xt7dnc5s830j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dnc5s830j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2000 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 71, no. 1, Spring 2000 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 71, no. 1, Spring 2000 2000 2000 2012 true xt7dnc5s830j section xt7dnc5s830j $2  A ;»        `‘V- \    ·         ”    éi u      * ’   / _.;A   4  
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i     -4 _     ~ "- » _ built on advancing knowledge emerges I
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I r " /”· tw`;
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I · I I. I, »·   *5/ ‘=I Amer1ca’s Next Great University.
I I Q}     r.,tf"”"’“V*”' V  
I ' 1 . j I
    / `   ‘ M E Get connected.
I ., ` ~-·*··
I An Equal Opportunity LI¤1i1w~~uJw
I 4 {I
I I <>
  UK I
I . I
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  (J rf? W JC,  
xt J {   —"
  Th R   /'
 i 6 ZWCIY O Bing
 \ _
ti dn nnlnl em GI"
a     • Receive special invitations to reunions, home and
          .=·.                   . .
.                     —     away pre—garne recept1ons,homecom1ng parade watch
                ( ga     receptions and many other alumni events,
t         • E¤J¤y ¤¤r Sp¤¤S<>r¢d tml r>r<>sr3m {0 S¤m¤ Of the
          world’s most intriguing, exotic and inspirational locations.
 . r_j Q --  _; Q  if __,   iiii     • Qualify to join spmaietep Hall, an aiumnitraeuity
  A at i`‘~ ~, A wa.; EY --%_—¢ .   it   ei;_e   dining, swimming and tennis club.
l a ` s . i’-i       P     . .
 a _ ·     . isgjaé, a · i . • Apply for membership to Hilary J. Boone Center,
 ‘ 5 ~. ‘     ( ~ --·’· ~ . . .
V . , - 4   llpi     an alumnrlfacultyl staff dining club.
e  . M; `      { EQ, `7 • Opportunity to request football
_ ( ‘     ‘  and basketball tickets based on
 “    ‘ (   “ ‘  `     #$5 avaiiabimy.
I ;7 . _. x.
’   ° • Special Discounts: Members save on hotels, rental cars, )
( ·"·~ » ·` moving companies, bookstores, exercise facilities, etc.
i • geldsutam ecmes MM ASh1cYJudd’s Complete listing is available on our website or give us a call.
I _ 0 UK‘s Spirit in the 20th Ocntury - I
) ° D°m°m°" M"` Tmc Blue H • You’ll receive a ersonalized membershi card and
  0 Annual Report P P
( colorful membership window decal to display.
Membership Privileges & Activities ~ i Taka aavamaaa af
• You’ll receive quarterly issues of Kentucky Alumnus , K?   -» rh€ mr·mY rewards for bsms
, w. . _
magazine. The magazine includes articles about “"` · 3 UK Alumni mcmbm-
alumni and the university-—its people and issues, JuSt SIIOW yOuT Card!
its goals and achievements, its heritage, and plans
for the futuru UK Alumni Membership Fees for 2000:
Annual Member Life Mcrnhcr
‘, • Participate in local, regional and young alumni club Single $30 $500
K activities. Nearly 70 alumni clubs are supported by the mlm $40 $600 i
Q UK Alumni Association and provide many opportunities Just fill out the pre-paid envelope in the center of this
j for fun and fellowship with other Kentucky alumni. issue, and re—connect to the University 0f Kentucky.
  For membership information, call I -800-269-A.LUM (2586)
0 or (606) 257-8905, or visit our Website at http://uky.edu/ctluntni
com i

 l Congratulations to all of you for the
"new” quarterly magazine. The format, the
r spacing of stories, the entire layout is simply
great. I enjoyed the winter volume through-
  out. Easily read and f`mely written articles Dem R€Hd€r;
  and good photography. Keep up the im-
L proved effort. I’ve been editor of the Kentucky Alumnus for a long time. I
W- Gram Lewis ,42 can’t begin to tell you how excited I am about the last few is-
. 7lm”k}’OufO"Jb€ 'QCOEWMOW 0fOW sues. You have probably noticed that the magazine has been
  WO"' " L‘H‘D‘ evolving throughout 1999.
