xt7dr785mj1m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dr785mj1m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1910-10-27 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 8, October 27, 1910 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 8, October 27, 1910 1910 1910-10-27 2015 true xt7dr785mj1m section xt7dr785mj1m BESI Copy AVBIIBDIB
I; T H E I I) E A
IG VOL. lll. l,l·ZXlN(}TON, KY4, <>C'l`Olll·ll< 27, wm, Nm 8
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_,    __ _ d Ask Your Grocer for-
  · v o . ssl  -‘-.  e - 1.<’?‘·>*..  ~ · .. ` ‘° . .  
.,l , , ,1  , - ee · , 2 . _ _5,$,_" rule,   !‘..·—  , , .-, e , - _ {er, "
 A   ·or= ~    »ro ,   .           oLr  — A   CRLAM •FLOUR
    .  l_ _ , {  f x] Q   ,    °   ’ *     QQ,1 Don’t Forget Hoe Cake Meal
E     ·  ‘        ’ ‘     .   Mllde By *
..     i' I — ~‘"`»*?·~i S ."Q».Q§i‘4 ‘V_  i   .·     ·»   V 1 ;·· .r i` . .
    1 t   , . _° Lexlngton Roller Malls Co.
L.;  “     at   · ·   V     -   " ··  
          ·       5       l   . A ._ llV·     A
    l   ‘ .,a.e~_     l.    _ ;e,;,_ =     -     M A   Q |»-|  
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Cl *~ `“ . `   . r '   Y we ‘ 4 ·
I ;   ye i   .. _   ·* . 1 j     GOOD FURNITURE, *
l ·—l d   ‘, nag   E   . A. . ,
{ I (   ‘   Carpets, Wall Paper and Stoves. »
._ _ _ t . a ser t . l
l.......;..... { . if ,.»   le     , ,
  °§     ` I · ae tt;-’ ` va A. K. ADGOCK !
p..»¤-•_;••• \ °·` W, ¤ `*`· '
. » I Je, e L ,_   ee.     ,.& _»_ CIGARS and ronacco
""""·"‘.~ • -e» we , ‘ ¢° ttl *}:9 ~ *‘   ° A t WINSLOW & S LIME
§ x :1 » ' A     ` ~· (   '
l " g, r I5 i, _,,· .. veqtee . Lexington, - - - - Kentucky _
1 T. "  r S ·•' -   ·~•  
.   ..»~ . .¢ ·-···    ~ »   T ""’\ I "’ .
J a . _   —l~ BILLY BAILEY
l   " ,.   ·       "The Tailor That Satisties"
l;":`**`?=r.e_.,. ..,§~* _ STEAM and DRY CLEANING.
159 South Limestone l
» l·\¢ { V ·
_ ' _ Y ” First Class Lunch and
l~OOY BALL sQbAl> Het Meals
NEWS OF OTHER PYR'TE$· tion. So let us al pull together, get the next Wednesday after the game ,A· B- BARRETT
————e back of the team and let the cry be and naturally will save our men as (’Or· S· Llmc and Colfax St·8·
Tennessee. "On to L. S. U."——'l`he Sewanee Pur- much as possible, """'*""_`
The followers of Orange and White ple. "We beat University of Tennessee EVERYTHING FOR TH]
have not forgotten their defeat of ...-—- 17.-2 and Mlaml 12.-2, whleh are the $0DAK! ,
last year and their victory of the year - only games we have played ee ga; D€V¢1°Pl¤K Nd PTi¤ti¤!·
previous- In °m` game the with the  I .: ¤§=:§§§_"*i;I.F€**Q `"U`` ‘ ```T ‘**; `'``‘_ °   _._` ». I I- Our coach is M. Beal Banks, who was ,-1, Em,
University ¤f T<=¤¤¤¤¤·=•= at K¤<>¤v*ll¢·   ».l...   ._».   -.·..   ....   Svr¤<=¤¤•¤’¤ *¤m¤¤¤ qumer ’°’ '°“' Loge xg Photo Supply co`
1909. we lost by a score of 7 to 0 after   years ending in 1909_ ¢l’ Why'! Ten Cent Store
¤ z¤<>d- hard muzzle-   "we have about 145 lh college this -——-—-—————————-— ,
When the Tennesseeans played us    Q° _,,,..._, ..—.  ht  year and usually get out as many aa
0n Stoll Field We Won by 8 majority   -I·‘ it l``` Q   __;  ._  A °'l`   thirty men for practice. The new ANUUN   l
of 17 to 0.   . ~,  . rules do not affect us very much, aa ICE CREAM PARLOR Q
This your we play them at Knoll-    1.g;fiiif " 1    ·*; *     our backs are men capable or advsnc- i
ville. but ¤0t the Same mam- Sllch   _;    ‘‘‘   lng nearly as well without assistance AND LUNCH STAND ?
