xt7dv40jws17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dv40jws17/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2010-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, December 2010 text GLSO News, December 2010 2010 2010-12 2019 true xt7dv40jws17 section xt7dv40jws17 We {20%
Lag] G L s o
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization Volume 32 Number 12
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“Female-towmcale: ' ’ 1 
Making the Transition 3335 ’y * "
Continued at: ‘ '.

«k i *-

i “i *
33;: M o o
i ii:
a: $10,000
Raised for
3*: £8: Project

Now available on
meme meme @EBWEEW ‘
ME ELM?” '27 MEEE [Efléflflg
To reserve your copy,
e-mail info@glso.org.

 Issue 12 2010 Feature Story Page 9
Female to Male: Making the
CONTENTS Transition Continued
SpeCIal Holiday Edition
Lexington Events Raise GSA
More than $10,000 for Every Tuesday, 7 p.m.
Crisis Hotline 13 Pride Center
Holiday Season Re- 6 Every Friday, 3 P-m- ' 4 P-m-
flection: Finding 88-1 FM
PFLAG Fundraiser
The Unitarian Uni- 6 December 3'5
versalist Church of Joseph-Beth Booksellers
' Lexington 20% of all book and 10% of all cafe pur-
chases go to support Lexington PFLAG
GLSO Discussion 8
Group Winding Down Imperial Court of Kentucky Pres-
ents: AVOL Kid’s Christmas
Kentucky Bourbon 11 Wednesday, December 8, 8:30 pm.
Bears: Central Ken- CFOSSings Lexington
‘ tuky’s Newest Bear _ .
Community A Very Fairy Christmas
Friday, December 10, 8:30 pm.
Job 12 Pulse Nightlife
Calling All Young Gay 13 Lexington Pride Festival Meeting
Professionals Sunday, November 7, 6 pm.
Pride Center
New Jersey Senator 13 _
Introduces College GLSO Board Meeting
Anti-bullying Law Sunday, December 12, 1 pm.
Pride Center
Harvard Pres: ROTC 13 _ .
Return If Gays Can Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
Serve Openly Sunday, December 12, 6 pm.
Pride Center 3

The GLSO News is published Dennis Wheatley, President
monthly by and for the Lexington Thomas Collins, Vice President
Gay and Lesbian Services Organi- Jane Minder, Secretary
zation members and community. Ginger Minder-Moore, Treasurer
The mission of the Lexington Gay
and Lesbian Services Organization
is to provide support and services Mary Crone, GSA
to the GLBTQQIA community. Jesse Howard, Marketing/Sales
Orvis Kean, Events

The vision of the Lexington Gay Charlotta Brunson, At-Large
and Lesbian Services Organiza- Jessica Sucik, Affiliate Groups
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA David Spencer, Webmaster
community through voice.
The Lexington GLSO is founded w
upon the core values of fun, in- Bill Chandler, Admin. Assistant
clusive, respect, integrity, dignity, 859,253.3233
service and competence.
GLSO Pride Center
389 Waller Avenue The GLSO is currently looking for
Suite 100 new contributors and editorial
Lexington, Ky. 40504 staff. If interested, e-mail
859.253.3233 editor@glso.org.

2011 GLSO News sponsorship packages are now available!

E-mail editor@glso.org to pick your package today!


 . ‘ Kick the holidays off with the GLSO!
- /'/ I/r/V . ////'/’/// K fl/Vo/H/M)
,» 3*: 1
' 3332 games i 3% 333; 3332
1 a: at $12: It
‘ Friday, December 10 ,1,
y if: Pulse Nightlife

Doors open @ 8:30 p.m., Show at 9:30 p.m.
’ * 8 fig: :93: $5

60"? 3*: “o‘en” 1%:

'_ All proceeds go to fund the 2011 Lexington Pride Festival.
GLSO is looking for new board members?
Are you interested in joining the board of directors for one of
if Central and Eastern Kentucky's fastest growing
GLBTQQIA organizations?
: E-mail dennis@glso.org to find out how you can get on board!

