xt7dr785mn41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dr785mn41/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 1971 1971 1971-10-29 2020 true xt7dr785mn41 section xt7dr785mn41 an Independent newspaper published by student, at the university of kentucky .'

Presented by Student Government [1.

U niversitySenate '12 'b 'l 't d

BK LFTCOIIGN R' ,I‘Evéfgsfig'lk' indicated the proposed code 0f faculty subsection concerning the compilation The President ot the ['K (‘liapter ot the g ‘

A t 3515 in“ t ahagmtgi fl'lhhr d' , responsibilities was too vague and overly and disclosure of a student‘s social. or American AWNHIYWH HI L'niversity
U g s ratw vose agt e entgo .115? at)": broad in its statements of what faculty political views and activities and the Professors (AAL’l’). Dr. Stan Smith Wd

briliiirsltg eigeani IfnefhengSerlinteca ed mernbers .Shouid at‘d Sho‘hd “0t ‘10 1“ acquisition and maintenance oi there were a number wt cases of faculty ‘
llaclilt merhbers regent wantedaa Side their relationship With students. disciplinary or counseling information. members acting in an irresponsible and .3,

Of faZult I'CS oxfsibilities in a restised Other faculty members 531d they WOUId A recurring argument was a faculty unethical manner toward students. ,
y p rather have one general statement member needed to keep records on a -} .» ‘d - ., f 'b _, t
form. declaring all faculty members will ca , _ Smiti thL tour cases 0 trust o ..
. _ g .. ”Y student in order to properly adVise the . d) .~ - f f h' .f l -l'd . 1
There was disagreement on the present out their responSibilities toward student Stu “me “g” ” w I“ I“ 1“ pus‘ma
. _ 5, student. Dr. Hans Gesund of the College l‘d , , d *d y , S. . . l . > -. '. . '.
form of the proposed code as It was their collegues and UK in a rofe - l _ g . _ g kant gt an urge 11L .Lndlt l0 [it »g l \
submitted by the Senate Council - p $510M Of Engineering requested a constitutional proposed code in a revised form. V ' -
, ’ and ethical manner. g . clarification on the subsection and said _ g g _ 5 . ‘
itowever. A large part of the discussmn centered “no one cart keep me from keeping Alter the meeting. Smith said the - _, ' '
Some Senate and faculty members around a Student Government initiated records in my own file cabinet.“ nationalg hgeiigdquarters of the AAL'P has .
. , . . rnv \ 1 l f i .c ) r ~ A ‘. .
Originally more speCific eiewe . S meMLd mdk ”1 mug!!!) . .
- g g fig responsibilities and basically accepted it ' ‘
Student Government President Scott 1. He said the AAl,'l’ fifiucqufim the “Mam? ., ‘ .g g
‘ ' Wendelsdorf told the d559nlb1>’_ghelwd of some of the items and teels a.._:dctni-. ‘ ‘ ‘
g originally submitted a more specific item ”cram“ may h. Irttrzttfiy‘d up”... ”A,“ g
. concerning students records. the Wording is ”Hg“
.. Wendelsdort said the students are very ”‘1“ g gg g g _g g, g g ..
:2 much in favor of the proposed code. He _ . ‘1‘) l k H“; ,U g ': “I
. .-.,. ‘ '1 .".1.‘ 'tt .
also warned the Senate the lxentucky ””g‘ g‘g‘mlg g g‘g‘g“ g‘ fi‘ g g g g. ‘g '_'
fi . v. ' legislature Would enact a stateyyidc code ‘M' fix" ' ' ‘ ' “ ’1.
-_ ~ ~ _ - .- _ . . . t-idc. unit". \l.lli‘\ iz. ' v." r»
g,/Q . of conduct toi uniycisity tatulties \yftitn } Md V. 1 ti g g H g fig - g g _ g
”’ _ , . ._,i.* I Would endanger academic treedoin and ”film”. a i‘ggg‘fi‘l‘g ‘gy‘ggm gg ' 3 ,
I r g _ figg a " " urged the present proposed c til_ M. U‘ l”““'"‘" ‘!“” 1' ” l ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ” .1
g/ i ; ggg _ Kg “W accepted its soon as possible, ('i-Yrtinuvtl Mi 1' m x t. . l '. 'I x
If g :g (if g, ,w; 1 fig (‘1 l o g
" . 3' er . sf}... " _ 1,. *‘ . ' g o c t t a I b I l I 6 l 1 ' I
v _ yu )ei 11d ()1 iii ( a ll( it a ( s
g .-V g . . g. I :11, g.
1 :-' . ’9‘ 7 ‘ I ‘e‘ “ 'l ‘ " 7 ) ' . T '
g, ._ fig ex pi ess ( a m pu s y It yy 5
gg , . t -' .. 4:3 Editors note: Breathe oi tli~ ‘l .tlltl :lyp iii” ..vtg j .j t ‘ -~ ,
3 mg 1. S w"; ”a We . "(1,: V gubernatorial (‘dndl(ltitt‘\“ hutir . u .' .'
“ ‘ a: :' $” ” ‘ 1"; schedules and Kernel tethnicai l“”' g -
’ g _<‘- 5"”? WE? f-gg ' difficulties. some question‘: \yithin During his \z‘L-.i‘..l 'Uti‘: t‘ ‘ g
., ,;_ ' i 5'"? . waw‘wuaeg g this story were not presented to all fig ,\ , _g,; W ,W 1 1 g
“Hf. fi/ » 1" f “63.» it four contenders for the goyernor‘s elfik‘rnm‘ hie” ‘lt'e ' ‘ V k
, J, _ ig- gfig .g » mansion. These omissions were 18—year tiltls vyerc gtiill’e‘tl lfit’ g
gg :5 1 g' 4‘ ' " " ' ”‘3 oversights and not Intentional. The Hill” It: yittc Hg». ‘llll gtfig- ,gi“f Hgfiv '
:- ,,-;;.-.j§_,-=:_;g, {(3.9 1-; 1- Kernel wishes to express its ‘. , , i ‘, l '
. I?" " '5: . -‘ i' ,3: V . ' ‘ apprecmtion to all {our candidates think 7”" “ Milli. “WV “Nil "L ‘ 5 ‘ '
&’ f7 ff. » :1, .g' for allowing us “1“” Hill“ for :hcs- elgnltfifigm; fgxg; _v g- 1 fig .g; :»_ L
. ,_ i ‘g 1.37:. 11' -. " g~ " ' ~ interviews. lite interviewers were “Cg g g, l~ _ 1 g, g, .: ‘ -
' "5:;‘7’: f egg: . g ’_ _ .- Mike Wines. l‘dltrtr-lll‘Cllll‘f. Rachael ‘ lkkr‘fln L “‘1‘“ ‘ 1' ‘ "
"'“ 3g 1'?»3’;;:_-‘-g:-."'jl ‘ . fsgt Kamuf and Lincoln R. Lewis. young pct-pic uh, W‘mr ~. .-
- 1 “'1 g ...'= -'.. l _ . Assistant \lariaaii‘ggl‘irtitwi . and l.y'ni1 \HiL‘ '~

