xt7dr785k19h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dr785k19h/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2011 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 87, No. 1, September 2011 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 87, No. 1, September 2011 2011 2011 2014 true xt7dr785k19h section xt7dr785k19h FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE

September 2011 n Volume 87 n Number 1

Celebrating 10 Years as a B&B
Since 1925, Mrs. Breckinridge’s Log Home, The Big House,
has hosted guests from around the world. In 2001, the
Big House and Wendover Barn became certified as a B&B,
and the Wendover Bed & Breakfast Inn was born.

� Frontier nursing serviCe
US ISSN 0016-2116

Introduction to FNS


The Journey – Jane Leigh Powell


President’s Report – Dr. Susan Stone


Beyond the Mountains


Conference Roundup


Field Notes


Alumni Spotlight






In Memoriam


Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin (USPS 835-740, ISSN 00162116)
is published at the end of each quarter by Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., 132
FNS Dr., Wendover, KY 41775. Periodicals Postage Paid at Hyden, KY and
at additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: $5 per year. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, 132
FNS Dr., Wendover, KY 41775.
Copyright FNS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Frontier does not share its donor mailing list.

� quarterlY Bulletin

Introduction to Frontier Nursing Service

Mary Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the world –
Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the deaths
of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life expected of
women of her class to devote herself to the service of others, particularly mothers and children.
Mary Breckinridge founded the Frontier Nursing Service in 1925
after several years of studying and practicing nursing and midwifery
in the United States, England, Scotland and France. It was the first organization in America to use nurses trained as midwives collaborating
with a single medical doctor/obstetrician, based at their small hospital
in Hyden. Originally the staff was composed of nurse-midwives trained
in England. They traveled on horseback and on foot to provide quality
prenatal and childbirth care in the client’s own home. In 1939, Mrs.
Breckinridge established a school of nurse-midwifery. The school
provided graduates, many of whom stayed to offer care to families in
Leslie County, Ky.
Today, Mrs. Breckinridge’s legacy extends far beyond Eastern
Kentucky through Frontier Nursing University (FNU), which offers a
Doctor of Nursing Practice degree and a Master of Science in Nursing degree with tracks as a Nurse-Midwife, Family Nurse Practitioner
and Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner. FNU has students and
graduates serving all 50 states and many countries.
Mary Breckinridge’s home, The Big House, located at Wendover, is
a licensed Bed & Breakfast Inn. For more information or reservations,
call (606) 672-2317 or e-mail: michael.claussen@frontier.edu.
Mary Breckinridge said: “Our aim has always been to see ourselves
surpassed, and on a larger scale.” (Wide Neighborhoods, 1952)


� Frontier nursing serviCe

by Jane Leigh Powell,
Chairman of the Board of Governors

As I write this, I have happiness in my heart but at the same time a
lump in my throat. Happiness because we have finalized an agreement
with Appalachian Regional Healthcare, which took over Mary
Breckinridge Hospital, the clinics and Home Health Agency on Sept.
1. The negotiations have been complex and time consuming. Great
credit and thanks go to Ken Tuggle, an attorney and Board Member,
and Jeff Buckley from Alliant Management Services for the hours they
have spent on behalf of the Frontier Nursing Service in assuring that the
agreement goes forward. The Hospital remains alive and the employees
are keeping their jobs! (A press release follows). The lump is caused
by the realization that the FNS will no longer own and administer a
hospital and clinics, something that began in 1928 with the dedication
of the Hyden Health Center and Cottage Hospital, followed in 1975 by
the dedication of the new Mary Breckinridge Hospital.
However, every ending has to have a beginning and that was in
1925 when the Kentucky Committee for Mothers and Babies was
formed by the “Executive Group” of Trustees made up of thirteen
Kentucky citizens. Its motto was “He shall gather the lambs with His
arm and carry them in His bosom and shall gently lead those that are
with young” (Isaiah 40:11), which has been printed on the back page
of every Quarterly Bulletin since that date, along with “Its Purpose,”
which has been amended several times as the scope of the Service
grew and changed.
Within the first year of operation, donations of 50 cents to $1,000 were
raised from 233 donors totaling $9,712. The second year, 673 donors
from 21 states, France and Nova Scotia contributed $41,940 (including
$1,800 for a nurse’s salary for one year). Today, we have over 6,000
donors who continue to give their support.
In 1928, the trustees voted to change the name to Frontier Nursing
Service and Mary Breckinridge wrote, “The reason for the change lies
in the fact that our work is not local in its application. The conditions we