 Holiday Season your gathering has two or twenty
- . - - people, the point is that ou will be
Reflectlon. FIHdlng able to partake of the hoylidays and
Yourself enjotli quality timetiiivithi the taeeiplg
- - - ow omyouare ecoses. n
Angela Climenti, Founder of Degarrin isn’t that what the holidays are l
Having a lifestyle that is different than the really supposed to be about?
one you grew up with can make it hard _
to relate to your family. And even if your The Unltarian
immediate family is open to who you are . .
and the way you live, other relatives may UHIVGI‘SBIISt ChurCh
not be so accepting. Perhaps you have Of Lexington
even cut ties with your family - or had them Mary Crone Contributor
[those ties] cut for you. Being considered '
“different” can be Challenging anytime Of The Unitarian Universalist Church
the year, but it is rarely more apparent than of Lexington has Sunday services
during the holiday season. at 11 am. The Church is located
The media and retail industries do their best at 3564 Clays Ml" Rd"
to portray the holiday season as one of joy The U U Church has a liberal
and togetherness. While this may be true, it religious 'tradition with room for
is also an unfortunate fact that the holidays many beliefs Our congregation
often bring about stressful situations and includes people who identify as
stir up unresolved issues. As someone who Christian Humanist Buddhist
grew up in a Catholic family, but is now Pagan [Atheist Agnostic and
pagan, I know firsthand how trying the more ’ ’ ’
holidays can be with relatives who don't '
understand the choices I’ve made or the life The U.U. General Assembly
I lead. Many of my closest friends are gay encourages every congregation to
or bi-sexual, and quite a few of them follow beinclusiveofall LGBTQQIApersons
a pagan path as well; watching them deal at every level of congregational
with their biological families over the years life welcoming to same-gender
has been both inspiring and disheartening. codples and recognizing and
We all know that you cannot choose the affirming of their relationships
family you are born into or make others '
accept who you are. But that doesn’t mean The congregations in and around
you are alone or without family. It is those Lexington actively support
people in your life that love and support you LGBTQQI A rights. Members can be
that become your“chosen family." For those depended upon to attend legislative
of us used to redefining the stereotypes of lobbying days chaperone GSA
who we are and the way we live, why try events show, up at rallies and
:0 mi igitsvaociiett/t’s ptieconceitedbnotifintief vigils, [and in other ways support
amiy. o e er an us 0 rea e - - -
mold and make our families fit our lifestyles the work for equality and Justice.
instead of the other way around? We welcome all people to attend
At this time of year, when family is generally 3323?; cjghrsier Sgfigaéuyftairifii;
foremost in our minds, your chosen family for holy unions or other events You
becomes even more important. Don’t plan can call the office at 223-1448.
to spend the holidays with your relatives? '
Have a get-together with your chosen
family instead. It doesn’t matter whether 5

The Imperial Court of Kentucky
, —
GLSO News Monthly Sponsors
SisterSound 859.806.0243
Diverse Music for all Women
Richardson Vision Center 859.278.4201
1757 Alexandria Drive, Gardenside
Shopping Center
KCHIP 877.524.4718
Debra Hensley Insurance 859.276.3244
1513 Nicholasville Road
Lexington Fairness 859.951.8565
www.lexfair.org .
Saint Mychal the Martyr Parish 859.338.1195
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867
474 Silver Maple Way
Unitarian Universalist Church 859.223.1448
3564 Clays Mill Road
Scott Ackerman, Keller Williams Blue- 859.338.8483
grass Realty, ackermanteam@aol.com
Gay and Lesbian Services 859.253.3233
GLSO Pride Center 8592533233

 GLSO Discussion Hundreds of people have found support
_ _ and acceptance at “Group”. Everyone
Group Wlndlng DOWI‘I got the same message every week “as
Jane Minder, GLSO soon as you walked through the door
you were accepted just the way you
After nearly 15 years the Wednesday were and no one here was going to try
Night Discussion Group will suspend to change you.”
meeting indefinitely after the first of the
year. It seems especially fitting to end If you think there is a need for some-
this long run after the Christmas holidays thing like this group or have other ideas
since it was started at this time of year for serving the GLBT community, and
because one person in the community are willing to make it happen, please
wanted to give back and knew how hard contact GLSO at info@glso.org.
the holidays are for GLBT individuals who
were estranged from family. Jeremy “Group” will meet three more times on
Farmer probably didn’t know when he December 15, 22 & 29 so if you need
started that his group would last so long a little support drop by the Pride Cen-
but he saw the need and filled it. ter at 389 Waller Ave at 7pm. We’ll be
, \ CROSS n ' -‘ j
" "”55‘9’3533‘525 ex lng 0 Q
The place to be for Karaoke. Every Tuesday (if: 9pm. .
as. .
; e ~-
5st: 9/. ~
a. a e® ‘5 A
' Drink Special 84.01) LITA}! Night! “
We’re putting the Sing in Crossings and we want to hear
from you! Join KDJ Bill Melater, some of Lexington’s
finest bartenders, and a host of talented individuals for
a night of karaoke fun!
‘ O ’ Also Join Us for Sunday Night Movies! ‘ l"

