xt7dz02z3n19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z3n19/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1944-04-apr4. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-04-apr4. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-04-apr4. 1944 1944-04-apr4. 2011 true xt7dz02z3n19 section xt7dz02z3n19 



    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Universi-
ty of Kentucky, April 4, 1944.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
President Donovan's office at 10:25 a.m., Tuesday, April 4, 1944.
The following members were present: Governor S. S. Willis, Judge
Richard C. Stull, Harper Gatton, R. P. Hobson, H. D. Palmore, H.Se
Cleveland, Judge Harry F. Walters, Elliott Robertson, John Fred
Williams, Mrs. Paul G. Blazer.   Absent was John Cooper, who is
serving in the Armed Forces of the United States.  President H. L.
Donovan and Comptroller Frank D. Peterson were also present.

     The meeting was called to order' by the Chairman) Governor S. S.
Willis.   New members present were Mr. Elliott Robertson, Commission-
er of Agriculture, ex-officio member who will serve until January
1, 1948; Mr. John Fred Williams, Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion, ex-officio member who will serve until January 1, 1948;
krs. Paul G. Blazer, member-at-large, from Ashland, Ky., who has
been re-appointed and will serve until 1950, and who presented
commission; Mr. J. C. Everett, member-at-large, Maysvillet Kyle
who will serve until 1950, who presented commission; Mr. Grover
Creech, Alumni member, Louisville, Ky., who will serve until 1950.


                    COWNONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY

                          Simeon Willis
            Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky

To all to Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greeting:


Having been duly RE-APPOINTED



       THE TERA PRESCRIBED BY LAW             _-

I hereby invest him with full power and authority to execute and
discharge the duties of the said office according to law.   And to
have and to hold the same, with all the rights and emoluments
thereunto legally appertaining, for and during the term prescribed
by law.



                     IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have caused these
                     letters to be made patent, and the seal
                     of the Commonwealth to be hereunto affixed.
                     Done at Frankfort, the    26th
                     day of    February          in the year of
                     our Lord one thousand nine hundred and
                        forty-four     and in the hundred and
                        fifty-second   year of the Commonwealth.

                                       SIMEON WILLIS
                                       By the Governor

                                       CHARLES K. O'CONNELL
                                       Secretary of State

                                By     CHRISTINE JOHNSON
                                      Assistant Secretary of

                    60)4O!WEALTH OF KENTUCKY

                         Simeon Willis
            Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky

To all to Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greeting:


Having been duly APPOINTED





1L  1944.



I hereby invest him with full power and authority to execute and
discharge the duties of the said of fice according to law.  And to
have and to hold the same, with all the rights and emoluments
thereunto legally appertaining, for and during the term prescribed
by law.

                     IN TESTIvi$ONY WHEREOF, I have caused these let-
                     ters to be made patent, and the seal of the
                     Commonwealth to be hereunto affixed.   Done
                     at Frankfort, the    2;3rd    day of   lviarch
                     in the year of our Lord one thousand nine
                     hundred and   Forty-four_    and in the
                     hundred and   Fifty-second  year of the Com-

                                            SIMEON WILLIS
                                            By the Governor

                                            CHARLES K. O'CONNELL
                                            Secretary of State

                                      By   CHRISTINE JOHNSON
                                            Assistant Secretary of

     The Chairman stated that he had been handed a letter by one
J. Wf, Jones as he came into the meeting.   He also stated that he
desired to read the letter to the Board of Trustees. (The letter
was read but was not left with the Secretary).    It was then stated
that possibly we should follow the agenda and get the approval of
the minutes out of the way.

