xt7dz02z3k7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z3k7q/data/mets.xml Filson, John, ca. 1747-1788 1786  books b92bb644a2009 English J. Trumbull : Norwich, Conn. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Boone, Daniel, 1734-1820 Indian captivities The adventures of Colonel Daniel Boon; one of the first settlers at Kentucke. Containing the wars with the Indians on the Ohio from 1769 to 1783 and the first establishment and progress of the settlement on that river, written by the Colonel himself. To which are added a narrative of the captivity and extraordinary escape of Mrs. Francis Scott, an inhabitant of Washington-County Virginia; who after the murder of her husband and children by the Indians was taken prisoner by them on the 29th of June, 1785. text The adventures of Colonel Daniel Boon; one of the first settlers at Kentucke. Containing the wars with the Indians on the Ohio from 1769 to 1783 and the first establishment and progress of the settlement on that river, written by the Colonel himself. To which are added a narrative of the captivity and extraordinary escape of Mrs. Francis Scott, an inhabitant of Washington-County Virginia; who after the murder of her husband and children by the Indians was taken prisoner by them on the 29th of June, 1785. 1786 1786 2009 true xt7dz02z3k7q section xt7dz02z3k7q 
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Colonel DANIEL BOON, One of the fiift Settlers at Kentucke :


The Wars with the Indians on the Ohio, from 1769 to 1783, and the firffc Eftablifhmenc and Progrefs of the Set-, dement on that River.

Written by the Colonel bimfelf.

to which ark added, a


of the


and extraordinary


o f


An Inhabitant of Waldington-County Virginia ;  wbo after the Murder of ber 1   Hujband and children, by the Indians, was \ taken Ptifoner by them; on the 29th of 1 June, i7  fc.






IT was on the firft of May 1769, that I rsjfigned my domeftic happinefs, and left my family and peaceable habitation on the Yadkin River, in North Carolina, to wander through the wildemefs of America, in queft of tha country of Keotucke, ia company with John Finley, J  h   Stuart, Jolcph Holden, James Monay, and William Cool.

On the 7th day af June, af;er travelling in a weft-tern direction, we fouad ourfelvcs on Red River, where John Finely had formerly been trading with the Indians, and from the top of an eminence, faw with plea-fure the bcauiiful level of Kentucke. For fome time we had experienced the mod uncomfortable weather. We now encamped, made a Packer to defend us from tkcinclemeat feafon, and began to hunt and reconnoitre ihe country. We found abundance of wild hearts in this vaft foreft. The buffaloes were more numerous than catt.'e on other fettlements, browzing on the leaves of the cane, or eroding the herbage on thofe ezterflve plains, we faw hundreds in a drove, and the numbers about the fait fprings were'amazing. In this foreft the habitation of beafts of every American kind, we hunted with great fuccefs until December.

On the 2zd of D.'Cember John Stuart and I'had a plealant Ramble; but fortune changed the day at the clefs cf it. We had pafTtd through a great foreft, in which Hood myrbds of trees, feme gay with b!ol -loin;, oiher rich with fruits. Natu'e was here a fents of woadcu and a fund c! delight. Here fhe diI'p!a>eJ ingenuity and i&diiltry in a vsi:;iy ot flewers   "d

ft vita' 
   * The Adventures of

fruits, beautifully coloured, elegantly fhaped, and charmingly flavoured ; and we were diverted with numberlefn animali prtftuting themfelvea perpetually to our view. In the decline of ihe day, near Kentucke river, at we afcended the brow of a fmall hill, a number of Indiana rufhed out of a thick cane brake, and mail us prifonera. The Iadians plundered u  , and kept as io confinement {even days. During this we difcov  reel no uneafinefi or defire to efcape, which made them lefs fufpicious : but in the dead of the night, ai we lay by a large fire, in a thick cane brake, when fleep had locked up their fenfes, my fituatioa not difpofing me to reft, I gently awoke my companion. We feiaed this favourable opportunity and departed, diiedting cur courfe towards our old camp, but found it plundered and our people dilj.cried or gone ^ome.

Aboct tbia time r.iy brother, Squire Boon, with another adventurer, who came to explore the country   ir>rt!y after es, was wandering through the foreft, and accidentally found our camp. Noiwithftandir.g cur unfortunate circumftancej, and our dangerous Actuation furrounded with hoftile favages, our meeting fortunately in the wildernefi, gave us the molt fenfib.c fat ifaftion.

