xt7dnc5s815c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dnc5s815c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1931-03-13  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 1931 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 1931 1931 1931-03-13 2012 true xt7dnc5s815c section xt7dnc5s815c r

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DOUGHERTY AND First Regimental
Coleman Smith Is Reelected
Husincss Manager of
The Kernel

Election Is Hfld In McVey
Hall by Student Board

of Publications

Miss Virginia Dougherty, senior
in the College of Arts and Sciences,
Wednesday afternoon was elected
edltrix of The Kernel at a meeting
of the Student Board of Publications which was held in room 53
of McVey hall. Daniel W. Goodman, Junior in the College of Arts
and Sciences, was unopposed for
the position of managing editor.
Coleman Smith, sophomore in the
College of Arts and Sciences, was
reelected to the position of business
manager of the publication. He is
a member of the men's student
council and Delta Tau Delta, social
Miss Dougherty has served as
edltriv of The Kernel since Wilbur
Prye resigned the position in February due to ill health. She is
sponsor of the university band, a
member of PhTBeta, women's honorary music fraternity, a member of
Pi Beta Phi, social sorority. She
had been a member of The Kernel
staff slnoe last spring when she became an associate editrix of the
Daniel Goodman has been a
member of the staff since his freshman year, holding the position of
reporter, assistant news editor and
assistant editor. He is a member
of Sigma Delta Chi, professional
journalistic fraternity.
The election was conducted by
Rex Allison, president of the board,
after petitions for the positions
submitted by the aspirants previous
to the election had been read.
Miss Dougherty will serve until
March, 1932 and takes office immediately.
Daniel Goodman will
assume the position of managing
April 15.
The board of publications:
Misses Katherine Kennedy, Kath-erin- e
Katterjohn, Georgetta Walker, Christine Johnson, and Messrs.
Allison, Gordon Finley, Duke
Prof. Enoch
Grehan, heaa of the journalism
department and Mr. Victor R. Port- mann, instructor in the department
are also members of the group.
The officers elected Wednesday
will take up their duties about April
15, at which time appointments of
other editors will be announced.

New Plan Will Be Inaugurat- - ed Thursday During Spring
Pledging Exercises of Fra


of Nu Circle of Omicron
Delta Kappa, national honorary
campus leaders fraternity, announc
ed to The Kernel yesterday that
a unique plan of pledging will
be inaugurated Thursday during the
fraternity's spring exercises. De
tails have not been revealed, but it
is understood that O. D. K. will
pledge at some point on the campus
and not at the Junior Prom as
Another innovation of O. D. K.
will be the presentation of a sliver
trophy to the boy entered in the
annual state high school basketball
tournament, March
who dis
plays the highest qualities of lead'
ership during the meet. This year's
award will mark the inception of
an annual event.
Pledging ceremonies of the fra
ternity will be featured by the ap
pearance on the university grounds,
of a six foot replica of the golden
key of O. D. K. sometime early
Thursday . At different times
throughout the day names of the
various pledges will be given out
in some unrevealed manner from
the point of location of the key.
Students designated campus lead'
ers by O. D. K. will not know defin
itely that they haw received
pledge until the key discloses their
names. This year the fraternity
will select two faculty members and
one honorary member besides the
regular student pledges. At a din
ner later in the week the formal
ceremonies will be held.
The presentation of the leader
ship award to the high school bas- keteer will take place after the
final game of the tournament. This
12 inch silver cup will bear the
Inscription, "O. D. K, Cup, Awarded
to the Most Outstanding Leader of
the State High School Basketball
Tournament, 1031." The winner's
name will be engraved later.

Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity held
a meeting for the election of offl
cers, Wednesday, March 11. The
following men who are installed
were: Eugene Royse, president:
George Whitlow, vice president:
Gilbert DeMyer, secretary; Franci3
Hankes, treasurer:
Ed Mllllken,
auditor; and William Stanley Mor
gan, inductor. They succeed re
spectlvely: Joe Conley,
Twill, Kta&er Neuman, Frances
Hankes, Gilbert DeMyer, and John


