xt7dv40jwx94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dv40jwx94/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-02-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1991 1991 1991-02-26 2020 true xt7dv40jwx94 section xt7dv40jwx94  


ntucky Kernel

12 die as Scud missile destroys allied barracks

Associated Press

DHAHRAN. Saudi Arabia -—
The American war machine, push-
ing deeper into Iraq and Kuwait.
clashed yesterday with the elite Ira-
qi Republican Guard. Hours later.
Baghdad surprised the world by an-
nouncing it had ordered its troops to
withdraw from occupied Kuwait.

The Iraqis, reeling before the ad-
vance of the U.S.-led alliance.
struck back with a Scud missile at-
tack on a US. banacks here.
Twelve servicemen were killed, 25
were wounded and 40 were unac-
counted for. the US. military said.

The Baghdad radio announce-
ment of a Kuwait pullout said Iraqi
troops “have completed their duty

of jihad,” or holy war. But it did not
specify a timetable, and it threw the
diplomatic-military picture into con-

It appeared the Iraqis might at-
tempt a retreat into their home terri-
tory under American fire. If success-
ful. it could foil the desire of some
alliance leaders to destroy more of
Iraq's military power.

A senior Pentagon official said
last night allied intelligence sources
had reports of “some movement of
(Iraqi) units going north."

“It's too early to say whether it’s
repositioning or withdrawal.” said
the official. who spoke on condition
of anonymity.

But other US. officials appeared
skeptical that a pullout was under-
way and several others said there

was no convincing sign of a with-

The official Iraqi radio said Presi-
dent Saddam Hussein ordered the
withdrawal in line with a Soviet
peace plan. A Soviet plan last week
was rejected by Washington, but
the Soviets yesterday presented un-
disclosed new proposals at a closed
U.N. meeting in New York.

In Washington. the White House
dismissed the Baghdad announce-
ment “The war goes on," President
Bush’s spokesman said.

The war went well for the Desert
Storm forces yesterday. as they
smashed scores of Iraqi tanks and
scooped up thousands more prison-
ers, the US. command reported.

See GULF, Page 5


Senior Staff Writer

Saddam Hussein's announced
plan yesterday to withdraw from
Kuwait after three days of a mas-
sive ground war could be an at-
tempt to retain his political power,
according to several UK profes-

But it probably would not deter
the US. plan to continue its mili-
tary offensive and remove him
from power, some said.


Robert Olson, history profes-
sor, called the announcement
Saddam's “hope in the dark.”

“I think the announcement
would be a hope on his pan that
perhaps the US would let some
of his troops go Nonh, .. and
maybe there’s a chance his re-
gime would stay in power." he
said. “He really is attempting to
try to save his regime."

However. the United States
“wants to crush whatever is left
of his army and topple his re—

UK specialists question Iraqi pullout

gime," he said.

Stuart Kaufman, political sci-
ence professor. said the statement
“would be aimed at (Saddam's)
staying in power," and also to
create the perception among Ira-
qis that Iraq won the war and es—
tablished peace.

“This way he could explain his
leaving Kuwait while winning the
war," Kaufman said. “The only
real effect it can have is the of

See REACTION, Page 3







The blue umbrella of junior Leslie Williams seemed to be the only bright spot in an otherwise snowy Monday. The National Weather Service forecasts cloudy skies today and more cold tonight, with lows
from 15 to 20 and northwest winds of 5 to 10 mph.


UK residence halls ‘livin’ it up’ this week

Staff Writer

UK dorms are “Livin’ It Up,"
during the 1991 Residence Hall

The Residence Hall Association
has planned activities this week to
celebrate being a pan residence hall
living, said Erica McDonald, presi-
dent of RHA.

“We don’t get much recognition."
McDonald said “The greeks have


Alpha Kappa Alpha
presents “We Want
Our Lite Backl”, a
Black History Month
spotlight; 8 p.m., Old
Student Center The-
ater; tree.

leads hot
into Rupp.

Page 2.


Viewpoint .......................... 4
Classifieds ........................ 6

Diversions ......................... 7




weeks, SAB (Student Activities
Board) has the Little Kentucky Der-
by. so we thought we needed a

The activities began yesterday
with Resident Adviser and Hall Di-
rector Appreciation Day. RHA pre-
sented RAs with huggers and recep-
tionists with flowers.

