xt7dnc5s805t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dnc5s805t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1941-08-jun20-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1941-08-jun20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1941-08-jun20-ec. 1941 1941-08-jun20-ec. 2011 true xt7dnc5s805t section xt7dnc5s805t 

    Minutes of the Reguilar Meeting of the Executive Committee of
the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, June 20, 1941.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, University
of Kentucky, met in the President's Office, University of Kentucky,
Friday, June 20, 1941, convening at 10:30 a.m.   The members of the
Committee present were Judge Richard C. Stoll, Chairman; Lee Kirk-
patrick and Robert P. Hobson,   President Thomss Cooper and D. H.
Peak, Secretary of the Board, were present.   President-elect, Dr.
H. L. Donovan, attended the meeting.

     1. Approval of Minutes,

     The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of May
16, 1941, were approved as published,   All actions of the Commmit-
tee taken and motions made and carried at that meeting were ratified
and approved.

     2. Financial Report.

    The Business Agent submitted the financial report
The report was ordered filed, and the summary thereof,
lished in the minutes, reads as follows:

for May 1941,
ordered pub-

        FINANCIAL REPORT FROM JULY 1, 1940, TO MAY 31, 1941
                            GENERAL FUND

                         Operating Accounts

Budgeted Income - - - - - - - --$1495,673.74
Estimated Reduction in Budgeted Income  - - - - - - -    13 000.00
Balance - - - - - - - - - -     - - - - - - - - - - - 10482,673.74
Salaries and Other Commitments  - - - - - - - - - -  1113.260.19
Available for Expense, Supplies & Equipment   - - - -   369,413.55
Expended to May 31, 1941 --344,209.29
Unencumbered Balance                                     25,204.26

                           Patterson Hall

Budgeted Income -99,980,00
Salaries and Other Commitments      - - - - - -19.550.0
Available for ExpensesSupplies & Equipment                80,430.00
Expended to May 31, 1941      - - - - - - - - - --- - - -  68,265.52
Unencumbered balance -                                    12,164.48



Experiment Station Fund

Budgeted Income - - - - - - -
Salaries and Other Commitments
Available for Expense, Supplies
Expended to May 31, 1941    - - -
Unencumbered balance   -  

- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
& Equipment -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -

- - - - $470,078.22
- - - -  310.784,00
- - - -  159,294.22
- - - -  120,446.05
- - - -   38,848e17

Agricultural Extension Fund

Budgeted Income - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Salaries and Other Commitments  
Available for Expense, Supplies & Equipment
Expended to May 31, 1941 - - - - - - - - -
Unencumbered balance - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - 758,720.00
- - - - - 634,196.00
- - - - - 124,524.00
- - - - - 106S181.13
- - - - -   18,342.87

Special Appropriations

Library Equipment   - - - _ _
Expended to May 31, 1941 - -
Unencumbered balance - - - -


Scientific Equipment - - - -
Expended to May 31, 1941 - -
Unencumbered balance - - - -

Home Economics Equipment - -
Expended. to May 31, 1941 - -
Unencumbered balance    - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -   20,000.00
 19,- - - - - - - - - -   .9.951.96
- - - - - - - - - - - -       48.04

- - - - - - - - - - - -      15,000.00
  - - - - - - - - - - -      14,998.50
- - - - - - - - - - - -        1.50

Engineering Equipment   - - -
Expended to May 31, 1941 - -
Unencumbered balance - - -



     3. Requisition Committee Report.

     The Requisition Committee filed written report of its action
each week from May 8, 1941, to June 16, 1941, inclusive.    The re-
port shows that orders were made by the Business Office on authority
of the Requisition Committee in the manner prescribed by the Board
of Trustees and state laws, running from No. 8974 to No. 10,364.
The report was examined, and on motion and second the orders and
budget additions named therein were ratified and approved, and pay-
ments on said orders were authorized and approved.

- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -

- - - -


     4. Officers of the Board Chosen.

     On motion, seconded and carried, Mr. John Skain was re-elected
Treasurer of the University of Kentucky.   Election of Secretary of
the Board of Trustees was deferred.

     5. Military Property Custodian.

     On motion, seconded and carried, Frank D. Peterson was named
Military Property Custodian, effective July 1, 1941.

