xt7djh3d255s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7djh3d255s/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1964 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1964 Vol.30 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, February 1964 Vol.30 No.5 1964 1964 2019 true xt7djh3d255s section xt7djh3d255s , .. 77,. , ' -’"“_.—H‘ 1‘
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Published in the Interest of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers ' ‘
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The Kentucky Press Association recognizes i ‘
the fundamental importance of the implied ‘ I ‘, ‘
tmst imposed on newspapers and dissemination ‘ , . i

l of public information. It stands for truth, fair- ‘ l ‘ 1 '

‘ ness, accuracy, and decency in the presentation ‘ 3 l

5 of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journal— . ;; 1
ism. It advocates strict ethical standards in its ‘ ‘ '
advertising column. It opposes the publication 3 ‘ ‘ l

1 of propaganda under the guise of news. It af- l I 1

; firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, ‘ . , > f ‘
honest and fearless editorial expressions. It re- '

l spects equality of opinion and the right of every ‘ l ,
individual to participation in the Constitutional l l

| guarantee of Freedom Of the Press. It believes l E
in the newspaper as a vital medium for civic, f

l economic, social and cultural community de- 1 i

‘ velopment and progress. ' ’

I .

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ubllcotion Office: ' ‘ / ‘ a 1

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School of Journalism , ,, é » f
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Volume 30, Number 5 ‘ ‘. 3
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 111 11 :51"? 1 1 1 1 1 1
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: 11 :‘v .1111 1
I11 11‘ 11 ’1111 1 FE
.Icrii'rnlg‘ 111 .
1. 1 111 1 1_ 1 1 1 » 11
1’1 1 111,1 1 11 1 ANPA has called for in the ‘
1 1 a ‘
1 1 11 1 1 The KentUCky Press 1.- AS we see It + the President now reQLIests. p St and that A
111111 1 . .P11eSSidiit JOhnson also announced F6111 p l
1 : ;x 1 Volume 30, Number 5 ° 11,1111}, 1. “t W education program
1: 31 ‘ 11 1 1 1 1 LBJ Requests Legislation commfiin :00? .Wlt,h a series .of regional Counti
:1 1 1 11 Official Publication on Protection Pro ram . 1 - 1 on eiences at various places communl
11 1 1 1 1 Kentucky Press Association, Inc. 9 alount the country, These regional con1 lem whic
11‘ 11 1 11 1‘ 1f 1 Kentucky Press Service, Inc. Fresrdent Johnson has called for new ieie‘rices :mll be under the auspices of fly. quality 5
1 1 1‘ 1 11 ‘ Victor R. Portmunn, Editor legislation to implement an extensive con— fallen” recently‘appomted Special As» allofd 10
1 1 1 1 Perry J. Ashley, Associate Editor sumer pl‘Otection Program. In a special :stant for Consumer Affairs, M11S' Esthe1 Them
1 111 1 111 Member February 5 message to Congress on con- fielsfn. 111111.16 Conferences Will be Con-1 during th
1: 11 1 Newspaper Managers Association sumer interests, the President asked for new comet -W~lt, the problems Of adequate C0“ 111g whic
. 1 1 ‘1 1 1 1 1 1 Kentucky Chamber of Commerce laws to expand the Government’s authority S‘Umm 1ni01mation. R6p1‘esentatives 0f C0n1 service ‘3‘
1 1 11 1 1 1 Better Business Bureau, Lexington to protect consumers from deceptive prac- samel .glloups, marmfacturers, retailers on ing from
1? 11 111 : 111 Sustaining Member Uses and unsafe products. Almost all the leeltlSll‘lg agenc1es “1111 be invited to 31:1 When
