xt7djh3d2797 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7djh3d2797/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-09-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 1982 1982 1982-09-30 2020 true xt7djh3d2797 section xt7djh3d2797 _——_—__—-—————_———————___
’ " «it"“fihh . Ilka-a-thon
ix”. Q! Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity Delta Tau
' _='.=_' Delta sorority and WLAPVFM are spon‘
I _g‘tg' ”" " ‘ .' soring o bikeathon on Sunday for the
. ’ f .5: ‘ American Cancer Society Sunday. See
‘5‘ ,4 _, it 3;, . page3
this 5 ‘1 ,1
Vol. LXXXV, No. 37 Thursday, September 30, 1982 An Independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
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.3“; ' ~ ’ I ‘, ' y" ’ 2Q ‘ . 3 .7 ashore, but they stressed that the the northeast and Schweifat in the
, 3 ‘ 5 *_ 7’ i x ' . . ‘ . ' Q By STEVEN K. HINDY final decision had to be made by the southeast. he said. and the zone ex-
t i‘ ‘5 \- ' t M .. ~ ‘ 5, v" r 5, . . 3,, ,' z .’ Associated Press Writer Marines’ commander, Col James M. tends westward to the sea.
L . . ' w ' , u. if t ’3'. Mead. “There will be checkpoints. there
. x 2.; Q . ‘5”, ‘ , I ' . ‘1, '$ ____________ They said, however. that the ex- will be roving patrols; probably we
'3‘ k ‘ '{3 ~ ‘5 ; -' . , *- “fi ' panded duties of the Marines made don't go east of the railroad.“ said
I 3Q. _o- Q i, _ «y . , ’1 Q 5 Q . [I * BEIRUT. Lebanon — About 300 theadditional deployment likely. Delmore.
. ' 7,. I» } ._ l“ 5., x. ' I . "'. . 1 US. Marines returned to Beirut by m_-e..,-___,,_. Navy Cmdr. Peter Litrenta added,
l ’ ' / 7' ‘ “5 ' - 55‘ ' . .4 ' ' a. '1 1" ship and helicopter yesterday and 5'9 related "WY: P°9°3 “Their rifles will not be loaded. but
‘ If ‘5‘ ‘ ., “ ‘ r Q ~ '2; A”: " ’ , '4’ ‘ _ w} "- assumed control of the airport from ——_._._~__4__.w. they will have ammunition with
Furl «5 t- 5 . ’ ‘L‘. x ‘3‘} / ‘ we ‘ b departing Israeli forces in a new Another Pentagon official. who them.and they can load instantly,“
“h/ ,‘l . ci’)’ {5‘ ' a, 55 F “t peacekeeping operation slated to asked not to be identified, said Like the French and Italians.
" s g ffi «‘17 AK " ' A . _- -. last until all foreign armies are out Wednesday that the Marines have a many of the Marines who arrived
3 ‘ ‘3 Q _f3‘. . at? Q ‘5 5 .J 4 _ of Lebanon. . much larger area to patrol this served in the multinational force
’ a _t ' 21-. ‘ £5; by, I " -. ’ ‘3 Lebanese children waved and time. making it likely that Mead will that guarded the safety of Palestine
-‘ ;_ , Q Q ” " 5 smiled as the first wave of Marines call for the armour and artillery re- Liberation Organization guerrillas
Q 531;", ‘7 i. .,..,,, Q, _ k took their posts yesterday. Many of inforcements. During the PLO evac- who were evacuated from Israeli-be-
. .-...,i. ”We, ., . M . WWW . ’ " . . .55 f..., the leathernecks had their names nation. the US. troops were con- sieged Beirut in late August and
L - " 3. '1 ‘5' Q an 3., 3 written on their helmets in Arabic, fined to the harbor area at the early September.
' Q ~ :2: 3.. r ' the work of Lebanese army soldiers northern edge of the city. US. Ambassador Robert Dillon
fi o ‘ ,_ " Q. 7 Q - ._ who patrolled the port with the Ma- The Marines, along with Italian greeted the Marines and said.
. . “if,” d if: . : Q . rines when the Americans spent 16 and French peacekeeping troops, “They'll be here long enough to do
