xt7dnc5sbb5c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dnc5sbb5c/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2014-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, April 2014 text LinQ magazine, April 2014 2014 2014-04 2019 true xt7dnc5sbb5c section xt7dnc5sbb5c v " ‘”“‘" I /
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 Cover photo by Brian
Hawkins, 2014 Falsies at
Bogarts in Lexington, KY.
Sunday, March 16
3 3 ' 3
That s What I m Talkln About
Helena explores the meaning of the word friend and gives ’l
us advice on how to be good friends to one another.
Imperial Court of Kentucky
ID. Vaughn fills us in on the upcoming fundraising
ideas of the Imperial Court.
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Editor-in-Chief The Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization seeks
Marc K. Blevins to educate, enhance and empower the community about
Photographer GLBTQQIA issues.
Brian Hawkins
Calendar Coordinator GLSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors
Chad Hundley Paul Brown, President
Circulation Ginger Moore-Minder, Vice President
GLSO Board, Chad Hundley, Kay Garner Paul Holland, Secretary
Jacob Boyd, Treasurer
LinQ is published monthly by and for the Lexington Gay and Marc Blevins, At Large
Lesbian Services Organization members and community. The Donovan Jefferson, At Large
Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization envisions Cynthia Lyons, At Large
I a community that accepts and celebrates each individual.
All LinQ submissions and advertisements can be made to GLSO Staff
the editor (editor@glso.org) or to the GLSO Pride Center Chad Hundley, Ofiice Manager
(859.253.3233). All submissions may be edited for length.
GLSO Pride Center
Like us on Facebook at LinQbyGLSO 389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100, Lexington, KY 40504
Follow us on Twitter at LinQbyGLSO 859.253.3233, www.glso.org
Office hours are:
Mon—Fri 1pm-5pm, Sat 10am —12pm

 . That’s What I’m ~ ~
0 . _ ~~
I Talkin’ About it
By Helena Handbasket
ello, my friends, something; or a favored to get by “With a Little Help I’ve learned over the years
Hand happy April! companion. from My Friends” and isn’t that just because someone
Yes,Ido consider I think that means that that the truth? Some people calls you a friend, doesn’t
each and every reader a a friend can be a variety like to have strange friends, mean they will act like friend
friend. I like to think I have of things for a variety of as was the case in the Three at all. Notice that in the defini-
a lot of friends. After all, my reasons. Maybe that is why Dog Night song “Jeremiah tion and song titles, nowhere
Facebook page says I have a there are so many songs was abullfrog, he was a good does it sayafriend is someone
lot of friends, right? about friends. Bette tells friend of mine” (but just with Whom you must share
When I think about it, I us that “You Got to Have between you and me,Ithink every single belief. In fact,
don’tknoweveryonethatisa Friends” and Norah Jones it was only because he let a real friend will remain by
friend of mine on Facebook. reminds us that “Everybody him drink his wine). Garth your side and love you in
I’ve come to ask myself why Needs a Best Friend” in the Brooks tells us it is okay to spite of those differences. I’ve
are some of us friends? movie Ted. Patti LaBelle have “Friends in LOW Places” seen too many people who
We’ve always heard that reassures us that “You Are but perhaps that’s due to the call themselves “friends” part
to have a friend you have My Friend” and James Whiskey, too? ways just because they don’t
to be a friend. Facebook Taylor shares that “You’ve It is good to be thankful see eye to eye. So, were they
could have called them fans, Got a Friend” in his 1971 for the friends you have ever really friends? In my
admirers, or maybe even hit. Queen announces that and you should let them opinion, probably not!
acquaintances (stalkers in “You’re My Best Friend” and know how grateful you are So, that is how I see the
some cases). They chose the takes the level of friendship by singing the Golden Girls concept of friendship. I
word “friends” to link us. the next level. We even learn theme song “Thank You for know that some of you might
Let’s look into that word a in Toy Story that “You’ve BeingA Friend”. not agree and that is okay.
' little deeper, shall we? Got a Friend in Me” thanks Perhaps there might be a
The Merriam Webster to Randy Newman. A true friend really few of you who will want to
Dictionary’s definition of I was taught as a child to can make life a lot “unfriend” me on Facebook ‘
friend is: a person who take comfort and celebrate more enjoyable and because of this article. To .
you like and enjoy being “What a Friend We Have in I believe “That’s those of you who would be
with; a person Who helps Jesus” in Sunday school. The What Friendlzf’ so shallow to do that, I say .
or supports someone or Beatlesteachusthatitis easier “Hasta la vista, baby!” .
LinQ Send comments or suggestions to: helenahandbasketKY@gmail.com

