xt7dv40jwv7v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dv40jwv7v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-04-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1971 1971 1971-04-14 2020 true xt7dv40jwv7v section xt7dv40jwv7v 4):), '
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Wednesday, April 14, 197] UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON \‘ol. l.\ll. \o. l‘_’l '.'.,'.3. .7
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Biology still overcrowded . ,g a W g, ”I - .-
—-—--——-‘—— . a ‘i\tit ;~ : . . ;‘_ _/. A --
6 9 ‘ 1. # 1,". '&§'¥"$ l _'; ,1 . ' .J‘ f“':_‘v° ‘ gm 'v,»
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oycott canoe e , ~ , . I « i. a this; . - . ~ ., ,
"' 3, ; l. 5" 3%: ix 7“" a: "" .35;- 7 ”-1 “ ’:"L‘. ‘ .‘ ' "l'.- .
HOICS sale t0 resume - " "t 2:... ~ - -. . . a x" «s: ,.-;:: ;,: :
,' ' ‘ "'.“*1.:' a" Ox, . 'n' » '.-= It
By DAN MYSOCK "organized" and scheduled for this week ' ' g r 1 .H . "” 23-”; W "ff”; ‘j ‘ , :"5"~"‘."
Kernel Staff Writer was “misconstrued”. :2 g g h 5"”: ’_ r‘ k ' ”5"”:
Willie Gates and Mark Paster, “A boycott was discussed, but it was - in. wjf: a: u '
originators of the lecture notes for never decided upon,” he said. “The only _ , . .. 1;" M; “‘3‘“ 7' ' ' __ 3 ;"; $3.; . j- _ '-
introductory Biology, History, concrete decision made at last week’s 7." ~" . . 4 ‘ " g;
Anthropology and Psychology, meeting was to stop the lecture notes 4:, ;- ‘ ”ii! \ .fi _ t .f,_'_‘.__
announced at an informal forum Tuesday temporarily.” . I: .. : «a ':r. . l . '.'.'.' _'":.' 3. :4 L -:
night that the rumored boycott of all Most of Tuesday night’s meeting was . . 3.1;; . - " 5 4‘ f f
Memorial Hall classes would not be held devoted to a forum discussing the grit" “ ML: 9:; . ”“24, \3 ~ . "' ,1 :'_"'.'., 5‘
and that the sale of lecture notes would problems and possible solutions of the g ’9. ‘V ‘ :9 .1 .. gate. 'f > . '1 > z" s “1 .‘s
be resumed as soon as possible. overcrowded introductory courses. The A 2 't ' ' ' ; ' 3 3" " ""'-",'~_‘.? _ ‘.
A boycott of Memorial Hall classes was discussion. basically an attack on Biology . l 't‘ ’ ' .. f .‘f'v
first discussed last Wednesday during l0] and History 108, expanded to ' __; ' ~ .1 a a l ‘i; ' 1713" '
another meeting headed by Faster and include most of the General Studies .5 -’ ' 'W ; *_
CitilC‘S. PCtStCI' cancelled the S‘dlCS (if R Ctl u i re m C n t. Several SttldClllS l Ii ,_ h“ . ' "'6 > :3" : « "3"
mimeographed llOtCS 0f biology h‘L‘tUTt‘S commented that the testing procedure g' . ' ' ' ' . a set 2;! C: 2}}
in an Ct't'Oft to stir up interest in the used by most teachers of general l ; ”‘ " if '. '3’} 'l .-
problem of overcrowded classrooms at requirement courses was nothing more 4 "l' at} at". 313 '.
.. UK. than a joke. a complex puzzle of multiple '-:r' “a: "g " . .C'Z; _ 1‘ ‘ 3 :."' ’7'
At last night’s meeting, Paster said a choice. " " " _ ' . " ' ' ' _ ' ‘ z "t
Kernel article stating the boycott was Students and faculty came to the New York artist Steve Kelf ‘3 currently d'SPla-Vmg h“ '3 " ', i
agreement that the secondary school M . C°lle§t10h 0t e00l9gv art behind the Office Tower. ‘ '5"
system in Kentucky should be blamed for i Dbl/p art The Jewel Sized paintings are exhibited in and on his j
S most of the trouble arising in these panel truck. Kek Will be on campus throughout the
enate seats courses. that if secondary schools were week. mm“! mm" b" D” W'“ '.">'."'.»/' :13'." ‘
equipped to teach their students the basic __—'——_——————'—' _" _.
b 11 . fundamentals of biology and history. for -fi::::: .
