xt7djh3d2c05 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7djh3d2c05/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-12-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 2007 2007 2007-12-06 2020 true xt7djh3d2c05 section xt7djh3d2c05 Cat Country



Having won three straight in Nashville, the UK football team
is excited about returning to the Music City

Sports, page 8


IIII —\’SI)\\






Protesters invited to speak at board meeting

_By Katie Salt:

ksaltz©kykernel com

The protesters from Tuesday‘s sit-in
who have demanded a halt on the log-
ging of Robinson Forest were invited
yesterday to appear at a Board of
Trustees joint committee session on

Garrett Graddy. a geography gradu-
ate student and teaching assistant. was
at the sit-in and received an e-mail
from UK President Lee Todd's office
inviting her and the rest of the group to
speak to the members of the board‘s
Student Affairs Committee and Univer-
sity Relations Committee.

The e-mail from Douglas Boyd.
chief of staff for Todd. read. "I hope
you will accept this invitation from
President Todd and Board Chair (Mira)
Ball to appear before a Board joint
committee session on Monday. Decem-
ber 10th at 4:00 pm. in the Board
Room of the Patterson Office Tower."

Boyd said he could not confirm if
Todd or Ball would be at the meeting.

“All board members are invited to
all committee meetings — not all board
members go to all committee meetings.
but we try to schedule them so every-
one can be there." Boyd said. “If Presi-
dent Todd can arrange to be there. I‘m
sure he will be."

Greenthumb co-coordinator Taylor
Shelton said this meeting will give the
group an idea of where it stands in its
attempts to stop the logging.

"We've been invited to a meeting.
so the sit-in worked to some degree."
said Shelton. a geography and political
science junior. "We're going to try to
keep it a small group and present our
case in a succinct manner.“

Boyd declined to comment on if the
invitation was a result of the sit-in.

Jeff Dembo. one of the elected fac-
ulty representatives on the Board of
Trustees. sits on both committees that
are meeting on Monday. Dembo said he
did not anticipate much would change

unless new information is presented to
the board.

"It would be nice for the board to
indicate that they're willing to listen to
student input." Dembo said. “but I'm
not sure there will be any new infonna-
tion presented.“

Graddy said the activists' goal at the
meeting would be to get the board to halt
all logging activity in Robinson Forest.

“We‘re aiming to convince the
board that the opposition (to the log-
ging) is so great that they rescind their
approval." she said.

In 2004. the board unanimously ap-
proved a plan that would allow logging
in Robinson Forest. university—owned

property in Eastern Kentucky. The sub-
ject of Tuesday‘s sit-in is a forestry re-
search project that would log about 800
acres of the 15.000-acre forest to study
the effect of logging on streams.

The logging is just one of the topics
that the group hopes to discuss at Mon-
day's meeting. Graddy said. At Tues-
day's sit-in. the group gave a list of
questions to Boyd. who said he would
pass them along to Todd and the board
members. Graddy said the group will
be calling today to see if Todd or the
board has any answers for them yet.






Animal science freshman Wade King, bottom left, and biology sophomore Derek Straney, bottom right, study for their Chemistry lO7f1nal last night in the W. T. Young Library

Meyer, a first-
year English doc- ‘
toral student, 3 '
gathers books in ‘ .
the WT. Young Li- , _
brary last night ,
fora research pa- .
per on novelist 3
Virginia Woolf.


Library a haven
for study crunch

As finals week approaches. many students
are hitting the books in hopes of aeing their
last exams of the semester. Many studean
are using the \Vfl‘. Young Library this week
for research resources or crunch-time study


The library is currently open 24 hours but
will close Friday at midnight Ihe library
will reopen on Saturday at 8 a. m. and will
close at midnight. It \\ ill then open Sunday
at noon for studying during finals week and
stay open until Dec. 14 at 5 pm.

Students to share religious perspectives at panel

81 Josey Montana McCoy


Diversity Dialogues is shifting
away from race for tonight‘s pro-
gram and focusing instead on a dif‘
ference among students that is not as

Tonight's panel. “Religious Diver-
sity." will cover topics such as gender
and religion. religious dialogue within
the community and stereotypes about
religions from Catholic. Church of
Christ. Jewish and Muslim perspec-
tives. It will be in room 230 of the
Student Center at 7.

