xt7dv40jwt54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dv40jwt54/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1941 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1941 Vol.13 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, November 1941 Vol.13 No.1 1941 1941 2019 true xt7dv40jwt54 section xt7dv40jwt54 . H . . hf
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igfii Published In the Interest 0t Community
ourna ism - - an or
J i OF, by, d t
. Kentucky Newspapers l-
' ' Volume Thirteen Number One I

 l i " " .3
i Page Two ,r . , » THE KENTUCKY PRESS Novembet, 1941 i
i I i
. “ P n C 11 B t M th d a renewal, the second, .labeled “Wt Nin
. l 6150 a \i‘ ,, (a) a- S 95 e 0 Gotta Know,” goes out the week befon Sasq‘
. i . . V . . expiration. This envelope calls attentim
i For Bulldlng CIICUIatlon Epiuth): ffact that. only one‘inore papa EV
- i orthconiing, and offms the altei keet
i . By Ed C. Coman ceived a good rating in many cases. How- Efdlrhfisigfg Eniggbyalflgggit :15: (; giii:
. ‘ Oregon Publisher ever, publishers who rated them only this still fails to work, the final Cnvdép lems
. Circulation is no Topsy . _ . it doesn't {3:21. rljoiigclsg‘CZingletelir ignored the is attached the next week, with the colt fldVC
. : “just grow.” It takes steady, regular sub- .q U]? upestionabrll econtests and rot headed: I“No foolin,: your subscriptioi' .tabh
: ii scription work to make the grade—a def— sionalq solicitors brin results in Iimnf: has expired—and thls is the last is“; ‘ puss
‘ ! inite program for obtaining new SUb- diate circulation cashg but subscrthions that. W111 be mailed you.” : édte:
i Scribers and following up expirations. obtained under )r‘essure of com )dtition - fifty-four per cent Oi thosc answe; All-g?
- The system need not be complicated or b hi h-aouliered salennnslii) are lng the questlonnaire reported no defl mitt
l or expensive, but it must bring results usuallyr nogt rlenewed at e' irati I All “Fe time for cancellation after expira Resc
' in cold cash. f) l [1 1 1?? Ion. ‘ 7 11011. Ten percent of the papers reportei inen
Oregon publishers report personal 50— too o-tcn‘suc ibme iocs Law tie“ neus- 5“)?ng the papers Immediately alte C6161
licitation as the most effective means papei with a lack eye 1(L)1 ”S tioublc. CXPII‘aUOn (most of these being dailies) the:
‘ for circulation building. Two-thirds of 5113:1522: Officil: thcalzlfhem bil‘iiildflagifi fifteen PCT C91“ cancelled after a month. be C
those answering a recent questionaire but unstagbleyaesults Lon):r terngi offer: I per cent after two months; 15 per «in L t
‘ rated it best for obtaining new SUb— did not receive a verr hi fi ratin but after three monthrS; 12 percent aftt a 6
scribers, and 57 per cent gave it top .11 t' ‘ 12 thg n g, _ six months; and 7 per cent after a yeai TI
spot for holding old subscribers. Vi” 501116.11“? amp) 16 ecessary 1111- A definite time for stopping papa Tim
. Personal solicitation, then, should cucpmenttti an latoilgIRPSOSPE-Ct. T16 after expiration puts subscription col Stre;
‘ ‘ form the background of any circulation 11mg} 10‘; at, keasot 3135 1:01 .IC.-et€-Imng[ 161a lections on a business-like basis andi whec
building program. Whether the work is )lei‘fnfdieiiltd 1““ m S ”5011) ion an y essential- ‘0 any follow-up system. f The
i done by the publisher, by an employee 1 Free classified ads to subscribers was Experience .lndimtcs’ however, than insta
l serving part time in another capaCity, another SJECial offer re )orted as bein‘ doesnt pay—in dollars and cents—Ito 10’ I
i or by a fulltime circulation worker, the effective liln ainin neiti circulation g a weekly PUb-llShcr to St-OP a paper Ugh phis
‘ important thing is to have someone Renewfls gare gm source of stead! after-expiration. Carrying on after 9 pany
.‘ make the calls. , ‘ , ‘ . ‘ ) piration gives the publisher an oppot 31 V
‘ The solicitor should be able to con- lcrculation income. Many Sglgdg weel: tunity to do effective follow-up wot. tra l
tact an average of thirty homes a (lay {ifirfaihiésvgihfigriemgtcheiijrhan cosinvtVCSn and avoids offending many subscriber: schor