men as Johnson and Latham, ends:   `    ·-·   as wlgh la However, the qua,-te,-hack South Lime and Winslow Streets P
Cole 8.lld Stewart, IRCRIGB; P€Dl8·Dd   ttl _ -  ~J·~.~•e· rung have bengflttgd ug g0mg_ Our  
and Graham, guards· Buckingham,  -: -= 2é= ·?    gtarg arg the Sgglbach brothers I
' .->e~_, .;:;._._ ,  · -- e . v
center; Branch, Young and Massey in ,  ..;,,e {   memes, Duffy, ,.,8,,, end, and Ramsey, J- J- FITZGERALD . {
the back field. These fellows hgld d.Vd "°""`w` It `     fullbock."—Hanover Triangle. PLUIEBING t
Vanderbilt to 18-0 score on Octo er J __,,,,,_,, ..L.....- Steam and water Hoa,.
15 and the Commodores admit that   , _e_· »_ ee ,_°u,,_ 269 W Sh _ , ,
they Save them *1 herd t“°°lc' at   I. ' —     October 12 we face one of the ' °rt’ ` ` L°xmgt°°* KY"  
TGHDBBBGG Dl8YB University of $,*1  _ _, I     gtrgngggt team; of the Middle We|t,—   _
¤·<=<>lz*¤ M ¤¤l¤m¤¤¤ ¤¢*¤¤¢* 29· .t.  *;§$,;é; j§¥ ~..I»~e    ‘·’°   St- ¤>¤l· l’¤l*<=*¤**y- It Wm be rr xmxmn coax. commuw i
·—"*’   · · ..   membered that In our last game with °"IcE md YARD-
C¤¤U‘¤l-       ‘   ' .Y;.§.`l?Z*é»e< these sod·busters we were licked by
I fj   f. ` d\ { . yl  Q?
we clip the following. Now what do   le  .. ..   them. That game has not been for- N0. 157 N. Broadway.
 .;ZZ;:i·`t~`,,Y.`     ‘ xg ·   .  
you think about lt? Can you realize   ,_, , Pl   _. er,  e ee  y ._ i _‘ gotten. Even if St. Louis ls regarded RAILROAD YARD C S, Freight D°_
that the t€"°°t°““ Sewanee Tig°r• °°r  `¥·?-"‘1`iQ` f‘ 1 . g—     as having one of the strongest teams , ,
greatest rival and most dangerous ad-           in the M,dd,e West, we shan gd, our Pot. $· B¤‘°¤dW¤.Y and Chmty Su-  
vereery. has Md its tall twlmd *¤t° it    " ‘{*   teeth, determined to give them more -—-—-—-——-—————————-—  
nineteen separate and distinct knots? I Vs »·,. ,, _, je ° __  than they are looking ,0,, and then _, t  
With stately stride this team-devour-   .__‘               some,      
Eg beast lzvadeid, the esuntry Sfnil:   X l     . I Three of their last year’s stars are |UHANGE’8 CANDY KITQHEN
no glass 0 tt MIO "" V C  _   back this year. Dockey and McGuire
its long list, and lt was with astonlsh· _ _ , I I " are noted for ,h€,,_ mmtmg, wm,8 I 119 80111,11 Upper St.
