xt7dr785mj74 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dr785mj74/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1989-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 1989 text GLSO News, July 1989 1989 1989-07 2019 true xt7dr785mj74 section xt7dr785mj74 N EWS E S EFree at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
Elections for GLSO's 1989-1990 Board of GLSO's by-laws, the Board has filled the
Directors were held, last month, at the June remainder of the vacant terms by appointment.
Forum. The result of the elections are: Consequently, Teresa Reynolds was
appointed secretary through the end of the
President: Craig Clere next fiscal year. Dave, who served as GLSO's
Vice-President: Debbie Currie treasurer prior to his term as president
At-large members: John Cutright during the past two years, has accepted the
. Kenneth Sanders appointment as treasurer. Since Ms. Reynolds
Bobbie Stout was currently serving as a member-at-large,
Melanie Otis has been appointed to fill Ms.
Two additional positions were vacated in Reynolds' unexpired term.
June. Mr. Clere's election as president The three remaining at-large positions
opened his former office of secretary, and were not up for election this year, and are
Steve Savage resigned as treasurer to devote presently filled by individuals beginning the
his time to GLSO News. As outlined in second year of their 2-year terms.
from Pauline
Soujourner reported in its May and June about their own bodies, the entire gay/lesbian
issues that the National Organization for population will have suffered a significant
Women (N.O.W.l is urging the boycott of defeat. As gay men and lesbians, we know
Domino's Pizza. According to NOW, Domino's how it feels to have little of the legendary
is providing most of the funding for Operation American right to privacy, the right to decide
Rescue. The efforts of Operation Rescue how to lead your own life, or as it was stated
attempt to prevent women from accessing in the dissenting opinion in the infamous
services of women's clinics which provide Bowers v. Hardwick decision, "the right to be
abortion counseling and services. Their left alone."
tactics have included blocking doorways, Anyone, female or male, who is
harassing women attempting to enter the concerned about people interfering in the lives
buildings, and hindering police efforts to of others, or more specifically, is concerned
prevent them from interfering in women's about women's reproductive freedom, should
rights. Thus far, their tactics have always not patronize Domino's. Simply refusing to
involved illegal interference in others lives. purchase from Domino's will have some effect.
Many sources connect the bombing of clinics The greatest success, however, will be won by .
with Operation Rescue. telling local managers of Domino's stores why
Operation Rescue is not just about we refuse to purchase their products. This
abortion, pro or con. The plan represents a can be accomplished easily with a simple,
single effort by conservatives to control the anonymous phone call, a more demanding
lives of those who choose to live their lives discussion, or a letter to a local, regional or
differently than they themselves do. If national office. Please join the boycott, for
Operation Rescue is successful in denying ourselves and for our sisters whose lives are
women the right to make their own decisions being attacked directly.