‘ 1‘ 11 ‘1 ‘1 2 1 1 1 National Editorial Association legislative proposals are currently pending tend the conferences. ‘1 span 0f 1
1 11 1 1 1‘ ‘ . Associate Member as bills in Congress, states the ANPA Bul— ° ° n o 1 C05“ is U
1 11 1 11 National Newspaper Promotion Association letin. 11 In t
1 1 1 1 1 1 Publication office1 The President’s proposals would (1) give 1'7 _States Have Adopted 1 Sat? expe:
11 11 ‘ :1 111 School of Journalism the Government authority, such as it now Ul'llfOTI‘n Ad Standards bllhon' B
11 11 1 1 University of Kentucky has over prescription dIUgSa t0 inSPeCt OVel" Seve t t h . 11 ture has 1
‘ ‘1 1‘ 111 1 ——_.___———____——— thi'fimntel‘ drugs, food, cosmetics and medi- unifornrt] :31]; 1:36: foTvid:Ub:'CI1lbed fto 111111 iEcregse.
1: 1 11 1 1 - - ca eViCeS, (2) I‘Ohibit the sale of - _ . 1L ,1 1 ( er 1s1ng 0 acct te eprc
1 1 1 1 111‘ 1 Kentucky Press Assocmtlon, Inc, metics and therapeliitic, diagnostic and pig:- holrc beverages 1n newspapers and magt1 constant 1
11111 11 1 Cecrge Joinlin III, Pro-Csidem’ 1 In thetic devices before they are proved safe 2::m1i1te;:]tlg tiecgmmended by the 10111 (111th Sine
1; 11 1 1 M, -_ ‘ommgnweat , Somerset and effective, (3) I‘equire‘labels on drugs, Bevel” L.0 e tates to Study Alcohol About
. 1.1 1 1 1 turlce K. Henry, Vice—.Prestdent . cosmetics and pressurized containers to Th age. (“11181 . . aggregate
1111 1 _ 1 Victor R pom,“ SDmly Neg/1‘s, MlddleSbOI'O clearly warn about accidental injuries that form estiilclllircgorgmgfiene' plt‘opplsgdthe 1111.1 19211-29 C
1 111 1 1 1 Perry I Ashley1::sistfzcnrteSzgtetjr’iai/‘lzr mayoccur from use Of the products, (4) 11100110110 tievem 6 (111121 61 t1 meme“ mefh'cal C
1111 11 ‘ 11 1 1 Florida R. Garrison Assistant Treas-tllreranager Ei‘ohlblt.decept1ve packaging by barring the states 41 d if 1a ‘ legu'a 10118 am01111 malnlng 111
1.111 1 1 1 . ' . , , misleading adjectives, fractional variat' - (n etween the states and 111; latlon 311C
11 1 11 1 Unwemtu of Kentucky, Lexmgton 1 . ‘ , ions Federal Government. The standards folloti '
1 11 1 1; 1 .1 1 1 1n weight that me desrgned to confuse, and th . l ‘ " 'f h " -‘ ‘ . . 1 per capita
1; 11111 1 ‘ District Executive Committee illustrations which have no relationship to tioenl: as 0.t eiFe‘deral AICOhOI A 11111111131111: .AS incc
1 1 1 1 I- - Chairman, Larry Stone, Messenger—Argus, Cen— the contents 0f the package,” ('51 reqllil'e - mentcsg £121,111 €1111119p119nalhpmhihlteir15511111_ men’ the
g 1 11 1 1 1 tral city (Second); First, William T. Davis lenders to disclose to borrowers, in advance, ' G . 1 o}yer areas w .ere ‘e e 6111 g-OOdS and
1 111 1 1 1‘ 1 1 Lyon County Herald, Eddyville; Third, A1 11 the exact amount 0f their commitment and 0¥f111rgl€iilt.* "as no allthorltY- 11111 d 1111 1111113 they
'11 11; 1‘ 1 Schansberg, Voice of St. Matthews; Fourth, the true rate Of interest being charged on 'f 11.3 O owmg states have ecoepte ]11 111m bud;
l 1 11'1 51, 11 1 Howard Ogles, Favorite, Franklin; Fifth, Frank 103113: (6) require companies whose stock uni oim standards: Arlzona,>Arkansas, 131111 11.1 .1934‘31
1 1 j‘ 1 C. Bell, Trimblo Democrat, Bedford; Sixth, is traded over-the-counter to disclose the forma, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Louisnna11 b11110“ for
1,: 11 l Edwards M‘ Templin, Herald—Leader, Lexing- same kind of financial information thqt Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, MO” amount $2
1 1 1 1 1 ton; Seventh, Warren R. Fisher, Mercury, Car- must be disclosed b c m . ( EOW tana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Rhode 15-1 care. Too