One student from each of those
religious communities will represent

his or her faith.

The panelists will describe their
religious perspectives. said panel
moderator Mehmet Saracoglu. a min-
ing engineering doctoral student and
president of UK's Interfaith Dialogue

“We can talk about similarities
and we can talk about the differences.
but what we must talk about is how
we can live together in a diverse com-
munity at UK." he said.

A 15-minute question-and-answer
session will follow the description of
each religion.

It is important to recognize faith
and religion as cultural differences at
UK. said Mahjabeen Rafiuddin. the


D Q.

director of UK student diversity err-
gagement. especially because diversi-
ty issues on campus are usually
thought of as black and white.

“While we do acknowledge
(racial diversity) and have that. we
also want to add to that other diversity
issues to get out of that mentality."
she said.

Corey Kline. a political science
senior who will represent Judaism at
the forum. said she has been to other
diversity dialogues at UK and hopes
this dialogue goes over just as well as
others have.

“We‘ve come a long way as far as
tolerance for other religions in the
United States.“ Kline said. “But there

are still many ideas and opinions to be
heard. I think it‘s a good opportunity
to do that and a good setting."

Faculty members should encour-
age students to go to diversity dia-
logues so they can bring information
fmm the dialogues into the classroom.
Rafiuddin said.

“Students can apply the knowl-
edge from diversity dialogues to the
books." she said. “That‘s the goal."

Diversity Dialogues will continue
next semester in the small ballroom
with discussions on Appalachian cul-
ture. tension between Latinos and
blacks. bi-racial and multiracial experi-
ences. gays and bisexuals. and people
who have disabilities.



to take over
trustee suit

B Jill Luster

On Tuesday. a new governor and a
new attorney general will take office
and take over a case disputing the num-
ber of Republican members on the
boards of trustees at UK and other state

In a conference yesterday. Judge
Phillip Shepherd of Franklin County
Circuit Court said Gov-elect Steve
Beshear. a Democrat. will take over as
the defendant in a case alleging the
boards currently violate portions of
state law requiring the proportion of
Republicans and Democrats on each
public university's governing board to
reflect that of registered voters in the
state. said Ray Mills of the judge's of—

Until general counsel-designate
Ellen Hesen has looked over the case.
Beshear's office is declining to com-
ment. said Vicki Glass. a spokeswoman
for Beshear. Attorney General-elect
lack Conway. a Democrat. could not be
reached for comment by press time.

However. the opinions of both in-
coming officials on the case could be
known as soon as today. said Assistant
Attorney General Pierce Whites.

No new official court action oc-
curred yesterday on the lawsuit, first
filed in August by Attorney General
Greg Stumbo. a Democrat. against Re-
publican Gov. Ernie Fletcher. The most
substantive development in the case
yesterday is that the judge brought up

See Trustees on page 5

SG branches
at odds over
funding for
safe-sex week

31 Kati! Salt!


Members of Student Govemment‘s
legislative and executive branches dis-
agreed over who should fund a safe-
sex-awareness week at last night‘s full
Senate meeting.

A Senate special project sponsored
by Sen. Jackie Colgate requested $350
to fund a sexral-responsibility week to
take place next semester. The organiza-
tion holding the event is the Campus
Outreach Cabinet. which is part of 50‘s
executive branch.

Although some senators said the ex-
ecutive branch should pay for the re-
quest with its own funding instead of
going through the Senate. the request
eventually passed by a l7-l0 margin.

The event. Keep It Safe Sexually. is
a weeklong series in the spring aiming
to educate students and ermge them
to practice safe sex. said cabinet chair
Ryan Mueller.

The project was presented at the last
Appropriations and Revenue Committee
meeting. which was before Thanksgiv-
ing break. According to the legislaion. it
was first tabled. then passed with no rec-
ommendation. A&R Chairman Jesse


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 PAGE 2 1 Thursday, December 6, 2007

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a Horoscopes?

