xt7dr785j685 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dr785j685/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1970-01-jan20. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-01-jan20. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-01-jan20. 1970 1970-01-jan20. 2011 true xt7dr785j685 section xt7dr785j685 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky,
Tuesday, January 20, 1970

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular session
at 2:00 o'clock (Eastern Standard Time) on Tuesday, January 20, 1970, in Board
Room E on the 18th floor of the Office Tower with the following members present:
Mr. Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Secretary, Mr.
Jesse M. Alverson, Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Mr. Wendell P. Butler, former
Governor A. B. Chandler, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr.
Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr. James H. Pence, Mr. Floyd
H. Wright, non-voting faculty members Professor Robert W. Rudd and Professor
Paul Sears, and non-voting student member, Mr. Tim Futrell. Absent were:
Governor Louie B. Nunn, Mr. J. Robert Miller and Mr. B. Hudson Milner. The
administration was represented by President Otis A. Singletary, Dr. Lewis W.
Cochran, Dr. Glenwood L. Creech, Dr. Alvin L. Morris, Dr. Howard Bost, and
Mr. James 0. King. Also present were representatives of the various news media
and President Emeritus A. D. Kirwan and Mrs. Kirwan.

      A. Meeting Opened

      Mr. Albert Clay, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, presided in
the absence of Governor Nunn and called the meeting to order at 2:00 o'clock.
Following the invocation given by Mr. Clay, the Secretary reported a quorum
present and the meeting was declared officially open for the conduct of business
at 2:03 p. m.

      B. Oath of Office Administered to Mr. Alverson, Mr. Bell, and
Mr. Cooper

      Mr. Clay announced the appointment by the Governor of two new members
to the Board of Trustees and the reappointment of one member as follows:

      Mr. Jesse M. Alverson, Jr., Paris, Kentucky, for a four-year
      term ending December 31, 1973 to replace Dr. Harry Denham
      whose term expired December 31, 1969.

      Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Lexington, Kentucky, as an alumni trustee
      member for a four-year term ending December 31, 1973 to replace
      Mr. William R. Black whose term expired December 31, 1969.

      Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Somerset, Kentucky, reappointed for a
      four-year term ending December 31, 1973.

      Since Governor Nunn was not present, Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel and
Notary Public, was requested to administer the oath of office to Mr. Alverson,
Mr. Bell, and Mr. Cooper on his behalf.



        C. Minutes Approved

        On motion by Mr. Wright, seconded by Mr. Bell, and passed, the reading
of the Minutes of the December 9, 1969 statutory meeting of the Board of Trustees
was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       D. President Emeritus A. D. Kirwan's Portrait Accepted

       Mr. Clay asked Mrs. Blazer, as chairman of the committee appointed
by Governor Nunn to commission the painting of a portrait of President Kirwan,
to preside at the brief presentation ceremonies. Mrs. Blazer indicated she
was speaking for the committee which was composed of Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer.
Mr. Floyd Wright, and herself when she said that it was a pleasure to present
to the Board of Trustees and the University of Kentucky the portrait of Dr. Kirwan
painted by Mr. Alfred Domene of Lexington. Dr. Singletary made a few brief
comments about Dr. Kirwan and requested Mrs. Kirwan to unveil the portrait.
Mr. Clay accepted the painting on behalf of the Governor and the Board of Trustees
for the University of Kentucky. President Kirwan expressed his thanks for the
honor done him and expressed gratification that his picture would join those of the
six presidents who had preceded him.

       E. Sympathy of the Board of Trustees Extended to Dr. Rudd and
Mr. Cooper

       Mr. Clay extended the sympathy of the members of the Board of Trustees
to Dr. Robert W. Rudd on the loss of his wife and to Mr. Richard E. Cooper on
the loss of his mother.

       F. New University Journal, Growth and Change, Introduced

       President Singletary called attention to Volume 1, No. 1 of Growth and
Change, a journal of regional development, which had just come off the press.
Copies were distributed to those present and Dr. Lawrence Klein, the editor, was
introduced and complimented on this latest effort by the University to serve the
people of the Commonwealth.

      G. President's Report to the Trustees

      Mentioning that a copy of his monthly report was in each member's folder,
Dr. Singletary reviewed some of the items in the report briefly and recommended
a more careful reading by the members of the Board at their leisure.

