xt7djh3d2927 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7djh3d2927/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-11-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 1993 1993 1993-11-09 2020 true xt7djh3d2927 section xt7djh3d2927  









Student leaders say they will take
rate battle to General Assembly


By Lance Williams
News Editor


Despite opposition from student
leaders of all eight state-supported
universities, the Council on Higher
Education voted yesterday to raise
tuition costs steeply.

UK and the University of Louis-
ville will see tuition climb during
the 1994-95 school year from $980
to $1,090 a semester —— an increase
of 11.2 percent.

Costs also will rise at regional
schools like Eastern and Western
Kentucky universities, where tui-
tion will increase 5.3 percent —

still in hunt

for F SU post

By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer



Robcn Hemenway has made the
cut again.

UK's chancellor for the Lexing-
ton Campus is one of five finalists
for the presidency at Florida State
University. The list of candidates
was trimmed from nine yesterday.

Hemenway is the only semifinal-
ist with no Seminole ties. Three fi-
nalists currently are working at the
Tallahassee school. while the other
is an FSU alumnus.

But the chairman of the presiden-
tial search committee doesn‘t think
that will hurt Hemenway‘s chances.

“Obviously. if we included him
among the finalists, we think he
can bring something to this cam-
pus." said Lawrence Abele, dean of
the Florida State (‘ollege of Arts
and Sciences,

The finalists will return to the
FSU campus next week for two—
day intervrew's with various campus
officials and organizations. Hemen-
way has been scheduled to inter-
view Nov. 16 and 17. Then on Nov.
22, the FSU board of regents will
meet each candidate and conduct
one-hour InlCl'VICWS. The regents
will either select the new president
or slim the field further.

The other finalists are

-Talbot D'Alembcrtc, a former
president of the American Bar As~
sociation now serving as a profes-
sor in the FSU College of Law.

oRoben Glidden, currently the
Florida State provost and vice pres-
ident for academic affairs.

-Melvin Stith, dean of the Col-
lege of Business at FSU.

-T.K Wetherell, president of the
Independent Colleges and Universi-
ties of Florida. He earned his docto
rate, and master's and bachelor‘s
degrees at Florida State and is a
former speaker of the Florida
House of Representatives.

from $750 to $790 a semester.

The biggest increase, however,
will be at UK’s community colleg-
es, where tuition will jump 14.3
percent from $420 to $480 a semes-

The only two-year school that
will not raise costs is Lexington
Community College, where tuition
rates historically have been higher
than those charged at any other UK
community college.

Student leaders strongly protested
the hikes during the council meet-
ing, presenting signatures from
more than 20,000 students who op-
posed the hikes.

The only council member who
voted against the tuition hikes, Clay
Edwards, said students now need to
reunite in their struggle for a more
affordable education.

“We may have lost the battle, but
now (students) can go to the Ken~
tucky General Assembly,” said Ed—
wards, who is the sole student repre—
sentative on the council.

Edwards, a U of L law student.
said he was “disappointed" with the
results of the council’s hearing but
that the increase was expected.

“In my opinion, everyone had
their minds made up before they hit
their seats," he said.

CHE Executive Director Gary
Cox said he didn‘t think council
members already had decided their
votes prior to the meeting.

He also said the CHE was left
with little choice if it wanted to en-
sure adequate funding for Ken-
tucky‘s system of higher education,
which has been hit with repeated
state budget cuts in recent years.

“1 thing the council is very reluc-
tant to raise tuition, but at the same
time, it recognizes the need of the
school," Cox said.

Cox also said future increases are
likely over the next few years.

“It is probably realistic to say it
will go up," Cox said. “The ques—
tion is, how much?"

All eight students body presi-
dents were at yesterday’s meetings,
held at the Holiday Inn North in
Lexington, and all spoke before the




By Heather Bolster
Staff Writer

UK Archives received a treas-
ure trove of gold yesterday — 55
cubic feet of documents relating
to US. statesman Henry Clay.