By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day’s rating: 701's the easiest day, 0
the most challenging.

Aries (March 21 - April 19) Today
is a 7 - When you're drawing up
your fantasy plans, don’t worry
about the cost. You can always
make adaptations later, at the reali-
ty part. This could even motivate
you to increase your income.
Taunis (April 20 — May 20) Today
is a 7 — You can love somebody
very much and not agree on every-
thing. Don't let your partner's disap—
proval squelch a good idea. Ac-
knowledge it, but don't give up.
Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 7 — You've got more energy
now, although some seems to be of
the nervous kind. Don't worry, you'll
do an excellent job. Have confi-



dence in your skills.

Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is a 7 —— lt's easier to get your mes-
sages across with your actions, not
words. Don't gamble or make
promises now, odds are not good for
success with risks.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) Today is a 7
— You know, when you think about
it, home and family are your best en—
vironment. Hide from the crowds and
the paparazzi. Soak up the true love.
Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today is
a 7 — Look out for things that are
likely to break or turn out other than
expected. Guard against errors ear-
ly, and save yourself lots of grief.
libra (Sept 23 — Oct. 22) Today is
a 7 _ You don't have to let every-
body in on your little secret. lt's ac-
tually better if you don't show un»
completed work. Give yourself
space to make changes, after you
see what you’ve done.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 — You may have to tell a
roommate or family member that you
can't go along with a crazy scheme.

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To help soften the blow, help this
person find something that works.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21) To-
day is a 7 <— Caution is advised.
Don't make assumptions. Something
new you try won't work. Stick with
the familiar as much as possible.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To—
day is a 7 — There are a couple of
things you've been meaning to say,
Skip the sentimental speech, it isn't
your style anyway. A simple "thank
you" will suffice, since you really
mean it.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To-
day is a 7 — You're being forced to
show that your ideas have real sub-
stance. Prove you're not a hopeless
romantic by providing facts. The
controversy will make you stronger
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) Today
is a 7 — Increase your area of influ-
ence, without really going there. This
can be done with phone calls, email
or in many creative ways. The point
is, you'll be more effective from over
here, and it's cheaper.



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Patrick Dempsey’s real-life fairy tale

'I'I'le| DiSI-l

“He truly is a dream.“ Amy
Adams tells Us of her Enchanted
costar Patrick Dempsey. Perhaps
because of the magic he‘s found
with wife Jillian. 41. Avon‘s
global creative-color director. “I
knew from the moment I saw her
that I had a connection to her i
couldn't quite describe." the
Grey’s Anatomy star. 4]. gushed
in the December Best Life. “I
thought she was absolutely beau—
tiful and had amazing eyes."
Eight years of marriage (and
three kids: daughter Talula. 5.
and twin sons Darby and Sulli-
van. 10 months) later. he hasn‘t
lost any of that bliss. “Marriage
is great!“ he says. “It‘s a euphor-
ic. blissful place." And as lofty
as it seems. his Grey’s pal Justin
Chambers tells Us Dempsey‘s
love is legit: "He is blessed with
a beautiful family. He's a very
happy man.“

Tom & Marcia loving their
family fun!

“It could not be better!"
Marcia Cross gushes to Us of
life with her 9-month—old twin
daughters. Eden and Savannah.
“It‘s fantastic?" Not that anyone
close to the Desperate House-
wives star is surprised that being
a mom suits her. “She‘s very
motherly." says Cross‘ TV
daughter. Joy Lauren. “She is
protective of me and always
says. ‘Make sure your career is—
n't your whole life.” Which is
exactly what the actress. 45. has
done with her hubby of a year.
banker Tom Mahoney. In addi-
tion to playdates at the park with

their girls. a source Close to the
family says the duo still enjoy
couple time. often going antique
shopping. "One is always point—
ing something out to the other.“
says the friend. “They know
each other‘s tastes really well."

