xt7dnc5s8r4c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dnc5s8r4c/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1993 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 69, No. 2, Autumn 1993 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 69, No. 2, Autumn 1993 1993 1993 2014 true xt7dnc5s8r4c section xt7dnc5s8r4c I   f         FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE
'‘.,V; '     Volume 69 Number 2 Fall 1993
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US ISSN 0016-2116
Table of Contents
Beyond the Mountains - Deanna Severance 1 ·
Letter from a Friend - Joanna B. Savery 4
My Experience as a Courier - Emily Davis 5
Kate Ireland — Distinguished Leader - Barb Gibson 7
Professional Staff at MBH — Barb Gibson 8
Notes from the School — Kate McHugh 13  
FNS Employees — Barb Gibson 15
Field Notes - Susie Hudgins 17
Letter of Appeal - Kate Ireland, Leigh Powell,
Deanna Severance 18 ,
68th Annual Mary Breckinridge Festival - Barb Gibson 19 i
DCW's Annual Meeting - Barb Gibson 21 S
Courier News - Barb Gibson 23
In Memoriam - Barb Gibson 25
In Honor Of - Barb Gibson 26
In Memoriam Contribution Cards 27
Urgent Needs - Barb Gibson inside back cover A
Cover: Deanna Severance representing the FNS at the American Public Health A
Associations 's annual meeting in San Francisco. Statue of Florence Nightingale
in background.
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin
Us ISSN 0016-2116 B
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. `
Wendover, Kentucky 41775 i
Subscription Price S 5.00 a Year for Donors
Subscription Price $10.00 a Year for Institutions `~
Editor's Office, Wendover, Kentucky 41775 I
VOLUME 69 NUMBER 2 Fall 1993  
Second-class postage paid at Wendover, KY 41775 and at additional mailing offices. I
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, KY 41775. "
Copyright Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.l993/All Rights Reserved  

9 Beyond the Mountains
Dr. Anne Wasson and I traveled to Florida May 3l, for the
annual meeting of the American College of Nurse Midwives. Dr.
{ Anne commented on how wonderful it was to visit with the former
graduates ofthe Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing
that she had known as students! I had the pleasure of meeting Ron
  and Bemadette Hart, both FNSers from the l970‘s. Dr. Anne
describes Ron as a person who empowers personnel, and Bemadette
as a marvelous CNM preceptor.
i The Philadelphia Committee hosted a marvelous fund
.1 raising event June 13 at "Barbados Hill", the home of Mr. and Mrs.
V Nicholas E. Chimicles in Devon, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Chimicles is
S a member of the Philadelphia Committee. A special thanks to Mrs.
1 John Hodge, chainnan of the committee, our sponsors, and to
  those who attended. On Sunday, September 19 the committee
V attended a cocktail party hosted by Mr. and Mrs. John G. Harkins,
  Jr., at Lowbrook in Devon. Mary Hodge, chairman ofthe commit-
I, tee says they a had a fun time and have recruited a few prospective
  members including Mrs. Frank Boyer and Miss Alexandria
1% Lammers. The committee accepted with regret the resignation of
T one of it's long time members, Mrs. Joseph Kohn. Some of those _
if attending the cocktail party were, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hodge,
  Mary B. Hodge, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moore, Mrs. David Dohan,
gr Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Dohan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyer, Mrs.
  E. T. Moore, Mrs. E. Norton Hunt, Mrs. Suzanne K. Lammers,
' Miss Alexandria Lammers and Mrs. Gary Horn.
5· On June 18 and 19, the Board of Govemors met in
  Lexington. This yearthe Board awarded two scholarships to Leslie
  County women, allowing them to complete their nursing educa-
ar tions. The recipients are Mrs. Glenna Combs and Miss Joanne
  Farmer. Mrs. Combs is currently the Director of Nursing at Mary
jr Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc. She will receive her Master of
4; Science degree in Nursing from Bellannine College, a program
1*1 designed for nurses who are working. Miss Farmer is working
  toward her BSN degree and will continue employment at FNS.

