xt7dv40jx00g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dv40jx00g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-10-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 2001 2001 2001-10-10 2020 true xt7dv40jx00g section xt7dv40jx00g Organized

To do list:

I am one of the most
disorganized people
in the entire world. |
find that making a
list of things to do
often helps, so here
are my top IO things
to take care of this

10. Put in an application
for the Ultimate
Championship. Maybe
being beaten within
inches of my life will
give me a proper
excuse from next
week's calculus

9. Check the rail editor
e-mail account and
hope that there are
at least 200 e-mails
to read, rather than
the usual one or two.
i honestly don’t think
it's possible, but you
could prove me

8. Establish my dorm
room as an
independent country.
Then for fun I can
declare war on the
room above me for
violating my
airspace. We'll see


how they like the
anti-aircraft fire at 2

7. Put those little
security tags in my
roommate's shoes so
that every time we
go into a store,
security tackles and
frisks him.

6. Fix the broken window
in my room.
Apparently, small
rooms, golf balls and
anything above a
pitching wedge don't
mix. This may need
to be moved up in
priority if it gets
much colder.

5. Start the l,000 e-mail
campaign. l hope to
make the rail a bit
more interactive. One
thousand is a bit
high, but l'Ii never
reach 100 if i don't
shoot for the stars.

4. Eat. l hope that by
making a point of it
I'll find time for three
meals a day.

3. Sleep. i hope that l'll
be sitting around at i
am. and see this list
and be like, "Oh
yeah, i knew i was
supposed to be doing

2. Discover the meaning
of life. I put this on
my list every week
but for some reason
or another I keep
putting it off.

Ebrd offers advice

By Emily Nagedorn

conitneurmc wnliiR

Former Sen. Wendell Ford's
visit to UK on Tuesday allowed
students to gain an understanding
of his perceptions of the suicide hi

Ford. a Democrat. said many
agencies in the government had
prior information that the
tragedies were going to happen.

"We had sufficient warning
over the years and we didn‘t pre-
pare ourselves for what hap
pened." he said.

Quinton Nation. an agricul
ture economics freshman.
agreed with Ford, “Our country
was aware but didn't do anything

to react." he said.

Nation was disappointed that
Ford didn't have an answer to
what the l'nited States should do.
"He addressed the question but
didn‘t give a solution." he said.

Even though it didn't surprise
Ford that our nation has become a
casualty to terrorism he did offer
advice to students.

“We should live life and not let
this occasion spook us .. They istu
dents) should help the coiniiiuni
ty." he said.

Ford specifically mentioned
the receiil hate crimes that have
occurred on campus since the sui
cide hijackings. And he said the so.
lution is within us.

"Stop the hate crimes. That

will be a plus. We are not that type
of country." he said.

Along with promoting student
involvement. Ford urged people to
get involved in the health industry
as a way to combat bioterrorism.

Dustin Branham. a finance
sophomore. disagreed with Ford's
hope that the media will show rev
straint in publishing the govern
menl‘s secret plans.

“I disagree with him saying
America has too much media I be
lieve independent media is inte-
gral." Iiranham said

Irrespective of what happens.
Ford is optimistic. "There are
many things to he done right. I
hope we don't move too fast and do
things wrong." Ford said



The Goodyear
blimp soars high
above UN’s cam-
pus on Tuesday.
The first
Goodyear blimp
was built In 1925.
Over the years
Goodyear has
built more than
300 of these alr-
ships. During
World War it
many of the
airships were
used by the 0.5.
Navy for aerial
Today the
Goodyear Tire and
Rubber Co. oper-
ates three well-
blimps: the Spirit
of Goodyear,
based in Akron,
Ohio; the Eagle,
based in Carson.
Calif.; and the
Stars and Stripes,
in Pompano
Beach. Fla. The
fleet also has two
alrships that
operate outside of
the United
States: the Spirit
of Europe, oper-
ating on the
European conti-
nent, and the
Spirit of the
Americas, flying
over South Amer-


JESSE LEBUS i xrnvr.


nttp Y.Mnel.m

JESSE [[505 I xtiixn surr

Sen. Wendell Ford meets with the press at the Student Center on
Tuesday. Ford will speak today at noon in the Law School courtroom.