Kate & Alex's Hawaiian

“I once went to a balmy is-
land alone. and it was the biggest
mistake ever!" Kate Walsh tells
Us. So this Thanksgiving. the
Private Practice star did it right.
jetting with her hubby of three
months. Alex Young. to Maui.
where. instead of slaving over a
turkey. they cooked up some ro—
mance at the Four Seasons at
Wailea. As soon as they checked
in on November 21. a source
says, the newlyweds began their
R&R regimen: “Every day they
came down to the pool and spent
a few hours laying out. reading.“
Indeed. the most strenuous activ-
ity the actress. 40. and the film
executive. 36. enjoyed was a dai-
ly beach stroll at sunset.
“They‘re a very affectionate cou-
ple," says a witness to one such
half-mile walk. “They kept hug-
ging and kissing!"

Justin on Drew:
'l'm blessed!’

“I've been very fortunate."
Justin Long recently told Us
when asked about his romance
with Drew Barrymore. “1 just
feel very blessed and happy!“
And after four months of dating.
a pal of the actress. 32. says she

feels the same way. “She's just '

having a good time and not
questioning it." says the source
of the star and her He's Just Not
That Into You costar, 29. ”She
already did the settling-down-
and—get-married thing more than
once and isn't into that right
now. It‘s all just about having

Neil Patrick Harris'
true love

The morally flexible charac-
ter he plays on How I Met Your
Mother may say anything to lure
a lover, but Neil Patrick Harris
says when it comes to his real—
life relationship with Broadway
actor David Bunka. 32. honesty
is the only policy. “You don‘t
want to fake it with the one you
are in love with!“ the actor. 34.
told Us at the Victoria’s Secret
Fashion Show in Hollywood on
November 15.

Demi's Sin City date night!

After toasting her 45th birth-
day in Puerto Vallarta. Mexico.
Demi Moore and Ashton Kutch-
er. 29. continued the festivities
with Barbra Streisand‘s Novem-
ber 17 performance at the grand
opening of Planet Hollywood
Resort & Casino in Las Vegas.
Does he mind being her plus-
one? With women as beautiful
as his wife of two years. he re-
cently joked.“an are a little bit
more important than handbags
but less important than shoes.
We are merely accessories.“



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Emily Coovert
Features Editor
Phone: 257-1915


Suite Satisfaction

“Messiah," composed by George Frideric Handel, is per-

Handel's "Messiah,

formed every year by the Lexington Philharmonic, and it is a
tradition for many families around the state to attend.
" composed in the summer of 1741,
one of Handel's most famous pieces, and it is standard reper-
toire in Western choral literature. The work premiered as part
of a series of charity concerts in Dublin on April 13, 1742.

The philharmonic will be presenting Handel’s "Messiah"
conjunction with the Lexington Singers on Dec. 14 in the Sin-
gletary Center for the Arts Concert Hall.


Sweet Victory: Three home bakers
share their Winning cookies





Second-place winner Andra Weber holds the sparkly oatmeal cookies she entered in the Chicago Tribune Good Eating Holiday Cookie Contest When she baked a batch 10 years
ago and left them on her balcony, a large squirrel tried to steal some.


By Donna Pierce
Chicago Tribune

Flavor twists, culturally diverse
recipes and one unusual cookie tester
defined this year’s Chicago Tribune
Good Eating Holiday Cookie Contest.
as demonstrated by our top three win-

“This year, our family. including
our tiny grandkids. will opt for a
tropical holiday I am totally awed
by the melting pot of flavors served
up in Chicago Latino restaurants."
Nancy Vaziri of Frankfort. Ill.. wrote
in her first-place essay. accompanied
by her recipe for “tropical nuevo

Latino cookies."

Second-place winner Andra We—
ber of Chicago described how a four-
legged taster sampling her cookies
helped her chase away the holiday

And third-place winner Michael
Reinhart of Harwood Heights. lll..
created his cookie as a tribute to his
grandmother, who passed away in
2003. “Her parents came from Hun-
gary and everything my grandmother
served was homemade. I miss her.“ he

Nineteen finalists' essays were se-
lected as the best of I45 entries. Good
Eating staff judges and a guest judge.

pastry chef Sarah Levy. used a point
system to select the winning cookie
recipes. Levy. owner of Sarah's Pas—
tries & Candies in Chicago. took time
out from opening her second location.
at the State Street Macy‘s. to weigh in
on the selection.