2Q, Q f“ . . ’5‘ daysinBeirut this summer. were requested by President Amin the job —to assist the government of
1" m. - ' ' ":.: - . MQ, __ . It was the second time in a month Gemayel in the wake of the Sept. 14 Lebanon in establishing control over
,, 5 Egg/g MIME: Q. g f '9 .- that the Marines had landed. The assassination of his brother. Presi- Beirut and the surrounding area."
.. '5 5 '5 ”55* i a first operation ended Sept. 10 after dentelect Bashir Gemayel. and the He said the Israeli army would
. .. .._ .. ”t " . the evacuation of PLO guerrillas massacre of hundreds of men. have access to the airport only on an
62.5 5 ,f . . ’ 1» I, from the city ringed by Israel since women and children in the Sabra emergency basis. “something medi-
_> a .., 3, .. . , Q, ‘ 555 ' June. and Chatilla refugee camps Sept. 16- cal or a life-threatening situation,"
, 5" "Ii 5. I. . , it? ‘ . Syrian tl‘OOPS are camped in east- 18. and only with the approval of the
Q: téfi .~ ' $4,, 1 3; Q;- . ' ern Lebanon, and President Reagan Nearly 500 French troops who had Lebanese army.
as I, ' a» _.-- 7 Q . says the Marines Will stay until all formerly served with the UN. The Israelis had been demanding -
g 5 ' g . 51; 53%? ' o . ifs . Mfifi . Israelis and Syrians leave. peacekeeping force in southern Leb- a presence at the airport and the use
E5 ' M” .:., ., g5 5 W» Q. The president tOId Congress that anon joined the 1,080 French soldiers of one of its two runways for mili-
r :4 -;_. 5 «t ' " the Marines would be in Lebanon and 1.170 Italians who have already tary purposes
,_ _. . . . a? .» « M '1‘ 5‘ . 314%. 51%.?!“ “only for a limited period of time." deployed in the Sabra and Chatilla Munitions experts from the Leb-
ryer .. f“; _ ;Q._ j. 5% I,” ”4‘, ~ But he later told reporters on a po- camps andincentral Beirut. anese army detonated at least two
of" ,2 ‘ ' j ' ‘ 2 Q2: w“ litical trip that he expects the Syri- The US. Embassy said roughly mines yesterday left by the PLO
-55 5 . . _, ‘5 ...; ,3 [51.“ 5 . ans and Israelis to leave “sooner 400 Marines landed at the seaport near the airport. The Marines will
' . Q f ' ; . ' than Lebanon will be ready for us from the 6th Fleet ships Manitowoc help the Lebanese clear the mines.
,5. f' . ”swag Q " _ hf - _j - , to“remove theMarines. and Saginaw and drove in trucks The Marines' landings at the air-
” ". " , , , ' * '7 , The State Department, however. and jeeps south to Beirut interna- port started at 1:55 pm. two hours
“, 5 5‘ M‘ 5 "5' appeared to retreat from Reagan‘s tional airport at 4 pm. (10 am. after the seaport landings. The land-
" 5 - 3 " in Lebanon until other foreign forces At the airport. they joined 400 Ma- last Sunday. but was delayed when
4“ ' are withdrawn. rines who were ferried by Chinook the Israelis refused an American de-
. ’ . “Within the limited period of time, and Sea Stallion helicopters from mand they evacuateall of Beirut.
. a ' , the multinational force will be there. the helicopter-carrier Guam. The last Israeli soldiers pulled out
» . . i the United Stata expects the Israe- Some manned a position with Leb- of the airport just as the Marines
- ' - " .. r .. ,Q Q ' lis and Syrians will follow through anese troops on the main road into landed. However. the Israeli flag
V~ ‘ " "g. 4 on their intentions and withdraw the airport. and other Marines was lowered at 12:15 pm, and a

