xt7dnc5s8022 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dnc5s8022/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1893-01-may30. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1893-01-may30. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1893-01-may30. 1893 1893-01-may30. 2011 true xt7dnc5s8022 section xt7dnc5s8022 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,July 26, 1892 - page 107-108

Ordered that Mrs. Blackblrns salary be increased to $750
& Miss Hodges to ;45 per month beginning with the ensuing
college year. Ordered that Mr. Curtis salary be increased
to $1250 per annum beginning with the ensuing college year.
Moved and adopted that a committee be appointed to visit
the college buildings, dances & etc. at their discretion.
Ordered that W. S. Page be appointed as assistant in the Dept.
of Civil Engineering at a salary of $150 per annum. Moved
that the President be relieved of instruction in all branches
of studies except History. On the above committee Messrs.
Davis, James and Johnston were appointed. Adjourned.

Hart Gibson               W. B. Kinkead, Ch. Ex. Com.

                         May 30th, 1893

     The Board of Trustees met on Tuesday May 30th, 1893.

Present                  Judge W. B. Kinkead
                         Gen. Buell
                         D. H. James
                         Dr. R. J. Spurr
                         R. A. Spurr
                         P. P. Johnston
                         W. L. Davis
                         Hart Gibson

     The Reports of Col. Clay, Profs. Mathews & Helveti
which had not been handed in & forwarded were received
and ordered filed. The Presidents report on the subject
of Physics was referred to a special committee consisting
of Messrs. Dr. Spurr & Bird. A committee was appointed also
upon that part of the Presidents Report touching Salaries.
The remainder of the Report was also referred to a Committee,
Gen. Buell, P. P. Johnston & R. A. Spurr. A committee con-
sisting of Messrs. James & Davis was appointed to examine
the Reports of the Business Agent & Treasurer. The
President presented the following candidates for degrees
which were authorized to be conferred. A committee consist-
ing of Messrs. Johnston, James & Davis, be appointed to


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, July 26,1892 -page 108-109

report what regulations of the college are now in force
& to recommend such as they may deem desirable. On motion
Pres. Patterson was added to the committee and the same
committee was appointed on nominations. Subsequently the
Presidents name was omitted.

     Adjourned until 10 A. M. Wed.

Hart Gibson
  Sec'y.                   W. B. Kinkead, Ch. B of Ty.

                         May 31, 1893

     The Board of Trustees met at 10 A. M. at the College.

Present                  W. B. Kinkead
                         Dr. R. J. Spurr
                         R. A. Spurr
                         D. H. James
                         W. L. Davis
                         Phil. Bird
                         Hart Gibson

     Moved by Dr. Spurr that Dr. Pryor select the rooms in
the Dormitories to be used in case of necessity as an
Hospital. The application of Profs. Shackleford, White
& Miller was referred to the Committee on Salaries. Dr.
Spurr reported from the Committee on Physics, the inability
of the Committee to agree & were accordingly discharged.
The resignation of Judge Ireland was presented and accepted
& Mr. Jm. Hagan was elected in his place. The Committee
on nominations reported Maj. Bullock for Treasurer who was
elected & the following Executive Committee, Judge W. B.
Kinkead, Br. R. J. Spurr & Hart Gibson from the Co. of
Fayette & Gen. Buell & Mr. Davis, Mr. J. G. White was
elected Business Agent. The salary of Business Agent was
continued as at present and the salaries of Sec'y. &
Treasurer was left as at present. On motion the proposition
to establish a chair of Physics was rejected. Ordered
that the sum of $1500 be appropriated to the Department
of Physics. That the sum of $2500 is appropriated for
the Veterinary Dept. The following schedule of
appropriations was adopted. Viz:


Missing report(s)