xt7dr785j815 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dr785j815/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-10-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1928 1928 1928-10-26 2012 true xt7dr785j815 section xt7dr785j815 n








Best Copy Available




Guignol Theater to Open
Monday With Premiere
Presentation of fHay Fever9





KY., OCTOBER 20, 1928

The Terror



Centre and Wildcats Clash
On Stoll Field Saturday
For Homecoming Game


Elaborate Stage Sots Designed
by Frank Fowler Will
Be Feature



Tho University hook atoro hn3 moved ils location from tho basketball
HEADS UNIQUE CAST Jpor of tho Men's gymnasium to Mo



The book
Reception to Be Held on Stage ment to be store 'Is the first departlocated in tho new buildFollowing First Night
ing, which has boon established in

honor of President McVey .
As construction is progressing rapThe Guignol Theater will make its idly, indications are that other deinitial bow to the University and partments will bo located in the buildcommunity Monday night with tho ing before Christmas.
opening of "Hay Fever," which will
run throughout tho week.
"Hay Fever," a hilarious comedy
in three nets by Noel Coward, has had
successful runs in both New York
and London and promises to be a rare
treat to Lexington audiences.
The versatile cast is headed by Mrs.
Frances Galloway, wife of Prof. W.
F. Galloway of the English department, in the role of the weary and
winsome Julith Bliss, a retired act Dicl'er Hall Will Be Scene of
Opening Mating at 10
ress. The part of her husband, David I
Bliss, an author, is played by Charles
Blaine, Delta Chi, senior in the Col-- 1
lege of Arts and Sciences. Tho scene i DR. FRANK L. McVEY
is layed in the Bliss' country home
and tho characters of their son, Sim- - j
on, and daughter, Sorrell, are por- purp0ce of Conference T8 to Re- trayed respectively by Alvin Ham
vise Adequate Curricula
mell, graduate of the University in
In Colleges
'26, and Alice Spaulding, Zeta Tau
Alpha, junior in the College of Arts
The fiftj education conference of
and Sciences.
today at the UniverEach member of tho family invites Kentucky opens
a guest to spend the week end, en- sity with President Frank L. promipresiding.
Talks by several
tirely unknown to the others, and the
nent educators of the state and by
complications which result form the
plot of the play. The guests are Myrl noted men from other states arc on
Arundel, a vamp, played by Margaret the
The purpose of the conference is to
Lewis, Y. W. C. A. secretary; Jackie
Coryton, a flapper, played by Garnett consider the problem of devising adeAddresses on that
Shouse, Delta Delta Delta, sophomore quate curricula.
in the College of Arts and Sciences; subject will be made by A. L. ThreJ-kel- d
and W. W. Carter.
Richard Greatham, a diplomat, played
and Sandy
The meeting will continue through
by Leon Gigglesworth;
played by M. tomorrow with sessions held in Dicker
Tyrell, a prize-fighte- r,
L. Nollan, Delta Chi, senior in the hall and the Education building. ToThe part of morrow afternoon the delegation will
College of Engineering.
the, maid, Clara, is taken by Verne attend the Homecoming game on Stoll
Law, a freshman in the College of field between Centre and Kentucky.
The conference program follows:
Arts and Sciences.
An elaborate stage set has been
Friday Morning
designed by Director Frank C. FowGeneral program, Dicker hall, Presler and executed under the t direction ident Frank L. McVey presiding.
of Thomas Lyons, professional stage
10 a. m. Changing Conceptions of
man, and William Zoff, student stage Curriculum Makine. A. L. Threlkeld.
manager, with the assistance of. Jul- suneriiitL.ndent of schools. Denver,
ian Lefler. It is that of the spacious Colo
and charming summer room of a
Unci nf rwrmlnino.
10:40 a
country estate in England and the
O. Rugg, prostyle is suggestive of Spanish, beau- the Curriculum, Harold
of education, Teachers' College,
tified by a balcony which opens on a fessor
Columbia University.
sunken garden. A model of this set
11:20 a. m. Who Should Make tho
has been constructed by Margaret
Fry and Rosana Ruttencutter and is Curriculum? W. W. Charters, direc- now on display in the window of Law-i- ll
(Continued on Page Eight)
and Norwood on the corner of Main
Miss Lucille
and Upper streets.,
Short, Chi Omega, is also assisting
with the production as wardrobe mistress, Miss Maud VanBuskirk, Chi
mega, as prompter, and Miss Melvlna
Heavenridge, Chi Onega, is in charge
of the publicity work.
Monday night will be formal night
this year as at previous productions
of the Romany, and Mr. Fowler will
What should be the most successful
speak between acts on the aims and
pep meeting held this year by the
purposes of The Guignol. A recepSuKy Circle will be given at 7 o'clock
tion will be held afterwards on the tonight
in the Men's gymnasium when
stage at which Mrs. Frank L. McVey
;d student of the Uni- d
and Miss Ann Callihan will pour tea.
versity will be on hand to make
Several people of prominence have
"whoopie" for tho team and drown
been invited as guests.
by tearing out the
Miss Cynthia Smith, business man- the hopes of Centre
ager of The Guignol, is. at her-- office roof of said building with And honestgentleWildcat yells.
in the former Romany building every
ve don't mean a few scattered
afternoon and evening for the con- men,
dignified tone of
venience of those who wish to reserve "Rah, Rahs" in a
voice, such as have been very outseats for "Hay Fever."
standing at tho. two other pep meetings, we mean yells, shrieks, and
histles that will give the team sonvj
Idiea that the student body is behind
Local Al
The band will be ther of course,
Miss Dorothy Carr and Pau .nd at 7;45 o'clock will lead the band
of rooters to the Ben Ali thestor
Woods, U. K. Students,
here a program will be directed t.om
Place in Contest
.he stage. It will be a pleasant surMiss Dorothy Carr, of 528 East prise if the Wildcat followers will
Main street, a freshman of the Uni- break loose and do a little boostinu
versity, was adjudged to have sub- down there too. The last time toe
mitted the best essay for the con cheer leaders had a hard time getting
rist out of the crowd. No one's
sideration of tho National Contest
conducted by the College League for going to hurt you bo turn on und
Smith and sponsored In this district make a little noise. Your ticket is
by the Lexington Herald. The sub- good for tho rest of the show and no
ject for the essays is "Why Smith one will throw you out for disturbing
Should Be Elected President of tho the peace.
Remember that every admission i.o
United States," and the Alliance
La?ue is offering $2,000 in prizes for spent down there will go so far toward sending the band south with the
tto but essays upon the subject.
The essay of Charles J. Thurmond, team, and anyone who thinks this
doesn't help had
street, Danville, gang of horn-tooteof 228 South Fourth
Ky., was selected by the judges as
Paul H. and head for home becauso they are
the second best manuscript.
Woods, of 334 Walnut street and also out of place hero.
Bo on hand at 7 o'clock sharp and
a freshman at the University of Kentucky, submitted the third best essay, let's show this fightin' Wildcat team
Mr. that wo are behind them, win or lose.
the judges.
in the opinion of
Woods is a pledge to tho Triangle