The rare collection of papers,
photographs and letters once he.
longed to Clay and several gen-
erations of descendants who re-
sided at his Ashland estate.
located on Richmond Road in
Lexington. The documents,
which UK Director of Libraries
Paul Willis called “the gold
found in Ashland' s attic," was
donated by the Henry Clay Me-
morial Foundation.

“The collection is large and is



The donation, which UK Director of Libraries Paul Willis likened to a gold find, Includes let-
ters, portraits and papers of U. S. statesman Henry Clay and several of his family members.

Clay Foundation donates
documents to UK library

important in many areas, not only
in Kentucky history but in Ameri-
can history itself," said noted Ken-
tucky historian Thomas Clark, di-
rector of the foundation. “This is
the stuff that history feeds on.”

Clark, a UK professor emeritus,
said the University's Margaret 1.
King Library has the means to pre-
serve the collection through the use
of atmospheric pressure and climate
controls. Clark presented the deed
to the collection “to have and to
hold in good faith” to Paul Willis,
director of UK libraries.

Willis said the collection will be
used extensively by scholars and
that the library will be able to ac-
commodate this use.

The entire collection is relatively
large for a 19th century period, and



several archivists believe them
to be the finest resource for stud-
ying Kentucky history of the
mid- to late 1800s.

Bill Marshall, assistant direc-
tor of libraries for special collec-
tions and archives, said the let-
ters in the collection may
surprise some people because of
what they reveal about the
“Great Compromiser" and his

“The Clay family had a very
tragic life.” Marshall said.

The collection also contains
items pertaining to the life of
Madeline McDowell Breakin-
ridge, a member of the Clay
family. Breckinridge also was

See CLAY. Back Page









Amy Carried, an ondeclared freshman. enjoys the warmer
weather as she [eggs along Rose Street yesterday after-


The presidents of Kentucky‘s
eight state-supported universities
also spoke. They agreed that tuition
should be raised, but many were
hesitant to say 50.

“Most university presidents do
not like to talk about tuition increasx
es," EKU President Hanly Funder-
burk said.

“To ask us to pick up the (budget)
shortfall is asking too much.
There’s no way we can do it. You
are asking the impossible."

After the university presidents
spoke to the council, the students
had a chance to speak.

Each student president took his
turn handing in petitions to the

“1 would like to ask each member
of the council to determine the term
‘access' in your own minds,” said
Nathan Smith of Northern Ken—
tucky University. “Do you only

NOV 9 1993

, Tuesday, Nevember9.1993

want a cenain group of students to
gain access to a college educa-

L'K Student Govemment ASSOCL
atron president Lance Dowdy chal—
lenged the council to take on the
legislature and talk to its members
about the spec‘Ifics of the costs of
college and what ll means to stu-

“lt‘s about time you look at the
consumers." Dowdy said. “The fact
ts we are carrying more than our
fair share."

CHE member Joe Bill Campbell
spoke to the students after they
made their presentation.

“Right now, 1 don’t think we
have a choice," Campbell said.

After the rates had been set,
Dowdy said students would contin-
ue to their fight when the General
Assembly begins meeting if] Janu-

Senate discusses
post-tenure review


By Don Puckett
Senior Staff Writer


A proposal under consideration
in the College of Arts and Sciences
would allow for the possible dis~
missal of tenured professors who
score poorly on biennial perfor-
mance reviews.

College of Arts and Sciences
Dean Richard Edwards brought the
proposal to the University Senate
for discussion yesterday.

Although the plan would not
need the Senate's approval for im-
plementation in the College of Arts
and Sciences, Edwards said that the
Senate forum is a good place for

The biennial reviews, which cur-
rently are the college‘s only system
for evaluation, punish faculty mem-
bers whose performances are sub-
standard, Edwards said.

Under the system, a faculty mem-
ber currently may be denied a pro-
motion or salary increase if his
scores on the biennial review are
below expectations.

Edwards said the new proposal.
which allows stronger sanctions u
including dismissal, would focus on
trying to get complacent faculty
members back on the right track be
fore punishment is necessary.

