xt7dnc5s801g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dnc5s801g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1971-09-sep21. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1971-09-sep21. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1971-09-sep21. 1971 1971-09-sep21. 2011 true xt7dnc5s801g section xt7dnc5s801g 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky. Tuesday, September 21, 1971

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in statutorv
session at 2:00 o'clock (Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday, September 21. 1971
in Room E on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the University
campus xith the following members present: Governor Louie B. NU11n, Mr. Jesse
NI. Alverson. Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mrs. Robert 0.
Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. George W. Griffin, Dr. N. N. Ni holas. Mr.
James H. Pence, Mr. Floyd H. Wright, non-voting faculty members Professors
Paul G. Sears and Paul Oberst, and non-voting faculty member Mr. Scott
Wendelsdorf. Absent from the meeting were Mr. Wendell P. Butler, former
Governor Albert B. Chandler, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. J. Robert Miller,
and Mr. Eugene Goss. The University administration was represented at the
meeting by: President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents Alvin L. Morris,
Lewis W. Cochran, A. D. Albright, Robert G. Zumwinkle, Stanley Wall, Peter
P. Bosomwvorth and Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr.; Dr. Donald B. Clapp, Director of
the Budget: and Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel. Representatives of the various
news media were in attendance.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Governor Nunn called the meeting to order at 2:00 p. m. Following the
invocation pronounced by Mr. Clay, the Secretary reported a quorum present and
the meeting was declared officially open for the conduct of business at 2:03 p. In.

       B. Oath of Office Administered to Professor Paul Oberst

       Governor Nunn administered the oath of office to Professor Paul Oberst,
the recently elected non-voting faculty member of the Board, who was atte nding
his first meeting as a member of the Board. Professor Oberst's term of office
is from July 1, 1971 through June 30, 1974.

       C. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Mr. Alverson. and passed, the
reading of the Minutes of the June 8, 1971 and August 17, 1971 meetings of the
Executive Committee and the June 22, 1971 Special Meeting of the Board of
Trustees weas dispensed with and the Minutes wvere approved as published.

      D. Mrs. Blazer Elected Secretary of the Board

      Governor Nunn explained that due to illness during the sunmmer. Mlrs.
Blazer had resigned as Secretary and Mlr. Lawrence E. Forgye Jr. had heen


elected Secretary. Mr. Forgy has submitted his resignation and nominations
were called for for a new Secretary.

       Dr. Nicholas nominated Mrs. Blazer and his nomination was seconded
by Dr. Sears. Mr. Clay moved that the nominations be closed and that Mrs.
Blazer be elected by acclamation. Mr. Clay's motion was seconded by
Professor Oberst, and with all present voting "aye", Lucile T. Blazer (Mrs.
Rexford S. ) was elected Secretary of the Board of Trustees, effecti% e immedi-
ate ly.

       E. President's Report to the Trustees

       President Singletary called attention to the enrollment report which was
the first item in his Report to the Trustees and recommended that the rest of the
report be accepted unless members of the Board had questions which they would
like to ask.

       There being no questions, without dissent Governor Nunn accepted the
report and ordered it filed.

       F. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       President Singletary explained that the items in PR 2, Recommendations of
the President, were routine in nature and recommended its approval. Governor
Nunn questioned the financial implications of the recommendation to establish an
Institute for Mining and Minerals Research. At President Singletary's request,
Dr. Cochran responded that there would be no General Fund support provided for
this Institute and that an Acting Director would be appointed from present re-
sources. The establishment of the Institute will enable the University to accept
any support which comes available for research in this area from the federal and/
or state governments.

       There being no further questions, on motion by Mr. Clay. seconded by
Dr. Nicholas, and passed unanimously, PR 2, Recommendations of the President,
was approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the
September 21 meeting of the Board of Trustees. (See PR 2 at the end of the
Minutes. )

       G. Appointment of Dr. Thomas P. Lewis as Dean of the
College of Law (PR 4a)

       President Singletary said it gave him much pleasure to recommend the ap-
pointment of Dr. Thomas P. Lewis, Professor of Law at the University of
Minnesota and a former professor in the College of Law at the University of



Kentucky. as Dean of the College of Law. He explained that Dr. Lewis would
assume his duties on or before July 1. 1972. A native of Ashland, Kentucky.
Dr. Lewis was the unanimous choice of the Search Committee as well as the
University administration. President Singletary continued that Dr. Lewis was
expected momentarily at the meeting and he would like to introduce himI to the
Board upon his arrival.