Soon after this my companion in captivity, John Stewart was killed bp the lavages, and the man that came with my brother returner! home by hitnfelf. We were then in a dangerous helplefs fituation, eipofed daily to pe.-ils and death, among lavages and wild belts, rot a white man in the country bat oetrielvei.

Thjs a)3ty hunded miles from our families in the J>"  ling wildernels, we did not rnrnnue in a flare of mdolriK,;, bpt bunted eveiy day, and prepared a little cottage to dtfend us fr. m the winter (lorins. We met fi'h no disturbance during the winter. On ihr ill    i Mav iyjQ, my brother rnurned home by h.ml'-if tot a ne* recruit of horfes and amuniiion, leaving niv: alone, without hread, fa':, or 'ue  r, or even a horle or

i dog, i pi Old a few dsn


I lie id" 
   Ctl. Danitl Boon.

o?3 beloved wife and family, and their anxiety on my account, would have difpofed me to melancholy, ill had further indulged the thought.

On* day 1 undertook a tour through the country, when the divertiy and beauties of nature 1 met with in this charming feafon,expelled every gloomy thought, J oft at the clofe of the day, the gentle gales ceafed ; a profound calm enfued; not a breath (hook the tremulous leaf. J had gained the futnmit. of a commanding ridge, and looking round with ailon idling delight, bebeld the ample plains and beauteous trafts below. On one hand I furveyed the famous Ohio rolling in Sent dignity, and marking the weft-ern bounds of Kentuclte with inconceivable grandure. At a vaft diftance I beheld the mountains lift their venerable brows and penetrate the clouds. All things were ftill.   J kindled a fiie near a fountain of fwece

' water, and fealted on the loin of a buck, which a few hours before I bad killed. The fhades of night foots overfpread the hemisphere, and the earth feem to gafp after the hovering cioifturc. My excurfton bad fatigued my body, and amufed my mind.   I laid me

. down to fleep and awoke not until the fun had chafed away the sight. I continued this tour, and in a few days explored a considerable part of the country, each day equally pleafcd as the firft ; after which I returned to my old camp, which had not been difturbed in my abfence I did not confine my lodgings to it, but often repofed in thick cane brakes to avoid the favages, Who I believe, often vifited my camp, but fo 'innately for me in my abfence. No populous city wiih all the varieties of commerce and (lately ftruftores, tculd afford loch pealure to my mind, as the beauties ci nature I found m this country.

Until the 27th of Ju'y I (pent the time in an uninterrupted fier.e of fylvan pleaiures, when my bother 10 my greu felicity, met me according tr> appointment, at cur old camp.   Scon after we left the place.,

*ud j;roceedtd to Cunu er *do Hiver, leconnoitnng

jhit part of the countt), atd ^ivir^ nujirs 10 Ibd

sjifftrtot rivers. 
   fe The Adventures of

In March 1771 I returned home to my family, be. iog determined to bring them as foon as poflible at the rifk of my life and fortune, to refide in Kectucke, which I efteemed a fecund paradife.

On my return I found my family in happy circumstances. I fold my farm on the Yadkin, and what goods we could not carry with us ; and

On the 25th of September 1773, we bade farewel to our friends and proceeded on our journey to Kentucke, in company with five more families, and forty men that joined us in Powell's Valley, which is one hundred and fifty miles from the now fettled parts of Kentucke ; but this promifing beginning was foon overcaft with a cloud of adverftty.

On the 10th of Oftober the ret is \n.\ of. bit to hthold them without terror.

Until the 6;h of June 1774, I rerr < 1 ed with rry family en the Clinch, when! and Mufnel oact were Solicited by Governor Uunroore of Vi.g'.t ia, to conduct a number of fivveyors to the faAi of the '. hicf, This was a tour of 800 miles, and took us fixtv t-.  o

d^T  .

Or. ny return, Govoinor Ducmort gave nr iltesi

   Col. Daniel Boon.    7

command of thrc; garifons, during the campaign a-gainft the Shawnefe.

