xt7dr785mq3j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dr785mq3j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-04-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1987 1987 1987-04-16 2020 true xt7dr785mq3j section xt7dr785mq3j  

Vol. XCl, N0. 136

Established 1 894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Thursday, April 16, 1987



Bombs away

Danny Goodridge.


an undecided
plays basketball in the rain outSIde Blazer Hall


Rain is in the forecast again
expected in the SOs


ALAN MAWSE Kernel Sta“

today. With highs



Media need only to fear

themselves, speaker says

it} .I \Y Bl..\f\'l‘().\
\ews l‘Iditor

.lohn Quinn has been quoted as
sll}lllf_’ that l’SA Today adds “new
depth to the definition of shallow

But as editor of the national news-
paper, Qilinn. as guest lecturer at
the loth annual Joe (‘reason Lecture
last night. said all Journalists should
leel a "kindred spirit” with (‘reason
'in the kind of Journalism we try to
practice "

About .130 people attended the lec-
ture last night honoring (reason. a
longtime local columnist for the
Louisville t‘ourier Journal (‘reason
died in ism

Quinn. who also serves as exec
iitive vice president of news for Can
netl. which owns l'SA Today as well
as the t‘ourierrJournal. quoted (‘rca‘
son. saying "our goals parallel those
Joe t‘reason set when he started his
column "

"To report

on. ‘people and

Singletary to be honored with special

Hy ('Illl’ JACKSON
Contributing Writer

in April of last year. ()tis A Sin~
gletary announced his plans to retire
after iii years as l'K president.

in his official announcement last
war. Singletary said: “l've been
here a long time l've been pretty
clear in my own mind what i was
going to do “

Among Singletary‘s biggest contri-
hulions to the University is his ap-
preciation for the arts

Today faculty members. students
and state and University officials
will recognize Singletary's love for
the humanities and his other contn'»
buttons by renaming the UK Center
for the Arts in his honor.

The dedication program, titled “A
Tribute to this Singletary." will give

places and things thihl humor
and pathos and irony that touch us
and our neighbors ’ "

That spirit. Quinn said, is the
satne “whether we work in large or
small neighborhoods "

Quinn said the large neighborhotxl
that USA Today covers has been an
"adventure" that “has given many
of us a real education.”

Most of all. he said. "the i'SA
Today experience has taught as a
great deal about the vitality of the
newspaper-reading public."

The first lesson that this experi-
ence has imparted. Quinn said. is
that the “public appetite for news
and information is never fulfilled
and each new voice adds to that apr
petite ”

The public wants all the news it
can get, Quinn said. But the public
wants that news “when it wants it.
where it wants it. how it wants it
and it is willing to pay the price to

state and UniverSity officials the op
portunity to convey their sentiments
about Singletary and his years as
president. Other highlights include
performances from the UK faculty
chorale. orchestra and brass ensemr

Donna Greenwell. Student Govern-
ment Assomation president. will be
among the keynote speakers at the

Greenwell said she thinks Sin-
gletary‘s term as president was
“quite successful." saying he has al-
ways been receptive to student ideas
and concerns and an “easy person
to talkto."

in addition to Greenwell. the ded-
ication ceremony will include fac
ulty from the community college
system and the Lexington campus
and alumni. Sen Wendell Ford will


Simply. "it wants its media to
keep up with its needs and adapt to
its lifestyle "

Quinn also said the “public is not
mad at its media."

The public treasures its First

Sec MEDIAJ’age ‘

also comment on Singletary‘s years
at UK

Bernie Yondcrheide. director of in»
formation services. said these
speakers represent a general over-
view of Singletary's contributions to
the University. which he said were
highly commendable.

"I think that history will show that
the Singletary years have been very
good to the University." \‘onder-
heidc said.

Raymond Hornback. vice presi-
dent for University relations and
chief organizer of the event. hopes
the dedication ceremony will ex~
press the admiration UK has for Sin,

Hornback, who has worked with
Singietary for 14 years. remembers
Singletary's accomplishments when
he first arrived at UK in 1969.

Band director position
saved by special funds

Staff Writer

The University announced yesterA
day the allocation of $20,000 to keep
the associate director of bands posi-
tion from being frozen.

