xt7dnc5s8m6b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dnc5s8m6b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1986 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- University of Kentucky Bulletin, 1986-1987 text University of Kentucky Bulletin, 1986-1987 1986 1986 2013 true xt7dnc5s8m6b section xt7dnc5s8m6b    ···——-——
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  I         1986 87 B lletiini I     S    
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_ i   I » Officialrcafelog of the University of Kentucky " K r . .   I I
i I I ¢  S I      
I   K ‘ I qi S   y     I;    i s     ·»·  I
  SUMMERI i » S S _ .       S NUMBERIQQ I
` A   ` The University of Kentucky Bulletin (USPS 384-61 OI is publishedssix times asuyear, once in the Spring, three times irrtI§e_ _ ‘ __
J   I = I Summer (Summer I, summer ll, Summer Ill) and twice inthe Fall (Fall I,`Fgli ll) by the University of Kentucky. Le>§in§4 . __
_» r ton, KY 40505. Second class postage paid at the Post Office, Lexington, KYA051   Pcistmaster: Send address changesto °  
r 3 the Registrars Office. Attn: Mailing Center, University of Kentucky, Qexington, KY 40506. A cooperative pubiicationof s __ _ . _
“ the Registrars Office”and‘the Publications Bureau of University Information Seryicési     I _ ° " ‘ j [ M   `.`‘   { ' `

l     l
This Bulletin is distributed to all newly admitted Affirmative Action Office, 203A Administration BuiIdin9, (606)
undergraduate students through the Advising Conference, and 257-8927.
to graduate students through The Graduate School Office. Ad- Efforts to comply with the laws and regulations applicable
ditional or replacement copies may be purchased through the _ to qualified handicapped individuals are also coordinated by the
University Bookstore. Affirmative Action Office, as required by Section 504 of the
Reference copies are distributed to all high school counselors Rehabilitation Act of 1973.  
in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Questions concerning compliance with regulations may be .
Information about the Community College System may be directed to UK’s Affirmative Action Office, or to the Director V
obtained by contacting the Community College System Office, of the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education,
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0056. Washington, D.C. A
Specific information about different parts of the University In accordancé with the Family Educamn Rlghtsand Iinyacy
may be Obtained by directing inquiries tb members Oi the ad_ Act of 1974, University of Kentucky students have therright to -
ministrative staff. The post office address is: University of Ken- r°y'8W* mspgcn End °ha"€_n9€_th? accuracy Of 'nf°"mat'°n kept —
tucky, Lexington, KY 40506, Telephone; (505) 257-gg00_ I1? Crrrrrluiaflve file bib the institution ubnless the sétudent waives  
t . ` *
General information, transcripts of credits- Grrgseng t In V;rmT.g "°.fi; S firgmot .5 release In Oghzr than i
University Registrar rgency s rua ions wi ou re vvri en consent o t e stu- r
Admissi0ns_Dir€ctOr of Admissions dent, except in the following situations:  
Student Affairs-Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs A. to other school officials, including faculty within the educa-  
. I
Living Accommodations—University Housing Office tional institution or local educational agency who have  
A P¤ril¢¤|¤r ¢¤ll¤9¤ and its Pr¤9r¤r¤§— » legitimate educational interests; $
Dean of the C0ll€9¢i D•r¤<>t¤r °f A¤m·$$·¤¤S B. to officials of other schools or school systems in which the  
c°c'"n"“";y $°"°9°$‘Ch°"°°"°' f°' the C°mmu"lty student intends to enroll, upon condition that the student  
o ege ys em . . r —. .;
Graduate Work-Dean of The Graduate School zednoimzd O gh; transfer' rece"/6 1 ccipy Of srhe record  
Student Financial Aid—Director of Student Financial I h rjzslra 'than in/Gt a? tzpponurg y or 8 Banng to  
r Aid c a enge e con en o e recor ; i
Accdcmic Schcicrchipc_Vicc Chancellor fc, C. to authorized representatives of 1) the Comptroller General  
Academic Affairs of the United States, 2) the Secretary of Education of the  
General publications about the University- United States, 3) an administrative head of an education `.{
Q Director of University information Services agency or 4) state educational authorities;  
Pl¤¤¤r¤¢rr¢ S¤rVi¢¤S—Dlr€¢i0r Gf Career Planning and D. in connection with a student’s application for, and receipt I
Placement Center Of {inanciai aid.
c°""S°""g °"d T°°tI"9 c°"t°"`Di'°°t°' °f C°°°s€""g and E. where the information is classified as "Directory informa- A
Testing tion " The following categories of information have been JT
Extension, Evening, Weekend, and Correspondence .' . .... Aj
c0urs8s_D€arr or University Exterrsrorr designated by the University as directory information:  ·
Fort Knox Comer, Fort Knox, KY 40121 name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth,  _
major field of study, participation in officially recognized 1
COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS activities and sports, weight and height of members of  i
athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards _.