     A. Approval of Minfates.

     The Chairman, Governor S. S. Willisl stated that he had read
the minutes of the December meeting but had not read the minutes
of the meeting of the Executive Committee of January 21, 1944, and
February 25, 1944.   Upon motion duly made and seconded, the min-
utes of the Board of Trustees of December 14, 1943, were ordered
approved as published.   The minutes of the Executive Committee
of January 21, 1944, were ordered read, whereby the Secretary of the
Board did read the minutes, and likewise the minutes of the meeting
of the Executive Committee of February 25, 1944, were read, after
which the Board took the following action:



         1. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the min-
           utes of the Board of Trustees of December 14,
           1943, and the minutes of the Executive Commit-
           tee of the Board of Trustees of January 21,
           1944, and February 25, 1944, were approved as

    B. Reporto theff President.
    President Donovan recommended that Founders Day be designated
and read the following statement:

     Founders Day

          From time to time members of this Board have suggest-
     ed that the University should have each year a Founders
     Day Program. The suggestion has appealed to me as one
     having a great deal of merit.   The University is now
     more than three quarters of a century old.   Many men
     and women have made great contributions to the building of
     this institution.   A proper appreciation of their work
     should prove to be a matter of inspiration for those who
     have the privileges and opportunities of attending the
     University.   The University has existed long enough for
     us to have pride in its history, and a desire to familiar-
     ize the oncoming generation with its traditions, trials,
     tribulations, and accomplishments.   A Founders Day Program
     held on an appropriate date each year would do much toward
     acquainting the students and the public with the history
     of their State University.

          Some time ago I requested Professor E. L. Gilliswho
     is probably as familiar with the history of the University
     as any man connected with it, to study various dates that
     might be considered as an appropriate date on which to
     celebrate a Founders Day Program.   After considerable
     research, Professor Gillis has suggested that February 22
     would be a very appropriate time for such & celebration.
     It was on February 22, 1865, that the General Assembly
     of Kentucky approved a bill establishing an Agricultural
     and Mechanical College in connection with Kentucky Uni-
     versity (now Transylvania). Therefore, February 22,
     1865, is the date on which the University of Kentucky
     actually casne into existence as a state institution.  The
     fact that this date also happens to be the birthday of
     George Washington, the father of our country, would in
     no wise detract from our celebration.  Our Vrogram might be
     so designed as to celebrate both Washington s birthday
     and the founding of the University.


           On this date each year we would hope to have all the
      students, faculty and friends of the University assemble
      for a program properly commemorating the lives of those
      who have made possible this institution, as well as the
      history of its development.   On the same date we would
      want the alumni groups in various parts of the State and
      i'ation to have a dinner program, at which time they could
      meet and hold local celebrations.

           If the Board believes that this is a desirable thing
      to do, I recommend that it officially designate February
      22 as Founders Day, and direct that it be properly cel-
      ebrated each year.

                         * * * * * * * * i. *

           2. Upon motion duly made and seconded, and unan-
              imously carried, it is ordered that February
              22 shall be officially designr-ted au Founders
              Day for the University of Kentucky.

                         * * * i* * * * * *t *

     C. Forums, University Film, Survey of University's Housing

     President Donovan read the following report to the Board on the
series of Forums conducted by the University, the University's film,
and a survey of the University's housing program:


          A university is responsible not only for the education
     of the youth that come to its campus, but also for the pro-
     motion  of the education of adults within the state.   Its
     program of education for young people must of necessity be
     formal, whereas, its adult education program is extremely
     informal.   The University of Kentucky recognizes its ob-
     ligation to help stimulate the thinking of the citizens of
     the State in many lines of endeavor.   With this idea in
     mind we have made during the past winter an adventure in
     conducting three forums in Central Kentucky,   These were
     held at Georgetown, Paris, and Lexington.   Three among
     the ablest members of our staff were forum leaders.   The
     subjects under discussion were, "How Will the Cost of War
     Affect Us?";  "The Allied Nations Conferences"; "Russia
     and World Peace";  "Some Proposed Plans for an Enduring
     Peace."; "British-American Relationships in the Post-War
     World"   "What Should Be Done with Germany'"   The Forum
     leaders were Dr. Frank L. McVey, Dr. J. Huntley Dupre and



Dr. Henry Noole Sherwood.   There were 178 people who
registered for the forum at Lexington, 107 at Paris, and 161
at Georgetown.  Reports from each of these centers indicate
that these forums were very popular and quite stimulating to
those who were in attendance.   As a result of this venture,
requests have come from other communities that we repeat
these programs for the benefit of the citizens of their

     It is my Judgment that this type of education will be
more and more in demand when peace comes.   The University
should be prepared to answer such calls as the people may
request for this form of education.