ment that lt realize too late the er MA!\’\('l`·l` HUH) zeehivm is {,,,,,0,,,, te,. advancing L¢¤l¤2t0¤» · - - - Kentucky
treme tough sacrifices placed upon ts ···""""'”""‘ and p8.SBIng the    
am"` Of gridimn fame by CQDURL The following is an extract from . At this writing W6 mlght B8? {hilt _
Truly. Wonders ¤€V€*¥` °°&¤°·-The ,e,,e,. ,,.0,,, (lentrul yhlverehy, glvmg The Idea ls in touch with friends of   M_ Bronaugh
Husum" a little dope on the game of next Sat- thé i¤Btlt¤U0¤ find hopes to U6 8blG
The Pur,,,,,····—‘*"wOu,d mw ,0 make (mp ,,,.,1,,).. to reveal some valuable information
point <-lem- to its r-eatltq-S, (·ehtl·al lg "Uur tt*2llll ls in ¢~x<·t·llent condition, in the n;>i_lSe;le_ef the jyeekly-  
not in the S. l. A. A. and therefore Ou" lwltillt *5 about t‘*8· trobamc come to mass mum, In com Q
this gtuno will not hurt us lh our rat-o l*Il*‘llII*, lh, ll¥>=w!llt•·Iy,ullkll0\;ll.',el¤,,We cha e, Thunda at 3,93 Q 2,,5 Memck Lodge ,,u,,_,,,,e_ _
for thc ('lliIIIllIlUlISlll[) of the Assoclu- I’l**¥ **‘“““"" lI<>**d··Y dm udm p ' y' ` '

 [ I" Y Y I I H H I Q
l T II E I I) E A 3
-—-————————-———————··—— burn College of Texas, all direct con·
Mr ··     tenders for the S. l. A. R. champion.
,     . ._.. C     ship.
 _ — _;§ , ;.;.s;;; ;. ~ j·· A$tl¤, thls ls the first opportunity
    I I  * for furnishing dope with Central, as
R •••   hl $*%;- f j, C this ls the first team both Kentucky
. . i*¥;Sh· 4. ..`  .. · t 1t . 1 1. 1 . .
BOOR m mfmd that the LCP   C C   O RC: C 08mB ave p aye: And n connection
_ D C _ th O ..,. .,,..1R   o. ,C_ with the much-talked-of S. I. A. A.  
“‘9'l°“, L3? 10- AS R S mm _o. _  . ‘  A   ` 1 o1tomo1ooo111p, let at be ooto here toot ‘
w ‘;’R’:1V°“1?” .t SMS 0; g"?“· A at   ~R Le 1 too t1o1vot·‘o1ty of Kootooky 1o tho only CkHj_'1R2_N B§1?|F<3R_D
_ f *:5 mm °_ua’";)*°0uD ° tu; §;‘jC3 · , university or college in Kentucky that ° A nw
R _ glgglalglnd CLEO it is thirzliaie   I   _   has membership in the S. I. A. A. me New  
5 to Buy your  *t;.et>€C¥ 5   Th(;1<:-argl; Mason tzrrlved in‘l.e11ington Nolch  
4 , S Y °"€" i S   &I (R W gh his u•.,srot·s•. c1¤e¢c,Pubody&co.,moxon
1 C___,_ gqua represent ng e 'n vers try of  
      lg `t»·t  Tulane New Orleans q  
. _ 1 ‘ ~·   ~ ,.,___ . . teventeen
1 TABLET8 -~ r husky athletes represent the choice of _. A
1 ’ C h Mr. Mason to overcome State. Coach      
PEN CIL8 and W Mason said to a representative of The 222 West Main
. Idea at Danville Tuesday: "We have KODAK FINISHING
' _. __ __ ,3 . . at a rather light team, but I am conn- AND PHOTOS.
\V.ll 1 O h I k we `_ Sl _l=— M°"*" dent my team will give State one of Bring Y0¤1' K0d8·k trouble to B16-
. . ‘ R I   Rf ·~—s   year} Tulane has an attendance of |_AD|fS &  
and W6 will i€5€l't48·l¤lY d`0 thi?     R #?¥¥A_"C _ about three thousand from which to _
est we can or you. 1 ~ · gl. _ ptok o good toom. mot year Central “ ’°“ wm A ‘?°‘“’ p“" °'_Sh°SS S°
Rtvspsctfully. ` , _~ defeated them, 6--0, just winning by to the Sho? dealer' H you vmm your
Mw   one touchdown. Although Tulane has Shoes repalrpd go th Honaker the sh°°
• ` ` ~ ker.
, . — lost some of her last year stars, they me
    C0; t ` _ present a very formidable aggegation llii South Mill.
_ _ , ’ again this year. “NUFF SAID."
