xt7dnc5sbh79 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dnc5sbh79/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-02-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1993 1993 1993-02-26 2020 true xt7dnc5sbh79 section xt7dnc5sbh79  




Kentucky Ke me



Established .1 894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Friday, February 26, 1993




By John Kelly
Sports Editor


Jamal Mashbum answered the
question no UK basketball fan
wanted answered yesterday.

The junior power forward, who
led the UK basketball team to
three consecutive 20-plus win
seasons. announced at Joe B. Hall
Wildcat Lodge that he will forgo
his final season of eligibility and
make himself available for the
NBA draft this summer.

“As you already know from the
beginning of the season, Coach
Pitino said l was going to be one
of the top three picks, and it
seems like I won‘t be coming
back next year to be with the Uni-
versity of Kentucky basketball
team," Mashbum said. “He
thinks I'm ready. so I guess I

Mashbum cited numerous rea-
sons for his decision. Pitino‘s as-
sessment that he’s ready. his fi-
nancial situation and simple cost-
betiefit analysis.

“The thing about Jamal is he
has everything to lose and noth-
ing to gain by staying,“ Pitino
said. “You have to strike while
the iron is hot. lle's hot, and he‘s
ready. He does make people bet-


By Ty Halpin
Assistant Sports Editor


larnal Mashbuni‘s decision to
pass up his last year of eligibility
at UK for a chance in the NBA
draft has students talking.

Reactions to yesterday‘s an~
nouncement were mixed. Some
students said he should give the
Wildcats another year. while oth-
ers said Mashbum deserves to go
lor tlic money and glory of the
pro leagues


ter on the court, and that‘s what the
NBA needs."

Pitino, a former coach of the
New York Knicks, announced ear-
lier this season that he would feel
out his sources in the NBA and, if
Mashbum had the potential to be
one of the top three selections. he
would advise him to go pro. With
his performance this season. the de-
cision seemed inevitable.

Mashbum said he's known he
would probably leave for most of
the season but that he made a com-
mitment to that decision “sometime
this week."

Part of the reason for the an-
nouncement yesterday was so that
UK could honor Mashbum in some
manner after UK‘s final horiie
game Saturday against Auburn at
Rupp Arena.

Pitino said the celebration for
Mashbum will follow the game and
will be separate from the annual
ceremony for UK‘s graduating sen.
iors. which happens before the
game. Neither he or Mashbum
wanted to take attention from sen-
iors Junior Braddy. Dale Brown
and Todd Svoboda. he said.

But the send-off for Mashbum
should be a big one. much like the
one to which (‘awood Ledford was
treated last season because UK fans

Amy Kieth. an elementary educa-
tion sophomore, said she agrees
with Mashhum's decision.

“I don‘t blame him." she said.
“He's a good player. If l had that
much talent. l‘d leave too."

A not-so-positive opinion came
frorn sophomore Greg Williams

“I couldn‘t care less." he said.

Katie Dwyer, a finance major,
said she hopes Mashbum doesn’t
leave UK behind totally.

“I wish him the best." the senior
said. “I hope he never forgets the

Mashbum says he’ll skip

have developed an adoration for the
“Monster Mash" in three short

'lhe junior shrugs off the idea
that he ranks tunong the best
players in the program‘s history.
but just look at the honors. Mash-
burti is eighth on the UK all-time
scoring list. Had he stayed for a
fourth season zuid maintained this
season‘s averages. Mashbum would
have broken D2111 lssel's record eas-

He‘s been an All-Southeastern
(,‘otil'erence the past two seasons
and is likely to repeat that fear this
season. He was selected to almost
c\cryone's Preseason All-America

But Mashbum isn‘t enthralled by
individual awards or cold statistics.
and Rick Puino gives Mashbum
credit for a larger feat. Looking at
the big picture. Pitino said. Mash-
burri has played an integral role in
rebuilding a fallen program.

“There was no rhyme or reason
for Jamal Mashbum to come to
Kentucky." Pitino said. "It takes a
special man to do that because to
most of these kids it's all glitter and
glamour. ‘Me. not play iii the
NCAA Toumament'? Me. not play
on television? No. I'm a great has-

See MASHBURN. Back Page

Students’ reaction mixed


Still. some students don‘t want
the (‘ats to lost their best player.

