xt7dr785ms5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dr785ms5t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-02-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 2007 2007 2007-02-23 2020 true xt7dr785ms5t section xt7dr785ms5t Socuer starfinds his future 111 Europe


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UK dorm rape case to go before grand jury

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PAGE 21 Friday. February 23, 200]»?

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun























By Lllltld C Black

lo get the titll't’i/lljgt] check the dais
rating If] is the eas‘iest day U the
artist challenging

Aries (March 21 April 19) - Today
‘8 a 7 , Getting the money s relatively
wisy‘ this time Holdtnti onto rt is the
challenge Don‘t hide it ii‘ your la
tome places Try something more so-
. lllt‘

Taurus (April 20 May 20) — Today is
l". B You re good at senior] long
term duals and seeing them through
fruition COl‘iVlllCC the others; ti‘ lol
no. your lead and you wont have to
to it llllll‘ ‘t ll be more fun \Alll‘ a

Gemini (May 21 June 21) - atrial
s ,i" ll . Allow the others: to offer or:
new lll'Sl {trait-"tents Use thiH irriztur

” t: to llllt’llJ'lt‘ your llllllM‘S it




Cancer (June 22 July 22) - Today is
an 8 ~ Others ()Uttle to you With all
sorts of wants and needs Empower
them to be responsrble, and learn
how to solve their own problems
Leo (July 23 Aug. 22) - Today is a 7
, Your uurr‘k thinking and deCisn/e ace
tioii is malong a good impressnin
Continue to figure out what‘s needed
and speedily proyide it

Virgo (Aug. 23 Sept 22) - Today is a
7 , You d better be taking notes be
cause there s‘ a test coining up soon
You ll be asked to show how your to
rent excursion leads to money t‘oiii-
llltl to Tell llltllli ll holpid clear your

Libra (Sept 23 Oct 22) - Today is ,i
E , One of the reasons you save your
money )9 to spend in bigger {i'riourits
Travel is a good way to do that but
dont launch iriirriediately Wt i: th‘l‘l
go very far

Scorpio (Oct 23 Nov. 21 - Today as
i7 ~ The right person will inspire you
to save more of your money ilill

shop around for better deals This
sometimes feels like nagging. but it 3
good for you

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 Dec. 21) - To-
day IS an 8 - Settle into a routine you
CHJOV. and let old worries fade. This
Wlll become second nature in no time
at all lt s a comfortable place to be
Capricorn (Dec. 22 Jan. 19) - To-
day is an 8 - Soon you'll be anxious
to get back to work. You‘ll be quick
and efficient Trust that this wrll hap—
pen Set up to work over the week-
end. and don‘t worry

Aquarius (Jan. 20 Feb. 18) - Today
is a 5 , This is more a time of outgo
than income, as you may have no—
tired That Hill all change later In the
meantiriie, exerose patience

Pisces (Feb. 19 March 20) - Today
is a 7 ~ More research is requued,
and you re the one to do ll You have
the best chance of finding what‘s
need in the least possmle time

Lilli" ‘Pleli‘r ’yll‘ciln SER‘t‘fltS “it,





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”“19 ”SH

They really are still
gigfipdsl The exes toast her
Thanks to Vincc Vaughn.
Jennifer Aniston had a happy - it
rotiiancc-trcc » birthday. The ac»
tor. 36. showed up to celebrate
his cx's 3th1 at an intiniatc gathr
cring at (‘ourtcncy Cox and
Dayid Arqucttc‘s Bcwrly Hills
honic on February It), Not otily
did hc bring a gilt. but he
“smiled and seemed excited"
about the party. a nitric» tclls
Hot Stull. "Jen hugged him \L‘\ »
cral titties and thanked hiiii (or
coming." said a souicc, "It \\ as
a little uncomtortablc. but her
friends really like him. They
don't blame him like they do
Brad Pitt." Of course. though
Aniston may be ol'licially
friends with Vaughn. she hasn't
quite transitioned to dating again
- despite a tabloid report that shc
recently attended a Sting concert
\yith a guy. (Hcr rcp tells is
"There was no datc. She was
there with Sting‘s assistant")
Lately. she‘s had more luck just
hanging Will) the girls. On Feb-
ruary 8. she dined at chcrly
Hills catcry Spago \yith [no to
male pals. smoking. eating and
sipping “inc. "'I‘hey talkcd qui-
ctly'." says a stallcr. “but laughed
out loud a lot."
Tyra: Dating Brit's 'Manny"?
America's ncxt top couplc‘.‘
At the Rodeo l)i'i\c Walk of
Sty lc Auards February X iii Bcv
crly Hills. a source says Tyra
Banks. 33. "flirted up a storm"
“fill her security guard: Britney
Spcars‘ c\ "nianny" l’crry layv
lot" "Shc \yas cooing. 'l’crry.