Phoenix Howl Building.- C‘1\[)'I‘l\IN WEBB (Mass.) Training School and has   &  
coached such teams as Missouri State MCE AND
TULANE SATURDAY, Normal for three years and since then H0 -MADE C Y
_____ _ has been with Tulane. From the line- },,‘{{l'q·S`[[ I,;1\Yl',;],{"" DAY
Hard Game Locked p°,._Naw Orman, up and weights it can be seen that the lm. Fagt umu gt
. . Southerners average about 160 pounds ‘ S’ ` ‘ ` `
`I gg g mn rm c um ay —slightly heavier than our boys. Their
· e Next Saturday at 3 long trip North was broken by play-
p. m. the fol- 1 C C I . O
·<>w·==r¤ 01 hh SM wth   he .22 §Z.Ef`1.§§§‘i1‘§?K.§“t‘l.°1?.2€ E.“.E“ pf] [1 QQ S S
114416 North UDDQT St- last game of football, with the excep- l g 8 U
_ Saturday. Coach Mason reports all
mm of the Thanksgiving game' hh his men in good condition and anxious
LEXINGTONC KY our home grounds for this year. After CO win
Saturday we tackle three Ot the hard. Coach Sweetlafld will doubtless UBB _-1-1-Y
est teams on our schedule—Tennes-
or     2   his strongest line—up to add another
g y see, St. Louis and ~Central—the first ,
victory to States growing list. The
, gy; tgiigjrjhhghj rznyfomig? griunbd following ls Tulane’s line-up, weights C
e au a promsesoe d b_
l B1¤·¤k¤t¤ one in which Coach Sweetland’s men irnamiu s` Wei ms      
1 comforts will have to hustle to continue their Smith` ICH Ond g1OR
. whhhhg ¤h*¤A— Thhhh WAYS hhs oootoo (capt.), too oooo ...... to of Lexmgton
j Sheets had a strong team and has always GROOR ICRC guard 165
1 1 _ figured in the race for the champion- 1(.migl;OOd center '`````°'`''''' 175 _______
`   P1u°w c“°° ship of the Southern Intercollegiate Hun. Hgh; guard ````'``````'``` 155
l FOR THB COLLEGE GIRL Association, and this year, from re- M L d ` ``'``''``
ports, the team is no exception to the [EROS? Rilggiltegxkle ```````°`'`'        
· 1 Handsome Tailored Suits, Button rule. HOURS; C `‘‘`‘'°''``‘°°` ‘“ .
· Ca tom Lentelll la 1o left t ckle Gy' mm er ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 155 V<>¢¤1¤S¢
Gloves, and anything else she wants at D s D y g a CORCRY ICR han N5
1 ODOORRJ DHOOO and when seen in Danville Tuesday CRCRCR 'right half ````````'````''' HO
night stated that "although the trip Hood 'fummck °````'`'``````` 146 ·‘l";"'*"‘**'-‘*"’*"""
l had hhhh LAM hh LS heh- hhhhhg o..t3Soo.too- ‘kg;i{.{ ```" 1LJtt""ooo·
O J I-   gfcifgngs lin the gentragigamet Ll? "En O’Brien, right guard; Pagualdos, right Leonard  
_ ° ° RQCRCEC   C1;‘;‘;R,,°'RR; CZRRS guard; Montero, tight end; wotto, B b  
A ' ' · t b 2 ·
  Om tC&m,s Season begins me and quar er afk, Johns, iort half. if Cf op
¤¤ thhy have hhh the LSLSSL hh mhhh C ORRR CTI OR Too only oat ous shop in 1.oxaogtoo
/ E     coichisihg fr1<;m lv;r.t?as0;1. i th. ' Yale Pompadouraspecialty.