“1 think it's had." said Rebecca
Smith. a speech pathology sopho-
more. “I wish he could stay here. 1
don‘t want him to go."

Smith realizes her opinion is
blurred by her love for the Wild-
cats. she said.

“I see his point. and. if l were in
his position. l'd leave. too." she

See PRO. Back Page

Junior forward Jamal Mashburn tells the media yesterday that he intends to enter the NBA
draft after this season. The New York city native said he and Coach Flick Pitino decided in fa-
vor of the NBA because they expect him to be a top-three draft pick.

senior year for NBA



are: L ‘. ~ 4
JEFF auntewnme. Staff



Snow forces
UK to cancel
night classes


Staff reports


A late-afternoon snow storm yes-
terday forced UK to cancel evening
classes and send some employees
home at 4 pm.

At 5:25 p iii. yesterday. a total of
four inches of snow had fallen at
Bluegrass Field. Snow turned to
sleet last night.

According to the National
Weather Service. another four to
eight inches of heavy snow were
expected before daybreak.

UK Police (‘hief W. H. Mc(‘o-
mas last night said a decision about
class cancellations for today would
not be made until about 5 this
rnoniing. lle stud road conditions,
public transmutation and the weath—
er would be considered.

Mc(‘omas said television and ra-
dio stations would broadcast the de-
cision immediately.






PETER MOORE/Kernel Staff

Theatre graduate student Jeff Fightmaster and landscape ar-
chitecture junior Sam Draper sled yesterday on campus.

A number of events on czunpus
last night were canceled because of
the snow, including:

o'l‘he Delta Gamma social sorori-
ty‘s Anchor Splash at the Harry (‘..
Lancaster Aquatic (‘enfer

(The College of (‘ommunications
Honor Society's Resume Riot.

Parents group formed
to foster community


By Reed Good
Contributing Writer


A new campus organization
wants to foster a family atmosphere
at UK. but it won‘t be seeking stu-
dent members.

lnstead, it will bring together stu-
dents‘ parents in an effon to inform
and educate them about the many
resources and services available to
their children.

The ultimate goal of the group.
called the UK Parent Association. is
overall improvement of campus
life. said Becky Jordan. assistant
dean of students.

“Better-informed parents indi-

rectly help first-year students suc-
ceed.“ Jordan said. “This will lead
to better retention, which is a main
goal of the University."

The group is the culmination of
nearly five years‘ research, said
Jordan. who was instrumental in its

“We began by surveying other
universities with well-established
Parent Associations." she said. "We
asked questions related to how they
were staned. what each would do
differently and so on. From the sur-
veys. we felt we could learn from
(other schools‘) mistakes."

The UK group has a ll-mcmbcr

See PARENT. Page 5

0A reorganization meeting for Phi
Kappa Tau social fratentity. which
was rescheduled for 7 pm. March 4
in 228 Student (‘enter

As much as a foot of snow. possi-
bly capped with a layer of sleet or
freezing rain. was forecast for

See SNOW. Back Page


Some professors at UK need a
few elementary hygiene lessons.
Column, Page 6.

Basketball coach Rick Pilino
should start the team's union at
Saturday's game —— for the alto
of tradition and for the fans.
Editorial, Page 6.


Cloudy today with a 40 percent
chance of light snow; high ,_
around 35. Cloudy tonight; low
between 20 and 25. Cloudy
tomorrow; high around 35.

Sports .. ,





Integrating UK sports not easy

Three who did
faced difiiculty,

racial barbs


By Graham Shelby
Senior Staff Writer



()f the three black men who inte-
grated UK's major sports in the late

One is dead.

One is iii pris-

The third left
UK before the
end of his first
\‘ttrstly season.

The Universi-
ty‘s recruitment
of (ireg Page
Tom Payne and
could be attrib~
uted not just to their athletic ability
but also to pressure from black stu-
dents who protested the lack of in-
tegration iii athletics _ panicularly

UK alumnus Theodore Berry re-
called that during basketball games.
“We would go out and march right
in front of Memorial Coliseum."

former UK Sports lnfonnation
director Russell Rice said the pro
tests had their effect. panicularly
on then-basketball coach Adolph
Rupp "lhe University was really
eterttng pressure to recruit a black
player." Rice said.