       On motion by Mrs. Clark. seconded by Mr. Alverson, and with all
members voting "ave". Dr. Thomas P. Lewis was named Dean of the College
of Law and Professor of Law (with tenure), effective no later than July 1, 1972.
(See PR 4a at the end of the Minutes. )

       H. Appointment of Dr. Wimberly C. Royster as Dean of the Graduate
School and Coordinator of Research (PR 4b)

       Before making the recommendation of the new Dean of the Graduate
School and Coordinator of Research, President Singletary expressed his thanks
and appreciation to Dr. William H. Dennen. who served as Acting Dean during
the 1970-71 academic year and will continue to serve in this capacity during the
1971-72 year, for his willingness to undertake the assignment and for the excel-
lent manner in which he has discharged the responsibilities of the position. He
then recommended that Dr. Wimberly C. Royster, presently Dean of the College
of Arts and Sciences, be named Dean of the Graduate School and Coordinator of
Research. effective July 1, 1972. Dean Royster has served ably as Dean of the
College of Arts and Sciences and will fulfill the role of Graduate Dean effectively
and well. Dean Royster, being present at the meeting, was introduced and his
presence wvas acknowledged with a round of applause.

       On motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Dr. Sears, and passed without dis-
sent, Dean Wimberly C. Royster's appointment as Dean of the Graduate School
and Coordinator of Research was approved, effective July 1, 1972. (See PR 4b
at the end of the Minutes. )

       I. Revised Governing Regulations Approved (PR 5)

       The revised Governing Regulations having lain on the table for the re-
quired month prior to adoption, President Singletary recommended that they
be adopted as the official Governing Regulations of the University, effective

       Mr. Alverson moved adoption of the Governing Regulations dated
September 1971. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Blazer. Professor Sears
moved that prior to adoption the following correction be made in Part VII, B, 6:
Remove the first two brackets in (1) so that it would read "faculty members need
not be consulted on recommendations for promotion affecting members with
equivalent or higher rank, except that all faculty members with tenure shall be
consulted on recommendations for granting of tenure;". Mr. Alverson and Mrs.
Blazer indicated their uwillingness to amend the original motion to include the



correction noted by Dr. Sears. The amended motion was put to the vote and all
present voted "aye". (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.

       J. Calendar for Board Meetings Amended (PR 6)

       President Singletary said he wished to amend his recommendation in PR 6
relative to the calendar for meetings of the Board for the remainder of the 1971-72
year to make all meetings from September through May full Board meetings with
the meeting in June to be a meeting of the Executive Committee unless a meeting
of the full Board should be necessary. With this change he recommended approval
of PR 6. Dr. Sears so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Pence and passed
with all present voting 'aye'. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.

       K. Proposal for Faculty Salary Supplemental Compensation Under the
Dentists' Services Plan (PR 7)

       Upon recommendation of the Medical Center Committee, on motion by Mrs.
Blazer, seconded by Dr. Nicholas, and passed, a supplemental compensation
provision within the Dentists' Services Plan was adopted. The plan as adopted is
included as a part of PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.

       L. Approval of August 1971 Degree Candidates (PR 8)

       On motion by Mr. Alverson, seconded by Mrs. Clark, and passed. the
President was authorized to confer upon each individual whose name appears on
the list attached to PR 8 the degree to which he is entitled. (See PR 8 at the end
of the Minutes. )

       M. Finance Committee Reports Approved (FCRs 1, 2, and 3)

       Mr. Griffin, Chairman of the Finance Committee, indicated that all the
Finance Committee Reports were routine in nature and moved approval of the

       FCR I Authorization for Payment of the Construction Cost of
               Substitute Facilities Resulting from Euclid Avenue
               Classroom Building Fire

      FCR 2 Authorization for Payment of the Construction Cost of
               Substitute Facilities Resulting from Social Sciences
               Building Fire

      FCR 3   Acceptance of Summary Audit Report for the University
               of Kentucky for 1970-71



       Mr. Griffin's motion was seconded by Dr. Nichol.as and passed without
dissent. (See FCRs 1, 2, and 3 at the end of the Minutes.