In Mareh 1775, at the fnlidtation of a number of i gentlemen of North Carolina, I attended their treaty at Wataga, with the Cherokee Indians, to purchafe the lands on the fouth fide of Kenttirke river. A'.er this I undertook 10 mark out a road in the beft paflage from the lettlemcnts through the wilcernefs to Ktn-tucke.

Having collected a number of cnterprizing men well armed, 1 foon begun this work, we proceeded until we fame within fifteen mi!es of where Booniboroogh now (lands, where the Indians attacked us, and killed two and wounded two more.

This was the zd of March 1775.   Three days after they attacked us again, we had two killed and three wounded.   After this we proceeded m to Kenlucke I river without oppofition.

On the hvft of April we began to ertft the fort cf , BoonfWough, at a fait lick 60 yards from the river 1 on the fouth fide.

I     On the 4th they killed one of our men.

I On the 14th of June having finifhrd the fort, I returned to my family on the Clinch. Soon after I removed my family to this fort ; we arrived fafe ; my wife and daughter being the firfl white wemen that flood on the banks of Kentucke river.

December the 24th. the Indians killed one m?n and wounded another, feemirg determined to persecute us for erefting this fort.

July 14th 1776. Two of Colonel Calaway's daughters, and one of mine, were taken prifoners near the fort. I immediately purfued the Indiaus, with only eight men.

On the 16th 1 overtook them, k'.l'ed two of them, and recovered the girls, j    The Indians hid divided the-nfelves into feveral ji parties and attacked on the fume day all nur lettle-    jnents and forts, doing a great deal of mifchief. The hufaundcien were lho: d>wn i.i the ti;IJ, aaJ moil     :

   $ The Adventures of

the cattle were deflroyed. They continued their boftilities until

The 15th of April 1777, when a party cf io   of them attacked Boor.(borough, and killed one man, (>nd wounded four.

July 4th they attacked it again w ith 200 men, and killed us one, and wounded two. They remained 48 hours, during which we killed feven of them. All the Settlements were attacked at the fame time.

July 1 9th. Colonel Logan's fort wa   befieged by 200 Indians ; they did much mifchief; there were only fifteen men in the fort; they killed two and wounded one of them.   Indians lofs unknown.

luly 25.   Twenty five men came fiom Catolina. About

Auguft 20th, Colonel Bowman arrived with ieo men from Virginia. Now we began to Strengthen and had fkirmifhes with the Indians almoft every day.

The favages now learned the fupeiiority of the lonc knife, as they call the Virginians; being out generated in almoft every battle. Our affairs began to wear a new afpeft ; the enemy did not now venture open war, but praftifed fecret mifchief.

January 1, 1778. 1 went with thirty men to the Bine Licks on Licking River, to make fait for the different garrifons,

February 7th. Hunting by myfelf to procure treat for the company, 1 met a party of 102 Indians, and t  o Frenchmen marching again ft Boor thorough. They purfued and took me ; and the next day I capi-tu   !ed for my men, knowing they could not efcape. They were 27 in number, three having gone home with fait. The Indians according to the capitulation ufed ua generoufly. They carried us to Old Cheli-ccthr, thepiincipal Indian town on Little Miami.

On the i8tbof February we arrived there, after an unccmfirtab'e journey in very fevere weather.

On the 10th of March 1 and ten of my men were' ccnoufted to Detroit. On the 3cb we arrived there, and were treated by

Govrrr, - 
   Col. Daniel Boon. 9

Governor Hamilton, the Britifh commander at the ptft, with great humanity.

The Indians had fuch an affection for mo, that eh;y refuted tool. Sterling offered them by the Governor, if they would leave me with the others, cn pur-pofe that he might fend me home on parole. Several linglifh gentlemen there, fecfible of my adverfe fortune, and touched with fympathy, generoufly offered to fupply my wants, which I declined with many thanks, adding that I never expected it would be in my power to recorapence fuch unmerited generofity. The Indians left my men in captivity with the Britifh at Detroit,

On the 10th of April they brought me towards Old Chelicothe, where we arrived on the twenty-fifth day of the fame month. This was a long and very fatiguing march, through an exceeding fertile country, remarkable for fine fprings and Streams of water. At Chelicothe 1 fpent ,my time as comfortably as I could expect ; was adopted according to their cuftom, into a family, where I became a fon, and had a great Share in the affection of my new parents, brothers, filters, and friends. I was exceedingly familiar and eafy with them, always appearing as chearful and fatiified as poSfible, aud they put great confidence in me. I often went a hunting with them, and frequently gained their applaufe for my activity at cur Shooting matches.