conic hcrc' With a .sc\y. conic,
hithcr look." Hcr rcp had no

Paris' Uneasy Upchuck

Paris Hiltoti \‘Hts delinitcly
not hot at Rolling Stone's l‘cbruv
ary L) (lramniy bash in l...\.
'l‘hiiugh site's knoutt It) bc the
life of. the party. the hcircss. 2b.
"pukcd in tlic bathroom" that
night. says a “Illtcss. iHci‘ rep
tells Hot SItlll. "That is not

Drew Barrymore —
Fab's Pain

l-abri/io Morctti is singing
the blues oser his recent split
Wllll l)rc\y Barrymore. At a Feb-
ruary l get-together with some
pals at l..A.'s Chateau Marmont.
thc Strokes druninicr, 2h. \\tts
oycrhcard saying "he would do
anything to get her back." a
nearby diner tclls Hot Stutt. Hc
cycn claimed he is still in the
dark about why the actress. 32.
broke it off. Still. a friend of
Barrymore tclls L's that \sllllt‘
she wanted to t't‘L‘UnL‘IlL‘ "tor a
minute." she non “lines being
single (Barry morc's rcp had no
comment.) As (or Morctti's It"
bound with actrcss Kirsten Dune
st. 14. the (‘hatcau guest contin-
tics. “his l‘ricnds \.\ct‘t‘ saying
sites using him toi publicity.
and he agreed” il)unst's rcp
tells l‘s. "Kirsten is not one to
ever \yant publicity. so thc no
tion that she is \Hlll anyonc loi
publicity is laughable,” Morctii s
rcp didn't respond to requests tor

Keith Urban - Back to Work

It didn't takc ls'cith l't'ban

kernel VQP


Jen & Vince -
Birthday Reunion!

long to gct his musical mogo
back. Less than mo \yccks altci'
being rclcascd lroni rchab in
inid~lanuary. Nicole Kidiiiaits
crooner hubby. 3‘). was in the
studio. singing and playing gui—
tat' on a track lor country star
Martina McBride s nest (‘1).
Waking l'p Laughing iout April
3). "This Is tht‘ first thing he‘s
donc sincc he‘s been out.”
Mk‘llrltlc. 4U. lclls Hut Sttlll. "l
sa\ cd this song for him. His \y as
the only \oicc for it." And ho\\
is l'rban, \\ ho made his postrc-
liab TV debut on Saturday Night
l.i\ c l‘cbruai'y ll). doing outsidc
the studio‘,’ The singer recently
told (icrtnan niaga/inc Stern
that his marriage to Kidman. 3‘).
g.i\c liiiti "the strength to get
through” rehab and that he's
no“ stri\ing to bc the "best huss
band. the best son. brothcr and
unclc " Hc c\cn yoked about a
sccond \\cdding cclcbration:
"We hawnt spoken about that
yet. but it sounds like a good
idea." il'rban s rcp had no corti-

Heath Starts His ()\\ll La,

lilittc ltit’ Hcallt lcdgcr. :7
to updatc his resume? A \tlllt’L‘L‘
tclls l's hc‘s launching a labcl.
.\lasscs Music (‘o.. \\llll singer
llcn Harper. At thc February l)
opciiing of LA lounge lidison.
he uiiycilcd his t.:‘st act. Alissic
ICL'I‘. (iracc \Mititlt‘imlt‘. “host
\oicc "he fell in |o\ c \\llll says
[he sitttt’cc lllleL'kl, Lcdgcrs also
shooting licr music \idco at l‘all'
son. His rcp did not rcspotid to

requests lor conimcnt,

its y‘ythlt







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Feb. 23, 2007



Chris Miles
Asst. Sports Editor



81 995M"?
c mtles@kykernel com

Rile) ()‘Netll had his
dreams fixed on Europe. vi here
the competition is intense and

the paychecks are high at least
for soccer pla) ers.

When the former record-setting
L'K soccer player loreVient his tinal

semester at L'K to make the

transatlantic mote last month. he
could haVe easil} transitioned
into the l'nitcd States‘ Ma|or

League Soccer.

