xt7dv40jwx8j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dv40jwx8j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-02-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1987 1987 1987-02-17 2020 true xt7dv40jwx8j section xt7dv40jwx8j  

Kentucky Kernel

' \ ol. XCI, No. 99

sawmim ‘

University of Kentucky. um. mm

hoopondontsinco 1971


Staff Writer

For the first time in nine years.
l’K canceled classes because of
tilt lenient weather yesterday.

The skies dropped more than 1:")
llit‘llt‘S of snow on the ['K campus
the week of .Ian 16. 1978. But yes-
terday w as a different story.

Freezing rain coupled with
snow coated the Lexington area
with a sheet of ice early yester»
day And weather reports last
night didn‘t show any promise for
improvement today.

Realizing the hazardous condi-
illilh caused to the icecovered


Classes canceled,

roads. UK administrators decid-
ed to cancel classes vesterdav.

“We really decided at 6:30
la.m.i that we were going to
have a delayed opening." said
Jack Blanton. vice chancellor for
administration. “At a quarter to
nine. we decided to cancel."

That process hasn't changed
since 1978.

L'K officials have historically
waited until the early morning
hours before deciding on whether
to close the school.

Blanton attributes this to the
unpredictable nature of weather
in the Ohio Valley. The adminis-
tration would rather wait and see


“God will have to take it (the ice) away before

we can deal with it."

Jack Blanton.

vice chancellor for administration

if the predictions come true. he

In the storm nine years ago. it
was merely snow. and "snow can
be dealt with." Blanton said.

But yesterday's
was due to ice. not snow


”there‘s nothing we can do about
thatdamn ice.”he said.

"God will have to take it away
before we can deal with it.”

The large accumulation of
snow nine years ago was so high
that it postponed the beginning of
the spring semester.

CLAY OWEN Kernel Stair

David Oxnard. 7. gets a sle'gh ride from his dog. Harkens, near the Cooperstown apartment complex yesterday. For more on weather across the state. see Page 2.

Blizzard of ’78 last time UK canceled all classes

At that time it c0st the Univer-
sity “between 3200.000 and
3250.000 a day“ to keep the cam-

pus running during the snow
emergency. Blanton said in an
article that appeared in the Jan.
:10. 1978. edition of the Kernel.

Certain policies have changed
concerning who gets paid for the
canceled days. he said. But "I‘m
sure it‘s no less than that now

“It was worse than this tin
19781. There were ruts and rutted
ice.” Blanton said. It was “colder

than blazes. much colder than we
had here today,"

UK shuts down due to ice

Students find
ways to have

indoor fun

Staff Writer

Most around here were begin-
ning to think that winter was just
about over. Little did they know.

An unexpected winter storm
yesterday caused minor havoc
around UK,

First. radio announcers told
students that classes were p0st‘
poned until 10 am. Later. staff
members in the residence halls
broadcast Over the PA system
that classes were canceled t'or
the entire day.

Sunday night a freezing rain
turned local roadways into a
thick sheet of ice.

And the University may be in
for another taste of winter.

A storm warning is in effect for
today. according to the National
Weather Service. The service
forecasts an 80 percent chance of
snow and more freezing rain.
with a projected accumulation of
:1 to 4 inches of snow by tomor<

Blanding Tower offered enter-
tainment for its residents in the
form of a scavenger hunt. Also. a
pizza delivery man was selling
pizzas for $5 in the lobby.

Many students were delighted
by the delayed schedule of

"My roommate and i looked at
each other when we heard and
started praying.” said Christy
Burgess. a political science fresh-

"()ur prayers came true when
classes were canceled for the
whole day." said Kandes Hatch-
er. an interior design freshman
and Burgess' roommate.

See (‘I ASSES. Page 2


Former Miami Dolphin,

television broadcaster
to speak at UK tonight

Senior Staff Writer

'l'iiii Foley. former safety and (‘01‘
nerback for the .\liami Dolphins and
current football broadcaster for the
Turner Broadcasting System. will
speak at 7:30 tonight at the Newman
1 ‘enter on ltose Street

Foley promises to be a real
"stemwinder" of a speaker. said
Bernie Vonderheide. chairman of
the Distinguished Speakers Program
committee. Foley combines inspira—
tion. humor and a message about
the Fellowship of (‘hristian Athletes.

Foley's speeches are part of his
work with the fellowship, Vonder-
heide said.