i in town and twenty in the country. $50 or more In. fact man ublishers A definite time, however, should .1] Mod
. Even on a two-day-a-—week basiS, this count on derivin about $721) er cent set and observed. Again, experience it
could result in 2,400 calls a year. of their incomegfrom renewals and cheats that the longer an arrearagl Clip;
The method Of paying subscription new subscrinions To accom )lish this stands, the less chance there IS ever tocoltl Cl
3 solicitors is important. Oregon news» . . l ' i ‘ ’ 16d. '3
. . . _ a definite, wellplanned follow—up iou— Lon time rates contests and n for r
‘ papers seem fairly con51stent in pay tine is essential _ g . . ’. ’ P pape
ment for new subscriptions, the gomg ) . ' > Iniums met With little favor at tl least
, rate to solicitors in nearly every case fractically'all Oregon newspapers 01)‘ hands of Oregon newspapers As ln'lil ineni
. being 50 per cent. For renewals the serve the basic prinCiple of renewal col- case of new subscriptionS, long [1“? hous
‘ range runs from nothing to 50 per cent, lections by glVlng advance. notice [W0 rates are not particularly effectivei OI
I the average being about 301361" cent. 01~ four weeks before exp'ii'ations.‘ In obtalnlng renewals, but do cut doll at 50
Other methods of obtaining new sub- many cases {1115 DOUC? 1a 111 the 101111 the expense of. handling subscription was1
'1 schiptions were distribution of sample Of a formal statement; 1“ others, a penny and may be Justlfied on that ISCOH‘ not I
copies, gratis subscriptions, contests, pro- postcard. FOHOW‘uP programs COHSISt 0f Contests and premiums bring . iii 11 eaus
3‘ fessional subscription workers, and additional statements and then a lettCi newals, but often prove expenswc Ct cent
i special offers. before the paper is stopped. lection methods. .1 Ca
i Several publishers reported giving gift“ Business reply envelopes, such as those Metropolitan newspapers are wt was t
i subscriptions to all newlyweds, a method that may be stapled to papers, provide more and more picture5, and one! three
l which in one case added about fifty a simple but effective system of follow- the best ways for local papers to im becai
' l names a year, a large percentage of up. Not only do they make it easy for this competition is to feature more at will
i which were renewed. Another gives each the subscriber to renew, but they also more local cuts. Many papers in ll of th
. student away from home to university provide a point—of-sale medium that state are adding news cameras to tllt In
' or college a gift subscription. Still an— glves enough icopy area for effective equipment and brightening up [hiliedz
i other offers an opportunity to give a sales presentations. pages w1th news and human lnttg was
i 1 friend a short-time gratis subscription One Oregon newspaper uses a series §hOtS- These papers-report that the 1i was,
i 1 with each renewal. of three of these business reply envelopes {5 zprovmg itself In Increased 1‘63é the s
i The questions of contests and pl‘O— with very satisfactory results. The first, interest and some new subscriptiond’g the k
fessional workers met with varied i‘e- labeled “Hurry,” is stapled on the paper Cash-in-advance—a magic drug [lithe ft
actions in the survey. As effective means the first of the month in which the sub— means 35 35 31‘, in your cash box and plihfieaso]
of obtaining new subscribers, they re- scription expires. If this falis to bring in ant relief from circulation headachefilgéent
i” \ LIBRARY 9,
i ' ~ ' "
' - _ 3.5“!" w . M_ A ,

 :1, 1941 Nomnbcr, 1941 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three
13216361313633: gmthicféigifztia?12i$uEndomes If your’re giving any bureau your Its purpose is to eliminate conflicts in ‘
ills attentiog 55‘1“ 1:?YSiIIDIfl138r free Oilcharge, you re 11(1): dates ofjpublic meetings, entertainments, j
more papa Even the inclement weather could not ECliiéergs sciuairedwuilyoui 1payirig su - and soc1al events. The 'plan has a two- i
ers the alter keep a large number of ninth district b - , 11“,” ing tie ot iei c1pping fold value, first, as a tickler for future