a Qtlnfl' cxanii‘ih. the introductory courses would ‘ o ' o _ f
1" be (ilerie con dem n s V iet wa r
. Dr. Mary W. Hargreaves, professor of ' ' ' ' ' ‘3'. E .' '. l;_,
1“ prO‘yreSS history and a teacher of History 108, said . , ‘ . . . ‘ y ‘ ,_ . .. _ H \ _ 3%.,
b “l recognize these problems But 1 suggest By JACK (.ARPUSTLR \' 2'?" "'"'"Q '1'“ " 'H ' f' 'U . p . -.' -'. ', '3;
Students who pre-rcgister this week and that if the students wish to do something .. kernelStalf Writer i". "':"v '.' U '"' .' ' .- ‘3'.” "
next week will find something extra about this problem, they go door to door All who Lll\l\L-llc‘\t‘ in the \ lt‘llli‘tllt \lar “hm: ,"".._' turns. 'i ...-. . .12.“: :1:
attached It) lllL‘ll’ IBM Tt‘nglTullUll soliciting money to hire more tL‘dCllL‘TS SllUtlltl “11th" ltLiTllcll‘dlL‘.\‘lllllx'i!t“\Lllltl buff" ' ""' " " " H" " ' ' ,1"";'7".,~' 3..
cards~a ballot for the 17 student seats in and build more facilities. Another others should l‘rl'tf‘q WC” m 1"" ""'”"I l" W "w" {j ‘ I
the University Senate. alternative would he to hire teaching 01"11qlSOlelk‘hW- . McSori l}. \tgtt ’l’..'. : .- - ' , 7-,:
John S. Nelson, chairman of the asSistants to reduce the cost of faculty. . Th” statement wasdi‘rected "’ 'f‘ ill‘llll‘ moral may it: «at windy ' ~ .‘ ‘r \'
University Student Advisory Committee. But still, you're dealing with lots of 1:1 ”1‘3 (””‘l‘n‘»‘t‘~"3 81“!“th it“ high ‘ right 2o take .inoitic. mar: \1.:.. 1’15- ,'-"'; -;
said full instructions for selecting student money.” hath” MCSWFIY: ”0&5“? -0.' “moral “(lod h ”N mm” at d“ ”K,“ J53 "i...
senators will be included With ”Ch ballot. Another problem discussed was the theology at (reorgetown L'n'VLN'" m are brothers. and each has mln he. .i .s». , '6 " '2
Full-time, regular degree StUdEhtS Will lack of communication on the part of the he is (lod‘s child." he said 7:5 7'3“,
vote during the pre-registration PTOCCSS- administration to inform students about The irguments used I“ “N”; 1 W1, """,’._".)".rfl
Students in the Colleges 0t LBW, the progress of the committees already ,-----,----,,,,--,-,,------- l' -. ‘ l . .' ‘. 4"1‘ " ’

. . . . . . tau no iasis ltr truth. \‘lcSoer ‘c.._tl,LLt I! . . ..
Dentistry, and Medicme Will hold their studying these problems. The Committee “W- w In) no! 1 led h th‘ S ml} #4.. ;
elections April 23. for Scheduling Classes was especially Weather Vignllng“ “we”; int 1"? NH“ y’pt' “‘1 "5'. J y ‘ ~ (I

Ninety-four candidatesA32 of them under fire for not emphasizing the For Lexington and Vicinity: Partly cloudy barred mint- 1 'l\'ll'L wui 3P LN] V“: .1 ':_.)
from the Colleges of Arts and Sciences College Level Placement Exam (CLPE). and cool today clear and colder tonight, 'iccbrd “ - « x . . . .. . 2' ‘-
and Education—will seek the senate posts. By taking this exam, many freshmen Mostly sunny and mild Thursday. High ‘ “) a ‘ 5 ‘1 7",”, .I
One seat is allotted to each college. could by-pass the crowded Classes. today in the upper 50.5; low tonight in ‘ I reSident Johnson argued that tht i‘ "'. Vi";

The senate POSitiOHS are the remnant 0t Students were urged to take careful the upper 30,8. high tomorrow in the low SEA [0» treaty committed us to 3. g.
the 01d Student Government Assembly. consideration when filling out course 60’s Precipitation probabilities: near zero intervention. he added. this is not i”- ii". :
WhiCh diSSOIVCd itself in early February. evaluation sheets, and to join in today and tomorrow. Fair and warmer true. The treaty only commits us to ”it'd." ’-
The Board Of TTUSICCS liltCI Whittlcd Ll committees dealing with undergraduate Friday C(itlSUltdllOfl along With other ct)unli’lc\. {‘1' r i',"'."- ","'"- .
proposal giving students 40 senate seats education. “Get on the committees’ back ' As to American intentions being good. " '5' ~ .‘ '.
down to 17- f0!" aCthfl,” 531d PaStCr. """’N”””””’"’N”‘ McSorely commented ”The ls. l\ in " ,g. 3"".
" :i-_" ' ' $ 3; Vietnam for its vanity. We're lighting :‘7' ._ ' ,‘:'-" 5‘s: r_'

:". 1' ' ' . «i' there to help the people and stog‘ ,1. “ ' _. ;
,_ _ ' (‘ommunist ('hina's .ntlucni c l? this is i, "1 r“ *1" ‘r
.. true. then why do wt ‘kill the people we r "1"}; ‘
’ g are trying to say e from the ('onimumst~-‘ "_ "
“This is a guerilla war." he said. “ l he _" _r.
