xt7dv40jws0n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dv40jws0n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Ky. University of Kentucky 1988 1989 1990 The University of Kentucky Gradute Schools course catalogs contain bound volumes dating from 1926 through 2005. After 2005, the course catalogs ceased to be printed and became available online only. course catalogs English University of Kentucky Copyright retained by the University of Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Graduate School course catalogs University of Kentucky Graduate School Bulletin, 1988-1990 text University of Kentucky Graduate School Bulletin, 1988-1990 1988 1988 1989 1990 2020 true xt7dv40jws0n section xt7dv40jws0n  



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year, once in the spring,three times inthe
tl) by the University of Kentucky, Lexi-
, KY 4051!. ’Postmastér: Send address changes
Lexifigton, KY 40506. A cooperative publication





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‘ Jun:






Students should check the Schedule of Clam: each semester for any calendar changes which may have been
approved after publication of this Bulletin.

The approved Calendar for the academic year 1989-1990 will be published in the Schedule of Classes each





February 15—Monday—Recommended date for
freshmen to submit 1988 Fall Semester application

March 15—Tuesday—Deadline for submission of all ap-
plication materials, College of Medicine, for Fall,

June l—Wednesday—-Undergraduates planning to par-
ticipate in the Summer Advising Conferences, in
preparation for the 1988 Fall Semester, should
apply for admission or readmission.

june 15—Wednesday—Earliest date to submit applica-
tion for regular and Early Decision Program ad-
mission, College of Medicine, for Fall, 1989

july 22—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
or readmission to The Graduate School for the
1988 Fall Semester

August I—Monday—Deadline for application for Early
Decision Program, College of Medicine, for Fall,

August 10—Wednesday—Deadline for undergraduate
and graduate students applying for admission or
readmission for the 1988 Fall Semester in order
to register August 22 and avoid late fee

October I5—Saturday—Undergraduates planning to
participate in the November Advising Conference
for the 1989 Spring Semester should apply for ad-
mission or readmission

November 15—Tuesday—Dead1ine for application,
College of Medicine, for Fall, 1989

December l—Thursday—Deadline for submission of
application and receipt of all materials for admis-
sion, readmission or transfer to the College of Law
for the 1989 Spring Semester

December 9—Friday—Deadline for applying for admis-
sion or readmission to The Graduate School for
the 1989 Spring Semester

December 14—Wednesday—Deadline for under-
graduate and graduate students applying for ad-
mission or readmission for the 1989 Spring
Semester in order to registerJanuary 9 and avoid
late fee


June 20-July 22—Summer Advising Conferences for
new freshmen, Community College transfers, ad»
vanced standing (transfer) students, auditors,
nondegree and readmitted students enrolling for
the 1983 Fall Semester

August 22—Monday—Registration for new students
who have been cleared for admission but did not
advance register

August 24-30—Wednesday through Tuesday—Late
registration for returning students who did not ad-

vance register and new applicants cleared late for
admission. A late fee is assessed students who
register late.

September 14—Wednesday—Last day to change
grading option (pass/fail to letter grade or letter
grade to pass/fail; credit to audit or audit to credit)
in college dean’s office

September 14—Wednesday—Last day to file for repeat
option in college dean’s office if student is retak-
ing a course in the 1988 Fall Semester

November 7—Monday—1989 Spring Semester Advis-
ing Conference for new and readmitted
undergraduate students

November 9-16—Wednesday throu h Wednesday—
Advance registration for the 1989 Spring Semester
(These dates are subject to change.)


August 23—Tuesday—Centralized add/drop for Ad-
vance Registered students

August 23—Tuesday—Last day a student may official-
ly drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

August 30—Tuesday—Last day to enter an organized
class for the 1988 Fall Semester

August 30—Tuesday—Last day to officially withdraw
from the University or reduce course load and
receive an 80 percent refund

September 14—Wednesday—Last day to drop a course
without it appearing on the student’s transcript

October 17—Monday—Last day to drop a course

October 17—Monday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any


August 23—Tuesday—Last day a student may official-
ly drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

August 30—Tuesday—Last day to officially withdraw
from the University or reduce course load and
receive an 80 percent refund

October l7—Monday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any


August 3—chnesday—Last day Advance Registered
students may pay $50 to confirm their 1988 Fall
Semester registration

August 23—Tuesday—Last day a student may official-
ly drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

August SO—Tuesday—Last day to officially withdraw
from the University or reduce course load and
receive an 80 percent refund

September 7—Wednesday—Last day for payment of
registration fees and/or housing and dining fees in
order to avoid cancellation of registration and/or
meal card

September 16—Friday—Last day for reinstatement of
students cancelled for nonpayment of registration
fees and/or housing and dining fees. Requires pay-
ment of fees and may require payment of $50
reinstatement fee.