m ., Q . Q «- W“ l from Lebanon." said deputy spokes- cooked dinner over campfires. sign that said “Goodbye to Beirut“

. ' " ' ' ' .. , - ' Q ,1 man Alan Romberg. “The very Still others marched in formation was painted on the back of one of

5 _. a . it, . ’*~ W”? ‘ presence of the multinational force to positions near the airport run- the last jeeps to go.

. ’5 = . 3 ‘ . " ‘ 5 should encourage early agreement ways. Some unloaded their gear Shlomo Malinik. an Israeli army

. . ~ _ Q ' ., . Q ..a on these withdrawals.” from vehicles parked in front of the spokesman. said Israeli forces

_ .«s a Q Q -' .. or x, " .. However. neither Israel nor Syria airport. They stopped reporters would pull back to the Beirut-Dam-

3_ ' . ~we.‘”'" 5 - ~.,, . ., , » ’ = _ tea- has indicated publicly that it expects fromenteringcertainareas. ascus highway, several miles south
* . fl ., .. __ " _ 4 "5 the withdrawal toberapid. A US. information officer. Lt. Col. of the city.

“‘- _ . . ‘ 'Q - " M _ .4' j“ ’ , John Reid. a US. Embassy bee Delmore. said the Marines The airport is in Moslem West

“'5 ' "it ' spokesman, said 400 more Marines would be deployed in a four square- Beirut. the former headquarters of

‘ " " would land today along with tankS, mile area around the airport. about the PLO. The Christian militiamen

‘-°-“""°°“ “W 5'0" ! armored vehicles, and wire-guided one mile north of Israel‘s new lines. of East Beirut worked with Israel

' :' anti-tank weapons. Small boats from He said about 600 men would be during its invasion. sharing the Is-

AUtumn seren'fy l the US. tank-landing ship Hermit- deployed on the airport grounds. and raelis' goal of getting the Palestin-

There will be fewer and fewer nice days as winter approaches, so some people are taking time toi age rgconnmtered the (50355 m pre- another 600 would be m pOSltlons lans andsxnans out ofLebanon. _

enjoy the warm temperatures and rays of sunshine before the ground is frozen solid and the trees paratlon forthdlandms 3 near the northsouth four-lane high" The Syrlans entered Lebanon 5”

are bare again. Kerry Parrott, mechanical engineering junior, illustrated this recently as he relaxed Pentagon 055153315 also sald "We" way that leads to thealrport. _ Yeahs ago. OSth‘bly to police the

beside Anderson Hall. rations were being made for addltlo- The eastern borders of the Amerl- arrmstice that ended the 1975-76

__ nal forces and equipment to be sent can zone are marked at Lialaki in Moslem-Christian civil war.
U 5 5t t t l) d. h
By MARIA JOHNSON "‘01 their telephone service,“ Combs made for installation in the Medical will compose about 75 percent of the reallocate money where it is needed The revamping of the University's
Senior Staff Writer said. Center, so as not to hinder opera- cost of the system. to cover phone costs. telephone system started last No-
The 450015 system and its phones tions there. Combs said. The remaining 25 percent of the The single-line touch-tone phones vember when the drone numbers of

__.—___—__ will replace the service currently On midnight Dec. 27, the portion cost will derive from service and of the 460013 system have the capaci- some students living on campis and

provided to University offices by the of the 311 system that currently car- maintenance fees, which will be sub- ty to perform more operations than some faculty were changed.

A plan to upgrade UK'S telephone GTE Centrex 311 system, a mechan- ries University offices' phone opera- ject toincreases. the multi-line phones. according to This. according to Combs, was the
system should be completed in De- ical “step-by-step“ system, and its tions will be shut down. and the The cost of the 311 system was not Combs. Operations such as “call di- first step in categorizing the three
cember when a new electronic digi— multi-line rotary dial phones. 4600B will light up. so predictable. It was subject to tar- version," “flip flop" and "three-way previously jumbled exchanges so
tal exchange system, expected to The 311 system now services Uni- “The contract for this system was iff increases by the Public Service calling"willbepossible. that all student numbers would
save money, Will be available ‘0 versity offices and students thnS 0" signed in September of 1980. " Commission. Combs said. The absence of multi-line phones. carry the M258 exchange and all
University and Medical Center em- campus. Combs said. “We knew at the time As a result of the 10-year contract however. will eliminate the ability of University employee numbers would
P103496. Students living on 0?!um Will the systan would cut over between with GTE. Combs said. he expects secretaries and receptionists to bear the "257" prefix. All Medical

The new system, a General Tele- continue t0 use the 311 system and semesters this year." the University‘s overall phone bill to screen phone calls. Combs said the Center numbers have the "233" ex-
phone Electronics 4600}; and its 00'" its rotary dial phones. Combs said The 4600E and the remaining 311 decrease. He also said he would ex- only alternative to phone screening change.

