xt7dnc5s803n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dnc5s803n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2009-09-15 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2009-01-sept15. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2009-01-sept15. 2009 2009-09-15 2011 true xt7dnc5s803n section xt7dnc5s803n 
Meeting  1 the Board of Trustees 1 fr      (Tty (1 Jr t h 1 y 1 CO I'M September 15,2009 18fh Door ratters on Office Tov.wr
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Approvdof JiSnrtes • [Consent) Minutes-June 9.2009
2010 Schedule!ox Meeting * of Board of Trustees
Noiiliriltmg CmuuiiteRtjeit
Election of Officers and Executive Committee
NCR1        Appointment to Board of Directors — JJhirersiry of Kentucky Mining Engineering Foundation. Inc.
NCR 2       Appointment to Board of D ire ctors — Unir ers iry of K-attuckv Re s earch Foundation, ft*.
{resident's Report and Action Haas
PR1 President's Report to the Things
PR2 Personnel Actions (Consent)
Audit Sulic ommitlee Report
Academic Affairs Contiiiittee Report
AACR1     Candidates for Degrees
AACR2      Candidates for Degrees —Bhiegrass Ccammauty and Technical College AACR 3     Proposed Revision to Governing Regulation: University Onsaniaaiion — Chairs of Departments
AACR 4     Change in Degree — College of Engineering finance CommitteeReport
FCR1        Sift from th* Estate of Dr.Lilialyc* Afcers (Consent)
FCR2 fiat from the Estates of William and Julia Cundflff Consent)
FCR 3        Dr. F. Joseph ffland Mrs. loan Halcomb Pitts and P'.-j-- (Consent)
FCR4        OA from the EsUte ofMargjretBeUHumphreys(Ccms;eM,j
FCR 5        Keeneland Foundation Gift and Pledge (Consent)
FCR 6        Kentucky Medical Strokes Foundation Gifts and Pledge (Consent)
FCR 7        Gift from the Estate of Alice P. Killpalnck (Consent)
FCR8        Gifts and Pie to s to the Byron Youtig. MP. Research Ehdowmeiit for Neurosurgery Residents (Consent)
FCR 9        Providing for the Authorisation. Issuancr. and Sale of Appro:-Jaatery {: 10:.,f'0i;i r.QO
General Receipts Obligations (Hospital Phase HI Proiect)ofthe Uruverstty of Kentucky. Pursuant to the Trust Agreement Dated as of November 1.2005
FCR10      Lease-Purchase of Health Management System
FCR11      Renovate Third Floor Little Library
FCR 12       Chaiigingthe Name of KetnelandDrnreto Campus Drive
FCR 13       Approval for Proposed Administrative Regulation: Urriversiry of Kentucky Identity Theft.
Program ("Red Flags Rule") FCR 14 Renovation of Equaie Bams FCR 15      Approval of Related Transactions
FCR 16       Eisemeil Authorisation for Legacy Trail (Maaie Chance FarmySpmdletop Properties) FCR 17      Patent Assignment Report FCR 13      Capital Construction Report
Investment ( (T.imirieeReport
Student Aft airs Committee Report
University H.-iHt, Care Committee Report
University Relations Coriii.iittetRei.ort
Executive Committee Report
ftistiutional Goals for President Lee T. Todd. Jr.for Academic Year 2009-10 Otter Biisir.es s

Office of the President September 15,2009
Members, Board of Trustees:
Recommendation: that the Board of Trustees approve the appointment of Jo Hern Curris as a Trustee member to the University of Kentucky Mining Engineering Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors for a two-year term ending September 14, 2011.
Background: In accordance with the Bylaws of the University of Kentucky Mining Engineering Foundation, Inc., two members shall be from the Board of Trustees, and those appointments shall be approved by the Board of Trustees.