Lorenzen leaving?

Z'Afii RIF m"

The l lilt‘lilllJIl I'ost re
ported 'I‘iiesdav that sopho
more quartei‘hiu l; .Iaied
Loren/en will tirinslei it the
end of this season Iiut his
step-father says it‘s i i‘uinoi
and there's no dist iissioi. of
Lorenzen leaving I'K

"All he ever wanted to do
was play football at I'K.~ .Ieti
Hermes said "As ol tight
now that's the .my it
stands "

Loienren told repoiters
ilIIt‘l pin-tire Tuesda', he
had no puns oftr'insleit‘iiig

It Loren/en
ti‘aiisiei he would likely go
to a non Itivision A school
because he alrearh used ‘lli
his redshirt option his first
season at I'K

If he went to a non Ill‘.'l

'.‘./III'\ Iti


sion A school he would not
be reunited to sit out a year.
he could play iininediatelv

Loren/en started the
gum season opener against.
Louisville but held toil h
(.u\ .\Ioi'i iss has started red
shirt freshman Shane Rovd
over Loren/en III the last
four games

‘bhane is 'he guy for our
‘utuie tor the type of offense
'h.it we want to have here I
stili think when .yet in ind
the oppottxiiiit‘. pre
sents itself that we plav
.I lied" .\Iori iss ‘sloii


Lorenzen didn‘t play any
against Florida Ball State or
South (Iii‘tilina He played in
the s‘et'olii’l half against Ole
Miss. giving the (‘ats in

Speakers challenging
racial perceptions

Truth: Descendants of Thomas Jefferson
will talk about race in contemporary America

By Heath Tingle


In 1998 a woman in Staten Island. N Y . waited for DNA test
results to come back to confirm a rumor in her family for gener-
ations The story that her family was tied to the family of former

those in charge ,
- President and founding father Thomas Jefferson had continual
thought It would be iv been passed down

humorous to sell . u.) . .
- . . e t e .s -: e z ' W h av ‘ab e ‘e‘u ti. ,Iiiii.i .Iet
them while i, along H i n h te t ( lm Iii\mericans Eric A. Cornell. 39. of the
National Institute of Standards and ’I‘eclinology
in lloulder. (‘olo . and Carl E. Wieman. 50. of the
l'nnersity of Colorado in Boulder. and a Ger
man. Wolfgang Ketterle. 4:5. ol‘ the Massachusetts
Institute of 'l‘echnologi The chemistry and eco
nomics prizes will be awarded Wednesday and
the literature prize on Thursday. (in Friday. the
\\ inner of the peace prize will be announced in
”silt Not'\\;t\‘

Online music returns, but at cost

NEW YURK The recording industry an-
nounced a licensing agreement with songwriters
.iiid music publishers Tuesday that W11] help
clear the way for industrybacked music distribu-
tion over the Internet. The deal allows members
of the Recording Industry Association of Ameri
ca. which includes all live major labels. to license
for onlinc use any song from the Harry Fox
Agency the largest in the industry. The record
mg industry is hoping to launch two oiiliiie inu
sic subscription servrces later this year. Sony
and l'niversal have teamed tip to form pressplay;
the other three major labels Warner. EMI and
liet'telsinami's RMll are backing the rival ser
vice .\liisic.‘\'et Napster reached its own agree
inciit \\1il1 music publishers last month. The li
l‘elises \\1|l cover both the streaming of music as
well .is limited downloads of music files. meaning
ones that can be played only for a litnited time or
for a limited number of playbacks