wal cashg editors away from the Levi Jackson uieaus tiat aie Willing to pay. The news stories, and second, as a goodw1ll E
nite date, I State Park, London, November 8. Prob- fiict that newspapeliis p11 give one bureau builder. E
nal Cliveloi) lems so-ncerning shop, circulation, and “1‘: Papflj “:1 W ead t,0 the 0th?“ j ———-—— E
rith the coil advertismg were discussed. at the round- $151.th 1;); t e same treatment.— 16 Headlines 0“” Legals
subscriptior table that afternoon. Pres1dent and Mrs. ”1015 nor. _____ Favorable comments of lawyers and i
re last issui . 42255623311111; eVg’fITe I—lfféidtOAthE dele- High School press Association readers are being made to the Lit/leton E
5": . ' . _ '. rown- Meets At Universz'l (COL) Independent smce it inaugarated E
hose answer ing, Whitley Republican, district com- )1 a plan of putting a live head on each
rtcd no defi mitteeman, pres1ded ht the meeting. The members of the KCHEUCkY High public notice. The effect of the plan is E
after expira Resolutions adopted included indorse- School Press Association met for their that the public at large is more con— i
)ers reporter them Oh the Kentucky sesquicentennial seventeenth annual meeting at the Uni- scious of the value of public notices. It :
diately afte celebrationiand a recommendation that versity, November 28-29- A £1111 PFOETEUTI may have a very beneficial effect on i
eing dailies) the association state PUthILY campaign 0f work tables and round tables kept legislators when attempts are made to E
'teramonth be continued. the 330 delegates busy. More than 45 curtail legal notices. Here are a few i
; 15 per cen . "____ _ 5Ch0015 from every section were repre- sample headings used: File Comstock l
3r cent afte Latest Linotype Installations sented- Estate Bills April 22; L. M. Butcher ' E
aiter a yes The Louisville Courier-Journal and 2 Al ,. —I:——l— F . Estate to §ettle May 6; To Sell Track E
)PEHS WW Times recently installed five new Blue {amps 4 [ESE-{0’3“ {3’11“ 01 LOES April 205 Clear Tltle 0“ [4.015 E
cription coi Streak Model 31, equiped with mould "’ “”5, ”5 m an Northeast. of Loretto; To determine i‘
133515 ahdl wheel containing six 241/2 pica moulds. James Alverson, 74, a printer since he Owner VVindermere Home. Heads were
system. - The Armored Force News, Fort Knox, was 9 years old, died at his home in set ih 18-point boldface type. E
VCVGF, thati installed a Model 8 equipped with 71/2, Harlan, November 16. He had been con— ————j— i
“1 cents—f0 10, and 14 point Excelsior with Menr nected with the Enterprise Publishing Pal)” From 0‘15“)" 911 PM]? _ E
a paper rigli phis Bold. The Standard Printing Com- Company since 1932, coming from New Phll) 0f the prolificjcastor 011 Plaht i
on after 9% pany, Louisville, installed a Blue Streak York, where he had operated a print« may he used [er making newsprint If i
er an oppoi 31 with quadder, and twenty—seven ex- ing business. A native of Richmond, Ky-, experiments Wthh are 500“ [0 be made i.
low-up wor-_ tra fonts of type. The Somerset high he is survived by his wife and a sister, in Texas are successful. These tests With E
y subscriber school printing department installed a Miss Rose Alverson, Richmond, and a the pulp Wh bejmade at the new paper E
', shouldb Model Eight. brother, Jesse, Lexington. mill that is being constructed at Luf— . ‘,
xperience it _____ ______4 kin, Tex., at the mill of the Champion i
in arrearagf Clipping Bureaus Will Pay Full Price To Perk Up Your Ears PaperSc Fiber Company, and at a paper E
is ever tocok . j _ _ mill in Savannah, Ga. ii
a ChPPlhg bureaus W11 P3X full price Some suggestions from Prof. Thomas It has already been demonstrated by E
sts, and pit for newspaper SUbSCUPUOhS 1f the news- F. Barnhart of Minesota on subjects chemurgists that different kinds of paper ;
favor at ti paper stands pat on no reduction. At which can be effectively presented in can be made from castor plant pulp, but E
31‘s. As in ll least thlsh the experience Of a PTO'h' the front page boxed “ears” of news- there are some phases of the experiments 5 j.
