xt7dr785jz89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dr785jz89/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1998 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 74, No. 1, Summer/September 1998 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 74, No. 1, Summer/September 1998 1998 1998 2014 true xt7dr785jz89 section xt7dr785jz89 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE  
VOIUTUC 74 Number I Summer/September 1998 g  
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 US ISSN 0016-2l I6
Table of Contents
Introduction to the FNS - Deanna Severance I
Wendover News — Jeremy T Bush 3 ’
FSMFN/CNEP News — Susan Stone 8
A CNEP Student`s Story — Michelle Doyle 9
Courier News - Jeremy T Bush I0
A Courier Experience — Nina Ross I5
Audit Report - Porter and Company I8
Report of Operations — Barb Gibson 32
In Memoriam 38
Cover photo:
Visit the FNS web site: www.baref00t.c0m/fns
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin
Published at the end of each quarter bythe Frontier Nursing Service. Inc.
Wendover, Kentucky 4I 775
Subscription Price $5.00 a Year l`or Donors
Subscription Price $15.00 a Year for Institutions ‘
VOLUME 74 NUMBER l Summer September I998 ,
Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, KY 4l775 and at additional mailing
offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FNS. I32 FNS Drive. Wen-
dover, KY 4l775. Copyright FNS/Inc. l998 All Rights Reserved

The Frontier Nursing Service
U you have never been introduced to the Frontier Nursing
i Service we would like t0 take this opportunity to brief you on the
history and the on-going work ofthe Service. We encourage you
, to share this Bulletin with a friend.
Bom in 1881 into a prominent American family, Mary
Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the world —
Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the death
of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life expected
of women of her class to devote herself to the service of others,
particularly children.
Mrs. Breckinridge established the Frontier Nursing Ser-
vice (FNS) in Leslie County, Kentucky in 1925, then one of the
poorest and most inaccessible areas in the United States. Mrs.
Breckinridge introduced the first nurse-midwives in this country.
Riding their horses up mountains and across streams in blizzard,
fog or flood, the FNS nurses brought modem healthcare to families
throughout an area of 700 square miles.
Until her death in 1965, Mary Breckinridge was the
driving force behind the work of the Service whose influence
today extends far beyond eastern Kentucky. Through the Frontier
School of Midwifery and Family Nursing hundreds of nurses have
been trained and this important concept of family healthcare has
been carried throughout the world.
Today the FNS is organized as a parent holding company
for Mary Breckinridge Healthcare Inc., (home health agency, four
outpost clinics, one primary care clinic in the hospital, Kate
Ireland Women's Healthcare Clinic) and for the Frontier School of
~ Midwifery and Family Nursing — the largest midwifery program in
the United States.
Remarkably, the purpose and philosophy of the FNS has
‘ remained constant since 1925. -Deanna Severance, CEO

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Big House - Home of Mary Breckinridge I

l Wendover News
l by Jeremy T. Bush
Ur "There the dreams are multitudes: Some that will not wait for
  sleep, deep within the August w00ds; Same that hum while rest
Q, may steep weary labor laid a~heap; Interludes, some, 0f grievous
i moods that weep. " Loves Noctum — D. G. Rassetti
Autumn Hints of Love
As the sordid heat of the     { V
summer rages like a bull through ‘      _,  
` these hills, we are met with a re- - ‘'i°‘ ‘ We   .·t=t           if _** -
I freshing nip of coolness in the _ I   ' _ ip jk    
. evening. This kiss of fall and the   .   .   ’   .
l flirt of winter is more than a phy-   A I
I sical effect of meteorological r`   #
, events. There is something in- ‘ _
  herent in all creatures, especially ·
  those non-human ones, that cause
l them to sense the coming of great change. This sense causes
  biological and behavioral changes in many animals. The squirrels
[ begin to stock their burrows, geese start their long flight south and
Q bears prepare for a long winter`s rest. I admit, I am not a squirrel,
but I too have felt this "great change". Standing outside, gazing at
these beautiful mountains, Ican feel autumn lightly brush my face.
· I see it painting it's colors on the hills' ivy green canvas. When I
  breathe deep, something tells me that peace and coolness are just
l around the comer. These are the "autumn hints of love".
, Peach and Trish
i, Peach, who grows infinitely fatter, has been waddling
f around the Garden House in search of goodies. He drives himself,
  not to mention us, nearly insane trying to snatch a bite of anything
i · anyone has! He is a good kid though. I am met each morning by a
thump on the air conditioner outside my window and a loud meow,
which means "let me in"! When inside, he stops for a quick bite of