Milosevic charged in civilians' deaths
.v\1\1.\‘TliR11i\I\l Netherlands A l' N nidge
confirmed another indictment against Slobodan
Milosevic. charging the former Yugoslav leader
\\'llil the murder of hundreds ot‘cn‘ilians and the
e\pulsion of 170.000 non Serbs in Croatia. the m

bunal said 'l‘iiesdav .liidge Almiro Rodrigues of

Portugal on Monday confirmed the indictment
accusing Mlilis‘t‘VIC of 82 counts of persecution.
torture. murder. plunder. unlawful Illlpl‘ls‘till
ment. destroying religious institutions and
schools. and other “inhuman acts" in a Serb cam
paign of ethnic cleansing between August 1991
and .liiiie 1992

Cars becoming less gas effluent
\\'.\Sllll\'li’l‘llf\' less than 0 percent of the
2002 model cars and trucks arrtvtng in show
rooms get better than .‘ltl miles per galloti. and
new cars on average get slightly less gas mileage



- Ten students will win vouchers worth $103 each
- Festival food and live music on the terrace
' Post time 1:15 pm. (ET)

W's, Gama,

W mum I“ mm



Spike Lee ts
auctioning off a
courtside seat
next to him at the
New York Knicks'
Oct 30 opener at
Madison Square
Garden. where
Michael Jordan
will return to
basketball as a
member of the
Wizards after
three years of
retirement. The
auction. through
the NBA and
Yahoo. will
benefit the UFA
widows and
Children Fund.
which the Fire
Department of
New York
established to
support the
families of those
most affected by
the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks.
Bidding began
Tuesday and ends
on Oct. 23. Lee.
the filmmaker
who's a fixture at
Kntcks games,
told New York
Daily News
columnist Mitchell
Fink that the
ticket usually
costs $1,500. but
he expects it wrll
go for about 10
times that
amount. Lee said
the winning
bidder "wrll sit
with me, go into
both locker rooms
after the game.
see Mike and get
auto-graphs. This
15 gorng to be a
historic night in

than the 2001 models. America's love affair with
gas-guzzling sport utility vehicles and pickups
again held down the overall numbers for the 865
cars. trucks and vans listed in the annual fuel
economy statistics released Tuesday by the Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency. Just 48 models. led
by two hybrid gas- and electric-powered vehicles.
get 30 mpg or better in combined city and high-
way driving. More than a third get less than 20
mpg. The majority get between 20 and 30 mpg.
The hybrids. the two—seat Honda Insight coupe
and live-seat Toyota Prius sedan. topped the list
of fuel tnisers for the third straight year. at 64
mpg and 48 mpg. respectively. They are followed
by four Volkswagen diesel cars, the Honda Civic
HX and Toyota Echo. all 37 mpg or better. EPA
Administrator Christie Whitman said more fuel-
etficient vehicles could save owners more than
$1,500 a year. An increase of just 3 mpg industry-
wide could reduce carbon dioxide emissions
blamed for global warming by 140 million metric
tons. the EPA said.

Final report filed on Lewinsky saga

WASHINGTON Writing the last chapter
in the $60 million criminal investigation of the
(‘lintons prosecutors filed a final report on the
president‘s conduct in the Monica Lewinsky
scandal. Independent Counsel Robert Ray's re
port went to the panel of three federal appeals
judges that has supervised the wide—ranging in»
vestigation ofthe (‘Iintons since 1994. The judges
are keeping the report confidential until at least
Jan. 11 to give Clinton and others named in it
time to offer written rebuttals.

‘Friends' beats ‘ER’ in Nielsen ratings

Primetime ratings compiled by Nielsen Me-
dia Research for Oct. 1-7. Top 20 listings include
the week's ranking. with rating for the week and
season-lo-date rankings in parentheses. Ati "X" in
parentheses denotes a onetime—only presenta-
tion. The rating is the percentage of the nation's
estimated 105.5 million TV homes. Each ratings
point represents 1.055.000 households. 1. (1)
"Friends." NBC. 18.9. 200 million homes. 2. (2)
"ER.” NBC. 17.4. 18.3 million homes. 8. (8) "The
West Wing." NBC. 16.8. 17.2 million homes. 4. (4)
"Law 8; Order." NBC. 15.0. 15.8 million homes. 5,
(cl) "Everybody Loves Raymond." CBS. 14.6. 15.4
million homes. 0. (ti) "Inside Schwartz." NBC.
13.0. 13.7 million homes. 7 (7) "(‘81: Crime Scene
Investigation." CBS. 12.6. 13.3 million homes. 7.
(8) "Will 8: Grace." NRC. 12.6. 13 8 million homes.
9. (11) "Becker." CBS. 12.0. 12.7 million homes. 10.
1151 "Judging Amy." CBS. 112. 11.8 million