5, long tim 1mm“ Hhhhlsj weekly Wthh made a papers as follows: (1) Total circulation which are still to be worked out, it was E i
i effective i‘ iouse cleaning recently. . of preceding issue. (2) Newspaper’s tele- explained. Test plots of castor 011 beans i
:10 cut dot One ChPng bureau had been Paylhg phone number. (3) To boost reader in- were planted in east Texas during the E
subscription at 50 Peh cent 0f the regular rate, Wthh terest in classified ads. (4) To show num- last session and they gave almost fabu- i .
i that scan was unfair h? the local loyal _Suh_5C1‘1he1‘Sg ber of page containing leading feature. lous results in size of plant and yield of E
bring in n :23; talihehh'jhsthe OtheerhPljhhg bur: (5) Slogan of newspaper or community. beans. . E
:xpensive (a ‘ Pal} j 9 percent an( 00 PCI (6) To promote community and paper Similar experiments were conducted t'EiE
cent of the iegjular price. by publishing facts about them. in the lower Rio Grande valley, where E
rs are usin waEatfiylgg uniajlrmilss t0 its1 nth degree1 '_____ fine results were also obtained, it was i325
e ureau in t e east tiat receivec . st; t «151ml; is/iers’ A 1,!Xlll(ll‘l i. i.
11:23 tgnleml three copies every week, al free, simply Commumty Calendm i c / ___#_ i E
ure more?“ beff‘uge 1th€ name of your newspaper _ To facilitate thejschejduling of meet— _]94I Chronology E‘j;g
)apers in I] wfi h e aid ,uponj the mahogany-deskj ings in the community Without conflict in Sometime sit down and enumerate E
neras to [mo Itr1 e nations outstanding executives. time or place, a group of western papers the many events which have transpired i .
ing up [ht lied arelgeryakiinstarfiala1 thltle bulreaicils comi has establishedapublicjcalendarserVice. during this past year. Then check E
iman inten Was qup Girl 11 , w eln tie emanc Everyone in lchaige .of arianging any through your morgue. No doubt-you i;
that the id was inc t1e. E copisc, tie newspapei kind of public meeting in the county have cuts for many .of these happenings. i .‘
reased read the,secon:je )lgsctep tillegalattgood ope.1 In isminVited to teleprone the newspaper For the last 1ssue 1n Decembereevote ,j.
scriptionctl the bureauslwas’no 16' Cr maiec to o ce to have thc eiigagment listed on a. Page or two to a chronological rc- L j;
_ p aintive plea £01 the calendar and to inquiie concerning View of the news for the year. And be : .
gic drug ll the full price, but a sales letter giving the dates and places of meetings already sure to cover sports and important Civic ;
)0x and plthasons why the paper was worth every arranged. The calendar is not published functions in addition to outstanding .
l headachfl‘ ent asked. but is available at the office at 211 times news stories. ‘ .
to. i112:
d ' , . g ’
:9 . . - x . rig;

 ll ,
1 ;
ll Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS November, 1941
, ‘ forts are reflected in the community should be the best community on earth Corr
i /78 press of the state. But he has a duty to himself, to his F071
l - .
l t a 88 These twelve years have seen a vast community. He must not remain stag.
v i en ’ improvement in the format and con- nant; he must assimulate new ideas I
, l tent in the community press, not only and practices and put these into opera: arrai
. Official Pglicatx); 0115 318 Kentucky of the state, but of community news- tion to keep abreast of the times and to meet
. ess 009. on . .
, papers everywhere. They have seen a keep his newspaper up to date. He has [10“
vast im rovement in the format and con- ~‘ ' , , ~ ‘ Tl
Victor E. Portmann, Editor-Publisher . P . (. another pilVIIege, howevei, that 15 30
tent, in typography, In make-up, in news— corded to a few—that of taking active 0 A
' Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexington wmlng, m ed}t0Y131 Contem- They participation in a press association, of t01113
: | have seen the editors turn from the slip— taking part in its deliberations, of hear. DYCh
Press Association Officers shod methods of yesterday to the clean- ing new ideas and practices. If a news. tary
' ‘ R l] D h , P sident, London Sentinel—Echo ' 7 ' - ' . , _
l H3315”; L. Vagrflelli Vice-Pres, Clinton Gazette CUt attractiVe, interesting, inspiiing paper 15 worthy of the name, its editor Mess
I J. Curtis Alcock, Secy.-Treas,, DanVille Messenger pI‘CSS of today. Equally as great, If not should strive always for the common town
' District Executive Committeemen , _ ~ .
Vance Armentrout, Louisgilie LCéurieriJodurnaYi greater’l the}: hat“? SEED all: 1:31:58 Wm gOOd—‘to “lake hls newspaper worthl 1kg), S
. (Third), Chairman; First, 0e 3. ore, a uc_a 1-0111 [16 an 5. 0C Ct 00’ cc 3111 ” , . ' ' ran.
