xt7djh3d256c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7djh3d256c/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1931 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1931 Vol.3 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, December 1931 Vol.3 No.11 1931 1931 2019 true xt7djh3d256c section xt7djh3d256c ‘ , .... ..,. .- ..-.'-__-__-.__'____-' > 1 ' : " " ————————-————-x V ' ' A : "" ’" ’ ' ' . V1113".
' 1’i
1 11, 11 11 1 1
1 11 5'1
‘1 ‘11 1 1: 1
1 , 1 11 1 ' 1
1 , :1: 1 1: 1 1'.
a ‘1 1 1
’ 1:1 111‘ 1 1
1 ’ Published Monthly Of, By, And For The Kentucky Newspapers 1 1 1‘1 1 1
. _'_______..————-————————————-—-—_———-————————-—-——-—-——— 1 1:11 1:1
Volumn Three December, 1931 Number Eleven 1'11 1 1‘1 111
‘ ___________.._—_.__.——————_——————-———-—- .111 1111 1'11
1 ‘ 11
V V V I I 11 ' 1 1 1 111
11 1 1 1 1 1 2 1':
1 - firearms @t said-wants? assesses On To Louisvdle! 1- ,1 11 1
__._ . 11 1- 1 *1 1‘.
___.._————————— 1' ‘1 1 1 . 1‘ 1
1 January 21-23. 1932 “011 130 Louisville!" 1 1 ‘1‘ 3 ‘
Brown Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky Surely no Kentucky editor needs any 1 . i 1 111
1 . - 1 1 . 1 1 1 .1
1 Thursday Evening, January 21 furtlher 1111131211136 to tattencihfhe an- 111 1‘1 , 1 1
_ __ . . _ 1 . 1 nua ml - n r mee lng s year 11:11 1111 1 11
7.00 P. M. Buffet Luncheon ln Louis BVI Room Brown Hotel,’V1:udev;lle, than the mere announcement of the 111 111 111
Dance on Roof Garden, MuSlc by Jimmy Joys ecor mg program is this issue of the Bulletin. 11 11 11
1 Dance Orchestra; Guests of Brown Hotel. The program speaks for itself in no 112111111 11 1,1
1 Friday Morning. January 22. unmistakable terms as the best we 1111 11 1‘
10:00 A. M.—-Business session called to order by President Joe T. Lovett, W111 have had Wlthm the P1151? several 11 ‘ 1
131 1.... 1...... 1,, “5.1112333132111333 11 11 1
' D 1 h 1 1:1 :1’ 1
Invocatlon by Dr. Charles 1R1 Welch, Pastor Fourth Avenue we editors have been preaching with 1111‘ 11 1 111
‘ Presbyterian Church, Louisvflle, Ky. might and main in heroic efforts to ~ 1'1“ ‘ 1
_ Address of Welcome by Mayor Wm. B. Harrison, of Louisville bolster the morale of our faltering ;. 1, .11
1 Response by Lawrence W. Hager, Messenger—Inquirer, Owens- communities. Our preachments will 1‘1 11 1,
boro, Ky. .. lose a great deal of their effect if we 11 1 1‘1 13 1’
1 President's Annual Address by Joe T. Lovett have to tell our fellow-townsmen dur- 1 ‘11‘ 11
Annual Financial Report by Secretary J. Curtis Alccck, Daily lng the fourth week-end 1“ January 1'1‘1: 11 1 1
1 Messenger Danville Ky. that we were unable to join our bro- 1111‘ 1‘11 1 1
Address, “How I Ran a Campaign,” by Warren Fisher, Carlie-la ther-edltors at the state Teetm?’ be- ‘1‘ 11 1
M cause times are too hard. Lets not :1 1 1. 11 1,
1 . ercury. . ‘ 1 be like the fellow old Bill Shakespeare 1 ‘ 111 ,1 ‘
1 Discussmns and Repercussmns. told about when he said, “I can easier 731 1: . 51
12:15 P. M.—Luncheon at Kentucky Children’s Home. teach twenty men what to do than 1 31 1-1 1 1
Friday Afternoon, January 22. be one of the twenty to follow mine 1 1‘ 11 11 - 1
Automobile Show , 0W“ Prea9hing-" - {'1‘ 11 1 111
. Theatres and Bridge Quit crying over poor business if 1 ‘1 111 11 ‘ ‘ 1
1 Friday EVEN-11g, January 22 your business is rotten. Buckle up, 1111111111'11 ‘
