xt7dr785j548 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dr785j548/data/mets.xml Park, E. C. (Elbridge Clark), b. 1855. 1906]  books b92-132-29323075 English Transylvania, : [Lexington, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Irvine (Ky.) Estill County (Ky.) History. History of Irvine and Estill County, Kentucky  / by E.C. Park. text History of Irvine and Estill County, Kentucky  / by E.C. Park. 1906 1906] 2002 true xt7dr785j548 section xt7dr785j548 




                             E. C. PARK


Mr. E. C Park, tenders his experience to any one who desires
assistance in the publication of any other State, Counts, or
He also would cbeerfully enter into newspaper work, in which
he has experience.    Address him,
                              E. C  PARK,
                                     Irvine, Ky.


                            =.THE LEADING____

Purnhtvre Dcealer In CentralI Kentucky.

Always Keep! on Hand
a Grand Assortment of
Everything kept by an
Experienced Dealer.

Beds, RoCking ChdirS,
   Solas, Loungs,
   Side Boards,

And indeed anythingjand
everything to be found
in a first class estatblish-N

Also a magnificent dis-       "
      play of
  Carpets, Oil cloths,

Prices to meet tbe de-4'''''            ''N""                            N
mand of any customer.'                                      "    "

Especial Attention is"''         NN N'            '       ''
    called to his    N4"'"  


TLis depsr'went, is corn-                                  "N''N NQ  "'    '
plete in every detail.           NN'N'""P                   '"   "  
  Polie and prompt at-                                            '    N    N'
tention guaranteed to all              'N'

Day PIhone 76. Night Phone 136 and 179.



      "Breathes there a man with soul so dead
      Who never to himself hath said:
      This is my own, my native land"
          E dlo not believe there is a Kentuckian who
            who has not realized the advantage and
        f delight of being one. ILet him travel from
            the lakes to the gulf; from the Atlantic
            to the Pacific, and wherever he stops,
wherever he goes, as soon as it is discovered that he is
from "The Land of the Free, the Home of the Brave,"
he is accorded a courtesy that is not shown a native of
and other state in the Union. With few exceptions, a
Kentuckian conducts himself in a manner that evokes
praise and admiration. Brave, chivalrous, knightly, his
demeanor wins for hiii and for his state the profoundest
respect. It is a saving that is wide-spread, that Ken-
tucky is noted for being the fountain head of "Beautiful
Women, Fine Horses and Good Whisky."        While we
revel in that reputation-the reputation of excelling in
anything we undertake and what we possess by nature,
we are proud that we can boast of still other possessions.
Honor is depicted upon the countenances of our deni-
zens. In a trading transaction, the mere word of a gen-
tlenian from the State of Kentuckv is oftimes worth
more than the written contract of many inhabitants of
other states.
  Nature has bestowed upon Kentucky some of her
l-:ost gracious blessings. She is situated in the central
part of the United States, where she is blessed with a
delightful climate, that is pregnant with health-giving
properties. We are free from diseases that are incident
to other localities. We are blessed with a soil that has
-no equal in the world. The Blue Grass region of Ken-
tucky is not surpassed by any other upon which the
foot of man has trodden. The eastern part of the state
is rich in minerals of great variety and of immense value.
The coal fields of Kentucky equal in quality and quan-
tity the fields of almost any other state; the iron ore
has taken premiums at the World's Fair for excellence
in quality; its timber resources are apparently inex-
haustible. The variety of its timber products is won-
derful; gas andl petroleum are now considered a common
commodity in her domain.
   Surely God loved Kentucky, or she would not have
 been so generously remembered.
   While it is true that the entire state is much blessed,
there is within her borders one county that deserves a
greater share of praise than has been accorded her. It
is one of the counties that is situated between the Blue