The UniversitV Film

     The Trustees authorized the making of a film entitled
"The University in War and Peace", some months ago.  Most
of the members of this Board have seen the picture.   It
has met with much enthusiastic approval.   There are five
copies of the film and they are in continuous circulation.
There are still many requests for i t.  You will probably
be interested in the following statistics which indicate to
what extent the picture has been seen by our people.

       Total number of showings                  150
       Total number of counties in which shown    54
       Total attendance                       32,494

       The showings included:
              Schiools                             67
              Service Clubs                        41
              Alumni Clubs                          3
              Woman's Clubs                         3
              Miscellaneous Groups                 36

Survey of University's Housing Program

     The visitor on the campus of the University looks about
him and views many buildings.   He is frequently inclined to
think that the institution has a very extensive physical
plant.   He rarely ever realizes that prior to the war there
were more people operating on the campus of the University
than the total population of Georgetown,   Mt. Sterling, or
a number of other county seat towns of about their size.
If you will drive over these towns and see how many buildings
it takes to house their population, you will then realize
something of the magnitude of the operations of the University.

       When the war terminates we have good reason to believe
 that ten per cent of the Kentucky soldiers will be coming



back for further education. This will mean that approximate-
ky 25,000 may seek education in colleges and schools, both
private and public, in the State in a period of two or three
years after hostilities cease. The University will certain-
ly be the institution that will receive the major percentage
of those who may desire to further their education.    When
that time arrives I have no doubt that as many people will
be on the campus every day as live in the city of Danville,
Harlan, Maysville, Paris, or Somerset.   These cities range
in population from six to seven thousand people.    As you
look over the number of buildings required for the living
and commercial activities of the people of these towns,
you will get some idea of the size of the housing problem
of the University.

     Frankly, I must point out to the Board that the Uni-
versity is not prepared to take care of such an enrollment
when we face that problem.   In the first place, we have
dormitory rooms for approximately 336 women and 325 men.
A university should be able to house half of its students
in residence halls.   Many of the state universities house
practically all of their students in dormitories and fra-
ternity houses.   Some of our neighboring states can take
care of three or four thousand students in dormitories which
these states have constructed for the use of their students.
The University of Kentucky has depended primarily upon the
homes of the community to house its student population.
We appreciate the fine service the residents of the Uni-
versity community have rendered this institution in the
past and will continue to give it in the future.    There
is no disposition on our part to recommend plans that
would take care of the housing of all of our students since
many homes in the community are prepared to receive them
as paying guests.   However, the number of students in the
past has increased more rapidly than desirable homes were
opened to receive them.   This has resulted in the over-
crowding of many boarding houses and the standard of liv-
ing of our students in many cases has been below what we
should expect.   The only permanent answer to this ques-
tion is the construction of more dormitories.

      We also face a critical shortage of desirable class-
 rooms and laboratories for a large student body.    There
 is no solution to this problem except to construct new
 buildings for this  purpose.   The buildings which I have
 suggested heretofore that the University is most in need of
 are listed below:

                  1, Auditoriua-Fieldhouse
                  2. Dormitories
                  3. Fine Arts
                  4. College of Commerce
                  5. Ruseum
                  6. Addition to the Library
                  7. Hospital and Dispensary
                  8. Journalism Building
                  9, Dairy Barn.