“1 think he \tould hLHC
beeti a high pick in the MLS."
said l'K head coach Ian
Collins. “He‘s the lsind ot
pla_\er \slto can step onto the

prol'essional lield atid pla)

right avta)”

Li. .»a O‘Neill lilnlslk‘tl ltls \k“
nior season \ttth l7 goals
tor the (‘ats attd broke the
school record lor the most

garlic-Winning goals, stai
that man} MlS
scouts drooled o\ er.

But instead of st;i_\ing in
America. O‘Neill tolltmed his childhood
ambitions to Northern (iernian). where he
signed a contract with S.\. Wilhelms‘hm en.
a third division professional team.

"l thought it \\ as the best place tor me."
()‘Neill said iii an chiatl “l'm ttist tnittg to
put in} sell iii the right place to make it turf
ther m in) career."

And \shtle he could have sta_\ed in the
([8,. O'Neill named to pla} in the best
league possible to dewlop as a player. With
luck. he cottld mo\e trom \Villielinshm en
and land a spot on a better club ()‘Neill
hopes the totirne} “1” land him iii the top
leagues. lingland's Premiere league oi
(Eertttattvs Bundesliga League \shiclt tea
ttite too ot‘ soccer's betteriknotsn teams.
Manchester hated and Baserii Munich

"You aspire to pla_\ abroad.“ l'ls; soplio
more pla_\er Karl \Vaasdorp said. highlight
tng ()‘Neill's decision " lilie atmosphere ts

\"athan l t. a lotniev l‘K soccer pl‘a_\ct
uho also plased liis titial season in the tall.
said he thinks ()'.\'eill ‘\\lll lla'u‘ a great shot
at itiakiiig it big

Europe’s “III hams

S.V. Wilhelmshaven, in the third division of German pro soccer, is
in northern Germany. Two other pro leagues are above Wilhelm-
shaven and typically pull lower-league players into their ranks.
O'Neill has a strong possibility of moving up into these leagues.







g; Bayern Munich is considered the best pro German team. They
\Sy have won the Bundesliga the last three seasons.

Manchester United, perhaps England's best pro club team,
has made David Beckham famous. The club's-- current star player
is Wayne Rooney.


Chelsea is in the English Premier League, considered
the best pro soccer league in the world, and is the
reigning champion.

Barcelona, with world-renowned Ronaldinho, was one
of last season’s strongest teams.

I AC. Milan includes players like Ronaldo and Kaka.


Former UK soccer player
follows dream to play


Chris DeLotell’s men’s basketball column
UK will need a win over Vandy this weekend
to get a bye in the upcoming Southeastern

Conference tournament.

across the pond

"He has talent and eotiimitment.” It
said. ”l‘hat can get httn tar"

l’llllkc‘ ()‘Nt‘lll. l.l decided at lltt‘ t‘tltl Hi
the last season that he \totild not ptitstte a
career pla)mg prolessional soccer and in
stead \Hll “ork totsard a career iii the tiied
ical lield.

Originally. |.i thought abotit p|a_\ itig
professional soceet. Mitch \sas otie ol' the
reasons he came to l'K.

"tl’Ki is as close to protessional as _\ou
can get." Li said. "I \tould be surprised it
e\en Rilevs team lnoui has the laciltties
and resources \\e do. I came here because
l'K prepares )ou tor the pros ”

('ollms said l'ls'. like man} strong colr
lL‘gC soccer \L'lttmls. ll.t\ all tltt‘ tlL‘c‘c‘ssdl'} R‘
sources to prepare plascrs tor the new le\el.
especiall) \\ hen it comes to the stall helping
the plat crs reach their goals

"l'K is a good stepping stone." \\aas
dorp said. “Pro scouts are much more likel}
to watch a sttccesslul team :\ll\l iti Rilcs ~s
position. as the star ol the sticcessltil team,
)oti're gettitig much more attention ”

l'oi \Vaasdorp. the allure ol plat tng pie
lessional soccet is as one ot the prime tea
sons he came to 1K.