October 17—Monday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any

December lG—Friday—Last day to request a refund for
the 1988 Fall Semester

December 21—Wednesday—Last day Advance
Registered students may pay $50 to confirm their
1989 Spring Semester registration


September 22—Thursday—Last day for filing an ap»
plication for a December degree in college dean’s

November 3—Thursday—Last day for doctoral can-
didates for a December degree to submit a Notifi-
cation of Intent to schedule a final examination in
The Graduate School

November l7—Thursday—Last day for candidates for
a December degree to schedule a final examina-
tion in The Graduate School

December l—Thursday—Last day for candidates for a
December graduate degree to sit for a final

December 16—Friday—Last day for candidates for a
Demceber degree to submit a thesis/dissertation
to The Graduate School


August 20-22—Saturday through Monday—Fall Orien-
tation for all new undergraduate students.

August 24—Wednesday—Class work begins,

September 5—Monday—Labor Day—Academic

November 8—Tuesday—Presidential Election—
Academic Holiday

November 24-26—Thursday through Satur-
day—Thanksgiving Holiday—Academic Holiday

December 9—Friday—End of class work

December 12-16—M0nday through Friday—Final

December lG—Friday—End of 1988 Fall Semester

December l9—Monday—Final deadline for submission
of grades to the Registrar’s office by 4 p.m.







December 14, 1988—Wednesday—Deadline for
undergraduate and graduate students applying for
admission or readmission for the 1989 Spring
Semester in order to registerJanuary 9 and avoid
$40 late fee

February l—Wednesday—Deadline for submiting ap-
plication for admission to the College of Dentistry
for Fall 1989

February l5—Wednesday—Recommended date for
freshmen to submit 1989 Fall Semester application

February 15—Wednesday—Last day for submission of
application for admission to the College of Law
for 1989 Fall Semester

March 15—Wednesday—Undergraduates planning to
participate in the April Advising Conference for
the 1989 Summer Sessions should apply for ad-
mission or readmission.

March 15—Wednesday—Deadline for submission of all
application materials, College of Medicine, for Fall

March 31—Friday—Last day for receipt of all suppor-
ting credentials for admission to College of Law
for 1989 Fall Semester

April 7—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
or readmission to The Graduate School for the
1989 Summer Sessions

April 26—Wednesday—Deadline for undergraduate
and graduate students applying for admission or
readmission for the 1989 Four-Week Intersession
in order to register May 8 and avoid 540 late fee

May 24—Wednesday—Deadline for undergraduate and
graduate students applying for admission or read-
mission for the 1989 Eight-Week Summer Session
in order to register June 7 and avoid 540 late fee

June 1—Thursday—Undergraduates planning to par
ticipate in Summer Advising Conferences, in
preparation for the 1989 Fall Semester, should
apply for admission or readmission.

July 21—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
or readmission to The Graduate School for the
1989 Fall Semester


January 9—Monday—Registration for new students
who have been cleared for admission but did not
advance register

January 11-18—Wednesday through Wednesday—Late
registration for returning students who did not ad-

vance register and new applicants cleared late for
admission. A $40 late fee is assessed students who
register late.