1 111 1 .1 1 ‘ lisle; Eighth, Louis DeRosett, Adair County stocks are t‘ d d y k0 panles W ose land, Texas, WBSt Virginia, 311d Wyomingl hires have
111 1 1 1 News, Columbia; Ninth, James T. Norris, Jr,, 1 T hlfl e on stoc exchanges The standards have also been endorsed and the po
11» '1‘ 1: 1 Independent, Ashland; Tenth, R. Springer Hos- W9 0t e1 proposals are concerned With by the Federal Alcohol Administration 1hr for he 1h
1 11 1 1 1 1 kins, Enterprise, Harlan State-at-Larae S. C Enforcmg the new measures. One would - 1 ' 1 '1 . at-
1 .1 1 1 > o : ,_ . . . National Conference of State Liquor Ad 11 per Ca 1
1 1 1 1 1 Van Cum“) State Journal, Frankfort; State-at— give the Department of Health, Education - ., ., . , 1 Aloholi ' p1
_ 1v 11 Large, James Lee Crawford, Tribune, Corbin; and Welfare the right to subpoena evidence Ignnrstiators, and the National C 5161:1011 Spe
1 -‘ i1 1 State-at-hafgepwarren Abrams, Courier-]0ur- in connection with administrative hearings ever age Control Assoc1at10n. 1 1'e1s198~s}1:111
1 1 1 "all; Lfiiusvdleplmmedzate Past President, Fred under the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. A ° ° ° ° I are a]
1 1 1 1 . J. ur iard, Casey County News, leerty. second measure would give the Federal New Lottery Rules 11 l H. Busi
1 ‘1 1‘ ——'—'————— Trade Commission authority to issue temp0_ . ,., d tl'1 1‘3 COHCEI‘H
._ 1 1 Kentucky Press Service, Inc. rary cease-and-desist orders at the outset Recent court decisions have forced 111 1' Busir
1 1 1‘ 1 1 1 : George M. Wilson, President of a proceeding, subject to court review POSt Oflice to give additional groan. 11 1191111111 1‘15“
1 ‘ :1 Breckinridge Herald-News, Hardinsburg When the Commission has “goOd reason to defining lottery. NOW particrpants "1‘1 meat of 1
’1 1 . 1 Landon Wills, [$1782 ViveéPresident believe that the continuation of the practice drawing can be required bOth to come 111111 benefits. I
1 , . William T. DaViS,CSee::nd(ti/tigPlt-Iggiefialhoun would ”result in irreparable injury to the :llflsto-re to register, and. to remliaiorbw tl‘ibute gen
l 1 . 1 . Lyon County Herald, Eddyville pUth' lawmg to see if their. nan): the plafi1 2, Labo
1 1 Victor B. Portmann, Secretary-Treasurer ANP A has Opposed previous proposals drawn, and these two trlps‘ino 'demtiofl11 fits have 1
11 1 ‘ Perry]. Ashley, Assistant Secretafy which would have given the FTC dd (1 0f busrness are not deemed .Con51 1 1 “Egofi‘lted-
i 1 Florida R. Garrison, Assistant Treasurer in‘ . . a e suH-icient to make the drawmg “ lott8f1 ' Seh‘lCB s
‘l 1 1 Junctive power Without any court ap- A . .- d d1 - f th POD’s bOOl181 d _ S. £11
1 1 _ 1 -. Board Of Directors proval of the Commission’s action. ANPA .. lewse e mom 0. ,1 .6 qihble atyou‘ Etelmmes
. 11 Chairman, Martin Dyche, Sentinel-Echo, Lon- contends that such action, without court 1T1]? Law 1; Lottery IS a“ 1 1 “130111.515
3| ‘ don; Maurice K. Henry, Daily News, Mid dles— approval, is a deprivation of property with- our post 0 ce. 51 ablhzatj
1 1,1. boro; Niles O. Dillingham, Progress, Dawson out due process of law. Bill H.R. 1105 by :1: a: t 11111011111 hat
1 1 Slpilngs; Thomas L. Preston, Democrat, Cy“- Rep. Patman (Tex), now pending in Con- Du0_t0ne‘fmm same plate: Print the 1t 0111’ the
1 Eggs-12(51):}? Fay, Shelby News, Shelbyville; gress, would give the FTC added injunctive tone in black. Reprint in C0101) a COUP1
111 3 ‘ " C'O- power but without the court review that of dots out of register. 1
l l