Foley "travels the country from
time to time and gives inspirational
talks on behalf of the Fellowship of
Christian Athletes and on Christian
living in general." Vonderheide

Vonderheide said the committee
had two objectives in selecting

speakers this year «— to schedule
several nonclergy speakers and to
attract more students. Foley satis-
fies both. he said.

"Because he is an athlete. because
ne‘s young himself. because he‘s
such a humorous speaker, I think
this will attract a large number of
students.“ Vonderheide said.

Foley played 11 years for the Do].
phins. during which they appeared
in three Super Bowls. He played in
the 1979 Pro Bowl and was recog-
nized as the Dolphins‘ Man of the
Year in 1980-81.

He was graduated from Purdue
University while being named the
university's Outstanding Male Grad—
uate in 1970. He won All-America
honors in 1969 as well as being
named an Academic All-American.

Foley entered broadcasting in
1981. He currently is a color com~
mentator for Southeastern Confer-
ence football games on WTBS as
well as having broadcast University


Editors, readers have mixed reactions to combined Courier-Journal, Times

Staff Writer

Yesterday was the first day in
more than 100 years the City of
Louisyille was without at least two
daily newspapers as the Courier»
Journal began its all«day circula-

The city‘s last afternoon paper.
The Louisville Times. which pub-
lislied Monday through Saturday.
ceased publication on Saturday.

Although Louisville will only have
one major daily paper. Donald
Towles. Courier-Journal vice presi-
dent for public affairs. said the
change was not all that unexpected.

“1 don't think it will have a whole
lot of impact on the city because
people were expecting it." he said.

George N. Gill. president and pub-
lisher of the then Courier-Journal 8:
Louiswlle Times (‘0. and editor Mi-
chael G Gartner announced plam to
the newspapers' staffs to discontinue
the afternoon paper on Jan. 15 and


of Miami (Florida) football and the
Dolphins‘ preseason games,

“0f the four tspeakers in the se-
ries). he is the one which I think col-
lege students will really enjoy hear—
ing." Vonderheide said.

As a guitar player and singer.
Foley wrote the theme song. “The
House That Love Built.“ for the na-
tionwide Ronald McDonald House
project in 1980. Besides the house.
he has also been involved with Boys-
town and the Ntional Easter Seal
Sports Council.


“Anytime you lose a paper. something is lost in
competition between news staffs."

David Hawpe,
managing editor,
The Courier-Journal


expand the Courier to a 24-hour

Previously. the Courier had four
editions that went out to most of
Kentucky and southern Indiana.

in addition to adding a local af-
ternoon paper to its circulation. the
Courier also made several format

it created 30 percent more news
space by expandirg to four weekday
sectiom. increased the size of the
type print by 12 percent. began
more sports coverage and also
started listing the state obituaries in

Towles said the format charges in
the paper show the Courier has “re-

sponded to the needs of the people
with a much bigger paper and much
more in it."

Another addition the Courier made
to its editions was the opening of a
new bureau in Bowling Green. Ky.
and the adding of one staff member
to the current southern Indiana bu-

Many people had feared the Gan—
nett Corp. which purchased the
newspapers last summer. would cut
back on state and regional coverage
when it took over operatiom.

However. Towlos said the addi-
tions to the bureaus should reaffirm
the Courier‘s committment to state
and regional coverage.

Gorbachev says Soviet Union
making human rights changes

Associated Press

MOSCOW — Mikhail S Gorbachev
told an international peace confer»
ence yesterday the Soviet [him is
changing its approach to human
rights "for all to see.” but not be-
cause of Western pressure.

The Kremlin leader repeated Sovi-
et opposition to the American space-
based defense project known as
“Star Wars“ and accused the White
House of “trampling“ on
agreements he and President Rea-
gan reached at their 1985 Geneva
summit to spur arms control nego-

There will be “no second Noah‘s
Ark for a nuclear deluge." he said.
“We (have) rejected any right for
leaders of a country. be it the
U.S.S.R.. the US. or another. to
pass a death sentence on mankind.

“We are not judges and the bil-
lions of people are not criminals to
be punished. so the nuclear guillo-
tine must be broken.“

Soviet arms control proposals

"There are no plans right now (to
make any changes in regional cover-

However. Courier staff writer
Robin Carr said there could be a
danger if the paper concerts itself
too much with regional coverage
and not enough with local coverage.