E EClitO1‘: _ _ _ _ _
I was greedy offended by the article A bigger, better magazine rs just one effort taking place at
about Ashley Judd. The article says "Ashley the UK Alumni Association to improve the quality and variety
left UK b€f0f€ she d0¤€d all of the “i”S and of programming for dues-paying members of the Association.
crossed all of the "t"s it takes to be awarded
a drew I. do mt €¤¤S¤=*·=t an 0f the hard rn wmr Wrrrr the Srraregrc par, rrr entire Association Serrr
.· work I put into passing the classes and ex- _ _ _
I ams rhar were required for me ro Cam rr rs working to add value to your membership, to reach out to
  bachglgfs and mesrer#s degrees fygm UK ro you in many diversified ways, and to support our University of
' simply be dotting "i"s and crossing "t"s and I Kentucky in its quest for top 20 prominence in higher educa-
g am insulted that the alumni magazine does. don m America
§ Not to mention the difficulty I had in paying
E the tuition that allowed me to take those . . . . . .
r Classes- This issue of the magazine rs being sent to non-dues-paying
r ; Name Withheld *79, »81 alumni so that they can get a glimpse of what is happening at
1 the Association and take advantage of the opportunity to be a
  There? N0 dfmbi fbefgemttg G degree part of it. If you are not a member of the Association, the
{ %;;l];;"ga';’S‘;;k»S;;;'ij}’i;Y1g ·;;’;;f£;§O;’ nearly 30,000 current members invite you to join them today.
l 9-nbegglglirirfgriejjtlrfarzljgg;;";Or;»S}Zg;;;irOn It is members who make faculty awards for teaching, schol-
  mingled with the delight gfqehieyement 21fSlllpS fOf SfLlCl€I'1[S, lI1Cl€€Cl 2Ill of [lI€ ASSOCl21[lOI'1)S
F Alumni who also took care of business programming possible. For that, we say "thank you."
F "down to the last or smallest detail " are the
? ones who have a dqaloma. There are many '
r alumni who worked just as hard but were  
Q not fortunate enough to see their pursuit _
r through to a degree. We do not diminish LIZ HOW?lYd Demfmm ,68 776
r anyone in the noble pursuit of education Associate Director and Editor
i whether for personal gain or personal fulfill- r
j ment.- L.H.D. 2
Y Kentucky Alumnus magazine welcomes
` Lerrers ro me Edrror from irs readers srrermg The UK Aliiinni Association recenthr lost two of its foriner
{ their ideas and opinions about the presidents Rohert H. Hillenmeyer ’-43, president 195 7-1958
‘ m¤83Zi¤€’$ €0¤f€¤[· L€U€¥$ must be $i$¤€d and Ervin]. Nutter ’43, president 1967-1968. These inen are
rir°£r’Et;;i§°;;i;;°%i§‘§g°n?r;dA§;°§t;; representative ofthe long-terin, deephzjelt coinniitinent that
4 mm, King Alumni H’Ous€, Lexrrrgrrm KY has heloed the Association hecoine what it is today. We ex- r
i 40506,0119; FAX to ]_606_325_1065, or e_ tend our condolences to their/ainilies, along with our  
mail to uadliz.xa@pgg.ulgy,edu grate/lil cropreciation.  

 Spring 2000 • Volume • 71 Number 1
famlnvmi S Hammond Style 7
7- .
Oli QV · PRESIDENT, Sports broadcaster Tom Hammond fashioned a career based
biocirlciisting Roben E Mlllel. , . 1
style has earned Wmclqgqler 111 K€1'1lL1Clg297  I Pat Trotter Helps Communities Prepare for Disasters 19
nge K5,,l,C;_{,.. V wwwuley_egiu/Alumni Program at UK helps to ensure Kentucky communities will "Be Prepared."
All/}7Z7'll.lS is •
·. ResNet· Plugging In
published DIRECTOR _’ _ _
qiiiii·iei·ly by me sm Key ’72 "Amer1ca’s Next Great Umvers1ty" 22
Unizieisity of · · , · · · - · |
Kmmclgl ASSOCIAYFDIRECTOW gew fibcer optrclcable irtldorms is capable of receiving voice,
Alumni EDITOR  
A " ' ` , ‘ i ‘ D ‘ . .