' 3: Vict (‘orig are comparable to ll\ll ll‘. . 1"} sun'-
' . "51? «3 water. To kill the fish. we must destroy '13:: s;"'.~'
. the water that the fish lives in l .ith year 5' "t '
_ ""3. g . many villages are ravaged in hopes ot 1}“: ' ; {1'
, " ¥ 5 destroying the \'(‘ which may be hiditiiv .2“ ' . ,- ' ,
r gt ~ there.“ . ". ' t" , f; 3. '7 "
'. : :5 , M: The theology professor t)l‘\L‘l'\t‘tl that . ‘K. ..
: ' ‘ the war is ”constantly being played ~ .3, fl . I. -.'.i
26%? down." 7 f. .' :
“g 5- «.2. ”i ' “The re iorts on casualties have been ' "' ' .
_ ' ' " ,, a" ‘i‘ a“. \ . . taken dow'n to .i level the President l'cels ' . '. ." ' m"

, _ b” t; " ' “ {1‘ ‘ -" the American people Will tolerate." he , '..'
. ’5‘” “W'” . . . A a! ”'4; . . said. “This is not truc. it could go on ‘ - _ t
.s is ‘9 ”F w £ «gash ‘ *- x d % indefinitely" ‘ ' .l'
t . " 'A 1'; I“. 6 " it: *3 ' _' ' “We've spent $130 billion in Vietnat‘ii
. ." . " "u p It costs us $300,000 to kill one person." '- .' , ' . . g
T ‘ ' «.49 .. »' ‘1” '9? t McSorely added. “In my opinion. the war .- ' _ . T

‘ g.” "4*” i. _ ‘3' a ‘ -~ is immoral from every point It has tailed '_ " " ’-
m.‘ i "" . ~ “ % every test " ~ ‘ ‘ "
' i . 9 . g .3 ‘~ - .> .. I
." . X 4'32 2' ‘ . '
at. E? ~. .~ {it (.UI'I't‘l'IHHI :- ' ' . ' .
' , In a listing ol students seeking \C.it\ in '. ‘ ‘ '

- i. "i the l'niwrsity Senate. It was erroneously
. * . 't reported that Nathan l-yans was a .'
The Men's and Women's Choral Ensembles presented their spring concert last night in "m“mh'“ Ah" ”‘9 “""l “”‘mcd it“ the ‘ H '
~ . Memorial Hall. The group is under the direction of Gale Price, a doctoral student in €01]ch ”t "”5 ““1 SC‘CMCS‘ lvans ‘5' . '
worth lh? Prll'f’ music. who arranged several of the numbers they performed. (Story on page 3). (Kernel actually .3 candidate {or the Business and -‘ "
\ photo by Curt Niblack) Economics seat. . .

 2~THE KENTI’CKY KERNEL, ‘Vedm-sday. April 14, 197l__. . __._._. ,
A fler troop 'u‘llhdrau‘al
‘ °—____________ , C0!
Air power t c t’ ' A ' news kCI'IIEIS “P
W A S H l N G T O N “I would envision that the Thus Laird was more explicit From AP reports ,
. (AW—Secretary of Defense United States’ presence as far as than previously on intentions to CHICAGO—Four men accused of plotting the assassinations ‘ B)
' ' Melvin R. Laird said Tuesday the Asia is concerned, as far as naval maintain such power in Asia of Mayor Richard J. Daley and the Rev. Jesse Jackson were
. United States Will keep an and forces are concerned, as far as air beyond the Indochina war. held incommunicado Tuesday and a police official said he Alm
' . ' naval power in Southeast Asia, forces are concerned, that this At the same time, he repeated ex ects several more persons will be arrested. No official or Sara
. under the long-range Nixon would be part of the realistic his forecast that the United ingestigator would discuss details of the case with newsmen. A Depal
. t , doctrine, after American ground deterrent which we will maintain States will complete theVthifting source in the state attorney’s office who would not permit use 50¢ve
I ‘ ’ troopsare thhdmhtn' . . m A513 ' ' " Of. combat responsibilities m of his name described the alleged plot as a move by black teV‘Vm
. - _V' Asked what Vietnamizatron “To say that we would not Vietnam from American troops militants to touch off racial strife during which they could and
and the Nixon doctrine enVlSlOl'l have a presence in A813 under to the South Vietnamese army loot stores and later sell the stuff V Thro
. - t in U.S. air support after the U.S. this realistic deterrent this summer. ' : enthu
. ' f troop pullout, Laird told a news strategy . . . .would be very However, he said as he has W ASHINGTON—The White House said today employment endeav
» 1 conference: misleading.” before that combat forces wm in the steel industry will be sharply reduced if it is faced with a _ _ build t
- ' '- remain m Vletnim to protect large wage increase later this year. In its third “inflation alert,” . This
> . ‘ - what he ”(=de the American the Nixon administration said the steel industry is confronted ’ doctor 1
' ‘1 lass learns market presence, meaning air and with strong international competition and added that increases ‘ OVef a
t ' ‘ 1°31 stics elements supporting the in wage costs would significantly erode its competitive . HOhOY
' . , South Vietnamese. . . g that
' ' . b C l ' 9 ° h Once again, Laird predicted p OSition. -‘ fantasti'
. 1' y P (lying WLt money that the controversial South MOREHEAD—Students at Morehead State University groups-
' ' Vietnamese ground tthtmOh Tuesday elected Mike Mayhew, 21, of Morehead as student . a n d
MADISON, WiS- (Am—Hand eXPehseSi Sheh as interviewing into Laos Wht prove to have body president for the 1971-72 school year. Mayhew,a junior, Ensem
‘ . 12 university StUdentS $96,000 business management personnel. been a success, when an analysis also will become a non-voting member of the MSU board of spring (