Rupp‘s first recruiting success
among black players was Payne. 8
7-t‘oot-l high school All—American
frorii l.ouisville. Ky. Rice was
present at Payne's parents‘ home in
the spring of l960 when the l8-








Net Northington. UK's first black football player. ended up
transferring to Western Kentucky University.

year-old signed his commitment pa-
pers to play at t'K

“When he signed the letter of in-
tent." Rice said. “his mother was
smiling and his father “as "

Their son. however. looked typi-
cally serious. Rice said, “i remem-
ber Tom as being quiet. reserved."

The reason Payne decided to be-
come the first black basketball
player at UK. Rice said. was prag-
matic. “He said he thought Rupp
could bring out his potmtial better
than any other coach."

In that respect. Payne may have
chosen well. He averaged lo points
and IQ rebounds per game for UK‘s
l070-7l learn. which finished 22o
Payne made the All-Soulhcastcm

(‘ontercncc list and subsequently
decided to leave school early.

lie was selected by the Atlanta
Hawks Ill the first round of the
107] NBA draft though he had dc~
parted l'ls’ early. he looked to have
a promising career ahead of him.

“Of course." Rice said. “Tom had
his problems later on “

Problems like the l l years he
spent in prison after hls second rape
conviction. followed by a stop-and-
start career first as a professional
boxer. then as an actor.

Payne managed to land some sup-
porting television roles before he
was arrested on Valentine's Day in

See BLACKS. Back Page

. l


,u 7 -,~.'.:>

‘vv. '. ; 3-1; sum-r insists-r

... ”g...





2 - Kentucky Kernel, Frldey. February 26, 1993




Latest from JudyB ats proof
nice guys make good music

By Brian Manley





Staff Writer
()ne characteristic that always
has befallen pop/rock stars

throughout the genre‘s existence
is that of the egocentric musician.

Finally. there is a band that has
avoided the swelled-head syn-
drome afflicting such “talents“ as
Axl Rose and Mike Love.

The JudyBats have at last
shown that to create. a well-
reviewed album. one doesn‘t
have to display his or her middle
finger or show up three hours
late lhe JudyBats have proved
that a group of nice guys can sit
down and write songs without
tryitig to make everyone else

Born iii the minds of two Ten-
nessee college students, the group
almost is an experiment in the
unification of altemative. pop and




Bruce Campbell stars as Ash. a modern day warrior who travels back to the Dark Ages to battle
evil. in ‘Army of Darkness.‘ a film any 12-year-old would consider a classic movie.

‘Army of Darkness’ a good loser





By Gm Laber ° —_ ‘ I” this third outing, 'Raimi and even a little soul. with a sense of
9 ~ _ Ff‘me-V have toned. things down. creativity thrown iii to balance
Contributing CFINC M— O V I: E lhe essential gore still abounds ln evervthing. more countesv or warmer: anos. neconos
i fact there are more skeletons than The . .. . .
.. - . . ._ -- , . . E group can be seen \ld its _
Ann} 0‘ [Whit-“v m“ mm REVIEW E in the other two films combined. We“ video/single. “Being Sim- After two Top 20 recordings, the JudyBats from Tennessee

offering from horror-master Sam
Raiim. is an unsettling look at the
dual nature of man Borrowing
heavily from a literary background.

But. for the sake of mainstream au- have released their third album. Pain Makes You Beautiful.
dieiiccs. Raimi has all but eliminat-

ed the oozing blood and flying body

pic.“ a memorable tune inru‘ked
by an easy acoustic melody imd a
catchy chorus:


baiid bcgim gaitiing a major base from diverse influences which

was not released. however. until

Riumi provides an intellectual trea—
tise for our times. NOT!

“Army of Darkness" originally
was meant to be the third install-
ment in Raimi's “Evil Dead" series.
Although Bruce Campbell returns

as Ash and the story (what little of

it there isi picks up where “livil
Dead 2" left off. the studio decided
not to push "Army" as a
fear that those who had not seen the
first two might stay away.

That is a legitimate concem with
the “l1vil Dead" films. The first was
independently produced by Raimi
and his college friends in 1978. It

sequel for

four years later at the (‘aiines film

It focused on a group of teenag-
ers on a weekend getaway who
came across the Book of the Dead.
After reading froin the book. the
teens were possessed by the evil
spirits unleashed.