Action taken: Approved      □ Disapproved        □ Other

Office of the President September 15,2009
Members, Board of Trustees:
Recommendation: that the Board of Trustees approve the appointment of Pamela T. May as a Trustee member to the University of Kentucky Research Foundation (UKRF) Board of Directors for a term ending June 30, 2010.
Background: In accordance with the Bylaws of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation, two members shall be from the Board of Trustees, and those appointments shall be approved by the Board of Trustees. All vacancies in the membership of the Board of Directors, due to the appointee ceasing to be actively connected with the group from which he/she was selected, shall be filled to serve the unexpired term. Phillip R. Patton's term on the Board of Trustees expired June 30, 2009, and Ms. May will fulfill his unexpired term on the UKRF Board.
Action taken: Approved      □ Disapproved        □ Other

PR 1
Office of the President September 15,2009
1. UK Tops Benchmarks for Startup Companies by Faculty Entrepreneurs
University of Kentucky faculty entrepreneurs formed more startup companies per $10 million in annual research expenditures than at any of UK's 19 benchmark institutions, which include the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the universities of Maryland, Michigan, Illinois, and Florida. According to the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM), UK also climbed from 39th in 2005 to 7th in 2007 among all public and private universities for developing new technology-based businesses. UK ranks 13th among its benchmarks in the area of licensing income, a measure of commercialization activities that includes university-industry partnerships. During last fiscal year, UK had a total of 151 licenses and recorded $1.5 million gross licensing revenue. AUTM's global network of members comes from more than 350 universities, research institutions, teaching hospitals, and government agencies as well as hundreds of companies involved with managing and licensing innovations derived from academic and nonprofit research.
2. UK Researchers Discover Human Cells Secrete Cancer-killing Protein
Human cells are able to secrete a cancer-killing protein, scientists at the University of Kentucky's Markey Cancer Center have found. Researchers led by Vivek Rangnekar, UK professor of radiation medicine, have determined that the tumor-suppressor protein Par-4, initially thought to be active only within cells expressing the Par-4 gene, is in fact secreted by most human and rodent cells and can target large numbers of cancer cells by binding to receptors on the cell surface. This discovery, published in the leading journal Cell, makes Par-4 a very attractive molecule for future research aimed at developing new cancer treatments. Funded by several grants from the National Institutes of Health, Rangnekar's study found that when the Par-4 molecule binds to its receptor GRP78 on the surface of a tumor cell, it triggers a biological process called apoptosis or "cell suicide." Consistent with previous research by Rangnekar's laboratory with intracellular Par-4, the newly discovered secreted Par-4 acts selectively against cancer cells, leaving healthy cells unharmed. Few other molecules are known to exhibit such selectivity.
3. Frank Dickey, Who Led UK during Dynamic Growth, Dies at Age 91
Frank Graves Dickey, who served from 1956 to 1963 as the University of Kentucky's fifth president, died August 7, 2009, after a long illness. He was 91. Dickey presided over the university during the period when UK launched its medical school and during the construction and opening of the UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital. Planning for

the school, which included the colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, and Nursing, as well as the hospital, had begun in 1954 under then-President Herman Lee Donovan, but Dickey led the effort to marshal legislative support and saw the project to completion. Dickey rose to the presidency after having served as dean of the UK College of Education, of which he was an alumnus, from 1950 to 1956. In that post he directed the college's off-campus and field service educational program, working with Kentucky public school teachers, administrators, and school board members. The UK Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce also opened during his presidency. He was appointed to the UK presidency in June 1956 at age 38, the youngest person ever to attain that position.
