xt7dnc5sbj91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dnc5sbj91/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-08-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 20, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 20, 2004 2004 2004-08-20 2020 true xt7dnc5sbj91 section xt7dnc5sbj91 Friday packs
August 20, 2004
www.kykernel.com phones

newsroom2257-1915 Celebrating 33 years of independence ‘ ‘ Paqu'

T H E K E N T U C KY " é , Industry
1 latest cell


|NS|DE Spruce up the dorm The Kernel looks

Page 10 back at 2003-04:
Bans, budgets. bricks
Page 4

WorkoutzBeat the

‘freshman 15’
Page 9 Campus munchies

Page 11
Zoos. parks and

1 k‘ . \ u (I: ' - -
I ”St bmmmbs 1‘(“g1onol gotzmzu s

found 'l‘ickets. please!
Page 3 Page 2 Page 1.3


 Friday Most 20. 2004 I PAGE 2


Valuable Sports tickets
cheap for UK students

g1 Jet‘t Patterson

"(mm mm

It’s no secret that the
Bluegrass loves its UK bas-
ketball and football teams.

Nearly 70.000 fans pack
Commonwealth Stadium
for every football game, and
more than 20,000 attend
every basketball game in
Rupp Arena.

Getting student tickets
for football games doesn’t
require much time or ef-
fort. Student ticket win-
dows are located at three lo-
cations: Memorial Colise-
um, Commonwealth Stadi-
um and the Commons Com~
plex area.

Tickets are sold to stu—
dents with a valid UK stu-
dent identification card on
Monday and Tuesday from
9 am. to 4 pm. on weeks of
distribution (some are done
on a multi-game basis).

Students can purchase
up to five more student
tickets as long as they have
five more ID. cards.

Distribution for UK's
games is as followed: at
Louisville. Aug. 30; Indiana
and Ohio. Sept. 13; Alaba-
ma. Oct. 4: South Carolina,
Oct. 11; Georgia and Van--
derbilt, Oct. 25.

Attending a game in
Rupp Arena requires a lit-
tle more effort.

UK men‘s basketball
tickets are distributed in
five different lotteries
throughout the season on
specific Monday nights. In
what has become a pastime
for some students. and a mmmnmznlsmr
bass“? for Others. the 101W- UK students want for tickets at the basketball lottery inside Memorial
195,3“? held at Memorial Coliseum, on the Avenue of Champions. ,

Coliseum. Students must
arrive by 9:15 pm.




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Students are handed a
number upon entering. and
they wait for their number
to be called.

Remaining tickets are

sold lll similar fashion as
the football tiekets tip to
five extra tickets with stu
dent ll) eards

The first lottery for the
(‘ats‘ exliibltlon basketball

Regular-priced tickets
can also be purchased on
l'K Athleties' Web site
(wu'wukathletiesrom) but
student tickets are not of-
fered there.


Not In These!

Reg. 6-7-5
Now 555

-must present this ad-

good till 9/1/04


new balance


solid the next day at Memo-
rial Coliseum and Complex
Commons. These “priority
tickets" for students are

games against Northern
Kelitueky and Kt‘lltllt‘k_\'
V'i'eslevaii is ()et 3;?

[2‘ ma 1' I
jparrerson l1 Agrkernelrom






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 PAGE 3 I Friday August 20, 2004

Lost and found: often-sought,
hard-to-find buildings perplex


One of the many lost buildings on UK's campus is the Reynolds Building
where art students perfect their craft.

By Derek Poore
mt mrucxv KERNEL

You are a UK student.
You could be a first-year 7
roving about. searching for
food. shelter and class. Or
you may be a campus-hard-
ened senior. searching for
well, food. shelter and some-
where to go instead of class.

Regardless. there are
many places on campus that
you've probably only heard of
and are only vaguely famil-
iar images sketched in your
mind. They're lost when you
need them the most: looking
for your class with five min-
utes to spare.

“Where is the Reynolds
Building?" you ask a friend.
“And what about this Erik-

son Hall?” You can see the
sign for Frazee Hall in your
head. but you can't remem~
her where you ran across it

Roaming the backstreets
of UK‘s campus behind the
Taylor Education Building,
students may or may not get
to where they're going. Art
students looking for the
Reynolds Building must nav-
igate an old warehouse com-
plex in search of their class—

Whether you're a fresh
man or a career collegiate
party-animal. some building
on campus are simply “lost."
Areas such as the Reynolds
Building at the end of Scott
Street and South Broadway
are on the fringe of UK's 670


acre campus. Reynolds is ac-
tually the Reynolds Ware~
house. a complex of build-
ings UK uses for art classes
and facilities for UK Stores.
The buildings were once to-
bacco warehouses.

The Reynolds area has
been known for security con-
cerns and no air condition-
ing. Air conditioning was in-
stalled over the summer. Kel-
ley Bozeman of UK Public
Relations said.