Sun-Democrat; Second, Tyler Muntord, Union . .P P . _ 1 g and better. Ifhe remains outside the
County Advocate, Morganiield; Fourth, Joe Rioh- of yeSteiyeai to CffiCIBDCY in all phases rankS, he is domg himself and his news- The
ardson, Glasgow Times; Filth, Frank Bell, Trim— f 12' lb . 1 .. . ~ . Tl \ t S
, hie Democrat, Bediord; Sixth, Ema] 13V. gaghs, 0 prac 1C3 115111655 ac mllllsthOn- 1L paper unreparable harm. He needs the P‘
' H ld—Le der: Seven , . . 0 in- u ‘ .- . - , - . . . . . ,
. shoen’fmfififltsvfifeanemifi :thEig‘ilithiAT.BT. Wilson, vlvliig day Of the C- 0- 13- PllntEI'CdllOl IS assoc1ation; the assoc1ation needs him. be R
b' , C th‘ ; Nin , . . rowning, i- ' ‘ _ , ~ 7 . A. '
. EgmlsnburgynRghhliclan; gate—at-lafige, yictor Rd. rap—idly P3353? . . t E\ C] y state newspapei should be a men {2103‘
Portmann, entuc y ress, exmg on, an owever ere 15 one lll’l rovemen . . . ‘ y . . ‘ u
Chauncey Forgey, Ashland Independent. 1 MUQT b 1 Cl P . ‘ bel ”Of the KChtuCky P1655 ASSOClatlon, kg
‘ Legislative Committee “at . ~ 6 ma; 6 tol ay 1“ 0‘11 every editor should attend the mid-Win-Plar S
i T l r Muntord, Morganiield Advocate, chairman; connnunltr ress )(31‘1a s t1e last fron— . ' ' ., ,7' (6)1}:
Hirery Lee Watdriieid, Clinton Gazette; Thomas . . l p ’ I p “31 meeting 1“ Januai). “111 YOU be 11
R. Underwood, Lexington Herald; Henryrwelrd, tier. The editors must have the courage there? w 10
' gofiggggg, §9§é§$§§2§fihfl %:%§F%V,fi§;,m~‘s‘fps‘3me§2 of their convictions and MUST raise _____ ppntt
i 56‘ JOUY‘W‘ their rates both irculation and atlin= T ' :0 th
Newspflp” Exmb“ committee tising to ,a cost glus level if they are l\cw P. O. Ruling ’Sprin
Victor B. Portmann, Kentucky Press, Chairman; : ‘ c . . .. .
Miss Jane. Hun‘m' Harfogsf“? whelg‘i‘lfii any: to survive. Higher taxes, social securi- The POSt Office department has. rfEdito
. MarkEthrldge. Prospect, 0._ - - 10 M 0 . . . . cently ruled that newspaper advertisen .
ganvgle pieilseneeréAdigoceteé Jerry Freeman» ty, higher costs of material and equip- b _ d h f ‘b To
ri- oun ews, um er an . . _ x . .
' y merit, and many other factors surely may we peli'mitte it e use 0d usmhlngtm
, make the editor realize that he MUST ESP Y 111211 ing “71mm” prepa; 130§tag:.0wes
‘ NATIO ALGDITORIAI take this decisive step at once. There pcilvspapefi ClOpy ilnay Paul] “6 phhtePortir.
'1 2,5351% ASSOCIATION is no alternative if many of our com- m iess 0_ “6 ac vertisei _0h 21 coupohmrtm
: V121; . , , - , ~ or otherWise, and prospective customeistl N‘
i wail - f” munitynewspapers are to suivne. The ' 1_ , 1e .
3 community newspaper MUST stand on are permitted to c 1p that'pai t, paste ital m,
‘ its own initative, not as a poor adjunct Oh an envelope and drop It In the mallthe C]
’W to a job shop as so many newspapers “’hhoht postage. A guarantee that P°5l7aSSOCiE
MEMBER "élmihl today exist. age Will be paid by the advertiser mustmtrep
.Mfi, . .