      H. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

      Since the Board members had already had an opportunity to review the



recommendations of the President in PR 2 prior to the meeting, ?Csident
Singletary said he would not discuss any of them but would be glad to entertain
questions about any of the recommendations.

       There being no questions, Governor Chandler moved that PR 2, Recom-
mendations of the President, be approved as a wchole and made an official part
of the Minutes of the mrec. ung. His motion wa; seconded by Dr. Nicholas and
passed without dissent. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.

       1. Professor A. Edward Btackhurst Named Acting Chair man of
the Department of Special Education

       As a consecuience of the death of Dr. Willtam Tisdall on Friday, January
16, 1970, President S-nglctarv said that it would be necessary to appoint an
Acting Chairman for the Dce-partnment of Special Education. In accordance with
the recommendation of the Department and the concurrence of the Dean of the
College of Education. 1e recornmended that A. Edward Blackhurst, Associate
Professor. be named Acting Chairman of the Department of Special Education
in the College of Education for the remain..-der of the current academic year or
until such time as a permanent chairman is designated.

       Noting with regret the circurmstances which necessitated this action, on
motion byt Mr. Wright. seconded by Mrs. Blazer, the appointment of A. Edward
Blackhurst as Acting Chairman of the Departmnent of Special Education was ap-
proved under the conditions outlined bv President Singletary.

       J. Establ-shment of Departments in the School of Home Economics (PR 4)

       Pres.ident Singletary said that the recommendation in PR 4 to establish four
new departments in the School of Home Economics was in keeping with earlier
action of the Board taken on May 2, 19o7, when the School of Home Economics was
established as a coordinate unit with other Schools and Colleges in the Division
of Colleges and approval was given for the School to be organized into appropriate
departments. The recomn-mended departments and their names are in keeping with
such units in comparable Land-Grant institutions and other large universities.

       Mrs. Blazer moved that the recomn-mendatio-no in PR 4 to establish four new
departments in the School of Home Economics be approved. Her motion was
seconded by Mi. Cooper and all present voted aye. (See PR 4 at the end of the-
Minute s.,

      K. Department of Gerranic and Classical Languages and Literatures
Divided (PR 5)

President Singletary explained that the presenit combination ot Germanic



and Classical Languages and Literatures in one department has not proved
entirely satisfactory and it has been recommended by a committee appointed to
study the problem that departmental identity be restored in Classics through
the establishment of a separate Department of Classical Languages and Litera-
tures .

       On motion by Dr. Nicholas, seconded by Mr. Wright, and passed,
authorization was given to divide the Department of Germanic and Classical
Languages and Literatures into two departments to be known in the future as
the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures and the Department of
Class-ical Languages and Literatures. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.

       L. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering Degree
Authorized (PR 6)

       It was pointed out that the proposed Ph. D. degree in Chemical Engine&-.ring
had been reviewed by the appropriate groups, was administratively feasible, and
a need existed for persons with this advanced training. President Singletary,
therefore, recommended that approval be given to the program leading to the

       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the Ph. D. degree in Chemi-
cal Engineering was approved. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.

       M. Replacement of LL. B. Degrees with J. D. Degrees
Authorized (PR 7)

       In 1965 the designation of the degree awarded to graduates of the College
of Law, was changed from the LL. B. degree to the J. D. degree. There was no
change in the program leading to the degree; therefore, those completing the
requirements for a degree prior to 1965 are eligible for the J. D. degree. Per-
mission -was requested from the Board of Trustees to replace the LL. B. degree
granted prior to 1965 with the J. D. degree upon application and payment of a fee
to cover administrative costs.

       President Singletary and Dr. Cochran recommended that such permission
be granted and it was so moved by Governor Chandler, seconded by Mr. Bell,
and passed unanimously. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.

       N. Agreement with Thomas More College Approved (PR 8)

       President Singletary recommended that approval be given to the adoption
of a Five Year Combined Liberal Arts - Engineering Program with the Thomas
More College of Fort Mitchell, Kentucky, and the University of Kentucky. Upon
completion of the requirements of a curriculum prescribed in the program, the



University of Kentucky will grant the student its degree of Bachelor of Science
in the appropriate branch of engineering and Thomas More College will grant
the student the degree of Bachelor of Arts at such time as he has completed all
requirements for graduation from the College.