_ 1 1 . . throw your shoulders back, thrust out 111 111 1
1 7.00 P. M.——Annual Banquet at Blown Hotel, Loulsvnle Board of Trade your chest and your chin and join us 1111 1,11 111
1 _ Host; Robert Vaughan, Presment, and Others, Speakers. in Louisville early Thursday, January 111 1 1
1 Saturday Morning, January 23. 21. You’ll get enough inspiration and :11 ‘1 1|: . '
L.- 10200 A. M.—Meeting called to order by the president . vigor at this meeting to carry you 311 11 1
Address, “How I get Foreign Advertising,” by Alvin R. Magee, through the year. 1 1111'. ‘ i , 1 1
-’ Foreign Advertising Manager of the Courier-Journal and Please let me make a speClal appeal 11 ‘1 1 1 2 111
The Times to you fellows who have not been in 1 g 1 f ‘1
1 I . . . the habit of coming to the meetings. 1 if 1 1‘ 1 .‘1
Report of'Leglslatlve Committee by B. B. Cozine, Chairman. Try it once! Just once! We know 1 11111
1 ShelbyVllle News. you’ll like it so well you will come for— " :1 31 11 11
2' Reviewing Business of 1931 ever after‘vard- 1 1 .1‘ 1 1 311
.1 Visualizing Business for 1932 And you old standbys! You men we 1 1 1 11 _
12:15 P. M.—Luncheon at Pendennis Club, Courier-Journal and The Times have been counting on for years. Make .11 1 11111
Hosts a little extra efiort and bring along ‘ 1| 1‘ 1
El 13' ' f 0151' r your neighbor who falls in the fore- :: ,7 111 “ 1
' . ea 1911 0 H18 5 going classification. 1 1‘ 111 ~ ' .1 '1
Unfinished Busmess. “On to Louisville.” 111 1 111 1
1 Adjournment JOE T. LOVETT, 11’ 1 1111 ‘1. 1
1 W________.__.___—_.__ President, 1 1 11'; 1111 1‘1 1,1
1’ DEPARTMENT or JOURNALISM tion. —————————— 11 1111 ‘ I,
' NOW CLASS “A” SCHOOL Only twenty-six universities and BiRTHDAY FEATURE 3.1 1111 1
.——.—— state colleges in the United States are ' PROVES MERITS 1 ‘1 11 1 ,1- 3'1
The department of journalism, Uni— members of this association and the 1‘11 ‘11 11 1
1 versity of Kentucky, was admitted to editors of. the state ought to be proud Council Bluffs, Ia., Nonpareil (R. J. 131 1111 1a 1
1 membership in the American Assocla- that their university was accorded O’Brien, business manager) runs ‘a 1~ 1 111; 1' 1
1 tion of Schools and Departments of this signal honor. short‘ featuq'e daily with Children’s 1'11 ‘ 11-1
1 Journalism at its annual meeting in -—-———————-— Birthdays. Names mentioned are en- a 11 111211111
Minneapolis during the holidays, as a 'Have your neighbors ever dropped titled to get tickets for a good movie 1 11 1111 1 1g _
Class “A.” department of journalism. into your home to borrow the weekly show open once a month at a season- 1. 1 11:1 1-11
This highest rating comes to Ken— collection of circular letters, hand able hour. Names and ages are se- 3' 1’; 1111 11 1 1’
1 tucky in recognition of its staff mem- bills, etc., that the users think are as cured from the school records. The '11 111131 f 1
.1 bership, its curriculum, and its stan— good as advertising in your favorite cost is very small and the feature has ,' 13, 111 1‘ 1
1 3 dards of scholarship according to the country newspaper?—Jordan (Minn) taken a big hold. The theatres cooper- .11 111 1 1 f 1
1 rules and regulations of the associa- Independent. ate and finds it advantageous. 12111 111': 1' 2
,1 1 1, 1, 11 1 ‘
V 311' 11:1 1
’ 1 1’ 1‘ 11
. 3111 111‘ .
1 .111, 11. 1 11 1 1 1
_ 1‘111’11‘1‘1 1 J1“
. 2 "'~1T—..-;:~.,-;—~—-.—rm_.. ..— "An . ' 25-7111 “ 1 19 ,