“1 see this as a forward~looking
proposal,“ Edwards said. “It is one
that attempts to look at the situation
of a faculty member that becomes
disengaged, and it tries to figure out
how we can intervene posrtively to
assist that faculty member.“

Under the new plan, a faculty
member would be selected for re-
view if he or she received a 2.5 or
lower on two successive biennial
evaluations in any of the three eval-
uated areas (research, teaching and
servrce to the University).

The review procedure would seek
to identify “chronic weaknesses" in

Faculty spend most time
teaching, new report says




By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer

During a time when higher edu-
cation must justify cvcry legislative
dollar, the Council on Higher Edu-
cation yesterday released a series of
repons designed to evaluate each
state university‘s perfomiancc.

Faculty workloads. graduation
rates and alumni and student sur-
veys are included in the first Ken<
tucky higher education accountabil-
ity repon. The reports were
prepared in accordance to Senate
Bill 109, passed by the 1992 Gener-
al Assembly,

The reports wrll be forwarded to
state legislators by Dec. 1.

”The most important thing it says
is that higher education is willing to
tell you what we‘re doing," said

Gary Cox, CHE executive director.
“When we do that, it makes the
public feel better about spending
money on us.“

One of the most controversial
topics in the report is faculty work-
loads. a hot topic since former
Gov. Wallace Wilkinson charged.
in the spring of 1992, that universi-
ty professors spent too much time
on research and not enough time on

The report. however, showed
that professors at the doctoral uni-
versities (UK and the University of
Louisville) spent 46 percent of
their average 55 hour work week
on instruction and 30 percent on re-
search. Associate and assistant pro-
fessors use 51 percent of their time
on teaching, the report said.

According to the report, UK pro-

fessors allot 39 percent of their
time to formal class instruction and
35 percent on research, while asso-
ciate and assistant professors spend
45 and 47 percent on instruction
respectively .
“We‘re getting our money's
worth from our faculty." Cox said.
The report defined instruction as
actual instruction, preparation.
grading, meeting with students and
advising. The information was pro
vided by each school to the CHE.
Another one of Wilkinson's cnti-
eisms was that too many teaching
assistants and not enough profes-
sors were teaching classes. Accord-
ing to the report, full-time faculty
teach 78.2 percent of classes at the
eight universities, while part~time
instructors teach 16.6 percent and

See SERIES, Back Page

a faculty member‘s performance
and then would construct a “profes~
sional development plan" to assist
the faculty member in improving
scores on the biennial evaluation.

if a faculty member does not
meet the objectives of the profes»
sional development plan wtthtn
three years. he or she could be

Edwards said however that sev
eral faculty members have suggest-
ed changing the plan so that tenured
faculty members could not be fired.

“Faculty members are rightly
concerned about defending academ-
ic freedom and tenure." Edwards
said. “They're concemed that this
proposal might weaken academic
freedom and tenure,"

Other UK professors argued yes—
terday that the provision allowing
faculty members to he in d l.\ the
only real cntortement [‘1’0\l.\‘10n in
the plan.

Edwards said the plan still is be-
ing debated within the College of
Ans and Scrences and that many
changes maybe made before imple—

He said the college would consid
er implementing the plan as soon as
the 1994 95 academic year.

In other busine ss the Unrversrty
Senate tabled until February a bill
that would have requtred professors
to distribute mid-term reports in all
100— and 2001cvel classes.

The bill was sponsored by the
Student Government Association.
Originally. SGA had wanted miri~
terms distributed to all undergradu»
ate students. but an amendment to
the hill restricted its application
only to lower—division classes.

Many professors at the meeting
objected to the burden that the re-
quirement would place on faculty
members. Many also said they
thought the evaluations would not
provide students with any new lll~


-Bad Religion' 5 new album
punches holes in religious
hypocrisy. offers coo-disaster
fable Revrew qu 4.


~Tuition increases can't be
taken lying down. Column,
Page 6

~River Phoenix‘ 5 real tragedy
was his wasted talent.
Column, Page 6

-We address the big picture to
reach socual equality. Column,
Page 6.