I10 GT em Il er &VOI‘ s ISC T" B. FOTSCHO 1) · [O
. It must be remembered that the south- m;?0;qs;{(i_l;?§a; E; t;(g;§);1sfwr;:€nI;1iRx` www r
- . ‘ .11 . 1 , . . ‘ A S _,____-...R----.__.___e__
Inportm and Dcakr In Gm C mate S warm and contmry to that Georgetown College had been de- "`
the usual conditions here this year,
SLHNA SUT GLASS- SILVER BRASS wo have wooo woothot toot too kind ’°*"*"‘ by “A“°V°’ "°“°g° hh ihh
T11lane is accustomed to. And so ‘
‘ '   0* 57 S ° RESERVED FOR
with the scales about evenly balanced, SCEEE ;FEAdwlSh9l;it° Jloireftt ahh
R the 1 C C in 1 C C _ . me an exp n at ias
LAMPS El“ECTROuERS·FANCY gse WO gums W me up qatur Butler College, of Indianapolis, that
DISHES NOVELTYS &c day to decide the supremacy of foot- d RC t _
` ball. Much depends on the outcome 8 tu hh ('eorgemwu
of this game, because Tulane plays   "•°*—_"” I A l I N D R  
. 117 W MAIN New Phone 985 such teams as A. & M. College of Mis- CDRW to MBBS m¢¢il¤Q l¤ ¢0||¤Q¤
YOUR TRADE SOUCITED slsslppl, University of Alabama, Au- Chapel. Thvrldly. it 3¥30-

"   F
4 T H E' I D E A
I     glad to reciprocate. Mr. Kelly has n
" also consented to draw our cover for I-I E  
I’iihlls;::·;lt;;:;em;n;Ait11;stal?gr€l;y£ug;)e1t:tql?1;n;'bene nf grate {·n;`-nrnny ny K,.ntn(.ky__ Our Th8.I1k8glVllIg Illlmbéf, Wlllilll ll
` ` instlttigllgll L 'md "l_'_"“"“" "l lh"! beinS looked forward to by everyone p _
THE IDEA I. ii rn I.   °°n°°m°d’ . I L
dUI'l!`lK [hi? C0llf‘g; )'](?8.I? (Tl; (‘rll(l;fqI:`)ll)l;;:;tQlS ttlglo |lv;3l;Il;:»S;§(;]lp;tP(;]0$q issupd “el\l¥   Q I
S g . of Kentucky. o .
In addition thereto lt gives ltcms of lritcrest conccrlng other universities and N°TlcE· - · l
colleges In the Unltcd States and Canada. ` · ·- .
.SUBScR!P.I.|0N ONE DQLLAP PEP YEAR; PNP CENTS PEP COPY Mandolin Club practice Tuesday and ‘
Iontcrrcd at Lexington Post Otlceas second class mall matter. Friday at 5 p. m. Y. M. C. A. l‘00m, ·
  Symnelillm b¤ildl¤8· »  . ;,5. ,::  A   ,-.:1; "
. .. .· , - or- n- e ,jgg;i;5g;j;_$}Ef ;,3i§‘!;;:;}:§5;;E¤. .·j.;._$;_ *
n. I\v.“*{{ix;{si,r·:Y ............... I ......................   ......... Afsslsitant Exilim-   _ §ll5§il;iS§5£§35E§E:   .
_. .. . ,“._ .......... . ..................... . ......... . ....... t an   g;;;;g;;;5;;;;;g;;; ·.;s·__.;_» ·
i·.. 1.. }·lF.(.}xER ........ . ..................... . ........ Assistant Athlletllc Iililolt;  aiiffiigqz. 2:¢E£:g;g§;;i2§Eél¥    ‘
  gy ng-j:;§;I·j, :J}g`   'l| ‘q$•,'l·5\¤‘.t, `
BUSINESS STAFF * .Z=Q#'=;2_4=)·  ¤ ifi-li _:;;u:,;: ll f¥%`$:·:·'€§a 
s. c. rzmzrzwr, msi M. . .»·,     §r§?§  sl  
F. L. MARX, Asst. Business Manager. J. BEQEXNBTSHITST Asst. Adv. Mgr.          
Timo. Sl.:\l)E, Advertising Manager. W. A. LUR['l·.Y. Asst. sub. Mgr.    gggggigig ‘    
V. L. DOWNING, Subscription Mgr. E. J. KOHN, Asst. Sub. Mgr.   \       .
  l {lll:   °    
This Issue of The Idea was pre- The next issue of The Idea will be "     "l°£l£§§?l'
pared by the following members of prepared by the following members of     "€=%i§i. gQ§@§§§£l;g§h§§5  ·
The Idea Stat: The Idea Stat: l  ” ’ *EE?C' . `
7§·:£·§£ ;' §SZl'i   l
W. B. Hager. D. W. Hart.     :g:§§.lg§g: V
.1. F. Bruner. A. 0. Ball. Kentucky  gg; _  
W. H. T ' ‘ d . , , . . . . ""·*l"’ ?=`:`TF·.'
W C Dullxgien I`; (3} Lgsgrsens D Oilers frce tmfzon in all depart- l
` ' ` ' ' ° ‘ ments except Law to graduates of _» l · ` ` I  .
Miss Addie Dean Miss Taylor' Kentucky High Schools who are   _ 4 . ·.¤.