Because of campuswide budget
cuts. which resulted from a de-
crease in expected state funding.
Alan Hersh, director of the School of
Music. decided to freeze the posi-
tion. Other University departments
have resorted to similar methods to
reduce their budgets.

According to a memo, President
Otis A. Singletary will contribute
$10,000 from his discretionary fund
and Athletic Director Cliff Hagan
will donate $10,000 from the athletic

Warren currently holds the posi-
tion and acts as the marching
bands primary consultant and di-

John Menkhaus. Student Govern-
ment Association fine arts senator.
and (‘yndi Weaver. SGA president-
elect. were concerned about the

freeze because the associate direc
tor plays a primary role in the per-
formance and the welfare of the

University educators honored


“The reason Dr.
Singletary came
through with the
money was because

students pursued it."
Cyndi Weaver,
SGA president-elect

They worked with Singletary to
find an alternative to freezmg the

Singletary then collaborated with
Hagan to find an answer,

Freezes on positions. which affect
employees that do not have con
tracts for next fall. can be lifted de—
pending on the discretion of the de~

“The reason Dr. Singletary came
through with the money was be-
cause students pursued it.” Weaver
said “Students cared and that made
a difference “

The funds “will take a great deal
of burden off the School of Music.”
Menkhaus said. "They will be able

with Great Teacher

Staff Writer

The UK National Alumni Associa
tion presented five Kentucky educa-
tors with its 1987 Great Teacher
Awards yesterday. The awards were
given during a luncheon at the King
Alumni House.

Three professors from the Lexing
ton campus were presented with
Great Teacher Awards: Richard R.
Clayton. a sociology professor; Ste-
phen G. Jackson. an animal science
professor; and John T. Kemper. a
dentistry professor.

'l\v0 more awards were presented
to Mary Jeanne Fletcher. a math»
ematics professor at Jefferson (‘om-
munity (‘ollege and Larry L.
Walston. an associate professor of
biology at Hopkinsville (‘ommunity

The awards were presented by
Marilyn ()rme Todd, a lifetime
member of the alumni association
and a Kentucky schoolteacher. Todd
said those chosen were the cream of
the crop of UK teachers.

“They are all worthy of the
awards and are representative of
the kind of teaching going on at the
University." Todd said.

Jay Brumfield. director of alumni
affairs at the University, explained
the eligibility requirements and so
lection process for the Great Teach—
er Awards.

Brumfield said nomination applie
cations were circulated to UK stu»
dent organizations by the ()micron
Delta Kappa honorary and the Mor-
tar Board. Applications also were
sent to student governments in the




to take the money they are saving
and place ll in other areas."

Before Singletary and Hagan
stepped in. the freeze caused "two
rampant rumors to circulate in the
School of Music.” Menkhaus said

The first rumor was that the posi»
tion of associate director of bands
would be permanently lost. The sec;
ond said the freeze would result in
the demise of the marching band
program. Menkhaus said

"in recent years the band has
been on a rise iand has becomei one
of the best in the nation." Weaver

if the position of associate director
of" bands were eliminated "the pro-
gram would simply not have been
the same." Weaver said “If the
band program is poor. then people
will not come to l'K. They will go
someplace where they can play in a

MenkhaUs said llersh's decision to
freeze the position came from the
fact that "he is not aware of the UK
tradition . . he is from a conserva-
tory background where there usual-
ly is not a marching band program.
per se


‘ l

s ‘ ’

The five 1987 Great Teacher Awards were presented yesterday to
(from left) Stephen G. Jackson. a UK professor Larry L Walston.
a Hopkinsville Community College associate professor; John T.
Kemper. a UK professor; Mary Jeanne Fletcher. a Jefferson Com-
munity College professor: and Richard R Clayton, a UK professor.