Compiled from wire reports

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The first 1,003 students with valid college 105 receive free admission and a $2 betting voucher
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Phi Delta Theta re-opens at UK

Ily Kristi Martin


UK has one more fraterni-
ty to add to its list of more
than 80 Greek organizations.

After 13 years of absence.
the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity
is reestablishing itself on

The group left UK in 1988.
and is reorganizing the chap-
ter with hopes of success. said
the fraternity‘s president. Joe
Ruschell. an economics junior.

“The international organi-
zation felt that the timing was
right to bring their strong or-
ganization back to the Univer-
sity of Kentucky." Ruschell

Members of the UK chap-
ter have the opportunity to
form new traditions and help
reorganize Phi Delt on catn-
pus. Ruschell said he hopes
that bringing the organization
back to campus will create a
lasting impact on UK.

“As a group. we want to
create a strong internal bond
that will allow us to work to
gether with other Greek and
non-Greek organizations to
create a renewed sense of
campus unity and spirit."
Ruschell said.

Phi Delt currently has 20
members rebuilding the fra-
ternity at UK. and 185 chap-

The art of” signing

ters in 43 states in the United
States anti Canada.

Phi Delt is participating
in open rush this semester
and has organized officers.
Ruschell said new members
join each week and that the
fraternity is interested in
meeting potential members.

“I chose Phi Delt because
it was an excellent opportuni-
ty to gain leadership early in
my college career. and the fra‘
ternity showed that it had
promise to be an established
Greek organization." said
Adam Stigall. vice president
and pre-pharniacy freshman.

The Phi Delta Theta Fra-
ternity is working toward its
goals of re-establishing a suc-
cessful chapter at UK and re-
cruiting potential members.

“We have strong alumni
support and we intend to work
hard to make Phi Delta Theta
a success." Ruschell said.

The Phi Delta Theta fraternity will
be sponsoring "The Big
LaBowlski" on Oct. 30 at
Southland Bowling Lanes to
raise money for the Sept. 11
Rescue Relief Fund.

For more information, call Joe
Ruschell or Recruitment Chair
Marshall Glover, at 252-2834
or visit www.phideltatheta.org.

Jase mus 1 mm Starr

Nina Boyer and mutant M. Culley Sr. chat about an exhibit nslag
American Sign Luggage at the Rudd! Gallery In the Student Center.


Racing through October 27
Closed Mondays and Tuesdays






Patrick Avery
Scene Editor
Phone. 2571915 I Email: hernelartOyahoo. com



DVD making mark in stores,
giving consumers quality

Thaw} H

"‘4. Ni” ‘.
f3?§fi£ji QEQ‘: It.

Many popular new and old films will be released on DVD, now that it Is a proven hit among consumers. Video and
retail stores are getting rid at some VHS tapes and putting more DVDs on the shelves.

Dy Bryan Marshall


Movie fans do not have to
look any further than their lo»
cal Blockbuster to see the im-
pact that DVD movies have had
on film rentals. Blockbuster re
cently announced it will he get
ting rid of more than 20 percent
of its VHS cat' {log to make
Ioom foI the new-I (“l('ilit“ and
ultimately betteI

With changes like these oc
curring movie studios are eager
to release films on DVD. which
have loads of extra material
This makes old classics. popu»
lar and critical favorites and
even television shows easily ac-

cessible to fans. Here is a list of

ill DVDs recently released or
coming soon to stores that
should not be missed.

