xt7dnc5s981d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dnc5s981d/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1919 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 3, February 15, 1919 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 3, February 15, 1919 1919 1919 2015 true xt7dnc5s981d section xt7dnc5s981d II I I _
Oincuaa News-Letter of the State Council of Defense ;
To Editors: Th•
news in thin Bulletin         Entered an second
In prepared for the class matter at the
press and is released post office at Lex-
for publication on lngton, Ky.
February 15, 1919 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY · Vol. II. N0. 3
OF       To equip young men for careers of At the meeting of the Executive The State conference on Kentucky
____ ;15;§¤;r;<$;r;r;gé¤C¤;1v12·_1¤M;¤1;1 and Committee of the Board of Trustees problems will be held at the Univer-
D· · __]·_ YV_ C v, C t R d UTS III 3. l1I`g'y . . , - _ ` V
“‘° ‘”°g""¥“ *9* the "“". “"?*‘“ 'S§‘i5i‘§éLr Allen C%°J¥¤ ;°}{“§. $1- V and 53 i · - Of M U¤~¤rS¤v ¤f 1=€¤t¤¤kv, Pres my of mmucky, March 4 and 5_ The
e y As yng at the Umversxty of
$h°¥`t course m h*ghWaY engineering mafn, Cohnty Road Engineer, Chris· Kentnel h b 1 d . ident McVey presented a. brief state- prgvram vayran Bd b P ·d t M
to be given at the University of Ken- tian County: J._I·`rzm1< Grimes, C0_u¤ty {Y as EBU Bn Ugg am} WH t f tn 1 , ° g Y mm GD c'
tucky, February 24-28, has the follow- §f’¤ga§£g’nf€‘g6n}1‘{;‘°1§gag°§’;Eg>;neQ‘l[; be Offéwd the S€¤¤¤d semester m 1ts men 0 9 P MIS _°f tha T€¤¤h€¤'S Vey and Judge E, W, Hines gvju pre.
ing interesting features: Trimme County. br¤=»d¢Bg fg€ld· PQOYGSSOF C- S· Crouse Insurance and Amluliy ASS0€iZ1ti0l1 Of Sem; man and `vomen of national
Topic—"Pr0per Method of Patchin<* Old CHJIIB B l`l1£lI‘y from One Of the 12.1*- A ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ · .
V MONDAY FEBRUARY MTH §‘§"°?’·°‘““"';}‘“"§“fGi“°{§““‘· Di$iSi°“ gest metallurgical plants in mg QT m€T1FH’ mdlcatmg that the f°H°Wmg P*”°m1¤€¤¤€» among them: Dr. Ewcod  
. ;·n Taxn next term m thm new branch, for teachers (a) In b h_ h tl 9·dV1S€1` t0 the Department of the In-
; , , ' — · — ’ ‘ . . . . Z V .
10 00M$V€1;./{ P(2g§$§§t of {gis Ungizrsiily L, D, Hollingsworth, Division Engi- T}16 UHlV€l`S1tY desires to mtroduce tea I th D H_ y ex lc 16 tBi'10I'; Gov. Henry J, Allen, of Kan.
Resof rIi;nt{1\?k¥·i Tdwurds County Road T ¥€Er'1`?r?1lkf0rF' 1;% G W k. R d more D1`08I`0$SiV€ and vigorous mgtl). C19? Pays 9 premxum, (b) plan Sas; Miss C O Williams Of Mem
DOS--   . 01—"1sa.¤¤}¤¤¢Fr<==<1é3€Sé _ M°'“‘“g M0 mam President Mcvey said um he would °§ ?nlu°m°n’ Surgem L‘ L‘ L““S‘¥""*
lgng. C0u¤W ROM k·¤S1¤€€¤‘» OY Topic-"Tne Pa.1·o1e System of Mainte- Pl‘0feSSOr Crouse was graduated like to See soma e O B U- S· Public Health SBYVICS.
county- _ mm¤e*·—H. E. Reed, Division Engi— from the Mime te S I - . “ rrangemgm by Other speakers will be Mrs (3
"`%%2" C5B5%%1yS€°§€§5IE¤Ei¤£»?` “‘*°’· F"*""‘°"· K’· . . in uw (313,5 {S{°9§`1 °§§°° °f was ‘”1“°h perhaps me University might wilson Stewart Fr"d M gac1°{?