“590"de single-line tOUCh'tODC Students d0 "0t have a need for the system will constitute a super- pect an initial drop of 10 percent. would be to list only the screener‘s “It helps to know what sector

phones. should be Operational Dec. special Operations the new phone system called the 4600 uxsx «UK ”While the University's bill will number. you‘re dealing with. " Combs said of

28, according to Del Combs, man- system can perform. Service Exchange). remain the same or decrease. some Combs said an extensive training the exchange arrangement?“
8881‘ 0‘ UK Communications Sser- The new singleline touch tone The 4600E system was leased on a of the departments‘ bills may in- program. including video shows. makesamuch cleaner operation."
vices. phones will be installed in most Uni- 10-year contract from GTE. Combs crease." he said. verbal instructions and hands—on op- All student numbers were shifted

“It‘s a tremendors opportunity for versity offices beginning Dec. 24. said. Under the contract, fixed bil- In that case. Combs said he would eration. will be med to educate the into the “258" exchange by July
the University to manage and con- Special arrangements have been ling rates over the ldyear period advise University chancellors to phone users. 500 PHONES, page3
Proposal recommends THURSDAY cent to 18 percent and interest and mortgage rates shooting

to their highest level in over a century.
. He said the quarter-century of Democratic control of
I rom Whoa-report
pre-COIIege currICUIum F A 8 Congress which ended in 198] when Republicans took
power in the Senate, was a spendthrift era of busted bud-
R b gets and fatter and fatter government. For every new tax

—___ service rograms with emphasis n there were alwa s lent of new wa s tos end It,

By 353;: $210,; placed onPupperQMSm underarm saga Iames economy on Democrats v p v v p
“agingfiflfilglfimfi: Pri- :flCHhMOND. Va. President Reagan blamedVDemocrats

gflfi chard Report on higher education 0' t eQnation 5 economic woes yesterday and said the Nov.

Potential frghmm at UK next last September said UKshould have 2 elections pose a chaice between recovery and another /
year Will be expected to have com- more selective admissions economic binge like the one that left us with today 5 pound \
pleted a pre-college curriculum and guidelines. ing national hangover. '

Q compiled better academic standings, The report suggested that the Uni- "This devastating recessmnory virus one that many WEATH _
according to recommendations versity emphasize upper-level un- economists believe started and has continued SlnCe 1979
SW?“ yesterday by A" Gallaher, dergraduate studies and graduate has begun to show signs of finally running its Course. ' Rea» / \
main campus chancellor. research. gan said

- 05-555 ""5850" 5s 50 make UK an "5: In addition, the report said an 5'" in a speech at a rally for Republican candidates, the
stltution for upper-level students, tegrated and aggressive recruitment 'd . d b l h’ d . , ._ .

. ,. said Gallaher in a meeting of stu- campaign should be started to iden- presi ent me to a so ve is a ministration of responsubili- Today will he mo’fly sunny and warm with a high in
dents andadministrators. tify exceptional students before their 'Y 5°r "‘9 ”9‘95““ °"d "‘9 h'9h95' ”nemPIOYmem "‘ "‘0'9 the upper 10: to around 80.

“UK_ will have to take. on senioryear in highschooll "‘0" ‘0 Yea". _ Q _ Tonight will be fair with a low In the rule! 50:. To-
statewide 'responmbtlltles (.55 “‘9'“ According ‘0 Gallaher. this WW“ 5.5909,?" “Md 55505 ”5 the 50‘" years 0.5 the Carter adm'ms' marrow will be mostly sunny and warm with a high in
education. Gallaher sald. We allow each of the most qualified ap- tration we suffered our most dramatic economic reversal h I .0.
have to become a comprehensive since the Depression. With inflation climbing from 4.8 per- 5 . ow 5
university dedicated to research and 8” mnt' ”99°