' , i u M ., , “ “““n‘ “m” w“ “M" \y mitt-ii l in“ 1.1» ‘

g ' “I “9"" 951 ' Compiled 1“. LYNN MARTIN cut I] tiltia I t . ‘\ {it} ‘ z: .1 t '; ’

‘ g I V . g . i . Kernel Staff Writer ”Hi‘hl “1.“ :i ;;,_ f; g, g. fi. .,_ .g‘ g

" x With the etihct‘itatoi iai absentee \. ‘ts anti " .t': ' .\ , -:
.1 ‘b " - W eggiididatr‘s “c'iil'm' ‘nt t the it t ' ltl‘l 'l i "i l "
inf-aft; - , . w. we” M. -» 4' t \ .l' l A“: ' "l K \ UV ' H V '
, as ‘ “”1““ “l lhk‘ Nee mil”) ”0 mil 1'3“ MIN 13‘s; " 7 ' ' . 5’ .
I f ’ “fig : “Udell“ “Wild hlys‘ lit RIIUW any cttiphasis on pc- -l‘lt‘ gL'lltllt' _ »' ‘1 ‘-
;. " fig ”g- ’Wh’rxe hClOR‘ CASH-fig hilllUls. Tht‘ rather they lust \yanteti In. l‘tt' " -
. ‘ ' -' , a - ‘ . '. 1;_._ Kernel conducted ititcrvicyvs sure ”the student has the ' . g -
- - . ., f . ? 1.53 Whh we“ 0“ the candidate-8‘ opportunity to Vote.” ’ ' ’
. " ‘ ' concerning issues important to William F. Smith. American 1‘
1 . g g m‘, w . .. ' ' ’ g college students. Party candidate. voiced the same ,
. ' ‘ One of the national issues opinion as Chandler. However,
candy 18 Queen being tossed around today is the he did say the third party ' .
. value of the l8~year old vote. movement feels its future lies in ' ,
Candy Guyther gets a big bear hug from one of her Delta Zeta sisters. The A l b e rt 3- Ch a mile r. the hands or the young Peeple- ‘3'
occasion: the announcement of Candy’s election as Homecoming Queen. Independent Party candidate. “We feel the older generation .' 5
(Staff photo by Bill Craig) said. I was the first to sponsor Continued on Page 2. Col. 1 ‘ 1
. .
P e e s' I STW d'ff -~
r Std nt t mg etary, , 1 6r
O , .
08 Pre d t UK” 'b'l' '
. 81, en on s responSI i ities «
By KEITH BRUBingER creation of knowledge . . . the expanding of the borders Turning to student participation in education » 1 ‘
Kernel Staff Writer of Knowledge.“ Wendelsdorf said “the state of Kentucky is virtually ~ _