 Please send me a free introductory
Cl issue of GLSO News and information ARE YOU BEING UNZIPPED 0R REZIPPED?
on GLSO.
Sometime this summer, the Postal Service
I'd like to become a voting Member is changing a few of the zip codes in this
D of GLSO, including home delivery area. If your zip code is being changed,
of the GLSO News and discounts please send us your new zip using the coupon
at GLSO functions. My Membership to the left. GLSO's zip remains the same.
fee of $10/year is enclosed.
I don't wish to become a Member but
I] please send me the GLSO News each FORUM PICNIC
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee.
It's vacation time! Even the GLSO
Name: Forum is taking a trip this year - not far
though, just down the street to Woodland
Park. For a change of pace we're going to
Address: have a Potluck Picnic on July 10 at 6:30 pm at
Woodland Park, either at or near the Picnic
Shelter. Bring food, frisbees, other toys, or
City, St, Zip: just yourself. If its raining, we'll meet at the
usual time and place: 8 pm at Comp Care
Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 111171 Center, 201 Mechanic St. No organized ‘
Lexington, KY I+0575 discussion topic is planned for the picnic, but
if you don't show up be assured we'll talk ’
about you! For more information and food {
coordination (so we don't have fifty quichesl i
call John Cutright at 233-3733. E
GLSO News is published monthly by the
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc.
ld.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services
Organization), Box 111871. Lexington, KY “0575 NEWSPAPER EXAMINES SPIRITUAL ISSUES
Steve Savage, Editor :
Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar A national newspaper that addresses the
Esmerelda Ink, Asst Editors for Esmerelda issues of being gay and christian begins its ‘
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist second year of publication this summer. The I
Second Stone, issued six times a year, ‘
Additional Contributors: The Advocate, Dave, features such writers as Sylvia Pennington and
Debbie, Kevin, Alan, Angela, Mischelle, Bruce Roller. In addition to news and
Pauline, Craig, Steve, NGLTF; Typists: information from the gay christian community,
Alan, Craig; Equipment: Dave; Typesetting: the paper features book and video reviews,
\Aatt; Layout: Gerry; Mailing: Bill; Courier: travel articles, an event calendar and a
Kenneth; Folding 8 Stuffing: Mark, Steve, growing classified section. The paper's
Alan, Gerry, Diane, Jim, John. commitment to the social and emotional
interests of gay men and lesbians is evident in
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are its columns geared toward exploration of family
those of the authors and do not necessarily issues and committed relationships and in the
represent those of the Board of Directors. opportunity the paper presents to meet other
Submissions are welcome. All submissions gay and lesbian Christians.
become the property of GLSO and must include The Second Stone is not affiliated with :
the full name and address of the author. any religious denomination and does not .
Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The embrace "ex-gay" or "change" philosophies. i
editorial staff reserves the right to alter any Subscriptions are $12.60 per year for six ‘
submissions (including advertising) to meet issues. For information on the Second Stone,
publishing requirements. write to Box 83%, New Orleans, LA 70182. I
The placement of advertising in GLSO News Inquiries are confidential and the newspaper is
does not denote a person's sexual orientation mailed in a plain envelope.
nor a business's customer preference.
2 GLSO July

 GLSO'S YEAR END WRAP-UP valuable participant, and will become a GLSO
at-large board member in July.
Most significant of all CLSO activities
The 1988-1989 fiscal year for GLSO this year was a public awareness campaign
ended as of June 30. The year was an funded by a $7500 grant from the Chicago
unusually productive year for GLSO. Resources Center. The campaign consists of
Personnel, programs, services and community dozens of advertisements placed in the
relations concerns all saw significant Lexington Herald-Leader, the Kentucky
development and major improvements. Kernel, and 20 newspapers in Central and
As always with service organizations Eastern Kentucky communities. CLSO's public
staffed entirely by volunteers, personnel awareness campaign is designed both to
matters involved considerable change. Most publicize GLSO to the gay and lesbian
significant of these changes were the adoption community, and to educate the heterosexual
of new by-laws, which resulted in the addition public about gay issues. The project has
of a tenth permanent board position in July received an overwhelming positive response
and the vacancy of another position in the Fall from gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and
of 1988. Both these developments provided heterosexuals alike.
opportunities to increase involvement of Throughout the past year, CLSO has
lesbians on the Board. This goal was sponsored numerous social activities:
achieved by the appointment of two women to
‘ fill these positions, doubling the number of Annual campout
women on the Board. Rainbow Bowling League
A second major change in personnel Summer volleyball
' occurred in the Fall, when Barry Grossheim Thanksgiving Dinner
. moved out of the Lexington area. Mr. Lesbian team in the city softball league
i Grossheim had served as a GLSO board Monthly community dances
l member, managed the Gayline computer, Annual Gay Pride Week celebration
i directed GLSO's Speaker's Bureau, and served
3 as editor of the GLSO News throughout his Highlights of the year's events included
‘ eight years of service to Lexington's gay and the GLSO Rainbow Bowling League's Bluegrass
‘ lesbian community. With the loss of Mr. Tournament, and Lexington appearance of New
Grossheim, Bobbie Stout became director of York's ACT—UP, which several GLSO members
the Speaker's Bureau and Craig Clere took on helped to organize.
management of the Gayline computer. GLSO also actively supported major
I Volunteer staffing for GLSO's Gayline events sponsored by other organizations,
: increased during the year, including the including:
i addition of more lesbian volunteers. This
i increase in personnel ensures the ability to lnterweave's 1989 Convocation of
' provide volunteers of either gender upon Unitarian Universalist for Lesbian
request, every evening the Gayline is staffed. 8 Gay Concerns,
An additional night of Gayline staffing is Dignity/Lexington's hosting of Dignity
planned for the upcoming fiscal year. Region V Conference,
Early in 1989, our Gayline computer National Organization for Women's
permanently broke down after several years of March on Washington
operation. The newly installed computer will
, ensure continued phoneline service to the Additionally, GLSO continued to support
community for the foreseeable future. the ongoing activities of Interweave, ICBE,
After an extended absence, Aunt Mary Dignity, the Esmerelda Collective, Between the
‘ returned to the pages of GLSO News. Acts, Gay/Lesbian AA, and the Louisville
Sporting a face lift, 6 inch heels, and an March for Justice. GLSO has also lent
entirely new image, Aunt Mary's column has support to the birth of five new local
i taken on a new personality, too. She's organizations for gay men and lesbians:
2 anxiously awaiting all your letters and
i questions! Gay and Lesbian Adult Children of
' GLSO was also fortunate to have the Alcoholics (ACA)
'1 assistance of Melanie Otis this year. Ms. Otis Lesbian Overeaters Anonymous (0A).
f organized a field study course as part of her Esmerelda, ink.
degree program at the University of Kentucky, Lesbian Passion Discussion Group
with the coursework being conducted through Bluegrass Human Rights Advocates
GLSO. She immediately became a very [BHRAi
3 July GLSO