The University of Kentucky is committed to a policy of pro- received, and the most recent previous educational institu-  
viding educational opportunities to all qualified students tion attended by the student. lf you do not wish such in-  
regardless of economic or social status, and will not discriminate r formation released without your consent you should notify  
on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, beliefs, the Registrar’s Office prior to the first day of classes.  
age, national origin, or handicap. · . `  
Compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of Questions concerning this law and the University's policy con-  
I 1972, which prohibits sex discrimination, and with Title Vl of _ cerning release of academic information may be directed to the  
the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is coordinated by Ms. Nancy Ray, Registrar’s Office, 257-1826. E
2 I

 ___________,__ ____ ( _____,, ,,,2A.. .,... ....e` rrrrw YAYYY-é————i—— ——·~—~ ~ We *"*7"r ·—+"—"’?"""" ' " ""`" ' il
Calendar ................................................................. L ......................,.............................. 5
The University .......,....,..........................................., . ..................................................... 11
Undergraduate Admission ................................................................................................ 13
Fees ........... Q ............................,................................................................................... 20
Student Financial Aid, Awards, and Benefits ..................................,................................... 25
Special Academic Programs ............................................................................................. 31
Libraries ....................................................................,...................,.............................. 38 . `
Cultural Opportunities ..............................,.............................................. L ....................... 39
Living Accommodations .................................................................................................. 41
  Student Services and Activities ........................,............................................................... 45 _
l · Academic Requirements ................................................................,................................. 51
‘ The Academic Program ............... · ....,............................................................................... 59
Curricula and Degree Requirements ................................................................................... 63
Q: Agriculture ............................................................................................................,. 63
. Allied Health Professions ........................................................................................... 71
l Architecture .........................,.......................................................,.......................... 77
` Arts and Sciences ..................................................................................,................. 79
Business and Economics ........................................................................................... 101
Communications ...' . .............................,.................................... . ............................... 104 A
`_ Dentistry ..............................................................................................,................. 107 ,
Education .................... ‘ .........................................................................................., 108 i
  Engineering ............... . ............................................................................................. 117
  · Fine Ans .............. i .................................................................................................. 1 24
  The Graduate School ............................................................................... , ................ 129 V
4   Home Economics ..................................................................................................... 133 `
  Honors Program ...................................................................................................... 138
  Law ....................................................................................................................... 139
  Library and Information Science ................................................................................. 141
  , Medicine ...............................................................,................................................ 142
  . Nursing .................................................................................................................. 143
  Pharmacy ............................................................................................................... 145 ‘
  Social Work ............................................................................................................ 148
il` University Extension ....................................................................................................... 149 ~
li Community Colleges ....................................................................................................... 153
Z` Course Numbering System ............ e ................................................................................. 154
· Abbreviations ..,............................................................................................................. 155
yl Course Descriptions .................................................................................................. . ..... 158
  College of Law ........................................................................................................ 270
  College of Dentistry ............................................................................................... ` ...271 A
  College of Medicine .................................................................................................. 275
.   . Faculty .......................................................................... - ............................................... 2 85
i A Administration ...........................,............................................................................,...... 309
  Index ........................................................................................................................... 310
l ‘
· X

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y Students should check the Schedule of C/asses for each semester for any calendar
` changes which may have been approved after publication of this Bulletin.
1986 Fall Semester
February 15- Saturday- Recommended date for freshmen to September 19- Friday- Last day for reinstatement of students
submit 1986 Fall Semester application cancelled for nonpayment of registration fees and/ or hous-
June 1-Sunday-Undergraduates planning to participate in ing and dining fees. Requires payment of fees and may re-
the Summer Advising Conferences, in preparation for the quire payment of $50 reinstatement fee.