Pictures also were taken in the the
lobbies of dorms in a part of “You
Ought to be in Pictures" program.
This also will be held tomorrow

Today is Residence Hall Govem-
ment Appreciation Day. A luncheon
will be held for all Residence Hall

Government officers 11 a.m. to 1

“A lot of people don’t know there
is a RHG,“ she said. They‘ll get
recognition for the work they do in
the halls (at the banquet)“

Tonight is “RHA Night Out With
the Kats" at the Kentucky-Alabama
game. 500 free pompons will be
given out to the UK fans.

“Sex on the Beach." a mocktail
pany. will be held at Haggin Hall
Thursday night from 5 to 7 pm.
Non-alcoholic beverages and food
will be served by RHA. Volleyball.
frisbee and horseshoes will be

“We’re hoping for a big turnout,"
said Dimpi Patel, vrce president of
RHA. Pending bad weather. RHA
will rent a tent.

Residence Hall Week wrll end
with “Sttrfin' U of K — a Pre-
Spring Break Bash" at the Conti-
nental lnn from 9 pm. to l a.m.

Free shuttles to and from the cam-
pus will start nrnning at 8:30 pm.
Friday night. "lhcy will depart in
front of Lambda Chi Alpha Com-
plex and from Jewell Hall.

Tickets are $3 per person and $4
per couple and can be purchased at
campus cafeterias and at the door of
the dance.

Forum focuses on alternatives to war

Staff Writer

Speaking about alternatives to
war in the Persian Gulf. about 50
activists gathered last night in Lex-
ington’s Central Public Library to
express their feelings toward U.S.
involvement in the Middle East.

“Those who have reservations
about the Gulf War have a dilem-
ma," said Richard Mitchell, co-
chair of the Council for Peace &
Justice. who co-sponsored the
event. “When we express our reser-
vations, we are seen as failing to
support the women and men who
are risking their lives in the gulf.
But is failing to debate an unwise
and morally suspect war the best
way to support our troops? We
think otherwise "

The forum. "The US. in the
Middle East." which was held in
the library’s theater. began with the
showing of “Perspectives on the

See WAR, Page 3


Staff Writer

A specialist on international
law said last night that Iraqi war
crimes were precedented by
events in other wars.

That precedent. he said, may
hurt the possibility of a human
rights violation case against the
Iraqi government following the
war in the Persian Gulf.

Harry H. Almond, Jr.. profes-
sor of lntemational Law and dep-
uty director of the Institute of
National Security Studies at the
National Defense University in
Washington, DC, spoke last
night at a lecture sponsaed by
the UK College of Law. the Pat-


Iraqi war-crimes charge
hampered, specialist says

terson School for Diplomacy and
lntemational Commerce.
Almond. also a consultant to
the Department of Defense on
strategy, intemational relations
and international law. arms con-
trol and constitutional law. iden-
tified three areas in which Iraq
has allegedly committed human
rights abuses of the Geneva war-
fare conventions — use of chem-
ical weapons. military attacks on
civilian populations and the
treatment of prisoners of war.
The Geneva conventions have
been repeatedly violated in nu-
merous military conflicts in re-
cent years. he said. He cited the

See LAW. Page 5




A tanner newspaper publish.
or a retired veteran reporter of
the Kentucky capital press corps
and a phbtographer fora nation-
ally circular.
ed magazine;
have been
named to the:

Journalism 3-.
Hall of Fm
at UK.

They are:

Bingham Jr., . 7 '
who was edié BtNGHAM. JR.
tor and pub;
lisher of the Louisville Courier~
Journal and. The LouiSVille
Times from 19'“ to 1986

Sam Abell. photographer for
National Geographic

~Livingstan Taylor, retired
Frankfort bureau reporter for
The Courierdoumal from 1.964
to l987.

The awards will be pressured
in ceremonies at the UK Single:
tary Ccnterfor theArtsaspartof
14th mutual Joe Creasoo lec-
ture. set for 8 pm. Tuesday
Mar. 26

Bernard Shaw, world news the

" chat for” (352 WWW

will be Cream locum

‘WHAS, inc. in Wrisville, he
worked in the news department
atNBC. in 1986 he received the
top award from the Louisville
chapter of the Society of Profes~
sioml. Journalists for defending
the First

Abell. a
1969 UK
graduate. is
an interna-
tionally rec‘
or for Na-
tional Geo-

graphic. He
has published on cultural and
wilderness subjects and has ex.
hibired his photograpta through-
out the world.