‘. . - to invest as they see fit and what One team Was designated the 15 made in September and regents. The students also approved a proposed increase in The
- . do you get? WiSCO Fund and the other the October whether the enemy ts special events fees from $5 to $10 per semester. The increase charmii
. 7 About $18,000 in pr0titS in Badger Fund. hurting for Shpphes' still must be approved by the regents. '
V ' slightly more than four months. Ground rules were simple. The Lalfd 531d current attacks
' The project is part of a groups COllld invest in anything launched . by the North MIDDLE EAST—President Jaafar el Numairi of Sudan told
7 ' University of Wisconsin Business t h e Y W a h t e d e X C e Pt Vietnamese m the northern and an Egyptian newspaper today he is “positive that another war 't
. SChOOl course designed to give commodities. They could hOt central region ,Ot SOUth Vietnam is undobutedly coming between the Arab countries and
' investment class students borrow money to buy StOCkS- are being carried out by North Israel.” Sudan is allied with Egypt and other Arab countries in
. .‘ '- practical experience in dealing A5 of April 2, the WiSCO Vlethamese ”90W Whlch were the Middle East. Egypt’s official Middle East News Agency 0mm“,
' '- i V ' with the market. Fund’s assets were $59,074 and not involved in battling South said Numairi told Cairo’s A1 Akhbar the United States “is on a p”.
‘ , ' So far, it’s been a bullish the Badger Fund’s $55,064, the Vietnamese invaders 1h Laos. taking an active part in the conflict against the Arabs” and 5:32: 0‘]
- " . success. latter representing a gain of 10.1 And the North Vietnamese, he there is no hope of keeping America neutral in the Middle East :iilri'ioemi
' ' One of two six-student teams percent over the $48,000 said, are using ammunition, crisis. {mes :
t 'V ‘ . , has realized an increase in its received on Nov. 30. supplies which they already had is: um:
' t assets 0f 22-5 percent since NOV- Whl the students be better available before the SOUth FAYETTE, Miss—Charles Evers, the only black mayor ofa 3:120
' . ' 30, compared with a 17.2 investors because of their Vietnamese interrupted the Mississippi town and a likely gubernatorial candidate said "l'hetdl
’ percent gain for the New York experience? southward flow of material in today that he ran prostitution, bootlegging and numbers , gag: c?“
. Stock Exchange composite and a “Undoubtedly,” said Stephen February and March. operations before his climb to prominence. But, he said, “I .t 35:31:; 3.:
- I 15.7 percent growth by Hawk, one of three associate In general, Laird indicated a wouldn’t do it again.” “Racism drove me to it," Evers said in i m
W‘ ' Standard and Poor’s 425 index, professors supervising the class. belief that the North Vietnamese I an interview. “No jobs or anything.” Evers, expected to be t "m
. , ‘ , " according to the business school. “These students have learned a can mount localized attacks but selected Sunday as a gubernatorial candidate by loyalist t MODEM
a I 4 The investment course was 10t 0f practical things.” that. “the capability for Democrats, said, “I’m in politics now. I don’t want anybody 1232:“;
‘ started last year after a former Profits probably will be sustained ~attacks in that area is to support me and not know what I have been.” It mm. In
' -' "‘- * ' Wisconsin student, Baird reflected in the grades earned by not great." g? ‘X‘;
.‘ ' ' ‘ ' Brittingham of Wilmington, Del., the students when the class . 9 Transylx
‘ ~ . suggested investment students investments end May 15. But the l 2 S d C l 0 7 APAR']
. should practice what they learn money will remain with the $1059 lto
. by using the real thing—money. business school. Any loss will be . . at 8 By an 8 al r 0 rce egg r516;
. ‘ ' lican s the absorbed b the universit , ONE 3m
' ‘ T ‘ buggers: silzioolppselectted 12 Hawk said. y y COLOMBO, Ceylon (APFA attacks against a youthful rebel infomants said the government hifiteggm
: ' ’ ,. students and spilt them into two “Of course,” he said, “if the U-5- Air Force plane landed in force. . had ordered some officials of pool. TE
' _ 1 r six-man teams. students get the fund up to 3 the capital Of this strife-torn One Ceylonese Jet crashed North Korea’s embassy to leave ' gfi‘antéi
A ": , Using university funds, the half million dollars, we’ll start nation Tuesday With vitally after arstrafing run during the the country. EARTM
‘ 5 ,, . ' school gave each team $48,000 making donations to scholarship needed spareVparts for Ceylon 5 day against the rebels. Six U.S.—built helicopters were Enid-Aug
for investment and $2,000 for funds for the School of Business. air force, Wthh has stepped up In another development, being readied by Britain for {flififsehe
,‘ ‘ ‘ ' " ' " ‘ ' ’ , ‘ immediate shipment to Ceylon ___._
" ' .. . \ to give government forces more iirtgtét‘rtttii
« " 8 LOCATIONS ..