‘ “$99.4 These twelve years have also seen be caiiied With the published address.
j K TUCKY PRES a new and highly important develop- What Kind DoTTBTJ—Usc? '-
T ON ment that, not only has been a factor - ' Carlie
‘ ASSOCIA l in the improvement of the community An Illinois publisher tells of his pthzll .f
, “0””5” “”"‘“~ ”‘9 press in many states, but augurs well peeve. It’s the method of wrapping Ken
for the future. This factor, the central papers for distribution in old handbillsmoven
Volume Thirteen, Number One office or the field manager, is firmly es- printed newspapers, and other i‘efuststamp‘
tablished in 28 states of the union with found about the office. efforts
. ' . five more establishing this movement “I’d as soon send out an unshavtlf
3 Twelve Years Old' Gom On Thirteen ._ . . . , n . ,laS)
. ’ g this fall, 33 in all. This state can look salesman 1n dirty overalls, he told him. all,
, With this issue, the Press enters well into its possibilities and potential- fellow publishers in a recent issue OlI‘imes
, into Volume Thirteen. ities. the Illinois Press Bulletin. papers,
l Twelve years have passed 5mm the F01 the thirteenth time'we reitCIate __.____ take st
: Press made its timid offering to the our pledge: We W111 ('10 all m 011? power I. Q. Home Town sz ‘Nas or
l newspapers of Kentucky. During this to promote community Journalism and Five questions reviewing facts, welletin.
l ‘ time the GdiCOI‘ has endeavored t0 {111- i to serve the interests Of the newspapers known people, and comunity histofl. It is
l. . fill the Obligation that is expressed in Of the state to the best Of our ablhty' with one question relating to the reader'ilonth
‘ “ its slogan, “Published in the interests of __.____ knowledge of the paper, are asked thy eacl
3 1 n' r ' u‘nai — of b and for . . . ‘ - “ Al ‘
. commu 1t) 10 1 18m , ,, y, The Assocmtmn Meeting each issue of the Glendale (Calif.)Neui _ Vis
. 3 ; the Kentucky newspapers. “76 are Press. The feature, entitled “I. Q. H0111?311y
‘t 1 proud and happy to know that these ef— One of the greatest privilege and Town Quiz,” has creater reader inteieiamed
‘ ; forts have borne some fruit. We thank freedom accorded is that of owning and mm subtly boosting the communiley 0f
» g “ our many friends for their expressions operating a newspaper. The editor is, and newspaper. Subscribers write grindepe:
, of commendation and confidence that bound to no man, his only dictatOi is even call to suggest questions whitrh 3p]
. l ‘ have been extended to us during this his conscience, and his is the power to will lead to a better knowledge of th- Var;
l . period. We are thankful that these ef— do good in his community which comunity. if the
: l 1 ;
é '
‘ ‘ E i

 T: 1941 November, 1941 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five ‘
LY on earth, Committee Arranges Program acting director of the Central States McLean Conn/y News, Cal/702m
self,. [0 hli For Mid-Winter Meeting Circulation Managers Association. Suficrs $80678 Fire Damage
emam sta. . . Plans for the sales were made at a ‘ ~ * i
new idefs Program havmg a defense flair was . . Names swept through the office of
. d f th . 8 9 d 10 luncheon sponsored by the Courier—Jour- the McClean County News, Calhoun,
into 0 cm arrange or 6 January , an 1 lT' l .- . . . ,
p _ . . na ant imes an( The Lexington Her- November 29 as Editor “I G Collins
imes and to meeting Of the KemUCky Press Assocra- ald and Leader Rison and Lisle Baker ' ’ I i '
ate He has tion at the Brown Hotel, November 21‘ secretar treasurer of the Courier, Wan PICI)de1ng to go to perss wuh a E
that is as The program committee consists Of Iourrnlyand Times ex )lained details SSECUOH 0 hls fifteenth anniversary GdI- \
k‘ a t' C. A. Hummel, Jeffersontown Jefferson— - ‘, ’ l t‘iFon. Damage was estimated between .