In 1990. Eastman Kodak and
Masai-Gram published a

tire autograph of his
photographs titled, "Stay This

A companiott exhibit of his
world was shown at the rum.-
tional Center forPhotograpttyio
New York City.






“kW; {3*

us. AirPorceuanmgauon







 2 - My Kernel, Tuesday, February 26, 1991

Wimp brings rising Tide to Rupp

Assistant Sports Editor

It's late February. and anyone
who follows Southeastern Confer-
ence basketball knows what that
means — Alabama is making its an-
nual run at the league title.

Coaches preach about “making at
the right time," but Alabama coach
Wimp Sanderson seems to have a
solid grasp on what it takes. The
Crimson Tide has been in the cham-
pionship game of the SEC Tourna-
ment seven of the last nine years
and has won the last two.

“1 think they‘ve come together at
the right time —- when you want to
come together," UK coach Rick Pit-
ino said. “And they're going to be a
good NCAA team."

Alabama enters tonight's 9:30
pm. game against UK at Rupp Are-
na having won seven of its last nine
games, including a 97-72 whipping
of Mississippi State last Saturday.
But that is no accident.

“We work very hard at getting our
team to play hard all year," Sander-
son said yesterday on the SEC Tele-
conference. “We particularly stress
playing well at the end. though,
when it means the most."

The Crimson Tide (17-8, 11-5
SEC) finds itself one game behind
conference front-mnners UK and
LSU, both 124 with two games re-

With home wins against Alabama


Fluid": Kentucky (20-6
overall, 12-4 SEC) vs.

Alabama (17- —,8 11- -5).
11pott: 9:39 pm.

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and Auburn, the Wildcats (20-6)
will finish with the league's best
record andgwin the (unofficial) SEC
title. Coupled with an LSU loss at
Florida on Wednesday or at Missis-
sippi State on Saturday, the Cats
would sit alone at the top.

“I think that we've reached a
great goal in 20 victories, and we’re
certainly tied for the conference
lead," Pitino said during a news con-
ference yesterday. “but we have two
games at home and I think that in
order for us to be a special team and
part of this great uadition.

“If we win the last two games, I
think they could be part of that — a



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small put" .because we're not eli-
gible for postseason play."

Being part of that tradition is cer-
tainly something the Wildcats have
strived for.

“I’ve seen a lot of players and a
lot of great teams here," UK for-
ward John Pelphrey said. “I' ve al-
ways wanted to be part of this.
When you come to Kentucky, that s
what you want. You want to be a
partof It.”

“It’ s something you have to real-
ize because we're on probation and
to win the (SEC) championship will
make us remembered,” UK center
Reggie Hanson said.

Yes, being on NCAA probation,
few expected the Cats to win 20
games and still be in the hunt for the
regular-season title with only a
week left

“I think none of us expected this,”
Pitino said. “Let’s be honest. None
of us did except for a couple of peo-
ple who don't ever see Kentucky
losing one game.

“Now that they’ve accomplished
that, that’s something. being on pro-
bation, that they can look back on
with a tremendous amount of

“(Winning the SEC) is very im-
portant to us even though they say
we can’t," said UK freshman Jamal
Mashbum. “In our own hearts we‘ll
know we won. Whoever wins the
official title, I don't think they’ll
feel right about it.

“It's who wins it on the court,
that’s all that matters.”

Without the hope of postseason
play, UK still being in the confer-
ence title hunt has helped the Cats
stay focused on winning games.

“Being on probation the last two
years, sometimes you're wondering
what you're playing for," said Han-
son, who will be playing in his sec-
ond-to-last game at UK tonight. “...
But (winning the SEC title) would
rrtake it special."

Tonight's game does not only
have conference title ramifications.
Also at stake is the Cats‘ 19-game
win streak at Rupp Arena, where
UK is 199-26 (88.4 percent) since it
opened in 1976. The Cats last lost at
Rupp on Dec. 30. 1989 against

“Nobody has gone to Kentucky
and won yet," Sanderson said, “so
it's certainly going to be a difficult

The last time UK and Alabama
played. the Crimson Tide snapped
the Cats' lO-game win streak with
an 88-83 defeat in Tuscaloosa, Ala

In that game, though, Alabama
had a 14-point lead with 6:57 re-
maining, but UK made a late surge
via full-court pressure and cut the
deficit to two before the Tide hit
nine of 10 free throws in the final
1:33 to secure the win.