 - vav ' ”‘33.: 3 H H H ' ' ' '4- » -. . , -

,3;,': , ‘1; 333333 “3333 ’ ' " - ..

3.3,: _; ~33 13,: : _. _

33 : g 533’, 333 : ' '-

3 i 335» ~
3| , ...,: . 3:3: : .. t

j: 9:; 333,: ' 3

El: i :3 :3 3333., Page Two ‘ ' -

3" ‘ _.____T__IMENTUCKY PRES
:3- :32 ___._'.S_________ V 3
533. ‘z December 19
E3: 1- ::3‘.; The KentUCk Pre the 00mm ’ 31
. ,,, SS gyear. It mayb
33 3' 3 3:3 33:33: —_____._____ should have an up to dat: YSU.IYou I‘Dtary’s Office has received b
33‘ 3 33:3, 1?:3-3: -- _ . , ' ' 11 ica . ul '

3333 3 ' :33:: V OHM“ Pnbhcation Of The Ofiyour subscription, “St, Showingdatz“: 38:1 mme than 30 state press, @333? r.

33 , , ,, ,3, , Kentucky Press Associatitm EZVSS’SS some safe place outside of the busiji’eszngt if you think the present-2 (
.i. ': :3‘ __________— per Office, ress has , 5 ,

3,3 ,3 3 3,, ,3, , Vietor R P rt needed Corrections It is well, to make newspaper men of Elise aWakened the. ,

3'3 33 ' 3,: 33:3,: - 0 mann, Editor-in_c - . - . . and reViSions of fact th nation to the

, :1 ,3, ,3, , met this list several times a at they must hav -

3 33‘» , 3:3: 3,333 '——~—— Also stored awa - year. bound Organizatmn for e m} ”011‘ 3

,:,, ,, {:3 33 "33,, Published by side the ff, y In some place out- just 01011:, know h protectmn y0u

-' 3‘: i» .2 35333 : The De . ° 108 should be a c m . , 0W the newspa .

,. 3:3 3 .3 ,3 ::33, 3 - Universit parftment of Journalism Inventory of all yOur machine omplete in are thinking these days per ,

- :3 ,3; 3- g :3: 3 _ y 0 Kentuck ’ L . ment , . , ry, equip— ress bulletins f- ’ , 3

"‘31,,3'3 :{ ,3 :3333 3 Printed by The Kersnel fission cemectzgéd 8:13:22?“ This should be are pointing out $123: 33:1; t; e in anon E

3 3: 3,, 3“»::; ——— ' . OHCe 3‘ Year. This bUt our own ' 1'0 BSSiOn

,233: 33 13:3 :3‘333 . PRESS ASSOCIATI E31333: isgreat importance when settle- cially protectfdaiequagely and finan- 3

,3 1,3. 33 ,3, 3,33: 3 ON OFFICERS pany made with the insurance com- they are Stirrino glirfggt: 12,va and 3

.3 .3: :3 2::5» ;: ‘ JOE T. LOVETT ' abOut the b p 0 bring i
:',‘3 ' :55 ,: 3 ‘ . ‘ passag .

3 3,, 3 3,3, 33,,3 Murray Ledger,—Times 'lpresident SOl’Erllveerfsiirec’t-ilce should have, if possible State Which will egivoef 11:35 111 every 3
1.: 53:3 3 ”'3 : : JAMES T N led D 00f safe In the office. The man the same protect' neWSpaper 3
3 3: . : :- "3 A - ORRIS gers and the new . fr Ion and benefits
:'; ‘33: ::: «:3 ~!:: Shland Independent - ’ . be k Spapel‘ files should cm the State other -