"The Courier-Journal should take
more of a local focus now in terms
of coverage.“ he said.

Although newspaper officials said
Louisville will not be hurt greatly by
the loss of the Times. Ed Lambeth.
director of UK‘s School of Jouma-
lism. said that Louisville will defi-

“I believe it‘s always a loss when
you lose a voice like that." Lambcth

One area Lambeth suggested
of competitiveness.

“You don't always imve someone
looking over your shoulder.“ he

David Ham. man-gnu editor or
the Courier-Journal. acknowledged

show his government‘s “prepared-
ness to give up its status of a nucle—
ar power and reduce all other weap-
ons to a minimum of reasonable

Gorbachev delivered his hour—long
address in the Grand Kremlin Pal-
ace on the final day of a world
forum on peace and disarmament
that brought about 1.300 Soviet and
foreign scientists. film stars. doc.
tors. businessmen and other public
f iguros together in Moscow.

He did not make new prop05als on
disarmament. as some had pre-
dicted, but stressed Soviet proposals
made at the Reykjavik summit last
October and a plan he announced in
January 1986 for eliminating nuclear
weapons by the year 2000.

Gorbachev indicated that the Sovi-
et Union would resume nuclear tests
following an 18-month freeze.

He got a warm reception from the
audience crowded into the cream-
colored Kremlin hall and was inter-
rupted 20 times by applause.

Actor Gregory Peck. writer Nor—
man Mailer. economist John Ken-

that some competitiveness would be
lost with only one paper. but in the
process the paper will develop
greater resources.

“Anytime you lose a paper. some-
thing is lost in competition between
news staffs.“ Hawpe said. “But the
resources gained are greater than
they were before."

Hawpe said there will probably be
a number of Louisville Times sub-
scribers who are unhappy with the
decision. “but my hope is they will
like our new news format.“

UK students who receive the late
Kentucky edition of the Courier-
Joumal said they did not notice a
great amount of a change in the pa-
per's format.

Todd Anderson. a finance senior.
said he didn‘t notice “the changos a
lot. but you could notice it though in

Maria Schoenbaechler. an adver-
tisirg senior. said she t the
cosmetic charges were "OK" but
they were not that grain.

Sec COMINED. Pace 5

neth Galbraith and musician Yoxo
()no were among Americans who sat
at burnished wood desks in the room
where the Supreme Soviet. the na»
tion‘s nominal parliament. customa—
rily meets.

Andrei Sakharov. who won the
1975 Nobel Peace Prize and is the
best-known Soviet dissident. sat in
the middle row of the hall. He shook
hands with other delegates and
signed autographs on business cards
and scraps of paper.

The 65-yearold physicist. attend—
ing his first Kremlin—sponsored con-
ference. called in a speech Saturday
for "an open and democratic“ Sovi-
et Union as a way to increase trust
between the superpowers.

Gorbachev did not address human
rights in detail. but said. “our new
approach to the humanitarian prob-
lems . , is there for all to see. And
I must disappoint those who think
that this has been the result of pres-
sure on us from the West. that we
want to gain somebodys fancy in


“K’s women’s tennis mm
was knocked off by Southern
Methodist University in It:
second home meet of the
season yesterday. So.
SPORTS, Page 3.

“From tho Mp". the total
from one of the "Brat Pack."
fails I: I comedy. a thrlor
moamovio.Forarovnw' .
no Dim. book







2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL, Tuesday. February 17. 1987

Icy road conditions
across state result

in accidents, 1 death

Associated Press

A treacherous glaze of ice coated
Kentucky roads yesterday, sending
cars sprawling onto roadway shoul-
ders and causing at least one fatal

"Major accidents? We've had too
many to mention,“ said a spokes-
man for the Kentucky State Police
post at LaGrange, about 30 miles
from Louisville.

By midafternoon the ice storm
had moved out of central Kentucky,
and the National Weather Service
narrowed its winter storm warning
to the northeastern part of the state,
alerting drivers to “a significant
and dangerous accumulation of ice
that will continue to cause hazard-
ous driving conditions."

The warning al‘fm included Lex-
ington. Covington and Ashland and
most major highways in the area.

"The worst seemed to be over for
Kentucky by late afternoon," except
in the eastern parts of the state, said
meteorologist Robert Klein with the
weather service in Louisville. “Cold
air will push into east Kentucky
overnight and change the precipita-
tion to snow. "

The weather service put the rest
of Kentucky under a freezing rain
adVisory, continued its warning that
"travel should be discouraged un-
less absolutely necessary” and
alerted the entire state to expect
snow on today.

