xt7dnc5sbm94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dnc5sbm94/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1967-03-08  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 8, 1967 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 8, 1967 1967 1967-03-08 2020 true xt7dnc5sbm94 section xt7dnc5sbm94       































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February 2:, lJUz tcon'u)

Acting Dean of the Graduate School, presented a recommendation
Faculty that honorary degrees he conferred on six persons
at the May, 1967 Commencement. These six persons were approved by the Senate
for the degree indicated for recommendation to the President and the Board
of Trustees with the request that the names be withheld until the Board has
action and the nominees have accpoted.

Dr. Cochran,
from the Graduate


The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p...

Elbert U. Cokerman



The University Senate met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday,

March 8, 1967, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Diachun presided.
Members absent: Michael E. Adelstein, A. D. Albright, Jack N. Baldwin, Charles
E. Barnhart, Barbara Bates, John J. Begin*, Harold R. Binkley, Harry M. Bohannan,
Peter Bosomworth, Eugene B. Bradley, Thomas D. Brewer, Lester Bryant, Marion A.
Carnes, Merle Carter, David B. Clark, Jerome E. Cohn, Glenwood L. Creech, Marcia
Dake, Melvin DeFleur, Wendell C. DeMarcus, Kurt W. Deuschle, Ray Dutt, Ben A.
Eiseman, Herman A. Ellis, Thomas P. Field, Stuart Forth, James E. Funk, Peter
Gillie, Charles P. Graves, John W. Greene, Jr., Robert H. Greenlaw, Ward Griffen,
Jack Hall, Ellis F. Hartford, Hubert P. Henderson, J. W. Herron, John W. Hill,
James C. Humphries, Don Jacobson, Raymon D. Johnson, Robert L. Johnson, Bernard
D. Kern*, Robert A. Keuhne*, Robert F. Kerley, John Kuiper, R. A. Lauderdale, Jr.,
C. Oran Little, Frank A. Loeffel*, Leslie L. Martin, Herbert F. Massey, C. E.
Mitchell, Alvin L. Morris, R. T. Muelling, Jr., Vernon Musselman, James R.
Ogletree, John W. Oswald, Blaine F. Parker, J. W. Patterson, Doris P. Pearce,

N. J. Pisacano, Carson Porter, James Prestridge, Leonard A. Ravitz, Benjamin
Rush, Ivan Russell, Don Cash Seaoon*, William A. Seay, Doris M. Seward, Roy E.
Sigafus, C. Leland Smith, Dewey G. Steele, Wellington B. Stewart, Paul Street,
Thomas B. Stroup, Lee H. Townsend, Warren W. Walton*, William S. Ward, Daniel

L. Weiss, Warren E. Wheeler, Robert L. White, William R. Willard, W. W. Winternitz
Ralph F. Wiseman, Wesley 0. Young, Leon Zolondek.

Dr. George W. Schwert, Secretary, University Senate Council, recommended
approval of the Report of the University Senate Committee on the University
Calendar dated February 20, 1967 and circulated to the teaching faculty of the
University, with the following amendments:

That Memorial Day (May 50th) be added to paragraph 2.A. (5) of the
Recommendations on page 2;

that line 5, paragraph 2.0. be changed to read . . "submitting a policy
amendment to the University Senate Council for consideration and transmittal
to the University Senate for action. Such . . . “of the Recommendations

on page 2.

*Absence Explained





Minutes of the University Senate, Mare} 8, l967 (con't) '

The motion was seconded.
Recommendation was then made from the floor to amend the calendars contained in the
Report to remove Labor Day as a holiday from all University calendars. The Senate
approved this recommendation.
An additional recommendation was made to amend the calendars contained in the
Report to designate Founders Day, February 22, as an official University holiday
in all University calendars proposed for the future and that all administrative
offices be closed and classes suspended for that day. This recommendation was

Recommendation was made to amend the
preparation of the University's academic

/ ‘

item \7) to paragraph 2.A. of

statement of policy procedure governing
calendar on page 2 the Report to add
the Recommendations as