,. 3,, ,: ,3, 33,, 3 , Vlce Presxdent 6101; there, for in case of fire th joy—Mexico Bullet' professmns en- ,
33 33 333333 3 3 0 LAWRENCE HAGER, {giver can be replaced. ey * :n', 3
33333 3 ‘3 333333 wenSbgz? 1331335561115": Chairman of e Wisconsm Press- SAME IN ALL sTA'I‘ES 3
1‘3 ,3: : '3 333133 3 33:3 3 ecu iVe Committ M

: 9': 1 1:33, 3:33»! ee W Iowa has 540 he

,3, 3333- , , , D J_ CURTIS ALCOCK HY ASSOCIATIONS? Field Manager Cagvsvlzgltlpiasts of; these

.: '1 ‘ ':":' a. ' _— u
3:3 33 3: _' :5 :,:j‘ 3 W Kentucky has a Wide a k :23, orhmore mere excuses £0,313,333: ,
1:. 3‘3': '§:‘,3 association - . . ' W336 press 5 011d g0 Out of b - ”

::..3, :5 -:, : 3,:. , With a 11,111th mak USlness, He :
.:-::: : 3' ‘3 : _: —to - " eI‘ll‘Ollment ‘ es no Efiort t,

' 33 :33: : 1 . MEMBER m by a3:3“E§y:Zd§§°rém Wining ‘° “and :8“ 0f the assoéaifintheEmvgsy min? 3
‘3 3 ‘ ‘ 233‘: 3:.“ 3 31913:; ‘1 d eorge'edEEOY-brother as «'1 Similiar : -’ S a e :

3:33:13 331 3 @3333) sgngvumtfie Work, There are many rea- association can oionsimcin. ,No press 3

‘ 3333 33 13:3, 3 11- 3 K '4 TU “ same ne y Kentmky Should have as percent memberchip cud aim at 100 3

.5 333 : E‘ 3333 .3 ' CKY PRES inc Kanvtfiglipers will not join in boost- that a press associatiorlfheh 011d idea. 3
.3 33': - 3:32:33: ii‘r‘j 3 D f 5’ newSpa er in 5 mid pro-

'. 33:333 3 3‘15? W” :‘ - ASSOCIATION 'Followmg are a numgersogscgmfiilemfi thitquég lelfare 0f every paper in
'31:: , '3-3z 13:: - : .. on ’- - 115 V ” im '
:333: -' 933E 33 3 Dresgrzzzofijifclahfns that apply to one can do anythriiiagctflgjlthgecause no 3
*:;::‘:1-. :33 : ‘ OHS hat a 1 will d - man who ‘
-, ., :1, -:3 : . .3 tqu pp y to_ Ken' 0 nothing for h. E
' 3 i 3213' ‘ : Abo " y as W911 as the othe Imself~—Ole Buck »
333 3 1: 3'73 3 at Those Cheaper Rates THE M E “' *' r States. Assocmn * E t 3
3 .3 ,3 Eiz‘: :‘_: ' —-
3' :‘3 ~ 31m33.::: Dont’ knOW just h . ”T d EASVRF 0f MEMBERSHIP It 0N MEMBERSHIP
3: :3. ,- :2, 3 . 0W many of 0 m» e aSSOCIatlon . . has been well - .
13‘ :33” 3:33 3:333 " are havmg merchants yap for cheipu measure of characteifntfmbershlp 13 a: IiSher had to measslilil‘d that If a pub-
3, :33, t: ,3: :33 3 61' advertising rates f0 ' the memb , .. ecause it Shows standard . 8 up 33" ceI‘tain

:,:3i E 33:3,: .: :3 3 11161131311 print' 5 r Cheaper c0m_ ers ablhty to get alo . S befOI‘e beinO' acce tn

-.'- :3 : ' ~ thers Tr . . ng Wlth member f : D 13 d as a
3 3:": 3, : 3», much th mg, all pomting out how 9 ' ade association . 0 hls press as . .
3 :3; = 53:1: 2;:1 : at the 15 a _ . membership then . SOClatlon, and ,
33:33 33 333-3" 333.33 E Slumped in pric: have for sale has memb3::Evea]:1m~a of Int'5‘3111gence 0f the there had to continue to measure up :

