peyton of the Delta Serves $1.00 Dinner Every Evening
Tau Delta chapter has returned
from a brief trip to Chicago where
he represented the local chapter at
the annual dinner of Delta Tau
Delta pledges in Chicago Saturday,
Messrs. Charles and Shcrril Napier
Serves $1.00 Dinner Every Evening spent the week-en- d
in Hazard.





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