         It is obvious that these buildings cannot be constructed
    all at one time.   Kentucky should do what a number of other
    states have done in the past; that is, plan for a long time
    ouilding program extending over a decade.    If the General
    Assembly would systematically authorize the construction of
    one new building each year for the next ten years, the Uni-
    versity would by that time be very well housed and the burden
    of constructing these buildings would be spread over a con-
    siderable period of time.   It is apparent to me that the
    public does not actually realize how great the need is for an
    expanded plant.   I am of the opinion that anything the Pres-
    ident of the University may say about this need is often dis-
    counted simply because it is regarded as more or less propa-
    ganda for the expansion of the University.    The real need
    for better housing conditions at the University has* in my
    opinion, never been adequately outlined to the people !.-
    of this Commonwealth.   What would the Board think of the
    idea of having a small committee, composed of from three
    to five Trustees, that would make a careful study of this
    problem based upon the trends in the past and what may be
    expected for the future, and then have this report issued to
    the public that there might be better understanding of the
    problem involved?

         If American education follows the trends during the next
    two or three decades that it had taken prior to the beginning
    of the war, we may expect an enrollment in our University of
    at least six thousand students within this period.    It is
    too late to correct inadequate housing conditions if the
    State should wait until the students actually arrive before
    attempting any construction.    Our State has always been
    conservative in expenditures for the University, as evidenced
    by the fact that in seventy-eight years of history of the
    institution only $1,650,000 has been appropriated for
    buildings and grounds.   It is necessary for us to have a
    campaign of education informing the public very definitely
    regarding future needs, if we are to expect the law-making
    body of the State to authorize adequate appropriations for
    this development.

    D. Policy Regarding Outjof-Statg Enrollment.

    President Donovan stated to the Board that, in his opinions the
enrollment of the University would greatly increase immediately fol-
lowing the close of the war, and that the facilities of the Universi-
ty would be taxed to the limit, and recommended that a policy rela-
tive to out-of-state enrollment be authorized by the Board; whereupon
the Board took the following action:



                          * * * *F * * * * * *

            3. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
               carried, authorization is hereby given the
               Dean of the University to limit the admission
               of out-of-state students in terms of the Uni-
               versity's capacity and its best interests,
               provided that each student shall meet the re-
               quirements for admission established by the
               University of Kentucky faculty.
                          * * * * * * * * * *

      E. Summary of Soldier Training Program.

      The President read the following statement concerning the
soldier training program at the University of Kentucky, as of March
16, 1943:

          The University of Kentucky has participated in the
      training of soldiers through two programs: (1) The En-
      gineers Specialist School, commonly known as the Phoenix
      Hotel unit, and (2) the Army Specialized Training Program.
      Through these two programs the University has helped in the
      military education of 5,101 men and 3,174 under the first
      program, and 1,927 under the second.   Following is an
      abbreviated statement about the Engineers' Specialist School
      and a more extended analysis of the Army Specialized Train-
      ing Program.

           In September, 1942, the United States Government con-
      tracted with the University for the operation of this unit.
      Tnis school was continued until September, 1943.    During
      the one-year period the University gave instruction to
      3,174 different individuals in four different courses: sur-
      veying, engineering drawing, geodetic computing, and topo-
      graphic drafting.   The period of training for each individ-
      ual soldier was twelve weeks.    The men were housed and
      messed at the Phoenix Hotel and the instruction was given
      on the University campus under the direction of the College
      of Lngineering.   The maximum enrollment at any single
      period was 978.   Detailed statistical information on this
      program is available at the College of Engineering.

           The ASTP had its official beginning at the University
      of Kentucky on May 10, 1943.   The first term of twelve
      weeks ended on July 31; the second began on August 9 and
      ended on October 30; and the third began on November 8 and
      ended on January 29.   The current term started on February
      7 and is scheduled to close on April 29.

            In a communication dated February 22, 1944, the Uni-
      versity was given official notice that, effective April 1,
      1944p the program would be reduced to about 30,000 trainees



for the entire United States. On March 11 an order was
received covering the separation from the program of ap-
proximately 60 per cent of the current enrollment. For
these men instruction ceased on March 15 and they are
scheduled for transfer to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, on
March 18.