 Female to Male: etc but now I have to limit that to su-
_ _ _ per close male friends or gay men so
Maklng the TranSItIOI'I as to limit the risk of getting my ass
- kicked. Also, you may not always think
Contlnuecl of it but in general, woman can make
Jesse Howard, Editor a lot of comments about other women
, _ _ _ or women as a whole and no be mis-
During this edition of the GLSO Newslet- construed as being a male chauvinist. I
ter, we compelte our interview with local am a lot more aware of what I’m say-
artist Jack Cofer about his transformation ing now more than ever (which is a
from female to male. good thing) 4) Everyone assuming I’m
_ _ _ a straight male when with my partner:
am": What issues, 'f_ any, do you en- I’m still fighting the good fight and it's
counter on a daily basrs that you must hard to be out as queer when the signs
overcome? are not obvious. My “Nobody knows
. _ I’m a Transexual” t-shirt is in the mail
JC: At first I want to say that the issues right now. And for the sake of this ar—
become less and less the more I prog- ticle we’ll stop the list here
ress in my transition - but that’s false.
The issues become different. In the be- Editor: What advice do you have for a
ginning when I was simply binding, Ijust young adult who is struggling to gen-
appeared to most folks like a flat chested der—identify?
lesbian (especially when accompanied
by my female partner) and on the phone JC: First of all, I believe everyone should
people assumed I was female because 0f question gender - especially their own.
my vorce. I had already adopted my male For all the vastness in the universe and
name, so folks were constantly asking if it the depth of the human heart there is
was short for“Jacquie”and when I would no way there is only 2_ You can argue
say “No, it’s actually Jackson," it was like procreation all you want but in an age
begging the question and in an instantI where anyone can do that no matter
WOUId be wrapped up in a line 0f ques- their circumstances, now more than
tioning whether I liked it or not. And I do ever we need to be breaking abstract
like talking about it but it’s hard to be an bonds with societal constructs and look
educator 100% of the time...like when inward. Be you and do not be afraid.
you’re buying groceries. Since hormone Those who do not understand are the
therapy and the inevitable “passing” as ones who are afraid. If you have ques-
male, new problems have included 1) tions about anything, the best thing to
public bathroom use: there isn’t always do is to reach out. Find a book, find
a stall door or one that locks in multiple a person, find a resource. We’re out
stall men’s rooms. 2) being limited to my here, and we’re not going to leave you
binding in public at all times: before I behind.
had facial hair I at least had the option
to net bind if I wanted to 90 swimming Want to read more articles like this
in a public pool or even if it was simply from the GLSO? We want your feed-
90 degrees outside and I was uncomfort— back and article suggestions. E-mail
able. 3)readjusting to mannerisms and editor@glso.org.
speaking habits: I used to be able to tell
a guy if he smelled good or looked good, 9

 Lexington Events Soundbar. ,
' I
Ralse More Th?l‘! The toast drew several notable guests
$10,000 for CI‘ISIS including Fayette Circuit Court Judge
- Ernesto Scorsone Urban County Coun—
Hotllne - - '
_ Cllwoman Diane Lawless and Mayor-
Josh Kegley, Lexmgton Herald Leader elect Jim Gray, Kurs said.
. l
More than-$10,909 was.raised for a na- The money was given Tuesday to The
t'_°"a| sumde cnsns hotline for gay, les- Trevor Project, the national hotline for
blan, bisexual and transgender youths at youths in crisis
two charity events Friday. '
Donations were taken at a candlelight “Keep the Love you Find,
vigil in Phoenix Park, followed by a char- Get the Love you Want.”
ity toast at Soundbar, a bar and dance
club on South Limestone Street. Jessica Bollinger, L CSW Kl
The vigil, held in honor of teens and Imago Relationship Therapist 3‘
young adults who have committed sui- EMDR Trauma Work tl
cide because of bullying, raised about Couples, Family, Individual
$140. That was matched by the Gay and Imagoconnection.com Cl
Lesbian Service Organization, totalling 859.552 6533 ke;
$280, GLSO events director Orvis Kean '
said. Th1
Monthly Workshops for Couples 50c
Around $10,000 was raised at the toast, check web site or call for information prO
according to Isaac Kurs, co-owner of cep
’5»?- ' . >_ - _ Listening is probably the most important factor when as
:5; '=. {a doing business with anynne. whether it he Real Estate of l
g - (\ ‘7’? or any other form of sales oriented services. mg1
,. g”... “-3. .7)“; ii '
. if} join fulfil I like to use the term of "emotional intelligence" efit
fag” ;?5’ when describing what I bring to my clients. The
.3. Teresa Combs -Lo
.. Realtor. ABR. GRI. QSC -Crl
yr? Accredited Buyer Rrprewntatiw ingl
‘.‘ ’> 1‘? ‘FU
A -Ofi
Ccll;’Tcxt: 859-4894 ISO wam meI
Office: 859-422-2000 ‘
Email: tcrcsacovnbsfqfiucnmx.nct
Til—ms 6? "‘ Creative Realty