UK President Otis Singletary and SG President Scott Singletary explained that students often tend to unique in the country in the amount of student ._
Wendelsdorf, in addressing the newcomers group of the “oversimplify” the responsibilities of a public participation that it affords its students.“ »
University Women‘s Club Thursday night, offered strong institution. He added that students at UK are no longer here for ,
and varying opinions concerning the responsibilities of He emphasized the “old problems are going to be here only four years but often “six. seven and eight years;
the University. With new faces. We will still face the numbers problem, and that‘s too many years just to chalk up. not being 7 ,'

Singletary said there will have to be “some limitations the dollar problem and the constant changing of the involved in diluting any of their ideas." ‘ t ‘ ,_
of enrollments because we can’t simply go on doing curriculum." »‘ .
what we are doing." He termed this part of the “internal Singletary concluded. “What we now must decide is ‘SG’ called misnomer g. _~ ‘. ‘ g'
problem" of the University, how we are going to husband and use the limited Wendelsdorf told the group the responsibility of , g

He also said there is an “external problem" which is resources we are going to have." Student Government is to fulfill the role of nrguniler _
the “alienation of the public." Singietary said he cannot “Student (iovunment is the wrong term. I‘m not - '
remember there having “ever been fig time when the A different view quite sure that‘s what it 18. it goes beyond the Universny .

Situation has been as acute as H “W ‘5‘ SG President Wendelsdorf followed Singletary b." into the state. the nation, We have our thumbs in a lot ot - ~_

He said the best way to cope With the problems 9f the offering a much different view of what the problems are pies," he said. . ~ ‘
Umversrty is to develop the best posmble integration of facing the University Wendelsdort told the women Student Government .
the different TeSPONSIbllltleS 0f the Umversrty. He told the Women‘s Grou there is “one thin on would like to see the Umversny “survive and grow and »-

. . . . . p g y , . . .
Umversnty a research engine ought to realize about the University of Kentucky it is thrive." He asked them to realize in their dealing with g .

In reference to research for the Federal Government that this University discriminates against women." He students that they are “dealing with adults here. adults g
Singletary said “the University is becoming all too often referred to a possible investigation by HEW saying UK who are sincere and concerned." . ' ‘ '
the engine for this research." He added however that will “undergo an examination forthcoming and I hope He said. “The majority of the inhabitants of this city ‘ , '
research is extremely important and that it is “the this will solve some of the problems.“ are students. which is a fact often forgotten." "