     Enrollment by Terms.   As indicated above the ASTP has
involved a total of 1,927 individual trainees. The gross
enrollment by terms has been as follows:*

                 lMay-July .............  577
                 August-October ...... .1,206
                 November-January .0 ... 1,207
                 February-April ....... 803.

     During the first of these terms about 25 per cent of the
trainees were enrolled in the advanced engineering phase of
the program, as contrasted to various basic curricula; during
the second term approximately 20 per cent; during the third
20 per cent; and during the current term 28 per cent.

     Classification of Trainees. The 1,927 trainees that
have been registered at the University include 1,383 in the
ASTP proper, either basic or advanced phase, 441 in the
Army Specialized Training Reserve Program for seventeen-
year-olds, and 103 advanced ROTC students who were returned
to the University for further training after having been
withdrawn in the spring of 1943.

     Ourricula. The curricula covered in the Universityls
program at one time or another have included the regular
basic BE-1 curriculum, involving thirty-five hours of class
work a week in mathematics, physics, chemistry,** English,
history, geography, physical education, and military; the
BE-3 basic program, a special curriculum in Internal Combus-
tion Engines differing only in minor respects from the BE-1
program; the P-1 basic program in pre-medicine and pre-
dentistry; the advanced phase curricula in civil, mechanical,
and electrical engineering; the 4A advanced phase curriculum

* The enrollment of the unit has changed almost day by day.
In general, the above figures cover the maximum enrollment.
However, there were thirty-six additional men at the beginning
of the February-April term who were ordered separated from the
program almost ilmrdediately after arrival. They are included
in the total of 1,927.

** In Term III engineering drawing is substituted for chemis-


a special refrewher course in mathematics, physics, and
engineering drawing; and finally the special schedules ar-
ranged for the advanced ROTC trainees.   For the most part,
this last group was enrolled in selected civilian courses.
The maximum number of students enrolled in the pre-medical
and pre-dental program was 51, and this work was started
only at the beginning of the current term.   The BE-3 program
had an initial enrollment of 50 men selected from BE-1
trainees on the-campus, and at the beginning of this term
included only 32.   All other trainees, except the advanced
ROTC, have been continuously engaged in either the regular
BE-1 program or in some phase of advanced engineering.

Source of the Trainees. Every state in the Union, with the
exception of Alabama, has been represented in the unit. In
addition, nine men reported that their homes were in the
District of Columbia, one in Canada, and one in Guatamala.
Six states were represented by more than one hundred men each
as follows: Ohio, 379; New York, 218; Indiana, 163; Kentucky,
155; Pennsylvania, 131; and Illinois, 106.    New Mexico and
Nevada furnished only one man each.

     Approximately 55 per cent of the total of 1,927 trainees
had attended one or more colleges before coming to the Uni-
versity of Kentucky.   Practically every major college in
the United States was represented, together with many iisti-
tutions not so well known.   The proportion with previous
college attendance was lowest, of course, in the reserve
group.   Only 25 per cent of these 441 younger men had been
in college and none of them for any extended period.

     Religioug Affiliation and Preference.    The number of men
reporting an affiliation with or a preference for the Catholic
Church was 420.   Other denominations mentioned more than one
hundred times were Methodist, 343; Presbyterian, 204; Jewishs
153, Baptist, 143; and Lutheran, 134.    Approximately two-
thirds mentioned one Protestant denomination or another.
About 5 per cent indicated no affiliation and no preference.

     Niumber of Graduates. Graduates from the advanced phase
engineering curricula totaled 52 at the end of the last
term,   One man completed term six in electrical engineer-
ing in July, eight men finished term six in mechanical en-
gineering in October, and in January, 22 completed the sixth
term in mechanical engineering and 21 the same term in civil
engineering.   At the last named date, 17 additional men com-
pleted the sixth term in electrical engineering, but con-
tinued their work at the University in a seventh term for
communication specialists.

