xt7dv40jv60r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dv40jv60r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-07-24 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, July 24, 1987, no. 507 text The Green Bean, July 24, 1987, no. 507 1987 1987-07-24 2014 true xt7dv40jv60r section xt7dv40jv60r U Number 507 A July 24, 1987 Q ,
` I
Calendar 2 g
July 24 Alexandre Dumas, 1802-1870. Prolific French novelist, A
author of hundreds of works, including The Three k
Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo.
July 26 Aldous Huxley, 1894-1963. British author of Brave New
World. 1 {
July 26 George Bernard Shaw, 1856-1950. Irish playwright.
July 28 "Stress Management" by Dr. Mike Nichols, King North
Staff Lounge, 10:00 am. (Sponsored by ACTS.)
July 30 Emily Bronte, 1818-1848. English novelist. 1
August 1 Herman Melville, 1819-1891. American novelist and =
author of Mob Dick. V
August 5 The law that authorized the first U.S. income tax was {
signed on this date in 1861 by Abraham Lincoln. The i
tax was to become effective on January 1, 1862, and
levied a 3% tax on incomes over $800.H It was rescinded Q
in 1872. "“I * -,;,§; ’_,- i
August 6 Fire alarm DRILL, King North and South
August 6 First Shakers arrive in America in 1774. l
August 6 Alexander Fleming, 1881-1955. Scottish bacteriologist E
who won the 1954 Nobel Prize for his discovery of 7
penicillin. I
August 7 Nathaniel Greene, 1742-1786. Amerlcan Revolutionary
I war General. E
Next Green Bean: Friday, August 7, 1987 .
Deadline or inclusion: Friday, July 31, 1987 '
Production Staff: Editor/typistz Kerry Kresse; Proofreader/ y
ypis : Caro Ranta; Printer: Cecil Madison.
he Newsletter of the Umversnty ,
  of Kentucky Lnbrarnes

 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK Campus Services assumed the 3
responsibility for all coin—op <
Back at last! There have copiers as well as the "Cash & ‘
been lots of things put ln the Carry" station located in the (
folder for the GB while I was King South Lobby (Room 101-A). (
gone, so I worlrt waste much PEGGY MARTIN is in charge of I
time here. the new copy service (257- _
One thing to keep you 1448.) The L1brary's copy  
going over the hot summer-- service area located on the 2d l
summer is officlally half over floor of King North is now the .
on Friday, August 7. I would Microform Services area; it (
have waited to tell you until will service the microform
the next GB, but considering readers/printers and will
how hot lt_has been, I thought continue to do hotoco in for
this news item might help, even ILL and library use only. I
if only a little. JOANNE FILKINS is n c arge of ‘
Happy reading, and stay this area (257-1563). I I
cool. -—KK Library copies ln King can »
be made on the following
copiers: "Cash & Carry" ·
FIRE ALARM DRILLS station, Social work,
Cataloging Department and the ,
Every month there ls a two copiers located in the .
fire alarm drill in King North Mlcroform Services area. 2
and South. These drills are ==>However, lt is extremely §
usually listed in the GB so important that the log sheet be
that you can take note. Please marked "L1brary" and show the §
do not call the D1recEor's department, e.g. Circulation, Q
Office. write the dates on etc. (Submitted by Pat Lloyd)
your calendar so that you are §
forewarned. The remaining 1987
fire alarnn drills are listed GOODBYE AND GOOD LUCK
below. Please take note.
Allison Anderson, GPD, ls
Thursday, August 6 eav ng Augus 15. 5
Thursday, September 3 ?