At Pep Meeting


Freshman Girl Wins

Smith Prize


Local Judges were Maj. Samuel M.
Wilson, chairman of the Fayette coun-t- y
Democratic campaign committee;
Dr. Forrest R. Black, professor In tho
College of Law at the University, and
president of tho
for Smith: and Dr. George K. Brady,
professor of English at the Univer
sity of KentucKy.
The three essays will bo printed In
ha local Daners Sunday, and tho win
ners of the contest will be announced
before the election.



Annual Luncheon
in Red Room of Lafayette
Hotel at 12:15

Organization Is Specializing on
Schubert as University's Contribution to Schubert Centennial, Says Professor Lampert.
Tho Symphony orchestra of the
University will give its first concert
within a few weeks, according to Promembers
fessor Lampert. Thirty-tw- o
have been permanently chosen and a
program in commemoration of Franz
Schubert, the
is being planned for the first concert.
The concert will include Schubert's
and parts of the ballet music from the'.
opera "Rosamond." It will be the
University's contribution to the Schu- bert Centennial which is being ob-f- o
servea over ine worm ai mis ume.
The philharmonic orchestra is show
ing more advancement and interest
this year than ever before, due to the
recent founding of the Applied Music
school. The orchestra was founded
nine years ago by Professor Lampert,
but this is the first year he has in
troduced modern contemporary music.
As a result the concerts this year
will offer many new selections as well
as old classical favorites.
Concerts will be held on Sunday afternoons in the Men's gymnasium
until the completion of Memorial hall,
when musicals will be held in the
The student body
large auditorium.
and public are invited to attend these
"Members of the orches- concerts.
a are taking a great interest," says
i'rofessor Lamphert, "and will offer a
of concerts, each having a spe- cific theme."


rni.. mug miumu
Urged to Subscribe
,.-,;- -,.