The first rcslmcntnl review of the
R. O. T. C. unit of this year will be
held Mondav afternoon at 4 o'clock.
This review, the first of a series that
will be held during the year, will
tnke place on the parade ground in
front of the Administration
The reviewing stand will be at the
pole on the parade ground.
The review will be in charge of the
officers of the university R. O. T. C.
unit, and will be reviewed by them.
None of the national inspection of
ficers arc expected to attend, om- ccrs of tne national guard wui
probably be present.
This review is the first to be held
since the new type of uniform has
been introduced at the university.
The new uniforms, according to reports, are better than the ones used
here last year, and should make a
good showing.
Regimental officers who will re
view the parade are: B. G. Crosby,
colonel; Rex Aljlson, leutenant-colone- l:
Joe B.
and captains,
Hughes, Carey Spicer, Louis
and C. W. Schuermeyer.
Officers of the first batallion are:
co, L. O. Cleveland, and second lieu
tenants, B. M. Chandler, J. O. Pasco, L. O. Clevelan, and second lieu
tenant,1 R. Chapman, orricers oi
the second batalion are T. T Mil- by, first lieutenants W. R. Humber,
and second lieutenants, L. woire,
R. W. Stromberg, and P. A.

Commission to
K. Co-e- d
as Princess

Virginia Festival


Numia Lee Fouts, senior in the
College of Arts and Sciences Tuesday was named by Governor Flem
D. Sampson as the Kentucky representative to the Shenandoah Apple
Blossom Festival which will be held
in May at Winchester, Virginia.
Miss Fouts will be Princess of
the court of "Queen Shenandoah,
VIII." She will soon receive a commission from the Governor author
izing her as the representative of
the "state.
The letter:
Lee Fouts
Miss Numia
Boyd Hall, University of Kentucky
Dear Miss Fouts:
The Shenandoah Apple Blossom
Festival, which takes place in May,
at Winchester, Virginia, is an important occasion in that old state,
and I have been requested oy uen- eral Nelson F. Richards of the
Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festi- (Continued on Page Six)


Eugene Royse Is
Director of Music
of Stroller Revue
Earl Surgener Is Selected as
Stage Manager of
Eugene Royse, a senior in the
College of Commerce and a member
og Phi Sigma Kappa social fratern-

The annual Junior Promcnndc i
will be held from 9 until 1 o'clock i
tonight in the Men's gymnasium. I Ufm
a coronation ceremony for the Miss
Henrietta Whltaker, Queen of the
Prom, a Grand March by members
of the junior class and the pledging
exercises of Lances, men's honorary
Junior fraternity, and Lamp and
Cross, mens senior Honorary.
Omicron Delta Kappa, men's
leadership fraternity, will not hold
pledging exercises at the entertainment as formerly announced, its
place on the program being taken
by Lamp and Cross.
The coronation ceremonies will be held at 11:15
o'clock on a throne which will be
erected opposite the orchestra platform, and will ,be conducted by
Duke Johnston, .president of the
Junior class, andifVcrnon Chandler,
chairman of theiProm committee.
Following the& coronation the
Queen will lead the Grand March,
In which only junior men may take
part. Following I this Miss Whit-tak- er
will returnjto the throne for
which will be
a special
held in her honor. The pledging
exercises of the honoraries will precede the coronation ceremonies.
Alphonzo Trent's orchestra will
play for the affair.
limitations for the affair may be
obtained by Juniors and seniors
from Miss Carrie Bean, postmistress
at the university postofflce In the
basement of McVey hall. Freshmen
will be excluded from the dance,
and any infraction of this rule will
be reported to the men's student
The committee; in charge of the
dance is composed of Vernon
Chandler, chairman, Chic Kastner,
Frank Stone.
A dinner for junior class officers
and members of the prom and election committees will be given preceding the dance at the Phoenix
Vernon Chandler has requested
that dancers cooperate in carrying
out the program in order that time
may be saved.