State police and the weather serv-
ice said the only sure safe place for
drivers was off the roads.

"Just stay home. It's really bad.
Everything's bad.“ a dispatcher at
the Kentucky State Police post at
Elizabethtown said in the morning.

Commuter traffic was lighter than
usual because of the Presidents‘
Day holiday.

As of midafternoon. the most sig-
nificant sleet and freezing rain were
falling over northeastern Kentucky.
with a few patches of freezing rain
and sleet over the western portions
and rain in the southern regions.
Temperatures were below freezing
in the northern half and at or above
freezing in the southern area.

State police reported that Diane L.
Johnson, 32, of Hager Hill in John-
son County, was killed when her car

.-------- ---------------------



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5. Limestone
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skidded on icy Kentucky 2039 at
Staffordsville, ran off the road and
overturned just before 8 am. Her
sister. Sherry Johnson. 28, a passen-
ger in the car, was uninjured. police

Five tractor-trailer trucks, includ-
ing one carrying explosives, collided
about 4 am. at the intersection of
Interstates 64 and 265 in New Alba-
ny, Ind., across the Ohio River from
Louisville, and a police car respond-
ing to the accident was hit twice by
cars sliding off the road.

New Albany police said there was
no danger from the explosives, al-
though they could not move the
truck immediately because the cab
was damaged.

In the northern part of Jefferson
County, a truck carrying 104 drums
of swimming~pool solvent over~
turned, but none of the acid-based
chemical leaked. police said. Crews
righted the truck by midmorning,
said county police spokesman Bob

State police at headquarters in
Frankfort said no state roads were
officially closed. although sections of
interstates near Louisville and Lex-
ington were temporarily blocked by
accidents and some entrance and
exit ramps were too icy to use.

Blue Grass Airport in Lexington
shut down from 5:30 to 7:30 am.
while crews cleared the runways.

“We only have minimal traffic at
that time and we wanted to get the
runways cleared before the morn-
ing. We‘re operating now," said
Capt. John Case, shift supervisor.

Louisville's commercial and gen-
eral aviation airports remained

The weather service said the ice
storm was spawned by a low pres-
sure system positioned over north
Mississippi and moving northeast.

The snow expected today will
come from a second area of low
pressure that will sweep out of the
southern Rocky Mountains and
across the plains and Mississippi
Valley. said the weather service,
which predicted an accumulation of
3 inches to 4 inches by tomorrow.

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Members of the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity
took advantage of class cancellations yesterday


ALAN LESSIG Kernt>i511tt

to play volleyball in front of the fraternity house.
More snow is expected today and tomorrow.



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Continued from Page |

“Because of the poor conditions of
said Jack Blanton, vice chancellor
for administration. "The city was
trying to clear the roads, but there
wasn‘t enough traffic to keep the ice
from sticking.“

“The Physical Plant (Division)
was having the same problem,"
Blanton said. “The chemicals were
not helping the road conditions. We
had to resort to sand. "

The University had to close many
facilities early so employees could
get home safely, he said.

Many food service areas were also
closed early yesterday.

“We had two areas of concern in
Food Services." said Robert Braun.
acting director of Food Services.

“One was supplies from the vari-
ous sources were late." he said.
“That made it hard on us to distrib-
ute the food.

“The other problem was employ«
ees couldn't get in to cook,“ he said.
“Management was doing a lot of

Food Services had to draw on stu-
dents to help out. even if they
weren‘t scheduled to work. The stu-
dents recognized the need and were
great about helping out. Braun said.

"We reevaluated our schedules."
he said. “We juggled people around
and closed some places early.“

But students didn't seem too con-
cerned about food.

“I don‘t plan on leaving the dorm
and they (the University) don‘ t want
us to leave — it‘s just like the igun
man situation last semesteri
Hatcher said.

“They will get sweatshirts that
say ‘I survived the winter storm of
‘87,' "shesaid.

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 KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. Fobnury 17. 1907 - 3




19th-ranked SMU Mustangs

stun UK women’s tennis team

Staff Writer

The weather was cold and
dreary outside yesterday and
things weren‘t much better inside
for the UK women's tennis team.