Although she sells home-style
cookies in her pastry shops. Levy said
she encourages home baking. espe-
cially during the holidays.

“It's a wonderful. nostalgic tradi-
tion." Levy said. “Baking cookies
with my mom and all five siblings
was an important part of my growing
up. Holiday cookies are often a la-
bor of love and tangible part of what it

means to be a family."

This year. as in the past. we called
for home bakers to share a recipe and
a short essay describing what makes
the cookie special.

Levy said she was most impressed
by the cultural diversity reflected in
the range of cookies presented for
judging. Vi/iri's first—place cookie was
one example.

Creating nevi recipes is a hobby.
Vaziri said. and when she enters a
contest. shc's looking for a sense of
satisfaction. not necessarily a prize.
She says she apprecrntcs the recipe-

See Cookies on page 4




Ist Place

Preparation time: 1 hour

Standing time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes per batch

Yield: 18 cookies

This winner from Nancy Vaziri of Frankfort. ||I.. blends
Latin flavors for a holiday cookie. It uses dried tropical
fruit mixtures; pineapple, papaya and mango blends are
sold in most supermarkets. Crystallized, or candied, ginger
and turbinado sugar (sugar crystals) are sold in specialty
markets and the spice and baking aisles of some super-

1/2 cup tropical mixed dried fruit, chopped

3 tablespoons sweetened coconut, finely chopped
2 tablespoons crystallized ginger, finely chopped

I tablespoon rum or 1 teaspoon vanilla

Grated zest from I lime

Juice from 2 limes

1 egg, separated

1/2 stick (1/4 cup) unsalted butter, softened

1/4 cup granulated sugar

1/4 teaspoon each. ground: ginger, allspice, nutmeg

1/8 teaspoon salt

2/3 cup flour

1/4 cup each turbinado or granulated sugar, chopped.
slivered almonds

1. Heat the oven to 375 degrees. Stir together dried
frurt, coconut, ginger, rum, half of the lime zest and the
lime JUlCB in a small bowl; let stand 30 minutes.

2 Meanwhile, beat egg yolk, butter, granulated sugar.
ginger, allspice, nutmeg and salt with a mixer on medium
speed until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add the flour

in 2 parts. heating inst until combined.

3. Divrde dough in half, roll each ball into two Ill-by
l-inch logs Transfer to a large baking sheet lined With
parchment paper Slightly press each log to flatten dough
into 2-inch Widths Press a I-inch-Wide channel down the
center of each log. set aSide

4 Whisk the egg white in a medium bowl brush
lightly over each log With a pastry brush set remaining
egg whi te aside Combine the turbinado sugar remaining
zest and the almonds in a small bowl Whisk in 1 table
spoon of the reserved egg white set asrde

5 Place the hurt mixture into log channels With a tea
spoon, p'essiog lightly vv th fingers to secure mixture Top
fruit mixture wrth teaspoons of the sugar mixture spread-
ing evenly With a knife to coat logs Bake until topping IS
crisp and lightly golden Cool on sheets 15 minutes He
move logs to cutting board slice diagonally into" E inch
cookies With a sharp knife

Nutrition information per cookie 101 calories, 34 per
cent of calories from lat, 4 g fat. 2 g saturated fat. 18 mg
cholesterol, 15 g carbohydrates, 1 g protein, 29 mg sodi-
um, I g fiber

See More Cookie Recipes on page 4

fending off
over break

By Emily Coovert


Winter Break offers all students
a chance to go home. be with fami-
ly and take a break from school ~
and for many. it brings lots of good
things to eat and some presents un-
der a tree.

But with a lack of projects. pa-
pers and other school-time activities.
and the weather growing prohibi-
tively cold for outdoor sports. many
students might find the time be-
tween December finals and the start
of January classes a little bit drab.

During the break. however.
several events will be held in Lex-
ington to help save students from
being victims of wintertime blues.

Holiday swing dance

Duke Ellington lovers. put on
your shoes and head out the door.