       Governor Chandler moved approval of President Singletary's recommen-
dation. His motion was seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer and passed with all present
voting aye. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes. )

       0. Approval of University Calendar Change (PR 9)

       The University Senate has approved and recommends to the Board of
Trustees for approval a four-week summer term to begin on May 18 and run
through June 12 during the summer of 1970. This will be an additional term
immediately preceding the regular eight-week summer term. If the additional
summer term is approved by the Board of Trustees, the calendar for the 1970
Summer Session will be amended to June 15--August 11 instead of June 9--
August 6.

       On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Dr. Nicholas, and passed
unanimously, a four-week summer term was approved for the period May 18
through June 12. Following the vote, Mr. Futrell mentioned that the student body
was enthusiastic about this innovative step to improve education opportunities in
Kentucky. (See PR 9 at the end of the Minutes. )

       P. 1969-70 Budget Revisions Authorized (PR 10)

       Without discussion, on motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Mr.
Cooper and passed, the budget revisions recommended in PR 10 were authorized
and approved. (See PR 10 at the end of the Minutes. )

       Q. Confirmation of Increase in Non-Resident Fees (PR 11)

       President Singletary called attention to PR 11 and asked confirmation by the
Board of Trustees of the action taken by the Council on Public Higher Education
which set non-resident fees at the University of Kentucky at $1, 030 per academic
year, an increase of $50 over current fees. He also requested that authorization
be given to establishing an effective date for the application of the new fees to
coincide with the beginning of the Fall Term 1970.

       On motion duly made, seconded, and passed, the Board confirmed the non-
resident fee set by the Council on Public Higher Education and authorized that
application of suchfee be made applicable with the beginning of the Fall Semester
1970. (See PR 11 at the end of the Minutes. )




       R. Approval of Degree Candidates (PR 12)

       On motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Mr. Wright, and carried, the
President was authorized to confer upon each individual whose name appeared
on the list presented the degree to which he was entitled at the commencement
exercises on May 11, 1970. (See PR 12 at the end of the Minutes.)

       S. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       There being no discussion, on motion duly made, seconded, and carried,
the interim financial report for the five months' period ending November 30, 1969
was accepted and ordered made a matter of record. (See FCR 1 at the end of the
Minutes. )

       T. Easement Granted to Percy H. Speed (FCR 2)

       Mr. John Darsie explained that the authorization to execute an easement
to Percy H. Speed for the installation of a sanitary sewer line over property of
the University was in keeping with an agreement made with Mr. Speed at the time
the University acquired said property by condemnation in order to enable develop-
ment of adjacent properties owened by Mr. Speed and others.

       On motion by Mr. Bell, seconded by Dr. Nicholas, and passed, the Acting
Vice President of Business Affairs and Treasurer was authorized to execute the
easement as recommended in FCR 2. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       U. Meeting Adjourned

       Mr. Clay announced that the March meeting of the Board would be held on
Tuesday, March 10, rather than on Tuesday, March 17. There being no further
business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made, seconded, and
carried, the meeting adjourned at 2:35 p. m.

                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                         Lucile T. Blazer
                                         Secretary, Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 and FCR's 1 and 2 which follow are
official parts of the Minutes of the January 20, 1970 meeting of the Board of
Trustees. )



                           January 20, 1970


      The parking situation is much improved on campus. Joe
Burch, director of Safety and Security, reported that parking
space has increased 50 per cent since Fall. By Spring, when
the 650-area lot is completed near the Sports Center, about
8,000 spaces will be available. At the moment, around 7,500
spaces are available, accommodating all faculty and staff and
most student demands. The latter demands can be met now, Mr.
Burch said, if outlying spaces are utilized, such as the Cooper
Drive lot which is served by the campus bus service. The two
new parking structures are being used by increasing numbers of
drivers, and the 300-unit lot on Euclid Avenue between Lexington
and Harrison is helping meet new requirements following the
opening of the office tower. The most serious area remains the
Hospital environs and the lot on Scott Street remains inadequate,
but expanded facilities in the area are being considered.