Board Chairman Ken Tuggle (Frontier School of Mid-  
wifery & Family Nursing), CNEP co-director Pemiy Armstrong 3
and I met with Dr. Joyce Fitzpatrick (Dean of the Frances Payne
Bolton School of Nursing at Case Westem Reserve University) ‘
and Ms. Rosemary Hogan (Assistant Dean in Cleveland) on July
30. On several previous occasions I have written about the rela- "
tionship between the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family .
Nursing and Case Westem Reserve University. Again, I want all iu
of our readers to know that the CNEP would not have come into _`
being with a Master of Science exit degree had it not been for the
leadership and vision of Dr. Fitzpatrick. Under this program when :
students enroll in the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family I
Nursing certificate program they have the opportunity to enroll  
concurrently in the Case Westem Reserve University Master of 1
Science nursing program. A representative from the registrar's  
office at Case Westem Reserve University comes to Midwifery  
Bound in Hyden to facilitate enrollment. After fulfilling the FNS  
midwifery program requirements, the student may enroll in nine  
additional hours at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing,  
and upon successful completion may graduate with a MSN. I
The Bluegrass Committee Luncheon was held at  
Spindletop Imr, Lexington, Kentucky on September 1. A special
thanks to Mrs. George Hart Rodes and Mrs. Margaret Sori for {
providing the meeting place and assisting with the menu. Other I
attendees were, Dr. Mary Fox, Diane McCollen, Judy Stammer, %
Betty Ligon, Eleanor Ligon, Marjorie Vogt, Betty Christie, Flo- §
rence Rawleigh, Frances Luckett, Mary Carter, Roberta Watts, ‘
Stacia Kaufman, John and Ruth Nolan, Carl and Stephanie  .
Wedekind, Audrey and Dick Bean, Vera Sanders, Elizabeth  
Wiggins, Lucy McKinstry, Wick Johnston, Mary Evelyn Rogers,  ;
Helena Mink, Ruth Devine, Dr. and Mrs. Edward Jackson, Mark  T
Inmon, Ruth Roach, Anne Gregory and Ruth Rodes.  
The American Public Health Association‘s amiual meet-  _.
ing was held in San Francisco October 23-28. On Monday,  
October 25, I was asked to represent Mrs. Breckinridge in a  _
presentation on historical nurses. Other famous nurses portrayed ¤ ‘—
were Florence Nightingale by Leslie Frick, Lillian Wald by Lt 

! Jane Bemard, Sari Gamp by Nancy Ruhle and Jessie Scales by Rita
i Times. This was a wonderful opportunity for me to introduce
Mrs. Breckinridge's personal history, inspiration and motivation
` which resulted in the success of the Frontier Nursing Service as we
know it today. Many thanks to Mr. James C. Klotter, member of
F the FNS Board of Govemors, and Director of the Kentucky State
I Historical Society for his book The Brggkinridges gf Kengigky
F 1760-lQ§ l , which enhanced my presentation. Itwas a special treat
~ to have dinner with the California Public Health Association at the
Califomia Culinary Academy. After dinner, Kaiser Permanete's
r Educational Theater Program presented "Secrets", an AIDS
l Theatre Production based on true stories. The play was an
! informative and eye opening discussion of AIDS, the epidemiol-
  ogy and consequences of the disease. My wish is that all young
  people in America could see this line production. The handout
  distributed at the show states that "Every ten minutes, a person dies
i from AIDS. Many of these people were infected while they were
E in high school". People are encouraged to call the AIDS hotline
  number, 1-800-342-2437 for answers to their questions.
I The Kentucky Chapter of the Daughters of Colonial Wars
I held their fall luncheon at the University of Kentucky Faculty Club
on October 30. Thanks to Mrs. Gladys Zinc, President of the
Q organization who chaired the meeting. Among those attending
{ were, Mrs. Emest Bijington, Mrs. Whitney Dunlap, Mrs. Shelvie
I Tuson, Mrs. Ewell Gibson, Mrs. Marvin Graves, Miss Frances
i Johnson, Mrs. French Maggard, Mrs. Charles Stagner, Mrs. Duncan
I Stokes, Mrs. Ruth Ann Storrow, Miss Bettie Tuttle, Mrs. W.T.
  Buckner and Mrs. Stacia Kaufmann.
 I And finally, the first snowfall ofthe season occurred! I am
 Q grateful that all retumed to their homes safely. So many, many
 Y thanks to the DCW‘s for their support!
` -Deanna Severance