 2—TIIE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday, Oct. 29, 1971 /_//——————_——— —
C dd 1: 1: Us I) 1‘ student concerns 1
- . , ‘ (‘ontinued from page 1 registration in college “I don’t think I’d allow the Chandler said he Would have environmental problem. IThey
. I t _ ,, communities ease now pending students going to the University no objections to gmng students said there was need toIrII a
3709“ WWI for full: he ”‘11:: in state courts. candidates WW9 to register in Lexington.” said the Vote on the board “it they centralized governmental ottieeI
. it it; IIaPPtare I) Ion I ItIItI asked to state their positions. Ford. He explained the students would conduct themselves controlling all phases oi
RfIPUb ”‘1“ m ' ”“0er u Tom Emberton. Republican could control Lexington if they properly.“ . pollution, natural resources and
I ' “‘h‘t‘”. I I . . candidate. said he felt the wanted to with registration in While limberton agreed wrth health. I
I He ”Id In“ ‘7'“8‘ generation permanent resident status of the the communityI Ford. Smith was opposed to the Both men felt the major bi
. . tended “Tm“ Wit-Vilnfs‘ 971“.“ student should remain in the Ford said the primary matter student vote. He said he was in problem in the delay of n-
’ m“ m“: tutu” F" h“ [“1”th in home community. to the student should be to favor of education but said the governmental action was due to h
.‘ ‘ the hands 91 young WORK “Ordinarily it StUdCht remains receive an education because running of the University should the many different tields of st
' ‘ Yum-“,9 1.1“} WI“ ‘EOL .dt tieI With his home community." S'did that is what the parents want. be. left to the taxpayers. ecology coming under different tl
., . I. . . eIarididatItIIandInot ItIeI PSrIttI-II Emberton. “and will return to Smith said he felt campus Community colleges departments. . . . tl
. - . -. I‘Im’w bLL‘lIUS‘“ am ' ‘m m ‘1 his home area.“ He said it was in registration was a good thing. “if It was during Chandler’s last Chandler said it was this i
. young person. . the home community that the they are of age and live in the term as governor that the four generation of students Who
' _ CamPUSVOth student has the most concern for community for four years, why original community colleges would be the most directly , t,
. ‘ - Because Of the Student VOtCr his government. not let them vote,” said Smith. (Covington, Cumberland, affected by misuse of the land, t
V Chandler had no opinion on Henderson and Ashland) were air and water. He did not Iq
. . . ,‘ . .I students voting in their college established. ,propose any governmental l
i . TKO 'l' . towns, saying it should be up to “l didn’t know then one was action as recourse to the present i:
. i Presen 5- local residents to decide. going to be set up in every SltttatIOIt- (A
- ' . Th St J h , E bl f C. . T. Board of Trustees county in the state,” he said, k UnfotltunzttIely P603131? WhO . l‘
. II . e ‘ O n S nsem e O mcmno I Whether or not the governor “But 1 still favor UK retaining now ‘I’ .atd ey are orngtIare I
._ I . . . . . in 0 concert performance of the Rock should remain on the Board of control over the community hot ttttaee II OIrIii SIZotntferva ion 1
‘ . . .- . ' f Opero . Trustees is another question college system.” Loam“ eesI, 5;“ 1f _' l d' t
‘ - ' often raised by UK students. Emberton said he could see no . e Iszis m avor 0 inc u mg t
I _ _. A 12-year veteran of the UK reason to change the system industrial representatives on t
.- , . < . 0 Board of Trustees and the from what it is now. eonserIvIatIion committees ' k
l . . ' esus rlst » Transylvania board‘ Chandler is The community college because It ‘5 3 healthy Sltuathh ' iI
; ' . . ' “01 OPl‘OSL‘d t0 the governor system has come under fire from to MY“ them on It' 3
.- - ' .. l I rgtaining a position on the Morehead State University‘s Smlth said th‘e gOVerInIOI must I
' ' i - V, ; - . board. president, Dr. Adrian Doran.and hav? a dual pOSition 0h lI
i' ’ upe rs a r » He said he did not feel he had Eastern Kentucky University‘s enwronmental problems. He 581d 1
. . . i I x I hurt the University or the board president. Dr. Robert Martin. 1t W3? thk‘ governors 10b It0 I
s ' . ' I . while he has served as a member. Both men t‘Cel tttti community u t i l l 2e It he in d uIstrial l
~ 3 » . ithe some pertormonce as presented With the Embcrton and Ford both colleges should be taken out of technological reservoir and
' . ~ _' - Cincinnati Symphonv Orchestra and at the Ohio expressed opposition of the UK systQmI formulate answers to the
' " I. . State Fem) retaining the governor on the Smith said he would pull the problems. Smith 531d the other
5 V .I 1 ~ . " .' board. Emberton said he could community colleges out and T015 0t governor W35 to make
- ‘ . ' . ’ I see no reason for the governor to make them independent and “on 5“” industry ””135 0‘“ the
.‘ ' -- I ‘4 «1 FRIDAY. OCTOBER 29 1 SC‘YV‘C US it member 0h tht‘ board their own two feet.” He raid he t'~‘~7h“01021‘~3'~‘t methods tney
-. ' II ,- " t .; L at one university than for any Of was opposed to a monolithic: come up W1“):
I « ' , .‘ Two Performances—7 p.m. and 9-30 p.m. . the other colleges or universities. type of educational system in Physical plant
' _ ' . . Smith said he did not faV'Or any form. Emberton said UK needed