Grass andl "the mountains"-econlsluently partaking of
the advantages that each section represents.
  It is the country of ExSTILr . Estill, whose name sug-
gestts to the hitorian many a el tl of nobility, many an
episode of bravery that Ought be conipared with those of
iore romantic countries and with countries whose
record extends' front the prosperous (lays of Greece.
through the history (of Stnny France, of Great Britain,
Gerniany-of any place that has attracted the attention
of good writers.
  Nature has lent her choicest apparel to Estill County.
With her fertile valleys, her limpid streanis, her tower-
ing 1ieaks, there is jireseenteul a feast for the soul of the
artist or the poet. A visitor to Scotland or Switzerland
or Italy would upon an honest confession admit that
the views afforded iv the mountain peaks-a part of
the Cuniberland range-is equal in grandeur and beauty
to anything hi uuuay have seen there. Trees of different
varieties cover the crest of these hills and mountains and
with the sunlight shining upon the diversity of colors,
and a look upon the broad fields of yellow corn, there
is nuanifested not only beauty, but ideas of immense
money value. It is certainly a place that should attract
the wealth of investors, who are desirous of increasing
or accuniulatiiug fortunes.
  Estill County was organized in 1808, and is composed
of parts of Madison and Clark Counties. It is the
fiftieth county admitted in the state. Originally it was
much larger than it now is. From its territory, largely,
have been composed the counties of Breathitt, in 1839;
Owsley, in 1843; Powell, in 1852; Jackson, in 1858;
Lee, in 1870. In 1888 another portion of Estill was
turned over to Powell County. This was done on the
part of political influence. Estill was strongly Demo-
cratic. Our legislator in connection with Lee County
had a bill passed ceding Hardwicks Creek, one of the
Democratic strongholds, to Powell County, thereby
changing the political aspect of the county to Repub-
   The population of Estill County in 1810 was 2,082;
 in 1860, 6,836; in 190i), 11,669. In 1860, the white
 population was 6,363; free colored, 16; slaves, 507.
   Estill County is bounded on the North by Powell and
 Clark Counties; on the East by Lee and Powell Coun-
 ties; on the South by Jackson and Owsley Counties; on
 the West by Madison County.
   Estill County was named in honor of Capt. James
 Estill, of Madison County, a man noted for his bravery
 and general merit. Capt. James Estill was a descend-


History of Irvine and Estill County, Kentucky

ant of the famous Estill family of England and a de-
seendant on his mother's side of William Wallace. Her
people were in Londonderry at the time of the great
religious troubles in Ireland. One of his ancestors,
during Cromwell's control of the English government,
with twelve other families, sailed for America and set-
tled in New Jersey. His first son was the third male
child born in New Jersev. This son was the father of
Wallace Estill born in 1700, and the latter named was
the father of James Estill and Samuel Estill. Capt.
James Estill was a man of small stature, but utterly
regardless of danger. He had moved to Virginia, and
from there he came to Boonesborough. When Duquesne
with five hundred Indians and French attacked the fort,
there were only fifty men to defend the fort, but they
fought for nine days and succeeded in holding it. Capt.
James Estill built a fort on his place three miles south
of Richmond. Col. Samuel Estill built one a mile and
a half from "James Fort," as it was called. In March,
1781, the two went from James to Samuel's fort, and
upon their journey they were attacked by the Indians.
The right arm of Capt James Estill was broken by a

shot from the Indians, and though he was so seriously
wounded, he did not fall. Col. Samuel Estill killed two
of the Indians with one shot. During the fight, a large
Wvandotte Indian made a dash at a small Dutchman,
named Boyers.   Boyers ran with a loaded gun and
shouted, "Shoot, Sam, shoot." "Shoot yourself, you son
of a , my gun is empty," shouted Estill. Boyers
turned and shot the Indian just as the Indian threw his
tomahawk at him. The Indian, however, missed his
aim, and Boyers came out all right.
  About the 19th of March, 1782, Jane Guess, a twelve-
year-old girl, came to the fortification to tell a dream
that she had. She dreamed that the Lord had built a
ladder from earth to heaven for her to go up on. After
breakfast, she took "Dick" and went out in the woods
to tap a sugar tree. The Indians took after her and
she ran towards the fort, but before she could reach it
they caught her, killed her and dragging her behind a
brush pile, they scalped her. The women in the fort
witnessed the deed and their shouts of "Run, Jenny,
run," were simply awful. A negro man named Monk
was hauling wool to boil the water. The Indians asked