L;;°;§§;,',(;" €g§l"Y§g*“"’ °""°'”” H1 Ne1ghbor!_]ames W. Stuckert Career Center 24
Kentuclqyfor Sneak a peek at what the new C21f€€f C€flI€f
N5 ¤lZ*€5·P¤J’l"8 ASSOCIAYFDIRECTOR will look like nestled next to King Alumni House.
members. jeniiyjmies-Goodwiii
expressed are ASSISTANT EDITOR
not necessarily Linda Perijy ’84  
[bO5g Qfthe    
University qr 1¤01si1c1aEmno1vs/ UK Beat 4 Class Notes 35
Kentucky norof ADVERYYSING Law Team Wins Mock Trial; Class by Cl2lSS updates; HQW
the UI{A_lumni john Scbaijk·nbeiger RQCHO/TV B1.OadC3St COmmC[_ UKAA members; celebratmig a
A$$O€'”"°”- . I . h . - ’ famil tradition; happy birt iday
COORD[/\[ATOR/ Capital Campaign C air jim to Jogn Flege
Cbgllgg Sgijjicg Pgggy H_ CQ][[]’[5   • ' •
requested. Send The OPCII Door 26 UK A1umn1_ASS0clat10n  
to The Kentucky COORDbVATOR/ / \` Kgmuck Derby Spirit B021°d of Dl1°€C[Ol'S
l Alllmmlsy SPECIAL pRQGRAM5     and Club Presidents
, UK Alumni Alexis Preston Silas Spgrts 27 for 2000
l Assggjgjigiyy   ll  
` Lexington, STAFF Blue 28 A directory of Association
Kenriic/gy 1 Brenda Bain,   lgadgyghjp
40506-0119. tiling Bi-iiiimeiii Clllb News  
Ncznqy Coomer Inc 0
./Gini Hoag/mid 89 Travel 2000 33 Lend a hand with some
Charles Llumgsmn Helen King 34 unscientific "research about \-
S""°'b S€“l”'"“" A1 - sleep and get yourself ~
Darlene Simpson UII1111 House l f T _1 . _ 7 7
MA- ZMAM Renovation Donors   ~V ‘
. Presidential Perspective 8
www-Mkr-edu/Alumni to \ Suiiiiiiiiiig Oiii piiiliiii iiilti
_ \ pursuing our next eve o
  /   \ excellence
i _ F
  —-·.‘1‘ ...•·
` 1

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  ‘<   ffl} . — A ’ `· t in ~VA‘     . 1
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l   Amr- I  ,` ,_. i QT   .>`»   4 A» P
  UK Law Team Wins Mock Trial 1 Real Estate Course Developed
{  Competition gy LCG Professor Receives A
  A A University of Kentucky law school team won the 3(j()[]3_l Award
  . - first intrastate meek trial eernnetinen held by UK in A continuing education program developed with the
l . NOV€`mb€Y ill the FaY€“€ COUHYY COUlThOu$€· Sl€Ph?l¤l€ help of Lexington Community College professor Sandye
· A Bush Miller of Versailles and David Mushlin of Lexington Hackney; recently Wen a mtieml award The Kemueky
  , .V-_e tleieatetl a tearn ireni the Chase law Selieel at Nertliern Rear Estate Commission received the award rot Best
. . ‘     K€¤lU‘fkY U“lV€YSllY· Law Stntlents trern the U¤l"€l$llY et Mandatory Continuing Education Program from the A
A   j   LO'~“$‘{lu€ MSO Compeled- A Association of Real Estate License Law Officials.  
  ,i_‘V   Thllw K€¤tll€l   ;   ·   A _ A
* r . = ‘~ M . ‘ .- :» ·. .  .t ..fe—‘¤7:‘i ;     r- '·»‘ —

   4 raz¢i;ifii"’ t ‘ ’ "`" TF ''``‘  
i   ile he fr ‘— ‘
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l .» ,"*i’_;Ql»;,”  '_ , lr {
r . r     653  
l   ». ‘·~~.~-·~··
r   :. i
~ ,   ;,'* V V V   . Two Engneering Professors Receive NSF
 rf  .     g  j C2l1'€€I' ward
  ·   t     ‘   Y I j   Craig Grimes and john Main, engineering professors at UK,
  · ri i   ”   r    ` >'   r r   V have received National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career
l, `   ” yr  if    V i f Development Awards. The award is given to worthy professors
 [ *1  ,_V\   y j   ir Q   who have been in tenure—track positions for less than four years.