February 1——Wednesday—Last day to change grading
option (pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to
pass/fail; credit to audit or audit to credit) in col-
lege dean’s office

February l—Wednesday—Last day to file for repeat op-
tion in college dean’s office, if student is retaking
a course in the 1989 Spring Semester

April 3—Monday—1989 Summer Session Advising
Conference for new freshmen, new advanced
standing (transfer) students, auditors, readmitted
and nondegree students, Community College
transfer students and Community College ap-
plicants cleared for the 1989 Fall Semester

April 5—12—Wednesday through Wednesday—Advance
registration for 1989 Fall Semester and both 1989
Summer Sessions


January 10—Tuesday—Centralized add/drop for Ad-
vance Registered students
January 10—Tuesday—Last day a student may official-
ly drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees
January 18—Wednesday—LaSi day to enter an organ-
ized class for the 1989 Spring Semester
January 18—Wednesday—Last day to officially
withdraw from the University or reduce course
load and receive an 80 percent refund
February l—Wednesday—Last day to drop a course
without it appearing on the student’s transcript
March 3—Friday—Last day to withdraw from a course
March 3—Friday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any


January 10—Tuesday—Last day a student may officiaL
ly drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

January 18—Wednesday—Last day to officially
withdraw from the University or reduce course
load and receive an 80 percent refund

March 3—Friday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any


January 10—Tuesday—Last day a student may official—
ly drop a course or cancel registration with the




March 15-—-Wednesday—Undergraduates planning to
participate in the April Advising Conference for
the 1989 Summer Sessions should apply for ad»

. mission or readmission.

April 7—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
or readmission to The Graduate School for the
1989 Summer Sessions

April 26—Wednesday—Deadline for undergraduate
and graduate students applying for admission or
readmission for the 1989 Four-Week Intersession
in order to register May 8 and avoid $40 late fee

May 24—Wednesday—Deadline for undergraduate and
graduate students applying for admission or read—
mission for the 1989 Eight-Week Summer Session
in order to register June 7 and avoid 540 late fee

June l—Thursday—Undergraduates planning to par-

ticipate in Summer Advising Conferences, in
preparation for the 1989 Fall Semester, should
apply for admission or readmission.

July 21—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
or readmission to The Graduate School for the
1989 Fall Semester


April 3—Monday—1989 Summer Session Advising
Conference for new freshmen, new advanced
standing (transfer) students, auditors, readmitted
and nondegree students, Community College
transfer students and Community College ap—
plicants cleared for 1989 Fall Semester

May 8—Monday—Registration for new students who
have been cleared for admission but did not ad-
vance register

University Registrar for a full refund of fees

January 18—Last day to officially withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive an
80 percent refund

January 25—Wednesday—Last day for payment of
registration fees and/or housing and dining fees in
order to avoid cancellation of registration and/or
meal card

February 3—Friday—Last day for reinstatement of
students cancelled for nonpayment of registration
fees and/or housing and dining fees. Requires pay-
ment of fees and may require payment of 1550 re-
instatement fee.

March 3—Friday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any

May 5—Friday—Last day to request a refund for the
1989 Spring Semester


February 9—Thursday—Last day for filing an applica-
tion for a May degree in college dean‘s office

March 23—Thursday—Last day for doctoral candidates
for a May degree to submit a Notification of In-
tent to schedule a final examination in The
Graduate School

April 6—Thursday—Last day for candidates for a May
degree to schedule a final examination in The
Graduate School

April 20—Thursday—Last day for candidates for a May
graduate degree to sit for a final examination

April 28—Friday—Last day for doctoral candidates for
a May degree who wish to receive a diploma at
Commencement to submit dissertation to The
Graduate School

May 5—Friday—Last day for candidates for a May
degree to submit a thesis/dissertation to The
Graduate School

May 7—Sunday—Commencement Day

January ll—Wednesday—Class work begins

January 16—Monday—Martin Luther King Birth-
day—Academic Holiday

March l3-18——Monday through Saturday—Spring
Vacation—Academic Holidays

April 28—Friday—End of class work

May 1-5—Monday through Friday—Final

May 5—Friday—End of 1989 Spring Semester

May 8—Monday—Final deadline for submission of
grades to the Registrar’s Office by 4 pm.

May 8-Aug-ust 19—College of Pharmacy 15-Week Sum-
mer Term

May 9—12—Tuesday through Friday—Late registration
for returning students who did not advance register
and new applicants cleared late for admission. A
54-0 late fee is assessed students who register late.