� quarterlY Bulletin

are endeavoring to meet in Eastern Kentucky exist among millions of
Americans in isolated areas in a number of states where the difficulties
of a frontier existence still prevail.” The Executive Group remained
all Kentuckians until 1931, when it became a “national body,” and in
1966, after Mary Breckinridge’s death, the governing body became the
Board of Governors.
As we close out the era of the Board of Governors, I’d like to pay
tribute to the many past and present Governors for their tireless efforts
in directing the actions of the FNS. They have come from all over the
country with different backgrounds and interests, making well-rounded
discussions and decisions. The original “Executive Group” formed in
the early days was responsible for laying the foundation that we have
followed, resulting in 86 years of success.
My happiness continues for the progress of Frontier Nursing
University, which keeps on growing. Because so many changes are
happening to the country’s healthcare “system,” I would like to ask that
support continue for the School as the graduates will be greatly needed,
more than ever, and will be essential in the years to come.
Having been Chairman of the Board for twenty years, I will make this
my last report to you, and I can’t thank you enough for your interest
in our work and your financial support over the years. It is you that
have kept us going and you that have believed in Mrs. Breckinridge’s
philosophy of health care for all ages. In her own words, Mrs.
Breckinridge said, “The glorious thing is that it has worked.”

Press release
August 10, 2011, Hyden, Ky. – Appalachian Regional Healthcare,
Inc. (ARH) and Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. (FNS) announced today
that a definitive agreement has been signed for purchase of the Mary
Breckinridge Hospital, its clinics and home health agency. The purchase
is expected to close at the end of the month and ARH will take over
operations on September 1.


� Frontier nursing serviCe

“ARH is excited to become a member of the Hyden and Leslie
County communities. We look forward to continuing the legacy of Ms.
Breckinridge and bringing new healthcare services to the community,”
ARH President and CEO Jerry W. Haynes said.
Jane Leigh Powell, chairman of the Frontier Nursing Service Board
of Governors, said the sale will ensure that Hyden and Leslie County
will continue to have local access to quality healthcare.
“We are pleased to finalize this agreement with Appalachian Regional
Healthcare, a longstanding and leading healthcare provider which is
consistently recognized for its quality and commitment to excellent
patient care,” Powell said. “We feel ARH is as committed as the FNS
Board of Governors is to ensuring that quality healthcare will continue
to be provided in the greater Leslie County service area.”
The FNS Board of Governors has been working with Alliant
Management, a Louisville-based hospital management company, for
the past year to stabilize the healthcare operation’s finances.
However, as has been the case throughout the country, a number of
standalone hospitals are merging with larger healthcare systems in order
to continue to be viable and sustainable. Haynes said the transaction
between ARH and FNS is consistent with what is occurring in the
healthcare environment today and affords Mary Breckinridge Hospital
stability and the opportunity to grow the services it provides.
“It has been ARH’s longstanding mission to ensure all residents of
Eastern Kentucky and Southern West Virginia have local access to
the medical services they need. We are proud that Mary Breckinridge
Hospital and its related healthcare services will now be a part of the
ARH system and our long-term plans for the future of healthcare in
Eastern Kentucky.”


� quarterlY Bulletin


News from the Frontier
by Dr. Susan E. Stone,
President & Dean

During the last three months, I have traveled around the United
States meeting and talking with many Frontier alumni, past Couriers,
current students and FNS supporters, as well as nurse-midwives and
nurse practitioners who were previously employed at Frontier. It has
been an inspiring journey to say the least.
My journey started in May with attendance at the American College
of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) annual conference. Everywhere I went
during the five days I was there, I was stopped by graduates of Frontier. They told me many stories such as:
“I work with the Indian Health Service in Colorado. The work is
challenging, and I love it.”
“I am working in Alaska. I travel clinic to clinic via small plane
providing healthcare. I love providing care to this population who so
needs it.”