       N. Bvlaws of Medical Staff, University Hospital Adopted (MICC 1)

       Mtrs. Blazer. serving as Acting Chairmnan of the Medical Center Conmm1nittee
in the absence of Governor Chandler, said that the proposed Bylaws of the Medical
Staff, University Hospital. had been reviewed by the committee ard the commniittee
recommended the adoption of the Bylaws which were a part of MCC 1. M0r. Clay
so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and passed. (See MCC 1 at
the end of the Minutes. )

       0. Resolution Presented by Mr. Wendelsdorf

       Mr. Wendelsdorf was called upon by Governor Nunn to present the reso-
lution which he had submitted to the Board members as a part of the materials
mailed in advance of the meeting.

       In view of the fact that the Board members had already had a chance to read
the resolution, Mr. Wendelsdorf requested permission to not read the resolution
but to address the Board in support of it. Pernmission having been granted, Mr.
Wendelsdorf read a prepared statement, the complete text of which appears at the
end of the Minutes attached to the copy of the resolution. At the completion of his
remarks, he moved that the resolution be adopted. His notion died for lack of a

       Governor Nunn said that even though Mr. Wendelsdorf's motion did not
receive a second, he would like to respond to his remarks. He reminded those
present that he had sponsored the legislation which placed a student membnenLr on
the Board because he believed strongly in the value of student input into the de-
liberations of the Board of Trustees.

       With particular reference to Mr. Wendelsdorf's resolution which called for
the Chairman of the Board to appoint a new Student Code Comnmittee conmposed of
Mr. Wendelsdorf as chairman, Mr. Bell, Mr. Goss, and Professor Oberst,
Governor Nunn said that he had comnplete confidence in the present committee and
that he wished Mr. Griffin to remain its chairman. He pointed out that Mr. Bell
and Mr. Goss were on the committee already and that Dr. Sears represented the
faculty on this committee. He agreed that the committee should have student
representation and appointed Mr. Wendelsdorf to the committee, thus enlargings
it from five to six members. He urged Mr. Griffin to call a meeting as soon as
feasible and invited the students to send their recommendations to the Board
through their representative or through the comrmittee. He expressed the wish
that the committee make every effort to bring its recommendations for the 1972
revisions to the Board earlier than it has been possible to do so in the past.



       Responding to Mr. Wendelsdorf's charge that the Student Code w.vas un-
constitutional, Governor Nunn offered to join Mr. Wendelsdorf in a court action
when his tern-i of office ended if Mr. Wendelsdorf could find legal prececdent to
establish this.

       P. Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further
by Dr. Nicholas, seconded by
at 2:40 p. in.

business to come before the meeting,. On motion
Mr. Alverson, and passed. the rneeting adjourned

                                              Respectfully submitted.

                                              Lucile T. Blazer
                                              Secretary, Board of Trustees

(PRs 2, 4a, 4b, 5, 6, 7, and 8; FCRs 1, 2, and 3; MCC I and the resolution and
attached materials submitted by Mr. Wendelsdorf which folloNv are official parts
of the Minutes of the meeting. )



                       September 21, 1971


     Enrollment for the fall semester on the Lexington campus is
19,434 (including Lexington Technical Institute students working
toward a baccalaureate degree), an increase of 10 per cent, or 1,766
over the number of students enrolled a year ago (17,668, fall 1970);
6,164 are new students, 13,270 are returnees. Dr. Elbert Ockerman,
dean of admissions and registrar, said there are 15,646 undergraduate,
2,695 graduate, and 1,093 professional students.

     The greatest increase (16.5 per cent) in new students is in the
professional colleges. The Medical Center reports enrollment in its
five colleges has exceeded all past records. The College of Medicine
has enrolled 100 in its fall class, including 94 Kentuckians and six
out-of-state students. For the first time, the college has accepted
as special students two enrollees who have only two years' under-
graduate study. There are 131 freshmen inthe College of Nursing.
There are 450 in the College of Allied Health Professions. The
freshman class of the College of Dentistry has 57 students, largest
in the college's history. The total number of dental students now
is 212. The College of Pharmacy has the largest sophomore class
(96) in several years, bringing the college enrollment to 235 who
are working toward the ES degree. There are 24 students in the
Doctor of Pharmacy program and 16 are working toward a Ph.D in

     The record number of students on the Lexington campus, explains
Dr. Ockerman, is due to the significant increase in the number of ad-
vanced students returning to the campus. The number of students
transferring from the community colleges (750) to the Lexington campus
is down 200 from last fall, when 950 came to Lexington from the com-
munity colleges. Enrollment in the Graduate School is up 10 per cent,
with the number of students returning to graduate school up nine per
cent over last year. Dr. Ockerman said the senior class is a good
example of the retention increases in the various classes. "In 1965,
the senior class comprised 13 per cent of the total undergraduate
study body. This year the seniors are 24 per cent." With the en-
rollment in the 14 community colleges at 11,244 and 2,800 in the ex-
tension and evening class programs, total enrollment at the Univer-
sity now is 33,192.