History of Irvine and Estill County, Kentucky

him how many men there were in the fort. He replied,
"Forty." They then killed all the stock that was on the
outside and fled. The fort had only four old men in it.
Capt. James Estill had taken his little army of about
twentv-five men to Estill County the day before to look
in the sand for Indian tricks. The Indians had crossed
at the mouth of Red River. They failed to meet and a
messenger was sent from his fort to tell him what had
transpired there. He then took his command and fol-
lowed them to Little Mountain in Montgomery County.
The faithful boy Monk took Capt. Estill's horse and
hid behind a tree from the Indians. Capt. Estill ordered
his lieutenant to forin in the rear while he attacked
them in front. His order, for sonic reason, was not
obeyed. Capt. Estill, with half of his men, made their
attack. A Wyandotte Indian rushed on him while he
was weak from the effects of his broken arm, his fatigue
of traveling and his bold and daring fight. His gun
was empty and lie was thereby unable to overcome the
Indian, who overpowered him. He was the last white

man to fall. When he was killed by the Indian, Joseph
Proctor slew the Indian. That put an end to the fight.
Of all the men who engaged in the fight, only three re-
mained to tell the tale. These were Joseph Proctor,
unhurt; James Berry, thigh broken; William Irvine,
shot through the lungs. The fidelity of the slave Monk
deservesr mention. He carried James Berry on his back
to Booneborough, twenty-five miles. He was accorded
his freedom and enjoyed a long life with his former
master, Wallaec Estill.
  Aecomnpansing herewith is a picture of a statue
erected to the nmenmory of Capt. Estill in the Richmond
  Sad to adimit, the valiant Joseph Proctor is buried in
the "old grave vard" at Irvine, but it is doubtful whether
his grave could be discovered.
  The Kentucky River flows through Estill County
from the southeast to the northwest, a distance of about
thirty-five miles. Besides being a stream of great value
to the agriculturists, and a stream of remarkable beauty,


it is extremely useful as a means of transportation of
saw logs, ties, staves, coal, etc.
  Notwithstanding Estill has the advantage of the L.
 A. railroad, there are thousands upon thousands of
logs that are floated down the river at each tide. The
river is one of the most beautiful in the United States.
Bounded on either side by high peaks of the Cumberland
range of mountains, it affords views incomparable for

beeauty. Then, upon its margin, grow flowers of rare
beauty and (lelieacy in great profusion. Sometimes, in
the Winter, the river freezes over. Accompanying here-
with is a view of an ice gorge that occurred in the Ken-
tucky River last February. The view is at the mouth
of Station Camp Creek, just above Irvine.
  The following streams of water are tributary to the
Kentucky River in this county: Red River, Station