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‘ Court News 3
By I. D. Vaughn
reetings from Reign It also was the culmina- groups and hosting shows Patrick Thompson.
G32 of the Imperial tion of the ABSOLUT Diva at Transylvania University, Working with the Court of
Court of Kentucky! of the Year competition, with Morehead State University, Cincinnati, the ICK will host a
Reign 32 continued the year finalists Aurora Cummings, and Eastern State University. joint fundraiser on April 23rd,
with afull month of events in Mya St. James, and Georgia Coming up in April will with the hilarious Miss Big
March, kicking off the month Peach performing that be several events and the Bone Lick pageant. Categories
with the Mardi Gras Ball. evening. Georgia Peach was beginning of preparations include Caveman Presentation
Working together with the ultimate winner of the for Coronation 33, with and Creative Cavewear. And on
Reign 32 beneficiaries, the title and was honored with announcements from candi— Saturday, April 26th, Imperial
event was held at the Woman’s a command performance at dates for Monarch and Board Crown Prince 32 Tim Logsdon
Club of Central Kentucky and this year’s Coronation Ball. of Directors. will host his Studio 54 Show at
featured fabulous entertain— The Court raised over $2000 On April 9th at Crossings Crossings Lexington.
ment from ICK performers, that evening. It was also Lexington, the Courtwill host Finally, Reign 32 will end
the UK Jazz Ensemble, a announced that evening that the 1 Girl, 5 Queens Show, the month with the Miss
silent auction, and great food Reign 32 had donated out with Diva Lilo heading the Derby Pride and King of
provided by Moveable Feast over $23,000 of funds raised show up, and some of your Drag pageants at Pulse
Lexington. The event raised to beneficiaries up to that favorite entertainers as the Nightlife on April 30th.
over $3000 and kicked off a point. And a check for $3000 Queens! Then a week later, The month of May will be
great month of fundraising. was presented to Moveable Duchess Benita Bloom will campaign season for candi-
Then on March 15, the Court Feast Lexington that evening! host a Goddess of Rock Show dates for Emperor and Empress
held the 18th Annual Falsies Later that week, Countess at Crossings on April 16th. and the Board of Directors.
Awards, an annual awards Tomika Taylor hosted a That will be followed up by Next month’s article will
ceremony honoring the best in Comedy Show at Crossings the Inner Divo Contest at Pulse feature some brief information
Lexington drag and community Lexington, with special Nightlife on Friday, April 18th. about those candidates.
service. The evening featured comedic performances from This contest is open to any There is more informa-
performances from both the the Court performers. And biological male entertainer; tion on all events of Reign
Gilded Cage Diva’s of the Bar then the Court finished applications packets may be 32 at the Court’s Facebook
Complex and the Rhythm up March by working requestedfrom RegentEmpress (ImpCourtKY) or website:
Cabaret Showcast from Pulse. with various college LGBT 32 ].D. Vaughn or Emperor 32 www.imperialcourtkentuckyorg.