(7) Grades will not be due in tJG Registrar‘s Office until at least
two days beyond the end oi the examination period, excluding Sunday.

to the Summer Session as well. With concurrence
and Registrar of this change in procedure in that office,

This is interpre
r s
approved by a vote of 54 to 52.

of the Dean 01 n

A representative of the Arts and Sciences
that college to amend the second sentence
current Rules of the University Senate to

faculty presented a recommendation from

in the last paragraph on page 15 of the


. . . ”However, only under very special circumstances shall he be
allowed to withdraw from a class within five weeks of the final
examination period except for the summer term when the deadline



shall be two weegs.“ . . .
and to change the proposed calendars in the Report to reflect this change in rule.
The Senate approved the change in rule and subsequent change in the proposed calendars

by a vote of 59 to 57.

The Senate then approved the Report of the University Senate Committee on the
University Calendars (which embraces the proposed calendars and recommendations)
as amended by the amendments. The recommendations and calendars as amended and
approved follow:


1. The University Senate should develop a policy statement that provides a
framework from which the University's Academic Calendar is established.

The elements of policy with respect to calendar should include the
following items, along with such other specifications as the Senate may
feel are required.

A. The academic year shall consist of two semesters each including 15
weeks and an eight—week summer session, with the Fall Semester
beginning in time to permit completion prior to the Christmas holidays.









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the University Senate, March 8, 196? (con't)

(l The interval between the ending of the Fall Semester (the
last day of final examinations) and the first day of
registration for the spring semester shall not exceed 84
calendar days. Evely effort shall be made to reduce to a
minimum the interval of time between semesters consistent
with efficient handling of grade processing and timely
notification of probation and dropping of academically unqualified

(2) The summer session will be scheduled so that classes begin
not earlier than the 9th of June nor later than the 15th of

(5) National holidays occurring during the period when classes
are normally in session which shall be treated as academic
holidays are Thanksgiving Day, Memorial Day, and Independence

(4) The Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving shall be declared
academic holidays.

(5) The third week in March shall be utilized each year as
the spring vacation.

(6) Suitable time shall be alloted on one day of the President's
choice each semester for use as a President's Convocation.

(7) Grades will not be due in the Registrar's Office until at
least two (2) days, excluding Sunday, beyond the end of
the examination period.

The University Calendar, prepared for at least three years in
advance to facilitate planning, shall be constructed by the Registrar
and Dean of Admissions in conformity vith University Senate policy
and presented to the University Senate for approval.

A change in University Senate calendar policy may be suggested by

a member of the University faculty or by an administrative officer
of the University by submitting a policy amendment to the University
Senate Council for consideration and transmittal to the University
Senate for action. Such changes, if adOpted, would become effective
with the next calendar construction. Temporary deviations from
calendar policy should be allowed only under emergency circumstances,
with approval by the Registrar and the University Senate Council.

Insofar as possible, every effort shall be made to operate on a
single University Calendar for all units of the University. It

is recognized, however, that the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry
have special scheduling problems which have made separate Calendars
desirable for these Colleges from the beginnings of their
establishment. The Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry will be

operated on Separate calendars designed to meet the specific
instructional needs of those units, with the constraints that
such calendars be periodically reviewed by the Senate and be as
near as possible to conformity with the University Calendar.



v ‘. ,—..~j€_ F. F‘






Minutes of the University Senate, March 8, 1967 (con't)

E. ihe University Senate Committee on Calendar has given full consideration
to special problems currently faced by the College of Law as a
professional school in operating under a uniform University Calendar.
These problems appear to center around the lack of a reading period
prior to final examination; the necessity for a longer final examination
period than that required for most of the other colleges in the
University; and accrediting association standards establishing a
minimum number of instructional days for law schools. There exists
a degree of similarity between these needs and those faced by the
Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry. Therefore, the committee agrees
that due consideration should be given to the desirability of a
modified calendar for the College of Law. It further recommends that
every effort be made to develop a calendar which conforms to the
beginning and ending dates of the University Calendar.
The College of Law shall constitute a study committee to be composed
of six faculty representatives appointed by the Dean of the College
and charged to give full consideration to the opinions of law students.
This committee shall develop a calendar to be recommended to the
University Senate. In the event the committee is unable to reach
agreement upon a recommendation, the College shall remain on the
University Calendar.