Personnel Bureau Sponsors
Consultations With Corporation Men
of the General
in Lexington
today to Interview students who are
Interested in being employed by that
Twenty-fiv- e
people have made arrangements to
hold consultations with him.
It has been made possible for the
university to have a representative
of the General Electric Company
sent here through the efforts of
the Personnel Bureau, which is
under the direction of Dr. Henry
Beaumont of the department of
psychology. This is the second large
corporation which has sent a man
here to Interview students this year,
the first being the W. T. Grant
Company of New York.
A representative of the Proctor
and Gamble Company will be on
the campus March 18 for the purpose of finding men suitable for
employment In their various sales
accounting, buying,
and advertising departments. Anybody Interested in interviewing this
man should make arrangements
with Prof. R. D. Mclntyrp In his
office, room 202, White hall.
A representative
ElectFlc Company


Meat Cutting Show
Held at Agriculture
Judging Pavilion
A demonstration of meat cutting
was held Wednesday night at the
judging pavilion of the university.
The demonstration was given by
Prof. E. J. Wllford, head of the department of animal husbandry at
the university, and M. O. Cullen,
member of the National Live Stock
and Meat board of Chicago.
This demonstration is one of a
series that are to be held in the
middle section of the United States.
Another demonstration is to be held
at the pavilion this afternoon, espe
cially for housewives. The purpose
of the demonstration Is to instruct
them in the wooer buying of meat.
Demonstrations vera given this
week in Covingtoa and Winchester,
and dettOBstrattoM will be held
Bxt week in the western portion
of the state.




To Present Final
Recital on Organ
Program of Vespers to
sist of Request


Dr. Sidney C. Durst, director of
the College of Music of Cincinnati,
and organist of national reputation,
who has appeared on the university
vesper programs during the past
two years, will present his final
vesper program of the year In Memorial hall at 4 o'clock Sunday. The
program will consist of requests re
ceived by Dr. Durst after his last
recital here.
The program Sunday will be the
fourth program presented by Dr.
Durst since the innovation of vesper services this year. Last year
Dr. Durst presented four programs.
The recitals given by Dr. Durst have
been received by enthusiastic audiences, and an appreciative attendance Is expected at his final
after the recital
Sunday Dr. Durst will be the guest
of honor at a tea to be held in the
faculty rooms of McVey hall. The
tea will be sponsored by the faculty
club of the university.
The program follows:
Passacaglia in C Minor, Bach.
Two Traditional Hebrew Melodies,
Noble; a. Matnath Yad (Memorial) ;
b. Addlr Hu (Passover).
Fantasie, Opus 101, Saint-Saen- s.
March of the Magi Kings, Dubois.
Andante Cantabile
IV). Widor.
Wedding March, Dubois.

Brethren! Sistern!
George Denny Sigma Chi, is
president of the University of
Patty Field
Amsterdam, is a member of
Kappa Kappa Gnmmo.
Don Herold Writer of national promlncnc, Is a member of
Phi Delta Theta.
Harry Payne Whitney Former Kentucky sportsman and miln.
lionaire, was a member Psi
Louise Thaddcn Who won the
Woman's Air Derby in a nonstop flight from San Diego, California, to Cleveland, Ohio, Is a
member of Delta Delta Delta.
Flem D. Sampson Governor
al prominence, Is a member of
Theta Chi Alpha.
Amanda Thomas
vice president of Theta Sigma
(honorary and professional
Journalistic sorority, is a member
of Delta Zeta.
Cloyd H. Marvin President of
George Washington University is
a member of Delta Chi.
Sara H. Hay Twenty-year-o- ld
poet, who has written many
poems for Good Housekeeping
magazine is an Alpha Gamma
The 2,399 houses owned by fraternities and sororities have a
total valuation of $90,648,434 and
each year nearly 200 more are
built at the approximate cost of
$50,000 each.

Music Sorority
jElects Officers,

Plans Program


Affair to Begin at 1 p. m.
May 16, and End at
12 p. m.

Field Events. One-Aand Gigantic Dance to
Be Features

The first Intramural Carnival at
the university will take place Satur-

day, May 16 on Stoll field. The
carnival Is given under the auspices
of the Intramural department and
the Women's Physical Education
The purpose of this
carnival "Is to stimulate greater
good will among the students." Men
and women will be allowed to enter
this fete. Th unusuamess of this
novel and unique affair lies In the
fact that it will occupy the whole
Among the other features, girls
must solicit the services of men to
participate for their group. All
trophies that are won become the
prized possessions of the sororities
winning them.
The day will consist of field events
and one act plays. The fuccess of
the carnival depends upon the cooperation of all concerned and a
good turnout this year will insure
the university of an annual Intra
mural Carnival, authorities nave
Under the leadership or C. W.
Hackensmith, greater interest has
been shown in intramural activities
than in previous years. A more
varied program has been worked
out, and the majority oi swiaenw
are competing in some branches of
and other
Rules, regulations,
available data are given in the following instructions from the intra-