F lh- C t _ ' Discussion-By any County Oftimgl that S 0 . e was ree arrange to carry B4 S Stem · nrt for · , c . l ze , _
Forratgxlénxvgélgérxl secu¤¤—A. P. Tfasjmd the S>’St€m,_“‘ °p“&“°“·1 YGMS assistant state mining emgx- its t€&chm·S_ The guesmogn $,01 be Rodman W11€y·M*`S·Laf°¤ R1k€>12D1‘·
DiScusggggggiih;\i;1g;Ej;1;1én§¥{v8 fnom any T°¥;A§§l_§:‘};‘E§;§n1(§e2,*3ds1,(Q€1‘nI{% 1é2%;§{ I1€?1I't{31'l the Minnesota Iron Ranges considered by the committee at an- ;`nnT`EM<¥OI§;i;;’OnJ` Jgéggu Iglapl
county may at this time ou; ine me ssocm ion. 9.11 1I‘€B II1011ths with the Cananea other time, ’ ‘ ' * 8 mas,
    ég0(31?dlUd:;9l9·in   Ilefil§;,()sgn)u]?l1t\?`Sié)g1a(§EI}EgI;: Consolidated Copper COn1pan),’ Of PEl’9S1d€1'1f McVey, Professor   R .
Qglgad work in $112**-§f}0<§1na12]\Vi1€Y. ggneép, 'Kehton ébumy; F. E. Ker- C&11*&¤»€a, Sonora, Mexico, where he ORGANIC EVOLUTION JHSOD and Pmfessor George Baker-
··‘n· um oats. .{ A ·· _ . _
T0,,;§5¥’§§§QF_§$r3€ymg··-F. G. Phu- gi{§g;?§°é6u€,i;?" Rm D“g‘“°*”" revxsed the system of kgepmg Bngj- COURSE T0 BE OPENED g¤;¤r¤¤r A· Q Stanley. Mau s.
§ps_ DlV1S[OH Engineer, lprankfortr TOpic__l.The· Roads · of FranC8t¤_TS€r_   records. He     Xvhgn ___  O guy V· O-        
D;sclESm¤-F_, E. Kurzemknabe, County %‘;1a;¥1§€Q"1§{n&“§gf£dFB;‘g‘§ftI]?1;`Qf_i°“ thé 1‘€V0luti0nax‘y forces compelled the A new all-science elective two- P“€S_1de¤t Mf?V€Y QVIU DI‘€Sid€ at the
§°agl_i%g~’g*“%?g&nF;Y'§g;dC°§§§§'ne§‘ TOnie_..COnnty Reed Machme,.y»·__;_ R_ ODGYBIOFS t0 close the mines. He has hour course in organic evolution will SGSSIPHS which WI11 be h€]d ill the
Hlgpkins CE)unt_y;J, 1v1.F1:magEn, De- Johns§1, Division Engineer. F1‘¤¤k· also been with C. A. P. Turner, mm- be given at the University of Ken- Admlmstmhon buildiilg cf the Uni-
TOp1;zf%§;tdgfC§0»g;E§g5~Q,jSi·Railroads, f°"· y· I sultmg engineer of Minneapolis, Minn- tucky during the spring semester. "‘”`S1tY· ‘
Then- Tmatmgykgirp0mT;mBEn§inee1:- Aft““°°“"1‘30 h T esvta, 011 €StiH1&t€ and design of rein- The lectures will be given on Tues. ~· —-·-—
ing Point of GW"- . · mi » To ' —-"Re1a,ti0n of Traffic to t e ype f d ‘ _ · ·
Divigicm Engineer, Frankfort. Ky. d pg? Road-·-Hugh Cpgzsgr, Division OT; tcgncgeta and W-th the Ray C011 day and Thursday m roolm 203, UNIVERSITY TO
DiScuSswn-c, B. Ammo, Qoumy @0% Engineer, F;-a¤krm~t, Ky. S0} EL G ODDBT Ccmpany of Ray, Sc1en·ce Hull, each one lastmg two ENTER BROADER _
g;;§1¤%ggnnI2;y§0g§u]r;yéinIi;erF-BOS; DiScesSi0y,?`w_ Fi P€Ly¥£;er, Division En- Ar1z011a, as engineer in charge of hours. They will be given in the EXTENSION WORK