Friday, October 2 Julie Stone, CDU, is leaving Q
Thursday, November 5 July 31. Q
Thursday, December 3
Tari Keller will be gone at Q
‘ least four weeks beginning The ACTS Executive §
August 7. If you need Committee presents Dr. Mlke g
passwords updated, deleted or Nichols, Director of the
added, please call right away! Counseling and Testing Center (
on the topic of stress g
PHOTOCOPYING CHANGES IN management. All faculty and §
THE LIBRARY staff are invited to attend. Q
The seminar will be held at »
‘ Effective July 1, 1987, 10:00 am in the King North
2 T

 Staff Lounge on Tuesday, July (M1 a personal level she
28. (Submltted by Cindy maintains good relatlonshlps
Parker) with our sometimes fractlous
ggT§ NEWS faculty and with our students.
All in all, Mrs. Herald and the
Nominations are being Reading Room are great
accepted for 1987/88 ACTS resources for the School of
Executive Commlttee. Send your Journalism and the College of
nominations to Nazee Depp in Communications.
Central Serials Records, King My colleagues and II are
North, by July dla (Submitted grateful ix) her for bringing
by Cindy Parker) these good things about and to
you for sending her our way.
ABOVE §§QW§§§Q§Q;;; Sincerely yours,
Robert D. Murphy
Mr. Willis received the Acting Dean, College of
following letter dated June 23, Communications
A pleasant aspect of my
impending retirement is mum 9,1967
reminding myself of the people
who have been particularly Dear Joyce (McKinley),
pleasant and helpful. I want to thank. you for
One of the first to come all the work and love that went
to mind is when Ruby Herald into the beaut1ful·ret1rement
whom you managed to spare from party. The faculty club was so
M.I. King ixn supervise the pretty and the food was just
Journalism Reading Room. Mrs. delightful. we all had such a
Herald is a happy combination wonderful time. It will be a
of good cheer, efficiency, and night I shall never forget.
a genuine desire Lo be helpful. Thanks to LSO for helping
From the moment she took to make it so perfect. It is
over the Reading Room it friends like you that make
changed drastically for the leaving so hard. But you all
better. It became a friendly, are special to me.
orderly, quiet place where
students were encouraged to Sincerely,
study and faculty round help in Jean Robinson -
using resources of the library
system and in planing material *+* *+* *+* *+* *+* *+*
on reserve.
Friendly as she ls, Mrs.
Herald imposes a dlsolpllne on June, 1987
the room that makes lt a quiet
place to study. She also makes To Paul Willis, John Bryant and
efficient use or work—study LSO,
students to extend the hours I wish to express my
that the room is available to thanks and appreciation for
students. your kindness in including me

 in the retirement dinner for interest group composed of “
the campus librarians. The nearly 2000 librarians. The I
I entire evening was excellent Round Table•s purpose is to i
from beginning to end and provide a forum for discussion L
something I will remember with of problems and concerns
pleasure for years. I relating to government l
especially enjoyed seeing some information; for exchange of
of the previous retirees. ideas by librarians working
I Again, thanks for a lovely with or interested in I
time. government information; for
initiating and supporting I
Edna Pray programs to increase
· availability, use and j
1 *+* *+* *+* *+* *+* *+* bibliographic control of a
Q government information; to ?
increase communications between Q
June 19, 1987 documents librarians and other
librarians; and to contribute ‘
Dear Joyce and LSO, to the extension and
A big THANK YOU for the improvement of education and
I fine way you have honored us at training of documents .
K the Retirement Dinner on June librarians. ;
‘ 3rd. The Faculty Club was a Sandee brings to this r
, beautiful setting, we were position her years of ,
» treated like special people government documents experience K
when corsages were pinned on, acquired as the head of two  
and the dinner was just federal depository collections, j
delicious. ‘ Mr. Willis was as an appointed member of the 5
great and gave each of us a Depository Library Advisory  
certificate for years of Council to the Public Printer, (
service, so many retirees as as elected Clearinghouse  
well as library personnel came, Committee chair of ALA/GODORT's (
` and all in all, it was a superb official publication, DttP  
celebration. (Documents to the PBOPIE) and %
I will miss you all-—but Assistant Coordinator of the .
will always treasure my Federal Documents Task Force of {
memories of these 15 years in the Round Table.