Miss Emily Hardin, a junior in
the College of Education, was reelected president of Phi Beta, women's musical and dramatic fraternity, at the regular weekly meet
ing Monday afternoon In Patterson
Lois E.
Miss Hardin is a member of the
Chosen Officer
AlDha Delta Theta. social sorority, mural offices.
a pledge to Theta Sigma Phi, hon
The entries for the event will
orary womens journalistic iratern close May 6. There is no entry
itv. a Stroller eligible and a mem fee.
Miss Lois Purcell was elected vice
ber of the Spanish club and the
Each organization can enter only
president of Theta Sigma Phi, honY. W. C. A.
one man in each event
orary journalistic
ftt.ViBr nfflMrs elected were Ruth
No man can take part in more
women, at their semimonthly meetWehle, vice president; Mary Alice than one event.
Miss Purcell will
ing. Tuesday.
Salyers, secretary; Maxine Ran- Letter men in track are barred
finish the unexpired term of Miss
Loretta Bltter" from competition as well as those
Freshmen who entered the uni- - , d0,ph'
Henry Etta Stone, who was gradattached to the freshman or varsity
Prpoaratlons fop th formal alien versity the second semester will be
uated in January.
for the fttern squad, after April 25. Tbe.liat.wiD
,At this meeting, plans', were dis- ing on Monday, Mtah. 23, of "Mac me gura a a jnuior oymuuini
icy s spring program wnicn were ais be posted April 27 on the bulletin
cussed for the publication of a beth' are rapuuy reaching a con- the freshman Y. M. and Y. W. C A., cussed at this meeting are tne ves board on the west entrance of the
handbook for editors, which is to clusion at the Gulgnol theater, ac at 8 o'clock Tuesday night, March per service on March 22, lnMemor Euclid avenue gymnasium.
be Issued within the next month. cording to Prank Fowler, director
ial hall, when Marclan Thalberg,
An organization that falls to enter
The plan of this book was approved of the campus playhouse. "Mac- 17, in the representing gymnasium. Dianist from the Cincinnati Con the one-a- ct
play contest shall have
both cab- servatory
by members of the Kentucky Press beth" will be the initial venture into Committees'
of Music, will represent five points deducted from the grand
Association at their meertiing in by field of Shakespearian drama gram. will have charge of the
Phi Beta, and an informal musicale total.
Forfeiting will deduct two points
A few changes have been made
The party will be In keeping with and induction of patrons to be held
All the members of Theta Sigma
tragedy, in which St. Patrick's Day. Invitations are at Patterson hall March 30.
from the grand total.
Phi have been requested to meet Dr.the cast K. the
Spring pledging for Phi Beta will
old and new
All entries must wear arm bands
Brady and Lolo
extended to
at 1:30 o'clock, this afternoon, to inson have the leading roles. Rob- freshmen on all fo the and an in- be held during the next two weeks with insignia of group represented.
the campus,
work on the handbook, Miss Frances complete cast is as follows:
vitation has been sent to the sen- and late In the spring the fratern
Points shall be awarded in the
Holliday, president of the local
Macduff, Wayne Haffler; Ban-qu- o, ior cabinets of the Y. M., and ity will present an
following manner:
chapter, has announced.
Prof. L. Cass Robinson: Mal- Y. W. C. A.
First Dlace. five points; second
colm, Duke Johnston; Donaldbain,
place, three points; third place, one
Webb; Duncan, Horace
Miner; Lennox, Woodson Knight;
A large loving cup wui oe given
Ross, George Whitfield; Angus,
for the grand total
Pratt; Seyton, Perrs
Small loving cups will De given
Kraatz; Porter, John Noonan; and
for first and second places.
servant, Carl Howell.
For the largest list of participat
The three witches will be enacted Awarding of Letters Is Final William
Lecture Is Part of Program
ing entries, a loving cup win De
Be given.
by Neil Cain, Hugh McGulre, and
of Pan Politikon for
Official Act of
Virginia McVey
Robert Blnford.
The services of the men must be
Month of March
will be seen as the gentlewoman.
solicited by the group as a whole, or
Stage settings have been devised
Fred Hafer Is Chosen Adver- byFor individual of theana iacuii.j
Dr. A. J. Barnouw, professor of by William Morgan, stage manager,
the coacnes
Manager at Anand his assistants. The costumes
Dutch History and Art at Columbia
walkiner race, the following individ
Awarding of letters at the bannual Election