(‘itizen Kane (out now)
Arguably the best American
film ever made. the two-disc set
includes commentary by film
director Peter Bogdanovich and
critic Roger Eben. the "Battle of

fin mat of

(‘itiyen Kane" documentary.
IIIIw'sreel footage. a gallery of
stills and the film's tr IileI
l’lliW".l‘\t‘l the IIzIIl highlight is
the film itself

The Simpsons: Season One
(out now; Homer. Hart.
Marge. Lisa and Maggie come
to DVD in a three-disc set fea
turing some of the funniest
episodes in this hilarious se-
ries The collection includes
commentary for every episode.
three scripts. outtakes, early
sketches and foreign language

Home White and the Seceri
[hear/s (Oct. to This Disney
film is historically known as
the fIrst ever animated feature
film. The twodisc set for this
fairy tale includes a lo~minute
documentary. animated shorts.
commentary from recorded ma
terial of Walt Disney himself.
the Brothers (irimm original
version. test footage and hlstor
ical featurettes

The (I‘m/father (‘ol/ection
(Oct, 9) Finally. the ultimate
mob trilogy comes to DVD with

Kitty O’Shea’s






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footage. games. music videos.
character interviews commen-
tary an extended ending story-
boards for deleted scenes out
takes and a featurette showing
how the film was dubbed in oth-
er languages. The disc also con-
tains never before used technolr
03y. which allows viewers to
record their own voices for the

The Sopranos: The (.‘om
plete Second Season (Nov. 6)
(me of the best television shows
releases its second season on
DVD. which explores the life of
Tony Soprano deeper. Features
include commentary for several
episodes, two featurettes and
web links. The real draw here
is the brilliant thirteen
episodes that are shown in

Doctor Zhicago (Nov. 6)
The winner of five Academy
Awards comes to DVD in a dou
ble disc extravaganza The fea»
tures include commentary by
the film‘s stars. a 30-minute be»
hind the scenes documentary.
10 vintage documentaries pro
filing the film's production and
stars. the film‘s trailer and vin
tage sound bites from the film's
196’; New York premiere.

Almost Famous I 'ntitlea’
The Bootleg (‘ut (Dec, ll
(‘ameron (‘rowe's ode to rock
'n' roll has already been re
leased on DVD But now comes
a director‘s cut of the film with
nearly iltl minutes of added
footage and new special fea
tures The triple disc includes a
Lester Bangs interview. cast an
dition tapes. a deleted scene,
Stillwater concert footage. the
shooting script. Rolling Stone
articles by (‘rowe and film com
mentary by the director

Moulin Rouge (Dec 18;
This N'icole Kirlman Ewan Me
Gregor film proved that the mu
sical Is‘ not dead yet. Now the
DVD arrives for fans of this RaI
Luhrmann film. Features of the
double disc include production
and writing commentary. eight
behind the scenes shorts. an
HBO "making of“ special. fiVe
featurettes. earlier drafts of the
screenplay. extended and delet
ed scenes and dance sequences.
two music videos. the MTV per
formance of "Lady Marmalade
and 10 easter eggs with addi
tional material


an offer you can't refuse. With
out The Godfather. there Would
be no (I‘oodfellas and no Supra
nos. This five-disc set includes
all three films spread out on
four discs. with a separate disc
dedicated to special features in
cluding a 73-minute documen»
tary on the film‘s origins.
screen tests. additional scenes
and several featurettes.

Star Wars: The Phantom
Menace (Oct. 16) While Star
Wars fans will have to wait sev
eral more years before the sa
cred original trilogy is released.
(‘Ieorge Lucas decided to give
viewers something to satisfy
sci-fi fans anticipating Episode
II in the summer of 2002. This
double disc set includes the
first ever commentary by Lu-
cas. deleted scenes with seven
brand new sequences. an hour
long documentary. five tea»
turettes. storyboards. photo gal-
leries and the film‘s trailer,

Shrek (Nov. 2) This
charming Pixar flick comes to
DVD with a variety of features
including behind the scenes


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and price.



Lifehouse will perform with The
Calling and Michelle Branch at
0:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 13
at Bogart's In Cincinnati.
Reserved tickets cost $13.50.