History of Irvine and Estill County. Kentucky

C'amop Creek. Buck Creek. Cow     Creek, Hardwicks
Creek. Drowning Creek, Clear Creek and other miner
  The Kentucky River is being locked and dammed
and it is expected that al dam will he located at or near
Irvine uuring this year. Of course that will enable
steamboats to run all the year round and will be of great
advantage to shippers of any kind of freight.
  An Indian camp was discovered on the waters of
what is known as Station Camp Creek. from which the
name was given to the stream. It was at this camp that
the powder used by the Indians in this vicinity was
manu factured.
  The climate of Estill County is unexcelled anywhere
in the world for health. Situated high and possessing
no swamp lands, it is without those properties that
breed disease. As an instance of the health of this
county., we will say that in Irvine, the county seat, dur-
ing the past year there has been but one death, and that
was where a man dropped suddenly dead. That is a fact
strictly confined to the town limits, but, of course, in the
suburbs there have been other deaths.
  The southern part of Estill is rough and the land
comparatively poor, but the river and creek bottoms are
as rich as any land in the Blue Grass region.
  ('orn is the principal product raised upon the farms,
although there is cultivated a large supply of oats, grass,
uhrat and tobacco. In 1904 there was raised in this
counts- 265,411 bushels of corn.
  There are quite a number of good cattle and hogs and
horses raised here. In 1870 there were raised 3,920
head of cattle: in 1904. there were raised 6,682 head;
in 1870, hogs, 5,225: in 1904, 9,056; in 1870, horses,
1.214 head: in 1904, 2.123 head.
  ('oal and iron ore have been found in paying quanti-
ties and of excellent quality. lead ore has been discov-
treda. but so far not in sufficient quantities to pay for
working it.
   In relation to the iron found in this county, we will
quote a short extract: "The Red River Iron District
is mainly confined to Estill County. The iron ores of
the region l)roduce iron of unsurpassed excellence. The
first iron works in the county were located on Red
River, in the northeast corner, about 1810, and em-
braced a blast furnace, knobling fire and forge. About
1830 the Estill steam furnace was built, ten miles south-
east, on the mountain which divides the waters of the
Rled River from those of the Kentucky, and the smelt-
ing discontinued at the furnace on Red River; at the
same time the works at the "forge" were greatly im-
proved for the manufacture of bar irons, blooms, nails
and castings. The Red River Iron Works soon became
celebrated for the good quality of the metal produced.
About 1840 a new rolling mill supplanted the old forge,
and coal from near the Three Forks of the Kentucky
River was employed as fuel; this coal was flat boated
from Beattville down the river fifty miles, wagoned

pine miles upe Red River to the iron works; it was not
found suited to make good iron, and its use was aban-
doned. About 1860 the manufacture of iron at the
mill was discontinued. In 1865, 'The Red River Iron
Manufacturing Company' was chartered and organized
with a cash capital of 1,00.0000, which sum was actu-
ally expended in the purchase of all the estate belonging
to The Re1 River Iron Works, and in the improvement
of that property. The works at the old forge on Red
River were not revived, but the mills there were rebuilt
and imiproved. Estill Furnace was put in blast in May,
1866, many buildings erected, turnpike roads built and
the iron wagone]l eight miles to Red River, and shipped
l)v flat boats. In 1868, the company began and in less
than two vycars completed two of the largest charcoal
fernaces in the world, with inclined planes, tramways,
wac-adamized roads, mills and shops, and homes for
over one hundred families, employing 1,01)0 men for
more than a year. A town was chartered at the new
furnace called Fitchburg, after the two brothers, Frank
Fitch, the general superintendent, and Fred Fitch, the
secretary and treasurer. In 1869, the iron from Estill
Furnac was diverted from the Red River route, and
wagoned three miles to Fitchburg; thence with the
prodli:et of the two great furnaces, which went into blast
March 4, 1870), taken by a new tramway six miles to
Scott's Landing, on   the  Kentucky River, near the
mouth of Millers Creek. In 1871, nearly 10,000 tons
of pig iron were turned out, valued at 600,000."
  Now, such being the fact, that these mountains are
still here; that iron ore is just as plentiful as in the
dilays of Fitchburg; that the iron produced from this
ore is acknowledged to be the finest in the world; that
we now have railroad facilities for transportation that
were not in existence at that day; that the Kentucky
River is going to be locked and dammed in the space
of perhaps a year; whv is it not a field for investment
Why would it not be a souree of immense revenue
One reason that Fitchburg collapsed was because of the
expense and danger of transportation. Many a sand
bar on the Kentucky River has been the deposit of
boats of pig metal.
  We predict that in a very short period these fields will
again be opened and worked.
  As to coal in Estill County, while it is true that there
are not at present many mines operated, yet, there can
be no doubt that the coal mines of Estill County will
prove to be very valuable. The development along that
line has been retarded on account of the lack of trans-
portation. Now things will be different.
  The real interest of Estill County, however, outside
of her farming interests is her timber products. There
are vast forests, which have never yet been touched.
One who is not informed upon that subject naturally
concludes that on account of the many thousand logs
that have been cut in this county in the last twenty-five
years, there must of necessity be a shortage in the pro-