University, was the speaker at the are being prepared under the dlrec quet given In honor of the Univeruals may be approached for par
of Marlon Galloway.
sity of Kentucky basketball squad
and representation;
was held tlon
March convocation which
a Messrs. Potter, sniveiy, uureau,
was the official act which closed the
William Shafer, Falmouth,
at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning in
season of athletics member of Alpha Tau Omega fra- Rupp, Meredith, Downing, Jennings,
fall and winter
Memorial hall under the auspices
ternity, was elected as editor of the Oyler, LeStourgeon, F. P .Anderson.
at Kentucky.
of Pan Politikon, student organiza
edition of the "K" book Gamage, Hansen, wiannun, oum- Coach Runn and his basketeers 1931-3- 2
Any oi
relatlon to study international
were feted last Monday night In at the annual election which was van, Keller and raimer.
Students at the university will recognition of their efforts during held by the Y. M. C. A., Tuesday these men may be approached and
tions. "The International Position
sugopportunity to make a
have the
sucnight. March 10. Fred Hafer, Fal the Intramural department
of Holland,' was the subject of the profit of $1.50 on every 100 razor the past season.' A thoroughly
demonstrated mouth, member of Alpha Gamma gested that students take advantage
was well attended blades which they are able to sell. cessful season ofthat coach, players Rho fraternity was elected as ad of their names to represent their
lecture, which
the popularity
by students and faculty members.
This agreement was made with Dr.
to get otner memthe system was celebrated with vertlslng manager of the publlca group and alsoorganization.
In his address Doctor Barnouw Henry Beaumont of the university and the customary speeches.
bers for their
contrasted Holland and the United Personnel Bureau by a large eastern all
Robert Stewart, Morehead, Ky.,
The program for tne aay lnciuuw.
Given little or no chance to proStates In regard to their political company which manufactures razor
Sigma Beta Xi fra dashes, hurdle races, needle races,
duce a winning ball club at the a member of
imorganization and stressed the
Rupp set ternity was chosen as assistant edi wheel barrel races, relays, awardportance
of diversified political
The blades are to be retailed at start of the year Coach
tor. A staff of reporters will be races and a tug of war. The
opinion and action in Holland. The 25 cents for a package of five or to work with a few of his own appointed by the Y. M. and Y. w. ing of trophies and dancing will
voter there is much less a servant 50 cents for a package of ten. As ideas and one regular from last C. A.
follow the presentation of the plays.
of the political machine than in they may be purchased by students year to wind up with the best
Anv other information that is not
The "K" book, commonly known
said, for $3.50 a 100, there will be a profit in the South. His method of handthe United States, the speaker
as the "Freshman Bible." Is pub- given here will be obtainable at the
ling men in this era of
nfttna In fVi mpn's trvm- and the ease with which political of $1.50 a 100.
lished bv the Y. M. and Y. W. C.
parties are founded makes it ImDoctor Beaumont believes that coaches was a large factor In the A part of the expense Is defrayed naslum or from the womens physipossible for any organization to these razor iblades will bo very success of the Big Blue.
university. A copy of this
The will to win, the most Impo- by theIs given to each incoming cal education
maintain Its following unless it easily sold, for the prices are lowr
renders a definite service.
than those being paid at local stores. rtant thing In team pulled which he freshman during the freshman week
the 'Cats
The educational system, the pow- Any one Interested In selling them Instills In the
in the fall, so that the newcomers
er of the Roman Catholic Church, should see Doctor Beaumont In his through many tight places. Will- may become better acquainted with
religoffice on the third floor of Neville ingness to listen to sound advice the rules and regulations of the
and the correlation between
and suggestions from his
ion and government werti cited by hall, It has been announced.
and their trainer have all contri
the speaker as being characteristic
buted to making Adolph Rupp one
of Holland. The Dutch voter is reIn accordance with the program