While “Dead 1“ was played
straight. its 1986 sequel was pro-
duced largely for laughs. It still
contained the gruesome effects that
made the original so popular. but
Raimi and (‘ampbell stretched the
action to ridiculous extremes to par~
ody the first movie.



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lit a way. “Anny" is a horror—
genre retelling of Mark Twain's
“(‘onnecticut Yankee in King Ar-
thur's Court." with a modem-day
Campbell traveling back in time to
medieval times.

There also are elements of the
classic stories of King Arthur. As
Ash. (‘ampbell is seen as a lost
knight on a quest. Granted. his Ex-
calibur is a chain saw mounted on
his stamp of a hand. but. hey. this is
a Sam Raimi movie.

Ash proves his worth to the
knights by escaping his execution

and then goes on a quest to find the

book that sent him back in time.

The action is fast and furious.
Campbell battles demons. witches.
skeletons and even various evil iri-
camations of himself. After splinter—
ing a tnirror. he finds himself at-
tacked by many miniature images of

The effects. including the use of a
new technique known as lntrovi-
sion. are ama/mg. Legions of Skele—
tons march to war against a seem-
ingly gigrmtic castle. It‘s a 12-year-
old boy‘s dream movie.

The saving grace of “Army of
Darkness" is its use of humor. ”or-
ror movie conventions are lam—
pooiied with occasionally hilarious
results. (‘ampbell quips some fan-
tastic one-liners and exudes attitude
from first frame to last. Unfortu-

“1 want to be good but good is
being simple/Simple is forget-
ting/And 1 simply can t forget.‘

However. the band is far from
simple. each song being a culmi-
nation of unsophisticated com-
plexities drawn from the lyrical
pen of vocalist Jeff lleiskell and
the melodies of guitarists lid
Winters and Johnny Sughrue.
Roundin'g out the band' s rhythm
section are bassist Paul Noe and
drummer David Jenkins.

One aspect in which the band
is not lacking is that of diverse in»
fluences. which range from Joy
Division to Joni Mitchell and
Ricky Lee.

Puin Makes You Beautiful is
the JudyBats' third release and
documents the band's growth
since its formation in l986. Per-
haps the biggest change within
the band and its sound is because
of the recruitment of producer
Kevin Moloney. who is well-
known for his work with such art-
ists as Sinead ()'(‘onnor and ill.

Moloney brought a live feel to
the band. recording most of the
tracks in first takes. avoiding its
much overdubbing as possible.
This style of recording has cap-
tured a sound that is definitely
new and more fitting of the band.

The JudyBats coalesced in
1986. created from the grouping
of lleiskcll. Winters and Sugh-

(ollowing in its hometown. Knox-
ville. Tenn. and eventually
signed with Sire records to re-
lease its 1991 debut. Native Son.
under the production of Richard

Native Son earned the band a
spot in Billboard's Top 20 and
was named one of 1901‘s top ll)
albums by both Billboard and ()0

The group‘s second album.

Down in the Shocks Where the
Satellite Dishes Grow. added to
its popularity and featured a top
20 single “Saturday." llowever.
Prim Makes You Beautiful shows
a decidedly different side to the
JudyBats. mainly because of the
way the band perfonncd under
the careful ear of new producer

The recording style used by
Moloney definitely appeals to the
band more than the overdubbing
technique favored by previous
producer (iottehrer.

“This one is very different: it‘s
by far our best record." lleiskcll
said. “What you‘ve got on the
record is a series of a possible
takes. The first two (albums)
were layered. which is the way
most records are done. and we
just hated it.

“It got to the point where I re—
fused to record another record
that way. I can never imagine go-

rzurge from Joni Mitchell to Joy
Division. lhc group meshes the
usual labels thrown at bands of its
musical style. lit a record store.
the JudyBats‘ latest work prob—
ably would be found under the al~
temative, or even pop/rock. sec-

The band has created a highly
spirited. uplifting type of music.
giving most of the songs an up
beat feeling. The JudyBats have
seemingly picked up and begun to
develop the same flowing melo-
dies and spirited vocals that bands
like When In Rome made popular
lll the ’ths.

