xt7dr785jv0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dr785jv0z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1978 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- University of Kentucky Bulletin, Vol. 70, No. 3, 1978-1979 text University of Kentucky Bulletin, Vol. 70, No. 3, 1978-1979 1978 1978 2013 true xt7dr785jv0z section xt7dr785jv0z { - .fL“-';·- lnk "` é ""·$'i».g,_`_`4-l44 4 — 444 A. 4_—
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‘ _ A Official catalog ofthe University of Kentucky ‘ 5
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3 A VOLUME 70 _ SUMMER H ' Number 3 » ,
' A A bulletin published six times e year, once in the Spring, three times in the Summer (Summer I, Summer II, Summer III),
, * and twice in the Fall (Fall I, Fall II) by the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. Second class postage
. pending at the Post Office, Lexington, Ky. Postmaster: Send PS 3579 Form to the Office of the Registrar and Admissions.
· A Attn: Mailing Center, University of Kentucky; Lexington, Ky. 40506.
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Ms. Nancy Ray, Affirmative Action Office, 206 Administra— if
This Bulletin is distributed to all newly admitted un- tion Building Phone (606)257_2730. fyi
dergraduate students through the Advising Conference, and Efforts to comply with the laws and reoulatione anolicable  
t° graduate Students rhr°ugu_Th° Graduate S°h°°| Orr'°°‘ to qualified handicapped individuals are coordinated by Mr.  
A¤¤i*i¤¤¤* °r replacement °°p'°S may be purchased rhruugh Vic Gaines, Affirmative Action Office, 206 Administration An-  
· *h° u""’°'Si*V B°°"s*°'°· dex, as required by Section 504 ofthe Rehabilitation Act of  
Reference copies are distributed to all high school coun- to73_  
selors and public libraries in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. _  
Information about the Community College System may be CONHDENTIALITY OF STUDENT RECORDS  
obtained by contacting: Community College System Office,  
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 40506. In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Pri-  
vacy Act of 1974, University of Kentucky students have the  
QTHER |NFORMA‘|'|QN right to review, inspect, and challenge the accuracy of in-  
_ _ formation kept in a cumulative file by the institution unless the fl.
Specific rr"r°rr“au°r‘ about drrrdrsm parts °r the ur“V°rs" student waives this right in writing. It also insures that records  
WIS Program mal' be dbrarrisd bY urrdcuug ruqurrrds r° cannot be released in other than emergency situations  
members of the administrative staff. The post office address Without tne written consent of the student, except in the  
is: University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. Tel: following situations: ‘  
(606)258`9009' A. Sto other school officials, including faculty within the  
·' educational institution or local educational agency who  
General information, admissions, transcripts of credits- Dean have legitimate educational interests; i  
°r Admissions and Rsgrsda" _. B. to officials of other schools or school systems in which  
Student Arrarrs—Vrrf€ President Stuudrrt Arrarrs the student intends to enroll, upon condition that the stu- ll
- I-rV""9 A°°°"‘r“°uar'°"$“ _ dent be notified of the transfer, receive a copy of the  
Hf?ldsi09—Li'liVsl'sitY H°usr"9_Orr'°s record if desired, and have an opportunity for a hearing _  
j d'“'"9‘u”'V°'s'tY r:°°u Servrces to challenge the content of the record;  
A parucurar °°ur"9° anu us pr°9ram_Dear‘ °r the C°"°g°· C. to authorized representatives of 1) the Comptroller  
Dean dr Adrrussrdns General of the United States, 2) the Secretary, 3) an ad-  