May l5—Monday—Last day to change grading option
(pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to pass/fail;
credit to audit or audit to credit) in college dean’s

May 15—Monday—Last day to file for repeat option
in college dean’s office, if student is retaking a
course in the 1989 Four-Week Intersession


May 9—Tuesday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees,

May l2—Friday—Last day to enter an organized class
for the Four-Week Intersession


















May lZ—Friday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

May 15—Monday—Last day to drop a course without
it appearing on the student’s transcript

May 22—Monday—Last day to withdraw from a course

May 22—Monday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any


May 9—Tuesday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

May 12—Friday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

May 22—Monday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any


May 9—Tuesday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees

May 12—Friday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

May 22—Monday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any

May 22—Monday—Last day to pay registration fees
and/or housing and dining fees in order to avoid
cancellation of registration and/or meal card

June l—Thursday—Last day for reinstatement of
students cancelled for nonpayment of registration
fees and/or housing and dining fees. Requires pay-
ment of fees and may require payment of $50
reinstatement fee.

June G—Tuesday—Last day to request a refund for 1989
Four-Week Intersession




March l5——Wednesday—Undergraduates planning to
participate in the April Advising Conference for
the 1989 Summer Sessions should apply for ad-
mission or readmission

May 24—Wednesday—Deadline for undergraduate and
graduate students applying for admission or read-
mission for the 1989 Eight-Week Summer Session
in order to register June 7 and avoid $40 late fee

June 1—Thursday—Undergraduates planning to par-
ticipate in the Summer Advising Conferences, in
preparation for the 1989 Fall Semester, should
apply for admission or readmission.

July 21—Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
or readmission to The Graduate School for the
1989 Fall Semester

August 9—Wednesday—Deadline for undergraduate
and graduate students applying for admission and
readmission for the 1989 Fall Semester in order
to register August 21 and avoid 154-0 late fee


April 3—Monday—1989 Summer Session Advising
Conference for new freshmen, new advanced
standing (transfer) students, auditors, readmitted
and nondegree students, Community College
transfer students and Community College ap-
plicants cleared for 1989 Fall Semester

June 7—Wednesday—Registration for new students
who have been cleared for admission but did not
advance register

June 8-12—Thursday through Monday—Late registra-
tion for returning students who did not advance
register and new applicants cleared late for admis-
sion A $40 late fee is assessed students who
register late.

June 19—Monday—Last day to change grading option
(pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to pass/fail;
credit to audit or audit to credit) in college dean’s

June l9—Monday—Last day to file for repeat option
in college dean’s office if student is retaking a
course in the 1989 Eight-Week Summer Session

June 19-July 21—Summer Advising Conferences for

new freshmen, Community College transfers, ad-
vanced standing (transfer) students, auditors,
nondegree and readmitted students enrolling for
the 1989 Fall Semester


June B—Thursday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees.

June 12—Monday—Last day to enter an organized class
for the 1989 Eight~Week Summer Session

June 12—Monday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

June l9—Monday—Last day to drop a course without
it appearing on the student’s transcript

July 6—Thursday—Last day to withdraw from a course

July 5—Thursday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any


June 8—Thursday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees.

June 12—Monday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

July G—Thursday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any


June 8—Thursday—Last day a student may officially
drop a course or cancel registration with the
University Registrar for a full refund of fees.

June 12—Monday—Last day to officially withdraw from
the University or reduce course load and receive
an 80 percent refund

June 21—Wednesday—Last day to pay registration fees
and/or housing and dining fees in order to avoid
cancellation of registration and/or meal card

June 30—Friday—Last day for reinstatement of students
cancelled for nonpayment of registration fees


June 28—Wednesday—Last day for doctoral candidates
for an August degree to submit a Notification of
Intent to schedule a final examination in The
Graduate School


May 8—Monday—Beginning of College of Pharmacy
15-Week Summer Term

May 9—Tuesday—Class work begins.

May 29—Monday—Memorial Day—Academic

June 6—Tuesday—Final Examinations

June 6—Tuesday—End of the 1989 Four-Week

June 9—Friday—Final deadline for submission of grades
to the Registrar‘s Office by 12 noon

and/or housing and dining fees. Requires payment
of fees and may require payment of$50 reinstate-
ment fee.

