xt7dz02z3n3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z3n3g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1876-01-jun6. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1876-01-jun6. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1876-01-jun6. 1876 1876-01-jun6. 2011 true xt7dz02z3n3g section xt7dz02z3n3g 


Kentucky University, Lexiington, 'Ky.
Morrison College   June 6th, 1876

Meeting of
June 6, 18


Motion to

accepted &

Report of

Report of
Exec. Com.
read & laid
on the table




     The Board of Curators of Ky. University met at 2 o'clock
P. M.

             The roll being called the following Curators answered to
        their names or came in soon after-
        R. M. Bi shop- J. B. Bowman- John G. Allen- Andrew Steele- D. S.
        Goodloe- G. W. Elley- J. S. Woolfolk- C. T. Worthin4gton- G. W.
        Givebs- J. L Shackelford- J. P, Tarbitt- R. R. Sloan- tW. TV
        Withers- Enos Campbell- James G. Kinnaird- Joseph Wass`on- A.H.
        Bowman- R. C. Ricketts- J.J.S. Lee- J. Price- Saml Coleman,
        W. L. Tibbs, Capt. Shirley.
             The Prest. read a chapter in the Bible after waich Curator
        Sloan opened the session with Prayer_
             Regent Bowman read. his report embracing recommendations by
        the Faculties of the various colleges.
             Curator Steele moved that the Regents report be refered to
        appropriate Standing Committee.
             Curator Sloan moved as an amendment that the special commi-
        ties be added to wit".
        1. Preservation & utilization of the property of the University_-
        2. On Obituaries-
        3. On the financial conditions of the University with instructions
/337/   to recommend the best means to meet the present exigencies of the
        Institution which was accepted and motion adopted-

     C urator D. S. Goodloe made his report as Treasurer which
upon motion was refered back to the Extive Committee.

     J. S. Woolfolk acting sec. protem of Extive Committee read
the report of the Extive. Committee which Dr. Shackelford moved
to receive adopted-
     Curator Shackelford moved to adopt the report-
     Curator Sloan moved to lay the report on the table for the
present adopted-
     The Prest. then announced the Standing Committees which are
as follows
     College of Arts                Agricultural & Mechanical Col.
     Enos Campbell                  Jos. S. Woolfolk
     John G. Allen                  AndjrewSteele
     Capt. Shirley                  J.A,. J(. Lee

     Bible College                 Industrial & Military
     R. C. Ricketts                 Jos. S. Woolfolk
     Enos Campbell                  Capt. Shirley
     G. W. Elley                    Dr. Givens
   Commercial College              Medical College
   D. S. Goodloe                    Dr. Givens
   J. P. Tgrbitt                    Dr. Shackelford
   John G. Allen                    Curator Worthington
                Committee on Nominations
                   .-Andrew Steele
                     J. Z. Price
                     A, M. Barnes




     Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. June 6th, 1876

                   Special Committees

     On Financial condition with instructions to recommend the
best mode to meet the exigencies in the embarrassed condition of
the University..
     R. R. Sloan
     W. T. Withers
     J. P. TCrbitt
     R. C. Ricketts
     W. L. Tibbs

     Preservation & Utilization of property
     James Kinnaird
     Andrew Steele
     J.A. J. Lee

     Joseph Wasson
     Samuel Colema.n

reads a,
Request of
M4rs. Mary E.
Hibler not

app rove d

Session of
June 7, 1876
Minutes of
read &

Degree of
M.A. on J. 0.

Ten minutes

     Curator Withers read a reoort of the Committee from the
Extive. Comtee. showing the securities of Ky. University upon
motion it is referred to the Committee on Financial conditions.

     Curator Woolfolk presented the request of Mrs. Mary Hibler
that she be released from oaying the Lawyers fees incurred in
the suite for 500 dollars subscription of her husband, but by
vote it was refused-
     On motion Board adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. tomorrow.
     No objection being made the minutes stood approved
                                   Jos. S. Woolfolk.

/339/ The Board met at ten o'clock the session omened by Prayer
by President Graham.
     On calling the roll the following Curators answered their
names or came in during the morning.. Prest. B shop, Curators
Bowman, Allen, Gratz- Steele- Wasson- Goodloe- Elley_ Woolfolk-
Worthington- Givens. Ricketts- Shackelford- Tarbitt- Sloan_    s
Withers_ Campbell_ Shirley_ Kinnaird- Barnes, Lee, Price- Tiirs-
     The Sec. read the minutes of the previous meeting and no
objection being made they were considered ap-proved-
     Regent Bowman recommended John 0. Hopkins for the degree of
M. A. and moved that, that degree be coniered - Refered. to
Faculty of College of Arts.
     Curator Withers moved as substitute That the matter be re-
fered to the Faculty of the College of Arts with power to act.
     Curator Shackelford moved that in the event of any discus-
sion coming up speeches shall be limited to 10 minutes- adopted.