 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.
E :i
1033 Industry Road
859.3381 195
Kentucky Bourbon The club will plan local outings such as
chartered Bourbon Tastings, trips to
Bears: central KEI‘I' Museums, participation in gay pride,
I camping trips etc. as well as trips
tch S NIEWESt Bear to adjacent states and bear clubs/
communlty runs. The club will host an annual
kenfucblbourbonbeargcam Mr. Kentucky Bourbon Bear contest,
start-up satellite Chapters of the Ken—
The Kentucky Bourbon Bears is a NEW tucky Bourbon Bears, as well as host
social organization whose purpose is to fundraisers for local gay and non—gay
provide a brotherhood, a place of ac- charities. The main goal is to create
ceptance and a network for gay and a drama free, accepting brotherhood
bi-sexual men who identify themselves that opens Its membership t0 6}" men
as “Bears", bear admirers and friends 0f Kentucky and, through our leerSltY
of bears through planned social gather— an qlfierengesi create é strong or 93'
ings and philanthropic activities to ben- nization that '5 8W6 t9 9W8 back to-the
efit the gay and lesbian communities. communi In WhICh Its members “Ve-
Want to earn some extra cash
The Kentucky Bourbon Bears goals will and help_ an organizatlon
include: I“ need?
-Local community involvement. _ _
—Creating social activities for the Lex- The GL5? '5 '°°k"‘_9 for a part-
ington gays_ tlme advel‘tISIng
—Fundraising for local charities. coordinator.
-Offering uplifting support for club _ _ _ _
members. find out more by VISIting www.
,, w 4- Iso.or.
~-~— 11.14”— (in -~ ~ x 15'
h . . ' * °‘\:_ 4 5 . L f.‘ )— $3)
V L‘ ‘1 . ' .3 '...‘.1 5 I f);“\ AT.

 .3ng n T lor integrity remained in tacked. In
y re ay the end, God honored Job by C:
In church, we have just completed a study gfiggggt fiuomighfgehgsgfig'wifi; G;
on the book/man of Job. Whether or not God would do that to Job I knowI Jes
you have read the story, I imagine you know asked that questions The bottom
the story. Job was a man of wealth, power, line is I don’t know. Who can know Are
and integrity, but most importantly, he was the ways of God? He sees the end Are
a man 9f GOd' .A man who honored GOd in picture I only see today. This was Y0L
everything he did. Then one day as Satan also the conclusion Job came to son
was wandering around the Earth looking Who am I to question God? The WO'
for someone to reek havoc on God asked one thin we can alwa s depend The
him if he had considered His servant Job. on as Chgistians is that iiywe honor YOL
- - Grc
Satan at this point began stating how Job Eggcgpfisgfig3:31nggkguggggeguatg jnte
would most certainly love and honor God all things Not that all things are org
because look at him; he has everything, ood—but God can make ood out
no worries, no reason to “curse" God. 3f all thin s Q Are
Therefore, God gives him permission to g ' me
come against Job with anything but taking Wai
his life. So Satan went to work, Job’s gfibggehre‘gpt’ :gaggecalfdod 2220223 We
children were all killed, his livestock all God honored him in rgturn b ' org
murdered, and his house was destroyed. restoring in double ortion all h: a rr
Yet, he did not curse God. Basically, his had lose from his children to his
attitude was God gives and God takes place of respect in the community Editi
away. As a matter of fact, he even states, Living in a sinful world we can Pm“
“are we to take” only the good from God expect difficulties but it’s what we
and ”Qt the bad ' do with them or how we handle
Since Satan didn’t get what he wanted he gwgmwghattmmakfizliéh: dtlhfairegfij' N‘
went back to God and basically said, look, has us in His? hand? Do we trul In
no one would continue to honor you if believe that God cares for us and,
their health failed them. So God gave him wants the best for us? Can we Al
permission to take his health, but he still allow God the rivile e £0 take and = Sou
could not take his life. That is when Job do whatever l-llje degms necessa
developed boils all over his skin. He was to mold us into the erson He carry: (Tre
miserable. Then in walk his “friends”. use? Difficult quechions yet Job Lau
. ', . to |
At first, his three friends did the right thing d'dn t hesntate. if C
and simply sat with Job supporting him in - . are
his misery. Unfortunately, they couldn’t Engefiggy?figr:?::$:citiowrgfi<’lcrhaat
keep still and for days or maybe weeks, needs to be done in m heart to be The
however long it was, they began berating like Job trustin and hypnorin God Arltl
him with false accusations. Accusations of in all thi’n 5 Father hel us tgtr | 18".
hidden sins that needed to be confessed. believe ingth e de ths of? our healij’t: WhC
They all gave him such a hard time with that You love us :nd care about us afte
trying to get him to confess to sins that, in that You have our lives /situati ons/I dOFl
their mind, must have brought this on. Of health in our hands Hel us to
course, Job wouldn’t do that because there honor Youyin all thin Is Inp Jesus’ The
were no sins that needed confessing. name Amen g ' LalllJ'
' ' co (
Through it all Job never cursed God. His 12 ado