The UK Swing Dance club will
be hosting a swing dance at 8 pm. on
Dec. 15 at the Arthur Murray Dance
Studio at 1801 Alexandria Drive. The
event will feature original dances
from the 30s and 40s. including the
Lindy Hop and the Balboa.

"It‘s a good way to meet peo-
ple. and a great way to listen to
great music." said Mike Richard-
son. the club‘s adviser. who is a
staff member in the College of
Pharmacy. “We get a really good
mix of students and non-students.
anyone from 18 to 80.“

Admission is open to the public
and costs $5.

'A Celtic Christmas'

UK's Singletary Center for the
Arts will offer students a chance to
break out of the "Nutcracker" mold
and see a different kind of Christ-
mas story oyer break.

Tomaseen Foley‘s "A Celtic
Christmas" follows a group of
neighbors in a famthouse in the re-
mote parish of Tcampall an Gh-
lcanntain in westem Ireland. gath-
ered around the fire to "grace the
long wintry night with the laughter
of their stories. the joy of their mu-
sic. and dances they always said
they were much too Old for." said
Summer Gosset. the Singletary
Center's marketing director. in an

The event. which will be held
on Dec. 22 at 7: 30 p. m. in the Sin-
gletary Center Concert Hall, will in-
cludc William Coulter. a Grammy—
winning guitarist. and Marta Cook.
a world-champion lrish harpist and
champion Irish step—dancer.

“With the holiday season upon
us. most people have few options
for entertainment besides ‘the Nut-
crackcr' or choral events." Gosset
said. “This event brings an intema-
tional flair to it.”

Tickets cost $10 for students.
$24 for seniors and UK faculty and
staff. and $28 for the general public.

Holiday homecoming concert

Students will feel right at home
with the help of this visiting artist‘s

Jim Brickman. who just released
a new holiday album titled “Home-
coming." will be taking the stage of

See Holidays on page 4

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 "Bid | Thursday, December 6, 2007



Continued from page 3


competition circuit so much that
this year her dishes have re-
ceived recognition from seven
other major contests.

“It's an odd thing.“ said
Vaziri, who won a $200 gift cer-
get me wrong. The acknowledg-
ment means much more. That‘s
what keeps me going."

This was the first cooking
contest for second-prize winner
Weber, who submitted a funny
story. Ten years ago when Weber
was lonely and a bit tearful in a
big new city, her sole Chicago
fn'end convinced her to bake hol-
iday cookies as a tonic for her
sagging spirits. After preparing
the giant cookies she remem-
bered from home in central Illi-
nois, she discovered that her stu-
dio apartment's freezer was too
crowded to store them. So she
stashed them outside on her tiny
balcony for safekeeping.

An hour or so later, de-
pressed again. she glanced out-
side the balcony door expecting
to gain comfort from her small
box of cookies. “What stared

back at me was not a small,
wondrous brown box filled with
holiday cookies," Weber wrote,
"but a large. furry brown squir-
rel and in his hands a perfectly
sparkly holiday cookie, his gi-
gantic teeth chomping at holiday
delicacies. At first I was terrified
but then the laughter started and
wouldn‘t stop.“

“Crumbs were flying every-
where it still makes me laugh
when I think about it." Weber
said, adding that she learned a
lesson that evening.

“I realized the holidays are
filled with little moments of
happiness in unexpected
places." she wrote.

Third-place winner Reinhart
made a holiday discovery of his
own. though under different cir-
cumstances. While searching
through papers inherited from
his grandmother. who passed
away four Decembers ago. he
found an ingredient list for his
favorite childhood recipe.

“Most of the recipes in this
aged pile are over 50 years old,
and all of them belonged to my
grandmother," he wrote in his
third-prize winning essay.

Finding the ingredient list
was a victory but it came with a
glitch: There were no measure-

ments or directions. “The first
couple of attempts produced
good cookies, but not THE
cookie." he wrote. It took him a
dozen attempts but he finally
got it.

Since then. Reinhart has
tweaked the cookies with dried
fruit and nuts “just adding on to
what in my mind was already
the perfect cookie.