33333 3' 33 i‘: .. :33 :3 Your 5 I 5 t . S usrness mEEhOdS. because h b would :be less Solictation a d 3
, 3., : 3 , .:.' :3, , it out Wi(tailretary attempted to reason :ndl‘ying to eliminate COmDetitiVe wast: Sgtiiter association- Under the presets, .
3.3 3,? ; 3 33.3; :i‘- 1:: in . a merchant recentl t “0 use COoperation -up mo“ every pa e ' E“
:: :: -: : g hlm that befOr , y: 911‘ nomical we as an ecc— perhaps with p r ‘5 accel’ted ‘
3‘ 5333 '3 3'3“ 3 3 Paying $250 8 he War we Were memb - “3pm Tirade association men : the thought that assacia- ,
.1333; " ‘31:: 13-.“ E m" ‘ per hundred for ne _ - ershlp 15 a measure of : Wlth more Successful ‘ 3

,,:,:. : 3,, ,: - int, now We . ws m the 1nd soundness wm encou puhlishers

33333 3 3'3 : 7 d - are paymg from 4 t . “SEW: because it 3 - rage a correction of
.3: ,: 3 3:33, : :- epEndlng 0n ou . 0 something fol. t .. , , S domg nesseg. Somet' 3 . weak- ,
,3”, ,, 3,1, ,, , 3 metal cost 4 to 7 norw ifreight rates; economy of thseiafb‘hty: efiiciency and often not. Ceiitrgiethls happens, More : ,
3 ' 3333 ,3, :33 3 depending 0n flieight raE-isu {and up, tributionf’ DTOducts and dis- refuses to help lhirfisgllflell: adpublisher 3

‘r ‘3" .: ‘:' :: 1‘ ‘ ; inotype ,, b t y oino his
3 3 33 3: 3:: 7'3 ‘ ‘ 3 mats cos“ 4, “OW they are 9' b "‘ "' es = ever on the al : °

, , ; l‘ 3 , O . elt to
z. 3 3:3 3»: 3 ii: {3 i’golgopapers were 8 to 12 HOW my: :2“: o VALUE OF ORGANIZATION :gld lgetter methods, there 1311313311123: ,
. : ‘: 3:353 . ‘: e skies- ' ' ne of the ed't - 1‘ Is future i »

3 '33 ‘ 3 '3 33 33 3 the 3 Wages are not quite part Iors 1n the east . mprovement. Th 'd
3 ‘ ,..: .-: = - 4 f the : Jern Cf selectlve . e 1 ea
. IE3 :I 3:: ' : same as before the war 0 State Informed - membersmp whi] '

:: '.- - -.3:~i ' ~ 3 Whether th‘ ' other dav th 1; us the Its dangers ' ’ e 13‘ has

, .,:'!,-, ,, ,,,,,., 3': , ls Soored there‘s no u a: he had made . , , IS not so bad . 5
.,,,_.,. , . . . f the . . . good use if not - , eSpeCIallv
. 5331:: 33": - . “f taming: but I took him 3 way ‘3 assocxation 1n collect” cam“ to far or th - ‘

. 33,», : ,3, , , , his drop in , 0 task about three had accou 111% two or ment made no . ’ ',9 require- ,
3 3‘33 l: 3313 3 3. 3 through : pmes’ and when we got after havin “t“ He stated that Bulletin 3 “0° exactmet-Mich. 3
' 3‘ 3 31:33 ‘3' th ' we learned he had alloWed succecsf g made a number of un— ' '

. , ,: ,5“. ,, ; e Jobbers to kid him into beh - 1v , e 111 attempts to collect he final ' c . ,

3 3 3 3 3333333 3 3‘ 216'“? was a. big drop but in rez‘filg 2E ninfiilhmed the debtors that he was t TEE; PYess ASSOCiation of Dane coun E
j : j 33 ; ' 1 is so slight it is ’ ' 1V: 3 er of the Colorad 3” is" is issuin E ' _

3 .E " 33 ' ' No the , ScarCely nOticeable SociatiOn and 0 Press 35‘ folder t g a Series Of Sman
' : : : : ' only thing th t ' that Unless the s 0 be Sent to adv '

i‘ :3 :.,3: f3. ' . is the price f a has dropped Were paid bv a cert : . accounts tng forth the o ertisers, set” *
3:3 3 3:5 333133 3: ‘» Seoret , ‘3 farm products—Dec] . would ref ' t am tlme that he and th pportumtles Of the field 3