I' . I i ' , '. _ ° l: . removing the governor from the Ford said he would hi the more classrooms but he
, ‘ V i I, ‘ I . a at Lafayette “'9'" SCHOOL; board because “the taxpayers Council on Public Higher supported the building of the
x . ; . built the institution and they Education develop the best plan stadium as planned.
' . . _ ‘. ' rc he for the community colleies He said the lonv-range plans
. I TI 4. I shoiiid cont ilI t through t , to I . . I t,
I. - '. I ‘ Ckefs s 00 on saie 0‘- Wallace 5 Bock elected oftruaL' because he wanted to keep tor the UniverSity system and
. Store and Barney Millers, and at the night “1 think the students need 3 politics outof education. higher education concentrated
, = N - . . i. : . - - Environment on physrcal facrlities.
. I I I I of H1 erform n screening committee to pick out II
, ' ‘ i, . ; - » e P a C8 one or two of the major issues, With the present awareness of I feel we have reaChed the
"6 its - ’V' 4 said Ford, “and have one ecological problems facing the stage now . where we have
.I 3 . ' . . ' - representative to submit them to nation, the candidates were proinIded téifbtlhtlcs that are EOUItg
theboard.” asked to state their to e su went to meet te
I.I I __ - -I.' TOM EMBERTON for Governor Ford, in response to student environmental plans for enrdolémint for several years,”
' f I. . I ; , _ r vote on the Board of Trustees, Kentucky. 531 m “to“-
I , . . ; JIM HOST for Lt. Gavernor said if he were elected governor, Ford and Emberton both took “Now we can concentrate
{j l . I I-R he would give the students the same stand on the even more on Iburlding the
FIGHTING FOR GOOD mefleg“ governmental side of the why of W he said.
~, . . 2 DI T I ‘ 7':
I. . / I)?" II
. - ‘. . . KEN HARPER for SECRETARY of STATE » + ctane egular - - - - - 32 - Only at r%//7§>
. : - g . - I- ED SCHROERING for ATTORNEY GENERAL ' 100+ Octane Ethyl , , , , , , , _34'9c He'Zbergt (Ix
. . . . . I, . DICK VERMILLION for STATE TREASURER ’ . Lv/ .
-' ‘ 2 i, 7.: BOB MILLER for STATE AUDITOR * SAVE at FARMER s ”Capri" $175
a . ‘ ‘ . . ' I . 2):. b d 80 r
. g ' ‘ . .. JPEJVEETCHINgi‘LRTSETigNSUPERINTENDENT 0* East Main Street at Woodland Ave. "4.; HEL an s
‘. l. Hours: 6:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Mon. thru Sat. ZBERG I
, " ' -. V; AGRICULTURE "
, '. : DOUG MOSELEY for CLERK 0f the COURT OF Department of Theatre Arts Auditions
. . . .I v. . ,' . . Ch n '
. I . y . ; l . I . by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee a ger, 9nd JOCkS for
. . II . II UESDAY tope cartridge, $89.95
i- ‘ . ' .1 '
I , , . , . each. AF on AM-FM
. A I I - . I
. II I . II I NOVEMBER 2 . Guest Director. John O Shoughnessy stereo receivers, with
. '. p at b s K t k r b {F t c bUilt-in 8 trOCk' $89-95
, , I - m or }' 'oung on uc ions for Am erton o ayet e ounty. ° . _
l - . I’ 1 I' " Pat Meant, Chairman Gurgnol Theatre‘ OCtObe’ 3’: 2 [NFL eOCh' AISO, OVOIloble
I , .I- , ~I B S R Slash McDonald
.I I, , I _________——————————————————__——_. changers and Webcore
. ' -' : I~ , The Pertwrllaby Papers by Don Rosa and Ron Weinberg air SUSpension speakers.
II . II I. , II II ;3 Ittt W7; arm/veg.» rm: 0, NECADANY7 WHX THIS STRANGE rag/‘75 SEE/‘15 To United Frei ht Sales
.' .. -‘ i L . i‘ », (“,5 74“ W5 ”7””) W I CAN SEEN WATER/AL EXPERIENCES BE No sroPP/NG ‘i g
. - .' , 4 2 "r9 '3 SH”: r0 “5 WWW/”G To Hot-D ONTO ABSOLUTELY A/o TH/s Ro 771R? 0 2123 Oxford Circle
. - . 2- , (A ,_ v t , (4 r
x .. III .4 . AWN I W 7% s/A/r. >\ 774/5 70 SAVE \t FR/CT/ON... H's Nor/0N~w/mour
'I.I ,. iI ' .~ ‘ ' . g ' i" ,5 N / lym‘ ‘ , MYSELF—r w» SOME SORT OF fR/(jf/ON /T [0WD W
I , , I :2. ,I, It: . 4;: .. it j /, @j HYPO- FRICT/W: sex/v rm? rH/s m
, , . I. -, _ - I 3-: at . fit .. ‘5 WI SUBSTANC me All [STERN/7)? G 9 to:
V, ‘, .' II . I 'I . I if - ‘_, I ,s " -‘I ‘ ..,,,’,I.I7 ’: atm/ , If"? , TH/S COULD HAVE 0 The Kentucky Kernel, University
' . .- I , c t A” _.I I ‘ t I , \I I / I \i I - "IT- I ”I 7 Stati I U l .1 f K . _
, ~- -- - 4: .. » t - - \‘W ‘43" M . o taizxé‘temmitatt”
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I . . II V r; ‘i . t l: . . \\ i\ .1 0 4/ {t VII; t" C J” Imiltflli‘, z Mailed five times 3:56;: dugi‘ngctge
I I, . . I ”V _. - _ _III _: ',,.- H 5", Q"? "t I,IIII -{ school year except holidays and exam
. I . . ‘0 I I . 4 . \ tI m ff; I II /I- t ‘ 5 ‘h. Ill 2:: Wu Mflw — 5:33:15' and once during the summer
I I II I. I I. m I; j I .M‘WMH .. -,./Ml” II II , h "5;, c; . i“ .I flir- I-.. it”; ’I \\~ in” / 2 Published by the Board of Student
' ~ r , :1; s \\ \Wiiii i l ' ' . 9',“- . “at ' “ -‘ C 3.“ ages“ saws
. ' > ,1 . " , -.\ -;. ‘i‘ i a...» r "‘“r _ n as e
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, . 4 - - » , i , , l " \ <2; ":- . :4! -
. “‘ o .4 :3 Lu \ “I ‘ ‘7. “he - . ~ a . mi“ 2;. 31“ 11‘; \ \\\ " . ‘ 1" 3s; a ' ‘ T U Advemm" WWW" “mm “ m'
. 0) III 1) LI . 11/, I; t K . I ,. xi“ I I.II,Iv,I- ,‘l‘ t ”I [I IItIIIgIIIII I III I -. . . tended to help the reader buy. Any
‘ , x ‘5 V) in / 5(9- - , . . , 2 As it "’ 4 1‘ V I‘ 2 ft" 1’” 5 ; i'liitt i’il'tiiriig ., , w, .. ,, -' - ‘a'se 0’ "“3188de advefltstnfl ”mu”
Q. «if >-_ is i «I g ~21.) ‘3 w II t t l I/,/ .' » IglittIl itttlIltttle it. \, -‘ be “”0"“ ‘° The “W“
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. , , , w r > M use- I. . 7/ it is ill! .. 1W1,lllllltllthiii.u. a? i $39333)
‘ . Per copy. from files -— $.10