most nooular coaches in
of the
quired to cast his ballot on election
of Pan Politikon, student club for
Kentucky's history.
day but the lecturer asserted that Thomas B. Posey, Henderson,
the study of International relations,
The skeptics who watched the entho law which makes voting com freshman; at the university, was
in its present study of Holland, the
tire Wildcat squad work out against
pulsory is unpopular and almost strucK by an auio wnno ne was
library and reading room of the
walking across South Broadway Georgetown College In the season's
university are displaying a series of
In Increasing numThe speaker was Introduced by near Maxwell street about 2 o'clock opener returned
paternal edu posters, portraying scenes from the
The conference on
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch,
of the Monday afternoon. He was taken bers to pack the gymnasium during cation, sponsored by the Kentucky country or various phases of Dutch
political science department.
to the Good Samaritan hospital the remainder of the season and Congress of Parents and Teachers
The lecture Tuesday was a part suffering from cuts and bruises bring Joy to the heart of "Daddy" Association and the department of life.
In the reading room there are
of the March Pan Politikon pro about the face and head and an Boles, guardian of the university's university extension of the uni
In addition to the posters a number
gram for tho study of Holland. Ar injury to his left leg. Posey Is athletic sheckles.
versity, will be held In Winchester of pamphlets giving information of
A short schedule made to suit an beginning Friday.
rangements have been made with said to have become confused in
March 13.
all kinds about Holland and its cusuniversity departments
for brief crossing the street and stepped from anticipated mediocre team worked
The meetings will bo held in the
this subject may
studies of Holland which will be in front of a truck into the patn out to the best advantage when It gymnasium of the Hickman Street toms. Posters on science library as
be found in the
held throughout the month.
of the automobile which struck him. brought Kentucky to the tournatop of their form. The school, and will be s'under tne airec well as the main library and the
The car was driven by Vernon ment at the
tlon of the Parent-TeacherCLUB TO ENTERTAIN
demons, 1017 South Broadway, an strong second half come bock ciations of Winchester and Clark reading room. in the near future
At some time
employee of the Texas Oil company. against Maryland In the final game County high schools. The theme
of the tournament showed how well which will be carried out throughout a special poster on the subject will
The McDowell club of Lexington
Rupp had conserved the energy of the meetings will be "Adjusting the be placed on display in the AdminDANTZLER TO SPEAK
will present a program of German
istration building. This poster will
his team during the last few games Child to Modern Lire."
music at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening
Prof. L. L. Dantzler will address of the regular playing season.
The list of speakers includes Miss bo painted by John English, art
In Memorial hall. Mrs. A. O. Zem-bro- d
Outside the Conference Kentucky Miss Frances Martin, of the univer representative for Pan Politikon.
is chairman of arrangements,
the Millersburg Woman's club
and the following persons will con- Wednesday, March 18 at Paris. The had little trouble In disposingCol- slty training school. Dr. O. O. Ross
of the Education college, Dr. Jesse
to the program: Miss Edith title of his talk will be "The Con- Georgetown, Berea, Marshall
Adams, of the Education college. Dr.
During the lege of West Virginia and
Rose, pianist; Mrs. W. H. Hansen, temporary
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser will speak
In the conference the 'Cats Wellington Patrick of the extension
soprano; Miss Caroline Pike, pian- summer, Professor Dantzler
ist; Mrs. H. L. Robinson, contralto; conduct a number of lectures at the were undefeated on their home floor department and the Education coi to students of Anchorage today
Georgia at Georgia lege, Dr. Frank J. O'Brien, of Louis school, Anchorage at 3 o'clock
Mrs. Lewis Bradley,' organist; and Western State Teacher's College at but lost to
on the subject "Nature Study."
(Continued on Page Six)
vine, and others.
Bowling Often.
Prof. Carl Lanpert, violinist.