Others. such as Erikson
Hall which houses a cam-
pus restaurant, Block and
Barrel and Frazee Hall.
are right under students’

Continue your trek
through campus. Looking
out from the front steps of
the Funkhouser Building on
central campus. turn to your

Erikson Hall is situated
to the left of Memorial Hall
- a UK campus icon. Erik-
son is home to the College of
Human and Environmental

Now you're back on Ad»
ministration Drive, near
Barker Hall & Buell Armory
Frazee Hall is between the
two. which is probably why
you can remember seeing the
sign. coming and going from
the Student Center, but could
never remember where it
was. The Counseling and
Testing Center and UK‘s In-
dependent Study Program is
in Frazee.

At the corner of
Maxwell and Rose Streets
stands another often over-
looked but frequently—sought
building. especially for infor-
mation technology students.

Completed in 2000. the
James F. Hardymon Building
contains the Laboratory for
Advanced Networking as
well as the offices of infor-
mation Technology.

UK's campus sprawl can
create a lot of confusion.
Campus maps are available
in countless buildings. in UK
bulletins and the class book.
and on the lnternet.

dpoore a kykernelt‘om



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 Friday August 20, 2004 I PAGE 4

Last year’s

students saw

fees upped, smoking banned

Here’ s a look at some of
UK s biggest stories from
the 2003-04 school year.

Former loaders die

Former UK President
Otis Singletary died Sept.
22, 2003 following a battle
with prostate cancer. He
was 82. Singletary served
as UK president from 1969
to 1987. During his tenure.
Singletary oversaw $250
million in construction
projects. reorganized the
University Senate. estab-
lished the College of Com-
munications and Fine Arts.
Lexington Community Col-
lege was combined into UK
and UK sports teams were
racially integrated

On Oct. 16. 2003. former
Gov. Ned Breathitt died six
days after collapsing while
giving a speech at Lt‘C’s
Volunteer Appreciation
Dinner. He was 78.
Breathitt. a UK graduate.
tackled several of the
state‘s civil rights issues.
He served on UK‘s Board of
Trustees for several years.
with his final term ending
in 1999.

W.T. Young. who
spurred fundraising efforts
to build the WT Young iii
brary with a $5 million do—
nation. died Jan. 12 He was
85. Young‘s fundraisiiig cf~
forts also helped build the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fra
ternity house on Rose

Tuition increases

For the second time in
two years. L'K's Hoard of
Trustees approved a uni ion

The increase meant in
state undergraduate stu-
dents are paying 8:400 to
$400 more this year. while
out-of-state undergraduate
students are paying $330 to
$450 more,

Student Government
President Rachel Watts was
the lone dissenting \ote at
the meeting.

Several board members
voiced regret that state
budget cuts forced them to
lay the liability on stu—

The state legislature
cut $41 million from its
post-secondary education
budget. of which $16.7 mil-
lion was taken from UK.

March Madness misfortune

The UK men's basket-
ball team dominated the
Southeastern Conference
Tournament and entered
the NCAA Tournament as
the No. 1 overall seed,

But the No. 8 seed L'ni-
versity of Alabama-Birm-
ingham beat the Cats 76-75
in the second round in
Columbus. Ohio.

llAB senior guard Mo
Finley led the Blazers with
17 points. including an 18-
foot jumper with 12.11 s‘c-
onds left to seal llAB's vic-

DeNoss helps sell tickets

Despite achieving iden-
tical records in the 2002-03
and 2003-04 seasons (lilo).
the l'K women's basketball
teams home attendance in
creased by an average of
32300 fans per game. Much
of the credit went to first»
year head coach Mickie

l)el\ioss brings one of
the nation's most highly
touted recruiting classes
this season

Lights out tor area smokers

in April. the Kentucky
Supieint (‘ourt ruled l.xle
ingtoii tould e iact a smok-
ing but in enclosed. public
spaces and businesses

In December, the (‘ourt
teniporarilv blocked the
smoking but hours before
it was to l: iko ett ect in or
do i to ie \lt w busi ine ss oun-
claims that local gov
eruinents did not liaie the
right to regulate public
health issues

The ban


has simi-

A w
A‘ i







Joan mm: | sun riLr more

UK President Lee Todd presents the 2004-20053 tuition and lee
increases to the Board ol Trustees. Undergraduate students faced
a $300 to $450 increase, depending on residency.

spurred local government
to extend bar hours. which
now go until 2:30 am.

LCC split from UK
In February the UK
Board or Trustees voted
that l,(‘(‘ should no longer
be a part of ['K. The Ken-
tucky legislature approved
the proposal l.(‘(‘ students
kept their student services
use of residence
halls. health care. athletic
ticket discounts. etc. but
beginning next fall semes
ter. the\ will time to indi»
\‘iduallv choose what serr
v ic es the\ want and pay ac
mil ii‘L‘l\

SG-SAB-WRFL showdown

in April. 80 leaders
placed a referendum on
student election ballots.
asking students whether
leaders from organi7ations
that receive part of the
“student activities fee"
should be elected.

Student Activities
Board and WRFli-FM. the
student radio station. were
the organizations affected

WRH. was excluded
from the decision because
they receive a separate fee

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More features marketed
for mobile phones

By Johnat_han Takiff
irrircin moon rnraurit

With an estimated 150 million
of us already toting a mobile
phone. you might think the US.
market was pretty well saturated.