"Letters" Staff Eager to Add
to List Before November
"Letters," the University literary
magazine, will be out in another week
tVinsA who nrc oatrerlv awaitincr
M wi findUclr expecta.
,Ai,,i , Vit
kUUU XUliiitWU lit fu:
kiUIXU lllUiU
ber. In one short year this magazine
has attained to a position enviable
among college publications and it has
high hopes of climbing even higher.
Subscriptions are always a neces- nnd



" " ? " 'LVZ



r fop


niw do7lnrs
names. Those who have given their
names and not paid their dollars are
also asked to send them in as soon as
Miss Maud VanBuskirk, assistant
business manager of "Letters," will
bo in her office in thi basement of
tho Science building e cry afternoon
urges tiiut subscribers and
would-b- e
subcribcrs call there and
make sure that they will receive their
November issue.

The annual Homecoming luncheon
of the College of Law will be given
Saturday in the Red Room of the Lafayette hotel at 12:15 o'clock. The
purpose of the meeting is for a reunion of the Law Alumni back for
the Homecoming, the local Alumni,
the present Law students and their
friends and families.
Of these, 85
guest are expected.
There will be no program or formal
addresses. Dean Alvin E. Evans will
preside and Dr. Frank L. McVey will
extend his greetings. Orchestra music
will furnish the entertainment.
luncheon will end promptly at 1:00
clock in order to allow guests to
attend the Centre-Kentuck- y
All of the Alumni and members of
the student body are urged to bring
friends and attend the luncheon
be an excellent opportunity to
meet the men of their profession and
enjoy an excellent lunch for the nominal sum of 85 cents.
W. C. Scott has been named chairman of the committee on arrangements and J. W. Jones, chairman of
the ticket sales. Assisting Mr. Jones
are the following students:
Dalton and Julian Elliott, first year
men; Garnett Rice and William Dur-ret- t,
second year men, and Bradley
Combs, a senior.

Girls' Glee Club
Elects Officers

At the annual election of officers of
the Girl's Glee club held last week, tho
Tho first practice session of the following were elected for tho year:
Anno McFarlandj
fencing team was held Monday after- President,
noon. Tho 15 men who were out ex- president, Kathleen Fitch; secretary,
sport, Mario Flora; treasurer, Maxino Low
hibited a keen interest in the
and also showel exceptional talent in is, and business manugcr, Rogana
the use of the foils. The preliminary uiittcncutter.
instruction will bo under the supervisFourteen new voices have been add- ion of Russol Ako, who fenced at Ohio 'd to the chorus by Professor Lamp
Wesleyan before coming to the Uni- ort and the club now has a total mem
versity. When tho equipment which bership of 57 girls. Tho new mem
has been ordered, arrives, the team bora aro: second sopranqs, Beuna
plans on having an experienced and Mathis, Dorothy Kelly, Harriett RobKENTUCKY CLUB WINS
noted fencer, who lives in Lexington, ertson, Imogenu Smith, Christine Anwere carry on the moro advanced work. le derson, Anette Newlin, Molly MacOf-- f
awarded first firizo for state exhibits is possessor of tho coveted trophy
utt, Bonnie Dale Welch, Joan Jarman,
National Dairy show held at "Iron Man," and under his directions Shelby Spears and Willie Made Mas-tiat the
MpwWs. October 13 to 20 In con the team hopes to reach a very high
Altos, Dorothy Chandler, Jane
degreo of proficiency,
with the Trl-iUt- e
Bland and Evelyn Wellman.