 W TIIF. KITYNTI'LKY KERNEL I‘l'itlzly. ()(t. 29. “VII 3
( ‘2 .
Remember Hal )000. -
M— .
, W hat the com uter can (10 01' V0” "
l ./ ' 1 ,
l B OLIVIA MAGGARD the Universit ' were to lav tor imimm. the classes meet daily dbllll}. The computer asks .i 'llle ex lenses lilwiht‘tl . 1 ’
. . I . l s i
l Kenlel Stall Writer its own computer time. for one hour. question. the \ititlt’ill .lr “on. t running: the (linipi't: (' f . - '
i l" 'l .. - v; I u - » ‘- . ll ‘ “l" ‘vll-f " rum \ '1‘» i' " «iv 1‘ 1" r ' i I‘ I
t Mostdl Ix stildtlllts ha!“ never 1 . Free‘lservue . “More and ”my“ hwm. are . u null .r tlltn ”opt. .il. about .i llli.ll ,.l ti . . , ‘ . , .
~ )c'r ,, vi ~ . - L' -- x,’ g . . , 'irueqx we»; lw'u. ~,t- 1.5-1 .3 7‘;- up i. . ;.. , , '
I. x l owt in t It L tetronlc ll spite 01,“ [it com; lit ittd ”mum”?! computer work m i\ i i i r bllkcl . ii. >.lil \1 l l. in . . . . , , .,
1 male wt \ic\ ey liail basement, rationing oi computer lune courses because computing is. WM. WNW-“‘3 l\ HHlIWliHlI/ui. Hi‘ I” “Alum“ 7‘” W‘Irw " n “ . ' ' 1
' h V‘k, .., ., 3 x 5 X. ' ' \ I 11') ‘-- \ - v 5 i. I , . I W ‘ ‘ - ‘ ‘ -\ 1 ‘ ' '... . . H 1n” v H I .
0. ut‘ lat )‘tar mound .,000 there is a llnutcd tree strvnt iol becoming more important m all IllL studtnt molt, it ..i\ ,m t . rltt r \r. rill. . .. .
.i sluoellts .llul iacult)’ descended students who are interested in disciplines, and because Pli‘e'tl‘: not «it an emin- . Lii\"» Solomon “l’: oplc .:- ‘ .- , . . ‘
A * gt: 7 t. w; 11' x ’. I i - . . 1 " truf‘. _ t .lw..;- 1-i- u .- l . .mw Hi“ ’ .
ll, ltlt s ilr‘l‘ to llx: itliV u tag: ,of c ‘( pt rlmt ntlng }»V“lll the Computers allow students [0 n i ll \ lid . ti 7.,1, _ .u.; ,n.nt u on, .l...t. , fi _
‘3 w. 'l‘c'l ‘\ i , s ~( 2 - vc‘ ) , f {)1 ' l.‘i_ . ;_ 1,} fl “lulu - 13.! v; r r . ' .u ‘- i. ,v - I"
' {l ’ semis orcrtt h} in %)mputtkr tor t Hills. lll'\L take on more mum!” and UN” llLl ‘ti'lt' in. .. , Illt t .nplm. ii i . .. .., '. I.
" '~ ‘ , w r x x ' I - - 1 . ,. . '\ \ ‘ i -. , up. I -~ .nn “ ,I ll . 1.-.. .« i. .3. . ‘, -" . .
ls ,iijivtrslty s JWH computer. omcwor problt ms. .\ studtnt coluplCX problems. Solomon t‘rLKker. ..lli .ll.il thrill). b right in ()l it . p ‘ i _ ‘ ‘ ‘I
0 [he computer can do “almost may have llVL’ seconds oi said Solomon fluted lie helm-us .ippinxnimil-l}. w , -~ 1:» ‘ - ‘-
y ‘ any imaginable thing." according computer time a day. or one. . l v, a‘mtltilt‘i‘ will allow vwlet‘. in dollars. in R All, v, , .‘
1, . to the Director oi ( omputlng computer Job . This amount oi 50m" ”ll'm‘um-L “3““ g ”L llkrll gllilzle rululdvlll» ’2: i ill‘wslsfl} .ml r :- r ' 7'
. . , . . . . ' n " ' v I s‘ I_ - 5‘ x \ _ .. , _ . . l ' .
)t Servrees. Dr. Martin Soloman. time may sound terlal, but it “0‘” “““lt‘r'l‘lnfi l)! ‘1“‘1‘ 1“ into tlit tunlr- I'iiLll aspect vii new t'zi‘rlplilt” Norm , l , - . ..
. . * ~ \ 5‘ r I v x l" " . > . I h . , _ l . ‘ ‘ .
al “0“,“,ch most 01 the Work donc computer can pertorm uvlri- ., LI'mw‘t “ “111”" ll“ l” 111ml“ the llltlllltllliil ills, lMix'l‘iL'lilllllv’d '11‘.»‘ um ’EL' ;l'i'» :qi: if ‘ .' .i .
