xt7dv40jtd87 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dv40jtd87/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1916-05-apr19-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1916-05-apr19-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1916-05-apr19-ec. 1916 1916-05-apr19-ec. 2011 true xt7dv40jtd87 section xt7dv40jtd87 


     At the regular meeting of the Executiive Committee

meeting of the University of Kentucky held in the President's

office April 19, 1916, there were present J. E. Brown, P.P,.Johnator

Jr. and G. G. Brock. Minutes of the previous meefting were read

and approved.

     Messrs. Eli. Brown, Graham Vreeland and Newman., represent-

ing the Public Printing Office at Frankf ort appeared before

the Committee and were given a hearing as to the doing of the

University printing. Mr. Thos. Owsley representing the Trans-

ylvania Printing Co. of Lexington was also given a hearing.

Whereupon, motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried

that Predident Barker, R. C. Stoll, P. P. Johnston, Jr. be ap-

pointed a Committee to look into the question of printing and

report a reocomendation to this Committee at its next meeting

      On motion made by R. 0. Stoll and duly seconded and carried

by unanimous vote upon the call of yea and neas, it was

ordered that the salaries of all Professors and Instructors

in the Agricultural College be paid out of the $1000.00

appropriated under a bill passed by the Legislature at its

last session. The Salaries so paid, will begin with the

date of passage of the bill and continue until the end of

the present fiscal year.

     On motion made and seconded and unanimously carried the

following resolution with its preamble was passed:

     WUREAS the total income of the University will exoeed

one half million dollars a year, and



W1HEKAS a portion of said income is for the use of the

Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Stationi, which is a part of

the University, and the remainder of said income is used for

the general purpose of instruction in said University, and

     WHEREAS certain funds of the Station are derived from

the United States Government and certain other funds are de-

rived from the State of Kentucky, and certain of these funds

must be used for certain specific purposes and. for no other

purpose, and

     WEREAS on account of the operation of the Smith-Lever

Act there will be anpropriated and handled by the Oollege of

Agriculture of the University of Kentucky under the direction

of the Extension Oommittee lately provided for by the General

Assembly of the State of Kentucky another large sum of money,


     WHEREAS it is necessary that all the accounts of the

University and all of its departments and the proper dis-

tribution thereof be accurately made, and

     WHEREAS in order to properly do so, it is necessary that

an experienced, expert accountant be employed by the University


     MWREAS a great quanity of supplies are purchased every

year for the University, and it is advantageous that these

accounts be purchased in the most economical way, and

     WHEREAS there is now a vacancy in the Business Office of

the University, and it would be advisably that the Business

agent of the University should be an expert accountant as well


as a person versed in business affairs echo should devote

his entire time to the conduct of the business affairs and

accounts of the Univexsity,

     NOW, TIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Committee

of the University that it proceed at once to elect a Business

Agent of the University who shall be an expert accountant and

versed in business affairs and who shall devote his entire time

to the conduct of the business affairs of the University and

its books, whether they are books which hatie heretofore been

kept separately at the Experiment Station or the books of the

University itself and that there be only one Business Office

for all departments of the University, Experiment Station,

and Extension Work and that it be in the Miin Building and that

all books of account be kept in the Business Office.

     BE IT FURTHER P.SOLVED that it shall be a part of the

duties of said business agent to collect all of the funds which

may be due to. said University and that he should be respon-

sible therefor.

     BE IT FURTMER RESOLVED that the Business Agent be account-

able alone to the President or the Board of Trustees of the

University or its appropriate committee,

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Business Agent receive a

salary of #3000,00 per year to be paid one third out of Exten-

sion fund, one third Station fund and bne third out of Univer-

sity fund.

     In connection with same, President Barker, R. 0. Stoll,

and P. P. Johnston, Jr. were appointed a Qormwittee to see to

the selection of some one to take the position as Business Agent,



         WHREAS, an article Published in the Kentucky Alumnus,

which annears as a bulletin of the University of Kentucky,

and appears to be published monthly by the University of

Kentucky, in its adition of April 1916,

         THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Committee of

the University of Kentucky that the President of the University

and JMr. P. P. Johnston., a member of this Committee, be and they

are hereby appointed a committee to confer with the Executive

Committee of the Alumni Association relative to the pub-

lication of certain articles in the Kentucky Alumnus.
         Dr. A. S. Mackenzie appeared before the Committee atid-
presented a resolution adopted by the Committee of Deans of

the University that the same might be considered by 'this body.

Resolution is as follows:-
     RESOLVED that it is the sense of the Committee of Deans

that the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, in

order to encourage continuous self-improvement in the Faculty

units, should make a provision for all or a Dortion of the

expenses and membership fees of professors who are affiliated

with one or more of the great learned societies and organiza-


     FURTHER RESOLVED, that in lieu of asabbatical year,

The Executive Committee make a provision for leavnes of absence

of the instructional force to attend summer schools or for

any other form of self-improvement with a view to greater




         It is respectfully suggested that in the event of a

    favorable consideration these resolutions be referred back
    to the Committee of deans in order that they may make defi-

nite recommendations to the Executive Committee.

         On motion the Committee adjourned to meet May 3, 1916.