I was careful not to exceed many of them in Shooting ; ior no people are more envious than they in this)pert. I could obferve in their countenances and geilures the greatelt expreffiuns of joy when they exceeded rue, and, when the reverfe happened of envy. The Shawnefe king took great notice of mc, and treated me with profound refpect, antf entire friendship, cfien entrusting me to hunt at my liberty. I t/equeatly rttumed with the fpoila cf the woods, and as often prcfented fc.r.e of w),ai 1 had taken to him, e.ipreffive of my d'l')' to my Sovereign. My food and lodging was. imcommca witu then-, net So t^cod in-

3 deed


   io Thi Adventures of

deed as I could defire, but nccefDty made every thing acceptable.

I now began to meditate an efcape, but carefully avoided giving fufpicion.

Until the firft day of June, I continued at old Che-licothe, and was then taken to tne fait fprings on Sciotha, and kept there ten days making fait. During this time I hunted with them, and iound the land, for a great extent about this river, to exceed the foil of Kentucke if poffible, and remarkably wel1 watered.

On my return to Chelicothe 450 of the choicell Indian warriors were ready to march againft Boonlbo-rough, painted and armed in a fearful manner. This alarmed mt and 1 determined let efcape.

On the 16th of June before funtife, I went off fe-cretly, and reached Boonfborough on the 20th, a journey of 160 miles during which 1 had only one meal, I found our fortrefs in a bad (late, but we immediately repaired our flanks, gates, pofterns, and formed double baftions, which we completed in ten days. One of my fellow prifuners efcaping after me, brought advice that on account of my flight, the Indians had pot off their expedition for three weeks.

About Auguft ill I fet out with 19 men to furprife Point Creek Town on Sciotha. Within four miles we fell in with 40 Indians going againft Boor.(borough. We fought and the enemy gave way, we fufftred no iofs. The enemy had one killed and two wounded. We took three horfes and all their baggage. The Indians having evacuated their town and gone altogether agninft Boonfborough we retimed paiTed (hem on the fixth day, and on the feventh arrived fafe at Boonfborough.

On the 8th the Indian army 444 in number, commanded by Capt Duqucfne and eleven other Frenchmen and their own chiefs, came and fummoned the fort. I requeftcd ;wo days confederation which wat granted. During this we brought in through the pofttrni all the horfes and other cattle we could coiled

   Col. Daniel Boon. u

On the 9th in the evening, I informed their com. mander, that we were determined to defend the fore while a man was living.   They then propofed a treaty, and faid if we fent ont nine men to ratify it, they would withdraw.   The treaty was held within fixty yards of the fort, as we fufpefted the lavages. The articles ware agreed to and f.gned ; when the Indians told os, it was their cultom  for two Indians to ft  ake hands with every white man in the treaty as an evidence of friendihip.   We agreed to this alfo. They Immediately grappled* us to take us prifoners, but we cleared ourfelves of them, thoagh furrounded by hundreds and gained the fort fafe, except one that was wounded by a heavy fire from their army. On this they began to undermine the fort, beginning at the water mark of Kentpcke river, which is 60 yards from the fort,   We difcovered this by the water being made muddy by the clay,  and countermined them by cutting a trench acrofs their fubterranean paiXige,   The enemy difcovering this by the clay we threw ont of the fort, defatted. On the 20th of Auguft they railed the fiege. During this dreadful fiege, we had two men killed, and four wounded. We loft a number of cattle. We killed '37 of the enemy, and wounded a great number. We picked up 125 lb. cf their bullets, befides what ftuck in the logs of the fort.

Soon after this I went into the Settlement, and nothing worthy of notice paffed for fome time. In July 1779, during my abfence,Col. Bowman with 163 men, went againft the Shawnefc of Old Chi-licothe. He arrived undifcovcred, a battle enfued, which Jafted until ten in the morning, when Colonel Bowman retreated 30 miles. The Indians collected all their ftrength and purfued him, when another engagement enfued for two hours, not to Col. Bowman's advantage. Col. Harrod propofed to mount a number of horfe and brake the enemy's line ; who at this time fought with remarkable fury. This defperate meafure had a happy effect, and the f.vages fled on

   12 the Adventures of

all fides. In theft) two battles we had nine men killed and one wounded. Enemy's lofs uncertain, only two fcalps being taken.