This committee regards its findings and recommendations as only a first
step toward the devising of an optimal policy for this institution with
respect to calendar. Significant change in calendar is an expensive
process and carries far—reaching effects. Such change should be preceded

by a searching review and projection of educational policy for the University.‘fim

The present Calendar Committee was appointed by letter from the Chairman

of the Senate Council on October 27. It first met on November 1. The
essence of the present report was in draft form by early February to meet
the circulation and reporting deadlines set or implicit in the appointing
letter. Without apology therefore, the present report is directed to
meeting the specific request for a study of Calendar alternatives including
opinions of both faculty and students and to the preparation of a proposed
calendar policy statement.

A long range committee of the Senate should be appointed with the

specific charge of identifying and interpreting needed changes in

educational policy in consonance with the new Academic Program and

current projections of enrollment and division of undergraduate, graduate,
and professional program enrollment, as well as changes in teaching
technology and faculty commitment of effort. This committee would not be
required to duplicate the deliberation efforts of the faculty which are
incorporated in the Academic Program. Rather it would be concerned primarily
with those elements of educational policy which bear on the learning

process for students and which form the basis of calendar policy, along

with faculty resources, space and physical facility limitations and functional
efficiency concerns.

The recommendations for a calendar requested in the letter appointing
this committee are the product of one member of the committee-—the

Registrar and Dean of Admissions. The recommended calendar has been
prepared in keeping with the calendar policy proposed by the committee
and the current Governing Regulations of the University.










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Minutes of the University Senate


July 51 Monday ~ Last day to submit all required documents to
Sogistrar's for admission
August 27 Sunday — Dormitories open for Fall Semester
August 28,29 Monday and Tuesday — Classification, registration a
for students not pre—registered
August 50 Wednesday — Class work begins
September 6 Wednesday — Last day to enter an organized class for the
Fall Semester
September 11 Monday ~ Last day to drop course without a grade
September 12, 15 Tuesday and Wednesday - Last days for filing a
for December degree in College Dean' OFfice
October 19 Thursday Undergraduate mid—term grades due i
Office by 4:00 p.m.
November 25, 24, Thursday, Friday and Saturday ~ Thanksgiving Holid/t
25 academic holidays
November 9 Thursday — Last day to withdraw from a class before
December 12 Tuesday — Class work ends
December 15 Friday — Last day to submit all required documents to
Registrar's Office for admission to the 1968
Spring Semester
Dec ember l4~20 Thursday thru Wednesday Final examinations
December 20 Wednesday — End of Fall Semester
December 22 Friday — A11 grades due in Registrar's Office by 4:00 p.m.
Summary of Teaching Days, Fall Semester, 1967
Mon. Tues. We dur F Sat. Teaching Days
August — ~ 1 l — — August 2
September 4 4 4 4 5 5 September 26
October 5 5 4 4 4 4 October 26
November 4 4 5 4 5 5 November 25
December 2 2 l l 2 2 December 10


1967 Fall Semester


1967 (con’t)


to the 1967 Fall Semestm



pp olicat:Lon

n Registrar‘s







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\ 7._\ Aaaye“!

Minute 8

January 16


January 2

Januemjr 2
January 2

March 7

March 1
April 1

April 1
May 4
May 6—11
May 10




she University Senate, March 8, 1967 (con‘t)

1968 Spring Semester


Monday and Tuesday - Classification, registration, and orientatiox
for students not pre-registered

Wednesday ~ Class work begins

Tuesday — Last day to enter an organized class for the Spring

Monday — Last day to drop a course without a grade

Monday and Tuesday - Last days for filing application for
a May degree in College Dean’s Office

Thursday ~ Undergraduate mid—term grades due in Registrar's
ffice by 4:00 p.m.