A the library. Sandee's current interest ·
in and work with the joint _
Jean Karsten Committee on Printing's Ad Hoc (
Committee studying the
dissemination of government ,
STAFF ACTIVITIES information in electronic l
. format through the depository .
Sandra McAninch, head of library program speaks clearly
the Government PuElications/ for her diligence in making (
Map Department of King Library, government information free and
has been elected to the accessible to the public.
position of Chair/elect of the (Submitted by Barb Hale)
American Library Assoc1ation's
Government Documents Round `
_ Table (ALA/GODORT). a national .

 Antoinette Paris Powell, the appreciatlon and
head of the Agrlculture interpretation of cultural
Library, recently published an works; the illumination of
article entitled, "word— historical ldeas, figures, and
processing software: events; or an understanding of ‘
applications, selections, and the humanities disciplines.
use." in the May/June 1987 Two types of support are
issue of Llbrar Software offered: planning grants for
Review. Orlginally presented collaborative efforts between
as a paper at the SCIL '86 scholars and administrative
Conference ln Atlanta, the staff to design programs, and
article recommends procedures implementation grants. For
for selecting word-processing more information, contact I
software, and the various ways Thomas Phelps, Program Offlcer,
that such software can be put Division of General Programs,
to good use in a library National Endowment for the
setting. Humanities, (202) 786-0271. I
Russell Powell, head of 29TH ALLERTON INSTITUTE I
the Engineering Llbrary, has
had two books published in the The Allerton Institutes
past few months. The first is are sponsored by the Graduate
the second edition of Handbooks School of Library and
and Tables in Science and Information Science of the ’
Technology, puhllshed hy Oryx University of Illinois at
Press. The other, also Urbana—Champa1gn. The
published by Oryx Press, is purposes of the Institute are ·
Core List of Books and Journals 1) to grovide an opportunity
in Sclence and Technology. for li rary participants to ?
reflect on the field of .
personnel management as lt I
Omer Haml_J:__n, head of the relates to libraries; 2) to 1
Medical Center Library, has provide current information and 1
been named to the board of the training on specific issues ln  
Kentucky Library Network. personnel management; and 3) to )
provide an opportunity for
participants to share ideas and 5
HUMANITIES PROJECTS IN problems of common interest I
LIRRARIES related to personnel in H
National Endowment for the libraries. The conference is I
Humani les Gran s held at Robert Allerton Park I
near Monticello, IL, on 1500 1
These grants support acres of woodlands and Allerton I
programs to increase public House, a 20 room Georgian 1
understanding of the humanities mansion. Conference actlvltles
through the discovery, will be held in Allerton House,
interpretation, and greater and limited accommodations are ;
appreciation of books and other also available there.
library resources. This year's Institute f
Projects should address address "Critlcal Issues in V
g one of the following areas: Library Personnel Management"
5 .

 _ and will be held November 6 - THE BOOKSHELF
8, 1987. The conference will (Submitted By RoB Aken)
l touch on building job
commitment among employees, Books, Collectors and
various collective bargaining Libraries: Studies ln tBe 7
issues, recruitment, support Medieval Heritage 7 By
staff, employee turnover, N.K. Ker, e ite y Andrew
performance evaluations, G. watson. London:
A managing resistance to change, Hambledon Press; 1985.
; employee productivity, stress, [Call number Z723 .K468
wage and compensation, and 1985]
discipline. Speakers include
g Martin Maehr (co-author of The Costinp and the Economics of
. Motivation Factor: A Theor "df L rary an In ormatlon
U Personal Investment); Kathleen Services E 1 e y
Helm, Dean, School of Library Steptien A. Roberts.
Science, Louisiana State London: Asllb; 1984.