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Alpo and proceeds directly to Barb's office where his "real" ‘
breakfast awaits. He then wanders throughout the Garden House I
and occasionally we find him in some of the strangest sleeping '
positions known to vertebrated animals! '
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Peach . . . "sleeping"? l
Trish has recently been moved to a secluded spot a little Q
farther up the hill from her old residence. Don't be alarmed, she still  
lives in her monogrammed chalet professionally constructed by  
the local vocational school. This spot gives her a nice shade and is  
near her favorite nap area. Here she can oversee her beautiful  
Wendover which she adores and protects.  
Osborne Brothers - Wendover  
The famous Osbome Brothers and their band recently l
stayed with us here at Wendover during Leslie County's annual  
Bluegrass Festival. The Osbome Brothers, who are originally g
from Leslie County, wanted a nice quiet place to stay during the   ‘
Festival. Their Manager, Dean Osborne, consulted me and de- l
cided that Wendover was the place for them! The Festival went  
wonderfully and everyone had a good time.  

Davis January Visit
Recently Davis January, nephew of the famous Anna
{ Mae January, former Nurse-Midwife at FNS spent the night at
1 Wendover. Mr. Davis had always wanted to visit after hearing
l Anna Mae tell of her many adventures with the FNS. He had the
It opportunity to talk to Dr. Anne Wasson who personally knew
Anna Mae.
Needless to say, Mr. January enjoyed his stay and will
treasure the memory of Anna Mae for the rest of his life.
F ormer S0cial Service Secretary Visit
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. Mary Ann (Quarles) Sanders and her husband, Sandy,
visited us on August 26 and 27. Mrs. Sanders was the Social
Service Secretary at Wendover from 1948 to 1954 and continues
to be involved with FNS through the Boston Committee.
During hertime at FNS she met Mr. Sanders (Sandy) who
· worked at the University of Kentucky. They have been friends all
these years and last year they were married!
Both Mary Ann and Mr. Sanders are Sociologists. Mary
' Ann taught at Berea College and specializes in Criminology.
Sandy worked with the University of Kentucky specializing in the
Balkan region of eastern Europe. Both have written books and are
wonderful individuals.

Like many other FNS workers, Mary Ann has had her spot
in the Quarterly Bulletin before. She wrote a wonderful article in
the Spring 1949 issue. This article is an ode to the first wave ofFNS _
modemization . . . the jeep! Please enjoy . . . I
Leo is the Social Servicesjeep and to my way of thinking  
by far the best jeep in the service. Jean and the other couriers don't l
always agree with me on this, but they will have to admit that Leo
is pushed down Pig Alley to get started less than the other jeeps.
Since I am the Social Service Secretary, Leo and I are
constant companions. Leo takes me to the many places that I have
to go. Sometimes I have to take several patients to Hazard . . . and
occasionally I have a trip to Manchester. Although there are many
sharp curves and some steep hills, the road is blacktopped all the
way to both of these places and Leo hums all along the way . . .
Unfortunately the going is not always that easy for Leo.
For often one of the nurses at the centers will write me of a family
which has been bumed out and needs help desperately, or a family
where the father is unable to work . . . All ofthese families are seen
by social services and as few of them live right on the highway, it
means an arduous pull over dirt roads to get to them . . . It is when
Leo and I have to travel over such roads that my admiration for him
hits an all-time high. We nevertravel more than five miles an hour
on them, seldom that fast, and often my heart leaps to my mouth
as we tip on the ruts . . . I sometimes wonder what my work would
be like without Leo. However, I find it impossible to imagine
because we are such good friends - Leo and I! (Volume 24, Spring
l949, Number 4). i
Second Annual Wendover Picnic l
On Friday, June 5, Wendover employees ended the day l·
with a bang! We gathered together for our second annual picnic. I
We had lots of hotdogs, hamburgers, and horseshoe pitchin' fun!
Courier Diana Livingston was our "grill master" volunteer. '
Employee family members came and enjoyed the fun.
This was also "pet day" and some brought their pets to enjoy the
festivities. Mae Caldwell, Development Office Secretary, brought

Otis who throughly enjoyed the party. Trish and Peach were close
by to receive their tidbits of food that people "accidently" dropped
on the ground.
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Mae and Otis