:. 3 3 : : 33:3 i : » aw: m Bulletin ,86: . v «=21 he matter to his - e advantages of us- : .. 3
, ,:, ,3 , ,: 3,3 *3, , Newspaper associaticm of New Mexrco 3:in iinffilllch case the accounizscxjxseie E218 neWSpapers forming 33311: 8:51:31? 3
3 3, 3 3 3 ,5 ~ " ‘3 g . 3 - u -That’s the Value f On. The Object of th v : ‘-

3 :: E 3 i3 3: 1 ’ longing to an or a ' .‘ o be- paign, We are ' e mall cam— 3 I

3:3 .33 33‘ :3 . i 3 Be Prepared for a Fire ‘are E11537 naturally geafii‘ziiltlggth People A: W. Pickerinlgnfzgmggnspg Secretary 33

I 2‘: :3 33 E . 1. ‘3 ——-— er 0f numbers when th e pow' 0f the ordinar ’: E elfably out
, , 3,, :: ,3, 3 , ,_ 3 f Several Wisconsin papers have 1y organized—Colorado 6133;. are meeT- much an attenfipéntjhat It “s not so E
3 ,3 E3 ,, ,3, ..3 ered from fire in the 13.53», year Ssuf— r: :k ,, ess. advertising as it is one :ttract national E
“T. :I 3:: ::, e - e - . ' '

-. 33 , ,3 , ral more are bound to have fires in $5158 t AsSOCIATION ACTIVE buslness men wth the vaciuliren 5:253:11ng E
*5 3:3? 1:3, ‘: 15:: E» “1 he past few Papers as a me ' . .
33k 333:: 3:. 3:33 :_ :‘: _ months the sec— nouncements. Chums for the“ an- 3 '

'3" ‘3 3' , ' >
3. :3 33:3 33: .-:3 ’