Strollers Prepare
For Amateur Night
Event Will Take Place Thursday
Night at 7:30 o'clock in
Men's Gymnasium
"Amateur Night," sponsored by
Strollers, student dramatic organization, will take place Thursday, No
vember 1, at 7:30 o'clock in the Men s
At this time the three
best plays, chosen from the try-out- s,
will be given, and tho Stroller "eligi- bles" will be nnnounced.
were extended
Stroller try-out- s
through Thursday evening, due to the
large number, trying out which consisted of some G5 casts including
about 125 people.
At the last meeting of Strollers, it
was decided to have only one play
this year. The play, which has not
been chosen, will bo given during tho
Try-out- s
second semester.
for this
play will begin the first
Anyone interested in trying out for
the stage crew call Don Foreman,
stage manager, at 3945.
Stroller pins havo been ordered for
all the new members who came in last

Theta Sigma Phi
Pledges Six Women
Wednesday at Tea
Six students who have attained
on the campus for their work
In journalism wero pledged to Theta
Sigma Phi, women s national honor
nry journalistic sorority, Wednesday
at 4:00 at a tea given by Dr. and
Mrs. Frank L. McVey at Maxwell
place. They aro Loida Keycs, Botsy
Worth, Kathleen Fitch, Sara Elvove,
Jessie Sun and Lillian Combs, honor
ary sophomore.


Seniors who expect to completo

their work at the end of tho first
semester or in Juno, are requested
to make application for a degree

during the week beginning October
As the commencement lists
are made from these cards, It is
very important to file an application at this time. No one will be
considered who has not mudo an