     6. Old Fees Collected.

     Report of the Business Agent:

Balance on hand., July 1, 1940
Collected to May 31, 1941

Expense and Refunds
   Returned Checks
   Paid on P. W. A. Bond

$ 3,966.68
  6i 951.73



Balance on hand


$ 5,002.23

The collection on old fees during the year is $871.03 in
excess of the amount of 1939-40 fees charged off June 28,
1940,   The excess is due to the fact that fees due for
years prior to 1939-40 were collected,

                             (Signed) D. H. Peak
                                       Business Agent

The report was approved and ordered copied in the minutes,

7. Uncollected Fees.

Report of the Business Agent:



Uncollected Fees and Room Rent

         1940 - 1941

First Semester

     General Fees
     Men's Dormitory Rent
     Music Fees

Second Semester

     General Fees
     Men's Dormitory Rent
     Music Fees

Summer School Fees



Training School Fees





         Total General Fees including activities, not collect-
    ed reported last year was $6,180.20 and this year the
    amount is $5,570.61.   This makes for this year the uncol-
    lected fees    2- per cent of total estimate of tees,  The
    percentage for 1938-39 was 1.8; for 1939-40, 2.0; for
    1940-41, 2-.

                                 (Signed) D. H. Peak
                                          Business Agent

     It was ordered, on motion and second, that the amount of uncol-
lected fees for the year  9,3t-t4O be charged off and not carried as
assets on the books of the University and that the part thereof
distributable to General Fund of University that may hereafter be
collected, be held for transfer to P. W. A. Building and Revenue
Account or further orders of Board of Trustees.



    B. P. W. A. Account Receivable Charged off.

    Report of the Business Agent.

         We are carrying as account receivable $4,732.14,
    balance of advance made to 1938 P. W. A. accounts, from
    funds not otherwise allocated.   The advance was made on
    request of Dean Graham, he having been promised an appro-
    priation by Governor Chandler from the Governor's emergency
    fund.   The appropriation did not materialize.

         Dean Graham states that he consulted Governor Johnson
    and that the latter suggested that the amount be included
    in the request to the Budget Commission for appropriation
    for next biennium.

         At the meeting of the Executive Committee June 28, 1940,
    a resolution was passed authorizing a reservation from mis.
    cellaneous collection of fees for the fiscal year 1940-41
    of an amount sufficient to discharge the amount of the above
    named account receivable.   However, collections have not
    been sufficient during fiscal year 1940-41 to comply with
    that resolution.   Inasmuch as the account was paid in
    first instance from funds on hand, I suggest that it be
    charged to surplus.   This will not affect our bank balance.

                               (Signed) D. H. Peak
                                         Business Agent

     It appearing that the above named P. W. A. account receivable
of $4732.14 was paid from funds available in the bank balance, it
was ordered on motion, seconded and carried that the account be
charged to surplus.   It Was approved that request be made to the
State Budget Commission to include the amount of this account in its
recommendation for appropriations for the University of Kentucky to
be made to the next General Assembly,

     9. Checks Not Called For.

     The Business Agent reported that the Business Office has on
file checks that the Business Agent has not been able to deliver to
payees, and asked for approval of the Executive Committee for can-
cellation of the checks,   The Comptroller and the Business Agent
were directed to make further effort to deliver the checks to payeeo
and after that effort has been duly made, to r eport a list of the
checks then remaining undelivered to the Executive Committee,



     10. Lease of Smith Hall.

     The Butiness Agent presented copies of renewal of lease to
the Chi Omega Sorority for Smith Hall for year 1941-42, renewal
having been authorized at the meeting of the Executive Committee,
April 22, 1941.   The terms of the rental are $100.00 a month payable
in advance, effective September 1, 1941, the rental being made under
usual restrictions.   It was agreed that repairs be made to inside
of the building at a cost not in excess of $175.00.

     On motion, seconded and carried, the Chairman of the Executive
Committee was authorized to sign the lease as prepared, and there-
upon he affixed his signature thereto.

     11. Out-of-State Travel Expense Accounts,

     The Business Agent stated that no action has been taken by the
State Division of Accounts and Control on the requests of A. C.
McFarlan and D. 11. Young, of the Department of Geology, for expense
of travel (out-of-state) necessitated in conducting a tour with a
class of students in Geology required in the curricula of the Depart.,
ment.   Making further report on out-of-state travel expense requests
he filed the following:

                       DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE

     Division of Accounts and Control

                                         June 7, 1941

     Lr. D. H. Peak, Business Agent
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     Dear Mr. Peak:

          I am returning herewith Out of State Travel Request
     of l, A. Price, Head of Department of Entomology and Bot-
     any, for trip to Columbia, Missouri, March 25-29.