4. President Obama Chooses Two UK Professors for Early Career Awards
President Obama has awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers to two University of Kentucky professors: Chemical and Materials Engineering Associate Professor Bruce Hinds and Plant and Soil Science Assistant Professor David McNear Jr. Hinds and McNear were two of 100 researchers nationwide to receive the award, the highest honor bestowed by the federal government on young professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers. The recipients will be presented their awards this fall at a White House ceremony. Hinds, who is also UK's William Bryan Professor in Chemical and Materials Engineering in the College of Engineering, perforins research on nanoscale device fabrication. McNear's focus includes a fungal endophyte that lives in the shoots of tall fescue, its effects on the chemistry of compounds released into the rhizosphere (i.e. the root-soil interface), and how these compounds interact with soil and microbial constituents to influence carbon and nitrogen cycling in fields throughout the Southeast.
5. Markey Researchers Find Ultrasound Is Important for Spotting Ovarian Cancer
Scientists at UK's Markey Cancer Center have found that ultrasound findings form the single most important piece of information for detecting ovarian cancer among women, exceeding symptoms analysis. The findings were published online recently by the journal Cancer. Researchers led by Edward Pavlik, associate professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology at the UK College of Medicine, selected 272 women participating in annual trans-vaginal screening (TVS) from 31,748 women enrolled in a free screening project at the university and compared symptom results to ultrasound and surgical pathology findings. The team observed that TVS performed better for detecting malignancies, reporting 85 percent overall sensitivity versus 20 percent for symptoms analysis.
6. Visualization Center Researchers Take Technology Overseas
Two UK Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments researchers sent their technological advances outside the United States this summer for practical use. Computer Science Professor Brent Seales went to Paris, France to use technology he has developed to "unscroll" ancient manuscripts that had been carbonized at Herculeum, Italy

by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. Seales will analyze the data gathered by scanning the fragile scrolls to see if they can be "read" without endangering them. Meanwhile, Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Laurence Hassebrook sent a hand-held, 3-D scanning device he has invented to Honduras with a graduate student and a Transylvania University archeologist, who used the device to collect three-dimensional scans of artifacts without removing the artifacts from the archeological dig. The Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments is housed in the UK College of Engineering.
7. Carbon Injection Begins on Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery Projects
Testing of a system for permanent storage of carbon dioxide in deep formations began at a deep well in Hancock County, Kentucky last month. Drilling the well began on April 24 and was completed on June 15 after reaching a total depth of 8,126 feet. The Kentucky Geological Survey and several partners initiated the project supported by the Kentucky General Assembly, which allocated $5 million in 2007 for research to demonstrate the feasibility of geologic carbon storage and the use of carbon dioxide to enhance oil and gas recovery. The project has important implications for Kentucky's electricity-generating industry, which relies primarily on burning coal at power plants.
8. UK's see blue' Marketing Campaign Wins Gold Medal Among Peers
UK Public Relations and Marketing was awarded the Gold Medal in the Advertising Campaign Category of the 2009 Circle of Excellence Awards Program of the Council for Advancement and Support for Education (CASE). The medal was presented for the "see blue" advertising and marketing campaign developed under the oversight of Marketing Director Kelley Bozeman.
9. Study Finds Meal Replacements Are Successful in Helping Lose Weight
Meal replacements in a medically supervised weight loss program are successful in facilitating weight loss, according to a new study co-written by Dr. James W. Anderson, professor emeritus of internal medicine and clinical nutrition at the UK College of Medicine. The study appears in the August 2009 issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. The meal replacements are products of Health Management Resources Corporation, a privately owned national health care company specializing in weight loss and weight management. The study assessed weight outcomes, behavioral data, and side effects for obese patients enrolled in an intensive behavioral weight loss program. Two treatment options were offered: Medically Supervised and Healthy Solutions. Medically Supervised patients restricted food consumption to meal replacements, which consisted of shakes, entrees, and bars. Patients either consumed five shakes daily or three shakes and two shelf-stable entrees daily. Healthy Solutions patients limited food intake to shakes, entrees, bars, fruit, and vegetables. Recommendations were to consume a minimum of three shakes, two entrees, and five servings of fruit and vegetables daily. Some patients with diabetes, hypertension, or medical problems necessitated the Medically Supervised option. Patients in the Medically Supervised option lost an average of 43.4 pounds in 19 weeks. Patients in the

Healthy Solutions option lost an average of 37.5 pounds in 18 weeks. The study also found that patient compliance, accountability, and commitment with the support of a structured program increases weight loss success.