r. ' . ~ ,. 1 -an -run gue as, ca 3 e Telephoi
t‘ . t w... . . .-.. ., LANSDOWNE Guevarists, who have attacked W
. Vv WINCHESTER ROAD government installations from w.
. ~ . . . . e, ON£ HOUR NORTH LAND tsheir Jungle hideouts Since April 22:3‘i
, , . - ' SOUTH LAND Britain is the major supplier of V Dame 5
' ' r ' ‘ DRY CLEANERS TURFLAND geyion’s arme? forces but th: i 'NM
‘ . e s e T: m
. . ' V i 8 , keep your clothes”; rut/e as o rose . VERSA'LLES ROAD wgthXEZrilzn 0113:” lJeeq;;pnI;er hgfixrfifl
V . ,. . . """"""" .1 - .- H|_ACRES helicopters. It was reported in :33: ,,§
' ‘. London that Britain would pay ' V
I. . , - _ ; . for the helicopters and J’sfis’s
~ * . eventually would be reimbursed $32811
. ' ‘ SpeCIGIS for UK Sindenfs by Ceylon, a member of the . Witt-ea“.
, - , ’ Commonwealth. fiiiip. Whit
‘ ' - d F If ‘ A Foreign Office spokesman w‘t'ttil—ttth
. , ' an ac" y in London said Ceylon had 355(le
. 3 ' asked both the British and U.S. 2’33“",h13
. ' governments for six more Elli 36}?
. ' . . We:
.— , .- City conmders
v . DRESSES TROUSERS sports center
_ ‘ . Pro-Tem Tom Underwood said
. ' » ' R AINCO ATS SWEATERS Tuesday a 23,000:25,000 seat
. SKIRTS :ports and .ejonvsntfion tchentert is
. eing conSi ere or e c1 y,
. . 3/4 COATS eOCh SPORT COATS each possibly to be financed by a
J J hotel-motel tax.
_” ' " " " " Underwood said such an arena
‘ might be used by the University
' ' ' of Kentucky for home
t’ basketball games and talks are to
, . Sh. t L d d be made to bring the Kentucky c
' ' - Colonels of the American
Ir s a un ere Basketball Association here for
' some games.
Financing of such an arena, he
,V FOIded Or On Hangers 5 for $1 00 said, would come from a three
. . . . percent hotel-motel tax, as
Never any hm” on quantity authorized under Kentucky state 2
. V 1 law. M

 . ‘ I _ . - ,, .' . . , .- .. . ., ,.. ..,-.:. . , .. , ""‘J'“"‘ ....'...~a:...as.s,g,,,-,:p,,‘_ ...‘ .3
II I r . ‘1
ii.' ' ' a'
—-—-—-——-—-—-———-—————-——————————————THE KENTHM KERNEI.. mama... AP,” ii. .97” . _. .
. .I - . - ‘ ‘ . .
Concert rcku‘ .. . ' . .,
————_ . . (. ‘ . ’
. '2‘ 1 ‘ ’ - ‘i .‘
PI ice IluilIlS €118 Ill . t . . ., ..
H'lS BY WENDY L- WRIGHT arranged by Price him§elfi .111 flubs in controlling a difficult in Galilee”). and the two groups PergoleSi‘s ”Sldh‘d] Mater." '2 .
re Kernel Staff Writer Wthh the "16" gave the {ITS} hlht run in one section. built the piece to an impressive which gave a dramatic exit i..i " i
he Almost three semesters ago, of what was to be one 01 their Most impressive in the men’s climax. the group A . g], . ‘ .
or Sara Holroyd of the Music strong points—ensemble. The half of the program, though. I ‘ ‘ . , i , i
A Department took on the men attacked the number With were three folk $0th Of The W omen 8‘ C horal P0351hl)’ the ”1051 0"”th -. ‘ '. . '.
se somewhat formidable task of an enthusiasm that didn’t Moussorgsky. “We p00r Souls" Ensemble showed some fortes of number on the program was the
ck reviving the University Men’s overshadow preciseness and was sung with Slavic majesty; in their own Aha purity and beauty last one, a PHCC arrangement “l '
Id and Women‘s Glee Clubs. tonal shading. This, as well as all the second song, “All My of tone and controlled ensemble. Simon and (.ariunkel 5 “Sounds _ . ’- ' '- V,
Th rough Miss' Holroyd’s of the men’s other numbers, was Freedom,” one could almost see Their opening work was three of of Silence. Price prefaced this '2 -, _ I. " '~
. enthusiasm and professional done a capella—a diffiCUlt feat caravans passing mournfully hrahms Songs and Romances. I‘m number With remarks 0' m“ a' “i i
.nt endeavors, the groups began to for any choral group. through the Asian steppes Songs F0 My Charmer. “”10 "W” ‘ T ' f i' 'll i!