 1 FEBRUARY, 1964 , ~__
3 P1151 a : TU . 1
. 1 I r',
1 Appalach w . .
. . 611- - PAG 1 1 1 3:31:41-
1:110; meg... la n HOSleaI C - E ONE 3 1
5 - ~ , 1:111 5
IIo reglona] CountIy wide th 1 - rlSe . I 1 urge -.;r
VallOus 1 . u e lospltals . . X 1 ,
l . Paces commumties are st- . ISeIVmg their aln 1 i
‘ 116811011111 1 . . lugghng With h acCOm 1' . 1 1 1
allSpices CO” em ‘Vthh Involves their abfl't t e p 1101)‘ HI P lShed1 y r Kl 1 11 1 1 11.
ed S .01111 quality services at CO 13’ to provide . ' Effect of Co , ' l C a 1 1 1 _,
DECIal As' all ’d StS the ubl' lung of st . . . mmtlmty h . cum 1 1 1 1.1 1
-S , ‘ port. can lzm , . 1 a 1 _ ‘ net . ~ ' 1 _ , 1 ,
, Mls. Esthel 2111162315111) p 10 1_ Elwin] g h0$p1ta1 Costiépt I D an 8 11;th eallnngs 01. (I . i , .
1 will he C011 du" hOSt dramatic i“Crease has 5"er C111 1' 1115116 the Waste du 1 tlnt1 ls financing being so‘ mortgage? 1 1 1 ' ‘12 .
fadeqmte C 11.1 . gimght Ie1 past World WM. 11 p hfilun‘ed 9 RP ICatlon of facilities e to unneces_ 1'61 “(1111M be finanCl-qn ughlt for Projects I . I I 421- .
, ‘ 011 111 W ic tim . ‘ 61‘10 d - “' estrain 1 ' 'u a p ys' ' , ‘ Y 36 fl ' - - 1
antatlves oh 1 . e the Increq , , 111- str , Waste by 1 . IClanS Ollie b _ Iqllldatlng 1 1 ,1 ,
.. . . on: semce costs have' . ‘56 1n hospital uCthn of hos . P1eVent1ng the COmmum , e Ullding? ’ 1 1 . ,
1511161111:er ani1 11mg ham 7 to 10071135163833 at a rate V'll‘y need for them pltal facflities beyond C3? today as thtey sllfghltal planning St‘lnds 1 1 ‘ 111.1
’ ““116 to at Whenl ”“111“ yr ‘ ‘ 3 o ’ e bei 1 e most - ‘ out 1 1 . . 1
‘1 Ooked . ' Ppoge C . . 11g made . ImPOI‘ta 1 1 I
1' Span of t' at hem a $0111ewhat l are t00 sm ll Onshuction of ho - munitie by hOSpltals 111 Ht 63011 1 i 3'; ,
, I ”he, the IncreaSe i Onger is th I3 to be eHlCie Spltals that VV'tl [S throllghout th 1 many 001]]. ‘ I. 1 121211
costs IS truly Startling. n total1 health 1 . 6. pl'lmary mOtivat'nt or where profit ..1- 1 one amther in fitte cohntry, they join 1 1 1 ,
d 11 In the fiscal year 192 1p10p11letm‘Y1 rather th Ion for OPGI‘atiOH 91388 they face in 1. 61“? tmg to meet th 1 1 - 21.1; 1'
9 gm expenditure fol. health 8‘29 the aggre_ 1C: an Commumty serv Ices £011 Charges the 5111:111de hospital serve 1 1 2.1. '
illion B Caret t 1 . D - A11 f u 10 C . - 1 1 I
' y 1960-61 th 0 a ed $3 6 eVelop ,1 0 theSe 1 . an afloyd t .r: ,1»
1 . e a ' ~ _- ‘ Cost C - P annn 0 pa , . :
bscribed to th111 11:16 has men to OVer $99ggljlellg1'ate expendi- Elli/Slam” Who influencilslflousness am0ng hive 1develop ed 1111 llgrbZHorts Ol'ganiZatiOli/S 1 1 1 11‘
_. - . ‘,1 Crease, E - ‘ lon a 7 Per utfl' - °Spita1 exit y th 1 11 area 1 ; .