     Dr. Richard Lowitt, associate dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences, who also holds the Hallam Professor of History chair at the
University, is at work on the topical majors program, a curriculum in-
novation designed to allow students to tailor their entire study program
to their special needs and interests.


- 2


     The University is one of 132 colleges and universities selected
for a new, computerized program designed to aid seniors and graduate
students in their choice of employment interviews. Known as GRAD II,
the program is being conducted by the College Placement Council. The
132 campuses were recommended by 117 of the country's major employers
in last year's program as the institutions with enrollments and place-
ment programs that lent themselves best to the system. The number of
participating employers is expected to be even greater this year.
Col. James P. Alcorn, director of the University Placement Service,
said the program will provide students "an opportunity to see the
full range of opportunities offered by employers in the program."
Student participation is free and entirely voluntary. Col. Alcorn
said the process already has begun, with the input of employer job
descriptions. The collection of information from students was begun
last week.


     Don Wheeler, general manager of WBKY, the oldest university-owned
FM station in the country, has announced several changes in the sta-
tion's make-up: an earlier sign-on time; authorization for a new trans-
mitter; increased power; new and more experienced personnel; a number
of new programs from National Public Radio (the public broadcasting
network of over 100 stations), and more in-depth news, educational
features, and a tape network. The changes come as WBKY celebrates its
30th anniversary.

     WBKY has moved to a sign-on time of 6:45 a.m., which "makes for
the most complete radio morning news coverage in Central Kentucky,"
Wheeler said. New personalities at the station include Reynolds Large,
who will serve as program director; Barbara Evans, who will handle
promotion, continuity and traffic, and John Polk, a former student,
who will have executive producer responsibilities for news presenta-

     Authorization for a power of fifty thousand watts and a new
transmitter has been underwritten by a facilities grant from the De-
partment of Health, Education and Welfare. The new transmitter will
be located at Clay's Ferry, with the increased power expected to be-
come operational about November 1. With the power boost, WBKY will
increase its radius of listenership from the present 12 miles to 35
miles, thus encompassing most of the 15-county Central Kentucky area.
Wheeler said he expects that in the near future the station will sup-
plement classroom instruction in public schools in the 15 counties
with science andmusic appreciation programs in the 9 to 10 a.m. period.
The station services 20 or more commercial stations with a tape network
that features educational as well as musical formats. In the planning
stage is a special election network for the November election, which
will serve any commercial station in the state that expresses a desire
for the service. WBKY was commended in 1968 by the Kentucky Broad-
casters Association for its use of computer-assisted predictions of
the outcome of the presidential race in Kentucky,


- 3


     Dean Joseph V. Swintosky of the College of Pharmacy says
"the College centennial (celebrated this year) has given us
not only an opportunity to celebrate our past accomplishments,
it has helped focus on future planning. The college, its faculty
and students are evaluating new concepts of improved health care
delivery, and are working on innovative methods of providing
pharmaceutical services, including the team concept of health
care service." The college was established in 1870, in Louis-
ville, with eight students attending evening classes. Since
then, the number of students has grown immensely and now the
college has over 2500 alumni.

     In 1947 the college became a division of the University.
Located in Louisville since its founding, the college moved to
its new facilities here in 1957. Administratively, it became a
part of the Albert B. Chandler Medical Center in 1966. By 1932,
the college offered a four-year program, and in 1958 a five-year
curriculum was instituted. Pharmacy students presently have the
option of working toward a bachelor of science degree, a master's
degree, or a professional doctor of pharmacy degree. The college
awarded its first Ph.D in pharmacy' this year. In 1969, an intern-
ship and residence program was developed in the University Hospital
Pharmacy. The college also operates the Drug Information Center,
which supplies to pharmacists, physicians, and other health practi-
tioners throughout the state information concerning durgs and pro-
ducts and their possible effects. The center has become parti-
cularly important in accidental poisoning cases. The college had
15 faculty members at the time it joined the University system.
With the increase in the number of students and the courses offer-
ed, the faculty has grown to 32, plus ten voluntary faculty
members. Since this is the only college of pharmacy in the state,
it primarily is responsible for meeting the demand for pharmacists
throughout the state.