incorporated as an independent organization
this year, after its initial creation by CLSO a The Treasurer presented GLSO's
year earlier. AVOL's independent status saw financial statement at the annual membership
accomplishment of one of its major goals, meeting on June 12. Although three weeks
establishment of a house for Persons with short of the year-end close, the figures
AIDS. GLSO and AVOL have continued to reflect the “shoe-string“ budget we work on.
work closely together, to both organizations' The year was unusual because of the grant
successes. from the Chicago Resource Center. That
GLSO also arranged for subscriptions to grant permitted GLSO to conduct a public
several gay and lesbian periodicals to be awareness campaign by advertising in the
donated to the University of Kentucky library. Lexington Herald-Leader and various small
These subscriptions to GLSO News, the town newspapers throughout central, southern
Advocate, the Washington Blade, Lambda and eastern Kentucky. With $1,733 now in the
Rising Book Report, and the National Gay 8 bank, this is where the organization's money
Lesbian Task Force's Press Release were came from and went during the July, 1988 to
provided for the enjoyment of members of our June, 1989 fiscal year.
gay and lesbian community, as well as a means
of supplying reliable, gay- and lesbian-
positive material to the university population. STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE
GLSO News solidified many changes JULY 1, 1988 T0 JUNE 12, 1989
begun the previous year. Each issue is now
full-length, with a mixture of local, regional,
national and international news. Non-news INCOME
items, such as essays, letters, and poetry are
also included in each issue. Circulation Chicago Resource Grant 7,500
increased both through home subscriptions and Coffeehouse/Dance Gross 3,835
business outlets. In addition to Joseph-Beth Contributions - Chicago 531%
Booksellers, The Bar, and Sqecial Media, The Contributions 7014
Good Foods Co-op and Crossing now distribute Garage Sale 59
GLSO News. Memberships lI70
Two politically significant events took Newsletter Advertising 350
place this past year, as well. Last Fall‘s Newsletter Subscriptions 225
receipt of a letter to GLSO from Michael Pride Week Funds 775
Dukakis marked the first time any candidate SUBTOTAL INCOME 10,1152
for national office has sought support from the
gay and lesbian voters of our region. EXPENSES
Additionally, this past Spring a member of
GLSO "created" the opportunity for Lexington Advertising 50
mayor Scotty Baesler to state, on record, that Bank Charges 1
he supports treatment of lesbians and gay men Chicago Grant Expense 7,500
equal to that received by heterosexuals. Coffeehouse Advance 1,5115
The 1988-1989 fiscal year was a Coffeehouse Expenses 63
successful period for CLSO, and for our gay Coffeehouse Space Rental 750
and lesbian community as well. With the Corporate Registration 9
continued efforts anticipated from next year's Newsletter Postage ’420
dedicated volunteers, members and Board, Newsletter Printing 1.556
1989-1990 should turn out to be another Newsletter Supplies 157
landmark yeah! Office Postage 25
Office Supplies 5
P O Box Rental 28
P 0 Bulk Mailing Permit 60
ADAM --- Phoneline 930
Photocopies 3
A Man‘s group. Pride Week Expense 174
Women‘s Softball 175
Look for details in the August Subscriptions 25
Issue of CLSO News SUBTOTAL EXPENSE 13,495
u GLSO July