 —_—_—_—_———_——__——__——_—__—_—__— ;.
”"90““ Ammonia-M momma summumlm Llnl$.Kodobc 1.9. yum “new.“ 7'
Editor at Chief News Editor And Editor Spam Ed-lor Special Protects Editor Photo Editor Graph-u Editor 1:;
P E R5 U ASION mm “M" Mm cmy M“ mm“... “M" ""m """" ““"h" luv-nuan- can“... f”
Managingfdltov Ednonaltd-tor Illll.'ldonorlv. AumomSpom Editor SpooalProtlns Assiltunt ChlutPhotogvophe: (npy Desk Chmt "
Assistant Art- Editors .'
——————————————————————————-—'—-———-——_———_——_——— ‘ ..
Student voters can have community voice "
Over 700 students registered to vote Mon- . ;
day and Tuesday during the Student Govern- President Reagan’s continued lack of con- WE LL, '7 [S N. CE YOU FOUN D TH” WCH WATER .,
ment Association’s voter registration drive. cern for minorities has become increasingly iN TH’S DESERT BUT [T ST'LL DOESN‘T j
These are in addition to the nearly 1,000 stu- disturbing. ’
dents who registered at the Fall Festival or Records of the Equal Employment Oppur- LOOK VERY STRONG '7"
through the efforts of campaign workers for tunity Commission and the Washington W :;
Larry Hopkins and Don Mills. Council of Lawyers that were reported Mon- .
The large turnout is an encouraging sign day indicate the defense of civil rights is not ,5
that many students are concerned about very high on the Reagan administration’s _ . . , A ‘
their community. list of priorities. 2/52" ' f, q, i
Last year’s SGA drive registered approxi- The records show a sharp drop in ap- ' 13/," I a ,7 .-
mately 450 voters, a low number for a school proved job discrimination suits and a serious 5; ' »' 1‘ 5 ,
this size. This year’s increase may be attrib- lack of enforcement of school desegregation ” ’ " ' .
uted to the issues on the November ballot. and fair housing laws. [5.71, . 31”,... ’37733'74'9’3.‘ <1! 1;;
Questions such as whether to permit Sun- Yet, at a Sept. 15 meeting of black Repub- $37,...“ 2533,, ”gt-'5" 5"” 1’ “ ’ '- TauA,‘ A If luv" . 2
day liquor sales by the drink and the out— licans, Reagan stood by his record, saying .7. Taoifilxl,‘ 767% g ‘8' Qo) if. ’5 I
come of the 6th District congressional race his administration has acted on civil rights ,5,“ l“, . )2 t " -g 7‘ .,_ £
are on the minds of many students. Given more than previous ones. 1"" ;'//\\\§\\ €¢W.;-’lg .. ”249““ 7. M: . “i; ’
the size of the registration, a large student This is contradicted, however, by records I ‘ ", «is-it"s: 9‘ ‘5‘ ”50/“ 7- fl.‘ I 7:
voter turnout can be expected at this year‘s that show two cases of discriminatory viola- ‘a f? ’15";qu i." V?“ 0,5 ‘w I, ‘ . ., I . at, £5 ‘;
election. tions of the Voting Rights Act were filed in «A? l??\ /30 0° ‘\(-‘ ‘5‘}. "5', <3 j." xv. 1
But whatever the reason, the increase in Reagan’s first 20 months, compared with \1. ',:f““"’:"“‘ y 05 56 .7? Rf" f. ‘fng . :
student voter registrations is an encouraging nearly a dozen the first 12 months of the Car- ‘5‘ 2/7: f0 6] 99f, 2 j“ 5-, j
sign. Students concerned with their commu- ter administration. ’5/ (S Q?” 91” i ~ .fi- 5.91;, f‘ ‘ .i ..
nity will be concerned with their school as Perhaps Reagan made an honest mistake f“ , : \ 0 etc If ‘ . 3?. ’i if". ‘;
well. And, if enough registered students ac- when he said he believed his record was su- a ’/// (l AA!) 5,, at ~ ' (593.3“ 2;; . .,:
tually vote, the student body at UK can have perior to those of the earlier administra- V}~ % / QJyoMlfl l g (11:32 ;
avoice in local affairs. tions. But, more likely, he was simply glos- '-. ‘\ ' 74,; — ' ' . - 6% 0.5”. wloog if, ,‘
While the increase is a step in the right di- sing over the facts, as he has been wont to it‘ " (l , at .‘A‘o o -- - . ” ' ' . - W5 '2
rection, however, the numbers still are not dointhe past. " ”0‘09“ ”ill /. _ / ; 57.1.“?
high enough. Some 23,000 students attend To state the simple facts: the Constitution ( , l l :9“, 'j’ :90 J, I "‘é" .
UK, including over 3,000 freshmen, many of forbids discrimination against any persons 1.1—“, -, ‘ a. Na" ._” 7- «a «ram-5'; it
whom recently turned 18. Many of these stu- because of race. The office of the president 5 "’ ’7" "W" fl ’ Q; whiff-”Effervw ‘1 " ‘ 7 ‘ .45.?