—-—  prepared te enter the Freshman  
one of the entire University in reality, Cl3$$· _ _ r , W   \ ‘ w i _
EDITORIAL. we had better give it up altogether. Each €0lmlY lll lll9 Slam 18 9¤‘ l \ ·
....... But who says fail No one, for we llll€(l to §€ll(l FREE of tllltlolli `
Do we realize the importance to our are all going to put forth an etort m8l1'10l1lHt10I1, laboratory and oth- 7HE COLLEGE MANN? STORE
University of·the remaining football with such energy and determination cr fees, one or more appointees. If""—`—
schedule? Do we see the seriousness that failure will not be thought of. Neeessn,-y expenses mede,·nte_ y°u wont
attached to our maintaining the march That fighting spirit of Kentuckians FOI, full information regarding A  
of triumph from gridiron to gridiron? and students of the State University nppointgcs courses Of Study cost Thi! l¤ UW Pl•¢¢ to 80 lt- lf !0¤ Win!
Our victories during this and the past will out and the result is inevitable. Of bmrd gm a 1 to ' ’ A gun 99 qv•,°°.g, . an gy",.
year have attracted wide attention. ` Txnunié gp %,HITE §•I:\::¤·l 3;::: ¤¤• • s••h· of R•¢•l
Our "wild cats" have fought and de- V ` ` l A/lctkn P   t °
feated heavier teams backed with su- _ While this is o· football oomoor ll Ig xmsz MIK    
Drama confidence and great mputaf is given strictly to matters concerning »€X1T1£'t0¤, Y- Chu L_ stan -98 _ _ _ Mm".,
ingly impossible feats by superior loglo m¤¤§¤;t¤¤*1{;¤l¤¤l1 lo thisoly
science, training and spirit. They oo ego oo V Y' oro oro o oro•   K
have established a record that must llohrops not as groan but lust oo lm'     & C0.
not be broken It is to our great portant as football. We must have a
pride that they have done so much good basketball l°am· base ball mam.   ——-
to place us in the from rank of any track team and besides athletics, the _ LEXINGTONYS Y
letics in the South and We have a debating team. While we are count-     Y
mgm to be proud of n,€m_ But we lhs on winning the championship of GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE 1
must think of that which confronts us the Stats lo l;thlotl°°• whyhoot count ·
now, or the prestige that is ours may on winning t o champions lp in do'
be lost hating and oratory. Should we let C COLLEGE COLORS
WM we as *¤¤¤·= M ·>¤ the wd E1$ZS°..llS"$2Z.°lIZ°lZ.l1§Ziil3Z£ZI"..Z7§.li ‘N
day alter day W¤*l=l¤¤ and fighting the literary field? It does not take so   for the Genuine .
for us, for themselves—for the Univer- much physical power but it takes a   ·
l€ of gémllné activity? This Dl6¤ for us. The drawing not only is artls- » — »-
is not for the students alone. but for tlc but also shows the versatility of DO Only Ihat kmd      
the faculty as Well. There are B0¤1€ the artist. We are indeed fortunate Under Fume N ti IB k
faces great in the University that are in having Mr. Kelly so kindly draw ` a °"° an
seldom, if ever, seen at our games. these for us and we assure him that       v  
With all due resiwcl to lilwse persons, if in any way this syndicate or any yn .t H i C tt- — ·
· · d bh V
this ought not to be. If We can't make member of it, can at any time, be of wb Sahoruinucgcdgity almg
the question of our team's Welfare service to him, we shall be only`too

T H E I D E A 5
  UNMERITED CRITICIBM. ngnlnnt Dnvldnon College on October  
· · -——· 15 was due to incompetent otllclals. ‘  
mia The North Carolina. team returned lt een be safely nredleted that n ‘
G to its rendezvous very much dtssrutr team which lndulges ln caterwaullng  
t · tl¤thi¤s but pure good sized `.Z’Z.°w`{ 'L°i°°`ZeeeZ.Z Zi.; were pm ¤¤¤ Bm S¤¤¤kl*¤ ml I’"’° N"' °° D"l’l“"
wool goods. GIIVC lyou the shivered from the eoddeo eold euep, Xiilll throéigh the lioe agiolplageduthe   E  
best make. elm me Y SUM hot pouehny watched the slaughter ef: t °“ ld°°'f°l°";{“ ih lm: d 5** •
**,2**** thi ‘§l.{i*"i. l’°”‘l""’€.‘i"£ el the °*¤¤ ge and M lm for   oi.; °?.‘.1e K?. 2::116 ...?..’°.‘}.“ 3....; who- sooo ho.