-Mostly clear and cold today;
high between 50 and 55.
-Partly cloudy tonight; low
between 30 and 35

oPartiy sunny tomorrow; high
between 50 and 55.

Sports... . ,.
Viewpoint .......









a-‘W‘. M.» ,7

i. run . him-s»... vsvi

.4.‘ .-.nw -

. ”new «amt-aha:





. - Armada-r”.

«swarm ‘ 2., 1.0..

9.2» x ”sum;

2 - Kentucky Kernel, Tueedey, November 9. 1993

CARE security chief killed in Somalia


By Paul Alexander
Associated Press


MOGADISHU. Somalia 7—— The
Somali security chief for the
CARE aid agency was killed yes-
terday when UN. peacekeepers
fired on gunmen who attacked
them in territory controlled by Mo-
hamed Farrah Aidid.

The attack was the founh on for-
eign uoops in as many days and
suggested that Aidid’s monthlong
truce with UN. forces seemed to

Meanwhile, a showdown with
the United States loomed.

A spokesman for the U.S. force
in Somalia criticized Aidid as be-
ing “uncooperative" and said the
United States was sticking by plans
to put American forces back on
Mogadishu‘s streets.

Aidid, whose followers control
southern Mogadishu, had been
clashing with the United Nations
since June. when the United Na-
tions blamed him for the deaths of
24 Pakistani peacekeepers. But af-
ter four months of fierce battles
with UN. forces, he declared a
truce Oct. 9.

Some people have speculated that
Aidid was trying to buy time until
the United States withdraws from
Somalia in March.

But Aidid, who has gotten no tan-
gible rewards for releasrng an
American pilot and a Nigerian
peacekeeper last month, has been
known to strike back when his pow-
er seems to be waning.

And at a news conference Sun-
day, he made it clear that the old ac~
rimony toward the multinational
mission had not dissipated.

He vowed not to negotiate with



By Michael Fleeman
Associated Press

MALIBU, Calif. — A con-
victed child molester was
charged yesterday with threaten-
ing to set wildfires in revenge
for the seizure of his property,
but prosecutors said they hadn’t
linked him to recent arson fire-

Firefighters, meanwhile,
stamped out hot spots in the
l9.(X)0-acre Malibu wildfire,
and schools reopened for the
first time since the blaze struck.

Thomas Lee Larsen, 43, was
charged with one count of mail-
ing a threat to damage or destroy
by means of fire. The threat was
in letters mailed to police agen-
cies and homes.

Larsen. who was armored Sun-
day, didn’t enter a plea at his ar-
raignment Monday. A Nov. 23
hearing was set before U.S.
Magistrate Judge Carolyn Tur-

He faces a maximum of five
years in prison and a $250,000
fine if convicted.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Charles
Eick refused a request to post
bond for Larsen, saying he
posed a danger to the communi-



Larsen's arraignment attomey,
Phillip Bronson, asked for
$100,000 bail secured by the eq-
uity in Larsen’s parents’ home.
Bronson said Larsen lived with
his parents and would not want
to hurt them.

Larsen also applied for a
court-appointed attorney.

U.S. Attorney Terree Bowers
said prosecutors had not linked
Larsen to any of the 26 Southern
California wildfires that killed
three people and destroyed more
than 1.000 structures, mostly
homes. during the past two


Child molester tied
to wildfire threats

Nineteen of those fires were
the result of arson. according to
the federal Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms.

The seven-page letter, signed
“Fedbuster,” was sent in August
and September to about 35 law
enforcement agencies and to
Los Angeles County homes
picked at random, according to

The writer threatened to set
destructive fires when humidity
was low and strong, dry Santa
Ana winds were blowing —-
conditions that existed when
wildfires first erupted Oct. 26
and when the Malibu fire began
Nov. 2.