‘ 33.4.3331?! 33:? ~32.
. “ME 2193' " -

 7‘1 '_ 7 . ., . » “,7: . . “A - - 1 ' ' .t'" “#717117 7‘ , W77777#rfi_7¥7"7777" 7‘ _. ....._ , \ /' 21-1'12t
.111 o ‘ 11] "
‘1 ll: _:
5 x31 11
. 11 1 ‘ 4 1
1 December, 1931 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three 1 - i 1 1 1
, _______—_______—___________________ 1 . .1; .
' ‘ 1 11 " 1
s t What The Retailer Expect-s Of Mr. Thunemann referred to the ex- the advertiser is successful. It accu- . . .l i" 1
_ . Newspapers perience of Pear’s Soap. Years ago, mulates a favorable public contrast ‘ . 1“ 1
t / — with its “good morning” campaign, with the one who doesn‘t advertise. . . 1
e _ “I don’t buy white space; I buy this soap was a leader. The other day It accumulates piled up impressions of ‘ : x 1. 1
e f merely to get business,” said Karl F. a, Storekeeper sold his last two bars; articles offered for sale. It accumu- 1 1 ' :
_ Thunemann, advertising manager of they had been on the shelf for six lates a belief that the advertiser car- ‘1 1-11 '1 1
J McMorra-n & Washburne’s department years. Pear’s had ceased to advertise ries standard or better grades of goods; . 1: "
r $101.81 in Eugene, at the Crater Lake and had lost the momentum of its ear- it :ccumfiatesdnew frflentds and helps 1 j t 1 1
convention. He was answering the 1161‘ DuthitY- 1016:6111; niatte I 1 :1 ac ’ 1i21acc1l11mu— 1 ‘ ' 1
1 » question as to what the retailer ex- The speaker urged good-will build- a me . d r1a1 lor 211111 ahmgs 1m' l 1: 1
1 pects of his newspaper. ing on the part of newspapers com- piegna e m us “a wa W 1c com- 1 5E1 .
. 1 , , bl t . . petition cannot break down over night. 3 . ‘ ,
' 1‘ “I believe the paper builds up a cert D313 e 0 that carried on by busmess , . , 1 1 1-1 ,
1 _ _ , Its the insurance that the concern is ‘ x
i tam consciousness among its readers. men. The MCMOIYan & Washburne still in business and still jealous of 1. .3
t t I buy the “Shthrday E‘hhthg P05“ I e‘hdttortum’ gtteh tree to groups °t the attitude 0; the public toward it t e '3
V never read a stgry; I read the adver— citizens, has drawn thousands of per- ' 111 1 "
r tisements. The “P'ostn has bullt up an sons to the store In a week. This has Have you read the front page edi- 11: 1 111
5 advertising consciousness........Some built up good Will. Mr. Thunemann torial in the Publishers Auxiliary, issue .1 1 :1 1
' papers are that way. If you want peo— Ul‘ged frequént news Stories about the of November 21, entitled Suicide! If * f 5 i
1 ple to read for advertising, you build local advertiser; the news story and not” look up that issue and read it! , ‘ . 3 1
up that advertising consciousness. Let picture run unknown to the advertiser Wright A. Patterson gives a message 3 1 1
your readers know that your particu— was regarded as a great builder of the that is pertinent to every newspaper 111 11 . , 1
3 lar paper is the best for that particu- good W111 that helps business. owner and editor. 1 7 11 1 . 1 1
t lar type of advertising. “— __._.._____.___._ 111 1 1 1 . 1 1
: “When a woman buys Palm Olive, ‘ The University Of Kentucky was hOSt YOU cannot afford to miss the mid- t1? 1‘ t i z i
” 1 she buys ‘that schoolgirl complexion.’ to the National College Press associa- winter meeting at Louisville! 11 11111
; ‘ When I buy your white space I’m buy- tion on November 20-21. Eighteen U1 1‘ 1 '1 l
: 1 ing the business your paper will bring states and 25 publlcatlons were TBDI‘G- . t 2" 1 31. t
3' to me when I put my story into that sented by 46 delegates. The Press edi- W % 1 1 '1' 1 H1 1
space. tor was honored in his election as 331m kput duh 1on your mailinghlést. W3 1 111,111
1 U . 1 . - - . c ec an e your paper eac ay an 1 a‘ ' 1
. Ninety W 95 p31 cent Of those m filialrmani 13f the :fiecutlv: tboald or when the binding date comes we bind 1 *11t ll 1
l I retail business fail. You are up against e assoc a ion or e nex “’0 years. and return them 211i;I the 1i‘ollowinsgsporéces: 1 1112 .» 1 1
l ~~ - _____.______ Daiy Tree on 5...... . . v ‘2‘ 1‘ I
) , the hmpos‘hhh 0t Shhmg h°t hhh' to Daily: Six Months........ 7.50 11 ‘ lg1t ;, 1
) 1 the 5 per cent but also to the lnLGl‘n- 1 What Does It Accumulate? Weekly, Twelve Months... 5.00 1 g 111 ; 1
1 1 potent 95 per cent; they don’t know — We are serving publishers in all parts 1 1 1 1111 i 1 1
how to advertise. The more you know The benefits of advertising are cu- 0f the United States. Write us for fur— ‘ 1 i 1 3"
b 11 th 1: .1 d h' b . 1 th 1 11 d . ht ther particulars. / :1" l1 1