History of Irvine and Estill County, Kentucky

duction. Notwithstanding that fact, lumber men have
informed me that it will require years for the produc-
tion to become worthless.
  The variety of timber in this county is unusuall!
fine. We have some little walnut, the fact being that
that variety is almost extinct. We have oak, poplar.
hickory, ash, lynn, cherry, sugar tree, pine, cedar, and
almost every species that is common to the mountains
of the state. And the quality is unsurpassed. The saw
jmill at this place receives orders front Liverpool, Berlin
and other European points. The saw mill at Irvine
supplies the Pullman Palace Car Conmpanv with a
greater amount of material than any other one mill in
the state of Kentucky. What a fine opportunity for
factories of any and every kind.
  Why not establish right here wagon factories, furni-
ture factories, coffin factories, stave factories-in fact.
any kind of factory, where you can obtain the material
without the cost of shipping it  Why would it not
pay any company thus engaged to examine our products
  Estill County is fortunate in being blessed with nu-
merous churches and school houses. Every denonmina-
tion almost is represented, except perhaps the Catholics
and one or two Protestant denominations. The people
are as quiet and orderly as in any county in the state
of Kentucky. Among the noted divines who have been
reared in this county we refer to Steven Noland, a
Methodist and a powerful man. Rev. Wm. Rogers, a
member of the Christian Church, died at the age of
seventy-seven years. He left 207 grand children. He
preached forty years, during which time he baptized
2,052 people.
  While it is true that morality prevails in this county,
it is equally true that crime and vice exist. There has
been two hangings by mobs in this county since its or-
ganization; Jesse Crow was hung by the Kiu-Klux-Klan
for killing a young man by the name of Titus at a (lance.
Alex Richardson was hung by a mob for nmurlering SMrs.
  Since the organization of Estill County there have
been within its borders three legal hangings. The first
was that of Edward William Hawkins, on the 29th (lay
of May, 1857; the second was that of Joe Stone; the
third was of William Puckett.
  The hanging of Hawkins was attended with the
greatest possibly conceived interest on account of the
notorious character of the culprit. Hawkins was born
in the Forks Precinct of Estill County and at a very
early age manifested a disposition not to work, and
began stealing. Later on in life he began to steal
horses. and finally connected himself with a gang of
horse thieves that operated in Illinois, Missouri and
Kentucky. He made several trips across that territory,
carrying stolen horses with him. He was hung for
the, murder of Messrs. Land and Arvine, two
deputy sheriffs of Estill County, who had arrested
him at Beattyville, Lee County, and were escorting him

back to Irvine. He was riding behind       Mr. Land
when he threw his arms around him and grasped his
pistol, with which he shot and killed him. Thereupon
Mr. Arvine, who    was riding   in  advance, turneil,
and  Hawkins shot and      killed  himm.  He   imnime-
diatelv took to the wsods in flight. Officers and citizens
in great numbers pursued hiun. hbut could not find him.
On one occasion, there was a large crowd in pursuit and
Hawkins was on the road just a little in front of theumi.
le. saw that he would be overtaken, and with remiark-
ahle presence of mnind. lie pulled off his coat and b"gan
laying urp a fence just as though lie was a farmner at
work on his plaie. As the party passed him, the lealer
said. "Say, boys, when vont see Hawkins you will find a
jquan that looks like that." He traveled for several days,
crossing the Ohio River into that state. One night a
party, still after him, discovered him by the side of a
log fire out in the woods. They demanded his surren-
der, but, although they numibered about thirty, and lie
was unaccompanied by any one at all, they were afraid
to come upon him until lie threw his pistols down and
assured them he would not hurt them. He said he
was just tired of running around and decided to sur-
render. They brought him to Irvine, Kv., and after
a trial he was sentenced to be hung. After his sentence
he wrote a history of his life, and it is full of crime and
sorrowful history. In it he describes his beginning, and
urges the voung boys to take warning from him. He
says lie was married six times, living with each wife
just a little while until he could beat her out of what
property or money sle possessed. One wife, he declared,
lie loved, ut:t hi, antipathy to work prevented him from
earning an honest living. and he resorted to knocking
men down on the streets in the city on dark nights and
robbing theni. Before long his wife found out about
it, and she was so sorely grieved that during the night,
while lie was asleep, she arose and went out in the vard
and hung herself. It is impossible to tell correctly the
number of men he killed-perhaps a dozen. One poor
fariner in Miisswuri had been to town to market and was
riding home on his wagon. Hawkins kiew lie had some
money and was walking along the road on which thc
driver was going and in the same direction. He asked
the fartmer to let him ride. The kind-hearted old man
readily consented. Hawkins got up beside him and
when they arrived at a suitable place in the road he
shot the fanner and after robbing himmi threw him out
on the ground. drove the wagon over his head to cover
up the bullet wound, and then made the horses run away
as though it had been an accident. At the tiiie of his
death lie was only 21 years of age. He was considered
a handsome young man, bright, and might have accom-
plished a great deal of good. In those days executions
were not made with electricity or with the same kind of
gallows that are in use today. Hawkins was placed on
his coffin, which was upon an old road wagon, drawn by
two oxen. He was driven about a mile and a half front