Letter from a Friend  
Dear Friends,
Every time I read your Quarterly Reports, I am reminded
again of how I leamed about you, what a joy it is to hear about your
progress and to read the letters of those who have worked with you. Q
My mother, Sylvia Reed Ballou, tirst leamed about you »
when she was a student at Miss Bennett‘s School in Millbrook, x
New York. Mary Breckinridge came to the school to tell about ,
what she was then doing in 1913 or 1914. I went to the same {
school, then called Bemiett J. College, in 1938 and again, someone L
came to tell us about your progress. Q
I lost track of you then, married and moved from Massa- §
chusetts to Pennsylvania. In 1977, my mother moved to a  
retirement community near me. She had been a widow for some I
14 years and was losing her eyesight. When I took over her  
accounts, I discovered that she had been making small contribu- l
tions to the Frontier Nursing Service and I became interested anew E
in what you were doing and had become. Since her death in 1985  
(she would have been 100 years old next year!) I have continued  
her support. If a trip ever takes me and my husband in your l
direction in the next few years, it would be exciting to stop and visit {
you. Thank you for the inspiration you give!  
-.I0anna B. Savery
Correction ’
In the summer issue of the Quarterly Bulletin, there was a story »
about a horse named Doc, written by Mary E. Heisey. The caption  I
printed under the photograph is inaccurate. The photograph says {
that Helen Stone is riding Diane and leading Doc but Kate Ireland  
knew Doc well and during our September board meeting she  
pointed out that Helen Stone is actually riding Doc and leading
Diane. -Barb Gibson  

r My Experience as a Courier
My name is Emily Davis
and I grew up in Tenafly, New
, Jersey right outside of New York
City. After I had graduated from  
Smith College last May, I spent j
* four months working on a small _
family fann in Maine and then ...
decided to come to the Frontier »-· l _, _`
Nursing Service. I came to lcam Z     -
more about another culture and ¤  
to leam about nursing. I first be-
came interested in Nursing at Emily Davis
I college while taking an anthropology class. Before my arrival I
- had been as far west as Australia, but in this country I had never
  been further south of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I've spent close
. to six months here, which is a long time for me to be in any one
  place. At this point in my life I find it difficult to summarize my
i feelings about my experience as a courier in just a few words.
Q When I look back on my arrival it seems like a long time ago and
  that I was younger. I've leamed a tremendous amount here in the
l past months, not only about healthcare, rural living and this area
r of Kentucky, but about myself.
E I remember clearly the first part of the joumey: stopping
  over in Atlanta and walking around the airport for an hour. I felt
[ strangely out of place and must have looked like something off the
Y set of "Northem Exposure". I was still wearing the clothes that
were comfortable to me on the farm in Maine, a black and white
V plaid shirt and old jeans and my hair in a ponytail. I think I must
. have been the only female in the airport who wasn't wearing make-
: up and hadn't used any hairspray that moming. I wondered if this
‘ was what "the South" was going to be like. Growing up in the
North and going to school in New England I had leamed all kinds
L, of sterotypes about the "South", all of them pretty negative. I was
g` determined to unleam as many of those preconceptions as I could
during my time here.