With song subjects ranging
frorn broken relationships (“l‘np
Me l‘p”) to 881M (“Pain"). lyn
cist lleiskcll has. within the span
of three albums. gained the repu-
tation as being quite an accom-
plished poet.

“I really don‘t listen to that
much music." lleiskcll said about
his lyrical inspiration. "I read a

Armed with what they consider
their best matcnal to date. the
members of the .ltidyBats have
readied themselves for a [7.8 tour
in support of the newest LP. The
band is set to deliver to America
its own versatile music that cart






Every Thursday 23319107 "‘"dy‘ the” ”1““ "m ”mull“ I” 3“ rue. roommates at the University ing back to that." only be described as a lighthezm-
Castaways . Frldfay. around. , . of Tennessee at the time. The The ludyBats‘ sound comes ed punch and the JudyBats.
Every Friday Come rammin‘imth Funky ‘ It you ve‘ seen and enjoyed the

Lisa 8. Patterson MUSC first two "izvil Dead movies. the
Sat. Feb. 27 All originals by odds are you'll get a mild kick out

Electric Mayhem
and Great Blues by
Sons of Hercules
Ladies $6.50 AUCD 8-1
Guys $1.75 Wells
$1.00 drafts 8—10

of this silly installment. But if goofy
horror flicks just aren‘t your thing.
you‘ll wtuit to run and hide from the
“Army of Darkness."

The Tony Konkler Band


Corner of Main 8. S. Upper

Duran Duran

To the surprise of many Duran
Duran Duran

Duran has released its seventh stu-

"Army of Darkness. " rated R. ii




231'5075 .- . ~ . Ca itol Records - . - ~- ~ .. (( ~
Pool Tables & Dartboards Roll vsviatthuiggyl‘iock Zlfjgufif "aairlifafiihzylggPack/“l p d1“ albgfm. I": misfit“ 1 {)9 1h: Back in l981. the group‘s debut
Alternative Music 5100 Rolling Rock 7—10 I. n "m ( I ( By Chris Kldwell new 36 -m e I“ “TL may 50"" album also was titled Duran l)u- .
Happy Hour 3-7 Live Music by " e “' Contributing Critic somewhat familiar ‘0‘ those Wh” ran. (‘ould this new album be a re- ;__.
Mon—Sat 3 pm—3am Phosphenes have {OHM/Cd th band 5 CMCCT- release of the debut or an indication ‘


& Catawampus that the band is going back to its

To advertise in Clubland each Friday, can 257-2872 by 3PM Wednesday Sherman 5 Alley by G'bbs 6‘ Vorgt

LOU5y February
the higher-ups made the right
decreion when they kept thlfi
month to 25 da 5
Why stop there?
Why not limit it to 20?
Or 10? Maybe they coul
get rid of the
month altogether

Add Metric Time

Maybe all of this Will take
place once we add the metric
time we're supposed to get.
Canada has it.

Look what it did for them!
They have winter 8 months
out of the year.

Duran Duran (the new one) is far
from the sounds of earlier hits like
“(iirls on Film." “
to a Kill.“ However. this release is
much stronger than 1988‘s Big
Thing and 1990's Liberty.

On their new album. Simon l.eB-







And they could add those
extra days to some decent
month like A rlI or May,

Or they could split it up and
add 28 extra Saturdays to
the year. And why not dump
Mondays wnile they're at it?



Fri-day inclement weather
"it any plus ‘5 seeing
‘ileetduck'e Grand March
(3‘ Closed Schools Today'e
had a re ac theme.

It's not that bad.
We get the day off.
And that mtqht mean
more if we actually




rm-sar-suu 9:30






Warren (‘uccurullo put together a


























original sounds? Not exactly. ,1... '