“I think we did a great job execut-
ing against the press for the most
pan, but that was here," Sanderson
said. “Up there. of course. you have
to not let the crowd get to you,
which it will do at some point, of

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Despite poor finish,
Katfish improving

Staff Writer

Although the UK swimming
and diving team finished well be-
hind its Southeastern Conference
competition last weekend, the fu-
tureforthe Katfishisasclearas
the water at Harry C. Lancaster
Aquatic Center.

Coach Wynn Paul believes the
UK program gained ground in the
four-day SEC championships. de-
spite that he expected his team to
place higher.

“We broke a lot of team
records,” Paul said. “We scored, I
think, more points in both the
men's and women’s than we've
ever scored before. We had a
lot of very good swims and real
good diving performances.
Overall, I think we had a good

UK‘s men finished last out of
seven, and the women finished
seventh out of eight. But some
Katfish performers stood out
among the elite.

UK senior Kellie Moran, the
school’s first female All-
American, added a bright spot.
She qualified for the NCAA
championships in three areas: the
50-meter, loo-meter, and 200-
meter freestyle events.

She placed sixth Thursday
night in the 50 freestyle with a
time of 23.67. Her 1:49.18 time
was good for a tlrird-place finish
Friday in the ZOO-meter freestyle,
and Saturday night she placed
fifth in the 100 freestyle with a
time of 51.07.

“I was real happy about it (the
performance),” Moran said.

“One of my goals was to make
100 (freestyle) tonight. 1 ex-
pected to do a little bit better but
on a four-day top taper you can’t
really tell what you‘re going to

Moran is focusing on the
NCAA. “I’m not rested as much
as everyone else is, so I am rest-
ing mainly for NCAAs.”

She said she set the goal of
making the Top 8 in all three of

her events.

The University of Florida. how-
ever, dominated the charnpion-
ships. It won both the men's (831
points) and women's (744 points)

In the men's, Tennessee fin-
ished second (600 points), Ala-
bama third (507 points), LSU
fourth (502 points), Georgia fifth
(415 points), Auburn sixth (364
points) and UK seventh (235

Georgia placed second in the
women's competition with 630
points, Tennessee came in third
(480 points), Alabama fourth
(421 points), Aubum fifth (404
points), LSU sixth (385 points),
UK seventh (277 points) and
Vanderbilt eighth (197 points).

Although UK placed at the bot-
tom of the list, 15 swimmers
placed in the Top 16 in all catego-
ries and two women divers in the
Top 8 on the final day of competi-

The top eight swim a finals
race and the second eight swim a
consolation race.

Saturday in the 1650-meter
freestyle, senior Pam Gordon
took 13th place with the time of
17:17.28, and sophomore Jocelyn
Danko's 17:30.21 was good for a
15th-place finish. In the men's
1650 freestyle, senior Steve
Grimes led UK with a 12th-place
finish with the time of 15:48.24,
and junior Eddie Ware took 15th
with a time of 15:56.39.

UK senior Mike McIntire
placed 12th (1:53.11), and fresh-
man Jodi Schwab finished 13th

UK’s Brent Cochrane added a
13th-place finish in the loo-meter
freestyle with in 45.58.

UK senior Mary Jane Brown
took seventh place in the 200-
meter breaststroke, (2:22.29), anT "
senior Paula Gailey took 12th
with the time of 2:23.39.

1n the 10-meter platform div-
ing, UK’s Julie Robbins, a sopho-
more, took fifth place, and fresh-
man Heather Pollard placed sixth.
LSU’s Kelli Hill won first to
sweep all three diving events.



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-.--.---_----.--_-..---. -------...---, 'I'u.