      Number gf.Instructors.  The number of instructors*,
 both full-time and part-time, has ranged from 65 for the
 Yiay-August term to 105 for the November-January term. In

*Not including Ivilitary Science.



the main, the program has been carried by the following
departments;  Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,
English, history, Geography, Physical Education, and Zoolo-
gy. None of these departments, with the exception of the
last, has found it possible to carry both the civilian load
and the ASTP with the regular staff.    Two methods have
been employed to supplement thexregular staffs: (1) the
borrowing of faculty members from other departments not
engaged in the program, (2) the employment of new personnel.
The second device has been essential primarily in engineering,
physics, and mathematics, and to a limited degree in chemis-
try, history and physical education.    No new instructors
have been employed in any case until it was demonstrated that
the required service was not available anywhere in the regu-
lar staff.   During the November-January term, 27 regular
members of the University staff were teaching in fields
outside of their areas of usual employment.

     The Standards Maintained. The complete cooperation given
by all members of the regular teaching staff and the dili-
gence with which all instructors in the program have per-
formed their duties is evidenced by the fine record which
the unit has made on the National Examinations.    A report
has been received which indicates the University's standing
among the Cycle !I institutions* on the examinations given
in October.   The composite scores place the University of
Kentucky in the top 17 per cent in each of the three basic
terms.   On the seventeen individual examinations given,
the University ranked in the upper 10 per cent on six, and
in the upper 20 per cent on ten.    It ranked at the fiftieth
percentile or higher on every test; and, with the exception
of one subject, the unit ranked higher on each test than
the expectancy indicated by its standing on the Army General
Classification Test.   There have been indications likewise
that the physical efficiency of the men has been high as
compared to other schools.    Finally, all evidence suggests
that, from the standpoint of military administration and
control, the University had one of the best units in the

      The Immediate Future.   Under the orders referred to
a bove, the unit at the University of Kentucky would have
been reduced to approximately 330 men as of March 18. How-
ever, as this report is being prepared, we are informed that,
effective April 10, 1944, the quota of the University will
be 220 trainees distributed as follows: advanced engineers,
120; pre-medical and pre ental trainees, 50; and reservists
50.   Hiow long this status will be maintained, i.t is im-
possible to say.

*There are some 50 or 60 schools on this cycle,




        Conclusion. All who have participated in the work of
   the Army Specialized Training Program at the University of
   Kentucky have, in my opinion, kept in mind the fact that
   they were making an important contribution to the winning
   of the war, and in this spirit have been completely coop-
   erltive and have given most freely of their time and en-

        The program has done much for the morale of the staff
   and our civilian students; it has made it possible better
   to balance teaching assignments; it has carried an important
   part of our overhead costs; and it has implanted some ideas
   about curricula and instruction that will no doubt benefit
   the University in the future. MIoreover, the University has
   established itself as an efficient institution in many quar-
   ters where it otherwise would have been little known or

        With only minor exceptions, the trainees sent to the
   University represented the finest and most able of America's
   young manhood0   As civilian students, the vast majority of
   them would do credit to any college in America.   It is
   hoped that large numbers of these men who have come to
   know Lexington and the University will want to return to
   the campus after the war to complete their education. From
   the first, this possibility has been kept in mind, and an
   effort has been made in all quarters to encourage indirectly
   the belief that they could not do better than to complete
   their collegiate training at the University of Kentucky.

   F. Authorization of  j Radio Station.

   President Donovan read the following statement regarding the
establishfent of a radio station at the University of Kentucky:

          For some months I have been studying the question
      of the University's interest in broadcasting and radio
      education.   I have worked with Dean Leo Chamberlain and
      jVirj Elmer Sulzer, who has had charge of our radio work.
      A few weeks ago I requested Dean Chamberlain to make a
      thorough investigation of this question as it relates to
      our future,   Dean Chamberlain has made a very exhaustive
      study of the subject and I am submitting to you his report.

           All signs point to significant developments in radio
      following the war.   Some of the more important changes
      will result apparently from the entrance into the picture
      of FM (Frequency Modulation} broadcasting as opposed to
      the familiar AM IAmplitud