“If I get no satisfaction by the
time we get a real good volatile
fire season you’ll really regret it
you’ll see," the letter said.
"They burned me now I'm go-
ing to burn back. I fight fire
with fire.“

In an affidavit, FBI Special
Agent Richard G. Palacios said
Larsen had a criminal record
dating to 1971 that included a
conviction for child molestation
and arrests for arson and coun-

Palacios said Larsen allegedly
mailed the threatening letter be-
cause he apparently was angry
over the 1977 seizure of a dupli-
cator, camera equipment, a
printer and a station wagon in
connection with the counterfeit-
ing investigation.

The “Fedbuster” letter men-
tioned some of those items and
said their seizure had disrupted
the sender‘s “hobby," Palacios

Palacios quoted Secret Ser—
vice analyst Bill Issen as saying
the vehicle was equipped with
“various implements associated
with child molesting, including
a mattress, draw curtains, shav-


the United Nations, and yesterday,
his Somali National Alliance boy-
cotted two U.N.-sponsored meet-
ings: one to discuss how to improve
the city's security, the other to meet
face‘to-face with the faction headed
by Ali Mahdi Mohamed, which
controls Mogadishu's northern half.

“The United States has been
bending over backwards to meet
some of the requests" by the Somal-
ia National Alliance, U.S. military
spokesman Col. Steve Rausch said

“We are disappointed. They seem

He did not spcxify what requests
Aidid’s faction made.

At his news conference Sunday.
Aidid said there could be trouble if
U.S. troops return to the streets af-
ter a six-month hiatus.

Yesterday, confrontation edged
closer when Rausch reaffirmed that
Army reinforcements soon will be
venturing beyond their compounds.

“You will see an increased pres—
ence," he said. adding a warning of
his own about the repercussions of
Americans coming under fire:

. turn-yr out

“These forces are very capable.
They are very lethal."

Even so, the United States, wary
about being perceived as provoca-
tive and hoping to keep the cease-
fire alive, has pushed back the stan-
ing date for joint checkpoints and
patrols with forces from other coun-

When the Americans moved into
their new base outside the capital a
week ago, officials talked about a
couple of days. Now they say a
couple of weeks.

Americans have been off Moga-
dishu’s streets since May, when the
United States handed over com-
mand of the multinational mission
to the United Nations.

But although Americans will re-
sume patrols, Rausch said there will
be no active program to disann So-
malis, despite concern that the num-
ber of weapons on the street threat~
ens the quiet in Mogadishu.

In the Somali capital, quiet is a
relative thing.

The last pitched battles occurred
more than a week ago, but gunmen
tote assault rifles while strolling the


streets or clinging to the top of the
crowded pickup trucks.

No one llinches at the sound of
distant gunshots.

Since Friday. gunmen have been
taking potshots at UN. troops, in—
juring several Somalis but no pea-

The increased violence rolled
right up to the United Nations‘ door
yesterday. Turkish guards fired
warning shots to force off Somalis
angered when told no jobs were
available at the UN. compound.

Two hours later, two gunmen
opened fire on a convoy of Malay.
sian armored personnel carriers,
which shot back, said U.N. military
spokesman Capt. Tim McDavitt.

Simon Israel of CARE confirmed
that the Malaysian troops came un-
der fire, but said they shot back in-
discriminately, killing CARE’s So~
mali security chief.

CARE has filed a complaint with
the United Nations and is seeking
compensation for the Somali work-
er, who leaves a widow and eight

Smokers two times as likely
to have strokes, study finds


By Paul Raeburn
Associated Press


ATLANTA —— A 10-year study
of more than 22,000 healthy male
doctors found that smokers were
twice as likely as nonsmokers to
have strokes, which kill or disable a
half million Americans each year.

A separate study by the same re-
searchers found that women survi~
vors of heart attacks or strokes
could cut their risks of further trou-
ble by eating spinach, carrots and
other fruits and vegetables with vi-
tamins C, E and B-2 and beta caro-

Both studies were presented
Monday at the annual meeting of
the American Heart Association. -

The first study found that those
who smoked less than a pack of cig-
arettes per day had 1.8 times the
risk of nonsmokers; those who
smoked more had 2.4 times the risk,
said Dr. JoAnn Manson of Harvard
Medical School.