Meet the New Editor of GLSO’s LinQ
Dear LinQ readers, to the GLSO as a teenager
grappling with his sexual
Thank you for taking the orientation. He found a safe 1
time to read our magazine place in our gay straight _. ...-.
each month. LinQ would not alliance for youth (GSA). .
bewherewearetodaywithout There he learned about ,_ V
the many years of generous leadership, queer theory k ‘ 3‘3 7 93;; is;
support from our commu- and history, self—love, and 1 '1 . @‘fi"
nity. We endeavor to bring community service. Now, ‘uiss . U
you the latest news about the he has returned in order to 1 11 1
Kentucky and world GLBTQ give back to the community ,
community and we hope to that gave to him. He is a true /1
keep providing you with a success story of the power " _ .
quality product. of our shared committment i113 - 1 ~ g it
Recently, we at the GLSO to bettering the lives of our
saw a change in editors of LGBT community.
this publication. We would Marc has taken on the INVEST IN
like for you to meet Marc K. behemoth that is LinQ %
Blevins. We are very excited and the GLSO board has AFFORDABLE ADVERTISING g
to welcome him onto the every faith that he can do . é
GLSO Board ofDirectors and the job with exceedingly E
into the position of Editor- high expectations. He is l I n g
in-Chief for LinQ Magazine. currently building a team of ‘13:,
Marc is a 26-year-old, life- helpers, so if you would like E
long Lexingtonian who to get involved in magazine g
studied Journalism at the production or advertising 3
University of Kentucky. He please email editor@glso.org. é
went on to study Information Here’s to Marc and our goal ‘5:
Systems at Morehead State of continuing to build an E
University. He uses his outstanding LinQ magazine {3:
combined journalism and for you, our readers, each —_ g
IT background to pull each and every month. Cheers! . %
edition of LinQ together for _- 5
our community enjoyment. Sincerely, Remember, all donations are tax deductible. E
GLSO boasts along history Paul Brown Email editor@glso.org or call 859.253.3233 g
with Marc. He first came GLSO president

 £2122 liliilfi'gi’l'a’lxi‘l’él $333;ESSJLEZE‘E:bl'ffrifi‘éfl‘,‘ Civil Ma rriage Laws & Lawsuits
and WY press release from National Center for Lesbian Rights 0
Note: As of 10/18/2013 six tribal nations allow same—sex marriages. M a rC h 2 6, 20 14 5
A March court ruling in TN recognizes the marriages of 3 couples . . . . .
who are plaintiffs inamarriage lawsuitlnthat state. Wlth Year Same_sex Marnage or C|v|| Unlons Enacted
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* On-going lawsuit related to same_sex marriage Limi’red benefi’rs for same-sex couples, marriage for opposiTe-sex couples
Siifsséeci‘sigceastt: Effigtdfi: fizztjjfilrcjctfii'seek Civil unions for same-sex couples, marriage for opposite-sex couples
legalization of same-sex marriage - Marriage for bolh same-sex and opposiTesex couples
Judicial ruling allowing same-sex marriage slayed for appeal process

 By Cynthia Lyons
Itwasacold day outside but The extra planning ensured Performers from Transy to set up resources tables for
the sun shone bright during everything went as planned. Vagina Monologues, Paws TBTN event to share with the
the Take Back the Night The event was well—attended and Listen, Black Voices communityandalsowitheach
march. The evening started with lots of UK students and for the Candlelight Vigil other. Pride Center Oflice
at three different locations members of the commu— softened the intensity of the Manager Chad Hundley
in downtown Lexington nity watching and listening evening. and I tabled for Gay Lesbian
and was escorted by the to inspiring speeches. Through the eyes of a Service Organization, where
University of Kentucky Kathy Stein, a Family Court survivor, Take Back the we delivered materials and
Police. All three marches Judge. spoke of witnessing Night is the chance to support for victims.
came together in front of firsthand how domestic claim victory over your Performers and speakers
Court House Plaza, where violence and sexual abuse abuser. Survivors who for TBTN included: Kathy
supportive signs and posters can destroy lives and fami- courageously spoke up and Stein, Christine Riordan,
were posted and someone lies. UK Provost Christine shared their stories often and Chamara Kwakye,
withamegaphone called out Riordan along with a UK feel as if they rise out of Kappa Alpha Psi, Delta
for “No more Violence.” Professor and Social Activist the ashes like the phoenix. Sigma Theta, Tori Amason,
UK’sViolenceIntervention Chamara Kwakye provided That’s What it means to take Transy Vagina Monologues,
Prevention held meetings motivational support for back the night! Porsha Jackson, Paws and
several weeks in advance survivors of domestic Nonprofit organizations Listen, and Black Voices for
prior to the TBTN event. violence and sexual abuse. from Lexington were invited the Candlelight Vigil.
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Two t-shirts from the Cltohesline Project that were displayed during Take Back the Night march.
Left: “Don’t Ever Give Up”
Right: “Out of the depths of hell comes life, beauty and happiness”
Interestin acts a out
g f b TBTN
. The first Take Back the Night rally was 39 years ago in Pittsburg Pennsylvania in 1975.
. TBTN started as a rally for women against violence and sexual assault which later grew to also include men.
. The TBTN event consists of a rally followed by a march where women hold signs, (Germany 1977) “demanding the right to
move freely in their communities day and night without harassment.”
. Allows the victims of sexual assault and domestic violence to speak out and empowers those who want their voices to be
heard. Sometimes it is their first time telling anyone about their abuse.
- 25% of all women are raped during their college years.
. 12.8% of College freshmen and sophomores are victims of date rape.
- 50% of victims tell no one of their victimization.
. 44% of all sexual assault victims are under the age of 18.
. 90% of all male victims are under the age of 18.
. The biggest misconception is that sexual assault is someone you don’t know, a stranger lurking in the dark.
. Sexual assault is not about sex it’s about power and control.
- The Clothesline Project was first displayed in October 1990 during a Take Back the Night march and rally at Hyannis,
. The Clothesline Project honors women of domestic abuse or sexual violence. Survivors are encouraged to design their own
t-shirt giving them a chance to expose the often horrific and unspeakable experience.
LinQ a