Visiting with alumni at the Frontier reception at the ACNM conference


� Frontier nursing serviCe

“I am working in Baltimore providing service in an HIV Clinic. We
are able to provide a comprehensive program of care for this vulnerable population.”
“I have opened a freestanding Birthing Center. It is wonderful to
provide this option for women and their families.”
It is a pleasure to reunite with fellow alumni at our annual conferences. We had over 100 graduates attend the Frontier reception at
ACNM, and many received awards at this year’s meeting. I am so
proud of these graduates who are fulfilling the mission originally developed by Mary Breckinridge for Frontier Nursing Service and continued today by Frontier Nursing University.
I also traveled on to Louisville, New York City, Rochester and Boston. One amazing group of Frontier family members that I connected
with during my travels is the Couriers. For those of you who don’t
know about the Courier Program, Mary Breckinridge started this
program early in the history of the Frontier Nursing Service. When
the Service started in 1925, there were no telephones and the only
mode of travel was on horseback. They needed people who could help
with caring for the horses, carrying messages, information and supplies clinic to clinic, assisting the nurse-midwives and later the nursepractitioners with providing healthcare and basically doing whatever
needed to be done. Mary Breckinridge put a call out to her friends, relatives and associates asking them to send her their daughters and sons
to volunteer for a period of time at Frontier, and she would teach them
about service to humanity. The vast majority of Couriers were young
women who came to Frontier to work for anywhere from six weeks to
twelve months. There were some Couriers who stayed for a longer period. For example, Jane Leigh Powell, current National Chairman of
the Frontier Nursing Service Board of Governors, began her experience with FNS as a Courier in 1954. She soon became Senior Courier,
a position she held for two years. She continued returning to FNS on
and off until 1974. During this time, she organized the Mary Breckinridge Hospital Capital Fund Drive. The late Kate Ireland, our past
Honorary National Chairman, also began her association with FNS
as a Courier in the early 1950s. The Courier Program quickly became
essential to the success of the Frontier Nursing Service.
In April, I met former Couriers Marian Leibold and Mary Cassidy at


� quarterlY Bulletin

Enjoying dinner with Couriers and friends at the home of Lee Fox in Pittsford, NY

the Cincinnati Committee Dinner. These women continue their commitment to Frontier through various activities and committee work.
This summer I met Couriers who were at Frontier as recently as 2005
and as long ago as 1929. They told me stories of their time at Frontier
and how much it meant to them. LouAnne Roberts told me of her time
at Frontier, working at Wendover and at FNS Clinics. She also talked
fondly of her visits with Mr. George Wooton on Wendover Road. She
felt this experience influenced her eventual decision to choose a career
as a nurse practitioner. She later returned to Frontier as a nurse practitioner student precepting in the clinics with Frontier alumnus Heidi
Froemke, DNP, FNP. Today she works in New York City as a Family
Nurse Practitioner. Sarah Bacon was a Courier in the early 1990s. She
currently lives and works in New York City as well and maintains a
keen interest in the progress of FNS and FNU. I also met Caroline
Williams, who fondly remembers her time at Frontier as a Courier. Of
note, I met Frances Storrs at the New York City Committee meeting.
Mrs. Storrs was a Courier in 1929. You will read more about her time
at Frontier later in this edition of the Quarterly Bulletin.
In June, I traveled to Louisville and had a delightful lunch with two
former Couriers, Sandy Schreiber and Betty Brown. Both Sandy and
Betty continue to be involved in service to the FNS today through
their work with the Louisville Committee. They are currently assisting us in the planning of the 2011 Fall Louisville Committee luncheon,
which will be held October 6 at the Louisville Country Club. Sandy