I'niversity's community college sys

Each [7K student organization and
community college was allowed to
nominate one candidate for the
awards Brumfield said the nomi-
nations then went to an alumni asso-
Ciation ad hoc committee that was
appointed to make the final selec-

Brumt‘ield said the awards have
been given by the alumni associa~
tion each year since 1961. The maxr
mum number of awards that can be
given each year is six. A total of 106

awards have been presented since
the program was started

Seventy—seven of those have gone
to (K instructors and the rest were
given to community college educa-

Mary Jeanne Fletcher. one of the
recipients. commented oti her feel-
ings about receiving the award

“It's the greatest thrill of my lit)
years of teaching." Fletcher said. “i
pray i will always live up to what is
expected of a great teacher." she

Doctor to lecture on the AIDS virus

Staff reports

Dr. Phyllis J. Kanki of the Har
vard University School of Public
Health will speak on “AIDS: HIV
and Related Viruses in Africa”

Kanki’s lecture will focus on the
epidemiology and demography of
acquired immune deficiency syn
drome and the effect AIDS has had
in Africa. where the disease ()l‘lgI'
nated. said Dr. John Slevin, assoa


He said Singletary first acted as a
“leveling influence." recalling stu-
dent unrest and other problems that
existed on campus requiring the
president‘s immediate attention.

Hornback said the later years.
however. showed Singletary to be “a
builder." praising Singletary's ef-
forts in upgrading the quality of the
campus and the faculty.

Singletary officially retires June
30. at which time President-select
David Roselle assumes the UK prcL

Although Hornback said be highly
respects Roselle‘s qualifications and
expresses great confidence in him.
he said the loss of Singletary will be
a great one.

“After 18 years ias UK president i.
[)r. Singletary certainly has earned
a day like this." Hornback said.

ciate professor of neurology phar-

The lecture. which is sponsored by
the [K chapter of Sigma Xi re
search honor soc1ety'. will be held 4
pin today in 201 Health Seiences
Learning t‘enter

The lecture will also discuss the
different HTLV. or aids viruses. and
how they biologically compare with
each other. Slevin said.

Kanki. 31. will also discuss how
the AIDS virus started in African


monkeys and spread among hu

Kanki is currently a research as
soc1ate at the Harvard School of
Public Health. where she has re-
searched the various ways the dead-
ly virus is transmitted and is
searching for a cure

Kanki received a bachelor‘s de-

gree in chemistry and biology from

See All“. Page ‘



The UK baseball team took
two against Kentucky State

yesterday. For the story see
SPORTS. page 2.

Forty year: of Kentucky's
buck heritage is on display
this month. 800 ONE!-






 2 ~ KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thundly. April 18. 1987



Shumpert’s hot bat

fuels Cats’


UK takes a deuce

ll~ l lll\l\ \l lllllluul‘
‘\\’; 1'!

1. «a 11111. advantage ot a per

...1: a irrtorniance by
\1‘11111111-i't 1n the first game
.. ...1.1 1.111 second inning in the
Meat Kentucky

.esh inlay at Shively

.1: int?

ris untamed this re
.t. .1:..1 all carry Kentucky
~ >\t‘v‘n1-'lvl~ iiiatchup with
" l‘ 1 Hl.li'l't‘llt't' p0“ t‘l'

'. it lllt‘ Vl‘lfit‘l‘.‘ lll l
1: : again .1'. l 311

' \l1.\el_\ l‘dt‘ltl He
.1 Hi}: to LottiSVllle

. ”:11; .11l1llll.\l the t‘ar

._ (.111 games to UK.
1111; W111 l)i\den
11.;w.\\1.t \.1[l1 the

{1.111 baseball team,"
t «11 lxentiick} But we
- 1 111- running up against
Tina; indict it‘atiis~
l K pounded out
'11lt'hed l threer
1111:; HI]

I\' amine
13 l1“. lam


\ttei Dale Hudson scored off of a
double by t R Black to give KSL' an
early Hi lead. the (‘ats retaliated
with three runs in the bottom of the
second inning to take the lead for

With Darm Rienian on third base.
ireshnian Bill} White smacked a
grounder up the middle to score Rie-
man as David ltay advanced to
third John Hampton. another fresh-
man. then brought Ray home with a
sacrifice fly to put l'K up 2-1.