“You want to be paid. and sou \taiit to
be paid lor \\ hat _\oti lo\ e to do.” \Naasdortt
said. “Hie time to reach that goal out
\H‘lglls amthtng else "

“But there comes a point “here ioti
haw to be fL‘.tll\llL l.i said,

Lt said ll tiitght not be a smart tiadeott
bctueeii a college dcgiee and ‘l‘it‘vletlltal yobs
and bouncing around ptotcssiotial

".r\ gu} like Rile} ts plaung lot a thad
di\ tsion (ierittati team." \oa‘ie
hung on hot \sages and ll\\ risky cspct 1.17
l) playiig in a totinti) \shct‘e \oa don"
lsnoo the language and hase no tt'ieiids \ou
need to balance _\our passion \\llll t'eai'zstii "

l.l \tlltl llldl lll lllt‘ ktl\L' t‘i (l'\t‘:‘lt 'ttl
Hit} the l'l\ls \sas the tight t lioice

" l heie s dctitiitels

sttttess ttot hittii.‘ l;said


l t \ttltl

tll oppoittitigt‘t .oi
ll takes a lot
hard \sotls and aditisttiieitt lint 't that s lt.s
passion he'll go lt'l Il "

U'Netll said tilt oppotttm:t\ ha» been
\\t‘l'lll it. even at :th oiistatlcs like the list:
silage l‘at’riei ()’\ct|l p’ay beside lltaml
iaii. \rgetttiiie \igci’iaii. l'tilish. l tciitlt .tiid
(Jetli plaxet s and all ol 'heiii he said -l:a.'.

the same passion and __‘t‘,ll\ he ti-tcs met

mg them to ielatc to eat It other casth

\iid \sliile being a\\.i\ troiii his titetids
.tttd latiitl\ is liatd t)‘\eill said tl‘.c\ ate
still stipptutzw

”\l\ l_tlt'.il\ and titetids ate \et\ k'\\llL\l
tot me ' ll \eili said "\lost \‘l tlietti atc
hoping l'i‘ be a iiiiihotiaite ”

H'\c:ll has i'lll\ sceii the stat! ot his
success. ( 'ollms said and lie e\pct ts his tor
met pl.t\ei is aheads itia‘ktitg totit times
mote than the sal.it\ ot ait \ll.\1\l.t}c't

"llek going to make :ttoie \t‘llllllg‘ out
ol l K than


a business etadtiate.” ( olliiis
"lle‘ll make a ptetts good lite '

llttt lot (l‘\etll that lzte has tttst stattcd
”I do hope to make a tatce: out .i! ttf~
()‘\eill said ”I l\.tl~".\ I hate to be patient
and \totk teallx liatd to make it to the top
Hut l tiiiiik \si'ft time I i make 1! to that ]e\



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that \\t\tlltl l‘c






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felt. 2%, Jun?
Page 4


KERNEL Eonoimu Bonn

Megan Bochnlrl. e11 1. , . ' wt
Knith Smtloy. " watt ' i; to '.‘
We: Blowns, in wit _.
Brenton Konliol, t‘~‘, l t w,‘

Dariush Shale,
Jonathan Smith, a
Ellie Fairbanks. ’e 9‘ . .
Chm Miles, : _


egislature should
ounter enrollment

ecrease with funds ;

.~\x the enxt nt~ ttiitinii gnex up. the
number nt’ in xtate. IllII'lllllL‘ xtiideiitx en
rnIIed in Kentuek} ‘x puhlie enllegex and
unit'erxitiex ix gning dntxn. aeenrding tn
a repnrt releaxed h) State Auditnr ('rit
LuaIIan Iaxt \xeek. I'llIIdllltC iexideiit en
rnIImeiit reaehed itx peak three _\e.ii'x agn.
and II“) tener xtiideiitx are attending
Kentucky‘x x'eltnnlx thaii iii ZtNH.

While I'K ix nnt amnng thexe erinnlx

itx enrnllment ix iiiei’eaxiiig dexpite Ill
itinn .iIxn inereaxiitg the xtate ix xtiII
taeing a huge nhxtaele iii reaehiitg itx
gnaI nl~ upping the niimher nt' rexideiit
degreevhnlderx. and the (ieiieial .\xxeiii-
hI_\ mu.xt iintiee thix,

'I‘uitintt enxtx appear tn he the main
hurdeii l‘nr xtiidentx Innking in get a enl
Iege ediieatinn in Keiitiiek}. and iiinxt nt
the xtate'x uni\erxitiex hate had a
plateauiiig eiirnllment n\er the Iaxt tnur

Mnrehead State. \\Il|L'Il hax xeeii a (in
PCFCCTII l’lxe lll Illlllnn ettxlx tlIlL‘ xaltte
pereentage ax [K i. hax had a lit peteeiit
deereaxe in enrnIIinent xiiiee SHIN l egix
Iatnrx xhnuld he alarmed h) the xtate nt
higher edueatinii in ilte ennininiiuealth
and \\nrk tn hettei tuiid highei edutatinn
.le‘rnxx tI‘iC xtate

In nrder tnr Ixeiitiiek} tn enittpele