July 6—Thursday—Last day to withdraw from the
University or reduce course load and receive any

August 2—Wednesday—Last day Advance Registered
students may pay $50 to confirm their 1989 Fall
Semester registration

August 3—Thursday—Last day to request a refund for
the 1989 Eight-Week Summer Session


June 23—Friday—Last day for filing an application for
an August degree in college dean’s office

June 28—Wednesday—Last day for doctoral candidates
for an August degree to submit a Notification of
Intent to schedule a final examination in The
Graduate School

July 12—Wednesday—Last day for candidates for an
August degree to schedule a final examination in
The Graduate School

July 26—Wednesday—Last day for candidates for an
August graduate degree to sit for a final

August B—Thursday—Last day for candidates for an
August degree to submit a thesis/dissertation to
The Graduate School


June 8—Thursday—Class work begins.

July 4—Tuesday—Independence Day—Academic

August 3—Thursday—End of the 1989 Eight-Week
Summer Session

August 3—Thursday—Final examinations

August 7—Monday—Final deadline for submission of
grades to the Registrar’s Office by 12 noon

August lQ—Saturday—End of College of Pharmacy
15-Week Summer Term













David P. Roselle, Ph.D. '
President of the University

Wimberly C. Royster, Ph.D. ‘
Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies

Daniel R. Reedy, Ph.D.
Acting Dean of The Graduate School

 The Graduate School


The University of Kentucky began offering graduate work
in 1870 and awarded its first graduate degrees in 1876. The
Graduate School became a distinct unit in the University
organization in 1912.

The Graduate School is concerned with advanced study,
graduate instruction and research conducted by the faculty
and students of all colleges and departments. The total
graduate resources of the University are merged under it
for the purpose of promoting the acquisition of knowledge
in an atmosphere of free and lively inquiry.

Graduate work is offered in most colleges in the Univer-
sity. A general description and tabulation of courses for each
of the various programs is given in the Graduate School Pro-
grams section of this bulletin.

The Academic Common Market

Kentucky is a participating state in The Academic Com-
mon Market, an interstate agreement among Southern states
for sharing academic programs. Students who qualify for
admission may enroll in a specific program in another

A.C‘M. state on an in-state tuition basis. At present, the
agreement has been limited to unusual graduate programs.
For information write: Southern Regional Education Board,
130 Sixth Street N.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30313.

UK-NKU Graduate Center

The University of Kentucky and Northern Kentucky
University established a Graduate Center at Northern Ken-
tucky University beginning the fall semester of 1977, for the
purpose of meeting graduate education needs for the North-
ern Kentucky region in some fields which have not been met

The Graduate Center utilizes faculty from the Universi-
ty of Kentucky and some faculty from Northern Kentucky
University where there is expertise in one of the fields be-
ing offered in the Center.

Students interested in taking graduate courses at the
Northern Kentucky Graduate Center should either contact
the Center office at Northern Kentucky University or The
Graduate School at the University of Kentucky for infor-
mation about the curricula being offered through the Center.

Degrees Conferred


Doctor of Philosophy

Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Engineering

Animal Sciences


Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Chemical Physics

Civil Engineering


Computer Science

Crop Science


Educational and Counseling

Electrical Engineering

Engineering Mechanics





Higher Education and Social

and Philosophical Studies



Mechanical Engineering

Metallurgical Engineering
and Materials Science




Pharmaceutical Sciences


Physics and Astronomy
Physiology and Biophysics
Plant Pathology

Plant Physiology

Political Science




Soil Science




Veterinary Science


Master of Arts



Classical Languages



Library Science

Political Science

Theatre Arts


Master of Science


Agricultural Economics
Animal Sciences



Computer Science
Crop Science

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Physiology and Biophysics

Health, Physical Education,

Plant Pathology

Plant Physiology


Soil Science
Veterinary Science


Master of Science in Agriculture

Agricultural Economics
Animal Sciences

Crop Science


Plant Pathology

Soil Science


Other Degrees

Doctor of Business Admin>

Doctor of Education
Doctor of Musical Arts
Master of Arts in Education

Master of Arts in Interior

Master of Arts in Teaching

Master of Arts in Textiles
and Clothing

Master of Business Admin-

Master in Civil
Master of Fine Ans



Master of Music

Master of Nutritional

Master of Public

Master of Rehabilitation

Master of Science in

cultural Engineering
Master of Science in Bio-
medical Engineering
Master of Science in Chem-
ical Engineering
Master of Science in Civil
Master of Science in Clinical

try Physics

Master of Science
in Education

Master of Science in Elec-
trical Engineering

Master of Science in Engi-
neering Mechanics

Master of Science in
Family Studies

Master of Science in Forestry

Master of Science in Agri- Master of Science in Dentis- Master of Science in Health