Saturday noon thru Sunday — Spring vacation

Monday — Last day for out—of—state freshmen to submit all


required documents to Registrar's Office for admission
to the Fall 1968 Semester
Monday ~ Last day to withdraw from a class before finals
Saturday — Enl of class work

Monday 3hru Saturday — Final examinations

Friday ~ Last day to submit all required documents to
Registrar's Office for admission to the 1968 Summer Session

Saturday — End of Spring Semester

Sunday — Baccalaureate — Vesper

Monday ~ 101st Annual Commencement

Tuesday ~ All grades due in Registrar's Office by 4:00 p.m.

Summary of Teaching Days, Spring Semester, 1968




Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. ,Teaching Days
2 2 5 2 2 2 January 15
4 4 4 5 4 4 February 25
5 5 5 3 4 4 March 20
5 5 4 4 4 4 April 26

l 1 May 4




































June 10,
June 12
June 17



9.».r June 24
1¢;;‘ June 24,


July 4
July 24
July 29



Augu8t 7
August 9














Minutes of the University Senate, March 8,



1968 Summer Session


Monday and Tuesday ~ Registration

Wednesday ~ Class work begins

Monday — Last day to enter an organized class for the
Summer Session

Monday — Last day to drop a course without a grade

Monday and Tuesday ~ Last days for filing application for an
August degree in College Dean's Office

Thursday ~ Independence Day Holiday — academic holiday

Monday — Last date to drop a class before end of summer session

Monday _ Last day to submit all required documents to
Registrar's Office for admission to the 1968 Fall Semester

Wednesday — End of Summer Session

Friday — All grades due in Registrar‘s Office by 4:00 p,m.

Summary of Teaching Days, Summer Session 1968





Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Teacqing Days
2 8 5 5 5 3 June 16
5 5 5 5 4 4 July 26
l l l 1


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"’—'\ fiqrqvl

Minutes of the Uni-

July 29
August 26, 27

August 28
September 4

November 11
November 28



December 1’

Decemlm or 1

December lo~s-
December 2
December 24





68 F


3y Senate, March 8, 1967 (con't)

sall Semester



Monday — Last r


3 rdfl" 'TW‘I“ 0-01" ’3‘ ‘ '~ .' .
\OLLQLTU; 3 iiice ior admloSlOfl to

‘0 submit all required documents to
the 1968 Fall Semester

Monday and Tuesday ~ Classification, registratj_on, and

orientation for

Fall Semester
Monday — Last day to drop a
Tuesday and Wednesday — L
December de gree in Co
Monday — Urde‘r L””Uu&bp mi
ffice by 4:00 p.m.

Monday ~ 1.ast date to Withdraw from a class beiwo e finals
‘hursda: tn ru Saturdaf — Tbanksgivi Lng Holidavs — academic
F ' t t t all required documents to Reg

icr admission b0
lass work ends

Saturday — End 01 call Seme
Tuesdav — All grades due in

Summary of Teaching Days,

Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs.

”hru saturcav — Final
" T‘

students not pre registered
06 osday — Class work begins
edn e Wdfi; — Last day to enter an orggani ed class for

the 1969 Spring Semester


Registrar's Office by 4:00 p.m.

Fall Semester, 1968






5 4 4 4
4 5 5 5
4 4 4 3
2 2 2 2



(fl If;

Fri. Sat. Teaching Days
1 1 August

4 4 September

4 4 October

4 4 November

2 2 December






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Minutes of the







January 1'



January 21

January 27
January 27, 28


March 6

March 15—25
March 28
April l








LO U".


May 10
May 11
May 12
May 10








Ht ' i. J- In ar‘ 0 ‘r" \ ~ "‘-
tw Senate, Malch 8, lvb/ (eon L)

1969 Spring Semester


Monday and Tuesday — Classification, registration and
orientation for students not pre—registered

Wednesday — Class work begins

Tuesday — Last day to enter an organised class for the
Spring Semester

Monday ~ Last da: to drop a course without a grade

Monday and Tuesday - Last days for filing application for
a May degree in College Dean‘s Office

Thursday — Undergraduate mid—term grades due in Registrar's
Office by 4:00 p.m.