Rio“ and “View "as ‘ ‘



on. Nick Rhodes. John Taylor and '.,





. . . . .. ,. collection of 13 songs that show
: ' ‘ ° ' ' ‘ some styles of earlier work and also if.
' , . , modcmiration of an already unique
. . . ' sound. "
- - o I o . . _ .
. : . . . _ . . . . Q‘ After hearing the first single,
. . , ? “Ordinary World,“ some may no-
. . ,, :VWW J_ a rice a hint of Duran Duran‘s past.
. See DURAN, Page 3
; I ' LEXINGTON ennui .; MAN 0 wan i; ‘ nlCHMONO MALL .i
. . .
. . . . . . mwummia , 500 NEW CIRCLE RD. 233-4420
‘ .- ' ~. .. " ' H." mm“. mm animal-um
0 t i 1‘ - T I 4 3:5 ’30 ‘0“ “engage” raga” “1 HOflOMOY—"xt? 'l “42467:“ ‘m
' . Auoomto) manure) W mg ml (It
l . vtmlmsw rmloo iooaoo sooroo 555 13s “muonomg.” 3:57;“,
'uo-nuvrreu" Moo-rat mammal» m
Intramural" l ”cranium” monuments museum 29013071 no
'i- J 3 ' 1204‘) woo-,5 ’W‘3 “1”” 51570505 .2451'57150 m muammm
mm . ' ‘ m ALNI
mum"!!! ('l :20 no no 0.: :51???“ 'ueuo 1am N m {find no m in tmtmhoo mu 3 '
' ' . . mmmw mmvn- vat-sonar moa-oos 7%.”: : 7
l . AFtIOW‘IM) me new”: row musruuom'm- ' ' ‘ ' it;
‘ I ' i I '°°'°°'°°"° mm... —eount on!!! V
w l‘” WWW» Wm” .
I . 3337.. mini" lm’&,n,,, mmm BRQOMZMVILLE H1272 en . i g
10031051071001!) .4,
vol 3 “V“ “m m t. in mm“ - , .-
. first; ”‘m “In 035 N '“mwwmm 1’4‘7501x 'iveoaaorzaioeo H m I ’
was _ emu-am melem m g‘
NYE-Ira)“ "crown“, ”35”" twittolfl‘l-flt m A“ u ‘ .
I AYI MIDNIGHT] G T "°"°”°"°"° “”5 “""“'° itfirmmegao racer-twee“ “' ‘
Y, "ID”, H I - T mung” - tannin-unrav-
JAPANESE ANIMATION I 5"“"0‘ mutants? . .1." m m





--—~~...-_~ov'~ 7' . .r.-‘...- ”W ‘-



~'*-Mfi'r: . ‘.

,, .. ..- Manfw


"-‘V Mflmvm- m

. ~—-...,_...._-...... a- - . “.7








Fine Arts senior James Wade displays his sculpture.
as part of the student exhibit
Sleeps.‘ The exhibit ends today in the Barnhart Gallery, lo-
cated in the Reynolds Building on South Broadway.

PETER MOORE Kernel Start

‘Rust Never




Continued from Page 2

'lhis beautifully written piece.
which shot to the top of the charts.
is one of the strongest cuts on the

Some have compared this song to
“Save a Prayer." from 1082's soph»
oinore smash Rio. “Save a Prayer"





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was a Top 20 hit in 1085 when it
was rereleased.

However. it may be that “()rdi-
nary World" is simply an awesome
song. With l.eBon's eerie yet soul-
ful vocals and (‘uccurullo‘s mes-
merizing guitar. this track captures
Duran Duran perfonning its most
complete song since the No.1 hit
“View to a Kill."
who hear

l’or those “( )rdinary


‘Perfect’ cast sings

of joy, pain of love


By Nina Davidson
Staff Gntic

Lexington Musical theatre is bet—
ter thtui ever with its new produc-
tion of “(‘Ioser 'l'han liver." a mod-
eni musical comedy about love.

“(‘loser 'l'hzut liver" lacks the tra»
ditional format of a musical. lii—
stead. songs compose the whole of
the play. strung together in a series
of vignettes. The songs deal with a
variety of topics from fatherhood to
fitness. The cast members do not
perform definite characters; instead.
their personas change With each
song. ’

The talented cast members are
Karen Aubrey. Beth Hall. John
l’yka. Alicia 'l'ighe. David Wilkin»
son and Brad Wills. 'l'ighe is it their
tre senior at UK and performed as
Lucy in last semester‘s UK 'l‘heatre
production of “'lhreepermy ()pera."

liach cast member has a solo in
addition to group perloi'mance.
“(‘loser 'fhen liver" requires rigor-
ous singing. but the cast never
seems to tire.