University; Sheila Creth, (Asllb Reader Series,
Director, University of Iowa v.5). [Call number Z683
Libraries; Charles Martell, .C758 1984]
Jr., California State
University; and Charles Bunge, Information Technology: A
University of wisconsin-- Luddite Ana ysis y
Madison. Fran we ster an Kevin
The_total fee for the Robins. Norwood, NJ:
‘ conference is $350, which Ablex Publishing Corp.;
includes registration, room and 1986. [Call number QA76
= meals (including snacks!) Not .w38 1986] ·
only that, but according to ·‘‘.* ·-
Treasury regulation Section Information Technolo and
1.162-5 permits an income tax L1Braries: A Future for
deduction for certain expenses Academic Libraries 7 By
undertaken to maintain or Roy J. Adams. London:
improve skills required ln Croom Helm; 1986. [Call
one’s employment, and to meet number Z675 .U5 A414 1986]
express requirements of an
employer or law imposed as a Information Technolo and the
condition to retention of a job Role of tBe L1Brar1an 7 By
or employment. Registration is wllllam Marsterson.
limited. London: Croom Helm; 1986.
For a copy of the [ca11 number Z678.9 .M36
brochure, please call Annetta 1986]
Holt at the Allerton Institute
at (217) 333-3280 or write the Librar Instruction: A
Graduate School of Library and Bldllograpliy, 1975 THrougH
Information Science, 410 David 1985 Compi e y Tian-
Kinley Hall, 1407 W. Gregory Chu Shih. Jefferson, NC:
Drive, Urbana, IL. 61801. McFarland; 1986. [Call
number REF Z711.2 .8533

Innova on: Organ za cna
S ra eg es or ARIZONA
Imp emen ng A vance V
Manu ac ur ng Tec no og es Assistant Archivist and Curator
y Dona D. Dav s. San of Manuscripts. Arizona State .
Francisco: Jossey Bass; umverslty. Salary: $18,000,
1986. [Call number HD45 dependent on quallficatlons. I
.D34 1986] Deadline: July 31, 1987. I
Patron Access: Issues for Catalog Management Librarian. ·
Online Catalogs 7 By Walt Arizona State. Salary: V
Craw or . Bos on: G.K. $19,500, dependent on ?
Hall & Co.; 1987. [Call qualifications. Deadline:  
number Z699.3 .C694 1987] August 15, 1987. ’
People and Computers: The Head, Architecture and ?
Im ac o Comu in o En Environmental Design Library. V
Users In Organlzatlons 7 Arizona State. Salary:
By James N. Danz ger and $25,000 and up. Deadline: ‘
Kenneth L. Kraemer. New August 15, 1987. ’
York: Columbia University y
Press; 1986. [Call number Jaganese Language Catalog 2
QA 76.9 .C66 D36 1986] L1 rarian/Area Specialist.
Arizona State. Salary: i
Selectin a Local Area Network $19,500 minimum. Deadline: ;
By R c ar G. Le on. August 15, 1987. ;
(AMA Management Briefing). ·  
American Management Order Librarian. Arizona ;
Association; 1986. [Call State. Salary: $19,500,  
number HD9696 .C62 L445 dependent on qualifications. F
1986] Deadline: August 15, 1987. i
1 2
Director for Library Peronnel. i
M. I. KING JOB OPENINGS University of California- ]
7 Berkley. Salary: $40,000- 3
Library Tech. V, grade 9, GPD. $55,000 per annum. Deadline: ;
August 15, 1987. .
Library Tech. IV, grade 8, V
Cataloging. (2pos1t1ons). Publications Editor. l
University of Cal1forn1a—Los »
Library Tech. II, grade 6, Angeles. Salary: $24,012-
Collection Development. $32,232. Deadline: August 15,
1987. 2
Assistant Catalogue Librarian.
University of Callfornla-Los I
Angeles. Salary: $24.012- Q
$49,656. Deadline: September T
‘ 1. 1987.

 Rare Books Cataloger. Delaware. Salary: $20,000. A
University of Cal1forn1a—Los Deadline: Augu t 21, 1987. 1
A Angeles. Salary: $24,012- .
$32,232. Deadline: August 15, Humanities Reference  
_ 1987. Librarian/Subject Specialist.  