1 PFL AG Lexmgton Meeting
‘2 1
: 1
E 1 Our meetings are open open discussion meeting Whether you want to talk K"
1to parents, LGBTQS, and and there will be no formal or mostly listen, both new 1 ,1
allies. We offer a confi- presentation. This will allow and old members find these / ' 1
I dential, supportive atmos— us ample time to talk about meetings a useful time to get PFL AG
phere where you can be how our lives are going support and to get to know
yourself, wherever you are and to gain one another’s each other better.
in yourjourney. perspectives . We will also ,
. . . . Meeting are held on the 2nd
The meeting w1ll be 6:30 reflect on LGBT 1ssues 1n
. . Tuesday of the month at St.
to 8:30 PM on April 8 at St. our culture and 1n recent , , ,
. , . . . Michael s Eplscopal Church, 2025
Michaels Episcopal Church, news. Brlng anything and B ll t D , 6 30 t 8 30 PM
(2025 Bellefonte Drive). everything you would like 6 efon e rive, ' 0 ' '
This meeting will be an to discuss!
. 1 ”5% 1 \ g.— dbl /,
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a LinQ

Lexin ton LGBT Heal ee 8
g th N (1

By Jessica Hughes


A community needs assessment commissioned by the

Lexington Fayette Urban County Government (LFUCG)

identified “access to mental health and substance abuse

services” as a priority need area.

The LGBT population of LGBT community available and understanding to the is available during times
Fayette County needs and inFayetteCounty.Oneacces- unique concerns of the that suit your schedule.
deserves access to quality sible choice is the nonprofit LGBT community. Effective If you or somebody you
mental health treatment agency, Family Counseling mental health treatment for know is struggling emotion-
options. However, access to Service, Inc. (FCS). FCS was the LGBT community must ally and needs support please
such services is not always established in 1900 and is be centered on providing a know there are options.
accessible and affordable. one of the oldest, continu- positive and aflirming envi- There is a community of

Recently, a community ously operating nonprofits ronment for those who seek committed individuals who
needs assessment commis- in Lexington. FCS provides treatment. As highlighted want to help. Fortunately,
sioned by the Lexington a wide range of affordable by the ALGBTIC, the LGBT FCS is not the only mental
Fayette Urban County mental health treatment community struggles with health treatment service
Government (LFUCG) iden- services for children, adoles— all the same concerns any provider available. Please
tified“access to mentalhealth cents andadults. FCS delivers other community struggles go to FamilyCounselingKy.
and substance abuse services” treatment for numerous with— but there is often an org for a full list of commu-
as a priority need area. The mental health related condi- added layer of stigma and nity support services.