Praying Colonels Are Doped to
Meet Defeat Under 'Cats'
Crushing Attack

Tho Homecoming dance scheduled
for Saturday night following the KentucFLAMES OF ANNUAL
football game has been
called off, according to announcement
by officers of the Alumni Association.
injured Regulars Will Watch
In making the announcement
Game While Reserves
Alumni officers snid that upon learnMeet Foe
ing that n University ruling prohibited dances on the campus before
(By Wayman Thomasson
Thanksgiving, it was decided that it
The Colonels are praying again;
would be contrary to the policies of
the Alumni Association to give a plnintive, tremulous
same they prayed in 1801 and havo
dance nt this time.
prayed every year thereafter; appealing supplications wfliich havo been
lost in Time's blue space; prayers for
victories over Kentucky, 20 of which
have been answered, 11 refused, and
two ignored, during almost three deCHOSEN
cades of fierce gridiron rivalry between the two institutions.
TomorCLASS row is Homecoming day, tho 37th anniversary of the first Kentucky-Centr- e
football game.
Cairo Dees Is Honored by 1929 A different spectacle from other
Class: Lucille Short Is
years will greet the eyes of some
Vice President
11,000 Kentuckians of divided allegiance who will assemble in McLean
stadium to witness Kentucky's annual
VERSATILE ATHLETE gridiron classic. A Centre team has
not won a game. Kentucky has been
Sonhomores Elect E. J. Riley scored on but one time in three contests and that score wns the result of
President and Evelyn Ford
a belated Northwestern forward pass
Vice President
which caught Kentucky's midgets oif
Claire Dees, captain of the Wildcat
Odds Ever Shifting
football team, and versatile athlete at
CONVENE the the University, was elected presi- In previous years the odds have
dent of tho senior class at the regular been against each team at various
class election held Tuesday. Miss Lu- times. For eight ycais, from 1917 to
cille Short, Chi Omega, was elected 1925, McMillans, Roberts, Thomas-sonand Covingtons clouded tho Blue
vice president.
Mr. Dees is a native of Oblong, Illi- and White football horizon with many
American Chemical Society Will
touchdowns, the Centre jinx remainMeet Here Today and Addres-c- s nois and is enrolled in the College of ing unbroken until Kentucky, under
Will Be Made by Prominent Engineering. social is a member of the leadership of Capt. Ab Kirwan,
the Triangle
fraternity.. Since
entering the University he has dis- won 1G to 0 with Frank Smith, one of
greatest halfbacks,
tinguished himself as an athlete in the Wildcat's
Tho fifth regional meeting of the football, baseball and basketball.
At bearing the brunt of the attack. Stil'
American Chemical Society will be the close of the football season last the jinx had not spent its force anJ
held at theUniversity today and Sat- year he was chosen by his teammates Kentucky wa3 upset 7 to 0 the folurday. The following sections of tho to be
their captain for the following lowing year. A 53 to 0 victory last
society have been invited to take part year.
season was the Wildcat's' greatest
in the program: Cincinnati, Columbus,
1904 when CenNominees for president and vice hour of triumph since
Cleveland, Akron, Toledo, Ohio Northtre was defeated 81 to 0.
ern, Erie, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Michi- president of the four classes were
in a game rich with tradition
gan State College, Midland, Univer- named Saturday when the lists were in the Kentucky Bluegrass, these two
sity of Michigan, Indiana, Purdue, submitted to C. R. Melcher. dean of great rivals are meeting again. ToKanawha Valley, Nashville, Louis- men and James Hester, president of morrow night, as of old,
ville, Lexington, and members of the the men's student council for approv- - Homecomers will gloat over anothtr
Each name submitted was accom
Kentucky Educational Association of
triumph, or age in another defeat.
Chemistry Teachers.
Members of panied by a petition bearing the Theirs is a seething feud with a hated
names of 25 class members.
other sections and their friends are
many tumulPete Drury, a member of the Alpha rival, and they have seen
equally welcome at this meeting.
tuous outbreaks sparkling through
Registration began this morning at Tau Omega fraternity and football these 40 years of strife.
Kastle hall, which will be the official player, was elected president of the
Bronston and Toth in Backfield
during the sessions.
The teams are parading to the post.
(Continued on Page Eight)
There will bo a luncheon at the UniBefore the barrier is sprung, I pro-seversity cafeteria today, a dinner at
these records. "Oily" Johnson,
evening, autothe Lafayette hotel this
the Swede, and Al Portwood, the
mobile trips Saturday morning and
Atom, arc disabled and "Father Flop-py- "
the football game Saturday afternoon.
Forquer, the pondering deacon,
A special invitation has been extendhas a broken proboscis. Thus, Jake
ed to tlie4 members of tho faculty who
Bronston, tho Kenwick Iceman, and
are not members of the Society to atMr. Totli are up on the Gamage backtend the dinner at the Lafayette hotel
field mounts, wearing the blue and
this evening at 7 o'clock.
white silks. These boys are apprenThis afternoon will be devoted to
"Only one dime, 10 cents, the tenth tice riders and the experience of Capaddresses and the reading of papers part of a dollar, folks, and a copy of
tain Busch, Goings, and company from
by prominent speakers, among whom The Kampus Kat is yours!"
Centre stables may put a clod in the
will be Dr. S. W. Parr, president of
This will be the cheering message Wildcat trnck tomorrow as the stretch
the society, of the University of Illi- that will
across Stoll field to