     College students today are more highly motivated to get an
education than students 10 or 15 years ago, believes Dr. Leslie L.
Martin, professor of higher education. "The student body of today
is more critical, he also feels more secure in raising touchy
questions and is more sensitive to interpersonal relationships."
Dr. Martin says the major goals which the student has always set
for himself historically are vocational competence and economic
proficiency. "But now there is an added dimension to these goals,
in that they now are a means to a greater objective--a certain
life style. Today's students do not want to be vocationally pro-
ficient, just to move up the professional ladder, but rather as a
means to support a life style which is broader than the career
component--a life style in which they can find fulfillment in


- 4 -


     The freshman class of 1970-71 came to the Lexington campus
from all but 13 of the state's 120 counties. Ten high schools,
all in Louisville and Lexington, contributed over a fourth of
them, or 893, and only 447 of the freshmen were from other states,
but they came from 33 different states. The number of freshmen
last year was 3101. A report, "Freshman Profile," published by
the Office of Admissions and Registrar, also provides such sta-
tistical information as:

     --More than 70 members of the class were National Merit
finalists, simi-finalists or commended students. Eight has a
4.0 or perfect grade-point standing for their first semester
here, and 41 had better than a 3.0 average.

     --Students who receive credit for a particular course on the
basis of Advanced Placement Test results may use this credit just
as if they had taken the course at the University. In 1970, the
University received 83 such AP exams for 11 different disciplines,
and better than half of these students received some college place-
ment or credit.

     The distribution by Kentucky high schools reveals that five
Jefferson county schools sent 336 of their graduates as freshmen,
although 784 of the students listed Jefferson as their home: West-
port, 100; Waggener, 77; St. Xavier, 59; Sacred Heart, 55, and
Atherton, 45. Fayette county was listed as the home of 542 of the
new students, with 457 of them graduates of five Fayette high
schools: Lafayette, 170; Tates Creek, 158; Henry Clay, 93; Bryan
Station, 85, and Lexington Catholic, 51. Other Kentucky counties
with more than 50 students in the class were Kenton, with 100,
Campbell, 72, and Daviess, 79. Hardin had 47, Hopkins, 30, Clark,
32, and Franklin, 40. Counties with only one member each enrolled
in the class were Clinton, Edmonson, Knott, Leslie, McCreary, Mon-
roe, Nicholas, Robertson, Rowan and Todd. Most out-of-state
freshmen came from near-by states: Ohio, 154; Tennessee, 19; Vir-
ginia, 16; West Virginia, 23; Illinois, 52, and Indiana, 22.
Pennsylvania contributed 28, New Jersey, 29, and New York, 28.
Five were from foreign countries: Switzerland, two, Thailand, two,
and Indonesia, one. The two latter countries have hosted University
training facilities. Dean Elbert Ockerman said that while the
statistics were for the 1970-71 freshman class, they were not ex-
pected to vary significantly for the 1971 freshman class.


     A memorial scholarship worth $500 a year has been established
at the University in honor of the late Cynthia Hales Gladden, a
University alumna and wife of Dr. James W. Gladden, sociology pro-
fessor. About $2000 has been secured toward the $10,000 projected
goal, which will be deposited with the University as part of its
permanent endowment. The investment proceeds will furnish the
scholarship for a deserving girl from a low-income family who could
not otherwise obtain a college education. Selection of the first
scholarship recipient is scheduled for the 1972-73 academic year.




     Patricia Barnstable, cheerleader for the Wildcats and a native
of Louisville, has been given the National Achievement Award as
"National College Queen of the Year," for 1971-72. The designation,
awarded annually by a national panel, recognizes the outstanding
collegiate queen in the nation. Miss Barnstable competed with over
15,000 other college queens for the title. National finalists were
judged on the basis of overall achievement and excellence in all
phases of participation. Criteria included breadth and quality of
achievement, scholarship, leadership, and service to both college
and community. Also used in the evaluations were letters of re-
commendation, personal interviews, and biographies submitted by all
finalists. Miss Barnstable represented Kentucky earlier this year
in the Miss U.S.A. Pageant and was runner-up to Miss U.S.A.   Her
previous titles include Miss Teenage Louisville, Miss America Am-
vet, and Miss Poplar Level. She has been designated National Cheer-
leader by the National Cheerleading Association. A 1969 honor
graduate of Louisville's Seneca High School, Miss Barnstable is a
junior speech and English major, and she has continued her honor
grades. She was tapped by Cwens, national women's honorary scholar-
ship and leadership society, and Angel Flight, Air Force ROTC re-
cognition auxiliary for college women. She is a representative on
the Panhellenic Council and Student Athletic Committee, and is
cheerleader captain. The blue-eyed blond is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Barnstable. Her identical twin sister, Pristcilla,
is equally accomplished on campus. Their father is a former Univer-
sity basketball star.