LGBT community is not tions, including depression shame that can compound To schedule an appoint-
immune to the detrimental and substance abuse. and amplify other mental ment at FCS, please call
health and lifestyle effects The Association for Lesbian, health concerns. 859-233-0033. To get in
created by a lack of access to Gay, Bisexual, andTransgender FCS strives to provide touch with Robert to schedule
treatment. Awareness of the Issues in Counseling accessible, quality mental an appointment at the GLSO,
need for competent coun— (ALGBTIC) espouses coun— health treatment for ALL please call (859) 253—3233.
seling services for the LGBT seling competencies that members of the Lexington

community may often go create safe, supportive and community. Currently, the

overlooked in mental health caring therapeutic relation— GLSO hosts FCS therapist,

treatment environments. ships. FCS strives to provide Mr. Robert Cardom. If you

The good news is there are a safe and nurturing envi- prefer to have your appoint-
treatment options for the ronment that is sensitive ments at the GLSO, Robert Family Counseling Service

LinQ n

o o o -
Oh, to Be Chlldllke, Again .
By Bobbie Thompson
aka Alana’s Spouse
By the time we reach our However, it’s not that way that Alana is a transgender to bring up the word
adult years, we have made up with children. Everything person. Part of my son’s ‘transgender’ and explain
our minds how we think the simply is what it is. That’s the reasoning included worrying Alana is also transgender.
world should be. Personally, way things have worked with about the close, caring rela- The three of us: Alana,
from the time I was a child, I Alana and her nephew. Not tionship my grandson and my grandson, and I sat in
heard things like “men should once has Alana’s sister tried Alana have developed over the living room together as
be men and women should be to tell her son how things the years. My son was afraid Alana and I talked. He sat l
women.” That’s why when 1 should be, nor has she ever his son knowing Alana was there, listening intently and I
saw my long—time male friend tried to hide anything from “different” might affect that occasionally nodding his
and former lover presenting as him. He has simply is allowed relationship. head. After a few minutes
a women for the first time in to see things as they are. We kept telling my son we asked “Do you have any
2006,1was freaked out. What However, it wasn’t that that children are more questions or have anything
I saw didn’t agree with what easy when it came to my accepting than adults but you’d like to say?”
I had been taught my entire now 11-year old grandson. we decided not to rock the “I’m OK with it, it doesn’t
life. When we encounter new Initially, my son, even though boat until recently. One day, mean anything to me,” he said
concepts that challenge the he is very supportive of my grandson said to me, as he got up and gave Alanaa
way we believe things should Alana and attended the 2013 “NeeNee, we have a new kid high-five. He then went back
be, then the difference can Lexington Pride Festival with at school and I can’t tell if to playing his X—box.
be seen as an oddity, even us, was apprehensive about they are a boy or a girl.” It It’s beautiful howaccepting
perhaps unnatural. allowing his son to learn was the perfect opportunity children can be. 1 hope to
live to see the day when
adults can find that child- \
K my a” ”file” like acceptance of others in I
our hearts. J
a -'
”It-é 0106/‘6" , » " "
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W! 'l G'mtnttsamustarcssopawunm APR" 4‘
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Egmxingion -- IE u 3

 :2 / a“ ‘
E 7
Dine at Applebee’s and 10% of your
bill will be donated to
Gay and Lesbian
Services Organization
Present this flyer to your Server on
Saturday, April 19, 2014 ,.
From: 11:00am to Close
Valid at one of “the following locations:
’ Applebee’s‘
2299 Richmond Road 4009 Nicholasville Road
1856 Alysheba Way 1761 Sharkey Way
Carside To Go Included

 ) o
: GLSO BD 8 Dine to Donate a Success!
The GLSO would like to thank BD’s Mongolian Grill for participating in our latest Dine to Donate fundraising campaign on
Thursday, March 13. Two GLSO board members grilled and chatted with patrons during the three hour event. Together, we
raised $334 to support our community efforts! Thanks to all those who participated.
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