10. Ambati Research Team Finds Natural Molecule Blocking Vessel Growth
Researchers in the laboratory of Dr. Jayakrishna Ambati have discovered the first naturally occurring molecule that selectively blocks lymphatic vessel growth. In an article in the August 9, 2009 online edition of Nature Medicine, they identified a new molecule known as soluble VEGFR-2 that blocks lymphangiogenesis - the growth of lymphatics -but not blood vessel growth. The article, whose lead author is Dr. Romulo Albuquerque, a medical student in the UK College of Medicine, showed that soluble VEGFR-2 specifically blocks lymphatic vessel growth both during development and following injury by blocking VEGF-C, a powerful lymphatic growth factor. It also reports that loss of soluble VEGFR-2 during development led to the spontaneous invasion of lymphatic vessels, but not blood vessels, into the cornea, solving the long-standing mystery of why the cornea is normally devoid of lymphatics. Soluble VEGFR-2 was also required for normal development of lymphatics in the skin.
11. UK Chandler Hospital Wins High Ranking from U.S. News & World Report
The UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital is ranked among the nation's top hospitals for 2009-10 by U.S. News and World Report. UK Chandler Hospital's ear, nose, and throat (33) and gynecology (40) programs are recognized in the study of almost 5,000 hospitals nationwide. UK is one of only 174 hospitals to receive specialty rankings after evaluation. This year's rankings surpassed last year's scores, with ear, nose, and throat moving up 11 spots and gynecology increasing by two.
12. NIH Stimulus Funding Supports Stoops' Tramadol Research
UK researcher William W. Stoops has received a $1.17 million, two-year grant from stimulus funding to the National Institutes of Health, funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Stoops, an assistant professor in the UK College of Medicine's Department of Behavioral Science and the UK Center for Drug and Alcohol Research, will study the pharmacological effects of tramadol, a synthetic opioid that does not appear to be abused at the same rate as other natural, semi-synthetic, and synthetic analgesics derived from opium alkaloids. Stoops' research could help determine key factors needed to develop other opioid analgesics with reduced potential for misuse and abuse. The stimulus grant, one of the first funded through the National Institute of Drug Abuse, will support four current faculty and three staff members as well as fund three positions for either current staff or to-be-hired staff.

13. UK Chooses IMG/ISG to Pursue Athletic Facilities Private Financing Proposal
UK has selected IMG/ISG to continue negotiations under the request for proposal for the "Private Financing of University of Kentucky Athletic Facilities." The RFP addresses the financing, design, construction, and marketing of a new baseball complex and renovations to Commonwealth Stadium. In addition, the RFP opens the option of working with Lexington Center Corporation to complete the same functions for a new downtown arena. No timeframes or deadlines have been established for the continued negotiations with IMG/ISG.
14. UK Student's Dream Brings Performing Arts Venue to Muhlenberg County
One of the dreams of Jenna Brashear, a UK senior majoring in international studies and German with a minor in music performance, involved bringing Muhlenberg County public schools an acoustically-designed performing arts venue. Brashear proposed just this addition for her hometown's school as part of a project for her John R. and Joan B. Gaines Fellowship in the Humanities at the university, and the dream will come to fruition with the help of the Felix E. Martin, Jr. Foundation. Earlier this summer, the Felix E. Martin, Jr. Foundation announced a $500,000 grant to enable the Muhlenberg County School Board to expand the new auditorium planned for Muhlenberg County High School. The grant was recommended by the foundation's task force of five local advisers: Gary Carver, Lanie Gardner, Elizabeth Gentry, Mike Mercer, and Peggy Williams. Greenville native Felix E. Martin, Jr. died in 2007 leaving a majority of his $60 million estate to benefit Muhlenberg County invested into the charitable foundation named for him. The promise of Brashear's proposal, originally drafted in February 2009 as part of her jury project for the Gaines Fellowship, was first recognized by Gardner and David Richey at First National Bank of Muhlenberg County. Gardner, vice-chair of the Martin Foundation Task Force, then presented the idea for the auditorium expansion to the task force.