1986 Fall Semester, should apply for admission or September 25-Thursday- Last day forfiling an application in
readmission college dean's office for a December degree
June 15-Sunday-Earliest date to submit application for October 15-Wednesday-Undergraduates planning to par-
regular and Early Decision Program admission, College of , ticipate in the November Advising Conference for the 1987
Medicine, for Fall 1987 Spring Semester should apply for admission or readmission
June 23-July 25-Summer Advising Conferences for new October 20-Monday-Last day to drop a course
freshmen, Community College transfers, advanced standing October 20- Monday- Last day to withdraw from the Univer-
(transfer) students, auditors, nondegree and readmitted sity or reduce course load and receive any refund
students enrolling for the 1986 Fall Semester November 6-Thursday-Last day for doctoral candidates to
July 25- Friday- Deadline for applying for admission or read- submit a Notification of Intent to schedule a final examina-
mission to The Graduate School for the 1986 Fall Semester tion in The Graduate School for a December degree
August 1-Friday- Deadline for application for Early Decision November 7—Friday— 1987 Spring Semester Advising Con-
Program, College of Medicine, for Fall 1987 ference for new and readmitted undergraduate students
August 6-Wednesday—Last day Advance Registered students November 12-19-Wednesday through Wednesday—Advance T
may pay $50 to confirm their 1986 Fall Semester registration ‘ registration for the 1987 Spring Semester `
August 25- Monday- Registration for new students who did November 15- Saturday- Deadline for application, College of
not advance register Medicine, for Fall 1987 A
August 26—Tuesday- Centralized add/ drop for Advance , _November 20—Thursday— Last day for candidates to schedule
Registered students V a final examination in The Graduate School for a December
August 26—Tuesday-Last day a student may officially drop degree ’
T ` a course or cancel registration with the University Registrar November 27-29-Thursday through Saturday-Thanksgiving
for a full refund of fees Holiday-Academic Holiday A
August 27-Wednesday- Class work begins _ December 1-Monday- Deadline for submission oflapplication
A August 27-September 3-Wednesday through Wednesday- and receipt of all materials for admission, readmission or
Late registration for returning students who did not advance transfer to the College of Law for the 1987 Spring Semester
register and new applicants cleared late for admission. A $20 December 4-Thursday—Last day for candidates to sit for a
late fee is assessed students who register late. final examination for a December graduate degree
A September 1-Monday-Labor Da“y—Academic Holiday December 12-Friday-End of class work
September 3-Wednesday-Last day to enter an organized December 15-Monday-Deadline for applying for admission
class for the 1986 Fall Semester or readmission to The Graduate School for the 1987 Spring
l September 3—Wednesday-Last day to officially withdraw Semester
from the University or reduce course load and receive an December 15-19-Monday through Friday- Final Examinations
80 percent refund December 19-Friday-Last day for candidates to submit a
September 10-Wednesday- Last day for payment of registra- thesis! dissertation to The Graduate School for a December
tion fees and/ or housing and dining fees in order to avoid degree
cancellation of registration and/ or meal card December 19-Friday- Last day to request a refund for the 1986.
September 17-Wednesday- Last day to drop a course without Fall Semester
it appearing on the student’s transcript December 19-Friday- End of the 1986 Fall Semester
September 17-Wednesday- Last day to change grading op- December 22-Monday—FinaI deadline for submission of
tion (pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to pass/fail; grades to the Registrar’s Office by 4 p.m.
\ credit to audit or audit to credit) in college dean's office December 23-Tuesday—Last day Advance Registered
September 17-Wednesday- Last day to file for repeat option students may pay $50 to confirm their 1987 Spring Semester
in college dean's office, if student is retaking a course in the registration
1986 Fall Semester c
. 5

 i .
1987 Spring Semester April 9—Thursday— Last day for candidates to schedule a final
_ examination in The Graduate School for a May graduate
i January 12- Monday- Registration for new students who did degree
’ not advance register - April 10- Friday- Deadline for applying for admission or read-
l J 13-T d -C tr lized add/dro for Advance - -
i onunrV ues av en a » p mission to The Graduate School for the 1987 Summer
i Registered students Sessions
* ~lanuarV l3·r¤¤$¤l¤Y·L¤Sr dal' a student "‘aY °r*'°'al'V_‘lr°r’ April 23-Thursday-Last any for candidates ro on for a final
  a course or cancel registration with the University Registrar examination for a May graduate degree
T f¤r`a lull rsrunu or fees i _ May 1- Friday- Last day for doctoral candidates who wish to
l —l¤¤¤¤rv l4_WeunesuaV"ClaSs w°rk begins _ receive a diploma at Commencement to submit dissertation
  January 14-20-Wednesday through Tuesday—Late reglstra- to -i-he Graduate Sohooi
i tion for returning students who did not advance register and May i_ i;riday_ End of erase Work
i new applicants.cIeared late for admission. A $20 late fee is May 4_8_ Monday through i;riday_ Finai Examinations
l assessed Students whe register late' _ May 8- Friday- Last day for candidates to submit thesis/ disser-
A January 20-Tuesday- Last day to enter an organized class for ration to -i-he Graduate Sohooi for a May degree
i ins l987 spring Semester T May 8- Friday-Last day to request a refund for the 1987 Spring
l January 20-Tuesday- Last day to officially withdraw from the Semester _
  l University or reduce courseload and receive an 80 percent May 8_i;riday_End or 1987 Serine Semester
i ~ refund _ _ May 9-Saturday-Commencement Day
  January 27-Tuesday—Last day for payment Gr registration May 11-Monday- Final deadline for submission of grades to
l fees and/or housing and dining fees in order to avoid the Reoisrrans Office by 4 nlm.