� Frontier nursing serviCe

is the current Chairperson of the Louisville Committee, and Betty is
the immediate past Chairperson. Later in June, I traveled to Rochester,
N.Y., where former Courier Lee Fox hosted a Rochester Committee
dinner at her house. Lee was a Courier at FNS during the 1970s.
Late in the summer, I went to Boston to meet with former Courier
Patsy Lawrence as well as Caroline Standley and Sally Willis. These
women continue their support of Frontier through their work on the
Boston Committee. You may be wondering about these committees
and what they do. Read on through this edition of the Quarterly Bulletin and you will learn more about the FNS Committees.
The Courier Program has remained an essential part of Frontier
since the beginning of the Service. The basic premise of the Courier
Program is service learning. Service Learning is an activity through
which participants learn and develop through active participation in
an organized service that is conducted in and meets the needs of a
community. Programs are designed to help instill a sense of responsibility to the greater good. The Courier Program certainly meets that
goal. As I continue to meet Couriers far and wide, I have realized that
this is definitely one common thread: they feel a strong need to make
the world a better place and are devoted to doing that through many
efforts in their lives.
With the sale of the FNS healthcare entities, you may wonder about
the future of the Courier Program. Although the Courier Program has
been suspended since January 2011, we do plan to continue the program. During 2012, we will hold strategic planning sessions, which
will include the valuable input of former Couriers, targeted towards
the future of the Courier Program. Many exciting ideas are being discussed and we hope to re-establish the program by summer of 2012.
Stay tuned for more information as the plans develop.
And so the work continues. The roots of the Frontier Nursing Service continue to spread far and wide throughout the world, “providing
shade and fruit to wide neighborhoods of men.” I hope to see many of
you during our upcoming fall travels.


� quarterlY Bulletin


Attendees of the New York Luncheon at the Cosmopolitan Club

Continuing the Tradition:

Frontier Hosts 2011 New York City
and Rochester Committee Events
In June, President Stone and Denise Barrett, Director of Development,
traveled to New York to host two events for supporters in New York City
and Rochester. The New York City event, hosted at the Cosmopolitan
Club, welcomed eleven guests, including former Couriers, alumni and
longtime supporters. Four former Couriers attended the event, including
Frances Storrs (1929 Courier), Caroline Williams, LouAnne Roberts and
Sarah Bacon. Diana Kirkwood Horton, whose father was an obstetrician
and worked for a period of time with the Frontier Nursing Service, also
joined to reconnect with Frontier. Filomena Vagueiro (CNEP Class 41),
Laura Hollywood (current FNU faculty) and several other supporters
were in attendance. We are proud to continue the longstanding tradition
of hosting this Frontier event at the Cosmopolitan Club.
The following evening, former Courier Lee Fox hosted a dinner
at her home in Pittsford, New York. This evening welcomed many
alumni, several Couriers and a Breckinridge family member. Alumni
in attendance included Mary Mattocks (Pioneer 1988), Cecilia Stearns,
Patti Beverly, Mary Robin MacIntyre, Sarah Parker and Theresa
Brown-Mahoney (all from CNEP Classes 8 and 9), and current student
Jennifer Orcutt. Also attending were Sallay Parmigiani (Courier 1965),
Heather Bernard (FNS Trustee) and Susan Graham, a relative of Mrs.
Breckinridge. This group consisted of a wonderful mix of individuals
representing the past, present and future of Frontier!


� Frontier nursing serviCe

This invitation, mailed to us by the cousin of the late Elizabeth Walton
(Frontier graduate 1945), invites friends to the annual NYC Luncheon held
at the Cosmopolitan Club. The Vice Chairman listed, Mrs. Richard Storrs,
attended the 2011 NYC Luncheon held on June 21. The NYC Luncheon
continues to be held at the Cosmopolitan Club each spring. You can read
more about Mrs. Storrs, a former Courier for the Frontier Nursing Service,
in the article that follows.


� quarterlY Bulletin

Fall City Committee events are being planned for Lexington,
Louisville and Philadelphia.We look forward to visiting our friends in
these areas and providing detailed reports on the many accomplishments
and future plans for Frontier Nursing University!