‘ ’ · · . · ' t gm€‘~’”`· "`a“*°l`· y· unde rou dt ' - , ‘ ·
¥lqg;ldc¥Sunn:g1,c€3I.V}/`nitgggvéeéuniigen Y T0DiC_NneSurfacmg with Aspnamc t Fg 11 l 1‘&I1S1t Werk and con followmg sequence, Th ' _
¤ · COneI.ete·»_GeO_ Carey, president racts at the1r largest mme, He spent 6 U¤1v€rs1ty of Kentucky on the ,
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH Carey Reed C0-. Lexington. Ky- six weeks in the early part of 1918 at I- I”*"°‘1“°**°” and mS*°*‘Y °f ¤V°1¤*=i°¤ recommendation or President Mgvgy
» Mernin,,__8;30 Discussigu- the arm School Of · tc · t · · 1. Feb. 25, 1919, Introductory Outlnie, has entered jntg
To ic__··Th€ Em-th §Oad_ Construction T0p1e—*‘The P1‘0p€1‘ Relation Between fer en gee], f t ;n _?%v? relmilg Professor Miner pared b the D.v.§u 3‘gmBm€ut_pr°`
Em; Mai¤t€mm¤¤··-T. B. smith, Div- the State Highway Department and _ g S 0 GS S ‘% *“”€g"" _“‘ 2. Feb. 27, ms, Introductory Outline, _Y ’ *S‘°¤ Of Ed¤¤¤¤0¤¤l
ism,. Engineer, m—¤¤krm·x:, Ky. Nag Cotamtystliislwegrayc Dglizigmeglgng Stltute 0fTechu010gy,P1ttsburg.Wh11e Professor mmap Extension of the Department of the 0
. · ~ .· * ·· 1 — , . 1, - _ . · . _
¤1S5;;,§i;g·;;“·H‘E,y,,£;;;*‘*“e;0‘$,?l‘:§§’$$2 §¤g;}i&1—,"‘B¤1»¤rtme¤t of Public thj*€.P*°"§§{” C’°“Sj ‘{§d P°§·g"’·“é 3* M%B‘¤3e}€1’?t ...... F? ?.?F.?I.¥~.%%£§¤%‘“§&?1?2$ {§“’§}". ‘"°‘?;’S"?g QQ °°‘°p"’“t° mh »
Ford, Sgdaliay Ky,;_ F. W. Friele on s. 118. 6 H1 me 3. ufgy, me 6. Ograp y an 4_ Mar. 6 1919 Hi t· e f D 1 t. (1 G HIVGYSI y IH g work of Uni.
g¤u¤;y_ Xéioaeél I}?3%gr¤e<3"6un¥;,¤¥§g;§ For thc c¤u¤(·§1e§—;Y. 11. gldwggdsé pyrometry, specializing iu heat treat- Thought Q .......... ?...?H¤¤%ie§;>%um;?1?;r VGFSNY Extension f0r thi? purpose of
Eglgngér, MMQM11 C¢%u§y_n The gg3H§;_R°a n°’m€€r’ 00 Or ment Of Steel. He afterwards studied 5. Mar. 11, 1919, (jasmine 1%g·§1ut1?Tpn bringing the Univgtrgjty more closely
T ic-"culverts amd $131% F1 SGS- · · __ at vafous 1ants,' c1ud' that f the "° S"` 1 SDH into t h '
Opgmpder Mdwpd,$iE1§"*;Q,§,§°§$‘{$$?n§¥ D‘S%%i%°§¤§HE%¤-H§¥$i2b¤J%&¤¤‘€3”“&Y Betheieheng Stee1mC0m;§xy ang the °· Ma’· 13· *91*** Tm °r§;”“f°‘* Lifgq H stm Giga gxgecihcitgeogzilcgfioghai · 
an an RC _· _ _ ' , · ’ F0 essor n1
"C·t D- §“Qf“%5n§l'{ed’(§O£l;g1ne€r’ DB- ghtEL11nClBo§£g;?ty W\§0ag. Dcnaxgfsgz ordnance department of the Syming- H E mem S f E 01 ti forces beyond the limits of the cam,
par men O · ,· H Gerson _ _ . V e 0 V 11 011 . . _ _
~ _ , C { Road County Road En meér. GU mn Anderson Company Rochester, N. » pus m order to mt t 1 .
