xt7dr785j64t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dr785j64t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1886-02-jun2. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1886-02-jun2. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1886-02-jun2. 1886 1886-02-jun2. 2011 true xt7dr785j64t section xt7dr785j64t 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June lst, 1886 - page 57

    Genfl. Buell was appointed a committee to visit the
college after the beginning of the fall term in order to
examine the Military discipline of the dormitory and the
Military department generally.

    Trustees Unthank and Bird announced their readiness to
report on the report of Ex Treasurer R. S. Bullock. Their
report was as follows: viz:

     " We have examined the report of the Treasurer and find
that expenditures correspond in every respect with vouchers."

     W. D. Nicholas was then elected Treasurer.

     The Board then adjourned to meet tomorrow June 2nd,
at 3 P. M.

     Board of Trustees met in Judge Kinkeads office at 3-1/2
P. M. June 2.

Present                 W. B. Kinkead,   Chairman
                         R. J. Spurr
                         D. C. Buell
                         J. D. Clardy
                         W. D. Nicholas
                         R. A. Spurr
                         Philip Bird
                         L. J. Bradford, secretary
                         Jas. K. PattersonAsst. Secretary

     The Committee to whom was referred Professor Scovell's
report made the following report which was unanimously

     " Judge Ki'!ead, President of the Board of Trustees & etc.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June lst, 1886 - page 58


    The Committee appointed to consider the report of Prof.
Scovell have the honor to report that they have performed
the duty assigned to them and recommend the following

1. The Committee advise the construction of a conservatory
    that will suffice for present purposes costing not more
    than $600. but on such a plan that it may be extended
    when advisable.

2. We advise an appropriation of $150. for the purchase of
    such books - (scientific) as may be deemed necessary and
    to enter finally into the composition of the College

3. We advise the employment of a competent assistant in the
    experimental station at a yearly salary of $600.

4. We advise an extension of the course in (elementary)
    chemistry to cover a period of two years.

5. Without restricting the facilities of those students who
    may desire to complete a four year course in Agriculture,
    we advise such an arrangement of studies that at the end
    of two years a student may leave the college with knowledge
    that shall be practically valuable in Agricultural occupa-
    tions, and that as far as possible that knowledge shall
    be attained as the instructions progresses. The arrange-
    ment of the course for this subject must in the limited
    time allowed the Board at this time for the deletion
    of it, be left to the discretion of the President, or
    the Faculty of the College.

A. & M. College, June 2, 1886 -

D. C. Buell, Chairman


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 1st, 1886 - page 59

    The President of the College is authorized to use his
discretion in modifying, in extreme cases, the requirements
for admission into the Preparatory ept. in the case of
appointees sent with inadequate scholarly preparations.

     On motion the position of assistant in chemistry in the
experiment station is hereby tendered to Alfred M. Peter with
this condition that the Director of the Station shall have
exclusive control of his time eight hours per day, six days
each week for every month of the year. The salary attached
to the position of assistant to be $6oo. per year.

     The Executive Committee is authorized to fill vacancies
whenever occuring, such appointments when made will be valid
only until the next meeting of the Board.

     Dr. Spurr moved that on the recommendation of Prof.
Kirby, hereby made, Professor Professor J. M. Potter's official
status be " Professor of Theory and Practice of Teaching in
the Normal School of the College of Kentucky." After consider-
able discussion the motion was lost. At the instance of the
President of the College the matter was left open for re-
consideration and June 3 at 12 M. fixed for its
consideration. Prof. Kirby to be meanwhile
requested to be present.

     The Executive Committee was instructed to confer with
Dr. Haggard in reference to an addition to the State College
and to use their discretion in regard to the expediency of
connecting him with the college.

     The question of an increase of salary of the Director of
the Station and Professor Menke was referred to the Executive


MIIMJTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June ist, 1886 - page 60

    The Executive Committee were likewise instructed to
expend the first surplus available, in providing additional
dormitory accomodations and in perfecting the facilities re-
quired for the experimental station including the purchase
of land.

     The Board then adjourned.

     Board met June 3, in Judge Kinkead's office at 12
M. Present.

                         W. B. Kinkead, Chairman
                         L. J. Bradford, Secy.
                         R. J. Spurr
                         D. C. Buell
                         R. A. Spurr
                         Philip Bird
                         J. D. Clardy
                         W. D. Nicholas
                         Jas. K. Patterson, Asst. Sect-y.

     The unfinished business relating to Professor's Potters
official designation was then entered upon.

     On motion Professor Potter's official designation is
declared to be " Prof. of Theory and Practice Teaching in
the Normal School." The following explanatory papers
was then adopted, viz:

" This appointment is not intended to form a precedent in
the appointment of any successor or Professor Potter when
for any cause his connection with the Normal School shall
cease. It is moreover the sende of this Board that the de-
signation of the Chair which Professor Potter fills is
conceded to him, because of the personal statement made
to him by Professor Kirby Viz: that the chair to which