The Rochester Dinner

Mrs. Frances Storrs –
Frontier Courier, 1929
by Michael Claussen,
Development Coordinator

More than 80 years ago, Mrs. Richard Storrs was a Courier for the
Frontier Nursing Service, an incredible experience that “opened up a
whole different side of life” for her as a 17-year-old.
This past spring, we were delighted to visit with Mrs. Storrs again
at the annual New York Luncheon at the Cosmopolitan Club in New
York City. As Mrs. Storrs may be our oldest living Courier, I was
asked to capture her story for this issue of the Quarterly Bulletin. In
her Courier days, she was known as Franny Rousmaniere to the FNS
staff, but during my conversation she was simply Frances. At 98, she
has a vivid memory of her time as a Courier. It was a true pleasure to
speak with her about her recollections of the early years of FNS and
the Courier program.


� Frontier nursing serviCe

When asked how she became a Courier, Frances said her mother, whose
name was Mary Rousmaniere, was a friend of Mrs. Breckinridge’s. Both
her mother and father were interested in the Frontier Nursing Service
and gave money for the Hyden Hospital. Frances mentioned that her
six weeks with the Courier program were very worthwhile and opened
a whole new world to her.
Coming from New York City, Frances appreciated the incredible
opportunity she received to experience rural life in Kentucky. Just
getting to Wendover made for an interesting adventure. “To get there, I
took the train down and they would take you on a bus and they dropped
you off on the side of the road.” An FNS staff member then met her
with a horse for the trip to Wendover. She says, “For a New Yorker,
that was a bit of a shock.”
Frances, who was on horseback every day she was in Kentucky, quickly
grew to love the horses. She fondly recalled that the FNS horses were
some of her favorite friends, and she was happy to care for them. She
also made rounds to all the nursing centers, got the mail, transported
patients to the hospital on horseback, performed secretarial work and
just remained available to be helpful.
Frances remembers Mrs. Breckinridge fondly. “She was absolutely
marvelous. She was a very competent woman. She sat at her desk and
she ordered things done and she’d make prayers.” Every day at 4 p.m,
the work would stop at Wendover, and everyone would have tea with
Mrs. Breckinridge.
When she returned to New York City, Frances attended college, had
six children and traveled a great deal. “I had a wonderful life, and
now I am still enjoying life. I am very grateful to the Frontier Nursing
Service. It was such a contrast in my life for me, and it was very good
to see it. Very good!”
A few of Frances’ children also came to Wendover to serve as
Couriers. Frances said she was exhilarated by her time as a Courier and
would recommend the experience to anyone, because there is no place
like Wendover. “Being down there on horseback, going from center to
center and helping patients. … It was completely new to me, and that’s
where the main value was. It was such a contrast to my city life where
there was such formality. ... Mrs. Breckinridge was such a marvelous
inspiration and it was just a joy to be there.”
Upon the close of our conversation, Frances commended the work of
Frontier Nursing University, saying she thinks it is wonderful.


� quarterlY Bulletin

Jewell Olson, Betty Mantay, Elaine Douglas and Jody LeVahn

Class of 1961 celebrates 50th anniversary
Editor’s Note: Thank you to the Class of 1961 for sharing the wonderful memories that follow. We were saddened to learn of Helen Traschel Potter’s passing
just before the reunion and of Jewell Olson’s passing several weeks after. We send
our condolences to their friends, family and classmates.

Submitted by Elaine Douglas

The Class of 1961 recently had a reunion in Columbus, Nebraska,
where Jewell Olson, one of the class members, lived. Only four of the
seven were able to come, but we had a wonderful time of memories and
laughter and singing. We were known as “The Singing Class,” as we did
just that at the FNS, and it was usually a seven-part harmony.

Our class was unusual in that four had already been missionaries and
the other three of us were planning to go into mission work. We had
a true common bond in the Lord. The seven of us were: Jewell Olson, Columbus, NE; Mary Nell Harper, Everett, WA; Martha Lady,
Mechanicsburg, PA; Jody LeVahn, Minneapolis, MN; Helen Traschel,
China and Indiana; Betty Mantay, Alberta, Canada; and myself, Elaine
Douglas, Sebring, FL (previously from Afton, NY).
Eventually, we graduated and traveled: two to Belgian Congo; one to
Cameroon; one to Rhodesia; one to Ethiopia; one to Eritrea; and one to
Bolivia. That was Helen, who also was the only one who married. While
we were in Hyden, we gave each other nicknames, which characterized
us. Helen’s name was “Third-Stage-Traschel.” This was because she was
often late to deliveries and only got there for the Third Stage!