D1S§:`nS§§?§€rA@,$§e\gg%€1¥ty;Oy.n1{ Pom- C0¤¤'¤Y· B Y t him · Cher e,Of heat treeb 7. Mar. 18, 1919, Invertebrate Paieonm- t· . 1. h era? al contmum
de,;`t€r émmty Road Engineer. HM- T0pic—"The Need of a State Highway " pu _m   _ 1ogy ........................... . ........ Professor Miner IBS fn Hg BT Bducati-011, DUb11C eu-
riscn bounty; R, P. Franks, County System"—D. _V. {Ferrell. Professor ment of m¤J01‘ f0FS1¤g for 75 m1U€· s. Mar. 20, 1919, Invertebrate Paleunto- t€*¤‘DF1SG and Self improvement.
BDagT]Egg1¥;?§{{0§Izg;<1é1;)G - _ . ar. , , e e 1a ep _ _ _ _ l
T1$a¤1°X¤!}ge?s¤¤. A O Stanley Sub T¤1%ci"R0ckAspl1a1tSurfacing"—¥’. N. MISS CRANE LE!§.ZVéE€dGEEDS H 1233* E ·-—~·- gin »~~»-- F —--·—--» j IPl{9f$SS¤rnT¤11i¤}¤ saon D·1v1s1cm of state unlversitjes
Address-—G0v€T¤0F · · _ _ · t' os er, Division Engineer, Fran fort,     . py. , , *0SSl *15195, mp 11- that have formally Organized extexb
ject; MT; is ypur Patriotic Duty 0 Ky_ bums .........................,...... Professor Jxllson _ _ _ _
Build R¤¤d$· Disi:{ussi0n—R,` W. Davis, Louisville, M_S Aanlfdn E Crane House Di 12, App, 3, 1919, Fossil Rlgptéws, IHS n ;¥mnd*V1S101gS t0I` deéurtinents and
-1:30 y_ 1 5 .1 , · , · I I‘0·€·SSOI‘ 1 0 B OW IBB. y owor Ou 3, plan gf
Topic __Pl_0D£_ft§;:(E§; of Accounting Topic-—‘groduct1on and Use of Tarvia rector of Patterson Hall since S€ptGH1- 13· ADT- 8· 19]% FOSS1&)}g?`d$·O Inscn Cooperation with state; universities
" ‘ ,, » _ ' ` <=r"— ' GSS 1
Regardjnjz Reed g’\’0;1;tggnt%e }Q3{’)_ giQce;O€tdU]?_u1mm°’ C' W' C°ums' ber, 1917, left January 22 f01` Wash- M_ Ann 10 1919 Fossil 1&nmme¥S that have HO formally organized gx.
}?;’R('g%§é.CI€r(` ep A _ t T¤1%Q—l"The Orlganizitiont of a. 1(E/Iounty ington, D. C., where- she will take 0. Professor Jillson tgnsion divisions.
.— __ ( vv'_ Ti l , 5515 ·· l“’l\V21Y epar men " — rritt · · · · _ _ l ]1’ G C, l· _1 D· { ·b - · . . . .
Dis§Z€°{§§`~i£gZ~r¤·mS3v1ess <;gug{y: B. F- Drine, County noaa m¤gm€€r,°·JBf- °°“’S€_°f mSt’“°E‘°¤ m SOCW S€‘”"*°° *5 A§iQm1gn&§ns _f?f§jf{,¥;g};;SOl_*§i{{Sgn There we possibility that It the
Beenn °’C0umy Rgad Engineer, Hart _ fersqn County. _ work 1n DYBDBTBIIOH f01’ hB1` work 35 16 Amn 17 1919 Fmbrynleqy and Cem W01`k of this division proves worthy
Cenntin _ _ _ _ D1$CUS§l0U—`V· H._C211¤, Couqty Road a member Of the Commission which ' t· ' An' témy, ° ` Congress will appro riate mo e t
T0p;1;;ég{i?j?8D.PLEgE;t¤dg€   ggggtlgf egcuggi1{l§Le¤¤lC§:;g·§;éerg`caI;$ the American Committee for Assyrian 17 Tm Ze 191; I\1;*°§°$S°;1n1gu;\‘i;*;l°“$°r continue it after Jul]13 30, ang inc;
. b1" B S_ · { ·_ . . · , _ pr, -.,, , `OY] {8)*5 , 4 · · _ _
D1s2$;gi0EgT§l_rt§}?ngc?;)£_t?llC01x$nt3€VR0%d T0y;i(2w—‘g€2?5? I!;:?l'?)OFU21l;ld PFerce Ancegunt ?FndkAYI§1€HlaI¥tR_€l1€f lS_tO OS€I:;l_;(; Professor Fymkhouser ggdgfzgroagglaglcn H}aY (EEITYY ;V1Ut 1{Z
Engimgr, Grgenup County: - L vs. Non rec, _mt mee yu) ost ur ey ·0 assis m Caffylng H 1 13, Apr_ 24, 1919, Early Races of Men, _ _ 1 Or UHIVBYSI y ex eusum,