The study “just re-emphasizes the
terrible product that tobacco is,“
said Dr. James Moller. the heart as-
sociation’s president.

"The. American public should de-
mand some action in terms of more

The study provided good news
for smokers who decide to quit. It
found that former smokers’ risk of
strokes declined quickly after they
quit. Within a few years. former
smokers' risks were as low as those
who had never smoked.

“Less is known about preventing

strokes than preventing hean dis-
case so finding a modifiable risk
factor is important,” Manson said.

In the study of vitamin-rich diets
in women, the researchers found
that those whose diet included the
most vitamins A and C and beta
carotene had a 33 percent lower risk
of heart attack and a 71 percent
lower risk of strokes. the research-
ers found.

“A modification of diet may have
a dramatic effect on subsequent risk
of heart disease,“ even in women in
their 603 who might think it's too
late to cut their risks, Manson said.

“The bottom line is it‘s never too
late to eat more fniits and vegeta-
bles," she said.

Spinach and canots are potent
sources of antioxidants, and citrus
fruits are good sources of vitamin

“These are exciting new observa-
tions," Mollcr said. He said the
heart association is awaiting more
studies before recommending spe-
cific vitamins. Eating more fruit
and vegetables is a widely accepted

Manson said she and others are
now evaluating whether vitamin
pills lower risks as effectively as
fruits and vegetables containing the
vitamins. In the meantime. she rec-
ommends that people get the vita-
mins in food, not pills.

Beta carotene, a precursor of vita-
min A, is found in carrots, spinach
and broccoli.

Vitamin 8-2, or ribollavin, and
vitamin E are found in green leafy

vegetables. Vitamin E is also found
in nuts, milk and eggs, and vitamin
C is found primarily in citrus fmit.

The stroke study did not address
the question of how cigarettes raise
the risk.

But previous research suggests
that pan of the problem might be
changes that occur immediately
with the first drag on a cigarette.

“Some studies suggest the risk of
a stroke rises while a person is
smoking or immediately after,"
Manson said.

Within minutes, smoking produc-
es changes in the blood that pro-
mote the forrnation of blood clots.
Blood cells called platelets become
stickier, and levels of a clotting
substance called fibrinogcn rise.

Those changes can increase the
risk of a so—called ischemic stroke,
in which a clot interrupts blood
supply to part of the brain, causing
that part of the brain to die.

But smoking also boosts blood
pressure, increasing the risk of
bleeding in the brain, which can
also destroy brain tissue, Manson

She has found the smoking-
stroke connection to be helpful in
counseling patients to quit the hab-

“People are very afraid of
strokes. Some see heart disease as a
more painless, quiet pass-away-in-
the-night kind of thing. Whereas
strokes instill more fear about qual-
ity of life," Manson said.



Have You Kissed A Kernel Staffer Today?



w’rrzi'h»v..iin.. .r, , y, , .


President sets

deadline on
illegal trade

By tha Beamlsh
Associated Press

dent Clinton set a March dead-
line yesterday for China and
Taiwan to stem illegal trade in
endangered tiger and rhinocer-
os parts or face U.S. trade

Animal rights groups de-
nounced the president’s deci-
sion, urging immediate sanc-
tions to stop the trade in tiger
bones and rhinoceros horns,
sold primarily for traditional
medicinal purposes in Asia.

“We can kiss the rhinos and
tigers goodbye, thanks to the
U.S. government," said Teresa
Telecky of the Humane Socie-
ty who called Clinton’s deci-
sion “a mockery of intema-
tional wildlife protection

She said the rhino popula-
tion will decline by 4,000 of
its 10,000 members by March.
There are an estimated 5,000
tigers left, down 95 percent
this century. Kathryn Fuller.
president of World Wildlife
Fund, urged Clinton to consid-
er immediate sanctions.