� Frontier nursing serviCe

Our reunion was May 26-28. On May 24, we were shocked to receive
the news that Helen Traschel Potter had passed away and had gone
Home that day to be with the Lord she served and loved. She had not
been sick long, but when the cancer was discovered, it was too late. She
was under the tender care of Good Shepherd Hospice in Sebring, FL,
in the last week of her illness.

Conference Roundup:

Frontier makes a strong showing
at annual nursing meetings
Each year, Frontier is well-represented at the major nursing conferences in
the country – including annual meetings sponsored by the American Association of Birth Centers (AABC), the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
(AANP) and the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM). Frontier
Nursing University faculty, alumni and students continue to prove themselves
as leaders in the field of advanced practice nursing and midwifery. Included
here is a roundup of some of the conference honors received.

AANP Foundation Nurse Practitioner Domestic Humanitarian Award:
Susan Calloway, RN, PhD, FNP-BC, an FNU faculty member in Austin, Texas. Her contributions
were described this way: “From establishing a soup kitchen for the homeless, working with community stakeholders to reduce youth alcohol and drug use, to serving as a mental health advocate
– Calloway has demonstrated an eye for unmet needs and an ability to make a difference.”
AANP Fellow: FNU faculty member Joy Elwell, DNP, FNP-BC, was inducted as an AANP Fellow.
Nomination highlights included her tireless work to eliminate barriers to nurse practitioner practice
and increase access to health care in New York, where she has been instrumental in changing
legislation in the state that is more favorable to NPs.
AANP State Award for Excellence: FNU
faculty member Cathy Fliris, DNP, FNP-C, (at right
in this photo) received the AANP State Award
for Excellence for Wyoming. The award honors
NPs who demonstrate excellence in practice,
research, NP education or community affairs in
their state. Dr. Fliris is a Frontier graduate, a DNP
from Rocky Mountain State, a National Health
Service Corps scholar and currently works at a
rural health clinic in Wyoming.


� quarterlY Bulletin

Joyce Knestrick, CPhD, CRNP, FAANP, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, was elected this spring
as AANP treasurer.

ACNM Foundation Awards
W. Newton Long Fund Award (funds projects relating to the advancement of midwifery):
Frontier graduate Rebeca Barroso, DNP Class 4.
Varney Participant Award: Frontier student Kendra Adkisson, CNEP Class 72. Kendra also
won honorable mention in the ACNM Video Contest.

Other ACNM Honors

Poster Award: DNP graduate Elizabeth Jensen.

DNP 3 graduate Elizabeth
Jensen tied for the award for
best Division of Standards
& Practice clinical poster at
the ACNM conference in San
Antonio, Texas, in May. She
presented her Capstone work
in a poster presentation titled:
“Vulvodynia: An Underserved Need, APNs Offer a
Potential Solution.”

2011 ACNM Outstanding Preceptor Honoree: Frontier graduate Katie Isaac, CNM, Class
of 1980.

AABC 2010
Kathryn Schrag, CNM, FNP,
MSN, was honored with the 2010
National Professional Achievement Award from the American
Association of Birth Centers.
Kathryn is an FNU Regional Clinical
Coordinator and course faculty
member as well as the Chair of the
International Health Committee.