University of Delaware.
Microforms Librarian and Salary: $20,000. Deadline: I
Assistant Head of Government August 4, 1987. I
r Publications and Microforms j
Department. University of DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA j
California, Irvine. Salary: I
. $29,340—$45,048. Deadline: Preservation Specialist.  
October 1, 1987. Smithsonian Inst1tut1on. 1
— Salary: $22,458—$27,l72 per _
- B1olog1cal Sciences L1brar1an. year. Deadline: Open Until ’
_§ University of California, F1lled. {
Irvine. Salary: $24,012- - 2
$42.264. Deadline: August 15, FLORIDA ,
1987. i
Agricultural Sciences -
I Software Specialist (Systems Reference Librarian and ,
. Programmer). Cal1forn1a State Selector. University of p
. University, Long Beach. Florida. Salary: $19,500- j
Salary: $28,788 m1n1mum. $23,500. Deadline: August 21, q
A Deadline: none g1ven. 1987. Q
Cataloger or Head of INDIANA, §
Cataloglng/Chlnese Law ;
Bibliographer. Un1vers1ty of A s s 1 s t a n t L 1 b r ar 1 a n , S
Cal1forn1a—Los Angeles . Business/SPEA Library. Indiana  
_ Salary: $29,340—$42,264. University. Salary: $20,470.  
Deadllne: September 30, 1987. Deadline: July 31, 1987. }
COLORADO Personnel Officer. Assistant I
Librarian, Associate L1brar1an, ;
AS$18t3I1t Director of Llbrarles L1brar1an. Indiana University. 4
for Technical Services. Salary: Asslstant, $20,470; E
Colorado State University. Associate, $25,650; L1brar1an, Q
Salary: commensurate with $31,350. Deadline: August 15,  
experience and qualifications. 1987. g
Deadline: September 1, 1987.  
Assistant or Associate
DELAWARE Librarian, Undergraduate Q
Library Serv1ces. Indiana  
Microforms Librarlan/Media University. Salary: »
Services Department. Assistant, $20,470; Associate, :
University of Delaware. $25,650. Deadline: July 31,
Salary: $20,000 m1n1mum. 1987. .
Deadline: August 1, 1987. .
As=1stant Librarian, Associate ,
Coordinator for Retrospective L1brar1an, or Librarian, Head, ,
. Conversion. Un1vers1ty of Preservation Dept. Indiana é
a f

 A. 1
D1 E
University . Salary: Deadline: September 11, 1987. I
Assistant, $20,470; Associate, Q
$25,650; Librarian, $31,350. Business Reference 1L1brar1an. I
Music Librarian. Pennsylvania I
IOWA State un1vers1ty. Salary: I
Dependent upon qualifications. I
Information Services Librarians Deadline: September 11, 1987. I
(2). Iowa State University. I
Salary: Competitive. TENNESSEE  
Deadline: August 1, 1987. I
Systems Librarian. University I
MASSACHUSETTS of Tennessee. Salary:  
$23,000—$26,000. Deadline: I
Original Monograph Cataloguer, July 31, 1987. I
Catalogue Dept. Massachusetts Q
Insitltute of Technology. I
Salary: $10,000-$11,000. ,
Deadline: August 3, 1987. ` V
Acce=s Services Librarian. Q
Rutgers University. Salary: I
$28,.500. Deadline: September I
11. 19av. I
Reference Librarian, Library Q
Instruction Coordinator. ‘ _W g
Rutgers University. Salary: ‘ *»`-
$28,500. Deadline: September I
1, 1987. g
NEW Yoax
Vice President for Information Q
Services and Universlty I
Librarian. Columbia I
un1vers1ty. Salary: None Q
given. Deadline: October 15, Q
1987. I
ouxo I
Cataloger. University of
cincinnati. Salary: $19,000. Q
Deadline: September 4, 1987. g
Reference Librarian. Q
Pennsylvania State University. Q
Salary: Competitive. I
A 9 I