Yet mobile phone makers and
service providers aren‘t taking "al-
ready got one" for an answer.
They're furiously upgrading their
systems (again). cooking up spiffi-
er new models and software ser-
vices that will make your mobile
almost as versatile as your com-
puter for communication. infor-
mation access and entertainment.

Today. let's push some of hot
buttons intended to hook the hold-
outs and lure current customers
to fancier phones and services.


These days. US. mobile phone
users are most willing to splurge
on downloaded musical ring tones.
games and "wallpaper" screen dec-

The most "outrageous fore-
casts" see download business
growing to $9.7 billion by 2007.
said Nokia software evangelist
Chris Lovejoy. "evenly divided be-
tween entertainment and produc—
tivity applications."

Priming the pump for growth.
this year's most sophisticated
phones are capable of ringing
with the actual sounds (and im-
age) of your favorite music artists
captured in MP3 form. Acquiring
these clips will get easier. too
just step up to a kiosk or enter 1
simple code on your mobile.


Video games are also getting
more real on the newest. higher-
powered mobiles. evolving from
flat. 2D-style graphics to 3-D ani-

Nokia is showing the way
with its second‘generation N-Gage
QD. a cool-looking and userfriend-
ly phone that doubles as a gaming
system with serious. memory.
card-loaded software.

Office DEPOT.

What you need. What you need to know.‘

Lovejoy also sees big growth
in fun stuff: daily comic strip
downloads. customized travel in-
formation (including maps) and
software to dress up and stitch to-
gether images shot with your cam-
era phone.

"We've got more than a million
software licensees for our mobile
platforms. tinkering to come up
with the next killer app." he said.

Perhaps most likely to burst
out big this year is the Multimedia
Messaging Service, which invites
creative types to communicate a
custom mix of moving images.
text and audio via the mobile.

While an industrywide stan—
dard. MMS is having the same
startup problems that Short Mes-
saging Service had communicat-
ing among different mobile ser-
vice carriers. said Lovejoy.


Today's VGA-grade camera
phones capture OK images for
viewing on another phone or com-
puter screen.

But to make a hard copy, settle
for no less than the 1.3 megapixel
camera phones coming this fall
from the likes of Kyocera. LG
Electronics. Nokia and Samsung.
First out of the gate is the Au-
diovox PM-8920 for Sprint. $150 af~
ter rebates.

In South Korea. a hotbed for
mobile phone research and devel-
opment. Samsung has just an-
nounced the first 3.2 megapixel

(and 3x optical zoom!) camera'

phone for the domestic market.
Picture quality should be up to
producing sharp 8-by-10-inch

But don't expect the device
here until U.S. mobile service
providers upgrade the data
send/receive rate of their net-
works to true "broadband" quality.

Also on export "hold" is LG
Electronics' nifty "video confer-
encing" mobile phone. which
shows both the other party (a slow
scan moving image) and your own
image in a picture-in-picture dis»


Definitely on the way from
LG. though. are camera phones
that record up to a full hour of
moving video (with sound) com—
pressed in the MPEG-4 format and
stored on a tiny SD memory card.
(Today's typical mobile phone cap
tures all of 14 or 15 seconds of


Just when you thought mobile
phones couldn't get any smaller
they're growing larger.

To ease inputting of short and
multimedia messaging. new smart
phones like the Sony Ericsson
P910 and Motorola A630 have
grown large enough to accommo
date a flip-out, QWERTY—config-
ured keyboard. though the keys
are still packed tight for thumbs
only typing.

To make that text (plus down-
loaded Web pages. videos and
games) more viewable. screen
sizes are bulking up in some mod‘
els. Nokia's newly announced 7700
series smart phone boasts a 640-
by-320-pixel widescreen. signifi-
cantly larger than the 176- by- 209-
pixel display found in today s typi-
cal flip phones.


Mobile phone carriers are in
system upgrade mode again,
pumping up the "through-put"
speed of their data networks so
mobiles can act like multimedia
terminals. wirelessly downloading
and streaming audio and video.

By year's end. Verizon's pack.
leading CDMA 1x EV‘DO (Evolu-
tion Data Optimized) network
technology will be available to
about 30 percent of its sub—
scribers. said chief technology of-
ficer Dick Lynch. delivering data
at 300 to 500 KBps per second. with
1 MBps peaks. That's a far cry
from the 56 KBps speed of current
mobile phones.

W-CDMA. soon to be test-man
keted by AT&T. promises speeds of
200 to 800 KBps. depending on the




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PAGE 5 I Friday August 20. 2004


mm nun l sun

Cell phone companies are‘packinq more hi-tech features into their latest models. The
industry hopes to bring information, games and media to mobile phones as much as they

are pushed to personal computers.

supplier! plus simultaneous voice
and data transmission (a feature
not possible with EV-Dlli

liven more robust 1s [CV-DY
(Evolution Data Voice) technology.
already demonstrated by Motorola
and Samsung. lt's capable of data

Purchase Totaling
$50 or More

delivery at 1 MBps to 1.5 MBps
good enough to stream video at a
fairly smooth 1:3 frames per sec

Hmmm. wonder what's play-
ing on my phone’.’

5 lies

Or More