� Frontier nursing serviCe


DNP students exemplify
the Frontier mission

Frontier’s Doctor of Nursing Practice program is preparing nurse practitioners and nurse-midwives to bring leadership skills to improving health
and the delivery of primary care. The program has a special focus on improving the health status of rural and underserved populations, and each
DNP student completes a Capstone Project toward this mission. Many students are working with nationally known content experts and are sparking
changes for the better through their work.
We are extremely fortunate to have the expert guidance and mentorship of many faculty, alumni and national leaders who act as the Capstone
Chairs, Co-Chairs and Content Experts for each DNP student’s project.
Nearly 20 FNU faculty members have lent their time and expertise as Capstone Chairs and Content Experts. Another 20, not on the faculty, also have
acted in these roles. We rely on this network of experts to ensure that each
project is thorough, well-researched and documented to help ensure its impact on healthcare delivery. The ultimate goal is to transform healthcare
services and quality of care one DNP project at a time. Below is a list of
DNP Class 3 and 4 graduates’ Capstone Projects:
DNP Class 3
Kelly England: Patient care enhancement of acute viral upper respiratory illness
Anita Kellam: Alcohol screening brief intervention training for Fort Belknap healthcare
Jan Kratochvil: Compliance of primary care staff with American Pain Society Clinical
Guidelines for the assessment of chronic pain patients
Elizabeth Jensen: A needs assessment and development of an educational program for
Advanced Practice Nurses to care for women with vulvodynia
Nancy Pesta Walsh: The adaptation and implementation of cross-cultural Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy Sessions for the treatment of depression in women at a rural
health clinic
Laura Aughinbaugh: Healthy Baby Office Initiative
Linda Kuhlenschmidt: Training the office staff of Impact Christian Health Center in cultural competence
Marcel Simo: Implementation of an educational program on fall prevention and safety
at the Senior Activity Center in Frankfort, Kentucky
Suzanne Carrington: Postpartum hemorrhage: Teaching indigenous Mayan Traditional
Birth Attendants in Guatemala
Audra Malone: Pediatric overweight and obesity: Using the Healthy Eating and Activity
Together (HEAT) guidelines to improve nurse practitioners assessment and diagnosis of
pediatric overweight and obesity in a family practice setting


� quarterlY Bulletin
Kimberly Satterfield: Sexual violence in rural society: An education workshop for health
care professionals
Lenore Charles: Comfort over pain in pregnancy
Kimberly Couch: Revealing wellness to perform: Establishing a worksite wellness program

DNP Class 4
Jennifer Savage: An educational program on Department of Transportation medical
Kristy Dietrich: Improving consistency of diabetic treatment within the Kentucky
Department of Corrections
Angela McLaughlin: Identification of barriers and facilitators with resulting strategies to
increase participation in a health risk assessment program among male coal miners
Julie Paul: Obstetrical triage and certified nurse-midwives
Margaret Holcomb: Implementation of an educational program with specific guidelines designed to eliminate barriers to successful adoption of a Centering Pregnancy
Frances Sparti: Implementation of an educational module for interviewing/communication skills for Registered Nurses in a residency program: Bridging the gap between
medical histories and medication reconciliation
Deborah Crowe: Diabetes patient education program in a Community Health Clinic
Rosemary Minnick: Evaluating the impact of nurse practitioner services on perceived
health status, use of the emergency department, and self-identification of substance
abuse with subsequent use of a substance abuse program at a homeless shelter
Anne Lake: Implementation of Bone Health Protocols in an Orthopedic Specialty
Rebeca Barroso: The prevalence and magnitude of burnout among nurse-midwives: A
Pilot Study
Kelly Wilhite: The effect of simulation education for labor and delivery staff on duration of immediate skin-to-skin contact
Tambra Yates: Laboring Down as an alternative for second stage labor: An evidencedbased approach

The Capstone Projects completed so far as part of the DNP program
are outstanding. Many projects have directly influenced healthcare
delivery by being adopted by healthcare systems, hospitals, clinics and
birth centers across the country. The topics chosen by our graduates
demonstrate the impact of their research, design and implementation on
healthcare provision in their communities.
The DNP Program continues to admit two new classes of students each
year. We most recently welcomed 22 new students as part of DNP Class
7. They attended DNP Bound on the campus in Hyden in early September. DNP Class 8 will begin in March 2012. For more information about
the DNP Program, please contact Dr. Barbara Anderson, Director of the
DNP Program, at Barbara.Anderson@frontier.edu.


� Frontier nursing serviCe

Kentucky writer Charles Roe, center, poses with Denise Barrett, FNU Director
of Development and Alumni Relations, and Michael Cla