The 19th-ranked Southern
Methodist University Mustangs,
led by four singles match victo
ries. upset the lath-ranked Cats,
54 at the Hilary .1. Boone Tennis

“I feel good about the way we
played." said UK sophomore
Sonia llahn. “They just came in
here ready to play. There were
just a couple of matches that
made the difference."

Hahn, the Wildcat‘s top singles
player. was beaten by SMU‘s
Jennifer Santrock 7-5, 5-7, 6-3.

Santrock was ranked and in
the nation in preseason, while
Hahn was previously unranked.

Tamaka Takagi, playing in the
No. 2 position, accounted for one
of UK‘s two singles wits by de-
feating Heather Hairston 6-3, 6-2.

UK's No. 3 player, Beckwith
Archer fell to Jean Sterling 6-4, 5-

Chris Karges was defeated by
SMU‘S Clare Evert 6-3. 6~2, while
Caroline Knudten, after winning
the first set 6-3, scored the Cats'
second win of the day by default
over Lynda Tate.

Helene LaBeller, playing in the
sixth position for UK, was beaten
by Debbie Vanderslice 6-2, 6-4.

The Cats performed well in
doubles play as Hahn and Takagi
beat Hairston and Ginger Star-
ling 6—3, 6-2. and Knudten and
Karges defeated Chris Tensen
and Evert 7-5, 7-5.

SMU's Tate and Sterling took
the final doubles match over
UK's Sarah Swan and LaBeller 6-

“We knew we had a tough
match," UK coach Susan Rudd
said. “I‘m proud of the team.
They played well and they tried


ALAN LESSIG Kernel Stat!

Kentucky's Sonia Hahn returns a shot from the baseline dur-
ing yesterday's loss to 19th-ranked SMU

hard. SML‘

The (‘ats will hit the courts
again next Monday when they
take on fourth-ranked Trinity Col-
lege at home. Rudd expects a
tough match with Trinity, which
has four singles players ranked
in the top 35 in the nation

just played really

And because of this upcoming
challenge, Hahn said the SML'
loss could turn out to be a bles—

“I feel like it was kind of good
for us to lose going into Mon-
day." she said. ”It will help its to
work harder then.“






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“E iiiiiiiiiriit
mslitrmsr tursi stirs

It'll: W till: Ellen's-III Awe-II sir.

Andy DIM

Gymnastics team scores season high

Contributing Writer

COLUMBIA. Mo. - The Arizona
Wildcats accomplished something
this weekend that no team has done
in the seven-year history of the Pu-
rina Cat Classic. a premier gymnas-
tics tournament

They defeated the
Lady Lions

And the Kentucky Wildcats ac-
complished something they have not
done all year ~ they finally put to
gether a solid performance.

Arizona, the fit'tliranked team in
the nation. had placed second to
Penn State for the last three years.
This year. however. the Lady Lions
wound up second. as Arizona shat-
tered the top meet mark with a 185.1
team score. breaking Penn State's
record of 181.9 set iii 1983.

Behind the Lady Lions' 184.4 came
Missouri. 178.85; Kentucky. 178.65;
and Auburn. 178.05.

Kentucky‘s team score was not
only its best effort this season but its

Mattingly bids
for largest
salary award

NEW YORK (AP) — First base—
man Don Mattingly went after the
largest salary arbitration award in
the 13-year history of the procedure
yesterday, bidding for a $1.975 mil-
lion contract from the New York
Yankees. who were offering 51.? mil-

Decision on the case is expected
either late today or tomorrow.

Mattingly and the Yankees
avoided arbitration at the last min-
ute a year ago when they agreed on
a $1,375 million contract. In a bid to
settle before yesterday‘s hearing,
the team offered the slugger a two-
year. 53.5 million deal, which Mat»
tingly‘s agent. Jim Krivacs. reject-

Mattingly. a Gold Glove winner.
batted .352 last season. second best
in the American League behind Bos-
ton's Wade Boggs. He drove in 113
runs and set Yankee club records
with 238 hits and 33 doubles.

Penn State




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for into.

highest score ever in the four pre-
vious trips to Columbia. Mo.

The Wildcats were not without in-
dividual heroines as well. Freshman
Heather Kirk‘s 9.2 placed her fourth
in the finals of the balance beam.
while junior Robin Leggett‘s 9.25
vault score placed her sixth.

Kentucky had expected perfor-
mances like this one all season but
had reached the 178 plateau only one
other time.