Purcell Is

Theta Sigma Phi

'Macbeth' Will Open
Here on March

Dutch and American Politics Are
Contrasted by Convocation Speaker
Seniors to Interview
G. E. Representative


FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1931

Annual Junior Promenade Will
Be Given in Men's Gym Tonight

ity has been appointed musical
director of the forthcoming Stroller
Revue, according to an announcement by Thomas L. Riley, production supervisor. The revue wilt
have Its presentation tho Hatter
part of April.
Having been connected with sev-- al
orchestras within the past few
years, Mr. Royse is, at present, a
member of the Blue and White and
the Rhythm Kings dance organizations. He is also a member of Phi
Mu Alpha, honorary music fraternity.
Max Kerr and Earl King are on
the music staff of the Stroller revue.
The chief musical selections in the
show will be original compositions.
Earl Surgener, Lambda Chi Alpha,
has been selected as stage manager,
while W. Brown Dlckerson, Pi Kappa Alpha, will be the electrician
of the show. G. L. Crutcher will
be in charge of properties.
Calls for talent on the revue have
not been issued as yet but Mr.
Riley intends beginning work on the
Be Given U. production next week.

Sampson Selects
Numia Lee Fouts
As Representative



Y.M. andY.W.CA.
Entertain Second
Semester Freshmen


Resume of Winter Athletic Season
Commends Rupp, Team for Work
Shaf er to

Razor Blades to
by Students


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University Library
And Reading
Dutch Posters

Extension Division
Helps to Sponsor
Education Meeting


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about one hundred guests called Rodcs, Martha Chapman, Dorothy
Day, Mary Lou Rcnakcr, Ellen
during the afternoon.
Mlnlhan and Martha Adnms.
RirakfaM for Initiates
Sorority Rose Banqnct Olvrn
XI chapter of Alpha Xi Delta
entertained Its initiates, pledges,
The annual rose banquet of the
and house mother at breakfast In Alpha Gamma Delta sorority folthe Red Room of the Lafaycte hotel lowing the Initiation of new memon Sunday, March 8. Covers were bers, was given Saturday evening nt
placed for about thlrty-flv- e.
the chapter house on cast Maxwell
Freshman Party Planned
shield was hung
The Y. M, C. A. and Y. W. C. A., In one Illuminated long hall, lighting
rhnnc Ashland
freshmen will give a party March the tables. of the
Decorations consisted of
17 from 8 until 10:15 o'clock In the
woman's gymnasium. Everyone Is colors,and buff roses, the holders
and candles In silver
cordially invited and Mr. Bark Peak
on the tables.
and Mr. Joseph Ruttcncuttcr will be
Miss Margaret Cundlir, president
in charge of the program.
of the chapter, was toastmlstress
and responses were made by:
Legal Fraternity Plans Banquet
Friday, March 13
New Initiate Miss Betty Davis.
Breckinridge Inn of Phi Delta Phi,
Junior Prom nt the Men's
Miss Jane Dyer.
International Legal Fraternity, will
from 0 until 1 o'clock.
Alumna Mrs. Kate Pence Plr-kc- y.
hold its second semester initiation
Cosmopolitan club meeting nt and banquet at the Lafayette hotel,
7:30 o'clock In the Y. M. C. A. recThe guests of honor, the new IniTuesday afternoon and evening,
reation rooms. Dr. Kopplus In March 17.
tiates: Misses Mary Hallcy Kerr,
charge of the German program.
Marlon PInney, Anne Jones and
Saturday, March 14
Dinner Dance for Visiting Delegates Virginia Pitzer, Lexington; Betty
Sigma Alpha Epsllon Informal
Irvine, DanLebanon;
The chlo that new foot-wea-r
The members of Nu chapter of Davis,Gcorgianna Annie
dance from 9 until 12 o'clock In the
Weldon, Wllmette,
as smart
Omlcron Delta Kappa, national O.; Evelyri Orubbs, Miami, Fla.;
Mens gymnasium.
will add to your spring
Delta Tau Delta Informal dance honorary leadership fraternity for Julia Ochs, Palnesvllle, O.; ElizaMtume. And the price
from 9 until 12 o'clock In the La- men, entertained with a dinner-danc- e beth Van Meter, Shclbyvlllc; Mar-Jor- le
Is se lavttlBffly low!
fayette hotel.
Faulconer, Hazard; Nancy
Friday evening at the LafayCadet Hop from 3 until 6 o'clock ette hotel In honor of the delegates Sample, Hazelgreen; Florence
In the Men's gymnasium.
Mary Taylor,
attending the convention.
Exhibition of Dutch painting reSears, PaduThe tables were lighted with tall Madlsonville; Grace Cincinnati, O.;
productions at the Art center.
cah; Sue Layton,
green candles and bowls of pink
Sunday, March
Janet Pugh, Bellevlcw, Ky.
Vesper servic