Community CoIleges—Vice President fOl' the C0miTlU¤lTY COL mihistrativg haad of an education agency or 4) state  
rs9s SYst°r“ educational authorities;  
Giaduats W°"k_Dsa“ °r the Graduate Scum) D. in connection with a student's application for, and iii
Student Financial Aid —Director of Student Financial Aid reoeiot of, financial aid;  
General publications about the University—Director of Uni- E_ where the information is classified ae »·oirectory in_ 3;;
V9l'$iTY ll'•f0l'l'llati¤il Sewices formation." The following categories of information have  
Placement Services—Director of Placement Services been designated by the University as direotory in_ irq
Counseling and Testing Center—Director of Counseling and formation; name, address, telephone lietinot date and  
T€$¥lll9 _ place of birth, major field of study, participation in of-  
Extension, Evening and Correspondence Courses——University frcially reeoonized aetiyitiee and eoortel Weiont and  
Extsllsidll Office height of members of athletic teams, dates of at-  
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   1978 Fall Semester
1 June 1-Thursday-Deadline for applying for admission or office
l readmission for the 1978 Fall Semester for all categories of October 31 -Tuesday-Deadline for applying for admission
Ԥ undergraduate applicants wishing to be included in the or readmission to The Graduate School for the 1979 Spring
E  Summer Advising Conference Semester
·  June 15-Thursday-Deadline for applying for admission or November 6-15-Monday through Wednesday-Advance
 ` readmission to the Graduate School for the 1978 Fall registration for_1979 Spring Semester
r Semester November 15-Wednesday-Deadline for application, Col-
  July 1-Saturday-Earliest date to submit applications for lege of Medicine, for Fall 1979
 it regular and EDP admission, College of Medicine, for Fall November 16-Thursday-1979 Spring Advising Conference
r  1979 for new freshmen
.  August 15-Tuesday- Deadline for applications for EDP, Col- November 17- Friday- 1979 Spring Advising Conference for
. lege ofMedicine, for Fall 1979 new advanced standing (transfer) students, Community
ll August-28-Monday—Registration for new students College transfer students, and readmission and non-
Qg August 29—Tuesday— Centralized add-drop for Advance degree students
 l Registered Students November 21-Tuesday-Last day to schedule a final ex-
 ;~ August 30-Wednesday-Class work begins amination in The Graduate School for candidates for a
·  August 30—September 6-Wednesday through Wednesday- December 1978 degree
»  Late registration for returning students who did not ad- November 23-25-Thursday through Saturday-
  vance register and new applicants cleared late for ad- Thanksgiving Holidays-Academic Holidays
  mission. A $20.00 late fee is assessed students who December 1 —Friday-Deadline for submission of application
l  register late. A for admission to the College of Law for Spring Semester
 [Q September 4-Monday-Labor Day-Academic Holiday 1979
A I  September 6-Wednesday-Last day to enter an organized December 13-Wednesday-End of class work
*  class forthe Fall Semester December 15-21 -Friday through Thursday-Final Examina-
 §< September 13-Wednesday-Last day for payment of tions
  registration fees in order to avoid cancellation of December 21 -Thursday-Last day to submita thesis/disser-
·  registration tation to The Graduate School _ for candidates for a
 { September 13-Wednesday-Last day for new students to December 1978 degree
  pick up ID cards from Billings and Collections in order to December 21 —Thursday-End of Fall Semester
r  avoid replacement fee December 26-Tuesday—Final deadline for submission of
Q  September 22-Friday- Last day for reinstatement of grades tothe Registrar’s Office, 12:00 noon
  students who failed to pay registration fees .