          This request was submitted to the Attorney General
     for his opinion and was returned June 5, 1941, disapproved.

                                         Yours very truly,

                                    (Signed) Frank D. Peterson



                    DEPARTEMNT OF FINANCE

    Division of Accounts and Control

                                           June 6, 1941

    Mr. D. H. Peak, Business Agent
    University of Kentucky
    Lexington, Kentucky

    Dear Mr. Peak:

         I am returning herewith Out-of-State Travel Re-
    quest for William S. Taylor  Dean of College of Educa-
    tion, for trip to Atlantic city, N. J., February 22-27,

         This request was submitted to the Attorney Gen-
    eral for his opinion and was returned on June 5, dis-
    approved by him.

                                    Yours very truly,

                                    (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     No action was taken by the Executive Committee but after the
meeting Mr. Peterson agreed to have each of the above travel re-
quests encumbered, so that in event of a court decision in an action
pending in the Franklin Circuit Court attacking payment of out-o:f-
state travel expense accounts, favorable to approval of such expense
accounts, these and other expense accounts that arc now encumbered
may be paid.

     12. Business Agent Authorized to Endorse Checks to Wenner-Gren
Laboratory, Etc.

     On motion and second, carried, the Business Agent was authorized
to endorse, payable to the MIawen Motor Corporation, a check made
by the Atlantic 1utual Insurance Comupany, dated May 21, 1941, for
$5.63, check numbered T29030, that company being entitled to the
check as a return dividend on insurance premium on transportation
policy paid by it; and further to endorse, payable to James H.
Graham, Agent of the Wenner-Gren Laboratory, a check of the Atlantic
Mutual Insurance Company, made payable to the University of Kentucky,
for $10.92, check numbered L46030, check being for reimbursement
of loss to that company.



     13. State Auditor's Report on Kentuckian Account.

     The President presented and read the report of the Auditor of
Public Accounts on the Kentuckian for year 1940-41.  The report was
ordered filed in the Business Office,

     14. Group Insurance Funds in Relation to University of Kentucky

     On motion, seconded and carried, Dean Alvin E. Evans and Robert
P. Hobson were requested to prepare a resolution setting out the re-
lation of the University of Kentucky to the control of and interest
in funds paid by University employees for purpose of carrying policies
under the group insurance plan.

     The resolution in words and figures as follows, was approved on
motion and second which carried:


          BE IT KNOWN that the University of Kentucky, during the
     school year of 1931-1932, made application to The Prudential
     Insurance Company of New Jersey to put into effect a scheme
     for group insurance upon the lives of its teaching staff and
     other employees.   This application was approved by the above
     named insurance company on May 15, 1932, and individual cer-
     tificates of insurance were thereupon issued to each member
     of the group thus insured, effective from June 1, 1932.

          This scheme of group insurance contemplated that the
     cost of the insurance should be paid entirely by the members
     of the group but that the University should undertake the
     task of collecting the premiums and that collection should
     be made by deducting the monthly premiums payable on  the
     individual policies from the monthly salary of each partici-
     pant.   This sua the University undertakes to pay over to
     the Insurers   Further, under the scheme adopted, the Insurer
     determines the maximur amount of insurance which may be taken
     by each participant by the two factors, his annual salary and
     hAs age.   The amount of the monthly premium per $1,000 is
     determined by the Insurer under its general rules.