 s lp openness. She has come to trust me in a way
p 4, I la , F that | an: n:t yet able to ”1815?. hilar.h ISdhe bloves
me. now t at. ut o ack.
: _. /' smere a S ar10,r Sometimes I miss that leather chick arrogance
1“, «“ that first caught my eye. it became her. It
t Ql“fl\ attracted me. She radiated a strength that
t “s‘ , made me feel safe safe from hurting her.
c ‘ c" Her trust and vulnerability frighten me. It
e In“ seems an awesome responsibility to not
I THE LEATHER CHICK hurt this person who has opened up to me.
1 by Debbie Currie As time passes, we work tirelessly to
e make this relationship of ours work. it is, |
I had to laugh that time that someone called am confident, worth the effort. Among her
: her "the leather chick." It's true that she many layers, I am finding much to love about
does love leather. She buries her face into this woman. That outermost layer, her
the fine leather of her jacket and breathes in leather, continues to bring us both pleasure,
deeply, contentedly, just as one might breathe as she delights in its feel and scent and look,
in the subtle fragrance of a bouquet of while l delight in seeing her in it. And while
flowers. She simply can't get enough of it. l shall surely smile if once again someone
in fact, it's rumored that her coat rack once mistakenly refers to this woman of mine as
collapsed from the weight of one too many "the leather chick," I'll know better. This is
leather jackets. Not to mention whips and no leather chick. This is the woman who
handcuffs. But that's another story. found me, believes in me, is waiting for me
D l must admit that when | first met her, like no one else ever would. This woman is
5 l was attracted to all that leather, and to all much tougher than any leather chick could
.4 that goes with it. Cool, confident, perhaps ever hope to be.
.4 even a bit arrogant, she was very attractive.
9 She looked good in her leather, so good that TWINS
3 she caught my eye almost immediately. Which by Vickie
3 she wanted to, of course. Her cool look and
5 manner contrasted paradoxically with her soft Do I need some
5 voice and blonde tresses. The paradox made Sweet exorcism from
2 her all the more intriguing. She challenged Much-too-welcome
me at once with directness, seemed to be on Poetic murmurs in
the offensive from the word go. | just Sleepless
watched and waited. I knew that someday I Tireless
3 would know the woman beneath all that leather Midnights
I much better. Dawns
) On our first date, she threw me off Washing my brain, waterfalls, waterfalls
5 balance almost immediately. When I picked her Of flesh in
3 up that night, she was all in black. I did not Fern-sparse clothing
) say a thing. Intimidated, perhaps? Then The lovers' candle throwing
) that soft voice demanded "What's the matter. Renaissance light
) don't you like black?" The question caught Shadow flickers dance
3 me off guard. Her frankness, so refreshing To strung instruments
, at times, was, at that moment, downright Giving and stretching
i disconcerting. "Of course, I like black," l Taunt and melting chords
i replied, but I still said nothing about her Our timeless a cappella
S attire. What was I afraid of? She looked A duet debut
) good, but I couldn't tell her. Her looks were
, striking in their contrast. I could see that, Scales with a
i but could she? Counterweight
l As we've gotten to know each other The pure symmetry
i better, I've discovered the real woman beneath Of a sphere
i that leather chick exterior. She may love her She is my twin
; leather, but she doesn't let it possess her. The mindreader missing in action
Rather, she wants me to possess her Th‘e Braille book we read
‘ wants us to possess each other. Her I remember
directness has lost its edge, melting into I've been blind.
5 July GLSO