What did I learn while I was here? What did Ido? I met a Q
lotof people that I grew to care very deeply about and who took me, ]
to my surprise, into their homes and their hearts with little i
hesitation. I could use this space to tell you about what I did on l
home health, at the clinic or the midwifery school, but I would ,—
rather tell you about these wonderful people and take the time to _
thank them for their love and support. .
Some of the first people I met here were the staff at the _"
Beechfork Clinic. I had spent a day going to different clinics with  
Dr. Mills and found myself to be pretty much useless until I got to  
Beechfork, which happened to be swamped with patients that day. E
They immediately handed me a chart and had me working up  
patients. Overwhelmed by all the other opportunities here, I didn't g
spend much time there again until about two months later. For the
first few weeks whenever I walked in the door Betty Morgan
would always say, "Are you here to help? Well, bless your heart." ;
Betty and Ethel Collett taught me more than I will probably leam
in my first semester at nursing school: how to take a blood
pressure, temperature, pulse, weight, how to do a finger stick and if
check iron and sugar levels, how to do a urinalysis and most  
importantly, how to nicely hold down a screaming kid while they
get a shot. Thank you both, Ethel and Betty, for teaching me those
useful skills. I d0n't know what to thank Pam Morgan and Linda
Lewis for because they always had me stuck in the medical record
room. They told me that when I come back as a midwife they'll
make me file dictation between seeing patients. Thank you also,  ,
Sister Sonia, forlettin g me practice my shaky vital·taking skills on
your patients. I ended up spending so much time at Beechfork, not `
so much for the clinical experience but because I loved spending _
time with the staff. I hope you're all still there when I retum. I‘ll  j
be so happy to see you, I'll even file charts for you!  I
I also want to thank Shirley Kelly for letting me in on a  »
very special and memorable experience. She was on bed rest for  
the last month of her pregnancy and I helped her out with the house
work a few days a week while she tried to stay still. This was not  
an easy feat with the antics of her lovable five year old son David  1

  She called me from the hospital when she began to go into labor
] and I had the fortunate experience of being with her through the
I birth. Her beautiful baby boy will always hold a special place in
I my heart.
,. I would like to thank Phyllis Morgan for taking me out on
home health rounds with her. I always looked forward to my time
i with Phyllis who cared so well for her patients. I was very
r impressed by the positive attitude she had about a job that could be
  very difficult and depressing. I hope that some of my caretaking
l skills as a future nurse are inspired by her thoughtful and giving
l talents.
Q I want to thank all the staff at the Midwifery school for
? always being so welcoming and friendly to couriers. I‘m sure you
all can‘t imagine why I kept coming up there to do tedious filing
and xeroxing work, but honestly it was becausel enjoyed spending
I time with you. The school was always such a nice, homey
i atmosphere to come to and spend the aftemoon.
l I promise all of you that I'll do my best to keep in touch and
if to retum someday soon. I find as I get ready to leave that what I
{ take with me is not a "cultural experience" or clinical skills, but is
in my heart. You have all touched me in more ways than you can
imagine. I leave knowing that this place will never leave me and
that I will carry it in my heart wherever I go. -Emily Davis
t Kate Ireland-Recognition
· Congratulations to Kate for being named "Distinguished
Regional Leader" at the recent annual meeting of the Kentucky
 Q River Area Development District, Hazard, Kentucky. She was
 T recognized for her pioneering spirit and vision that has left a
 . lasting mark on the region, and on her personal contribution to its
  development.The present day leaders hope to build upon Kate's
work so that twenty-five years from now, their region will be a
; V shining example of success bom from Kate's visionary leadership.
 4 li -Barb Gibson