i cancellation of registration and/or meal card l i May ·ii_Auouet 22__Coiieoe or Pharmacy ·i5_Week Summer
i February 1-Sunday-Deadline for submitting application for —i-erm .
admission to College Oi Denustw f°r Fall lee? _ ` June 1-Monday-Undergraduates planning to participate in
{ February 3_TueSdeV" Lair day te dr°p a °°urse Wltheut it ep` the Summer Advising Conferences, in preparation for the
  peeung On the student S transcript _ _ G 1987 Fall Semester, should apply for admission or
l February 3-Tuesday- Last day to change grading option readmission
(pass/fail to letter grade or I_etter grade to pass/fail; credit Juiy 24_i;riday_Deadiine for aooiyino for admission or read_
i¤ audit Or ¤¤¤·r i<> ¤i¤l*·§=¤ _ mission to rno eraooaro sonool forthe 1987 Fall sonnooror .
February 3 - Tuesday- Last day to file for repeat option in col- . _
lege dean's office, if student is retaking a course in the 1987 1987 Foupvveek imersession
Spring Semester i ‘ V
February 5-Thursday- Last day for reinstatement of students March 15- Sunday- Undergraduates, pianning tp participate
cancelled for n0np6Yrnonl of rsgisirslion fees and/or llol~ls‘ in the April Advising Conference for the 1987 Summer Ses-
i ing and dining i€€$· Requires psYmoni of fees and msV ro· sions should apply for admission or readmission
l quire D6Vn’l€n’f of $50 reinstatement foo- I I I April 6-Monday-1987 Summer Session Advising Conference
  Febrlilarv 12-Thursdav—Last d6Y for iilin9 an application in for new freshmen, advanced standing (transfer) students,
i C0lleQ€ d98n'S office for 8 lVl8Y degree auditors, readmitted and nondegree students, Community
i February l5—$Und8V·R€C0mm€ndod dots for freshmen lo College transfer students and Community College applicants
i submit 1987 Fall Semester application _ ciaarad for 1937 Fall Semester ’
l February 15- Sunday- l-BST d8V for Submission or application April 10- Friday- Deadline for applying for admission or read-
] for admission to the College ¤f Law f¤r the 1987 Fall mission ro fno Graduate School for rno 1987 Summer
i Semester J Sessions
l March 5—ThurSd8V—LHSt dav id drop 6 oonrss May 11-Monday- Beginning of College of Pharmacy 15-Week
i March 5-Thursday- Last day to withdraw from the Universi- Surnrnar Tarm
· tv or reduce course l0¤d and receive snY refund May 11-Monday—Registration for new students who did not
i March 15-Sunday-Undergraduates planning to participate advance ragiatdr
i in the April Advising Conference for the 1987 Summer Ses- May 12-Tuasdav-Last day a student may Officially drop a
  sions should spplV for admission or roodmlsslon course or cancel registration with the University Registrar
i March 16-21 -Monday through Saturday-Spring Vacation- for a full refund pf rads e
i Academic l‘l0lid6VS · _ May 12—Tuesday—C|ass work begins
i March 26-Thursday- Last day for doctoral candidates to sub- May 12-15—Tuesday through Friday- Late registration for
i V mit a Notification of Intent to schedule a final examination returning students vvnp did not advance register and new i
l · in lilo Grsdnsro Sollool lor 6 lVl¤v decree » applicants cleared late for admission. A $20 late fee is
i March 31-Tuesday-Last day for receipt of all supporting assessed Students Who register iatp_ _
i credentials for ddI'T1lSSl0I"l to College of Law for     May   day to enter aneorganized Ciass for the
Q Somosror 1987 Four-Week lntersession
i April 6—lVl0ndHy—1987 Summer $€$sion AoVlsln9 Conlorsnos May 15- Friday- Last day to officially withdraw from the
i lor new freshmen, new advanced standing ltrsnslsrl University or reduce course load and receive an 80 percent
i Students, auditors, readmitted and nondegree students, refund
i Community College transfer students and Community Col- Mav 18-Mpndav-Last day to drop rr Cpursp vvitnput it ap,  r