rltlsmg 0f E1M1 XCeptlng . u 007 . Izatlon Of h . Costs b e qUGStl . . S, but f .II I,
‘ the de r ’ a Slight (lro . 0 3(1111113510 ospltal fac'l' . y Or not th _ 0n IS ralsed re- 1 .I. .
)ers and maga1 p 6551011 years, the ' p during u 11 rates (SOme 1 . -1mes' High 1 - e prthiples of as to Whether 1 1 1
d I1 COHStant One wi . rlse has bee hheCessar ac 11118510115 m p annmg COul CommUnit . 1 1 11 I1 1 1.
by the 10m dient Sine th 21 lemarkably n a both Co 1?) and Prolonged le ay be Well as . d apply to rural h y hOSpital 1 11 1 1 11. 1 g. :1
Study Alcoh01-1 Ab t 9 1939—40. eVen gra- They In llbute to incl‘eased hngths of Stay like th' Ulban hospitals It Ospitals as 1 ,1 1 11 . 11, 1 ,.
011 tWO-t 1. aso ~ OS ’t IS th ' was a - 1 1‘ 1 ‘ 1' 1
>posed h 1 aggregate expehldis Of the i“019388 in th to the consgjjtt'e p1165511165 thatplnil Cfsts' the tel-1 hosaIEitleld to my invitationqtu 8511.0.“ 1111 1 11' 1111 3‘1
:1diE t e “"1 1928-29 can be with-1e for health Care Sin e fOre they are 1- 11m Of hospital faciliti: ead Memon-al H0; {is Operated by the 131““ 11111 1 1111 11 . 2111-1 1
LllatIIIOerences 11- medical Care Prlc llbuted to an jug-6.156% By pait‘ , ea 13’ neC'sssary_ S be' of theme werefiltél Associatiori qs 0n “1116111: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1‘ 1 '1 g
. HS am0nI m‘ . . es. On ‘ In . _ ‘1C1patin . b emg ac -. ’ ‘ e- a 1 11 1 , 1 1'33,
states and 11111 l11mmgthlrd refleCts th 6‘ half of the re- {eglohal hospitql g In the Organization y the Appalachian R (luned for Operation 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1111111
:tandard f 1 1 anon and the 0th 6 Increase 1111 p0 mereMin 1 Planning Counc'l - Of These h . egiona] Hospitals 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 . :1 1
.1 ,5 01011 per c1 ~ er half th . 1311' g number of _ 15 In an Ospltals had a no. ‘; 1 1 1 1 1 1,1: -.
1holAdministrae cplta use of medi 1 e IncreaSB in out the Countl~ .Commulllties thro on the Concept f been COHStru 1 ‘ 1‘ 1 11 1 ”71“
)1‘10lll1bited “1 IAs incomes Of A 021 Care. strafing the‘- Yr bUSlnesSmen are d ugh- and medical 0 a regionaliZed h Cted I ,1 1 1 111 1 . 5
*re the 1Fesdae1 men’ the amount thnencan families he Ol'dimte thll 10mm“ for the need tem0n_ hospitals locaiacrie syStem With three ospltal 1 1: 1 1 1 1 1 ‘ 1:11.
, , and goods and .‘ ey have s cVe Th ‘ e P arming of h , 0 00- Be k e at Hal'la , Cefltral 1 1 1 1 1111 11 . if?
y. 1": 1 111m SEl‘Vlces has .- pent £011 all (3)7 See the Ospltal fac'l' . C ley, and W1h n, WllliamSOn 1 1 1 .1 ;,11 111 .1: .‘
1 1 e the h 1 118611 and ’It (1 need for th (1 lltlesI lOcat d it Seven . and 1 1.1 1 1 1 11 . 1 II