          The general operation of the insurance plan as it af-
     fen.ts the participants has been under the direction of an
     advisory committee appointed by the President of the Univer-
     sity and its present chairin~an is Dean Edward Wiest.  In the
     course of the operation of the plan, certain dividends have
     been returned to the University as sponsor of the group.
     The Insurance Committee has performed the function, among
     others, of determining what disposition is to be made of
     these dividends.   Thus, it has determined to set up a
     reserve fund for the purpose of stabilizing the premium
     rate which would otherwise vary because of unusual death



losses in any given year.  As of M-ay 31, 1941, this fund
amounted in the aggregate to the sum of Seven Thousand Nine
Hundred and Fifty-three Dollars and seventy-nine cents
($7,953.79) invested as follows:

     Lexington Federal Savings & Loan Association $5,000.00
     First Federal S vings & Loan Association      2,500.00
     First National gank & Trust Co. of Lexington    317.63
                       (checking account)
     First National Bank & Trust Co. of Lexington    156.16
                       (savings account)

     On the lst of July, 1934, the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky passed a resolution whereby membership
in the insurance group by future employees of the University
of Kentucky was made compulsory,  This resolution is found on
page 398 of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of July 1,

     Instead of setting up further sums as a reserve fund, the
Committee has two other alternatives:

     (a) to apply the dividends in reduction of the
         premium payments during the next year or
         portion of a year after receipt thereof; or

     (b) to remit them in cash to the participants.

Thus, the Insurer annually remits to the University', as sponsor,
the full annual premium not required tc meet tho annual death
losses.   This sum is deposited in the bank for the credit of
the participants and the method of distributing it is determined
by the above mentioned Insurance Committee.

     WHEREAS the premiums for group insurance have been paid
entirely by the members of the teaching staff and other em-
ployees of the University and no part thereof has been paid
out of the funds of the University;

     And WHEREAS the sums so specified as being held in the
University group insurance account have been set aside by
the Insurance Committee as a reserve fund to provide for the
possibility of unusual expense or losses of any particular

     And WHEREAS the said sums belong to the said group ex-
clusively and the University has no interest therein,

     Now, THEREFORE, the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky does hereby disclaim any beneficial interest
in said sums or any additions there-to or any dividends
that may hereafter be paid to the University by the Insurer
on said insurance policies and resolves that the University
holds the same in its account as trustee for the benefit



of the members of the group of insured persons to whom said
sums beneficially belong.   It is further declared that the
policy of sponsoring the group insurance scheme, the collec-
tion of premiums by the University as above outlined, and
the receiving dividends paid by the Insurer and the deposit
of the dividend checks to the credit of the group insurance
account, is approved and it is hereby authorized to be con-
tinued.   It is further directed that the reserve fund
above described, together with any additions thereto that
may occur, shall be entered upon the books of the University
under the head of "Organization Funds" and shall be placed
to the account of The University of Kentucky Employees'
Insurance Committee,

15. Summer School - Report of Enrollment

President Cooper made following report:


                      June 20, 1941

               Temporary figures reported
                   by Professor Adams

                            Last year            Decrease this Year

   Agriculture                 168                     13

   Arts and Sciences           435                    156

   Education                   280                     76

   Commerce                    189                      5 (increase

   Engineering                  87                     5

   Law                          35                     3

   Graduate School            1075                    395






     16. Addition to Buell Armory

     The President submitted statement of Mr. Farris copied as fol-

                                     June 16, 1941

     President Thomas Cooper
     University of Kentucky

     My dear President Cooper:

          On Wednesday, June 11, I submitted the plans, speci-
     fications, and estimates for the additions to Buell Armory
     to the local W. P. A. Office.  At this time they advised
     me that they had received orders from the Central Office
     and the War Department not to consider any applications
     wherein an expenditure of more than $12.00 per man per
     month for materials was contemplated.   I enclose copies
     of their correspondence confirming this.

          You will recall that the Board of Trustees authorized
     us to make an application for the construction, provided
     that the University incurred no expense.   It now appears
     that with the $12.00 limitation, the University would be
     required to furnish approximately $18,000 to obtain these

          I am sending a set of plans and specifications with
     this letter for your consideration.

                                      Very truly yours,

                             (Signed)  E. B. Farris
                                        Assistant Chief Engineer
                                        Building Program

     The correspondence, plans and specifications were received,
ordered filed and referred to the Board of Trustees for considera-

     17. Zoning - Euclid Avenue.

     President Cooper presented report of Professor Frank Murray on
the question of zoning on Euclid Avenue.   The President commented
on the situation.