Saturday thru Sunday — Spring vacation

Friday — Last day to withdraw from a class before finals

Tuesday ~ Last day for out~of—state freshmen to submit all
required documents to Registrar's Office for admission
to the Fall 1969 Semester

Saturday — End of class work

Monday thru Saturday — Final Examinations

Friday — Last day to submit all required documents to
Registrar‘s Office for admission to the 1969 Summer

Saturday — End of Spring Semester

Sunday — Baccalaureate — Vesper

Monday — 102nd Annual Commencement

Tuesday — All grades due in Registrar's Office by 4:00 p.m.

Summary of Teaching Days, Spring Semester, 1969




Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Teaching Days
2 2 5 5 5 2 January 15
4 4 4 4 4 4 February 24
4 5 5 5 5 4 March 20
4 5 5 4 4 4 April 26
~ — ~ 1 1 1. May‘ 5








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June 23
June 23

July 4
July 23

July 2“


Au; gust




I 1"




1“”9 Summer

.1- u‘ \)u




to enf

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be ,
,er en organ:§ze 4Q Class

10 drop a course 1111;110111. a, :51:

Tuesdav - Lasi Qags for
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.— LeuC‘t

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end of Summer Seseion
Monday — Last may 10 submii all required
Registrar's Office for admission to the
Wednesday — bud of 1969 Summer Session
Friray — L11 gredgs Que i1 1"istrer'sOffiee
oummarxr of Teaching Days, Summer Session 1969



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Minutes 01 tne UniverSity Senate, Marca e, leo/ \con'c)


July 28

August 25, 26

August 27


September 8
September 9, 10

October 20

November 10

November 27, 28,

December 12










December 23




bmit all required documents t

Monday — Last day 0
for admission to the 1969 .all

Registrar‘s 0
Monday and Tuesday — Classification, registration and
orientation for students not pre—registered

to su

Wednesday ~ Class work begins

Wednesday - Last day to enter an organized class for the
Fall Semester

Monday ~ Last day to drop a course without a gr

Tuesday and Wednesday ~ Las; days for filing a,
for a December degree in College Dean's Oir'

Monday — Undergraduate mid—term grades due in \egiStrar's
Office by 4:00 p.m.

Monday — Last day to withdraw from a class before I

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday — Thanksgiving Holidays —
academic holidays

Friday ~ Last day to submit all required documents to
Registrar‘s Office for admission to the 1970
Spring Semester

Saturday - Class work ends

Monday thru Saturday — Final examinations

Saturday — End of Fall Semester

Tuesday ~ All grades due in Registrar's Office by 4:00 p.m.


Summary of Teaching Days, Fall Semester, 1969

Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Teachinr Date


~ — l i l 1 August 4
d 5 4 4 4 4 September 26
4 4 5 3 5 4 October 27
4 4 4 5 5 4 November 22
2 2 2 2 2 2 December 12
15 15 16 15 15 15 91


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Minutes of



January 12,

January 14
January 20

Janus 1“y 26



March 14—22
l/laI‘Cu :JO
April 1

May 2
May 4—9
May 9
May 1

May 10
M ay 1
M'y 12


izhe Uni versit


(‘ - '- , ‘I’ - 1 F;
a (3138,16, March 0,

1970 Spring Semester

Monday and Tuesday — Classification, registration and
orientation ior students not pre— registered.

aesday - Classes begin

Tuesday — Last day to enter an organized class for the
Spring Semester

VJ 8 dn

Monday — Last day to drop a course without a g1 ade
Monday andl Tuesday — Last days for filing. e,pp oli cation for

a May degree in College Dean‘s Office
Thursday — Undergraduate mid—term grades due in Re egistJar‘s
Ofiice by 4:00 p. m.
Saturday thru Sunday —
Monday ~ ay to