Q  September 28-Thursday-Last day for filing an application
{  fora December degree in College Dean’s office 1919 spl-ing Sgmgstgr
  October 3-Tuesday-Last day to change from Pass-Fail to
 it credit °r r"°m Credit to Pa$$‘Fa" r January 15- Monday - Registration for new students
i  Ocrcbcr 3_Tuc$ucY—r—c$t dal! tc crop a course Without a January 16-Tuesday-Centralized add-drop for advance
f grade registered students
  October 3—Tuesday- Last day to change from credit to audit January ly_Wadnaaalay_Clasa Work begins
r  . cr rr°rr‘ audit rc crcuir l January 17-23-Wednesday through Tuesday- Late registra-
T  Octcbcr 15`Sur‘ucV`Dcauur‘c r°raPPrYr“9 rcr ccmrssrcn cr tion for returning students who did not advance register
V  readmission for 1979 Spring Semester for all categories of and new applicants claarad lata for admission. A $2000
  undergraduate applicants wishing to be included in the late feels asaasaad Students wnaraglatarlata
 { SPrr"9 AuVrsr“9 Ccrrrcrcrlccs January 23-Tuesday-Last day to enter an organized class
Q  October 20- Friday- Last day to drop a course fur Spring Semester
  October 20- Friday- Last day to withdraw from the Universi— January 30,_Tu8sday_ Last day tar nayntant at ragiatratlun
 ir TY cr rcuucc ccursc Schedule and rcccwc cr‘V refund fees in order to avoid cancellation of registration
  October 30-Monday- Last day to pay thesis/dissertation January 30_·l·uaaday_ Last day for naw students to pick up
  rccs rcr c December uc9rcc in Brurngs and Ccuccucrrs .ID cards from Billings and Collections in order to avoid
il l 5
"  V A

 replacement 188 d 9 d p i' · h· 9 b · i d d · h S I
J er ra uate a p icants wis in to e inc u e in t e um- °-
i February 1-Thursday-Deadline for submitting application moi Advising Confoionoos _  i
f°' sdmlsslon to C¤ll¤9¤ 91 Dsmlstrv for Fail 1979 June 15- Friday-Last day to apply to the Graduate Admis- I 
February 8—Thursdav—Last rlav fOr rensraremenr 01 sions Office for admission and readmission to the 1979 Fall 1
students who failed to pay registrationfees Somostoi i· 
February 15—Thursday— Last day for filing an application for Y  ·
a May degree in College Dean’s office · .  
February 20-Tuesday- Last day to change from Pass- Fail to 1979 F°ur_W°Bk intersession , 
credit or from credit to Pass-Fail V “~i
February 20--l-u8sday_l'aSt day to change from cmdltlto April 1—Sunday—Deadline for applying for admission or  
audlt Orfmm audlt to cmdlt . readmission for any summer term for all categories of li 
February 20-_Tuesday—LaSt day to drop a course wlthoul a undergraduate applicants wishng to be included in the Y
i M grade l . . . . . April Advising Conferences l
arch 1-Thursday—Deadline for submission of application A rii i_Snnda __i_n5t dn in a i in inn G nd at Adrni _ -iV 
i for admission to the College of Law for Fall Semester 1979 psinns Oriinnyinr ndrniszinn gsdyrnndmissinnur eaii 19,;  [
l March 9- Friday- Last day to drop a course Snrnrnnr Sessions 0 ° 
. March 9-Friday-Last day to withdraw from the University A rii 25_WndnnSdn _Lnst dn for Knninnk T n r Q
or reduce course schedule and receive any refund psnbrnir nii rn ui ndydnnnmnnrglin the G adn; isc Fr? O  iz;
° March 15-Thursday_D8adllnB for applylng for Fall admlS_ Office for adlmission and readmission fo all 1979    ll
_ sion to College of Nursing Sessions  if
_ March 19-Monday-Last day to pay thesis/ dissertation fees . .  
fora May degree in Billings and Collections office MaiYNg:i:ST;nr:;:I;n?r$iglnnlng of college of Pharmacy l5`  
March 19-24-Monday through Saturday-Spring May i4_Ninndny_RngisirntiOn r 
Yacatl°n—Acad€mlc lilolldays . . . May 15—Tuesday- Class work begins ll `
Aprll l—Sunday_DeadllnB for applylng for admlsslon Ol Ma 18-Frida —Last da to enter an or anized class fo the  
readmission for_ any summer term for all categories of li;nnr_WnnkilntnrSnssinI g r  
undergraduate applicants wishing to be included in the Mn 23_Wndnnsda __LnSi dn in drn a course without n A1 
April Advising Conferences grade Y V p ¤_ 
April 1—Sunday- Last day to apply to Graduate Admissions _ . n 
Office for admission and readmission for all 1979 Summer Magrggit rg/yigglniiiggit tlnaijgsiézaiia change from Pass-Fall to  
· Sessions .  