June 22d 1780, 630 Ir.diaui and Canadians under Col. Bird, attacked Riddles and Martain's ftation, and the Forks of Licking River with fix pieces of artillery ; they took all the inhabitants captives, and killed one man and two women, loaded the other: with the htavy baggage, and fuch as failed in the journey were tomaruwktd.

The hoftile difpofition of tin favages caufed General Clark, the commandant at the falls of Ohio, to inarch with his regiaient Bnd the armed force of the 1 "entry againft Peccaway, the principal town of the Shawanefe, on a Orach of the Great Niami, which he finilhed wiih great fuccefo took feventeen fcalps, and bjrr.es the town to afhes, with the lofs of feventeen men.

About this time I returned to Kentucke with my family ; for curing my captivity, mrwife, thinning me killed by the Indices, had tranfported my family and goods on horfes through the wildernefs, amidft many dangers to her fatherjs houfe in North-Carolina, The Kiflory of ray difficulties in going and returning is too long to be inferted here.

On thesith of October 1780, foon after my fettling again at Boonfbarough, I went with tn> brother to the Blue Licks and on our return he was fhot by a party of Indiani, they followed me by feent of a dog, whicn, I fhot and ?fcaped.

The Severity of the winter caufed great dillrefs in Ktntur ta the enemy during the fjmmrr having dell roved m::it of the corn. The inhabitants lived chiefly on Boffaloe'a flelh.

In ff>iinp 1/82, the inriiqrs harrsfTed us.

lo May they killed one at Afhton's tlation, and took a Meg to. Cap;. Afltton purfued. them with ze, men, anti in engage mem which lalted two hours, h>   party wer* obliged tn retreat, raving 8 killed, 4 wtaliy wounded i       brave commander fell it, this

   Cel. Damei Bcoh, 13

Auguft ioth, two boyi weie ca"-ied r>rr" from Major Hoy's lUtiou, Captain Holder purfued with 17 men, they were alio defeated, arid left 4 and 1 wounded,

Our affairs became nor* ani rnor-s alarming. The favages infsfted the country, killing men at every opportunity.

In a field wear Lssington, an Indian fhot a man, and r^nr.tng to fcalp hirn, was himlelf fhot from the fort and fell dead upon his enamy.

AH the Indian cations were now united againft us,

Auguft IJtfi, five hundred Indians and Canadians came againit Briat's ftation ; miles ficm Lexington, they aiTau!;ed the fort, killed all the cattle round it ; but being rrpu'.fed they retired the third day, having about 30 killed their wounded uncertain. The garri-fon had 4 killed and 3 wounded,

Auguft 18:K, Col. 1'odd, Col. Trigg, Major Har. land, apd myfelf, fpeedi'y collected one hundred and] fsventy fix men well arrr.td and purfutd the favaget, They had marched beyond the Blue Licks to a re^ markable bend of the main foik of Lick'.ng River, about 43 miles from Lcxing'.on, where we overtook; them on the 19th.

The favages obferving u<, gave way, and we, ignorant of their numbers, paffed the river. When they faw our proceedings having greatly the advantage in fituation, they formad their line of battle from one end of the Licking to the other, aboat a mile from the Blue Licks. The battle was exceeding fierce for about 15 minutes, when we being overpowered by number.', were obliged to retreat, with the lofs of 67 men 7 of whom were taken priibnert. The brave and nuch lamented Colonels Todd and Trijrg, Major Harland and my fecund fon, were among the dead. We wem afterwards told that the Indians, on numbering their dead, fiiding they had four more killed than we, four pfour pc.'p'e tney had taken, were given up to their young warnor;, to be put to death after their barbarous n. . .

On our retrea; ws tvere net by Col. Logan, who 
   14. the Adventures cf

was hastening to join ui, with a number of well armed men. This powerful affiftance we wanted on tfce day of battle. The enemy (aid one more tire from us would have made thtm give way.