' calling A" YOUI'Ig race, gender and other factors.
E Gay PrOfESSIOI'IaIS Italso would provide funding for schools
[ Jesse Howard, Editor to establish or expand programs to
I prevent harassment of students.
, Are you a young gay professional?
I Are you looking to make a name for US. Rep. Rush Holt, a fellow
; yourself out there? We know it can New Jersey Democrat, introduced
, sometimes be hard to be out in the identical legislation in the House of
, workplace, if you can be out at all. Representatives.
| The GLSO is looking to start a new
. Young Gay Professionals Networking
| Group in Lexington. If you are
| $gerested In 10ining, e mail info@glso. Harvard Pres: ROTC
: Are you interested 'n be om' 9 Return If Gays can
I c in a
mentor to young gay professionals? serve OPENI!
Want to help others like you succeed? 50WC€3 The Assocrate Press
‘ We want you too! E-mail info@glso. _ _ .
, ' org if you are interested in becoming (Cambridge, M3553 Harvard Umversrty’s
‘ a mentor or speaker. president says the school will resume a
‘ long-banned Reserve Officer Training
‘ Editor's Note: Young is defined by your Corps program when federal law allows
professional career only, not by age. gays to serve openly in the military.
President Drew Gilpin Faust has spoken
before about bringing the ROTC
New Jersey senator back pending repeal of the 1993 law
Introduces College known as “don’t ask, don’t tell.” She
. . emphasized her position Wednesday
AntI-bullylng Law in introducing Joint Chiefs of Staff
= Source: The Associated Press Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen before he
spoke at the Ivy League school.
(Trenton, NJ) New Jersey Sen. Frank
Lautenberg has introduced legislation Faust says Harvard is prepared to
to require colleges to adopt a code “fully” recognize the ROTC when all
of conduct that prohibits bullying and students have “the privilege and honor
harassment. of military service” without having to
The Tyler Clementi Higher Education
Anti-Harassment Act is named for the Her comments first were reported
18-year-old RutgersUniversityfreshman by The Harvard Crimson student
who committed suicide in September newspaper. They come as talk of a
after his gay sexual encounter in his repeal increases in Washington.
dorm room was broadcast online.
Harvard banned the ROTC in 1969
The measure introduced Thursday by amid Vietnam War dissent. Its ROTC
Lautenberg, a Democrat, would require students train at the Massachusetts
colleges that receive federal money to Institute of Technology.
adopt policies that prohibit harassment
based on a student’s sexual orientation, 13