‘ ~Withd_re.w trom a
Wednesday — Last day for out~ Of-Slate


Spring vaca


Lest class before finals

b freshmen to submit
all required documents to Registrar's Oifice for
admission to the 1970 Fall Semester

Saturday ~ End of class work

Monday thru Saturday ~ Binal examinations
Saturday — End of Spri ing Semester
Tuesday e Last day to submit all required documents to

Registrar's OIIice for admission
Sunday — Baccalaureate~Vesper
Monday — lOSrd Annual Commencement
Tuesday — All grades due in Registrar's Office ~“y

to the 197 Summer Session

4:00 p.m.



Summary of Teaching Days, Spring Semester, 1970
Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Teaching Days
2 2 5 5 5 3 January 16
4 4 4 4 4 4 February 84
4 4 3 5 5 5 March 20
4 4 5 5 4 4 April 6
~ — ~ — l 1 May 2




1967 (con't) 1:3.


















































Minutes of



June ,
June 11
June 15

June 22

June 25, a:

July 4
July 25

July 29

August 6
August 10





the University Senate, March 8, luo, (ccn't)

1970 Summer Session


Tuesday and Wednesday ~ Registration

Thursday — Class work begins

Monday — Lasw day to enter an organized class for the
Summer Session

Monday — Last day to drop a course without a grade

Tuesday anc Wednesday — Las; days for filing application
for an August degree in College Dean‘s Office

Saturday — Independence Day Holiday — academic holiday

Thursday — Last date to Withdraw from a class before end 01
Summer Session

Wednesday — Last day to submit all required document; to
Registrar's Office for admission to the 1970 Fall

Thursday — End of 1970 Summer Session

Monday — All grades due in Registrar's Office by 4:00 p.m.

Summary of Teaching Days, Summer Session 1970


Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri, Sat. Teaching Days





5 5 2 5 3 3 June 17
4 4 5 b 5 3 July 26
l l l 1 — 1 August 5







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a M van 1),»:an 3:: a: an ‘2 ' I '
Minutes of the University Senate, March 8, 1967 (con‘t)
Dr. Schwert presented a recommendation from the Senate Council that a Senate
Advisory Committee on International Educational Programs be established. The

Senate approved this recommendation.

Dr. Schwert presented a recommendation from the Senate
be established to draw up recommendations to be made to the
Committee on Revision of the Governing Regulations relative to the point of
appropriate size and composition of the University Senate. The motion was seconded.
Agreement was reached to expand this motion also to include election procedure.

The motion as expanded was approved by the University Senate.

Council that a committee
joint Trustee~Faculty

A representative from the College of Arts and 0
Arts and Scienc—s Faculty Council a recommendation ”t‘;= e Senate ask the
President for a roval of appointment of a committee enablv small to be
-J. J

7 ( 1-
chosen by the Senate Council — in consultation with the PFGnldGHt - this committee
i .

to be given a summer appointment and charged with the a
and bringing up—to-date the Rules of the Senate and the Governing Regulations of
the University, and to submit a report to the Senate early in the fall of this
year and to make copies of the report available to the faculty of the University.”
The motion was seconded. Motion was then made to amend this motion to include
"or if not possible next summer, then to be done in the fall”. ’Upon agreement
to permit this amendment to the first amendment, the motion was seconded. The
Senate then voted to table the motion as amended, until further study by the

The Senate approved a motion from the floor that henceforth three (5)
unexplained absences from a Senate meeting in an academic year automatically
calls for purgation of that Senator by the Registrar.

Dr. Schwert presented a monthly report of routine actions, relating to
programs and courses which had been taken by the Senate Council.

A representative of the Arts and Sciences College presented a recommendation
from the Arts and Sciences Faculty Council that the University Senate solicit
an early report to the University Senate from the Committee on Evaluation of
Teaching. The Senate approved this recommendation.

The Senate adjourned at 5:05 p.m.

Elbent W. Ockerman


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