If you have an entertainment
listing that you wish to put on
the 'On Tap' page, please e-
mail kernelart®yahoo.com, tax
to 323-1906 or call 257-1915.
Please include time, date, place

I WV titanic


Ozzy Osbourne

Ozzy Osbourne will perform
with Rob Zombie at 7 p.m. on
Saturday, Nov. 17 at Firstar
Center in Cincinnati. Reserved
tickets cost $39 - $64.50.

Mike Allen Trio. High on Rose. 9 p.m.
Tickets cost $3.


Green Genes w/ Peace In The Jones.
Lynaqh's. 10 pm. Tickets cost $3.


Big Maracas. High on Rose. 9 p.m. Tick-
ets cost $3.

Wildfire. Lynagh's. 9 p.m. Tickets cost


On Tap...

For the week of Oct. 10 - Oct. 16





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III‘I‘III' l1.ill\




KY 4031



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Iiiretiiirx .IIIII ~.iIII‘ :II IIII \I hit! s IicngI in student pcrwnnIl
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and lil I'x'l litil ;\Iit'llt in i' ilit'It‘rl’i‘ti. This is .1 regular. IUII-IITTTC‘. I2-
niIinIlI yuwirinii xii'li .IIIIII\.II.II\|I' \.ll.ll’\‘ plus .In L’Xtt‘IICITI limit-tits
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Fillllllit‘tl III I‘ I ‘
\VUITTI‘II I1‘\.iit'ti iii Tltt li. .IIItItIIi lilucgmxx .il’CJ III( cntml KentuI lx'V.
yust HUTHIII‘ HI I I‘\Ilis:11\11 llII~ IIIIII-ge is historically affiliated wrili
(Iicl I1r1\il.lil( lIiIr. l1 lirsI iyilI'x Iiii IIristI and often .IssnImtr‘ .InII
ILIIIIclIir's \I(‘§:TC'L'\ III 1 TIIIIIIIN‘T til IIiinpIines

Send I IIIIIr «it interest. II iinie silari rIIyuirchnts .InIl nirnex.
phnnc nunIliI rs ”III .II. ‘III: \\t s at Tlll't‘t' 1‘ professional rcterInIes to
Gary Planck. Midwai ( allege. 5| T Fast Stephens Street Midan
\Xe. “Ill IIIIyit resumes until Number 20 200i

Director q/‘Residenre Life

II. . .II III. .IIIII1T\ IIiI IliI position (It ITirIIIIII III

IITI T‘IHIIIHII ltIllTlIThith I Inniprc’litnme I'(\l

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\IltI\‘» l‘. ( allege |\ KI‘IIIIIIIIUs unli' IIillch‘ IIir





7p.m. Tickets cost $10.

Wolf Eyes w/ Hair Police and NFC.
Mecca. 8 p.m. Tickets cost $5.


Jo Dee Messina. Rupp Arena. 7:30 p.m.
Reserved tickets cost $25 - $34.50.


Clarinetist Richard Stoltzman w/ family. Dreadnot. Lynagh's. 10 p.m. Tickets cost
Singletary Center for the Arts. 8 p.m. $3,

Tickets cost $15 tor UK students and
$25 IOI the general ”Ubl'c' Robert Cray Band. Kentucky Theatre.
8 pm. Tickets cost $28.50.


BR549 w/ Robbie Fulks. tynagh's.

9 pm, Tickets cost $12,

Ulu w/ The Riverside Project. 10 p. m
Wednesday. Oct 17. Lynaqh' 5. Tickets

The Meeting. Singletary Center forthe COSI 55.

Arts. 8 p.m. Tickets cost $8 for UK stu-

dents and $10 for the general public. A" Flavor. 9 p.m. Thursday, 0d. 13-

High on Rose. Tickets cost $3.

The Wilkinsons. Montgomery County
High School Gym, Mt. Sterling, Ky.

Rock Stars of Soul. 10 pm. Thursday.
Oct. 18. Lynaqh’s. Tickets cost $3.




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