April 12—Thursday—1979 Summer Advising Conference for M;l;n§§;iYX;?nl;$i(:i?:t; tfgfiiiday to change from cmdlt tc { 
new freshmen . . . ig
April 13-Friday- 1979 Summer Advising Conference for my igiillllrzgcgigyihiiilséllilgglalrgililrr; /;Cr?:§i;;c-Hollday  
new advanced standing (transfer) students, Community - May 29__Tnnsday_i-ast day in wigidrnw from inn U ivnrsi  
College transfer students, and readmission and non- gr rndncn nnnén snnnduiléand rnnnivn nnyrninnd n ty  
·i· — degree students _ _ . . . {tr
rv April 13-Friday-Last day to schedule a final examination in Mazniini-r;l;l;ii(:nliint:;)E;i';;l?; igrgixineglstratlon fees ln Older  
The Graduate School for candidates for May 1979 degree Jnnn i __ Friday_ Dnndiinn fr? anniying for admission nr mad-  
Aprll l6-25-ll/londay through W€dn6sday_AdVanc€ mission for 1979 Fall Semester for all categories of un-  
registration for 1979 Fall Semester and both Summer Ses- dnrgradunrn anniinanrs Wishing in bn innindnd in inn Snrn  
sions . . `  
April 25-Wednesday-Last day for Kentucky Teachers to iuigeijyijjsgjojijgjgcjj for rn_n rar B t Oi t dn is  
submit all required documents to the Graduate Admissions who iaiind in gil rn _ r ry i I S em n S u n  
Office for admission and readmission to all 1979 Summer June 12 Tnnsdgyy F$il§iElX;°r:in;i?OnS  
Sessions — _ · .  
May 4-Friday- Last day to submit dissertation to The ::8:; E;;ln;;da1Eai:lji°fEcu;-Vlieikl?i;€rséGsS;;°nr Ad ,  
Graduate School for doctoral candidates who wish to sions Office Inr adrnisggnlgnggngdo , l? 18 gr? igygnigsn  
l receive a diploma at Commencement Snrnnstnr mlsslon ° 8 a fi'
“ May 5- Saturday- End of class work . . . . . I
May 7-12-Monday through Saturday—FinaI Examinations 1 `lul;:nlig;l:;;?;yf;(§:;ili§; digggéinsnglig Submlsslon of grades to  
May 11—Friday-Last day to submit thesis/dissertation to g ’ ' '  
‘ The Graduate School for candidates for a May 1979 degree  
May 12-Saturday-End of 1978 Spring Semester _ V _  
May i2__ Saniiday_C0mmBnc€m8ni Day 1979 Eight-Week Summer Session  
May 14·August 25-College of Pharmacy 15-Week Summer A _i 1 S d ‘D dr f i _ f d _ _  
Term ~ i pri — un ay- ea me or app ying or a mission or  
May15-Tuesday-Final deadline for submission ofgrades to r¤¤dr¤·S·-=·¤¤ f°l' a"Y summsl isrm f¤r all ¢¤ts90rl¤s ¤f  
thBRBgistrar'sOffice’12:O0nO0n. undergraduate applicants wishing to be included in the  
June 1- Friday- Deadline for applying for admission or read- April AdVls"19 C¤¤f¤r¤¤¤¤S ‘ i  
i mission for 1979 Fall Semester for all categories of un- April 1—S¤¤d¤v—l-ast €laY to ¤PPlY t0 ills Graduate Adm¤S· 1  ji
6 *5 

 ` sions Office for admission and readmission to all 1979 V V V V  
  * Summer Sessions V A A Vg?  li’‘V     V,
‘  April 25-Wednesday-Last day for Kentucky Teachers to         _
* submit all required documents to the Graduate Admissions ~ ·         i i
L;  A Office for admission and readmission to all 1979 Summer        
g Sessions   ,rrlri S if    jg:  r X
  June 1- Friday- Deadline for applying for admission or read· ·   V V r     V· 
"  mission for 1979 Fall Semester for all categories of un-     r . »;.»   ‘‘·_    
 rl dergraduate applicants wishing to be included in the Sum-   g ‘i _yV_   ,   ’