Continued from page 1

f Gulf Crisis." The video. co-
; sponsored by the Institute for Policy
: Studies and the Center for Defense
. Information, featured Hon. Henry
i Reuss, Rear Admiral Eugene Carol
i(U.S. Navy Ret), Marcus Raskin

Ml?- PKas/M Far/mm
W/FEI w Iva/Am. (A57 Milt
Comm/19M Tc’IMMMkEVl
Twist/m7. 95/7/er /r M:
Oil/76 645% We MWMWMMR’
72 7k fay/mavmfla'mma
THE? W5 AWE/73w 6 6F
Vim/t 01/0662

The authorities featured in the
video discussed the roots of the cri-
sis and also some strategies for pos-
sible peace. As voiced in the video,
“This video is about one form of
protest; a congressional teaching
convened on Oct. 1. 1990, by the
Institute of Policy Studies in Wash-
ington, D.C."

Immediately following the video.
members of the audience were giv-
en an opportunity to voice their

#5 AWE/1W WW/EMS/vf/a-
’F/at (of/er Ea/rI/MWM
firms»: M0 402% W7, We’ll
6’6 Pisa/w For? Mar/Mr
MAW SPa/Iz/SZM W411, We”
came 7W mow/v ’CrF/m
Sfok/Vl‘ SW!) 66 w man/m
WWW W04? f 750 Wit/rs.






Zia l7>7e7L z ,2 6

Participants were allowed to
speak for about three minutes each.
Council for Peace and Justice co-
chair Carol Straus moderated the
second part of the forum.

One participant expressed her de-
sire for peace by saying, “I’m op-
posed to this war because I'm a pac-
ifist and believe it’s wrong to kill
people . I'm also opposed to this
war because I don't think the U.S.
has any business pretending to be

In Norms Ia MKEWW
wanna/ma? ail/ram)
Ma WWW/town?” AMI/d,
you W6 W «M? m 7.1/47!


war protects the vital interests of
our nation

Another woman. unable to go to
the stage to speak because she was
on crutches, expressed her anger to-
ward the gulf war.

“I’m not quite sure what to say,"
she said. "I've been so completely
outraged about (the war) for so long
that I no longer have words to speak
about it.”

The forum was co-sponsored by

Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday, February 26, 1991 - 3.


Continued from page 1

feet it will have on his own people
and. to some extent. other Arab

The professors said the an-
nouncement probably would have
little effect on U.S. military strate-

“I can't imagine it will have any
effect on American policy except to
facilitate surrender," Kaufman said.

John Stempel, associate director

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of the Patterson School of Diploma-
cy. said: “'I‘here’s no way the alliee
should let him off the book like
this. ...That pounding should contin-
ue until they're all gone.”

The announcement also has negli-
gible consequence because it said
the withdrawal is in compliance
with the Soviet Union peace plan,
which was rejected by the United
States and the allied coalition. Olson

“Obviously if it wasn't acceptable
before. why would it be acceptable
now?" Olson said.

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George Bush’s statement that this

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Applications are now being accepted for new
members. Pick up your application at the fol-
lowing locations: Sturgill Development Build—
ing, SGA Office, SAB Office, Black Student Un-
ion, Kirwan Tower and Blanding Tower.
Applications are due by March 6 at 4:30 pm.
to the Sturgill Development Building.

Any questions call 257-391 1.





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Old Student Center, Rm. l0?
9 AM. — 4:30 l".M., M—i

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 4- “My Kernel, Tuesday, February 26,1901

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Editorial Board
Torn Spalding. Editor in Grief
CA. Dame Dalila, Associab Edior
Jerry Voigt. Editorial Csnomirt
Brian lent. Mmaging Editor
Jar-than 811mm. Special Projects Editor
Victoria Martin. News Editor
Dale Greer, Associate Editor
Julie Esselrnsn. Satior Staff Writer
Clay Edwards
Kerr Walker

Kentucky Kernel
Established in 1894
Independent since 1971


fiteled with hate,
not solutions

Last Thursday an unusually large crowd showed up at the Stu-
dent Center Ballroom to hear speeches by long-time civil rights ac-
tivist Dr. Kwarne Toure (formerly Stokely Carmichael) and rap art-
ist Kris Parker (KRS-ONE).

Few events on campus will draw more than 1,000 people from
campus and the local community, young and old, black and white,
for an almost three-hour presentation. But these two dynamic
speakers had the crowd cheering, clapping, even laughing.

Unfortunately, though, this was in response at times to harsh,
hateful and violent appeals by the two men. They seemed to draw
more on one-sided emotion than the very intellectual facilities they
implored the audience to use.

Both Toure and Parker are leading figures among many black
Americans. According to a press release for their talks. Parker has
used rap music. talks and the formation of organizations such as
Stop the Violence Movement “to teach the lesson of black self-
empowennent and more broadly, the uplift of humanity."