“Still," he said, “a lot of se-


Continued from page 3



Decorative sugars

Third-place winner
Michael Reinhart
poses for photograph
at his Harwood
Heights, 111., home
with his winning cook-
ies, crispy chocolate

._ jumbles.

”I nu

crets and recipe tips died with
my grandmother."

So he has some advice to
other home bakers. “If you have
a favorite recipe from a family
member. practice while you still
have them around to critique
your results and offer advice
about how to make the recipe
better," he said. “That way you
can keep a connection alive. It‘s
worth the effort."

Yield: 3 dozen

I.Ill|l‘SI'lllIl‘ Square
\[~.i l I III:

$750/ MONTH

$515 /MONTH



CALL: 254 0101
arses FROM Census!




"’3': 0
Graphic Novels


686's 1} Gamlng

393 lualler rtue
Illaller Center

(less than 1 mile
from campus)

2nd Place

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes per batch

Yield: 12 cookies

Chicagoan Andra Weber loves very large holiday
cookies and, judging by her winning essay, so do
squirrels. To make smaller cookies, make 1-inch
dough balls and flatten them into 2-inch cookies.

1 1/2 cups flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon each: ground cinnamon, baking soda,

1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

2 1/2 sticks (1 1/4 cups) unsalted butter, softened
3/4 cup packed light brown sugar

1/2 cup granulated sugar

1 999

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 3/4 cups old»fashioned rolled oats, finely
ground in blender or food processor


1 cup sifted confectioners' sugar

1/2 teaspoon each: vanilla, almond extract

1 tablespoon milk

1. Heat the oven to 375 degrees. Sift togeth-
er the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, baking
soda, salt and nutmeg; set aside. Beat together
the butter and sugars with a mixer on medium
speed in a large bowl until light and fluffy; beat
in the egg and vanilla. Stir in the flour mixture
and oats until well combined.

2. Arrange rounded 2-inch balls of dough
about 3 inches apart on an ungreased baking
sheet; flatten into 4-inch rounds about 1/2-inch
thick with the bottom of a small floured juice
glass. Bake cookies in batches until golden,
about 10-12 minutes. Cool cookies on sheets 2
minutes, transfer to wire racks. Cool complete-

3. For frosting, mix all ingredients in a small
bowl with a fork until smooth. Spread over cook-
ies. Top with decorative sugars. Store in an air-
tight container

Nutrition information per cookie: 413 calo-
ries, 44 percent of calories from fat, 20 g fat,
12 g saturated fat, 68 mg cholesterol, 54 9 car-
bohydrates, 4 g protein, 375 mg sodium, 2 g

fiber 3rd Place

Preparation time: 25 minutes
Cooking time: 10 per batch

Michael Reinhart of Harwood Heights, |||., says
you can substitute the dried cranberries with ba~
nana chips, walnuts, pecans or hazelnuts accord-
ing to personal taste.

1 1/4 cups flour

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/8 teaspoon salt

1 stick (1 /2 cup) butter, softened

1 cup sugar

1 999

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 cups each: crisp rice cereal, semi~sweet choco-
late chips

1/2 cup dried chopped cranberries or cherries

1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Sift together
the flour, baking soda and salt in a medium bowl;
set aside.

2. Beat the butter and sugar together in a large
bowl with a mixer on medium speed until creamy,
about 3 minutes. Beat in the egg and vanilla until
light and fluffy, about 3 minutes; stir in the re-
served flour mixture. Stir in the cereal, chocolate
chips and dried cranberries just until mixed.

3. Drop by tablespoonfuls on a lightly
greased baking sheet; bake until golden, about
10-12 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

Nutrition information per cookie: 117 calo-
ries, 40 percent of calories from fat, 5 g fat, 3 g
saturated fat, 13 mg cholesterol, 17 g carbohy-
drates, 1 g protein, 41 mg sodium, 1 g fiber



Continued from page 3


for the Arts from 8 am. to 2
pm. on Jan.
be priced for students to af-
ford. said Amy Nelson, direc-
tor of grants and assets for the

5. and items will



Forthe week of