Professor M.Iurray's report is copied as follows:



                                     May 29, 1941

                   Zoning--Euclid Avenue

    Memo. to President Cooper:

    The meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was
    held in the Municipal Building from 2 to 3 p.m. Thurs-
    day, May 29, 1941.   Commissioners present were: E. L.
    McDonald, Chairman; Hawkins, Nunn, Mayor Havely, and

    Mr. Peak informed the Commission of opposition to the
    proposed change by the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
    versity of Kentucky and read an extract of the minutes
    of the Board and also presented the formal written pro-
    test of the Board.   I also spoke in opposition to the
    plan and was followed by President-elect Donovan and
    Dr. McVey.   The latter was especially effective and at
    least two members of the Commission seemed opposed to
    any change, but the other three members succeeded by a
    substituted motion in delaying consideration until some
    future meeting, on the plea that they felt that all
    members of the Commission should be present, although
    it was pointed out that a single dissenting vote would
    prevent affirmative action on this change.

    I spent an additional hour and a half in going through
    the proceedings of the Commission for the last twelve
    years in an attempt to find the by-laws of the Commission,
    or more particularly adopted procedure in notifying mem-
    bers of the Commission of meetings.   I failed to find
    anything, and Mrs. Hessel informs me that there are no
    by-laws and that notice has always been given by telephone.
    She states that she notified Hr. Hawkins of the last meet-
    ing and told him that there probably would not be a quorum
    present but that they were going to meet anyway. I shall
    make further investigation as to this matter.

                                    (Siged)  Frank Murray

    The following letters and papers were ordered filed for ref-

    April 22, 1941 -- Memorandum of President Cooper.

    May 24, 1941 -- Letter of Mayor Havely.

    May 26, 1941 a- Letter of Judge Stoll.
    May 29, 1941 -- Letter of Professor Murray.
    May 29, 1941   Copy of Professor Murray's statement to the
                            Zoming Commission.



18. Nepotism - Rule to be Interpreted.

Statement by President Cooper:

     There were included in the lists of reappointments,
continuance and so forth, of faculty, graduate assistants
and clerical staff, certain individuals who are related
either to the members of the administrative staff or to
members of the staff holding the rank of assistant pro-
fessor or higher.   It had been my intention to call
these recommendations to the attention of the Board as a

     First, eliminating the names of those who were
previously employed and have married, both husband and
wife have been continued in employment.

     Second, eliminating those who have married within
the family of faculty members, the husband being a member
of the present faculty.

     Thirds eliminating all names of those appointed as
graduate assistants     and receiving scholarships, fel-
lowships or assistantships.

     These eliminations are in accordance with the verbal
interpretation of rules made by the Executive Committee
some months ago.

     Certain reappointments were made, minor positions,
but which do not fall within the above categories,    No
one of these appointments is new, but they have been
carried on from appointments made in previous years.


On motion and second the following resolution vas passed:

     The Executive Committee approves the reappointments
and continuances as made.   It is realized that discon-
tinuances of that small group falling within the rule
may cause unnecessary hardships at this time.    However,
it is the purpose of the Trustees and the expectation
that such readjustments as are necessary may be completed
during the fiscal year, 1941-42, and that thereafter no
appointments or reappointments in violation of the
rule as interpreted shall be made.



     19. Civil Pilot Training

     Report of President Cooper on first group:

          The experience with the first group of students en-
     tered for training under the Civil Aeronautics was very
     satisfactory.   Ton students took the course; one was a
     young lady.   These have also passed Flight Course and
     have qualified for Private Pilot's license.  All students
     passed their examinations for the grounds course as given
     by the Civil Aeronautics Authority, and we have not yet
     received the complete report on the flight course.  The
     interest of the students in this endeavor continues.

     President Cooper then recommended execution of a second contract
for Civil Pilot Training, effective June 14, 1941.  The contract
provides for a quota not to exceed 30 students.   Otherwise, it is
similar to the one entered into for second semester 1940-41.

     On motion, seconded and carried., the contract was approved.  hse
President of the University was authorized to sign contract which he
did in open meeting.

     20. Purchase of Property.

     President Cooper stated that it has been the consensus of opinion
of members of the Board of Trustees that the University of Kentucky
acquire property in the area between the campus and Experiment Station
property.   He stated that it is now possible to obtain certain lots
in that section.   During discussion it was suggested that purchase
might be made and payment arranged on amortization plan.   President
Donovan and Dean Cooper were requested to make further investigation
and it was suggested that the Comptroller get options on property
now available for purchase.