e 6006: ted 1111 . y aVe more ‘ the Same ‘ more efle ' . e 6“310 m e at Mid . Satehte ho ' 1 f :1 111‘11 5';
Arkansas Call1 1116K budgets allocaizgd the percentage of future. Thectlee h05p1ta1 Systemp flint {if Whitesburg 1131156513019: Hazard, M01323; tall: 1 ‘11 111 11 1111 , ’I:§‘ 1
13W?! 1401115131131 nl934~35, Amelie for health need llOHS and ey a50- realize that ma t.e 111051: Of yo’u k 6; Plkeville and M e , 1 111 1 11111111ij113 .
Missouri M01 bllllon for all good an consumers Spent $5541 involvedi V1611] 13111110115 of dOIlars ny. mll' quired by th now’ the five 1105 'tarlL As :1111 11.111 1 11 5?:
hire thde 1151-1 amount $2.6 b11110: alIld services and of 1111. ter hOSpitrfi t e meess of Cl‘eatin I‘I’Vlll be pitalsI Inc are Appalachian Regicilagll S ac- 1113111111 :1 .
and 1Wyoming1 2211151 Today, totalol 4.7% went for health expect a subsystem, and that 1105511116 beIt— hospitalI 2111110: Centered ar0und the Hflos- 11 111 1 11 :1 ”_
b d 1d 165 have her consumption 6 c . to co Stanhal Portion of h a S Wlh facility of 2 ern Compl‘ehensi Eula“ 1 1 1‘ 1 1 1 1 1 f1 ’1.
IeIen en orse and the po~' eased to about $3 Xpendl- f me from industr t ese funds all . . 00 beds and OPE . Ve Care type 1 1 1 1 1: 1 111 ~ ,31
mmstrationfihfj 101.1161 men of COnsum I, 32 b1111011 011Hdati0ns_ Y; commerce and services offered b ermg eSSentiall .1 . 1111,1111 .
1te Liquor Ad. aper athI Care has increa61s budgets Spent Many bugin Country today. 3’ any hospital in th: 1 11 11 I.111 , 11,21 I
ional Aleoholl Perso caplta haSis this amsed to 66% -On tain basic 1-' essmen, therefore, believ All of YOu h . 1 1 1 111 11 111 1 11 1}
n. Clud I] spent foy total 1 Ohms to $119 per fohOWed bp 1111C1lees of Planning sh Iecer- that when the 15116 are flWare of the f 1 1 1 11'. 11 111131,. :I
1 1659:: 1:11 Private expeliléflcal Services (in full Suppoi: IElospitIids if hospitals 6X55? :6 that they W0uld MIHA announCed the fact 1 11 1 1“ 1 11’1 111;? ;
1 1C and O 1 ul‘es fol- fr1 1. . _ C . 110m “Sines - C t e plt’ll C 056 f . aCt 1 1‘ 1‘ 1 1 111 11311
‘( ’ c 'r . - c tho 01.11 of th - 1 1 1 1 1 11 - I1
. ll B 1 Pelqtmg COsts - C1 ltlesu 'lplta] reqllll‘en-l S In meetlhg th " 51 Se lOCated ' elr hos- 1 11 1 1‘ 1 1 ' 1 11
1 ' usllle Of 111511 . I ll ellts. F01. e , €11 burg M at Mlddle b . 11 ‘ 1111 *i‘, “1
1 he . SS and 1‘ 1511106). 0115 and f . Kample, c - . > CDow S 010 Wh' 1 1.1 1 1 .. 11 1 ,
lave forced 11111 fonhhl‘lied with thief: r 1eaders must both £011 capital Ellhgahons solicited by 113:5 31:11" eVCry respect :Illqsalr]d Hazard, a 1crisisltejsr; 1 1 1 11‘1 I 1 :1