This Program is one example ofhow CNEP students support each  
other during their education. The 'family" connection greatly "
assists these students as they adapt to the rigors of midwifery
education. A
—Susan Stone, CNEP Program Director  
My name is Cathy Cook. I am a Class l7 graduate and
have been the Coordinator for the CNEP Mi Amiga Mentoring
Program since 1996. The purpose of the Mi Amiga Mentoring
Program is to match students with others who have "been there,
done that" and to lend a guiding hand to the new students.
The Mi Amiga Program was designed by CNEP student
Sam Cook with suggestions from Christine Guanera (Class l l), l
and Dianne Johnston (Class 12). AfterSam graduated, Dee Mallory
(Class 15) took overthe job of coordinating mentors and mentorees.
Since Dee graduated, I have carried on the tradition of matching l
mentors with mentorees.  
There have been approximately 250 students involved in l
the Mi Amiga Program. Over 150 matches have been made {
between mentors and mentorees at various levels in CNEP. l
Recently, CNEP graduates have begun offering to mentor students L
too. This expands the program greatly. Many matches have
resulted in friendships that are maintained after graduation. lt is
our great hope that these matches will help students feel more
connected and enable them to have someone to reach out to when
in need. —Cathy Cook  

l A CNEP Student's Story
l Last evening, in the dining room of Wendover, Sue Stone
·' presented CNEP's May Level III students with their caps. Receiv-
ing my small, white and pink and blue flecked cap filled me with
panic, then pride, and lastly, growing awe. My mind quickly ran
it through the following thoughts - "I can't be ready to catch a
l baby? l " "This means that I am a Frontier Midwife," and finally, "In
tradition of Mrs. Breckinridge, I am trusted with caring for the
mothers and babies." As I type this, tears stream down my cheeks.
The mandate is almost overwhelming. The tradition of midwives
and family nurses that have gone before me is powerful.
This tradition of caps for the "wee ones" is still new for
CNEP, yet, it already holds untold depth. Students are beginning
to create our own legends: "Don't get a big hat; one student did and
her first baby weighed over ten pounds!" Placing a "lost my cap"
story on the Banyan Tree is almost as much a milestone as placing
{ the cap onto the infant's head. Students, faculty and staff all look
5 forward to these birth stories. Having read some of these stories
l yourself, you too have experienced the vicarious birth of an infant,
· a family, and incredibly, a midwife.
l As impossible as it sometimes seems, the education I have
received from CNEP has prepared me to care for mothers and
babies. With trepidation and exhilaration, I anticipate my first
birth. Like students before me, I will place my hands on an
} emerging head, easing a miracle into the world. Then, after that
first time, I will place a Frontier Nursing Service cap on the babe's
i crown. It is wonderful to celebrate the birth of a babe and the birth
  Or ii midwife.
  Thank you for placing hats made by the National Society
  , of Daughters of Colonial Wars into the hands of CNEP students.
{ It is with awe that I hold my hat this moming. It will be with great
% and enduring pride that I will place this same hat on the sweet head
- of my first birthed "wee one". -Miclielle Doyle, Class I 8

Courier News
Karen Thomisee Update
Karen has retumed from her wonderful trip to Central  
Asia. She is quickly adjusting to her new life of photography ?
school and assisting Barb "at a distance" with the Courier Pro- ,
Karen reported that she has been bombarded with letters
and notes from many of you. She is sorry that she has not had time
to respond to all of these wonderful letters. She wishes to thank all
of you for your love and support!
Summer Couriers
Heather Secrist is majoring in biology and psychology
with a pre-medicine concentration at Cornell College in Mt.
Vemon, Iowa. Heather came to us from Alma, Wisconsin. She was
a very special Courier to the local community through her exten-
sive involvement with the Leslie County Animal Shelter. It was
there that she decided to tum her career to veterinary services. We
look forward to hearing from her further "animal operations"!
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Nancy Reinhart and Heather Secrist

Nancy Reinhart is majoring in journalism and politics at
l Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. She
j intends to be a political analyst in health care policy. Nancy was
’ a very energetic Courier. Her contributions to such local organiza-
tions as the homeless shelter were well appreciated. She loved all
  the wonderful people that she met here!
Ann DeBourcy is a soph— _· A . ·;.  
omore at Princeton University in '    
Princeton, New Jersey. During ‘   ’  j
her time here she assisted Edith   ..¢ . _  .    
Wooton, worked at the Leslie   ` J
County Middle School to provide  
a summer camp for the young '     “ `  `V.  _
ones and worked like a beaver     Fg l r
with Sherman doing wood works! ‘ 1   as,  `  
Mary Corcoran came to us from East Carolina University
in Greenville, North Carolina. Mary hoped to gain a better under-
standing of the health care needs of people living in a rural
community. Mary spent her time at FNS researching Mrs. Breck-
inridge, interviewing and working with midwives, and working
with our Home Health Agency.
(photo not available)
i Tribute to Jerry Santini
FNS employees would like to thank Jerry
Santini, Cincinnati, Ohio for his wonderful
generosity in providing children's toys
{ for Christmas, infant clothing and so many
other needs ofthe FNS. Jerry has become ill
_ and we want him to know that our thoughts
and prayers are with him.