by Angela
I used to watch his hand on the steering My hand never measured-up to the
wheel. I felt some satisfaction in it, some powerful, brown one which so often steered
attraction - I don't know why, I can't really my life. My hand was small and pale - not
explain it. There was something about that fleshy but skinny, bony. l was so drawn to
hand that pleased me, something about the his hands, so intrigued - it was almost as if
meaty look, the tan of the skin, the way it they held a primal attraction. They stirred
gripped the steering wheel and made it look so something deep within me. They were in
thin and delicate. His hand looked as though contrast to this man; powerful hands/weak
it belonged on a steering wheel, as if it were mind. Powerful body/weak soul.
born to it or made for it. His hand looked Now my hands have grown larger. They
perfect on the steering wheel, like it belonged are still pale, but the fingers are long and
there guiding and leading us all. He must not tapered and sometimes I can see the veins
have belonged to that hand. I don't know how there. I always notice the hands of the women
he came by it but he did not do justice to it. I meet. Are they strong, well-made, neat?
l still don't know what it was about his Many times the hands have drawn me when
hand and the way it looked that fascinated me nothing else has.
so. I remember sitting on the edge of the My lover has hands that please and l
backseat of the Oldsmobile, my chin resting on have always been drawn to them. Her hands
the back of the seat in front of me, staring at are large with long wide fingers and her veins
his hand on the wheel. The left hand of the often show in her hands and up into her
left-handed man. I would often make a fist and well-muscled arms. But, you know, she
look down at my own best hand gripping an doesn't hold the steering wheel in the same
invisible steering wheel, gauging the look of way. Her hands don't grip it like a bat,
what I saw. Would I ever have veins like that powerfully guiding. Her hands just seem to
in the back of my hand? Would it look that rest there; just enough to get the job done.
way on the wheel? So powerful, so pleasing?
Prose 1, Old Rain

Old rain rising


Love growing in my heart.

Old rain racing through Between the Acts, a women's theatre

storm drains, group, will be holding their "First Annual

to fill a cistern Lavender Games" as a fundraiser. The games

out by the barn. will be held July 22 at 1205 Baker Lane in

Old rain waiting Nicholasville, Kentucky.

for discovery, The gate opens at 1 pm with the games

on aface beginning promptly at 2 pm. A theatre

made infinitely performance and party with a bonfire will

more beautiful follow the games' closing ceremony.

than the blue sky Admission for the afternoon and evening

from which it fell. is $3 and refreshments will be available.

Please bring blankets, folding chairs, and
Mischelle Myers children - but no pets, please. The rain date
June 6. 1989 for the event is July 23.