  ?r. — =~ “ V Uh _ r Grimes, who teaches in the electrical engineering department,
  ¤~ _°°· will use his $210,000 award to continue work on small sensors
  V if       that combine a soft
,   V t ‘·‘·   i,_V‘       magnetic layer and a
  V . ""   swellable polymer layer. _ Y V _ T  {rite:  
   " , r H   The sensors could be used   , V   f r T     ·——~. M \   ·
KQ]/'HQ[llH6l71, Dean of the College mg 3 persorys gluCOS€ `Z ·¥     »  .V  \.· . . V V
r o/`Soc1°n/ Work, and Doris Wilkinson ’58. level Grimes believes the   or ·  
. . - rocess could be used to   - ~t_ V , .—  .  rk,
  TWO JOIH SOCIQI Work ldetect moisture levels in Q     "rr   ° .  l
    of Fame sealed containers and ` Y  _V_ _ _
`E Doris Wilkinson ’58, a UK sociology pollutants in enclgsed rr V       · S `
gl professor, and Elizabeth DuMez ’62, were plpe$_  _   _ ` V
1 inducted into the College of Social Work Main, whe reaches in `'`_‘   if S   1
Hall of Fame l1’1 November. the mechanical engineer- John Main
g \Vlll¤¤h€1¤r’S Butteifield’s latest findings are that free—radical damage leading to
rlogroo in orlhorlhoh ar the ago or 68- brain cell death involves one amino acid, and certain antioxidants
r In addition to academic courses taken mrghr bo usorul as rhorooy for Alzhormoris
lor credit, Donovan Scholars also can take Borwoorr four and rrvo million Amorroarrs Suffer from ,
Solhohrlolhhohr olrlssoh Chrrohrllk there are Alzheimer’s disease. Projections are that 14 million people will
~ll°hroXlrhrrrolY ooo Dohovoh $<¤h<>1¤rS suffer from this ailment early in the next century. The annual
ohrollorl in olrrssos Such as oro ohorhsi health—care cost of Alzheimer’s treatment currently totals $100
computer use, and tai chi. bmrorr
Butterfield also is director of the UK Center of Membrane
. `     KENruc1‘   » · .   I  
3 students, faculty and staff," he said.   "`V ' “w
l The Kentucky legislature in 1997 man- ‘ _II~. " “*’  
  ‘ dated UK to move into the top 20 "/ ,,._II%__r    
r , rankings among public research universi- _   ·
r l ties by the year 2020. "Accomplishing that   IIII _ _ `
    must be a function of combining all the '" .  ...         _II I; "
I I above to attract capital and move the Uni- W l l llll A I   I  _ A I {
I versity forward," Stuckert said. “There is a I___ -I
l deep love for the University of Kentucky ”*5$·°‘>
I I among its constituents, and I hope to be
* I able to help channel those loyalties to -·j; — < —»_I_ _  _ I
A I bring about a successful campaign."       Il ?  Ijl     L:
V To illustrate this high level of loyalty,   ·_‘,..  J ei IIEIQ   ;—   .III I  
I I Stuckert related something that happened ,I ;$g_".i  "f ."l I  II.  ’ .   III    
while hc was serving as president of the , {JJ CIE r ‘I`»     
I , UK Alumni Association in 1976. He at- °` °' " ` “' ` l “'““
l ‘ `  
g 6 Keurucxv Aturiuus · ·  
I K  
· I ` I   ,

[   tl S ll
“ on gte
l By Liz Howard Demoran
  “I’m lucky. I’ve been able to my career ambitions without having to
fashion my career without hav- ·   I leave. How lucky is that? How often
ing to leave Lexington." does that happen to somebody? The
y Like so many Kentucky L odds are astronomical."
, alumni, sports broadcaster Tom Q) er in Harnmond’s style is described by
l Hammond ’67 carries in his E ir; many as a solid professional broad-
hean a sense of place and deep ei _   caster.
  roots in the Bluegrass. Indeed, § “As far as style goes I think you have
A his roots are nearly as deep as S ' l to fit your personality. I’m not a
those of the University of Ken- e screamer. I’m just not a demonstrative
tucky itself. His grandfather, E kind of person. If I tried to be some-
Thomas Poe Cooper, was dean °` I `   thing else, it just wouldn’t work."