a on e re a! er an IS USIHGSS e mu a -ve, we say—1am we. are rig . NIONMOUTH BLANK 300K CO. 1, ‘. Ki
better you’ll be able to sell him and ,But what does this advertismg accu— 0. J. Forman, Prop. Monmouth, Ill. 5 1‘ 111. ~; 1
. help his business. mulate for the one who invests in it? MILO BENNETT 3' 1 .11 i . .
t 1 . . . . . The answer to this question may be Conducts a wonderful Linotype-Inter- 1 11 1 1
1 1 “The small merchant buys liokuln interesting, 1 1 1 type school and can develop slow op- ,l 1
1 advertising._ It is our experience that If the advertising is 0f the right erators into fast operators or one of i1: ‘ 1
1’ 1 it does not produce business. Money kind, that is, tl‘lltthI and construc- the men or women in your office into 111 t 1
, spent; thus is regarded as a donation. tive, it accumulate confidences in the a1fine operator. Correspondence course, 1 11111 1
’ “ Take for instance a page in certain advertiser. It accumulates a belief thh keyboard: for home study, $28; )l‘ '1
l ’ . ‘ ' . 5. six to ten weeks at the practical school, 1' 1
. . lodge magazmes. The merchant spend- that h": ‘5 hone” and that he kh°WS $50 to $100. Write for free school lit- . , 11 ~ 1
; ihg money there iS taking it out Of his hts bu1s1n:ss. it accumulates a respect erature. Also pleased to give you name 1 t ' t 1
_ , regular advertising and donating it to it,” his now ehge and Judgment th of prominent Kentucky newspaper . u; - 1
. ,. that type of advertising. I believe in hls Patient“ hue; 1’” ”0119111211595 a publisher who knows what this school i i. 1 . ‘
1 your newspaper. We can’t get along feeling of security In the mmd of the is capable of doing for you. Address ‘ 1; 1
1 1 with out your paper. The better your buyer. It accumulates a belief that Milo Bennett’s School, Toledo, Ohio. 1 1| ‘- i
, 1. paper is, the better it is for our adver- W 11 1
, tising. Newspaper men should meet I t .1 .
1 with the retailers; your problems are . t ‘ i I t
. theirs. . . . . What Imper1al Metal 1 111 1
. “Chain stores have made the rest of t ; 1
. us sit up and take notice. Now we Can Do For You 1' 1t 1
1 have developed an accounting system 1 i i '1'
' ~ - , is} a,
1 lwith which we can tell in one hour Imperial Metal serviced by the Imperial Plus Plan can do four things 1 1‘1 1‘ t ‘
' OW much merchandise we have on for you. First, it will keep your type metal in A-1 condition at all ' 1:1 1‘ ,1 '
. hand 911-101 hOW much It IS costing US to times; second, it will reduce metal and machine troubles to a min- i 131
1 do busmess. We can guess how much imum; third, it will lower your yearly metal costs; and fourth, it W111 ‘ 1 11:1 1
busmess we will do in the next six give you better looking work. Order Imperial Metal from these ware- ‘ 1 11‘ 1
months. . . . .The retailer knows he houses: 51 .3 t
. ought to spend three per cent of his 1 v 1. 1‘ 1' ’1
r 1 grsos sales in advertising. Your paper i CiNCINNATI NASHVILLE LOUISVILLE 1 i‘ 1‘ 1 1 1
1, gets the greatest amount. The neWS- i McHugh Exp. 00. Robert Chadwell Diskson Co. I 1 1 l
1 paper is the only medium in which 220 W. 3rd St. Trans. & Storage Co. 119 N. 4th St. 1 1 i
. the advertiser can be continuous and Main 1150 101 B’dway Tel. 6-8572 City 7951 ’1 . 1;
. consistent. We do not miss an issue . l ‘1‘ ,' 1
‘ in 8. Eu _ . t l 1 t
, 1 “We clgcfrlil’: :31? :iIirect results Nobody i Imperlal Type Metal CO. - t . l. , t ‘
" is able to determine the results obtain- 1 Philadelphia New York Chicago Los Angeles 5 t t {it t t t
‘1 ed from any advertisement." WWW—4| 1 5; 11 i
, 1 1 . 1:1,
l t ‘ 1' i ‘
1 - , . 1:1 ,
i i l l .t t
1. 1 1
11_7 _ so»: .

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J‘JJJIJJ ' J Linotype your heads, ads and ID!) work just as year do J
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“J J J straight matter. Up to full 36 perm you can set every-
‘1 ‘ - ~ , . . J
J M J thing direct from one Medea! 34% Linotype keyboard- J
J iJy‘iJ; f j Without ever running out of sorts. J
J” 1 _ Linotype Offers a typegteel‘are variety sufficient
J J: » to meet practically any printing requirement. You can _
: :l; J ‘ . o o I ‘7
y‘JJpJ J . J select equrpment to meet your mdmdeel needs. Only '
HJ J for the largest display Imes and banner heads de you J
J“ JJ J J i need to go to other methods OJ composataee.
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JJJJ‘JJ JJ‘ J J Representatives in the Principal Cities of the World J
éJ JJ JJ Linotype Metroblack ,-
elf ‘2 J J J . '

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