I n the next few issues ofthe Quarterly Bulletin we will focus on one i
particular area ofthe Frontier Nursing Service in order to better _
acquaint friends and supporters with our sta]? and services.
Professional Staff at Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc. ~
Dr. Roy Varghese, Intemist, is from Kerala, India. He H
and his wife Lilly have four children, Lisa, Nisha, Linda and Asha. "
Prior to coming to work in the Hyden Clinic during March, L
1992, Dr. Varghese worked at the Hazard ARH Medical Center.  
He did his intemship and residency at the Lutheran Medical Center  
in Cleveland, Ohio, and obtained a Fellowship in Infectious  
Diseases from the University of Louisville.  
While he was at the Trivandrum Medical School he {
eamed his M.B.B.S, did his intemship and residency in Intemal T
Medicine, became Board Certified in Intemal Medicine, tutored ?
in Infectious Disease Medicine,and was a Professor of Medicine  
in Infectious Diseases and Administrative Medical Officer in 1
charge of Infectious Diseases. In addition, Dr. Varghese has i
published 16 articles and has made approximately 22 presenta- Q
tions on topics related to infectious diseases. y
Dr. Marek Kacki, Nephrologist, began work part-time in g
the Hyden Clinic in 1985. He is from Poland and lives in  
Lexington, Kentucky.  
Dr. Kacki also works at the St. Claire's Medical Center in Z
Morehead, Kentucky and is closely affiliated with the University  
of Kentucky Medical Center and Humana Hospital in Lexington.  
He did a Fellowship in Nephrology at the University of l
Kentucky and has worked at the Huntington Hospital, Hunting- g
ton, West Virginia, at the Florida Heartlnstitute, Orlando, Florida, ‘·
and at the Ephraim McDowell Hospital in Danville, Kentucky.Dr.   _'
Kacki attended the Silesian Academy of Medicine in Poland for  
his medical education. He was a resident in Intemal Medicine and [
did his post graduate training at the Marshall University School  
of Medicine in Huntington, West Virginia. ,

1 Dr. James Chaney, Family Practice, is a resident of Perry
County, Kentucky.
. He began work in the Hyden Clinic December 20, 1992.
Prior to coming to work for FNS he worked at St. Mary‘s Hospital,
Cabell Huntington Hospital and the VA Medical Center, all of
` Huntington, West Virginia.
Dr. Chaney attended the St. George University School of
1 _ Medicine in the West Indies and transferred to the Marshall
1 University School of Medicine in Huntington for his medical
, training and intemship in Intemal Medicine. He also received his
  B.S. from the University of Kentucky College of Arts.
  Dr. Albino G. Nunez, Family Practice, is originally from
1 the Philipines and lives in Harlan, Kentucky. He and his wife have
  three children, ages 17, 22 and 25.
` He joined our staff during May, 1989 and works in the
1 Emergency Room. Before coming to work at FNS he worked at the
1 Daniel Boone Clinic in Harlan.
1 Dr. Nunez eamed his Doctor of Medicine at the Manila
I Central University in the Philippines and his Master of Science in
. Microbiology from the University of Southwestem Louisiana. He
y did a rotating intemship at Diew Sister's Hospital in New Orleans
1 and his general practice residency at the Lafayette Charity Hospi-
Q tal, Lafayette, Louisana. Dr. Nunez also did a fellowship in
  intemal medicine at Louisana State University College of Medi-
’ cine.
Z Before going to work for Daniel Boone Clinic in Harlan,
  Dr. Nunez worked as a research microbiolo gist at Tulane Univer-
  sity in New Orleans, he was a hospital microbiolo gist at Abbeville
1 General Hospital, Abbeville, Louisana, worked as a diagnostic
1 microbiolo gist at the University of Texas Medical Branch,
{ Galveston, Texas, he was a consulting microbiologist at Galveston
; _, County Memorial Hospital, Lamarque, Texas and was a staff
{ physician at the East Moline State Hospital, East Moline, Illinois.