I a build their numbers and quality. (shades of “Dr. Zhivago”); and Mountains are Steep, Lind “Whatever opinions l ma; . ‘ -". ‘ ' a 9‘
‘ - a . u : , . . i. _ _ . _. - . -. .
,v This semester, bale Price, a The men showed some the song “At the Gate" From be” LOftY Mountain have. as a mUSIClan. on the ~' j
ed doctoral student in music, took effective purity of tone in presented a minor-key peasant (a poor translation from the quality Of this music." he said. i3}: Y
868 over and has built on Miss Jacques Clement’s “Adoramus festiveness. German). The women showed “young people Of today ENC ..."‘-'” : . .1 V‘"
ive Holroyd’s efforts with results Te” (We Adore Thee, O Savior), Leading into intermission, themselves equal to .Brahms using this kind Of mUSiC 10 '1 . ._
i that are nothing short of and handled the unusual both groups together did a vocal challenges. . with the eXPH‘SS their views 0“ CYUCiul - " '
i fantastic. Tuesday night, Price’s harmonic shifts well in Bach’s relatively modern piece, Julius sopranos rating superior for the” facets 0f human experience. I i ‘. i. ' .7.”
ity groups—now called the Men’s chorale “Come 0 Come!” The Chajes’ “Song of Galilee.” The part ”'1 these love songs. think their message is something '- ‘,
nt _ an d W om e n ’s Choral group also interpreted one of song had a Hebraic quality in But the best of the women’s we should seriously consider.“ ‘. .' ' 3;:
or, Ensembles—presented their Schubert’s lied (songs) “To spite of its implicitly Christian selections was Huston Bright’s Price is a man with -, 'i r”-fi=',.
of spring concert in Memorial Hall. Spring,” with the lightness and text (“The Lord will again build “Fall, Leaves Fall," written after triple-threat talent. as he is an . - i." ~ «, .-
in The concert opened With a gaiety necessary for the piece, an Emily Bronte text. They sang accomplished singer as well as ' 5 g ‘ ..
se charming barbershop—type piece, though the tenors made minor 4&8 .300 this number with a kind of choral conductor and arranger. :34-iv L i.'
‘ ' hushed mystery. Mendelssohn‘s liis arrangement of the popular , . f .. it
“Laudate Pueri“ (Ye sons of Simon and Garfunkel song : ' '_. -§ ’ ‘
dd 0 . Offered next f0” lsrael, Thank the Lord) was preserved all the harmony and i ., - . ~'
ar + c : a S S I I e + . . dOhC With the earlier-mentioned beat of the original. Helping out " . " 'i ..
nd Dang the _t““ semester 1‘ tonal beauty and good ensemble. Willi the song were a bass fiddle '. . _>
in SpCCIa] CPWSC m )undergraduate and at the last of their half the and two gunurs. and the group C; _ a,
CY Classified advertising will be accepted W education, 1.0”??S‘WW women WEN J‘thd by 1* Smhg brought the song to an i 3:1 i, a
“is on a pro-paid basis only. Ads may be WANTED Problems, and Priorities (Arts ensemble and an organ tor impressive finale ; . , v. .. _-
”heed In person Mona-y ‘hrou‘h W and SCIENCES 200) \Vlll bC ' i: ' "3 ‘ ._ . . 7 . I.
Ild Frldly or by mail. payment inclosed. NEED RIDE to Philadelphia area May ‘ _ f ‘ "-1.‘ ‘. ‘ 1 ‘ .1 “
ast ”11‘5”: KEINTUgll‘dY KERNEL, Room 6 or 7. Prefer leaving early morning, presented Tuesday “1ng ”0m « v3 - vi ' -. "
i 0'1"“ ism ‘- driving straight through. — Phone _ ‘ I ~ , , . _ 7 5 . . . ; g‘:
Rates are 51.25 m 20 words. 33.00 299-9624 12AM 7 9 p'm- 1“ “’0’“ '0“ ““1“ . ; f _. - 1
(or three consecutive insertions oi the W Hall. 3 ‘ -_. . ..; . , i,
‘ d 0 ' d , d 3_‘5 Ol‘ summer an -O]' a . . ‘ ‘ .‘ , . : ‘
fa $3130 $1.33,“' 5 m s ' p" Furnished 2-bedroom. All utilities The purpose of the course is V _- , . .2,
id The deadline is ll a. m. the day 8:11?§7"2c_i§30919°mmy' Tates figfifs' to provide a communications . i 7 . . ‘.