of the College of Agriculture TOM H6imm0?1d 66 Fight, aiidfellow Hammond had long talks with
from 1918 to 1951. Cooper also alumnus Larry Conley ’6 7 are ojlen broadcaster Dick Enberg who’s been
WHS 21C[lI1g pI'€5l(.l€Hl of [lI€ UI'1i— paired [elif}? Tglgyigign for ggygrggg Of SOIl"l€Wl12l[ of 3 H1€I"i[OI` to hifi]. EI’1l)€I`g
versity in 1940-41, turning down gputbeasiem Cpnferenee gmsjeetimll was portrayed as being vanilla. "I said,
the permanent job for personal sometimes I think I am too’ and he re-
reasons. ppmiiiiiiesa he ieuimed ip UK and plied remember vanilla goes with l
H2lYh1hOhd describes his earned a degree in equine science. eVefYfhfh8·’  
grandfather as "a kindly man, a ·=l didi~i·i iedlize lipw deeply ip- "I don’t want to insult anyone’s intel- l
g€I'l[l€ ITIHD. I I‘€IT1€H'lb€l‘   as grained Kenulcky was   ine until I   ligence. I listen to SOl]]€ of these guys I
being a man of such dignity. But ii was and I cringe. Maybe in some ways
Not Olflly 31-11 I his HHH'1€S2ll(€, bllt "Th€f€ is SOlTi€[hlHg Special 3bOu[ [ll2l[,S the WHY to f3.H]€ HUC] fOI°[Lll'I€ —· to
I try to live up to his ideals. ippsi Kcntuckiansl Tliey dp feel 3 deep- make yourself stand out from the rest
Ul I`€lYl€H]l)€I` [l'1€ house," SHYS Sgatgd lOy2ll[y’" Says HaH1l]]OHd_ “I[’S ofthe crowd, l)U[ it’s lLlS[ I`lO[ lily PCI`-
I'l;2IIT1IT1OI'1Cl. (AMY I'HO[h€I` and I part Of me and part Of my   A lO[ SOI`lHll[y.”
lived there with my grandpar- Of ii has ip dp Witli being iegdi-ded as Working with the outrageous and
ems While mY dad was Off m second class citizens nationally. Maybe flamboyant, Hammond says you have
W/Ofld WHY HY, That house, Ohee we’re a little defensive sometimes. But I to be accommodating,
the mam heuse Oh me UK Re- always thought of myself as a roving "\Y/hen I do NBA basketball I wor·k
Senfeh Farm: is hOW khOWh as anlbassaClOr fOr Kentucky. As l gO with two other announcers. It’s a three-
COOPef HO‘·l$e Oh the eOmef Gt around the country and around the some in the fastest game there is . . .
UhiVeYsiYY DhVe Hhd Lhhesfehe world, I find people actually have a the NBA where the shot clock is 24 sec-
Sh`eef· very favorable impression of Kentucky . onc15_ So yon think there is no way
MMV gmhdfnfhef nfWnYS hnd n . . which I try tO r€inl0f€€." there would ever be enough time for
g3Y€leh· We WOUld SO Out shd Hammond believes a lot of his affec- anybody to talk, and there is less time
Wnhdef Over the mf m- PeOPle tion for the state has t0 do with his to talk, especially with Bill Walton who
fell me Wheh held take the to grandfather and family ties to UK. likes to talk a lot. So you find an ac-
the Office with mm all WOfk “lt Wasn’t like a light bulb Went on commodation,”’ says Hammond. "I talk
WOUIO SfOP·” or anything. l just realized that this is less and I talk differently. Instead of just
TOOHY H3mmOhO’s daughter. where I am happiest," said Hammond. doing it gtritjtly play-by-play like the
A$hl€Y» 3 freshman at UK, "It actually shaped my whole career be- books, we sort of talk about the game
seems fO feheel [hell same feef C2lLlS€ I tried to arrange my career S0 l and laugh and mostly give Bill Walton a
mg Of eOhheeledhess· Bm his didn’t have to leave. I was able to fulfill
two sons, David and Chris, have
yet to express it and Harnrnond
understands time Hg had ie gc,  
away to appreciate it as well. Gambling — Gambling has been a problem with sports forever and
Hammond went to Louisiana always will be. As long as the outcome can be influenced it is important to
r State Universiw vn a teetlvall be vigilant about the gambling issue.
i s€hOl€*YshlP· But he feuhd him- Referees ——— I think rdereeing is an impossible job. As the athletes have
l Self he*“`fh8_ the can Qt gotten btggei; faster; and stronger and the pace ofthe game has picked up,
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