15. Toxicology Researchers Spot Mechanisms Underlying Huntington's Disease
Researchers at the UK Markey Cancer Center and Graduate Center for Toxicology (GCT) have gained new insight into the genetic mechanisms underlying Huntington's disease and other neurodegenerative or neuromuscular disorders caused by trinucleotide repeats (or TNRs) in DNA. The research, performed in the laboratory of Guo-Min Li, UK professor of toxicology and biochemistry and the Madeline James & Edith Gardner Distinguished Chair in Cancer Research, examined the mechanisms involved in the development of a specific type of genetic mutation known as trinucleotide repeat expansions. Diseases associated with these mutations, including Huntington's disease, are called trinucleotide repeat disorders. Findings were published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. GCT research scientist Caixia Hou, student Nelson Chan, and professor Liya Gu are co-authors of the study. The work was supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health.

16. Six New Companies Make Their Home at Coldstream Research Campus
A large nonprofit organization, a health and wellness technology company, and the first Kentucky office of the world's largest provider of workplace solutions for businesses are among the companies that have moved into UK's Coldstream Research Campus recently. The American Board of Family Medicine, the Regus Group (workplaces for businesses), and MedTech College, offering allied health and nursing training are located in the new Lexhold International Center for Technological Innovation. Other new companies include Ionx, an R&D company with the soon-to-be-released iDOT™ body temperature alert patch, Equine Diagnostic Solutions testing laboratory, and Affinity Photoprobes, which uses patented technology to identify differences between normal and diseased tissues.
17. Voice Professor Teaches Children's Choirs, Music Students in Ecuador
UK Voice Professor Noemi Lugo spent two weeks in May with children's choirs, music students, and music educators in Ecuador on a trip sponsored by a travel grant and a project assistance grant from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State through Partners of the Americas or Companeros de las Americas. The entity pairs U.S. states with countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, facilitating shared knowledge and resources to improve the lives of people across the hemisphere. Lugo is a member of the local chapter of Kentucky-Ecuador Partners. Currently, the work of Kentucky-Ecuador Partners is focused on four program areas. Agricultural initiatives help increase food production and distribution, promote better farm and marketing operations, and conserve natural resources. Rehabilitation projects range from physical and occupational therapy to job programs to technology assistance. The dental health initiative promotes preventive dentistry. The fourth initiative is culture, which includes promoting an awareness and appreciation of culture from both sides of the partnership through individual participation in projects. Objectives are met in a variety of ways, including interactive workshops that allow for true collaboration among members from both Ecuador and Kentucky. Lugo's primary objective was to promote cultural exchange with other professional musicians, music students, and members of Companeros de las Americas.
18. Education Professor Helps Winburn Middle School Team Score in Contest
After solid performances from his MathCounts team in 2008, College of Education Professor Xin Ma led the Winburn Middle School squad to even greater heights in 2009. Winburn students Valerie Sarge and Vania Ma finished in first and second place, respectively, at the 2009 Kentucky State MathCounts Competition, held in Lexington. In addition, the Winburn team claimed second place at the state level. Ma attributes the success to a change in the training method and to the hard work by the students.