After White stole second. Shum-
pert pounded .1 double to left field.
scoring White and giving the Cats a
:H advantage

Kentucky continued its batting
clinic in the bottom of the third with
four straight hits.

t'hris Estep led off with a home
run. his sixth of the season. over the
center field fence to give [K a 4-1

Mitch Knox. one of only two se—
niors on the squad. followed with a
single and advanced to third on a
double by Hieman Hay then singled
in Knox and itieman to give the Cats
a live-run lead

[11 the bottom of the fourth. L'K
lighted up the scoreboard once again

Kentucky‘s Billy White attempts to steal second base during yester-
day's double-header at Shively Field only to be tagged out by sec-

when Knox singled to score Shum~
pert. who was on his way to third as
Knox smacked the ball to left field.
The run gave the Cats a 7-1 advan-

After a scoreless fifth inning.
Shumpert again showed he had the
hot bat when he 51' vnmed a leadoff
shot over the left field fence. The ju-
nior s sixth homer this season gave

UK the winning margin at 8-1 and
earned praise from Coach Keith

“He‘s a real spark plug for us,"
Madison said of his all-American
candidate from Paducah. “He can
really make us go. We‘re going to
need Terry at his best this weekend
against Auburn "

Madison also had nothing but

Robinson’s debut honored by America

1:111\\i tailliltliltt.

1~~1H .111‘11 l’I‘1'\>


,v.. \' 11,1}

‘l'K 'l‘he hand-scrawled
out among the Jackie
'. 11.1 s gloves. uniform and
"lL‘i'lzt'l‘illt’d statistics dis-
;,L_-.;. i .1: Illc .\e\1 York Historical
\111 .z‘T}

‘de 11.1w already got rid of seve-
.:k1' 5.1111 line was found in the
ietently. read one. writ-
luring Robinson‘s rookie season

.‘.e: 111s!
“villi-1111““: to kill you if you at»

enter a ball game at (‘ros-
said another. written on

'1 17.}1: :11

.o-j. Hill

the occasion of Robinson's first trip
to Cincinnati

America commemorated the 40th
anniversary of Robinson's first
game as the first black player in
baseball‘s major leagues yesterday,
a commemoration that in some in‘
stances seemed less aimed at the
threatening letters and racial bias of
1947 than indications of the subtle
bias that exists today.

It came a week after A] Cam~
panis. vice president of the Los An-
geles Dodgers — Robinson‘s Brook-
lyn team. transplanted west after
the 1957 season — was forced to re-

sign after suggesting on national
television that blacks “may not have
some of the necessities" for baseball
management positions.

Indeed, at ceremonies at the New
York Historical Society and at Eb-
bets Fields Homes in Brooklyn, the
housing project that replaced the
site of Robinson‘s exploits, the name
“Campanis” was uttered nearly as
much as “Robinson."

Rachel Robinson, Robinson's
widow, was on hand at the Histori-
cal Society to officially open “Jackie
Robinson: An American Journey,"

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ll".ll* .tl l\\11l.ik1\

11.1.. 11.


\1..111 111i; 1.111l11- whentheteniperattires
111 imkntu 11 the \llll\ll|llt' \\.it1hingthe \illl

h l\ {in ;1l.11 1- 1n lA'\lllL'lUll 11 here fun
"1.1: .1' 11 311111! in lllL’itillli‘ together \ou l\
' 111111111 111.1ndl114rcad1 tor .ill the
;1 11 111 d \llllllllt‘t tl;l\\ ahead \oiill




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find everything you could want at Two lakes.
1111 hiding sen ice that 3 second to none.
Resident's minimum age is _’l and Hi.
students qualify for additional savings. So.
grab a roommate and your bathing suit and
head over to Two lakes . . .
Two lakes is an adult contemporary



the water‘s fine?



an exhibit on her husband's life that
will run from Saturday until July 15
in New York, then move to Los An-
geles, Washington, Atlanta and Chi-
cago over the next two years.

Although Rachel Robinson was
hopeful that some teams, notably
the Dodgers, would make aggressive
efforts to advance blacks into the
upper echelons of their organiza-
tions, she said she was totally sur—
prised at what Campanis’ remarks
revealed about feelings in baseball.

“I felt shocked, horrified, appalled
and angry because I hadn’t expected
it," she said. “Bigots have gotten so—
phisticated today. They‘re not usual-

ly so open.“

Andy Dumstofl
Sports Editor

MARK IEROF Kernel Stall

ond baseman Richie Tyre. The Wildcats swept Kentucky State, 8-1
and 14-4 to improve their record to 24-8.

praise for Law‘s pitching. who al—
lowed only one unearned riin while
baffling Kentucky State batters
throughout the game.