Clinton said in a letter to
Congress he would seek “veri-
fiable, measurable and sub—
stantial progress by March
1994. Otherwise import prohi-
bitions will be necessary." If
he takes that step, it would be
the first time the United States
has done so to save endan-
gered species.

It was the third official
warning to the two nations.

Clinton said the animals
“will likely be extinct in the
next 2 to 5 years if the trade in
their parts and products is not

Sen. James Jeffords, D~Vt..
said that “my colleagues and I
in the Senate will hold” the ad-
ministration to the March

The administration two
months ago found China and
Taiwan in violation of the ban
on commercial trade in endan-
gered species under the Con-
vention on lntemational Trade
in Endangered Species, or
CITES, and thus facing the
prospect of trade sanctions un-
der U.S. law.

The CITES standing com-
mittee at its September meet-
ing attended by Interior Secre-
tary Bmce Babbitt called on
member nations to consider
trade sanctions against Taiwan
and C hina.

The certification on wildlife
trade follows an administra-
tion announcement two
months ago that the United
States would ban sale of sensi-
tive high-technology equip-
ment to Chinese entities re-



W‘vkso "'8 cream and “"de’smcms-” sponsiblc for what the United
States concluded was the sale
of M-ll missile technology to




sporliqlrr jAzz


Last week, China's Forestry
Ministry called for a ban on
advertisements promoting me-
dicinal products containing
rhinoceros horns and tiger




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Cats’ anger a'ter loss a good sign

Curry confident team will clefir up
cloudy bowl picture in final games


By Doc Purcell
Staff Writer


When UK’s football team finally
escaped the taunting of opposing
players and fans in Vanderbilt Sta-
dium Saturday evening, the overall
attitude of the group certainly
couldn’t have been called cheerful.

The Wildcats, who suffered a de-
moralizing and embarrassing loss
to the Commodores -— one of the
Southeastern Conference's most
unimpressive squads, left the jabs
of the masses for the peaceful
sanctity of their locker room.

But, for Coach Bill Curry and
his Cats, the post-game get-
together was anything but peace-






parade to be
held next day


By Joe Kay
Associated Press


cinnati Reds are going to cele-
brate opening day a day late
next year, and they’re not hap-
py about it.

The city will hold its tradi~
tional opening day parade
Monday, April 4 — the day
after the Reds open the season
at Riverfront Stadium against
the St. Louis Cardinals.

The Sunday night game is a
new feature under baseball’s
new television contract. Own-
er Marge Schott, in her first
public. act since rctuming
from an eight-month suspen-
sion, said yesterday the team
will treat its second game as
the opener.

“Sunday, April 3, is Easter,
a day for families to be togeth-
er." Schott said in a statement.
“We have had many letters
and calls from fans encourag-
ing us to keep opening day
and the parade on Monday.

“We would prefer to play
only the traditional Monday
opening day game. But major
league baseball has designated
us to play on Sunday night for
national TV and ESPN's con-
tract. We tried diligently to
have it changed to Monday af-
ternoon, but with no success.”

Major league baseball offi-
cials said the Reds volun-
teered for the Sunday opener,
then tried to back out.

“The Reds had been major
league baseball's opener for-
ever until the last few years,”
National League spokeswom~
an Katy Feeney said. “They
volunteered to do that to re
gain that position.

Opening day is an informal
holiday in Cincinnati, which
has the oldest professional
baseball team. 'l'here's a
downtown parade organized
by businesses, pre-game cere-
monies and sellout crowds.

Jeff Gibbs, organizer of the
Findlay Market parade, said it
would have been impossible
to hold the event on Easter

The Reds traditionally got
to play host for the NL's
opener. That honor had
slipped away in recent years.
when other teams opened ear-
lier in the day than Cincinnati.
But the Reds maintained their
tradition of opening at home




Whether it was the ager of ridi-
cule or their pitiful et‘ort on the
field. Curry said the Qts‘ meeting
was full of anger and :motion, an
attitude he welcomed. ‘

“When you come it with your
head all hung down that's one
thing. When you com in with fire
in your eyes, just vishing yo