19. Initiative Seeks to Help Clinicians Turn Ideas into Real Medical Devices
More than 140 UK HealthCare clinicians, engineering faculty, Blue Grass Angels, and others attended the first annual Clinician Innovation Day and learned how clinicians can turn their ideas into medical devices and diagnostic products. The group also heard from expert entrepreneurs Dr. Thomas J. Fogarty, inventor of the world's first balloon catheter that revolutionized vascular surgery, and UK President Lee T. Todd, Jr., founder of two technology companies, one of which was sold to IBM. Using a customized process designed to fit the hectic schedule of health care providers, the clinicians will work with an experienced business team in a privately funded company called Therix Medical to develop their concepts, including prototype development, regulatory assessment, financial modeling, and intellectual property protection. Therix will launch the resulting product in the marketplace either through licensing to industry or creating a start-up company. The Von Allmen Center for Entrepreneurship in the Office for Commercialization & Economic Development partnered with UK cardiologist Dr. John Gurley to develop the Clinician Innovation Initiative and Therix Medical.
20. UK Libraries Wins Three Best of Show Awards from Peer Association
UK Libraries has been awarded three Best of Show awards and an Honorable Mention award by the Library Leadership and Management Association, a division of the American Library Association (ALA). The awards were presented at the ALA annual conference in July in Chicago. UK Libraries took four awards, including three Best of Show awards, in four of the 11 categories presented in the competition. One of UK Libraries' Best of Show honors was in the category of fundraising materials for its Equine Oral History video created by the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History. UK Libraries was also awarded Best of Show honors in the category of videos 30 seconds and under for The Hub @ WT's video. This 30-second video provides a description of services and brief tour of The Hub, an information commons, in the William T. Young Library. A full-color UK Libraries brochure received Best of Show in the services/orientation/policy materials category. The brochure details the various collections, services, and library sites maintained by UK Libraries. UK Libraries also received Honorable Mention recognition for a blog created by its Archives Department called Curiosities and Wonders in the category of Web pages/home pages.
21. UK Alumni Expert Network Is Finalist in National Excellence Competition
The UK Alumni Expert Network is a finalist in the University Economic Development Association's (UEDA) 2009 Awards of Excellence Competition. As a finalist, UK will present the Alumni Expert Network program to attendees of the UEDA's annual summit on higher education and economic development this October in San Antonio, Texas. This is the first time the University of Kentucky has been recognized by the UEDA. The UK Alumni Expert Network connects tens of thousands of Kentucky small businesses with alumni who have expertise in hundreds of areas from business

operations to new product development. It is a partnership between the UK Office for Commercialization & Economic Development and the UK Alumni Association.
22. Architecture, Physical Therapy Students Prepare Wethington Walking Path
Students from two distinct disciplines - Architecture and Physical Therapy -recently joined forces to promote art and health on the campus of the University of Kentucky. The two groups worked together to create an artistic and functional walking path in the Charles T. Wethington, Jr. Building. Deborah Kelly, Physical Therapy associate professor, initiated the project because she wanted to develop an environment on campus that promotes exercise and healthy lifestyles on campus. The Wethington Building, which is home to the physical therapy program, housed the perfect space for a walkway in its basement. Kelly partnered with her husband on the project, Bob Kelly, an architecture instructor in UK's College of Design, and students from both the design and physical therapy programs. Together the group transformed the hallway into an enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing place to walk.
23. Small Business Center Launches Web Site to Help Businesses Find Resources
The Kentucky Small Business Development Center (KSBDC) recently launched www.kybizinfo.com, an innovative resource navigator and interactive tool for small businesses, including pre-venture, startup, emerging, and existing businesses. The site's easy-to-use resource navigator connects small businesses with a network of nonprofit organizations across Kentucky that provides business building services and programs. Additionally, www.lcybizinfo.com offers a statewide calendar of small business events and seminars; articles, publications, and templates contributed by resource partners; a discussion forum for entrepreneurs; and a blog that keeps small business owners updated on important issues.