l mg Cive _ , . All daily papers were represented (11- 55/ 000 21110558000 ‘
ociation 0f tonran, chairman; Presrdent Russell rectl . or in directl " ’C 11' l' ’ '
s of h’ea Dyche, London Sentinel-Echo; Secre— ) , y . 0 ins ( iscovered the blaze as he re- 5
)n , i- C . Al k D 7.11 Al . T. L. Adams, Circulation manager of turned to his oflicc from his living quar- i
If a news- tary urtis coc , ami e cvocate- Tl . H . ll 1 . . , . _ . . :
. . .7 re era (—Lea( er, said the Lexmgtoll ters in another part of the burldm
its editor Messenger, E. B. Goodman, Elizabeth- 1 . v'll . l _ g. i
e, . . ant Loursvr 6 papers rad agreed to Falling embers from an open rate were i
re common town Enterprise, A. S. VVathen, Kentuc- 1 h -. . ,E _ , . . g
k St' 1 d B rlt ,n. M ‘Alilli pace t 611 64111161“ organizations out- believed to have caused the fire. The {
per worthy y dm ar ’ a (S O“ ’ J' ' 5 side of their respective home towns at linot we and other ‘( ' 5
t ’de th Brandenburg, and Vance Armentrout, . . . . . ll . . L luipment were re— l
ou s1 e The Courier Journal the Ldisposal 0t other Kentucky dailies moved after slight damage, but much t
id his news- ‘ ' . . to widen the distribution flair. of th ,. ' ~‘ ~‘ ‘ '
e n€eds [he Speakers at the Ianuary meeting Will 1 1 . 9111' e cdrtorlial material for the special E
A n . . ‘ ' 7-, v - s V l 1
needs himbe Roy Howard, National Editorial As- F01 examp e Adams explained. LE1?“ was lost. t
lbe a menEsociation, London, Ohio; Mrs. Nellie B. All Of the Herald—Leader carriers in ( ”m _ 0 lins was gven a three-col- E
Association'vaughn’ Ba’rdstown, director of state another town would draw sthcir stamps Emu-story recently by the ITOWSVIHE l
he mid-win: parks; George Artlc, St. Louis, former h‘Om the Office Of the local daily news‘ EE()"EICI“I(EUIE1.31 as Kentuckys Okla“ E
ill YOU be deputy United States public printer, paper and that paper would record the fey???“ 6} ”01 as he was making plans E
who will speak on priorities for the stamp sales of both its carriers and those 01‘ 11% anniversary edition. . }
brinters; Miss Lillian Russell, Publisher 01’ The Herald or Leader. farfr (piouleci mbllirlglnlg lorganizatron 0f ‘:
‘ . ”II‘I‘S, ie ‘11 l‘ ' ' ' ‘
of the Russell County Baner, Russell Carrlers are to sell lO—cent defense Henderson E: 1516“ l”: Unipnist at .
'Springs, who will talk on “A Country stamps, and when a purchaser has filed of th ceiiti’irr )fie (1m? ‘Je (file. I“? turn i
tent has. re'Editor’s First Year.” an $18.70 album, he may obtain a $25 "ind labor '(iurnal 4:101)“ I?“ [aim 1'
l" advertiser! Tom Underwood, editor of the Lex- defense bond in exchange for the album louin thaJt he s :11. l wiriisloro. 1‘01‘ i
H ‘ . . u . . . . " )1 ‘ ~ .. E
of buSlnCSlmgmn Herald, wrll talk on America and live cents. Each carrier selling the Riverchus at Sill) ) 15116: He dGiIccn I
- . ,,. . .- . i".' .J1‘,‘r_ 2.
’31d POStage'Owes Its Liberty to the Press. Victor R. equivalent of one $25 dollar bond wrll moved over to tike C6 )1; 32: ”“5“ E
‘ . . . . g 0 r r
the prrnh’flportmann, Unrversrty of Kentucky, De- receive a bronze pm from the Treasury paper ‘61 t e a roun
n a coupoflpartmem of Eournalism, will report on Department. All ~ ' E
. t e . _ . .- . . . . q ., trough never a candidate tor a ;
.ve CUS om “the National Editorial Assocration Coun— Temple said he program had these 1- - l . . z
. t ,1 - . .. 7 . . ., _ . po itica office, he was twrce appornted ;
tart, pase Cll meeting, and Harry V\ate1l1eld, of advantages. political judge and was ll '
- ' - . .- . - _ - E, . . _ ver we are 1.
in the Inallthe Clinton Gazette, VICC presrdent ot the It undoubtedly rs a great opportun- quainted with, many 130111ng leaders i‘
so that pOSE‘assocration wrll report on the uniform ity to aid he cause of national defense. His shrewd political observatons were ' E
rtiser mllilintre retation of )ublicit laws. ' . . ~ ‘- . . ‘ =
[e 1 address p . 1 y It is an excellent opportunity to save often reled upon by many oflice seekers E
rec ______ somehmg from the defense boom. It 15 from Kentucky. E
E .- . . _ a Chang? as 11€_V€1 befOIE‘ to do a gOOd Mr. Collins probably stands out best g1.