 GLSO Resource Directory
A community resource page for gay and/or gay— _ _
friendly organizations throughout Kentucky. To Rel'9'_°"5 9'0"”
add your listing, scroll to the bottom of this Integrity(Episcopal) ---"-859'533'9851
page. Interweave (Unitarian) .859-266—5904
Lex Friends (Quakers)....859—254-3319
Anonymous & Confidential HIV Testing Mercy Ministry Church ..859-358—3357
AIDS Volunteers, Inc. (AVOL) .....859-225-3000 MCC Paducah ...............270-443-3339
Health Dept., Fayette .................859-288-2437
Health Dept., Jessamine ............859-885-4149 Student Groups
Health Dept., Woodford .............859-873-4541 Berea College ACE .......859-958—3633
UK Adolescent Medicine .............859-323-5643 Centre College (BGLA) ..859-238-5332
Volunteers of America (VOA) ......859-254—3469 Morehead State Univ. .. 606-783-2294
STD Testing & Treatment ...........859-288-2437 OUTSource (UK) _.........859-323-3312
UK GSA .......................859-559-7464
Community Groups
24-Hour Crisis Line ....................800-928—8000 On the Web _
24-Hour Teen Crisis Line.............800-999—9999 AIDS Volunteers (AVOL)
Alcoholics Anonymous ...............859-967-9960 avolky.org
AA/Alcoholic Teens, office ..........859-277-1877 Imperial Court Kentucky
Bluegrass COLTS .......................859—225-9169 imperialcourtkentucky.org
Council for Peace & Justice ........859-225-6999 Integrity (St. Marthas)
Discussion Group ......................859-253-3233 integrity.stmarthas.blogspot.com
Fairness of Louisville .................502—893-0788 Kentucky Bourbon Bears
Gay Straight Alliance for Teens ...859-266-5904 kentuckybourbonbears.com —
GLSO Pride Center......................859-253-3233 Kentucky Pagan Forum Nar
Imperial Court of Kentucky ........859-619-7521 go.to/kypaganforum
International Gay Bowling .........859-276-3058 Lexington Fairness
Lexington Fairness ....................859-951-4450 lexfaiizorg _
Lexington Human Rights ...........859—252-4931 Lexington Lyons Leather/Levi Club AdC
Lexington Insight Group ............859-230-2428 lexlyons.org
Lex. Lyons Leather/Levi Club .....859-468—6371 Lexington Pride Festival
Lexington Pride Festival .............859-253-3233 lexpridefest.org
MACT .......................................859—358-8335 Lexington Fayette County Health Dept E.—
PFLAG Lexington .......................859-338-4393 lexingtonhealthdepartmentorg lty
PFLAG Louisville ........................502-329-0229 Mercy Ministry
SisterSound ..............................859-806—0243 mercyministrychurch2006.net
Social Services (Lexington only) ...............211 PFLAG Lexington —
Speakers’ Bureau ......................859—266-5904 pflaglex.blogspot.com Stai
TransKentucky ..........................859-963-6606 Rainbow League
United Way ..............................859-313—5465 rainbowleague.net
United Sister Circle Alliance __
HIV/AIDS Information and Services unitedsistersbrg E-IT
AVOL ........................................859-225-3000 Volunteers of America (VOA)
Health Dept., Fayette .................859-288—2437 voaky.org
Toll-Free ......................877-606-2437 E] I l
Cumberland Region (SE Ky.) .......606-864-3776 - *Dor
Toll-Free ......................888-425-7282 GLSO News Deadlme
HIV/AIDS Legal Project ..............502-584-1254 December 13
Lexington STOP Program ...........859-254-3469
Louisville Region .......................502-574-0161 Send articles, ads and pictures to
Moveable Feast..........................859—252-2867 .
NKY Region................................859—341-4264 ed't°r@9'S°-°r9 14

 Couples Union
:35; Counseling Ceremonies
;19 I
57 Rev. Kenneth Walbel
3 ‘ Professional Spiritual Direction
32 _ . _ .
i: Ecumenical ' Hollst/c 0 Incluswe
54 kypadre@aol.com
'rg . .
Newsletter Subscription

*9 Complete the form below or sign up at glso.org/newsub.php
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'9 E-mail Address

Cl I would like a free one-year subscription to the GLSO News.

*Donations welcome.
‘ Please send this form to:

GLSO, PO Box 1172, Lexington, Ky. 40588

 The I'mperia‘lm-Court'of Kentucky
, nannlounces ‘ _ . . .— -- -
-- HThe Stories of ‘Hanrey Milk 1 ‘ '
V ‘ By:‘l7’atricia LouAgI2'Z: $353231 :homas Hodges .
‘ -:Thursday,"Dec‘. 16“? @ 7pm ‘
.V 1 Friday, Dec. 1:7t"f@ 7pm
.225 Walton Ave.ASuite 110v
. Lexington, KY 40502 .,
~- ‘ Casting: (3) women, ”(4) men
_ " . - Ages: 18+ .
Audition will consist of Cold Readings _
' ' Performance dates will span Feb. 28 ‘- March 31, 2011
' ' ‘ For [more info please contact Wes Nelson at >
) . emperor28ky@live.com