dents probably have not registered. is the executive branch of government. And, 04/7551».- ‘7 .3}
Maybe SGA can expand on that number one of the duties of the executive branch is POW/E's
next year, perhaps by using the same meth- to enforce the Constitution. 9 . ,, KY u. , W 3;
ods that drew such a fine turnout this year. Reagan, so far, has not done his duty. ‘ 5‘
Re turning to the basms. 1 eachers must be taught, first
. While other colleges and universi- Vineyard. Nantucket, lower Ver- 91365 SUCh 35 Bennington and An- fuel bills soon followed Shit; the Off- insistence of its current dean of fac— sauce in Italy, the other general sur-
ties are already deep into the first mont and the Berkshires, the propo- tioch sent their students, mostly campus period became virtually an ulty, Henry Rosovsky, Harvard has vey, from Plato to NATO, had given
EmeStQ' Hgmgnasdfieg;l:§2 gmzafsordgjfgjiltatgry arsestiISted 11?:- chilellé‘enf of lifiyilege.f0ff inte‘sthe orthodoaty in hgcadreimia. But it wees been rehabilitating the idea and the us all some rudimentary historical ‘
catalog . - . wor o wor or a ew we in ' ' ' . ‘ . -;
academic'veision of the Gregorian singer has observed, acadeglncry poli- , midwinter, to .rleam from .Iifexwhat fog; in: hadtoom: 3:; n‘flich a: Beaugiylgtfiognentfigeltfidélgaitsimeflolgmhtggcgmomf my W0“ could 5-.
calendar is another Way that Har- tics lS so bitter because the stakes “presumably they couldn’t learn from it had come decades before at the cemible core of learning that should talk intelligently for 10 or 15 minutes
valrdrlerenegiltt‘sndleltgnezémty meeting are so small. bolokus‘ orgeiellstetshsions. th tth' alwzys ufinamti’elrlfitflrloutbiled tvang- be the possession of civilized men ordnvlrite and thltlhnk coehfrentllyaeboutt .
. —— 0“ a e me a 15 “’35 uar C0 es, 0 e in erces- and women. in ences in e m ieva urc
:ginte) 33:: teggSaceloutgllllcléatlhemell'opg yet another one of those 'daring sion of ecegnomic realities — in. this This body of knowledge as central or what differentiates the baroque - g
:5... was ....5.. W5... NEW “H.555". :5: "‘5 ‘°"" °‘ 5.25.555: :555:5“‘ WWM... ... -r-
arguments were mustered to show like modern dance and interracial My guess is that if oil prices keep ter century ify a pedagogic strgregy pose, but still we wouldn‘t be with 3,
exactly. how the. calendar . change REPUBLIC dating. falling, classrooms and dormitories for which cafeteria-style eating and out bearings if someone asked about 7;.
weuétildtrillirupgthellfeiofrthe mmd'. Th?“ came the 0“ crisis Of 1973 Will once again be full in January supermarket-style consumption are ancient slavery or the Roman wars, g
.. ....:5:: . 5:555:55 —-———.—-—- 5:::::.::::5:.::: 5:: :5: "‘55....5: “:5 .1 m s”: 5-” 5:55: -
league whisper t0 another. “The Convenience. of course, is often many 90118805 and universities grogcts will meetprthe fate of other Ixtuzlngggri‘tign hafioEEteisngultxl‘ien- :gngrzlfothk diefiugggeige‘no? Hap; ,
weeks immediately after Labor Day the begetter of principle. But same (though not Harvard) were expel- obsolescent expedients that no long- ticity. The culture of narcissism told burg. 5
22:53:?” til: lefcsh ttine:urt‘l'éu’lonoszei limit“ ianecessity lthatth dobes the ting theirfstudents from Ivy idea; errequire the guise of inspiration. young people, moreover, that they We could grasp the sweep of West-
was, “Yoshi New Hampshire, too.“ corgrfmbrllg“‘Ja?iru:13;/a$nfe y-now nails-3w or experience in e Harvard keeps its distance, and it 1522:? learn what they wanted to zfgaiglsegleh rlrrl‘y a\‘Ier‘yifalzllesinittudelnltg
Since the same goes for Martha‘s Years ago only a few vanguard Some Sun Belt schools without big also stays in the lead. Largely at the Looking out at the students before today donot. i
I - . them, teachers could not assume Right now Harvard is trying to re- ,
' ' that they had even one book in com- dress this grievance of the culture
Polltlcal polls cannot predict upcoming SIX weeks .- .. ‘
When I went to college everybody such as Brandeis. A few universi- ‘