Everything went the Cats way in
the second game as they pounded

Confusion among coaches and fans
alike occurred after the game was

called after only five innings be
cause of the lU-I‘UII rule

Madison said he thought Drydtii
ended the game. However Dryden
said the umpire had called the game
even after the KSl' coach had told
the umpire he wanted to play a lull

seven innings.


Millions to be

LOUISVILLE tAP) —Churchill
Downs Marketing Director David
Carrico said yesterday chances
are good that the 1987 Kentucky
Derby will top last year‘s nearly
$20 million in off-track wagering.

“We are anticipating about 10
more outlets over last year’s 56
sources," Carrico said. “With an
additional year of familiarizing
our 1986 outlets with our promo-
tion and marketing features, I be
lieve we will do more than last
year‘s off-track wagering.“

Last year‘s numbers were
paced — as they were in 1985 —»
by the New York Off-Track Bet-
ting System, which took in $6,-


bet on Derby

158.475 in wagers. (‘arrico said in
a news release.

Sportsman's Park. Hollywood
Park and Garden State all did
more than $1 million on the
Derby simulcast.

Connecticut 0TB. which did
more than $700,000. climbed 24
percent from 1985‘s figure and
Carrico said that, overall. more
than 30 outlets showed larger
handles on the simulcast,

This year. for the first time.
Churchill Downs will be offering
simulcast wagering on the Ken
lucky Oak on May 1. the day be-
fore the Derby.











Join with the rest of
the University in honoring
Retiring President
Dr. Otis Singletary

Thursday, April 16, 1987

3:30 p.m.

Center for the Arts









Assm'iiited Press

liltL‘SSELS. Belgium ~~ Secretary
of State George P Shultz expressed
optimism in Moscow about reaching
.iii accord (In eliminating medium-
i.inge nuclear missiles from Europe
and flew to Brussels to consult with
.'\ :‘i'l‘t ) allies

"We will consult. and I am sure.
t‘iillit‘ to a good conclusion," Shultz
said before leaving Moscow. where
llt' held three days of meetings with
stniet officials. including Kremlin
leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev. who
made new arms proposals

Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard A.
sclicniriliiailze told Shultz yesterday
lllul the Soviets would eliminate
ilien- shorter range missiles in the

Soviet Union within a year after
Senate ratification of a proposed
treaty on medium-range missiles.

The Soviets have 80 shorter-range
missiles on their territory.

The Soviets have about 50 medi-
um~range launchers — with a range
of 350 to 600 miles __ in East Ger-
many and Czechoslovakia. They
would be scrapped 0n the signing of
a treaty to rid Europe of hundreds
of US. and Soviet medium-range
missiles, which have a range of 600—
3.000 miles.

Gorbachev made the proposals,
which could remove a major obsta
cle to a treaty on medium-range
missiles. during a 4‘2 hour meeting
Tuesday with Shultz in the Kremlin.

“Very considerable headway had
been made. and it should be possible

Spy case hearings
open to the public

I'.\ \1)I{\I\\ BLACK
\sstit'ittlt’tl I’I't'SS

\\ v\.\‘lll_\’(;'l‘t)N A pre—trial
nmrmi: for a Marine embassy guard
.ivt-usetl of espionage recessed yes-
'l‘ltlit‘. without any decsion on
.‘.l‘it-llll'i‘ he should be bound over for
unit martial

l,t tol .John Shotwell. a Marine
t tarps spokesman. said the pretrial
iii‘f’I‘IIIL’ tor Sgt (‘layton .l Lonetrep
*i-i-esst-ti ;it about 4:30 pm. EDT. He
prtx-eedings would likely be
itililillt‘tt‘fl this morning “because
'lii-y only have one or two witnesses