. . . . . . . . .. t V' ‘ , n. I A ‘ , .. - . . ‘ i . ' , . 7
it is lei instructional purposes lll\'C nlllllon operations in live {‘1‘ “ \mll‘ ’ mm” d )‘ ‘llk L Li u to! lull. .1 e, ...n til; rind ’1. mm ,4 hour: . 1. - \ r , ,.
r i‘ '3 , ‘\’ ‘t i. it .. , .. i. ; . , ’ , ' . " '-‘
_ organlxed classwork and seconds. : U tun ll‘- ”11‘ 1:“ N1 “WNW. 1W “mil. uli}\ .i Wt’k'l. ‘.'. >T.lk‘T ' '1."iall-' '
lo . problem solvnig. Solomon said the (enter ”full“ :1 ‘ cuts 11: ,1 ‘l l ” As ior ’lNlllEl \,«lillt)llit‘is ill at: t1lk'\\<\rl\ ~ g ._ -.,
« -- .1 - _ . . .. "1- win r n 3..le 'er' ,1 . ~ l- .1 _ . '1
re l1acll tlscal year .1 ‘ ( omputmg encourages anyone wno would ‘ ,1' ll “'5 ‘llm‘ 1: l '3’; l ? tulmulun. DI. .mwlizon title's .Ji 'ml.~;-;.i:i . : . .
in Budget is set up wncreby eacli like to know more about ‘31”th “‘5 ‘ L” P” ‘1” mucl .lut lllllllx llxtx sill tap-able o: .irw :heil in in .;l m. ‘; .=
, . .. 9: ~- ‘r .. ., ...,. ~v ,, ,,. '.... ,. .. ~ 1. ., .,
department is alloted a SpClelC computers anti now they ate run ““ “(”llpuu’“ T'w'nis'l‘» www- »' 3W YlWlWimlS‘ W’ ”\lIVYIVV "- ' A, ,‘ . '.
an intended to eliminate the in computer programming and on .1 speed oi teachingy which is 5"“‘1‘ o Till tle gripper}. ‘ .1; , .'
lid intricate bru-kkeeplni} involved ll‘ use of the computer library equal to the student’s learning 1 ' - ' ‘-
to m . .'
a1 Qcicrtmcp’t .f >hCGliL Arts Student profit“; , 1‘ r. - 1N
h. + A D5 + THE BIRTHDAY PARTY . - .
ler l. Harold Putter ._ i 1' 1'
,ke .\ . , ' i . 'c
a . LIECTCU ’x clay NIXON , . .
llt. (llnslfled advertising will be nccepted WW” WWW L [3 Th 1 l
3 , on n re~paid basis only. Ads my be a or torv —- i 1 l ' ~ *-
\.} :II‘EC: in person Mondny through WWI-m --mem a ' eatre Fine Arts Bu‘ldlng .
‘i ay or by null. lflymcnt inclosed, .1968 FIREBIRD Convertible. Six cyl- BLACK LABRADOR Retriever lost— ' 7‘ ”‘0 “ fl «« ' '1 " '
.0 THE “moon “MEL. 30...... Men 3mm power steering. Best of Nicholasvme Road, OCTOBER 27, 28, 2., .30 . 8 3t, .- m , 1 .
lll. Journalism Bldg. offer. Call 278-2510 or see at 3372 Southland Drive, Oct. 24. Reward. OCTOBER 3O—MOllr‘lOF 2 30 h v? » . ~
led [Mes a" “50 m. 20 word" 3375 Keithsmre. Afternoons. 25029 Nights 277.4729. days 272-3461. 28029 “ ' P" - ' ‘ . I‘ "
101' three consecutive insertions or the ._ ._ . ___ ——-——f——‘——.—"——"_‘—— OCTOBER 3l .. .. . 7 3D " m , ‘ "'
he “ml: :d g! 20 words, om! $6.00 per WHITE Buick Special convertible Re- LOST lfng {isn‘t of figrlwan “ll—l Orig " " V t“ " . .\
, ‘ wee or 0 words. 10 cents or word ' ' . , - - ' . _ pair 0 ° rame 35595- 0““ __. ' . , ' ' “ _ 2.7,, ., i ‘ ‘ ‘
Lht over 20 words, per Insertion? S:,‘,‘;n:"§g;§ig§g “$331523?ng please call 257-2013 or 257-l526. 028Nl for 'eser‘al‘cm W" ‘58 2680 "cm '* m dad» - '7 ~ , ' ..
The deadline 13 11 mm. the dly 266-2003. 6'8 p_m- 260-NI W‘ ‘ "
, prior ‘0 publiclllon. No Idvertlsement ————-—-——-—————— WANTED
Lins m‘y one rice, religion or notion-l THRIFTY GIRLCHASERS _ ‘70 VVV WW ruooooooouoouooooooooooooonoouoo oouoooooomoomuwo on ,« 00m . >