I cannot reileft upon this dreadful fcene, but forrow fills my heart. A %eal for the defence of their country led thefe heroes to the fcenc of action, though with a few men to attack a powerful army of experienced warriors. When we gave way, they purfued us who. the utmoft eagernefs, and in every quarter fprcad dt-ttruftion. The river was difficult to crofs, and many were killed in the flight, fome jnil entering the river, foine in the water, others after eroding in afceading the cliff). Some et'eaped on horfeback, a few on foot , and being difperfed every where in a few hours, broup.ht the melancholy news of this unfortunate battle to Lexington, Many widow* were now made, The reader may guefs what forraw filled the hearts of the inhabitants, exceeding any thing I am able to def-eribe. Being reinforced, we returned to bury the dead, and found their bodies ftrewed every where, cut and mangled in a dreadful manner. This mournful fcene exhibited a horror al.uoit unparalled ; fome torn and eaten by wild beads ; thole in the rivtr taten by limes ; all in inch a putrid conditio-* that' no one could be diftinguifhed from another.

When General Clarlc at the Falls of Ohio, heard of nur difafter, he ordered an expedition to purfue the. favagts, we overtook them within two miles of their towns, and we mould have obtained a great vi&ory, had not fome of them met us when about two hundred poles from their camp. The favages fled in the utmoi'c diforder, and evacuated all their towns, We burned to a(h  s Old Chelicothe. Peccaway, New Che-licothc, Wills T own, and Chelicothe ; entirely de-Aroyed tneir corn and other fruits ; and fpread deflation through their country, We took 7 priloners, and 5 fca'ps, and loft only 4 men, 2 of whom wer   accidentally killed by ourfelves.

This campaign damped the enemy, je: they m2d-   ieciet incu/uans. IflJ 
   Col. Daniel Boon.


in October > party attacked Crap Orchard, and one of them being a good way before the others, boldly entered a h .ufe, in which were only a woman and her children and a negro man. The favage ufed no violence, but attempted to carry off the negro, who happily proved too Strong for him, and threw him on the ground, and in the Struggle the woman cat of his head with an axe---whi!ft her little daughter ihut the door. The favages iaftantly came cp and applied their tomahawks to the door, when the mother putting an old rally gun barrel through a crevice, the favages immediately -vent off.

From that time until the happy retu-n of peace between the United States and Great-Britain, the Indians did us no mifchief.

Soon after this the Indians defired peace. " Two darling fons, and a brother i have loft by favage hands, which have alfo taken from me 40 valuable horfes and abundance of cattle. Many dark and fieeplefj nights have 1 I pent, Separated from the cheerful fsciety of men, fcorched ly the iummer's fun, and pinched by the winter's cold, an instrument ordained .0 Seals the wildernefs.---  ut now the fcece is cfiii:;;.-:d ; Peace crowns the f) Ivan Shade.

Daniel egg::

?  yetn Connty, Kentucke,

   ^ N A R R A T I V E of the Captivity and Efca-pe of Mrs. Francis Scott3 an Inhabitant of Wafhir.gton County, Virginia.

ON Wednefday the 29th day pf { June, 1785, late in the evening, a large company of armed men palTcd the houfe, on their way to Kentucky j fome part of whom encamped within two miles. Mr. Scott living on a frontier part, generally made the family watchful; but on this calami- 1! tous day, after fo large a body of men had palTed, fhortly after night, he lay down in his bed, and imprudently left one of the doors of his houfe open j the f j children were alfo in bed, and afleep. Mrs. Scou was nearly undrtiTed, when, to her unutterable aflonifhment and hor-rour, fhe faw rufhing in through the door that was left open, painted favages with prefented arms, railing a hideous fhriek.