nois, and Dr. H. E. Howe, editor og morrow at the Homecoming game, is reached.
They are weighing in Noe, Gra-buc"Industrial and Engineering Chemis- when The Kampus Kat makes its ap
Shearer, and May. The Dantry," Washington, D. C.
ville riders are overweight.
It is reported from reliable sources Bronston, Covington and Spicer seem
that several members of the faculty very thin in comparison. The Centre
and student body have, on their knees, backfield will be ten pounds heavier
pleaded with the editors of The Kat to tho man. However, the Kentucky
to withhold the fatal information mounts, Dees, Drury, Nowack, Trei-be- r,
Representatives From 95 Coun- about them, but The Kat editors were
Forquer, Thompson, and Colker,
staunch and true to their word, and are superior in strength and stamina.
ties Addressed By President
the student body will be informed They lost their last race after being
McVey and Dean Cooper
about all the fraud and crime that crowded on the touchdown rail in the
Speeches by President McVey and lies beneath the apparently quiet ex second quarter by Northwestern,
Dean Cooper featured the opening day terior of our University.
dark horse which runs on tho Western
The Kat sees all, knows all.
Tuesday, October 22, of the annual
Goings, Waddle, and
Evil-doeare leaving school by the rest have been running like sell
conference of extension workers in
agriculture, and home economics held scores, it is said at the registrar's of
this season and Kentucky
at the University experiment station. fice, because they know that they will is favored in thu Derby.
through bo exposed when The Kat appears
The conference will continue
"Traditions Can't in
today with 125 representatives from Saturday.
They're off! Flashing in front of
95 counties attending.
Nevertheless, The Kat is consider the grnndstand for the first time the
Other speeches were delivered on ed by those who know its contents, to Wildcat is leadinc by a whisker. The
Tuesday by T. R. Bryant, assistant di bo one of tho most entertaining com Colonel seems to be stumbling on his
rector of extension work in Kentucky, ics published by university students beard. Traditions can not carry a
Considerable time team forever. Bronston and Toth are
and Mrs. Mignon Q. Lott, Minneapoin recent years.
What a race!
lis, Minn., recreation specialist.
and work has been devoted to its pub- riding like veterans.
C. W. Warburton, director of ex lication, in an endeavor to make it The Colonel seems tired after his sea
tension work for the United States equal or better than the previous edi son on the Transylvania and Wesley- of Agriculture, C. A. tions of The Knmpus Kat, which won
circuits as tho Wildcat claws
Lewis, Jesse Adams, Mrs. Lott, For-dyc- e national first honors.
ahead. Coach Pothoff is yelling ins
Ely, E. N. Fergus, and Dr. W.
Among its contents are a number of head on", but it is too late to lock up
D. Vallcnu were on the schedule for exceptionally informing columns de the stable after the horse is stolen.
voted to Alumni, Fraternity Kow, Kentucky flashes across the imisli lino
Other speakers were: N. R. Elliott, Fashions, Sports, Society and Classi a winner by four lengths.
J. W. Whitehouse, Isadora Williams, fied ads.
Centre is expected to attempt to
L. J. Horlacher, Isabelle Storey, Myr
via tho forward pass, a depart
So frank and revealing have been win
Kentucky appearcu
Elizabeth Aaron. George
tie Weldon.
they would be afraid ment in which
Roberts, C. A. Malum, W. U. Nicliols, the editors, that
to appear abroad without wearing weak
Mabel McKinsey, Deri Cress, Zilpha
Centre is not Northwestern.
armor, if they didn't know that
Foster, und Hazel Graves, all of tho
Wildcats will bo weaker in punting,
wero so easily operated.
extension department of tho College
which Job will probably fall to Forof Agriculture.
quer, who has never punted In a game
in his life, spicer pumcu lor mo huv
timo last week. Covington may punt
while ho is in tin game. Portwood
U. K.
Miss Helen Skinner announced has a dislocated kneo and will not ap
The Woman's Club of tho Unlver Wednesday afternoon tho names of pear in uniform.
sity met Tuesday afternoon at Max tho cirls who are entitled to play
well place with Mrs. D. Howard Peak with the new standard hockey stick FIFTEEN GIRLS
making her initial appearance as pres. becauso of good sportsmanship, and
ident. Mrs. J. E. Warren, president a thorough knowledge of tho gamo.
Fifteen girls attended tho annual
The following girls have won this
of tho Kentucky Federation of Worn
Woman's Athletic
an's Clubs was present for the meet honor: Elizabetli Cramer, Christine fall camp of the
riv-e- r
About Ulakemnn, Catherine Vogel, Elizabeth Association held on the Kentucky
inir nnd gave a short talk.
week end. Miss Helen SkinIt
Stewart, and Elizabeth Skinner.
150 members were greeted.
education diAfter reports wero made by ull the was also announced that thcro would ner, assistant physical
the be several more appointnu nts before rector was the chaperone ,andKathstandinir committee
following girls wero present:
meeting was turned over to Mrs. Ed- the conclusion of the hockey season
Elizabeth Cramer, hockey manager. leen Montgomery, Louise
ward Wiest, chairman of the music
Greeno, Lois
committee, who presented a most en- has appointed tho following girls as Louise Tilton, Louettu
Virginia Frazer, Laura K. Johnston, Myra D.
tertaining music program.
Skinner; Rice, Dorothy Chandler, Ann Mao
junior, Elizabeth
The artists were, Mrs.. W. II. Han- Sharp;
Hall, Virginia Hatchsen, soprano; Mrs. L. L. Dam At, sonhomore, Laura Johnston; fresh Stamper, Helen
Hiekey, and
contralo; Mr. Carl Lampert, violinist, man. Catherine Vogel, and Lettie er, Ruby Rodgers, Natalie
Elizabeth Skinner,
and Mrs. J, Scott Goodpaster, pianist. Bliss.