“For the first time this year. it
was a team effort." said (‘oach Leah
Little. ”I never doubted we had tal-

The Purina (‘at t‘lassic is one of
the nation's premier gymnastic
events. It drew nearly 10.000 specta-
tors and had tilympic champion
Mary Lou Hetton as its guest celeb-
rity host

Kentucky had been struggling and
needed a confidence booster to turn
the season around. A bad meet and
the Wildcats could have thrown in
the towel.

But after the weekend perfor-

mance. Little thinks her team is
back on track.

“We had a good meet and now we
have confidence.“ she said. "The
biggest problem we had was we
were flat I'Yom this pomt on. we
should improve weekly "

With only three remaining away
meets. Kentucky needed a high
score at Columbia The average ol~
two home meet scores. two away
meet scores and one optional score
are what qualities a team tor the
NCAA Regionals

“It was our tirst good score and
it‘s gonna get better." Little said

Little may well be right Kentucky
vaulted well for the first time this
year. Five of six Kentucky vaultei‘s
set personal highs tor the season

But the Wildcats stumbled on bill‘s
and beam. dropping the score Il‘ll'll
a possible 180

"We're still making mistakes but
they're correctable." Little said

The Wildcats' vault and floor
scores . 45.4 and 4.3 2. respectively
. were season highs


be on sale tomorrow.

in 207 Seaton Center.

its season in March.


Staff and AP reports

UK basketball tickets still available

Tickets for Thursday night‘s basketball game against
Vanderbilt at Rupp Arena remain available to students
today and tomorrow at Memorial Coliseum.

(iuest tickets will go on sale to students today for $6
apiece for the Vanderbilt game only. Guest tickets for the
Ole Miss game on Feb. 28 and Oklahoma on March 1 will

Students with a validated ID and activity card can pick
up tickets between 9 a.m. and 4 pm. today and tomorrow.
Kentucky lacrosse meeting tonight

Tonight at 7, students interested in joining the UK la-
crosse team are invited to attend an organizational meeting

The lacrosse team, which is a club sport at UK, opens




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Kentucky Kernel

Fran Stewart

Scott Word

Joy Blonton

Brod Cooper
Cynthia A. Polormo
Andy Dumstort
Erik Reece

Wes Miller

Alon Lessig

Paulo Anderson
Linda Collins
Rhonda 0 Non

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 4 - KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. February 17. 1907


UK administration

should be


with weather calls

Nothing like a little late-winter storm to keep you on

your toes. hub?

The problem is. the people who make the decisions as to
whether there's going to be any activities on campus ——
like class or office work or any other trivial thing like that
, were caught a little off-guard yesterday.

The problem was that no decision was made until 9
a m . about an hour after things started to get rolling.

Now. we can‘t expect things to be perfect around here.
what with all the important decisions that have to be made
around the clock. but you‘d think things could be a little
more organized. About 10.000 — and that‘s a conservative
estimate ot the vehicles that use this part of Lexington's
streets belong to students. faculty. staff and administrators
who. more or less. feel compelled to come to campus un‘

less they hear differently.

And if they don't. they come in.

Which presented a major problem yesterday morning
and afternoon. The police were telling motorists not to use
the streets unless absolutely necessary. What a shame it
was that the few who braved the treacherous road condi-
tions to make it to class or work on time yesterday morn-
ing did so only to find out that an hour later. everything

was called off.

We‘re not saying that weather. especially late-winter
Lexington weather. is the easiest in the world to predict.
but when freezing rain starts falling at 3 in the morning
with temperatures dropping below 32. it seems some heads
should start turning and some decisions should be made.

Poverty, welfare remnants of social dinosaurs

tince there was a nation ruled by
dinosaurs Now the dinosaurs were
appointed leadership by inferior
creatures because they were big.
Bt'illi.’ hit: in every respect meant a
tired! deal to the nation.

The dinosaurs were not bad to the
newly beings They let the creatures
rant and rave about all of their
.\(llll> and needs. Because of this
permissible behavior. they called
their nation "a democracy."

The dinosaurs thought their way
of ruling was the best. so they spent
most of the time trying to convince
leaders of other nations that they
were right They called this "nego-
[Lilllllfl ’

lute nations leaders believed that
eterything all of the creatures had
should be divided equally among
them This was known as "commu—
nism ’ and it was bad.