Dr. Kwarne Toure has been a leader in the civil rights, black
power and Pan-African movements for more than 20 years. creat-
ing such political organizations as the Black Panther Party and the
All-African People’s Revolutionary Party.

It is particularly important in a month specially designated to ed-
ucate people on the history of and issues concerning black Ameri-
cans to hear what leading individuals have to say about black
American concerns. However, the content of the message they pre-
sented on campus — and the favorable reaction by most in the au-
dience — present still other troubling concerns.

Parker quite rightly criticized the “consciousness of the masses”
of American people. He said that we too often are caught napping
due to the “sleep techniques" of educational and religious systems
that do not prompt us to question our society and circumstances.
He said we are taught by “barbarians” and “this is why we have to
question every single bit of information we get." In that spirit, we
would hope people certainly would question some of the informa-
tion presented by Parker and Toure.







Parker said that the educational system ignores many of the con-
tributions that African-Americans have made to the world, which
probably is true in many senses. But, in saying that, he added that
Aristotle was “no more than a petty thief and a liar" and Greece
should be considered equivalent with theft, because the Greeks'
ideas came out of Africa. not Greece.

He compared the treatment of black Americans in America with
that of Jews in Germany during the Holocaust, claiming that the
Jews had one Hitler. but “we have a president every four years —
we have a Hitler every four years."

“The American flag ultimately is worse than the swastika.
You are African. America hands you death. Africa hands you
life.” he said.

Does that kind of rhetoric really teach the “uplift of humanity"?
In trying to espouse black pride and power, it seems these kinds of
remarks do more to breed alienation and hatred.

Toure was even more blatant about the need for violence to lib-
erate black Americans in this “barbaric” country and to overthrow
the “stupid, vicious system" of capitalism — which, incidentally,
gave him the freedom and the speaker's fee to lecture against them.
“Non-violence cannot be a weapon in a violent world,” he said. Al-
though he said individuals should think for themselves, there was
some degree of pressure on the audience to join his revolutionary

Most in the audience seemed to think both speakers were abso-
lutely correct in their assertions —— and that's cause for some con-
cern. One student from Kentucky State University said Parker was
“right on the money. He’s very right.”

Some may think this advocation of hatred and violence is justified
by social conditions, but one has to question its ability to affect
good changes.

One also has to question the degree to which the sponsors of this
duel presentation agree with what was said. The event was jointly
sponsored by the Student Activities Board, Chancellor’s Office,
Student Government Association. Office of Minority Affairs and
Black Student Union.

Certainly it is important to bring speakers to campus who will ex-
pose us to new ideas and challenge previous assumptions, and per-
haps their message “needed to be said on this campus," as one orga-
nizer of the event said. But the troubling content of this particular
presentation should not be casually overlooked.

Perhaps these groups would consider bringing to campus other
speakers who see other alternatives to changing the conditions of
many black Americans. This would go beyond a malicious tirade
and ensure more of an intelligent dialogue on a very important sub-

ject. Only then can we truly “raise our consciousness.” as Parker

himself would say.




Robert Bork a strict constitutionalist?


By Bill Brantley


When I read the headline of N.
Alan Comett’s Feb. 6 column
(“Robert Bork should be next jus-
tice to sit on U.S. Supreme Court"),
I thought the Kemel had printed a
column of Toby Gibbs“ under Mr.
Comett‘s byline by mistake. The
bigger shock was that Comett was
serious about the idea.

I would really like to answer his
entire column. but there were so
many errors and examples of falla-
cious reasoning it would take a
book (Battle for Justice: How the
Bork Nomination shook America,
by Ethan Bronner). l do want to ad-
dress the reason why Mr. Comett

thinks Mr. Bork is a superior choice
for the Supreme Court: the doctrine
of suict interpretation.

Originally, strict interpretation
was used to narrowly construe Con-
gress’ power under Article 1, sec-
tion 8. But it has been used by vari-
ous pressure groups to advance their
own ideological agendas.

The first such instance was Jeffer-
son‘s and Madison’s attempts to
stop the establishment of a national
bank. Strict interpretation was used
against the conservative Supreme
Court by Franklin Delano Roosevelt
to legitamize his New Deal pro-

Strict interpretation did not gai