S elle- ll lll aglllll ll hour and forty minutes. ’ '
all of these mode to your Stete begeo the geme with several town on their own 15-yarod line; 1 5  ......--__,
measure for second team men in the line-up and G°(;g°t°v;u uga pug? git e r 3he
tried out several others during the yard ue W en ryan an u caug  
game, while Georgetown oeeo only the ball and made the third toucli-
twelve men during the entire eemeo down for state and Webb kicked goa. wants your picture since you left
with oo moo}, of the regoler olev_ Score-State 16; Georgetown 0. home—·So does your
We are the only house. lill ers out of the game, State’s line was Thltd Q"*"*°"· W
Lexington or Central Ken- weaker than usual, and Captain Webb The ball was put on center. Webb, S  
tucky where you get the was not in good form for kicking Bryan Sahnklin and Threlkeld were QALL AT
Union Label in every garment goals. Aside from these two points, back in the game and Watkins also y •
      State played a satisfactory game and made his appearance in the line-up for   S  
• was even then above Georgetown’s the first time during the game.
129 East, Main Ste class. ol ’ A" Georgetown kicked off to State’s 37· me let him hell? Yell make metber
UNION LABEL First Quarter. l yard line and State did not return the l1¤DDY Mid ¤l¤o llelll YW to Wlll
State kicked off at 3:05 o’clock, the ball. State punted on the first down Y0lll‘
b ll l t G t °5 d G to 23 d ll h l
a gong o eorge own’s .. -yar to eorge wn's -yar ne, w ere
..']_‘HE... line, the ball being returned flve yards. Georgetown punted, but the punt was 515%; gltgeia
Three line bucks failed to gain 10 blocked, Georgetown recovering the
yards and the ball went over to State ball.    
on (}eorgetown’s Soyard line. Glltuer received a punt on the 50- Sp°°l°*l l`°l°’ l° °lll'l°'lll"
State placed the ball on the 15-yard yard line and by a sensational run 341 WEST MAlN ST. Fayette Phone 1685:: _
line by two end ru¤¤ ¤¤d e ll¤o buck. through a broken field, returned it   i
when Bryan Shanklin carried it to forty y8_l.ds_ The ball was lost on e
Always the Best show. the 5-wd li¤e wd Threlkeld made e owhe eh it was Georgetown’s ball OD The M  S  
Alweye the Some Prieo touchdown, going through the line, mol,. 10_ya’rd lluo_
Always clc,m_ Always Good. ““°' ll"°° ml”“l°“ °l l’l“"· W°l’l’ George Shanklin woe out hook into FALL LINES
oft 0 Talked tailed t° kick goal the game. Georgetown carried the OF
‘”‘ ll" " Slate asm klcked 0** *° Gwlge meh to sole-. 57-yard line by good runmsnmo ooons, _
Ne"? 0“*·d°¤°· *°“’“ ll‘° ball $°l“g l° lhs ll””"l bucks end who ooo o forward pm. HATS and
3 Shows D,aily___3;00, 7:30, 9:00_ llne and was returned to their 25-yard They ' were foreed to ooot however SHOES, S
il II and State received the ball on their NOW IN.
TRY T0 GE IN- Two end runs gained a total of one 22_yard lloo_ J. & M. end Florsheim Shoes
  gtgilos1::1);argeggie;0u";¤h0l’dl;:;edSta;; State tried to punt, but it was Stetson Hll,l_s_
blocked. Shanklln recovering it on
e to ll° l'°llll`ll· the 2-yard line. This was the first and    
On the first down State kicked to only time during the game that the 140 West Mhill St.
G€0rg€t0wn’8 26-ya_l•d line, the   be-   wai cl()§9l' than HUQGQI], y8,I'd§ to  
· lllg returned llfleell Y¤l`d8- Two line State’s goal and lt was immediately
ThlS Space bucks made flrst down but on the sec- punted out gf daogol-_         V
ond play the ball was fumbled, State Two book; {ollod to gain and Q
R d f recovering the ball. Goorgetown punted over State’s goal         I
escrvz Or State advanced the ball to George- line for a touchcback, and time was
town’s 12-yard line, when they tried called for the third