' . prior to publication. No advertisement ' channel between facult , _ if . '1 ‘o 9
erg 2 may cite race. religion or notional NEEDED by May 18, female roommate. ' . . . >‘ . ix: . _ ‘ '2 . i
u] i orlzln Is I qualification for rentlnc Cari 266-2374, ask for pat. 13A19 students and administration in VANS a-.,.:....-.'.....x..,-
i rooms or for employment. 7. ,_, I f t t . . . ‘. . . . . T.-
ir. ; Wm” 1936 thru 1957 HARLEY-DAVIDSON an e or O U“ Pro‘ 9 . , 1 - , .' v“ _' ‘
b E FOR RENT ‘74", any condition. Call Eddie at Undergraduate cdugation at UK. . z. - .' _, i. 3
3 NW 278—8812. 13A15 . . ‘ _ . - .
‘St " MODERN furnished efficiencv apart— M—_ The class Will COHSlSt Of a VINCENT FISTER INC . ‘- . '- ’ ‘ .
dy g merits. Only 2 blocks frgm ’UK. 422 Vgfifggg‘fidifiwgggspf’mffiffi one-hour presentation on an I ' ' ' ~
5 AF’losford Place and 318 ransylvania . . , . ' . . ' . .' .,- ., f . ,‘ ..
3' Park. Immediate occupancy. or sum- SSEF'SEI‘EEIE Sgsg?b3iggr ggif-agliamed— educational Folllc- SUCh . ‘15 Agent for ; _» ‘ r {”33
if; m" ““91 f?” n°w bemgzringfé Cf“ ' ’ 1'3A19 Student Roles in the Governing . _ . ' f ". - _.
‘ £5" Al 95‘0“? timid 4554!; 141:3; -——“——"—‘-' of the Universit The Preplanned MOV’"9 ’" Sanitized Vans ‘y " ’ ‘ :
,3} ranss vama ar ' - ' SOMEONE to perform or to learn can- . . l y' b . = . _. ~
M. lt' f tth ‘d t a . , . . -
7 APIARTMEN'I‘S. "ihiii‘sei' 12 rooms. 3,3,3“ p3,,iff‘ime ‘Kfsci‘; $55, °Say, pres‘mmon “’11 be {Ollowfid .V Personalized Serwce on Baggage and Personal Effects .,. .. a .
p - C1039 ‘0 UK- Avala *3 .01" summer 233-5530, 13A19 a debate. The lectures Will be . ~ v _ a
_ and fall. Days 278-6125; nights, week— . 1 Gomg Overseas g .' .‘ g . .'
ONE BEDROOM and efficienciesi com- WW0 faCulty. 266-2] 53 ‘1". L : 1 \_ 2 ' 1 ‘
l ent « pletely furnished. Summer 835,95- TYPIST -— Experienced in Research There are no prerequisites for -.I - . .. . .~ _
i Air conditioning. Roof top swimming 1:. ’ Th . . t ., t . . . z» .. . A . . . 1
5 Of 3°“ Telling iappli°awss Ti‘iiwi if‘ £555: weiisegsuarraeifié'é‘f Raetecs moi? the course. It Will be given tor STORAGE — PACKING — CRATING ' . -
; ountry par merits. ou s - . p -82 0_ _ d ‘ ‘ . . ,. . . 1* . i' ~. .. . V. ‘
leave ; iand. 265-2310 or 266-7641. 8A22 60“ per page h°ne 2" 7 W w two hours ”“1” and “d” be 2305 Polumbo Drive Off New Circle Rd. 3 - -' 3 ' '
_. Wm . - , , . . I ‘v ». -. ‘ '. ' . ‘ -
APARTMENTm-W. 3rd. mid-May to MISCELLANEOUS taken Filth” for .3 grade or on? , . . .
were mid-August. 3 rooms.k prrivate 31%?)- We ”M "lws A 14” pass-tail baSis. Enrollment Will -. i" g g
trance. garage. new itc en. : EURO? 3189—. ay — ugust ~— - - x , _ . u- .— ’ . . . ,’
for furnished, utilities paid. 254-3975. Detroit-Allisterdam-Detroit; Non stop. be hmlttd to 100 students. _ 2,5 "M“ ‘0“ 3, OPEN EVERY Nlbh | ‘1 '. j . l .. *
13A15 Open Bar; 707 Jet. For information For information on A & S “G “ ’Mcd . _‘ , 'r‘ ,> ,- .. .1
ylon ——-————— --———-— and reservations: WORLD WIDE ‘ _ ‘1‘ vEa‘ r Just 7 Minutes South 5 ,_ 2. : _
ore AVAILABLE June. July. August —— CHARTER. 117 North First Street. 300, students should contact Dr. ' 98‘ mcuous L' x ,v
large furnished three bedroom apart— Ann Arbor. Michigan 48108. 7A14 \ ll , . l ‘ . 7‘ new on lmestone . . ‘. ’_ ‘ ..
the ment three blocks from2 campus. —____ .._—.—— John Step enson of I it . _ .7 'fl.. .. 1 . .. _.