Karen lirench directs the music
and provides piano accompimiment.
Mark Voigt's bass play adds to the

Voigt arid llall's duet. "Back on
Base." is one of the highlights of
the show \'oigt plays a tan heat
while llall croons a humorous song
about getting her life together.

llall also performs “Miss Byrd."
a song about a demure secretary


World" and expect the remainder of
the album to be this good. don't get
your hopes up. 'lhe remainder of
Duran Dilftm is quite different
from the first single

Nonetheless. Duran Duran has
sold more than 21’) million albums
and played at least 1.000 concerts
worldwide. and Duran Duran more
than likely will do fine.


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Matthew l 1:28

with a secret lit: She has a ball
with her burlesque character ca-
reenmg across tht stige in trolling
secretary s chair yyhile belting out
bawdy lyrics

()n a more serious note. Anhi'ey's
perfonnaiice ol "lite Story” deals
with single parenthood and growing
older. ller tonguem-check portray
al is realistic and convincing as she
sings of her troubles. adding "but
l'm not complaining" after each

'l‘ighe and \Nills‘ duet. "lherc."
deals with the tragedy of missed
connections lll marriage. l'ighe‘s
\oice adroitly captures the loneli-
ness of her situation. whilc \Nills
hides behind his new spapei in con

"(‘Ioser lhait her” is directed by
Jeffrey Reeves. The music was
written by band Shire and lyrics
by Richard Maltby' .lr. “Closer lhan
her" is .i rnUsical that is close to
perfection Do not miss ll

“Closer flit/ll liit't" l,\ i/iontne
at 7.;m pm Feb. 2037 (int/Mitre!)
44' ,At 3 p m Httllll It also /\ \iwn-


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1. Alice in Chains 7.

2. Biohazard 8.
Urban [)tsc/p/ine

3. Propain 9.
For/l Taste of Freedom

4. Aggressor 10.

' Based entirely on airplay, as reported to the Gavin Report.
Rockpool. College Music Journal. the Hard Report, and the Source


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By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


UK‘s Class of 1993 may not be
as “unforgettable" % last year‘s
crop. but this year‘s trio has at least
one thing in conunon: None of
them expected to make it to this

A walk-on, a former walk-on and
a transfer who almost left comprise
one of the most improbable groups
ever honored during Senior Day.
which will be held before tomorrow
night's game against Aubum.

Junior Braddy is the only four-
year veteran of the three 'lhe 6-
foot—3 senior frorn Jacksonville.
Fla. got a chance to walk on the
probation-saddled 1989-90 team
which only had eight scholarship

But Braddy almost lost his
chance when he was late for UK
coach Rick Pitino’s first practice.

“it was just a misunderstanding,“
Braddy said. “1 set my alarm clock
for 7 pm. instead of 7 am,"

Pitino wanted to cut him. but as-
sistant coaches Herb Sendek and
Billy Donovan talked him out of it.
Braddv eventually earned a scholar-

ship and was named co-captain this

Braddy said past celebrations
have been emotional. especially last
year's with Richie Farmer. Deron
Feldhaus. John Pelphrey and Sean

“1 think it was really touching.“
Braddy said. “It'll be the same way
for me. I've had axeally great expe-
rience here.“

The last person who thought Dale
Brown would take part in Senior
Day was Dale Brown. The 6-foot-2
junior college transfer struggled
with his confidence last season and
made-almost weekly visits to Pin-
no's office. wanting to transfer.

As he watched last year‘s Senior
Day. Brown didn't think he'd ever

"1 knew right then that 1 wouldn't
be here this season.“ he said.

l’itino convinced him to stick
around. and Brown said he's happy
he did.

“1‘11 miss this place." he said
“l'm enjoying it while l‘tn here.
and 1 hope to come away with a na-
tional championship."

Todd Svoboda is perhaps the
least probable —— if not most popu—
lar —- honoree. The 6-foot-‘l center



UK's Dee Ann McNeil performs on the uneven bars. The
Gym Cats travel to Towson, Md., this weekend for a meet.

~ - _ wwML-e...“ «w L...




trzuist'er from Northern Kentucky
University sent tapes of himself in
action to Pitino and convinced the
coach to let him walk on.

Though he isn't likely to start de-
spite Senior Day tradition. Svoboda
figures to get in before the (Tats
have the game wrapped up and the
students begin chant