6 GLSO July

The raffle held by AIDS Volunteers of
Dear Editor: l have no idea who wrote Lexington at The Bar on May 27 netted
the article in the June issue titled "For a $2,160. A total of $2,1-i35 was raised, less
quick pick me up . . .". While the warning to $275 in expenses. Of the expenses, $199
not park in Barney Miller's lot is acceptable, purchased a prize, ticket printing cost $9
the statement ”where only a Zulu warrior could and $27 was spent for the large glass jars
see it” is not. This is a racist statement and used in the drawing. The Grand Prize of a
image. Ironically, the article was next to one vacation for two in the Bahamas was won by
titled "Speaking Out Against Anti-Gay Linda Wilson of Frankfort. Net proceeds from
Discrimination in Lexington." Using and the raffle will be used for the operation of
perpetuating racist images is wrong. This Solomon House.
kind of writing does not belong in GLSO AVOL is now planning its next fund
News. Kate Black raiser for early August at ArtsPlace.
Invitations will be mailed to friends and
Dear Ms. Black: The article you refer to was supporters within a few weeks.
submitted to GLSO News by a member of the
community. At the time the newsletter staff KY COURTS MAY COMPEL HIV TESTING
made the decision to print the article, we did
not consider the specific phrase under Theoffice of the state Attorney General
discussion to be a racist statement. After issued an opinion on June 6 which permits
additional consideration of the issue in light of police officers to seek a court order to require
your objection, our perception of the situation HIV testing of an arrested suspect. An order
has not changed. requiring the test could be sought if there is
Simply referring to a characteristic probable cause to believe the arrestee is
which a group of people have in common is infected, E, "a government agent is, has
not, in our viewpoint, a derogatory comment. been, or will be at risk.”
The nature and intent of the comment The opinion was issued at the request of
determines whether or not the remark is the Owensboro City Attorney after a policeman
demeaning. The newsletter staff does not was bitten by a suspect believed to be at risk
recognize any discriminatory meaning in the for infection. The suspect was not tested,
statement being questioned. We see instead a and the policeman tested negative. Despite
non-judgmental reference to a physical trait, the circumstances surrounding the opinion,
no different from left- or right- handedness, AIDS is not known to be transmitted by
color of hair or skin, age, or gender. biting.
The viewpoint that this statement is
racistly derogatory, however, raises some MICHIGAN LAUNCHES HEALTH INSURANCE
additional questions. It seems to imply that PROGRAM FOR PWA'S
anyone whose heritage includes a group
sharing a common trait has no reason to be The Michigan legislature has approved a
proud of that heritage. In fact, the opposite two year trial program to keep some persons
is true and is evidenced by the example in with AIDS off the state's Medicaid program.
question. To many people, the African tribe Under the program, those who have group or
referred to presents an image of uncommon private health insurance may qualify for the
pride, 3 culture and heritage in which its state to pay their health insurance premiums if
descendants can also take great pride. they become too ill to work. Because of the
The GLSO Board of Directors and its high cost of treating the illness, it is clearly
newsletter staff completely agree with you that cheaper for the state to pay the existing
any sort of discriminatory remark does not health insurance premiums of private insurers.
have a place in this publication. This is true
whether the statement is racist, sexist FORMER GLSO PRESIDENT HONORED
(including anti-male comments), homophobic,
heterophobic, ageist, etc. We also agree with Steve Abrams, a graduate student at the
your observation that such prejudice from University of Texas, has received a full
lesbians and gay men is at best ironic, and at scholarship to attend the summer session of
worst self-defeating. Please be assured that the International Space University in
had we sensed this reference was made with Strasbourg, France. He will be working on
even a slight intent to discriminate, GLSO the design of a lunar polar orbiter with
News would not have printed the statement. several national space organizations.
7 July GLSO

 some great stuff on it) is wonderful. It

ASK AUNT MARY includes opera hits from the shows Fatal
Attraction ("Un Bell di" from Madame

Butterfly), A Room with a View (more

Dear Aunt Mary, Puccini), I've Heard the Mermaids Sing
I am a gay male whose soul soars when (Delibes' "Lakme" - Aunt Mary's favorite piece

he hears a woman 5 strong voice singing. Do on the CD and her favorite movie), and
you think it could be hormonal? I've worn my Rossini's "Barber of Seville" sung by Maria
Bette Midler and Barbra Streisand tapes out. Callas. So it's quality stuff. Additional
What do you suggest? pieces you might consider include Richard
— A man with an ear Strauss' "Four Last Songs" - you may know