New Fall Couriers l
Garran Segal, our recent high school graduate, has come  
to Wendover from Chicago, Illinois. Garran loves to travel, just I:
retuming from a wonderful trip to Nepal and Tibet. She plans to l
invest her time wisely with Debbie Karsnitz, CNM, at Kate
Ireland Women's Center, do outpost clinic work and some heavy p~.
quiltin' with Alabam Morgan! She plans to attend Bryn Mawr I
College in the Fall of 1998.
Elisabeth Nussbaum is a senior at St. Olaf College in
Colorada Springs, Colorado, majoring in peace andjustice. She is
hoping to attend midwifery school after she graduates this spring.
Elisabeth plans to shadow and work with Cyndy Perkins, CNM, I
at Kate Ireland Women's Center, learn to quilt, and "maybe even “
fiddle a little"! l
Megan McCarville comes to us from Evanston, Illinois. l
She will be ajunior at Northwestem University when she returns I
in the winter. She is studying economics and hopes to eventually
enter medical school. Megan is interested in learning more about
how health care is practiced in a rural area. She looks forward to
shadowing our pediatrician and surgeon, working in the local
middle school, and learning how to quilt.
Former Courier News
Susan Mathew (’98) will be traveling to India for nine
Catherine "Cat" Thompson (’98) will be starting nurs— l
ing school soon. She recently finished an intemship on a farm!
Mariah Mottley ('98) will be attending Smith College in
Massachuetts this fall. ·
Jennifery Swisher (’98) has enrolled in medical school!
During the week of July I7, Jennifer and her mother, father and
brother stopped by Wendover for a two-day visit. 5

Kit Aldrich ('94) and her sister visited Wendover during
the weekend 0f July 24.
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Kit and her Sister
Mitch McClure ('95) and his wife, Elizabeth "Liz" Santos
(whom he met at FNS), visited Wendover during the weekend 0f
· July 24.
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Mitch and Liz

Kate Ireland( '51) and Mrs. Elizabeth "Libby " Bradford
Borden (’60) attended the St. Timothy's Class of 1948 reunion at
the Knickerbocker Club in New York City on April 28, 1998. .
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Kate and "Libby"
This Quarterly Bulletin could not be mailed
on time due to the Audit Report being late.
Beyond the Mountains was also excluded
from this Bulletin due to lack of space. We
apologize. —Barb Gibson
Editor’s Note
In the following article written by Nina Ross, I
Nina refers to singer Jean Ritchie. Some of you
may recall that Jean Ritchie was the vocalist
who sang in the FNS movie "The Road" _
which was produced in 1967. A

A Courier Experience
by Nina Ross - Courier 1997
i I followed the winding trail out Y ,_, ·   . _  
I of the woods and to the top of a ridge \ Q _, fi  " ~
  in Kingdom Come State Park. I was A {i E
l familiar enough with Kentucky geo-   '.  
graphy to recognize that I was looking       " A
across the Cumberland Valley to the ‘ ‘ _
Appalachian Mountains rising on the I  Q ,   T { 
other side.   if ` ` ‘
I was struck by the lush green growth and the outlines of
the hills made blurry by the effects ofthe hot mid—day sun on that
growth. It was a breathtaking view, and yet closer inspection
revealed disturbing flaws. In certain places, raw earth was uncov-
ered; these patches of red dirt were visible even from this distance,
and they served to mark sites where mines had once brought great
loads of coal out of the depths of the hills. When the mines had
ceased to be lucrative, they had been abandoned, and no measures
had been taken to promote the healing of the land. The mountains
now bore these huge scars from long ago as well as more recent
mining wounds.
Looking out, I could also imagine the houses tucked into
the hollows between the rising hills. Some houses were well-kept
with carefully tended gardens and satellite dishes embracing the
newest of technology. Interspersed with these, however, were
1 houses strewn with junk and surrounded by abandoned cars,
I houses that seemed to exude hopelessness and neglect. Appala-
A chia is indeed a land ofcontrasts where natural beauty, culture. and
pride coexist with scarred land, poverty, and despair.
' Appalachia is a region that includes parts ofthirteen states
and roughly follows the ridges ofthe Appalachian mountains. Part
of Appalachia's story can be told by statistics that paint a picture
· of economic depression, unemployment, and poverty. Using data
from the census and the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, close to
100 counties in Appalachia were classified as "distressed" earlier