Master of Science in Library Operations Research
Science Master of Science in

Public Health
Master of Science in Radio—
logical Medical Physics
Master of Social Work
Specialist in Education

Master of Science in Me-
chanical Engineering
Master of Science in Metal-
lurgical Engineering
and Materials Science
Master of Science in
Mining Engineering
Master of Science in Nursing
Master of Science in


Organization of The Graduate School

The Graduate Faculty consists of the Dean of The
Graduate School, Associate and/or Assistant Deans of The
Graduate School, and Full and Associate Graduate Faculty
Members. As the chief University agency for the promo—
tion of the ideals of graduate study, it determines the policies
of The Graduate School and makes recommendations to the
University Senate and to the President, or to other ad-
ministrative officials as appropriate. All rules affecting
graduate work and the inauguration of new graduate pro-
grams must be approved by the Graduate Faculty.

Any proposed change in the rules of the Graduate Facul-
ty must be included in the agenda of its meeting and cir-
culated to the Graduate Faculty at least 10 days prior to the
meeting at which it is to be considered.

New Graduate Faculty members may be proposed to the
Dean of The Graduate School at any time by the college
deans and department chairs concerned, or in the case of
persons not attached to a college faculty, by the appropriate
Chancellors of the University. Eligibility qualifications are
as follows:

1. The doctor’s degree or its equivalent in scholarly

2. The rank of assistant professor (or equivalent), or

3. Scholarly maturity and professional productivity as
demonstrated by publications, editorial services,
research surveys, creative work or patents; and research
in progress at the time of appointment.

4. Demonstrated participation in the graduate teaching
and research program.

Appointment to the Graduate Faculty is made by the
President of the University on nomination by the Dean of
The Graduate School after the Dean and the Graduate
Council have studied the credentials submitted in support
of the proposed members.

Full members of the Graduate Faculty are particularly
responsible for:

1. Guidance of graduate student research and study to its
completion. The finished work should meet or exceed
accepted standards for publication, dissemination or
performance within the particular discipline and

2. Participation in the formulation of graduate curricula
and policy.

The Graduate Dean has the responsibility to appoint and
monitor the progress of Associate Members of the Graduate
Faculty. Associate members are authorized to teach graduate

courses, direct master’s theses, serve on and co—chair doc-
toral committees. Appointment to Associate Membership
requires one year of faculty experience at the University of
Kentucky or a comparable university. Associate member-
ship may continue for five years. At the end of the five-year
term as an Associate Member the members are promoted
to full membership or terminated.

On recommendation of the Director of Graduate Studies
and with the approval of the Graduate Dean, persons who
normally do not hold academic appointment in the Univer-
sity, but who have demonstrated an interest in collaborative
participation in its graduate programs, may be appointed
as Auxiliary Graduate Faculty Members. They should hold
the terminal academic degree in the field and possess a record
of research or creative experience which would warrant their
inclusion on advisory committees to assist graduate students
in conducting research. Rights and privileges of Auxiliary
Graduate Faculty Members are equivalent to those of
Associate Graduate Faculty members.

The statutory requirement of promotion or termination
at the end of the five-year probationary term should be
followed. A terminated Associate Member may at any later
time be considered and promoted to Full Membership, but
not be reappointed to Associate Membership. Associate
Membership for additional terms may be permitted by the
Dean of the Graduate School in appropriate master’s level

Membership in the Graduate Faculty is restricted to per-
sons who satisfy the membership criteria and are able to
assume the responsibilities in a particular program as set
forth above. There is no category for at-large graduate facul-
ty membership.

Administrative officers assigning teaching and other duties
to member