      Total enrollment at the University for the spring semester
now stands at 24,545, according to Dean of Admissions Elbert W.
Ockerman. The figure a year ago was 24,324 (complete). Repre-
sented are only those students who completed registration prior to
Friday (January 16)e Late registration continues through today
(January 20). A breakdown of enrollment figures shows 14,631
(14,197 a year ago) on the Lexington campus, including the Lexing-
ton Technical Institute, 8,221 in 13 (Ft. Knox has no figures
available) community colleges, 893 in the evening class program,
and 800 in extension classes. On the Texington campus are 3,061
freshmen, 2,683 sophomores, 2,998 juniors, 3,067 seniors, 1,848
graduate students, and 36 auditors. Enrollment by college: 4,596,
Arts and Sciences; 504, Agriculture; 1,400, Business and Economics;
2,408, Education; 1,106, Engineering; 1,848, Graduate School; 386,
Law; 174, Pharmacy; 282, Architecture; 240, Allied Health; 307,
Home Economics; 272, Nursing, and 173, Lexington Technical Institute
(students who are taking academic courses). The community colleges:
Ashland, 843; Elizabethtown, 531; Hazard, 204; Henderson, 543;
Hopkinsville, 374; Jefferson, 1,850; Madisonville, 213; Maysville,
303; Northern at Covington, 1,168; Paducah, 952; Prestonsburg,
340; Somerset, 554, and Southeast at Cumberland, 346. Some 426
late registrants were not included in the breakdown by college.
A total breakdown by college of these students will be made at the
end of late registration.


- 2 -


      Since 1963, 158 high schooners have participated in the high
school juniors program, earning average summer grades of 2.8, just
short of a B standing. The participants, mainly from the large
urban areas of the state, northern Kentucky and the Louisville
area, have had a high school academic average of 3.5, or B plus.
The most recent participants--the 31 last summer--earned the
highest overall grade point average so far--a 2.96. "And for the
first time in the six year history of the program, two students
obtained special permission to enter UK as full time students
this fall without completing their high school education," George
Dexter, assistant registrar and director of the program, said.
Dexter said the two students "had found college life so stimu-
lating that the return to high school might have interfered with
the learning process. Another factor was that the break from
home--once made--was hard to re-construct." The program currently
is taking applications for the summer enrollment. The students,
who can earn up to six hours of freshman college credit--between
their junior and senior year in high school--may apply if their
high school grades through the first term of their junior year
is a B or better. The only other prerequisite is that applicants
take the American College Test (ACT).

      Students live in University housing facilities and take part
in campus activities on the same basis as regular full time students
with high school diplomas. Of the 158 students, 80 per cent have
returned to continue their college careers, although'this is not
a requirement for participation. Twelve students have graduated
from UK and 52 still are pursuing degrees. While advantages of
participation are stressed, Mr. Dexter said among the problems
is that fellow high school students do not know how to react to
them when they return to their home towns--"they expect to see
great personality changes." Parental problems also emerge for the
student who has broken the tie to home by spending the summer at
UK, and the rigidity of structured high school classes often pre-
sents difficulties for a student who has learned to set his own
pace. Some scholarships will be available, Dexter said, for
students indicating an interest in pursuing biological sciences.
They will work in a lab and earn a salary in addition to being
exempt from enrollment fees.


      The Alumni Association will award $3,000 annually to the UK
Marching Band for six $500 scholarships "in recognition of the
growth of the band both in quality and quantity in its performances
during the last two years," according to E. J. Brumfield, director
of Alumni Affairs. "We are extremely pleased that the Alumni Asso-
ciation sees fit to recognize our program, The grant will help us
greatly in recruiting outstanding band members," William Harry
Clarke, director of the band, said. "This award also will help
maintain the momentum the band has gained during the last two years
and also will help us develop the band into one of the finest in
the nation," he added.


- 3-  


      College courses in transportation, leading to the associate
degree, are being offered for the first time at the Lexington
Technical Institute this semester. M. L. Archer, acting director
of LTI, said a minimum of 64 college credit hours are required
for the two-year associate degree. LTI is a part of the Commu-
nity College System. Interest in establishing the associate de-
gree in transportation was created by management personnel in
that industry, including Tom Drury, assistant sales manager of
Ecklar-Moore Express Co., Ray Moore, traffic manager for IBM's
Lexington facility and James Swain, sales manager, McLean Truck-
ing Co. All are members of Delta Nu Alpha, a fraternity of
selected membership from people working in the transporation in-
dustry. Transportation Principles I for inexperienced personnel
will be taught by Ronald E. La Fleche, sales manager with the
Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad. Transportation Management, an
updated course for experienced personnel, will be taught by Tom
Price, traffic manager, Cowden Manufacturing Co. Other required
courses in the curriculum include composition, communications,
mathematics, accounting, data processing, and management.