Crquch, cmmw Road E¤gm°°r· Gal Pg;·gG;TnI_g‘·kf§rgb¤§P· DW1S¤¤¤ Em work among War sufferers iu that Pmfessér MMM sxmuar to that new given to land
T0y}$;q·g?§»?;1yh¤ads, Ccmstructi9¤_ eng Disfiusqioh-A. J. ch=ss¥` County Road count]-y_ Miss Crang expects to Sag in · 19. Apr. 29, 1919. Early Rlgssgnsgogdyillnr grant colleges for the ennnemtive ex_
  Cgggcr, Dwnsw Engmeer, Wayne County. e few Weeks for C0uSta_ntm0p]€_ HI The ri of Evolution tension service they render to the De-
an , ‘ · · ‘ . 8 -
DiScn;ien__T_ R_ ggegjyelnyciggqn Ccgeglrglsj Afternoon-1:30 The tnenenent en which Miss Crane 20 Mn 1 1919 °N;um1 Selection in partmellt of Agrxculture
4 ·' per, ¢ · ' · - . . . . . (Y , , V  .
  §0:§;(2r_ Dsnpiipvicr. C0u¤tY }’~°¤d gngij Insgfglc? I?e€{iln(§(;i     égnlw; Will Sail. W1']! b€ furmshed by thi? Navy Plants .,........................,..... Professor Shuu
 ’ new D¤"i€SSTC§le“tYé,.E,eSVé0u;$$; led by 1·*._ E. xerzenkmme, County Department probably in February. 21. May 6, 1919, Natura.] semcmm an SUBJECTS ANNOUNCED
§{Y;€§’i‘§T1§$,`éLug¤iy Road E¤éYi¤€€*· mad E“g"‘€‘”· F‘*Y°“‘°’ C°“““'· Abvut time h¤¤¤Y<*=d W0Yk€}‘S» i¤_°1“d‘ 22_ j§§‘Q§“‘§1S 15};; `‘'``‘ gE€3§;$;°`en5u¥};];,$;s.Gr FOR BENNETT PRIZE
}?"“5}l§},igQ°‘}Q°(f,{;je-·_,]`q,·_ w_ p_ mah-. AU méétillgs Will be held in the ing HUTSGS and €€?1Ch€I`S» Wm SM1 on umn   .....,....... { ...... Professor Funkhouser Students Of tl U _ _
’ T°p§§§~€mry Nati0m11P¤Vi¤S Brick AS" Civil Engineering Building, Univer- the transport. The food administra- za. May 13, 1919, Olgmnggeuesgng, kl Y mg for the Bemitt ;;;’€;`S1;Y$;§¤1;€St·
S°ci”U°“· - d sity of Kentucky No fee wil.] bg tion will furnish food from a Medfter- YO essor un muse Z O avg
_· .F pn Gesnnc, C¤¤¤W R°3 · 24. M 1*, 1919, M t r , been re e t ·
D*S§:‘;;§e";r_ Enya County, charged, All lectures will be Open remeau base, S0 that the Cargo °aP‘a°‘ ay J U 3 m;°¤‘0f¢SS¤Y Shun in the {gigs; Egg ;¤Or€];?d`;;1tm0;§{1;2;r1§gi
, and the ublic is inv°ted. ity of the ship may be used in carry- 25. May 20, 1910, Experimental Produc- ` _
' WEDNESDAL FEBRUARY ZGTH D · 1 · · - ·_ l_ tion Mutations ..........,..... Professor Shull lg-WY than MRY 1, 1919. The subjects
M¤¤m¤g·S=3° Fully equipped mboratcmgs for the mg- motor truCkS’ C10thmg’ agrmu 26 Ma 99 1919 Mutations and Ortho- assigned by the committee are- "() ‘
Topic-"Mncn;1yntpr’ Division En- OF UNIVERSITY ASKED of P21U61‘S0H Ham by MYSS DOM B€Tk‘ 30. June 5, 1919, Eugenics, __ ___
  €i¤<=9¥`· FYR§“kf§t· Iliféanrly County ——·— eley, of Lexington, who assumed her F 1 EP*‘°f9SS<;’ Fu“kh°uS€¤` REPRESENTATIVES CHOSEN
 =* D*S°“SSi°“" · ‘ V ' ' · President McVe and Ch ‘ d t` ‘ th' » 't Januar 23 `ma ’“*mi"“ i°“
  Road Engineer, Grunt Cnunty. J. E- Y a1rman u IBS. m IS capacl y y . FOR UNIVERSITY MEETING
=~ nohprtsnn, County Rwd E¤Si“€€'· R. C. Stoll of the Executive Commit- Miss Berkeley was appointed by ‘ ·
».  .