Dr. Salim A. Bakali, Intemal Medicine, began working  
at FNS during November, 1992. He works in the Hyden Clinic and  
also at the District Clinics.  
He graduated from the University of Karachi, Dow Medi- g
cal College in Pakistan. He was a resident physician and resident ! p
surgeon at the Civil Hospital in Karachi, a medical officer at the {
Rimpa Plaza Clinic in Karachi, a clinical associate at the LaPuente  
Medical Center in Lapuente, Califomia and did his intemship and ,
residency in Intemal Medicine at St. Luke's Hospital, St. Louis, Q
Missouri. I
Dr. Bakali has published his research on the study of
Parasitic Diseases and Spontaneous Internal Jugular Vein  
Thrombosis. g
Dr. Karan Baucom, OB/GYN, joined our staff at the  
Kate Ireland Women's Healthcare Center during February, 1992.  
She is from Kansas City, Kansas.  
Before coming to work for FNS, Dr. Baucom had a  
private practice in Topeka, Kansas. She was also an Assistant  
Professor at the University of Kansas. She eamed her medical  
training, intemship and post graduate degree at the University of  
Dr. B aucom is the Public Health Officer for Leslie County,  
and participates in several community activities. She has received  
several outstanding recognition awards from Vocational Educa- ;
tion Health Services.  
Dr. Hector Ortiz, Pediatrician, joined our staff in the X
Hyden Clinic during March, 1992. He is from Columbia, South j
America. l
Dr. Ortiz attended the University of Medicine in New *
Jersey for his pediatric training. He worked in the Pulmonary
clinic at the Children's Hospital in New Jersey, and was an in-  
house pediatrician at the Hackensack Medical Center, Hackensack, °
New Jersey. Dr. Ortiz has extensive experience and qualifications
in treating children with respiratory difficulties.  

{ Delight Erickson, Certified Family Nurse Practitioner
I from Pine River, Minnesota began working at FNS October 1,
{ 1992 as a "float" Nurse Practitioner. She works several days a
[ week in the Hyden Clinic at the Mary Breckinridge Hospital and
y spends the rest of her time working at the district clinics and in the
in El'l'l€I'g€I`lCy Room.
Q Delight received her nursing training in 1967 from the
°“ Harmell College School of Nursing in Califomia. She received her
Family Nursing training and masters in public health from Tulane
Universit School of Public Health in New Orleans. She also has
a bachelors in Sociology from the College of St. Catherine in St.
{ Paul, Minnesota. —Barb Gibson
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Sayings of the Children
Dave Southem's son John, went swimming at the recreation center
here in Hyden one aftemoon with Amy and Regina Morgan. After
the pool closed, Amy and Regina stayed to talk with some friends r
before taking Jolm home. After waiting and waiting John became
very impatient and said "I have been waiting for so long my clothes ° `
have gone out of style". -Barb Gibson  

  Notes from the School
  A Tale of Two Places (or, why does a city girl work in Kentucky?)
¥ by Kate McHugh CNM, MSN Acting Program Director.
,   The last six months have been a hectic, yet fulfilling, time
E for Penny Armstrong and myself. As the Acting Program Direc-
¤ tors of the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing's
  Community-Based Nurse-Midwifery Education Program (CNEP)
  we have spent many hours ruminating on the unique nature of
  working for Frontier Nursing Service. I'd like to share some
  reflections with you...
  Working for the School means being involved in the
  largest midwifery school in the nation, and one of only two
I providing a total distance learning program. Our 303 students live
  all over the United States, many of them in small, non-urban areas.
  Issues that can interfere with their education include the need to get
i crops in, roads that are impassable in winter and caring for elderly
  relatives. They are students in mid-life with all of the issues and
  demands of mature adults.
  Working with our students means grappling with the
{ issues of women in our society: patterns of over-extension and too
  many responsibilities. We stop and ask them, "What are you
  willing to set aside in order to give birth to yourself as a midwife?"
  The question sometimes hurts but needs to be asked. We try as
  early as their pre-admission interview to help them identify
' lifestyle changes that will insure success.
K Working for Frontier School of Midwifery and Family
. Nursing means rarely seeing your co-workers-everybody lives
somewhere else. The telephone becomes an extension of your
body and your tone of voice becomes critical. Our motto is: "Join
L CNEP and see the world" because of the extraordinary travel
  requirements for Academic Faculty and our Regional Clinical
j Coordinators. Recently the New York Times published an article
2 on the virtual office. We must be "aucourant" because that is
i A certainly our current reality-work on the go from home, airports,
@ train stations and multiple midwifery practices we visit.