U. K. to


The Kampus Kat
To Reveal Truth

At Centre Game

Extension Workers

Musicians Entertain

� Best Cop




Subscribe For
K E K N E I.


And Help (he Association







I.. KIRK. '21

Walter Hillennieyer.

Wyland Rhodes,



Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02



WINon, 04

Dr. George II. Wilson. '01




This year it is ono of the ambitions of the officers of the Alumni
association of the University to see organized all over Kentucky and
the United Stntes active Alumni club. There is hardly a city of any
size in the United Stntes where one will fail to find enough Alumni
and former students of the University to complete an organization of
this kind. Wo also venture to assert that there is no place in the
world where you will find Kentuckians unwilling to gather together
with others from his native state. Nothing proves this better than
the fact that in almost every large city in the country are found
Kentucky societies and Kentucky clubs, made up of all former citizens of the state. If these people, coming from all sections of the
state, with nothing stronger to draw them together than the fact
that they once lived within the bounds of Kentucky, can form active
organizations, how much more active can a club made up entirely
of graduates and former students of our beloved Alma Mater be.
At Chicago last Saturday the writer had the opportunity to see
an Alumni club that is probably one of the most active organizations
of the Alumni association. The members of this club, in conjunction
with the Kentucky society of Chicago, tendered to Kentuckians in
their city, to witness the football game between Kentucky and Northwestern, an entertainment that was one of the most elaborate and
successful affairs that it has been our pleasure to attend since we
have been associated with the University, either as student or Alumnus. The Alumni and former students living in the Chicago district
are finding great pleasure in their organization. They get much out
of the regular monthly meetings and their members are numbered
among the most active in the Alumni association. If it is possible for
them to have a successful organization in their city it is equally possible for successful organizations to be had in every city where there
are to be found Alumni of the University.
A great many of you Alumni who read this are living in centers
where there already are Alumni organizations or where there are
enough of you to form one. The office is willing to cooperate in, every
way possible with the different Alumni clubs and has already offered
to furnish lists of Alumni living in your locality. There are many of
you no doubt who are anxious for such an organization but feel that
A few
you cannot afford the time to do the work of organizing.
telephone calls to your friends asking them to help out with the organization, or reorganization, will distribute the work so that you will
lor.e very little of your time. We here in this office are willing to do
as much of that work as is possible from here. Call on us at any
In the matter of naming the Alumni clubs, two of the organizations have already altered their names to what, to our minds, is a
much better title. Both Chicago and Cincinnati Alumni now call their
organizations "The University of Kentucky Club of Chicago," and
"The University Club of Cincinnati."
An active Alumni club will keep you more closely in touch with
your Alma Mater. It will afford you a great deal of pleasure. It
Let us have a club in
will advertise the University of Kentucky.
every city and section of the country.

After announcing that the Alumni association would hold a dance
Saturday nigfit following the Centre game it has been discovered
that it would be violating one of the rules of the University. According to a long standing rule, dances are prohibited to students
The officers of the Alumni association feel
until after Thanksgiving.
that it would be against the aims and principles of the association
to go on with this dance when it would be violating the rules of the
We are sorry that we cannot afford you this entertainUniversity.
ment when you return to see this game, but are sure that the feeling
that we are in accord with the University authorities will counterbalance the absence of the dance.

They Tell Me
Edwin Leslie Berry, A. B. 1927, i&
with the Kresge company in Canton,
Ohio. His address is in care of the
Y. M. C. A., Canton, Ohio.

Chester Martin Smith, B. M. E.
is still with the Western Elec
trie company of Chicago. He has
been with this same company for 20
years. His address Is 115 Seventh
nvenue, LaGrange, III.

John Hardin Powell, A. B. 1925, is
a bond salesman and lives at .'1705
Whitland road, Nashville, Twin.

Alvln Hovey Colbert, B. M. E. 1913,
is still an engineer with the American Blower company of Chicago. He
is located In Chicago, where his address is now 7455 Greenview avenue.


Edward Philpot, B. M. E.

Alumni, students, members of the
faculty and friends of the University
numbering more than 000 were guests
of the University of Kentucky Club of
Chicago and the Kentucky Society of
Chicago at a dinner-danc- e
night, October 120. The entertainment was in honor of the Kontuckinns
who visited Chicago to see the football
game between our own Wildcats and
the Wildcats of Northwe