, took a basic humanities course, the ties, Columbia and Chicago preemi-
If you follow politics with any en- vat. Provided he's stirred it pop cripple Republicans in the already- based on his polls is on an intellec- literary classics from “The Illiad" nently, refused to succumb to the
thusiasm, you have no doubt erly, he‘ll get a reasonable sense of battered Midwest, and for that mat- tual par with a fellow in a bright to “The Idiot." So by sophomore 1960s craze for change, and stood by
awaited the arrival of the first the taste of the soup without having ter, across the nationasawhole. vest standing outside the racetrack year, we’d all read Virgil, Chaucer, the general education core. '
major political opinion polls of the to dl‘lhktheWhOIe vat. If interest rats begin to fall offering youasure thinginthe fifth. Cervantes, right on up to the mod- But with a return to the tradition
autumn with the passion of a natu- again, and construction and man- Both should be treated with the ems. elsewhere, there is a shortage of ’
ralist spotting the changing of the ufacturing prospects brighten, the same measure of respect - ranging If we weren’t specialists on one of faculty, particularly younger fac- ,
leaves. arguments that the president’s pro- from littletonone. the favored historical specialties of ulty, able to teach what they were
You have learned that, according t1- Jgff gram needed time will gain enor- ’ the last decade —- black history, not themselves taught. . ,
to The New York Times-CBS poll, 9 GREENHELD mous credibility, Jeff Greenfield appears on CBS women’s history, the Holocaust, the E 11132, The New Republic ,
“Democrats are preferred over Re- 5 If foreign policy moves to center “Sunday Morning" and the CBS exploitation of the American Indian __»
publigzns in congrsssjiotllilalt raceshby .____—————— stage, as it did with John Kennnedy ‘éMorning‘; shoe: arlid is a Universal — (fi‘e even 0ft], merehtii‘meilsanagened Mderfiin Peretz is a nationally syn-
a W: margin. an a “sue a in the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, the ress syn icat co umnist. aca mic su jec s ' e e ais- dicat columnist. '
margin W013” probably mean a It‘s just that polls taken weeks be- "rally—round-the-president" senti- 7;:
Democratic gain 0f nearly 40 seats" fore an election cannot tell you what ment could strengthen GOP incum- 1;
m the House Of Representatives. is going to happen in the next six bents all over the country. If a scan- . j."
You have learned that. according weeks. Pollster-s know this —- they dal hits a high White Home official, .
to The Washington POM-ABC News often say they are simply giving us that will hurt innocent Republicans f
P011» “Democrats who Pl'eVlOUSly a “snapshot of the electorate at a from MainetoAlaska.
supported Ronald Reagan (are) now given time" —— but the numbers al- Moreover, uncertainty is the key
returning ‘0 the fOld ~ . ~ The result ways seem to carry with them a operating principle in politics. Sup-
l5 a lead 0‘ 60 ‘0 40 for the Demo sense of omnipotence that has no pose a heavy Republican favorite ——————_————_—_——
crgtic Fiat); among I"llkelylVOlGIZj'' ll placeinthe political arena. falls ill, or makes a disastrous mis- '
0‘” a you 3V8 earn 3 It's as if on tried to determine take. (It ha ed to Re ubli an - - - ' . -
that, here is what you. as a politi- the outcomeyof the Rose Bowl by Senate mminggeilaeie Wilsonpin cili— DISQUISed reVIVOI fight? $351323. 8:21;): a“: Values Instructor ’
cally sophisticated type. ShOllld d0 taking a photo of the teams as they fomia with his ill-chosen remarks “no one leave out of respect to those '
With ““59 "WW-“>3 Put them i" a lined up for the Opening kickoff. about possibly making Social Securi- On Tuesday 1 attended a meeting whodowanttohear this." Recently returning to college was -
file. slide them into the bottom ‘ To switch the metaphor a bit, poli- ty voluntary for younger workers.) in the Student Center billed as a Should the University again make a bit frightening to me. Not having a