  T0p§2f_[’I§0€f’B‘;QYnreeent System Og Ma- tee have been requested to procure President McVey OH the l‘€00m1`¤€¤d9~·   2%-NON In compliance with a rgquggt made
  cadnm agri Gr=»~·¢]UrR;;€£$qxj;Xj§S¤é‘ the names of men, students or alumni, mm of me board of supervisors of by Judge E W Hines John R DOW!}
  gleagi Rgg39rEn§·inc¤2r.‘ Ijépmtmwt Of the University who lost their Patterson Ham and is WGH Equipped President McVey of the University ‘ ing president of the Ilexingtogl Board
f Dis‘e£Sl;§,‘nl]f`gV1?°°{?;$‘ E;`lw31·(`l:=, couprv K`;;r;§a1§h%Vg_r°%t Wir Drtipamsh for the W°"k· 0E Kentucky, has been authorized by of Commerce, has asked S, T, Harbi-
3   t1?¤;¤§2r3$¤Pe(}iYr?1Q§§Q;QdC]'jl;:‘_§§}l’e§,· memorial table; til bsresnrctnd it ggv JAMES   the Executive Committee to com- s0n, Charles L. Thompson, J. E. Bas-
_ ¤.»o¢··¤. - ·e· · y 6 . . _
. 1 c t ;J. E.R:1tcliI'E, county . , mumcate \V1th the Honorablss J. C. sett, J. W. Porter, J. J. Hutcluso nd
‘ Ad(?Lgd’y]1<%2?;§e§%l{C;¤mn§G¢;krl§\9\¤¤I§>;é_i_ gggligetynqgigasbgav;¤€;¤1€t¤-dl? AGMCULTURA'- EDWOR Cantrill, representative of the Sev- W. P. Averitt to act as delegagleg to
¤-ess- .·~. ,,. _ _, . en me e y *_;_ _ _ v
, , L U { mw of `[\<*!‘\tUCkV· Sub- . . _ _ enth D1str1~ct of Iientucky, J. C. W. The stm; conference on Ke tu k
 e; 353; Bra; Ec¤¤¤mi<= V¤*¤° °' We "°m“““°"· and mends _°' "*k*‘ James S¤€€d· Edlwr Of Farm and Beckham, George B. Martin. senators Problems to be held at me guise;
 Q, Roads. twes of HUGH h€I`O€S DOSS€SSmg facts Family, Louisville, has been appoint- f K t 1 d tl S · .
  C . th , _ _ _ _ i`0¤1 H1 UC (Y» an 19 BCTBWTY of $1tY Of Kentucky under the auspices
  Aft¤m¤on—1:30 Dncermng B'? SaU'1@C€ W¤11 COH· ed ed1t0r for the College of Agricul- War, requesting that (-me Of the Gen ef the Knmnck Cmmc.1 f D f
  ·1·0pyc..···phe Pygpgr Mamma of Rpmxrfac- f€1‘ H f&V01‘ OH thé G0mm1ttBG by SBHG- ture, University of Kentucky, in thé mgm cannon- to be brought to the M h b t y 1 0 B gum A
  Rum nnnd Hn1es —}V. N. Bosler, Div- of the Universit I _ T X I T1 D Umted States be presented to the 2,.000 persons Wm be nreeent et the
 V; ision LIIKKHEGI, Fxankfort, Ky. Y. ment Station hStS_ University of Kentucky. mnntingl
Rf.;  -