History of Irvine and Estill County. Kentucky


town, where there was erected a gallows. He made a
speech before he was hung, in which he expressed regret
at his course, and earnestly admonished the young men
to live a different life. When the sheriff ordered the
wagon to be driven out, Hawkins gave a leap and
broke his neck.
  There were estimated to be five or six thousand peo-


ple present. This picture represents the gallows, which
still sands, with the exception that the cross-piece has
been broken off.
  One of the most important enterprises in the county
of Estill is the Louisville  Atlantic Railroad. This
road runs from Versailles, in Woodford County, to Beat-
tvrille, Lee County, Ky., a distance of ninety-four miles.
In the year 1888 Estill County voted a tax of 100,000
for the building of this road, which, upon its comple-
tion, was called the Richmond, Nicholasville, Irvine 
Beattyville Railroad. One-half of the amount was to
be paid upon the final completion of the road within a
certain time. The wording of the contract was some-
what ambiguous and consequently the county claimed
they did not owe the road company any amount what-
ever. The company admitted that fact so far as it ex-
tended to the payment of the last 50,000 and the bonds
for that amount were burned in front of the court house
at Irvine. The county was then sued by the holders of
the bonds for the other 50,000, but though the various
courts thus far have decided in favor of the bondholders,
no amount has been collected. The amount, together
with the interest and expenses of litigation have made
the amount claimed amount to nearly 100,000. The
people generally throughout the county are opposed to
the payment of the claim, and even the Louisville 
Atlantic Railroad would object to the payment of it, as
they would necessarily be compelled to pay their part of



History of Irvine and Estill County, Kentucky

the tax and would not receive a single cent for theiti-
  Notwithstanding this trouble, we are glad to have
the railroad with us. It places us in connection with
the outside world. There are in our county inexhaust-
able resources consisting of timber, coal, coal oil and
other commodities that are readily conveyer to market,
whereas, there would necessarily be less improvements
in the way of saw mills, factories and other interests,
whereby employment is furnished to our citizens.
  The road ;s splendidly managed. Capt. J. R. Pates,
the Superintkndent, who married the worthy daughter
of Rev. J. B. McGinn, a minister of the Christian
Church, well known throughout the state, is the soul
of honor and the true exponent of success. The pie-
ture of Capt. Pates herewith produced will be recognized
by his numerous friends.
  Mr. H. R. Smith, General Freight and Passenger
Agent and Chief Clerk to the President, was born in
Irvine and is one of the city's prides. At the age of
seventeen years, he took up the study of telegraphy and
becoming a master thereof, he was given the manage-
ment of Panola Station. Being endowed with energy
and true worthiness, he was advanced from position to
position, until he attained the one he occupies. We hope
to soon witness hib further advancement. Mr. Smith's
photograph is presented.