‘ Carriers F07 Daily Newspapers SGlhhg 1013- It 15 a ChanCC to prove the in his editorial columns Through his 1 1
, - ,7' _ i .. . , . . - . - . . ' . K ‘ S
s of his Pellllll 9ch U. 5‘ Defense Stamps cqrrrleli saalesrnali; is not tllr)e hOOdl'EEn Vigorous editorals, he asssted In getting
.E wragfiflllll Kentucky daily newspapers started a WEIFf somel W: :meamglgr utnterri Y better county roads, a vehicle bridge E
[d han fllnovement to sell United States defense inisrn ormec le orrners e .lCVC. and new water filtration plant.
other leuxstampsito subscribers through volunteer Lawrence Hager, publisher of the When asked when he planned to E
efforts of their carrier boys. Owensboro Messenger and Inquirer, saw retire, Mr. Collins replied, “I guess it’ll E .
m unshaVCE laSper E. Rison, circulation manager In the program an Opportunity [0 bring be when Gabriel blows his horn.” i
he told htor the Louisville Courier-Iournal and into private homes the realization that _____ EV
ent issue Oll‘imes, expressed belief that Kentucky "sacrifices are not all made by military W. p. Willams Buys - E
papers were the fisrt in the nation to men. Ledger Afld T157765, Murray ljh
.ake statewrde action, although the idea Recalling the LthH)’ L051“ bond 5316‘” “7. P. W’illiams, publisher of the Paris EJEE
_ was OFIgmHted by the Philadelphia 3111- during the “EOfld War days, COL C- 1“ Post-Intelligencer, daily newspaper at i in?
{ tacts, welletm.’ Forgey, publisher of the Ashland In— Paris, Tenn., has taken over the man- E
nity 1115er It Is planned to begin sales early next dependent, said: agement of the Ledger and Times, week- E
)the readernonth after the plan has been explained “XVe had fife and drummers as the ly newspaper at Murray. R. R. Meloan, 7
[1‘6 asked by each partrcrpating newspaper. spirit of ’76. \Ve had quartets that went for [our years owner and publisher of t!
Calif.) Newl {UVIS Temble, edltOl‘ 0f the Park City about and sang. “7e had speakers and the Ledger and Times, 'lately announc- i
“I. Q. Hoflhally NEWS at Bowling Green, was county organizations. This time it seems ed the sale of his interests in the paper 355.
rader intereiamed state chalrman and Jerome Con- to me we have gotten oil to a poor start.” because of bad health. He has been ii:
communitéy of the Owensboro Messenger and However, he thought “the method of associated with the local paper for thir- E
'5 write antrldependent was appornted secretary. having carrier boys sell Stamps is a fine teen years and has been in the newspaper f
. - E, . H . . . . . _ v I"
stions whitrh appomtinents were made by Fred one, adding, think we are in this busmess for thirty years. Meloan is a E;
'ledge of [bl- Varga, country Circulation manager war now and the sooner we realize it brother of Perry Meloan, newspaper - ,nE ,
if the Courier-Journal and Times, as the better.” publisher of Brownsville. Ejl!
. . Mil.
' . 9-,?sz
. Ft

 [ .
, i . Page Six THE KENTUCKY PRESS November, 1941 l NC
1‘ l i
' it Free Publicity For The Movies? which is enough within itself; but you Won’t Make Promise He Can’t Keep l _
' jy , , u will also have made available to iour- . . . ‘1
- Do you honestly believe that a blurb self a channel for additional revznue A Baltimore printer writes the fol-3
I . on some movie star is more interesting ' lowing: “We have learned long since
. ‘ to the average housewife than the fact ______ that buyers of printing, almost to a‘ _
j that she can buy the children’s shoes C . , r] A _ man, expect the printer to deliver a
L ' at a saving this week? You wouldn’t oopeiation U 1“ geiiczes job when promised. We know, too, that. ‘
, 1 think of running the latter item free. Suggested by the Canadian lVeB/tl)‘ a printer’s failure to do this merits a‘
, 3 Yet frequently a theatre will buy a six Newspapers Association Bulletin are verbal punch in the nose. That’s Why
. inch ad and furnish the publisher with these several ways in which weekly news- we dthCl‘ 0“ time. Believe us, we’ll turn;
.' a 3x10 mat for him to run as “news”. papers can cooperate with agencies and down a J0b rather than make a promise
:I It isn’t news. It is free publicity for advertisers: we know 111 advance WC CEIHHOt keep."
I motion pictures and the local theatre. Sell newspaper advertising constantly. You 11 find [1115 printers ‘adV‘Ce the
Motion picture producers do not spend