     Betty Morton, a student at Bryan Station High School, did re-
search this summer in University chemistry laboratories as one of
80 high school students chosen to participate in Catalyst, a pro-
gram sponsored by the American Chemical Society to help motivate
young people from disadvantaged families and to give them an in-
centive to continue their education at the college level. Miss
Morton worked under the direction of Dr. Stanford L. Smith on a re-
search project titled "NMR Studies of Aromatic Heterocycles." Now
in its fourth year, the program brings promising high school stu-
dents, principally juniors, into university chemistry laboratories
where they work for ten weeks on a one-to-one basis with professional
scientists. The work they do is aimed at expanding their general
knowledge of the scientific environment.


     Five scholarships have been awarded to journalism students at
the University by the Kentucky Press Association Journalism Founda-
tion. Timothy Edward Ballard, Bardstown, freshman, will receive a
$100 scholarshp from KPA plus $100 from the Kentucky Standard, Bards-
town. Other students receiving scholarships were Ronald Mitchell,
Lexington; Susan N. McGree, Mayfield; William Byron West, Owensboro,
and Karen Vogt, Jeffersonville, Ind.   The foundation provides the
scholarships through funds donated by KPA member newspapers.


- 6 -


     Jefferson and Elizabethtown Community Colleges and Lexington
Technical Institute are among 25 community colleges across the
nation selected to participate in the Kellogg Consortium for Com-
munity Service Development, a sigment of the Kellogg Community
Services Leadership Program of Michigan State University. Goal
of the consortium is to encourage and assist community colleges
in launching new community service programs. Coordinators of Com-
munity Services are Dale Chapman, Jefferson, Ed Morgan, Elizabeth-
town, and Ben Averitt, Lexington Technical Institute. They recently
participated in phase one of the consortium, a two-week workshop at
Michigan State.

     Paducah Community College will receive grant funds for students
in its Law Enforcement program. The college will institute a com-
plete two-year program this year, offering the Law Enforcement
courses previously given in conjunction with Eastern State University.


     The University of Kentucky Research Foundation has completed 25
years' service to the University and the Commonwealth. In its annual
report, the Foundation notes that last year it realized more than
$14.5 million in income, with an excess of revenues over expenditures
of $74,000. Chartered as a private, nonprofit corporation through
which funds may be received, invested and expended in the interests
of certain legitimate activities of the University, the Foundation
solicits and administers contracts, grants, and gifts originating
from extramural sources. The Foundation promotes research projects
in which Kentucky's industrial and agricultural interests may co-
operate with the University in increasing the state's economic re-
sources as rapidly as possible. The annual report also notes, in a
section labeled "Purpose," that "careful study has shown that many
high school graduates of the state who rank in the upper fourth of
their graduating classes are unable to attend college because of low
family income. In no service can a person find greater satisfaction
than in aiding one of these finest of Kentucky's youth to fiulfill
his potential." An opportunity to assist in the promotion of crea-
tive scholarship as well as research and public service is provided
by the Foundation to alumni and friends of the University. It is
contended that since every state university has demands made upon it
for which public funds are not provided, "it is essential that an
institution such as the University supplement its income from public
sources with income from its alumni and friends." The foundation
continues to support graduate fellowships and freshman fellowships
from general fund income.

     Patent searches were authorized last year on four inventions by
members of the faculty, and liaison with several governmental com-
mittees and agencies was maintained and enhanced. The College of
Medicine received the largest number of awards during the year: more
than $3.6 million. Second was the College of Arts and Sciences, with
$1.6 million, followed by College of Education researchers with $1.3
million. The largest awards-granting agency to UKRF was the Public
Health Service, channeling $5.9 million through the local agency
in health-allied fields. Second was the U.S. Office of Education,
with $1.2 million, and third, the National Science Foundation, with
$1 million.


- 7 -


     The Alumni As