l.ltllt‘ll‘t‘t'. 25. is a former guard at
't'i. I' s Embassy in Moscow. He
nix lwiv art-used of becoming in-
Mm". rniiiiintically with a Soviet
.auiiinz. while working iii Moscow
,rriri then allowing Soviet agents to
mineiztly roam the embassy late at
'itllli i.’i\t _\(‘.iI'
i.t>llt‘ll‘t‘t' and his defense attor-
,i;-.\ went behind closed doors at 9
yiwit‘l‘tlil)’ to hear prosecuting
itturnt-ys present witnesses and
. =hi-r i-\iileiice in a bid to justify the
'art of it court—martial.
l‘vlll'illL‘ it break in the proceedings.
Loni-tree‘s defense attorneys
' it i reporters his client had not den-
lm'ing ii relationship with a So~
.zi-i woman who worked at the em~
has“ ViolettaSeina
Hut Michael V. Stuhff. the attor<
t .idtlcil he was prepared to pre-
t'\i(l(‘ll\'t‘ that such fraterniza-
“ii very common accepted
pint 'it'v
mixing the things which will be
-iitroitiiced in evidence. we'll have
pnotographs from the Marine Ball in
\int‘lilllt‘l of 198:3 showing the NCO
lliill commissioned officers» in
charge \\llll two SUVIGI women. one
llitit't each arm on a sofa. one of
hen. being a KGB colonel, as well
.is a state Department official with
iizivtlier Sox‘iet woman." Stuhff said.
Loni-tree "has been grievously
dangerously chastized. den-


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igrated for engaging in something
that he quite frankly was encour-
aged to do.“ the attorney said.

"We're very confident that if we
have an opportunity to present the
facts fairly, that it will be clear to
everybody. to the American people.
to the public. to the media. to the
Marine Corps. that Sgt. Lonetree is
a patriotic. young Marine." Stuhff

William Konstler.
tree attorney. said the defense had
offered two legal motions on yester-
day. both of which were denied by
the hearing officer. The first was a
motion to open the pre-trial proceed-
ings to the press and public. The
second was a bid to obtain Lone~
tree‘s release from the brig on
grounds he had been unconstitution-
ally held for more than 90 days With
out starting a trial. Kunstler said.

The hearing was held at the Quan‘
tico Marine Base in Virginia. just
south of Washington. where Lone-
tree has been held behind bars since
the end of December. The Marine
Corps imposed a news blackout on
the proceedings.

Lonetree‘s arrest sparked an in»
vestigation that has unraveled a
major sex-and—spy scandal. Two
other Marines have been charged
with espionage as a result of the
probe and another has been charged
with improper fraternization with
Soviet women.

another Lone-

In a related development. the New
York Times reported yesterday the
Marine Corps was having trouble
gathering evidence to prosecute Lo—
netree and an alleged accomplice.
(‘pl Arnold Bracy. The paper said
much of the case against the two
men was based on conflicting
statements given by the two.

Officials who weren‘t identified in
the story were cited as saying the
Reagan administration was now di-
vided over whether to grant immu-
nity from prosecution to Bracy to
improve the case against Lonetree.


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“i think we made quite a lot of progress and
perhaps we can see prospects, with hard
negotiations ahead, but prospects are close at
hand of reaching agreement (on medium-range


George P. Shultz,
Secretary of State

to work out an agreement in this
field imedium-range missiles! with
hard work and creative effort,"
Shultz said in a Moscow news con-

“I think we made quite a lot of
progress and perhaps we can see

prospects. with hard negotiations
ahead. but prospects are close at
hand of reaching agreement in that
area.“ Shultz said of the outlook on
medium-range weapons.

Edward Rowny. senior arms con-
trol adviser to President Reagan.

KENTUCKY KENNEL. Thursday. April 10. 1987 - 3

Agreement on missile ban close, Shultz says

headed for China and Japan to brief
their govermncnts. Thomas Simors

., a Soviet affairs expert in the
State Department. went to Eastern
Europe for meetings in Soviet bloc

Tass. the official Soviet news
agency. said the Foreign Ministry
summoned ambassadors from Mos-
cow's East European allies for a
briefing. but the agency gave few

Shultz and Shevardnadze met for
several hours yesterday afternoon
before the news conference. and the
SOviet official said later that
chances for a Washington summit
were “rather good.“

Shevardnadze added. however.
that the two sides must “tuck up our
sleeves and work . “


Sound off

Cadet Major Steve Hayden watches the UK
ROTC drill team practice yesterday The team

~fi \
’ ‘Q.
ALAN HAWSE Ke'nel Sta"

3‘ 2:

was preparing for a parade that they are partiCi—
pating in next Wednesday



In a similar assessment. Shultz
said: “It‘s fair to say that we and
the Soviets have similar views that
such a meeting ought to be asso-
ciated with important content and
has to be a well-prepared meeting."