the third piece which was sung by Dame Kiri

Dear Ear: Te Kanawa in "The Year of Living Danger-

There is no doubt that a great many ously" - another Aunt Mary favorite with Mel
males lose it (whatever that might imply) over Gibson.
the sounds of a woman reaching the upper In any case, Aunt Mary commends you
heights of the musical scale. Current for your taste in music (since it apparently
physiological and psychological research agrees with hers) and wishes you happy
suggests that sexuality may be related to listening.
hormonal factors occurring in the womb - so
who knows maybe your attraction to women P.S. Aunt Mary confesses to not knowing all
singers IS hormonal (I wouldn't bet my and asks that readers send in their favorites.
collection of Diana Ross tapes on it though and She'll pass them on.
just like sexuality - in the end, who really
cares why one is gay or why one loves
women's voices; one just is and one just does THE TRIAL OF WHITE
and God knows that's a good enough reason).

Aunt Mary more than shares your love of Part Four of a review/condensation of Randy
sopranos, altos and divas and can't resist Shilts' The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life
offering her list of current favorites. First, and Times of Harvey Milk
on the popular side, Laura Branigan's new
album "Touch" has the number one British By Kevin Nance
female smash hit of all time on it, titled
"Power of Love." Aunt Mary promises you Early on, Harvey Milk's friends in and
that there's a reason why that song was the out of San Francisco's gay community assumed
number one hit in Britain. However, in the that the murder trial of Dan White would be
U.K., it was performed by Jennifer Rush and open-and-shut. After all, White had confessed
just as various renditions of classical pieces to specifically entering City Hall through a
differ, so do these two. Branigan's is side door - obviously to avoid the metal
probably more available and she actively detectors at the main entrance, which would
promoted her earlier hit "Gloria" in the gay have tipped off guards to the presence of his
community because she's aware that she has a Smith 8 Wesson handgun and ammunition (the
large gay following. Rush's version may lift more dangerous type he reserved - and had to
your soul a slight bit higher than Branigan's reload - for Milk). There was no question the
but they're both good. killing of Milk and Mayor George Moscone had

Aunt Mary's favorite new artist - and been premeditated; and in hindsight, there is
just plain favorite - is a woman by the name no question that Milk's homosexuality (the
of Maria McKee. Her voice is to die for (to antithesis of White's own macho, conservative
borrow a phrase I heard somewhere). The ethos) was what made him a target.
title of the release is simply Maria McKee. But as soon as jury selection began, it
Melissa Etheridge is also rumored to be good, became clear that, to those charged with the
a!though Aunt Mary's budget hasn't allowed execution of justice (a phrase that later
her to purchase her CD yet (advice columnists became the title of a play about the Dan White
in this town ain't paid, periodl). trial), the matter was far from open-and-shut.

Now for all of you who've refused to Gays and heterosexuals who supported them
listen to classical music and opera, my advice were specifically excluded from the jury;
is to try it, you'll like it - to borrow another White's attorney, Doug Schmidt. saw to it that
phrase. A collection titled “The Movies go to the jurors were predominantly working-class
the Opera" (so you're a little embarrassed to and, more importantly, Catholic. The
have something with a name like that - it has all-heterosexual jury contained no blacks and
8 GLSO July

 no Asians; half the jurors lived in White's old does not coldbloodedly go down and kill two
supervisorial district. people. That just doesn't happen."

As the trial began, Schmidt painted his On Monday, May 21, 1979, the verdicts
client as a "decent," "rigidly moral," "family" came in. Voluntary manslaughter on both
man, the board of supervisors' "voice of the counts. With time off for good behavior,
family - in sharp contrast to Milk, a White would be out of jail in less than five
"homosexual leader." Schmidt also surprised years.
observers by introducing a biological theory A shaken reporter asked Cleve Jones (a
about White's behavior. He had a history of young gay activist who would later head the
manic-depression, a "vile biochemical change“ NAMES Project, better known as the AIDS
that had made an otherwise calm man fly off Quilt), "What does this mean?"
the handle. "This means that in America," Jones

On the other hand, prosecutor Tom replied, "it's all right to kill faggots.

Norman, in a dull monotone, recounted the

events that proved two of the three elements NEXT: THE LEGACY OF HARVEY MlLK

of first-degree murder - premeditation and