ind origin as .. quguacauon {or renting Fastback style; stereo and economy MARRIED student couple—Part-ttme SHIRTS ]/ - I
(1 rooms or go.- empionient $1900. Call 252—2831 alter 5. 270-Nl employment. Male —- paper route; — ,/ 2 Price. ' 1 '
16 female—light housekeeping. Furnish- 0’ . . . . ..
WM - - i ' ‘ J ‘ 1 i "
P N111! '63 VW Karman Ghla convertible. Top Siluspgarltgigntcréiarngggsau: will]??? ’ g . . .
JOB 01’ ORTU 8 excellent, rebuilt engine, new brakes. - ‘ - ‘ - _ ' '- I _
the WW . stating reierences m own handwm . ~ - . .
muffler. $300. 352 Clifton Ave. or Call ing to Box 410 Herald Leader .4
ave PART-TIME employment, 20 hours 255-6058. 27029 ' 236-511 . . '~ ,
_ week bartender. $2.14 pfer hone]?- __________.__._.—-—————-—-—- _________________________ . .
tin more. Army Depot Of icers u . WATERBEDS — King and Queen. ‘ ’ .
thg Contact Mr. Wilson, 293-3635. 29o-N4 Boxes still sealed. Guaranteed. $25 “fig“;g‘fiTftwaf‘gg“ 3,3231: “2,3339% 9. -, 2 ‘ .
e ______——————————-————— t ‘ - f :- Queen. Call - p ' ‘ . ,1 -
. for ng' $2350 0 min. to campus. Call 253-0036 after » ' 4
rs ” PART-TIME secretary 9-1; possxble 266-1254 in afternoons. 280-Nl 5 p.m. 290-N4 . .
’ full time. Insurance Co. Calll Mrs. ___________~———————l—I———--——E—l—— . '5 ‘
Boggs, 278-2143 between 9 an 1. FOR sALE or TRADE—- ni-vox eq- WW”""’""""" " -. ; - .
290-N4 tric Guitar. Hollow body, good condi- MISCELLANIOUS ”g g . ‘
rate , , , , , tion. Call 299-0033 after 5 p.m. 280—Nl WW ' z ' ~ "
the you SALE _—————-T{--——m—— LUTHERAN guide!“ (Enter, 347 C0“ 3 5 i; 7
. WW BIKE—IO-speed uret. u y fame: lumbia—Sun ay wors 1p. 10: 0 a.m. , _ ‘ -:
aid. 6 months old. $70. Call Mike. 255-4622- Open House 2:00-6:00 pm. Celebrate 819 EUCLID AVE. —- CH EVY CHASE :3 _
ONE BELL & HOWELL Camera (plus 280-N3 Homecoming with us 029 :2 .
lights), 1 Bell 8: Howell Projector ' “WWW ' ' . “ .'
, (plus screen). Office 8-2235, Home l ‘ ' '
254-7433. Paul. 029-N2 ‘ “ ' ‘
. ‘- - > l l .' v .
\\ 9 - - - - - .. . 71‘ .1 ' l
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 A r . d d
N t.
. , . . . 1 f 1 ion
* (iampus political groups make a moo <1 0 e 60 s ]
. - A \Vs‘dllt‘SdilYS 0" again-off again calls to the media and emergency However there is little doubt that enhanced by the results of the
' ' ' Mock election was indeed a farce. lt press releases, none of which has the same ridiculous charges would election. 3 3 After
. Was 3 farce not because it was really served the student body. have been made had the situation Anyone3 who seriously thinks evening
f inherently unfair. as some charged. The inflated rhetoric by been reversed. that any sort of credible election gany
but because of the ridiculous over-inflated egos permeated the At an rate the real loser in the could have taken place amid the an)"
y . - make,
3 . . , heights of verbal nonsense that air. The Republicans made the election was the UK student body. shady tactics and heated rhetoric of import
3 . .3 ‘ both sides rose to concerning the patently absurd charge that the real We seriously d