Gorbachev's offer to combine con-
straints on short-range missiles with
eliminating medium-range rockets
appeared to address Western de-
mands that the two issues be dealt
with in a single agreement

According to Shultz. the Soviet
leader‘s proposal sticks to the for—
mula of last October's ReaganGor-
bachev summit in Iceland by allow.
ing the Soviet Union 100 medium-
range warheads in Soviet Asia and
the United States 100 on its territory.

Amy Carter
of charges

jury found Amy Carter. Abby Hof-
fman and 13 other protesters inno-
cent yesterday of charges stemming
from a demonstration last fall
against CIA recruiters at the lini-
versity of Massachusetts.

The jury of four women and two
men ai'uiuuiiced the verdict to a
packed courtroom of 130 spectators
about three hours after they began
deliberations in the case Judge
Richard Connon cleared the court-
room after the first verdict was re
turned because of thunderous ap»

“You may have gotten the impres-
sion of the court being upset." Con-
non told the jury as spectators filed
out of the courtroom "It wasn‘t be»
cause of your verdict "

Prosecutor Diane Fernald had an
gued that the daughter of former
President Jimmy (Tarter deliberate»
ly blocked buses and other protesv
ters refused to leave a L'niversity of
Massachusetts building to publicize
their demands that the school ban
(‘IA recruiters.

The defense had argued that the
protesters broke minor laws to try
to stop more serious law~breaking
by the spy agency.

The jury began deliberations at 1
pm. after listening to more than
two hours of arguments in a court
room packed With 130spectators



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 4 - KENTUCKY KERNEL,ThursdIy,Aprll16. 1987


View ,. 1, 0th

Members of SAB
should give space
to student station

l1‘111.1ily there may be away to fill part of the void in the

Stinli-tii t‘etitet‘

by way of a new home for Radio Free

It s1enis the renovation needed to make Miller Hall (the
11i1einillv planned 51101 an adequate place for a radio sta-
111112 1‘ 411111;: to cost a lot of money, much more than any-

11111- 111ti1'1ptited

Figure-s show that $3.000 would be needed to remove as-
11.10.» 1111111 \Iiller flail. This is only a portion of the $37,000

211111111: 1111' total renovation


and right now RFL can’t af-

11 111in makes sense that the administration of a student
1.111111 s1111 11111 \1 onld seek refuge in a student center.

In .1


11111 birds could be killed with one stone be-

1.111.\e Student 1‘enter directors could get rid of some empty

\\hil1 the



31:1“ 111‘

Scott Ferguson

ItFl.'s general manager,

station could have a home at a much


limiltl 1311 111111 the adjacent lounge in the Student Center



currently those spaces are used as a meeting

I: Iti‘l is ever going to get past the planning stage, it



1.11 111 1111-1111111 some major obstacles and this is one of

the tact that Miller Hall is one of the older build-

up 1'.Iltl')il.\ thus making it harder to renovate ought

111 help til 1. cause

l‘llt‘ station .\ lund—raising projects are continuing, but

American aid to El Salvador should be political, not military

: \11' Gregory. l‘t‘tltiius. a t" S
. ::::‘.;11_' .1111';(| brought
when four t'S
‘ 1‘ ..‘11> 1.1111 \1111‘ 11 death at .1 Sun
111 June of 1983
enernlia presence

\l .1‘1.\
:111 :1 11‘ 2'1> 11'
..11111 1'1N1‘1111I‘Attl


'11:.11 .11 the murders l’resi" towed to \(’lld more
. .11: 1.1 the .1111. ernnient of El

1. onset to get ' revenge
~111‘11: l’resident Reagan. this

_'1‘ Wingli policy will once
‘21‘12'.‘.. re