g lege applicants cleared for the 1987 Fall Semester pearing pn the Studpntis transcript
i April _8·l5—W6dneSd6Y ihr0U9h WounosuaY"AuVsno€ May 18-Monday- Last day to change grading option (pass/fail i
i r69lSTr6’li¤n for the 1987 Fall Semester and born ism Sum· to letter grade or letter grade to pass/ fail; credit to audit or
i mer Sessions i audit to credit) in college dean's office r
l 6 ‘

 May 18- Monday- Last day to file for repeat option in college ‘ 4 ‘ .. ·
dean's office, if student is retaking a course in the 1987 Four- "
Week lntersession . . —   ·
V May 25-Monday- Memorial Day-Academic Holiday M V ‘
May 26-Tuesday—Last day to drop a course ‘
May 26—Tuesday- Last day to withdraw from the University _ t • ° _
or reduce course load and receive any refund I .~ V ‘
May 26-Tuesday- Last day to pay registration fees and/ or       V,V;   V._, __ "-"
housing and dining fees in order to avoid cancellation of   V    __Vj§ V   ’A’i:‘‘‘ jc
registration and/or meal card       I     V
June 1-Monday-Undergraduates planning to participate in       V,   ~‘  
Summer Advising Conferences, in preparation for the 1987     ‘    "il- _
Fall Semester, should apply for admission or readmission       I   ’t‘‘‘     ·‘ ' "$“f=•,.,_  
June 4-Thursday-Last day for reinstatement of _students   ·   r’’   ``’° {   tr .,_  QZ}-
cancelled for nonpayment of registration fees and/ or hous-       3           »-l-`·   A ‘·.-= at
ing and dining fees. Requires payment of fees and may re- V I Z   { I "   JA mmm " "`    _ ,  "
quire payment of $50 reinstatement fee. I  .,  iw __ _   $$1; Vz.-
June 9—Tuesday- Final Examinations LLM:       ‘
JUHB 9—Tu€Sday- Last day to request a refund for the 1987     __ i    
Four—Week lntersession ’ r »       ‘‘:VV  Q ',`.  
June 9-Tuesday—End of the 1987 Four-Week lmersession   "   V ,V
June 12-Friday- Final deadline for submission of grades to   IV:.V   ·_ .» yl,   — _V    
the Registrar’s Office by 12 noon `     ’  ·   - r=aVVV-V     `i‘“
July 1 —Wednesday— Last day for doctoral candidates to sub-     V · f t V » ·` 75% H    `  
mit a Notification of Intent to schedule a final examination “
in The Graduate Senpel ter an August degree June 24—Wednesday-Last day to pay registration fees and/ or
July 24,. l:riday_ Deadline ter applying for admission pr read- housing and dining fees in order to avoid cancellation of
mission to The Graduate School for the 1987 Fall Semester 'a9l$t"atI0¤ and/O" meal Caid
‘ · . June 26- Friday-Last day for filing an application in college
` 1987 Etghbvvcek Summer session dean's office for an August degree
June 22-July 24-Summer Advising Conferences for new
I March 15—Sunday—Undergraduates planning to participate freshmen, Community College transfers, advanced standing
I in the April Advising Conference for the 1987 Summer Ses— (transfer) students, auditors, nondegree, and readmitted I
sions should apply for admission for readmission students enrolling for the 1987 Fall Semester
April 6-Monday- 1987 Summer Session Advising Conference July 1 —Wednesday— Last day for doctoral candidates to sub-
for new freshmen, advanced standing (transfer) students, mit a Notification of Intent to schedule a final examination
auditors, nondegree and readmitted students, Community in The Graduate School for an August degree
College transfer students and Community College applicants July 3- Friday- Independence Day Ho|iday—Academic Holiday
cleared for 1987 Fall Semester July 6-Monday—Last day for reinstatement of students
June 1—Monday-Undergraduates planning to participate in cancelled for nonpayment of registration fees and/or hous-
the Summer Advising Conferences, in preparation for the ing and dining fees. Requires payment of fees and may re-
1987 Fall Semester, should