this year. These counties have an unemployment rate of at least  
150% the national average, a poverty rate of 19.7% or more, and  
a per capital annual income of$ 12,074 or less. Another 25 counties -
falljust short of these specifications and are classified as "transi— l
In Appalachia, mining is still the largest industry followed ¢_
by health care and education. The land is inhospitable to farming,  
and the growth of new industries in other regions that has been l
fueled by technology and population growth has been slow to l
come. Appalachia is more than a geographic region, however. It is
also a culture and a heritage, and the other part of Appalachia's
story is best told by its people. During my stay in Kentucky I found  
many people who were willing to tell me their part of this story. {
Alabam Morgan taught me about Appalachia's past. Al-  
though she seemed much younger than her seventy—five years,  
Alabam was old enough to recall the days when Appalachia's Q
people grew enough food to survive on family farms which were  
tended by children. These were the days when missionaries and l
charities discovered Appalachia, and Alabam told me how the  
health care system which I was working for, Frontier Nursing  
Service, was started by several nurses who came to the hills of 5
Kentucky to devote themselves to the health of Appalachia's  
women and children.  
Whenever I sat in Alabam’s apartment I admired the  
handmade quilts that adorned her walls. These treasures could l
have served as a catalog of Appalachian quilt patterns such as the  
Log Cabin, the Bow Tie, and the Flower Garden. Alabam made her 4
first quilts with fabric from grain sacks. She nowjoins the rest of
Kentucky at Walmart when she needs sewing supplies, but she I
retains her pride in making her quilts the "old way". As her hands  
stitched she told me Appalachia's history with enthusiasm and  
pride. l
Every Sunday the congregation of a local Methodist  
church gave me a glimpse into Appalachia's present. This group
graciously swept visitors into its fold with a hospitality that I found I
characteristic of most of the area. The church was simply fur-
nished, but it housed a remarkable strong sense ofcommunity

E that brought together whole families every week. As friends
i gathered, they asked for prayers for neighbors facing difficult
- times and offered support to those in need. I found myself even
l more thankful for all the blessings on my own life when sur-
rounded by these people who found joy in small things and who
Q rose above hardship instead of sinking into bittemess. For several
l weeks the church was converted by night into a boarding house for
l volunteers who came as part of the Habitat for Humanity "Ham-
l mering in the Hills" project.
I In July I organized several dance workshops for the
summer program held at the school, and the children I worked with
[ taught me about Appalachia's future. My students ranged in age
I from 8 to l5 years old, and none of them had even seen classical
l ballet or modem dance before. A quick search of the local phone
  book revealed why; not a single dance school or company existed
  for more than a hundred miles. My lessons were received with the
  enthusiasm of young girls everywhere who view pointe shoes and
  pick lace as the epitome of grace and beauty. A few girls even had
l the ability and interest that might elsewhere have led to further
  training, but I had to reluctantly tell them that I knew of no place
  for further lessons.
  One week before the end of my stay in Appalachia I went
l to hear folk singer Jean Ritchie perform. Jean Ritchie had been
l bom and raised in Kentucky and as she performed she was
l welcomed home as a hero who had risen above daily struggles to
l achieve success. She may have left her home to record albums, but
l there was no doubt thatJean Ritchie's music still resonated with the
sound of Appalachia's people as she performed songs about
t mining, faith, farming, and love. Laterthat evening the chairs were
  cleared and a caller came out ofthe shadows to lead the people in
  a square dance. His rhythmic voice rose and fell, and I found
i myself swept into patterns in which I danced with young and old
  alike. Smiles abounded, and there was ajoyousness in the room
that spoke of pride in this heritage and hope for the future. I left
I Appalachia without easy answers for the economic and social
problems facing these people, but as I danced that night I knew in
` my heart that Appalachia's people are survivors.

For the Fiscal Year  
May 1, 1997 t0 April 30, 1998  

  As has been our custom since we were one year old, we
  present our annual report of the fiscal affairs of the field
  operations of the Frontier Nursing Service, Incorporated.
Q We have, as in previous years, divided our report into two
  sections. One section is about money, and one is about
The figures that follow are taken from the Balance Sheet,
the Exhibits and Schedules of the Audit for the fiscal year
which ended April 30, 1998.

 2.0. .  
To the Board of Governors `
FNS, lnc. and Affiliates
Wendover, Kentucky `·
We have audited the accompanying combined statements of financial position of FNS, Inc. and
Affiliates as of April 30, 1998 and 1997, and the related statements of activities and cash flows
for the years then ended. These financial statements