24. UK Chandler Hospital Honors Helicopter Crew Who Died 10 Years Ago
The UK Chandler Hospital held a memorial service on June 30 to honor the air-medical crew who lost their lives on duty 10 years ago. Flight paramedic Brian Harden, flight nurse Sheila Zellers, and pilots Ernest Jones, Jr. and Donald Greene lost their lives while responding to a call in the rural mountainside of Breathitt County on June 14, 1999. Following a memorial service in the hospital auditorium, a tree was planted in the Japanese Garden outside the north lobby in honor of the fallen crew.
25. UK College of Law Inducts Two into Hall of Fame
The UK College of Law and the Law Alumni Association inducted Marilyn S. Daniel and Harry B. Miller, Jr., both of Lexington, into the college's Hall of Fame on June 10 at an alumni reception in conjunction with the Kentucky Bar Association Convention in Covington. Daniel has been practicing law in the Lexington area for 32 years following a 10-year career as a secondary mathematics teacher in Kentucky and

New Jersey. Miller has been a senior partner of Miller, Griffin & Marks, PSC for more than 60 years.
26. Student Awards and Achievements
Bev Harp, Social Work graduate student, received the UK Human Development Institute's annual Paul Kevin Burberry Award. Harp was recognized for her achievements on behalf of developmentally challenged individuals, her advocacy, and her commitment to the field of disabilities. The Paul Kevin Burberry Award is named in honor of Kevin Burberry, an institute consultant who had cerebral palsy from birth. Burberry earned a bachelor's degree in philosophy from the UK College of Arts and Sciences, graduating magna cum laude after 10 years of effort. Burberry died Sept. 11, 2003.
27. Faculty and Staff Awards and Achievements
Rodney Andrews, Center for Applied Energy Research, presented an invited seminar at Carnegie Mellon University's Electricity Industry Center on the impacts of carbon capture on the electricity industry.
William Andrews, Kentucky Geological Survey, Geologic Mapping Section Head, has been named Geologist of the Year by the Kentucky Section of the American Institute of Professional Geologists. He was nominated for the award by Morehead State University Geosciences Professor Charlie Mason, KGS Director Jim Cobb, and other KGS staff.
Dibakar Bhattacharyya, Chemical and Materials Engineering and Center of Membrane Sciences, received the 2009 Gerhold Award given by the Separations Division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Melton Bryant, College of Agriculture Division of Regulatory Services, received a Distinguished Service Award from the Association of American Feed Control Officials for assembling the photographic portion of the 100-year history of the organization.
James Cobb, Kentucky Geological Survey, has been voted president of the Association of American State Geologists (AASG) by his peers. Cobb, who has been state geologist for a decade, served as AASG vice president for the past year. His term as president runs from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. The AASG is an association of the state geologists of the 50 states and Puerto Rico, representing 2,000 geologists and staff members of the state geological surveys.
Joseph Chappell, Plant and Soil Sciences, received a $301,308 grant from Sapphire Energy Inc. for "Engineering Novel Triterpene Metabolism in Plants and Evolving New Catalytic Specificities within Triterpene Synthase Scaffolds."
Glenn Collins, Plant Pathology, received the Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society for In Vitro Biology in June 2009.
Meagan Davis, College of Agriculture Division of Regulatory Services, received a Distinguished Service Award from the Association of American Feed Control Officials for reorganizing and successfully conducting the Feed Administrators Seminar for the last two years. Davis was also elected to the organization's six member Board of Directors.

Seth DeBolt Horticulture, received a three-year $300,000 grant from the National Science Foundation Integrated Organismal Systems unit for a study using chemical genetics to understand cell wall sensing and advanced molecular resources. He is also the sub-PI for plant biosynthesis on a National Science Foundation, Energy Frontier Research Initiative, University of Kentucky, and Center for Applied Energy Research grant for $1,984,341.
Michael R. Dobbs, Neurology, has written a new textbook on the subject of neurotoxicology. The 720-page book, Clinical Neurotoxicology, offers accurate, relevant, and comprehensive coverage of a field that has grown tremendously in the last 20 years. It includes a current symptomatic approach to treating disorders caused