      Col. George W. Ewell, a native of London, has contributed
shares of stock valued in excess of $13,000 to the University
Alumni Association to establish an endowment to fund scholarships
for deserving Laurel county students attending the Lexington
campus or one of the community colleges. A 1902 UK graduate,
Col. Ewell is retired from the U.S. Army. His wife was the for-
mer Miss Jamie Offutt, UK '01, who died last year. The couple
had three sons. Records in the UK Office of Alumni Affairs indi-
cate that Col. Ewell first contributed to UK in 1914, according
to Ordie Davis, assistant director of alumni affairs. He was
recognized for 40 years of active and continuous support of the
Alumni Association at a luncheon in his honor by the Washington,
D.C., chapter of the association in March of 1967. Col. Ewell
was chapter president during the 1940's. Scholarship recipients
must maintain at least a 2.5 academic standing on a scale of 4.0.
The student grants will be administered by the Office of Student
Financial Aid.


      A University senior from Louisville, Leigh Fleming, was one
of four students in the nation selected to participate in a panel
discussion on youth revolution for a New York convention audience.
The four students highlighted a session of the annual convention
of the National Association of Manufacturers held December 3-5 in
New York City. A political science major, Miss Fleming was a
student member of the board of directors for the conference. The
audience participation panel, composed of four executives in the
manufacturers association in addition to the four student panel
members, discussed the youth revolution on college campuses.


- 4 -


      Five University students are among 20 from Kentucky insti-
tutions of higher education who began an intensive program on
December 29 as assistants or interns to Kentucky's General
Assembly leaders. "That day marked the beginning of the Spring
semester for the UK students who will receive academic credit
for the work they will do in Frankfort and for several political
science courses they will take during the semester," according
to Dr. Malcolm E. Jewell, chairman of the Department of Political
Science. Dr. Jewell is a member of the academic steering com-
mittee which organized and supervises the academic program. He
also will work closely with the students and conduct classes for

      The five UK students are Robert J. Brown, Monticello; Mrs.
Leneen Bean Goldie, Elizabethtown; Edward Davis Hays, Lebanon;
John S. Reed, Frankfort, and Clarence Allen Woodall, Princeton.
They will work with both Democratic and Republican leaders, each
assigned to members of his own political affiliation, Dr. Jewell
explained. While the legislature is meeting from January 5 to
March 20, they will take a course in "Legislative Process," pre-
sented at Frankfort by Dr. Jewell. Legislators, newsmen and other
persons involved in the meeting of the legislature will be guest
speakers during the course. After the legislature adjourns the
students will enroll in two courses, "Kentucky Government and
Constitution," and "Problems of State Government and Administra-
tion," which will be given in an intensive form for the remaining -
six weeks of the semester while the students continue their in-
ternships. The students will have an opportunity to hear adminis-
trators in state government, Dr. Jewell said.


      Little response has been received to date, but more accept-
ance is expected by the University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa
speaker's bureau, which features 13 members who are specialists
in 10 areas of professional study. The A. B. Chandler Medical
Center also provides 10 men and women to speak on general topics
concerning medicine, for the recently-organized Speaker's Bureau.
The services are directed primarily toward educational institu-
tions of the Commonwealth. However, requests from other organi-
zations will be considered, a bureau spokesman said. Audiences
may be convocations and assemblies in high schools or in colleges,
or special groups within such institutions. Subject matter in-
cludes law, chemical engineering, English, anthropology, mathe-
matics, psychology, philosophy, history, and diagnostic radiology.
Medical Center speakers include those with special knowledge in
the Colleges of Pharmacy, Nursing, Dentistry, Medicine, Allied
Health Professions, the University Hospital, and the University
Health Service. Arrangements for speakers can be made by calling
UK, extension 2412.



      Medical students tend to learn more when a large amount of
classroom time can be devoted to demonstrations, such as interviews
with patients, than when each class session is limited to the re-
citation of facts, says Dr. Hugh A. Storrow, professor of psychiatry,
in his book "Outline of Clinical Psychiatry," recently published by
Appleton-Crofts, New York. "Even the best of students find their
attention wandering when they are confronted with two solid hours
of lecture," Dr. Storrow says.