$353 33 ifli’loiis'é‘. $223,313." 3.33 $5.51? lifwambfidfiegfflfig b.3233? uaoymiifrfiéifpeéiim‘é immifiomnmfl. ”23' "if? “.33 323333.“ will” 1"“ 373““ ’°’ 3"?“ “we“? Wm“ my
again.They mean almostnothing. were dealt, and how they were Iowa gubernatorial nominee Rox- clsimetll t: exist: in Email popular people wmfigggenhinelyointazvsfig misiglcfdrc‘ilzedutsdlgfgei‘relhlch 1831 '
l don't mean the [30115 are Phony played. In the years I spent in poli- anne Conlin when she revealed that songs. This subject intafits many in subliminal messages in rock ’n’ asone of my class choices
or inaccurate. Random-sampling tics, I worked for candidates who she and her hisband had used tax people and I had hoped to hear a roll that what they will get here is a The first day of class. in French '
techniques can give a more-or-less went into a race with a Ill-point defi- shelterstolegally avoid taxes.) thorough discussionoftheissue. very thinly disguised revival meet- 101 was an unex ted relief Mrs
reallstlc 300001“ Of what those cit and won; and I worked for others It may be an obvious point, but it What those attending were actual- ing and no serious intellectual con- Elizabeth Dunningtetfn is m instruc:
polled thlhk at any given time. “'5 who helda atypoint lead and lost. is one ignored year after year. ly treated to was a long-winded ser- sideration of the subject whatever. tor She is a native of Frznce She
really not that amazing that 1,200 re- Just think of what might happen Pollsters use telephones, survey men about the devil and slides of resides in Lexington and Its En-
spondents can reflect the mood of in the next several weeks of the 1932 sheets and computers — not crystal Kiss Rush Led Zeppelin and Black Harry Geis glish fluent] spea
1°“ ““1“” We” campaign If the unemployment rate balls Oak, Arkahsas albums (some of Computing Center staff Because she w u in France
JUSl think Of a Chef taking a hits the mystical 10 percent mark, The seer who tells YOU he knows them almost lOyearsold.) she has an intir‘hate Sew of dain
spoonful or two of soup from a huge the specter of the doubledigit could what will happen in November No “concert footage” was shown, U f . bl 9 life, unattainable merely through
DRABBLE “a b Kevin F0 n as advertised — but several popular n Olr ome . our workbooks or the language lab. ‘
Y 9° songs were played bacltward in an Her knowledge of foreign languages
tnANKs toR TAKING uouto 400 NOT 100M- HA‘. HA‘. , 00 100 normal Tum $332.!" lief‘hiewmm: UNTIMELY THOUGHTS: Yasser asnglulgdleergghfintgyorhlerggrdlglfigm
NOTES FOR ME AT SCHOOL LlKE ME To l WOULDN'T Ml. ARE l'M AFRAIO OF A FELL) turned out to be mainly garbled Arafat’s henchmen hijack planes She has been more than willing on
i 100“, NORMAN. 8&1le THEM mm 100 TO 100 KlWle, . LtTTLE (:ERM‘.) 7 noises. and bomb supermarkets. The result: several occasions before or after
L ll ,, OVER? CATCH Mei wENO‘l 7 J” .~_ When members of the audience Arafatgetstoseethe Pope, class to help with any problems that
7T7 .1 fi_. 7% FLU , . r spoke out and told the speaker he Arab brothers (Christmnst slaughw haveoccurred. .
- '. ,¢\ . 1‘ was mistaken about some of ms for Arab brothers (Mllllms): Who I find her attltude so refreshing
.' "l’ 9 W , . .~ points, they were told to be qmet- N0 gets the blame? Well, Begin, of Most of all, I think I am not just an-
, “I? a ‘ ., wt . other points of view would be consid- course. Could it be because he is - other student. I will be looking for-
5‘ ‘u ‘ l O , . A? ”’3 I ‘ ,_. ered until the tresentation had oon- pardon me for the expression ~ a ward to seeing Mrs. Dunnington in '
own—r7“ . ,- g . . 1 T'" i. I cluded (and the audience couldn’t Jew? semesterstocome.
IF}; 15% '1! w" ,7 " 2.. I 6‘ beam?“ lawmanluded 'th ' i
a 7 ‘h’ . :ULL “l 7' . ., . .. l . The . seminar con_c M an .DmitryFeofanov Anny J.Conrad
' ”W , . -' ‘ ’6‘ ’ “we "W"! ... anltatlon for the audience to accept Music school mstructer Undemded freshman

 22 THE KENTUCK YKERNEL, -Thurs¢by, September 30, 1912 - 3
Israelis shamed by massacre Pruestobeawarded
E; TEL AVIV, Israel ~— The slaugh- tha