Mr. Scott being awake, inftantly jumped out of his bed, but was immediately fired at: he forced his way thro' the middle of the enemy and got out of the door, but fell a few paces from thence.   An Indian fazed Mrs. Scott,

   A NARRATIVE, &J7. i7

and ordered her to a particular fpot and not to movej others (tabbed and cue the throats of the three youngeft children in their bed, and afterwards lifted them up and dafned them down on the floor, near the mother; the oldeft, a beautiful girl of eight years old, awoke and efcapedout of the bed, and ran to her parent, and, with the moil plaintive ?ccents, cried, "O mama! mama ! fave W me"   the mother, in the deepeftanguifh J|   of fpirit, and with a flood of tears, in-treated the favages to fpare her child ; but, with a brutal fie: cenefs, they tomahawked and ftabbed her in the mother's arms.   Adjacent to Mr. Scott's dwelling houfe, another family lived, of the name of Ball.   The Indians alio attacked them at the fame inftant they did Mr. Scott's : but the door being fhut, the enemy fired into the houfe through an opening between two logs, and killed a young lad, and then eflayed to force the door open ; but a furviving brother fired through the door, and the enemy defifted, and went off; the remaining part of the family ran out of the houfe and efcaped.    In Mr. Scott's houfe were four good rifles well loaded, C and 
   i3   A  NARRATIVE of

and a good deal of cloathing and furniture, part of which belonged to people that had left it on their way to Kentucky. The Indians loaded themltlves with the plunder, being 13 in number, then fpeedilv made oil", and continued travelling all night ; next morning their J chief allotted to each man his fharc, and detached nine of the party to Ileal hoiles from the inhabitants on Clinch.   

The eleventh day after Mrs. Scott's captivity, the four Indians that had her , in charge flopped at a place of rendezvous, and to hunt, being now in great want of provifions. Three went out, and the chief, being an old man, was | left to take care of the prilcner, who, by this time, exprefied a willingnefs to proceed to the Indian towns, v.Inch feemtd to have the deli red 1 fleet of leflening her keeper's vigilante. In the day time, as the old man was graining a deer-fkin, the captive, pondering on her fituation, and anxiouflv looking; for an opportunity to make her d'eape, took the refolution, and going to 1 he Indian caielefsly, afked liberty to go a fmaJl diftance to a ftream of water, to wafh the blood off" kr apron, that had 

remained beimcarcd fince the fatal night of the murder of her little daughter. He faid to her in the Englifh tongue, " go alongihe then pafled by him, his fare being; in a contrary direction from that fhe was going, and he very bufy. She, after getting to the water, proceeded on without delay, made to a Inch barren mountain, and travelled until late in the evening, when fhe came down to the valley, in fearch of the track ihe had been taken along; hoping ther^bv to find the way back, without the ride of being loir, and per-ifhing with hunger in uninhabited parts. On coming acrofs the valley to the river fide, fuppofed to be the ealterly branch of Kentucky river, (he obferved in the fand, tracks of two men, that had gone up the river, and had juft returned.    She concluded thefe to have 'been her purfuers, which excited emotions of gratitude and thank fulnefs to divine providence for fo timeous a deliverance. Being without any provifions, having no kind of weapon or tool to afXiit her in getting any, and being almoft oefti-tute oi cloathing, alio knowing that a Vaft tract ofrueged high mountains in-

   to A NARRATIVE or

tervened, between where (he was and the inhabitants eaftwardly, and that dif~ tance of the Kentucky Settlements unknown, and fhe almoft as ignorant as a child of the method of fteering through the woods, excited painful fenfations,   -But certain death, either by hunger or wild beafts, feemed  preferable rather than to be in the power of beings who had excited in her mind fuch horrour. She addreffed  heaven for protection, and taking courage, proceeded onward. After  travelling three days, fhe had nearly met with the Indians, as fhe fup-poled, that had been fent to Clinch to {teal horfes, but providentially hearing their approach, concealed herfelf among the cane, until the enemy had pafied This giving afrefh alarm, and her mind being filled with confternation, fhe got loA,  proceeding backwards and forwards for feveral days : at length fhe came to a river, that feemed to come from the eaft j concluding it was Sandy river, fne accordingly refolved to trace it to its fource, which is adjr.cent to the Clinch fettlevnent.   Afcer proceeding up the fame feveral days, fne came to where the river runs through the great


L-aural mountain, where is a prodigiou: water-fall,  and numerous high craggy elites along the wat<*r edge ; that way feemed impalTable, the mountain fteq. and difficult: However, our mournful I   traveller concluded chat the latter way was the beit.   She therefore afcended for fome time, but coming to a range 1   of  inaccefiible rocks,   flit turned her courfe towards the foot of the mountain and the river fide; after getting into a I  deep g