      He says students learn more from any education experience
when they can give it their full attention without being pre-
occupied by the need to transfer to their notebooks the answers
to possible test questions, and he also thinks that when students
have an opportunity to review basic information concerning a topic
prior to a class session, it becomes easy for the instructor to
engage them in stimulating discussions that clarify and deepen
their knowledge and interest.


      The new Centrex telephone system will begin operation on the
campus in August.  The University is one of the few universities
in the country to employ the type-311 Centrex. Under the present
system, all calls for the University and the Medical Center come
into switchboards in the Funkhouser Building. With Centrex, the
Medical Center will have its own equipment and operators who will
page hospital personnel. A main feature of the new concept in
communication will be direct inward dialing to an office or in-
dividual from outside the University. All extension numbers will
change from four to five digits and will have a two-digit prefix
so that the calling party will be able to dial their party direct.
Campus numbers will remain in operation through the new switchboard
equipment. A unique feature will facilitate a transferred call to
another office or individual on campus without having the operator
handle the procedure. The new system also will accommodate
consultation and conference calls without going through the
operators. Through Centrex, service to faculty, staff and students
will be increased. Presently, as many as 25 students may be on
one line, but Centrex will allow private lines in student rooms.
The new equipment will be housed in the basement of the parking
complex on Rose Street.


- 6 -


       The University livestock judging team won the annual inter-
 collegiate livestock judging contest at the 70th International
 Livestock Exposition in Chicago in December. Members of the UK
 team scored 404,599 points to beat out their nearest competitor,
 the University of Missouri, with a close 404,593 average. It was
 the first national championship for the UK team in livestock
 judging. The team returned ten trophies from Chicago, plus 18
 awards from their five-state tour that took them to the Mid-South
 Fair at Memphis; the Southeastern Fair at Atlanta; the American
 Oil contest at Kansas City; the Eastern National at Timonium,
 Maryland, and the national championship. Team members partici-
 pating in the tour were Buck Chastine, Orleans, Indiana, who plans
 to work in meat production management after graduation; Tim Dievert,
 Danville, who plans to enter the family business in purebred angus
 sales; Paul Kunkel, Independence, considering graduate study in
 beef production; Randy Newton, who plans a career in the Federal
 Extension Service, or with his father on the family farm at
 Hopkinsville. Kenwood Soper, of Paris, has chosen agricultural
 sales as his livelihood. John Wilson, Crab Orchard, plans to join
 many other June graduates in the Federal Extension Service. Bill
 Le Grand, Warsaw, a junior, plans to join his family in promoting
 the sheep industry in the state. The championship team was coached
 by Bill Able, faculty member at the ag college. On hand to congrat-
 ulate the team, after their return from Chicago, was Dr. C. E. Barn-
 hart, dean of the University College of Agriculture.


      Memorial awards honoring the late Dr. Richard M. Griffith,
former chief of research psychology at the Lexington VA Hospital
and an associate member of the University faculty, have been
announced by the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology.
The Richard M. Griffith Memorial Junior Awards in the amount of
$100 each will be presented for the first time at the 1970 SSPP
meeting for the best papers read by a psychologist and a philo-
sopher. Recipients of the awards must be Ph.D candidates or have
received doctoral degrees within the past five years. Contribu-
tions to the fund will support the SSPP awards as well as awards
to be made later to graduate students.


      "The Generation Gap--Bridge It Or Broaden It?" will be the
theme of the 18th annual meeting of the Southeastern Council on
Family Relations which will be hosted for the first time by the
University February 15-17. Several panels will be held on family
life and sex education, according to Dr. James W. Gladden, pro-
fessor of sociology and chairman of the meeting's program committee.
All sessions are open to the public. Dr. Gladden points out that
sociologists, home economists, educators, and ministers from 11
states including Kentucky, will attend the meeting.


- 7


      Two University chemists who have been testing lunar samples
collected by the crew of Apollo 11 say the samples contain lower
amounts of oxygen than most of the earth's igneous rocks (those
formed by heat action). Dr. William D. Ehmann, professor of
chemistry, and Dr. John Morgan, research associate, who have con-
ducted tests on the lunar rocks and soil, reported at a NASA
meeting in Houston January 6 that oxygen, silicon and aluminum
make up more than 60 per cent by weight of the luna