The faculty share an enormous dedication to a belief-the
belief that all over this country there are great nurses who have
been stopped on their pathway to nurse-midwifery because of
finances and their inability to relocate their family to a university
town. The dedication to the belief that we are serving these nurses ;,
keeps the faculty moving in this unusual job in nursing education!
Faculty constantly debate the interesting question: how do you
nurture and lead students you see only rarely? Wonderful changes ¤
have been made to the curriculum to add a "voice" to each course,
and the addition of teaching associates has increased our abilities f
to provide the personal touch on student papers. t
Working in the school's administration calls for knowl-
edge that few other nurse-midwifery educators need to master!
Working in a school this large means constant exposure to the
operation of a busy business. Penny and I have had some interest-
ing moments this summer worrying about homet's nests in the
windows, painting the porches, renting a school bus for Midwifery
Bound and minding the financial sheets. The staff has been quick
to help and we've all been quick to laugh. Nothing in my previous
life as an academic would have involved discussing the number of
beans served for dinner or the effects of lightening strikes on the
computers in the mountains!
When I arrive in Hyden from my city life in Philadelphia
I feel its worth the trip. Being in the mountains, driving along the
Daniel Boone Parkway moves me to a new mood. Every person
I've ever known who traveled to the school says the same thing: "I
couldn't understand how much the spirit of the school is alive in
those buildings until I came here myself." We are doing something
never done before in midwifery in this country. I guess we're A
following in the footsteps of Mary Breckinridge out here on a new i
frontier. ;

FNS Employee-Betty Couch
In this issue, we would like to pay tribute to two of our employ-
ees, Betty Couch and Peggy Hacker.
J. Betty Helen Couch has worked with the Frontier Nursing
Service since 1971. She began working in the Medical Record
Department at the old hospitaland has since worked in several
· different areas.
Betty became an Accredited Record Technician in 1975
E and is now the Director of Quality Assurance/Improvement Pro-
r gram at the Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc. She coordinates
and reviews the medical staff peer review activities, handles
patient complaints and incident reports, oversees the professional
staff credentialing process and is in charge of recruitment and
physician scheduling. She is the chairperson and secretary for the
Quality Improvement Committee, secretary to the Professional
Staff and the Medical Record Committees, and is a member ofthe
Emergency Room, Safety, Infection Control, Medicine, Obstetri-
cal/Surgical and Care Committees.
Betty is also a member of The American Health Informa-
tion Management Association, the Southeastem Kentucky Health
Information Management Association and the Kentucky
Assocation for Healthcare Quality. One of her notable accom-
plishrnents was obtaining a grant for the purchase of up-dated
microfilming equipment. She also assisted with the design and
development of a medical record deficiency tracking system using
a personal computer with the Lotus 123 program, and changed the
medical record tiling system to an improved system.
_ Betty is married to Kermit and they have four children
i Kevin, Kathy, Kim and Keith, as well as two granddaughters. She
g has lived in Leslie County for most of her life. She has had many
i opportunities to move to another job but says FNS is her family
Q and home. Thanks Betty! -Barb Gibson

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Betty Helen Couch Peggy Hacker
FNS Employee-Peggy Hacker
Peggy started working for the Frontier Nursing Service in
October, 1971 as a receptionist in the old hospital clinic. In