     21. Payment of Medical Bills for Injuries to Workmen.

     The question of payment of medical bills and bills for r.edicine
of workmen, injured while on University work, was brought up in
discussion of cases named in this section.   It was expressly stated
that action on these cases is without commitment as to future action
of the Board of Trustees on requests for payment of medical bills
or other bills incurred in such cases.

     On motion of Mr. Hobson, seconded by Ivr. Kirkpatrick, the fol-
lowing bills were approved;



     a, C. V. Hicks, plasterer, who was injured on June 10 by getting
lime in his eye:

        Bill for medical treatment by Dr. F.C. Thomas- - - $12.00

        Bill for medicine by Model Drug - -                  1.00.

     Each of these accounts was ordered paid from Miscellaneous Funds
Account in Organizations Fund Ledger.

                                        July 9, 1941

        Memo for
        Mr. Peak.

             Harold Barber, head herdsman, Experiment Station,
        met with an accident in the sheep barn, being struck
        by a bale of hay which fractured a vertebra.   The
        total charges for services of doctor, steel brace,
        hospital and medicine amounted to 8149.90.   A fund
        was raised by friends of Mr. Barber amounting to
        $65.00, which, after being applied to the expense,
        leaves a balance of $84.90 that was paid by Mr. Bar-
        ber.   This may be paid from the farm, fund.

                                       (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                                Dean and Director

     It was ordered that Harold Barber be paid $84.90 from farm
funds, Experiment Station.

     22. Miss Blandingts Letter

     Note is made of the presentation by President Cooper of a letter
received from Miss Sarah Blanding in which she expressed deep appre-
ciation to the Board of Trustees for the resolution passed at the
June meeting of the Executive Committee.

     23. Investment of Student Loan Funds.

     President Cooper reported that Dean T. T. Jones had requested
 investment of Student Loan Funds in amount of approximately $3100.00,
 which request he had submitted to the Comptroller.    Following is the
 suggestion made by the Comptroller:



     President Cooper:

          In regard to investment of approximately $3100.00 of
     Student Loan Fund; wish' advice of the Executive Committee
     and suggest Franklin County School Improvement Corporation
     Bonds 3-f%, Which can be secured at a yield basis of approx-
     imately 3%, Class A, rating.

          Government bonds will not yield as much and I doubt
     if they are any safer.

                                  (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     On motion, seconded and carried, the suggestion of the Como-
troller was accepted, and he was authorized to make investment of
Student Loan Funds available for investment in Franklin County
Kentucky School Improvement Corporation Bonds.

     24. Signing Checks under New Administration.

     On motion, seconded and carried, the Comptroller, Frank D.
Peterson, was authorized to sign all checks on University of Ken-
tucky Accounts under his direct control as Comptroller.    it was
further ordered that President H. L. Donovan shall not be required
to sign or countersign checks for expenditure of University of
Kentucky funds.

     25. Copies of Budget--Available to Whom.

     It appears that a request for a copy of the University of
Kentucky budget has recently been made at the Business Office by
an individual not connected with the University of Kentucky or with
the State of Kentucky Administration, that the Business Agent refused
to honor the request, and that such refusal occasioned correspondence
with President Cooper.

     The Committee stated that the data contained in the Budget of
the University of Kentucky should not be made available except to
administrative officers of the University and to officers of the
State Department of Finance, and further that information in regard
to salaries and other data set out in the University Budget should
be requested, if such information is desired, from the State Depart-
ment of Finance.



     26. Easement--Robinson Substation.

     President Cooper presented a copy of a right of a right of way
easement from the University of Kentucky to the Kentucky and West
Virginia Power Company for extension of line over Robinson Station
lands for purpose of giving service to the new auditorium at that
Station.  H*% stated his approval of the right of way easement.

     On motion, seconded and carried, granting the easement was
approved and the Chairman of the Executive Committee was authorized
to sign and acknowledge the copy presented, dated June 20, 1941
which he did in open meeting, his signature being witnessed by  . P.
Hobson and H. L. Donovan.  The Business Agent was directed to write
to the Power Company for a copy of the easement, stating that the
original will be mailed to the company on receipt of the copy.

     27. Animal Pathology Building.

     The President presented following communication from W. P. A.

                      FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY
                      Louisville, Kentucky

     Mr. Thomas P. Cooper, President
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky.

                         In Re: Work Project 6574
                                Pathological Building