Modern kitchen. Rent 31 5 mont . JAM SESSION Thursday. April 15 on .' . , . , - - y 3.». ,- . , _. {g 4‘. _.
Che Telephone 254—3975. 13A19 grass between Blanding II and Ulll— Sociology DQPdTlllitnt. 1565 TONIGHT —' FIRST AREA SHOWING. 0 y‘ : ‘ . ‘:
cked WWNN' \‘ersity Ave. 7—11 p.m. 13AM Office Tower. . » ' , '. f, ' 5. _ ‘1'.
SERVICES 4 -. ~ . - Q
from WWW " ’ ! " ', , ._I I. .
. prfl PIANO TUNING —- Reasonable prices. .. , .' 1» .' W _,
All work guaranteed. Trained by . . . ~ »‘
Steinway & Sons in New York. Mr. ! . . '.- 1-,
er of Davies, 252—1989. iOM—Ais ummer m o meqt 3 ;.= ; 2 _ . _.
the i roE'EILi: ”’ p y I ...the story of her journey into perversion. . .. j , 3. -‘ 1' < a -, -,
WMWM f . . I . .
pped CORVETTE~—1963, 327, duel linc Holly. _ _ ~.‘ . - .‘ I? . .‘ ‘ .
nger Aluminum high~riser. i-speed. “plum On Thursday, April 15, a representative of The , ,.. :.. ..
d in crazy" color. white top. Polyglas, . . j ‘l-_ » _.; ,5
mat-ts; excellent condition. 233-098A8l4 Couner-Journa| WI“ be on campus from 9:00 A.M' ‘5 _ .l_ ‘ L , . ,.
pay __,__..-.-_-,_ » —~»—~—~‘—»—-*-—4 . -. .
and VERY SHARP HONDA 305 Scrambler f0 12 N00" and from 1:00 P.M. TO 4200 P.M. I’O _ .~ “I %\A\ \‘ .~ I ‘-
d 3625. Call 278-7506 after 5 pm. 7AM . , ' .;::_> . . I 1., , J
’36 ~~—»—- V“, -,__._._-._-.._-__ InterVIew and rest male applicants for summer em- ~ ‘_ _ ~ . _ . . . e ,1 4
the FOR SALE MFARFISA com}? com- I A I __ . .2 , -. ,~ . J. .
pact deluxe organ and Les ie pre 0 ment. ' - - A iii-‘5. ‘I. .‘ r ‘ 1 _ . -. ‘
.imp. WANTED: Hammond M3 organ. p V pp Icanfs must be w'"mg to travel . ”M i; 1- ,4 i. . . . . . > _
man .,(."L“.§‘_U_E‘_“YL‘*_fiflLILi“: 11“.”. Kentucky and Southern Indiana during June, July 1 - 8" 53'",'5:""I:2::ris*if? .- _ ‘ . , ‘ ,l
‘ TXPE DECK iPanasonic 8i; Bike I5 _ . . Iii. "‘3' - ' - t :- “p.353; _ ’ g.
had :iipedl, Electric Mimeograph nm- and August. The posmon wull pay $85.00 per week .‘V 3,, . . piggy '. g , , -.
U S “hm“ ””““’°“““p“- “3mm 9'93"?” 2;. , ' . «mm §§§§I=EE . . J ~
Cfié 23;?! .32;;_’g‘;;34f4‘-X WWWE ““3336 plus travel expenses (meals, lodging and transpor- ----:_.4. . his . . . f. '. ~. .
@"G’w‘j$676.1fi5i357.“MEAT- ration). Please contact your placement officer for ;' ' em ' "" a- - .i I - ».‘ T.
ft rm‘ he“ 11' 5 - . . "*‘tEESiisisszii' - ' ' , ' '. “
-)——‘—-—*——-—— ’“’—"'—-~_—. “me ("Id pICCC 0* interview. §f 1‘? . DL-Iiggigir-rv“ .‘ . i - '
NORCOLD desk-size refrigerator. (‘Ol- e. E 7, .451; . .. .. .
or brown; I year old; S48 firm. Call . - . *1 "a; 4 . I“ y, -.
S 258-8373 13mg . . . ' . .
‘ ‘ R E E o ' I R E E a " I R E E o "" I R E E o l ' f z ,..;...;....:...:;.2. . ' . . '
yor Q .5; xx 31:9 5355:? " ." . , . ~ . . ‘ ’.
said ' 1‘ ‘ T : ’ . .
i Her body . ,_ =='~.;;3j; ' - '. ~ . ~
seat “3 es Izza ' *- is bruised *- . 1
I IS -38l South Limestone g . . ., ‘ .
ity, :‘ and embraced . . . .
y a ——————-———-—-—-—-———-—-——— beyond her r. . . . , .
W FREE Delivery on Campus of any order over $2.00! wildest g «‘ 1 xi
______—____—____———————————-———- _5'.§:~ .-' , ;.";:?" r '
e to . _
n . . -. .
can u . ., .
f 10 CHEESE PIZZA 1.05 .. MARM ROHM (3093‘ Starring CHNSTOPHER LEE