                    H. ]EL 8ITH
  It will be a difficult thing for any traveler to find more
polite and attentive conductors than Messrs. Robert and
Jo Harris They have been identified with the road ever
since its inception and we hope they will long con-
tinue to hold their positions.
  Another gentleman who is connected with the Is. 
A. Railroad is Mr. R. A. Woolums, the Soliciting Agent
for that road. He is an affable and polite man, and is
thoroughly conversant with the conduct of his business.

Malum a passenger rides over that road because it is un-
der the nianagenient of Mr. Woolums.

  Among the many attractive features of Estill County.
there is none greater than the Estill Springs. Situated
about one-halt mile from Irvine, it revels in the glory
of the past no less than that of the present. It has for
many years been known as the most popular summer
resort in the state of Kentucky. Before the war, hun-
dlredls of visitors would oome early in the spring, bring-
ing their carriages and negroes, and would remain until
the fall months drove them home. Henry Clay, it is
said, "stood pat" in many a game of "draw" under the
shadte of the oaks that adorn the grounds. This is
X-ertainjy the most charming summer resort in these
parts. Large andl spacious buildings are there for the
accomnmodatiomi of guests. It boasts of the finest ball
room in the state. Each year the proprietor employs a
fine banal of music from some of the Eastern cities, andl
when the evening shades begin to fall, they proceed to
a rustic arbor, from which emanates sweet strains of
music for the beguilement of the guests. Evern night
the ball room is thrown open and they lightly trip the
tral-a-loo. The waters of these springs are most excel-
lent in quality and variety. They have white, red and
black sulphur, the finest chalybeate in the world-a
great help to those who are afflicted with pulmonary dia-
eases-limestone, and in fact every kind of water con-
eeivable. The grounds are spacious and are surrounded
with scenery that is unsurpassed for beauty in Italy.
Bowling alleys. a tennis court, cards, in fact any and
all kinds of amusement are furnished. We heartily rec-
ommend this place to any one seeking recreation or
  We publish a picture of this beautiful spot.

  The bravery of the citizens of Estill County has be-
come a bv-word all over the state of Kentucky. Pos-
sibly this is attributable to their record during the Civil
War. When the war broke out, there was no section
where the call to arms was more earnestly answered
than in her borders. It is true that the sentiment of
Estill's people were somewhat divided, and as a conse-
quence, she supplied valiant soldiers for both sides.
John Morgan had several volunteers, and they were as
brave a lot of men as ever drew the sword. For the
Federal army, Col. H. C. Lilly organized a regiment of
cavalry, called the 14th. There were numerous scatter-
ing regiments that received volunteers from this county,
but for true merit and noble deeds there was no regi-
ment in the entire army who performed their duties so
successfully and who endured more hardships than did
the noble Old Eighth Kentucky, Infantry Volunteers.
  This regiment was organized by Col. Sidney M.
Barnes, who at that time was proprietor of the beautiful



History of Irvinevand Estill County, Kentucky


summer resort the Estill Springs. He was also a law-
yer of pronounced ability and a man or magnificent
iwrsonal appearance. In August, 1861, upon numerous
oecasions he addressed the citizens of Estill, Madison
and adjoining counties. principally held upon the occur-
rence of drills, that were participated in by the Home
Guards. He spoke of the necessity of better organiza-
tion to protect ourselves from being run over by the
Rebels. On the 14th of September a battalion of half
a score of companies of Home Guards met at Texas,
Madison County, Kentucky. The loyal citizens were
there with baskets that teemed with good things to eat.
Captains John C. Wilson and A. D. Powell, of Estill
County, were present with their recruits. Enthusiasm
waxed warm. It was not long afterwards before the
entire requisite of numbers was obtained and the regi-
ment made their headquarters at Estill Springs. The
Colonel's low rows of cottages were used as quarters for
the men. The services of an experienced baker was pro-
cured. He, however, was unable to attend to the wants
of the entire regiment, and they formed themselves into
messes or squads and did their own cooking. But this
life of pleasure was to be shortly cut of. The first real
trouble was the prevalence of the measles, which, while
it resul