. . - 1 ~ ( C ( ‘ . s e - 1 , 1 . , . ,i '1
Dual ground 11 11qu BIUsmess been .ncleases- £018 making Co 1.1-1 g ask these qu€stiolls b s 111 thIS area. COnged by everyOn ‘ 1 1 1 1 11 . 1
I'ticipants in 11 men? Insurance phlylie 1t is Contributing t 1. Is this antllbutmns: 6- Up Until now 6 1 1: 1 I1 ‘ 1 1 C
1th to come ill of hi h . ents throu 1 0 9 ulldlng pro r the hos -, .’Iwe11aVebCent ~ 11 1 1 ‘, 1 '
tu f 1111 benefits B g 81 wages in 1 dg1 the Pay— " IS the scope of th g am “emissary? 15 Dual c1‘1515 thl'oug] alklng11bOut 1' 11 1 ‘ ‘ 11 1 2‘- :1
re 11“ or 1 11111 ' usinegs - ’ CU ing f.- 100 11- o . 6 progm ' 1‘ One thqt - . 10ut the i ‘ 1111 :1 _‘
1116 ‘ 13 ills 1111ge Ugo, 01‘ Just -‘ ‘m 100 Small - . ‘ 15 ll‘lVol . COuntry , 1 ‘ 1 1 1 ~:
lame has bee1 generous] .0 eXPeCtecl t 3 I 1 llght? ’ VICllng qml' Ved Wlth Cost 1 1 ‘1 11 1 . 1 -“ 1 1'
1 into the P111111 11121 LahOrhecgly t0 Pudding funds. 0 Con_ l‘ailge‘Ps the program ShOI‘t-I‘ange . curred Whellyflcare The Crisis whl); PI‘O- 1 11 1 11 111 1
“consideration' 5 haVe a (1111139 Increasing frjn 4. 115 11 01 long' ClOSing of the lee MMHA fll'mollnce 11 OC- 1 .1 1 1 51 1 , 11 1
wing 3 1011911 :1:gohaled, AISSCtflrelationship toge bene- 01‘ is it cl 1.6 131381113111 cOmmunity . Of a filnnciqle 1911111 hospitals was the: thle 111 1 11 11 1 '1‘
, , '1 . 7 'c ‘ CSigne s . Ol'lent 1 1 ‘ (16m 1 1651115 1 1 ‘, ‘ ‘ ‘11 1'
PODS b00ll€1 111mg fun 16 11111011 “"lges of h pllmal‘ll f . 6C about b ma that ‘ ‘ 1' 1 11
(lete . ge ben l‘l Ht of hog . t e hospith _ y 01 the inter y the Clmn . Was bro“ ht 1 1 1.‘ 1 1 I 1
V21flab]e 311011 mines th 6 ts Purch Pltal ,4 7 1 and 115 ow 1 lests and tl . g6 111the m' . . g 1 _: 1 11 - 1
e Vc 356, -. 0- is tl . , 1‘ mecllcal 1 . 18 high "“111; 1nd ~ : . 1 1 1 .1
1 11:11:11 b11511less 1:11:13 13111116 fringe b13112? hospital pl‘hgilogmn] Coordinated\vitshagi1 plt‘hs followingcchsite 0f Operating t11656 11:12:] 1 1 1 1‘1 1 1111
1 1121.111 . ‘ rum. ‘ s. 'ams in the 1 er set 11 f pl‘actjCeS th - 1 1‘ j 1'} 1 1
Should l 011 1111105 . Would Welc 6. Is Care Commumtyp p 01' their 0 . . at had bee 1 1: 1. 1 . :1 :1
121V . pltal Ca1 Ome 1, taken to a1 - . ' and tl 1. . .. pelat10n to . . n 1 .1 1 11 1 1 11'
1: Print the In 11110111, th e. an mterest ~16 C05“ 50 both llnncces331'3’fr"m1ilities ‘Old (lupllcation of , 18“ f“11111165. 56““? mIners 1 .1‘ 11 1 ’ ,
color 21 001111 e (1118511011 is 11m bringing thin 7' IS the financn and SeWICeS?’ The crisis that th 1 1.1 ‘13‘1 . 5:3: ,:
1 low Can this b e111, balanced r1 1g-Of thls pmgmm pro that they just did 6 MMHA fHeed w . ‘ 1‘11 - 1 1
1 1 e and the 1 fmong Indushy 01 . p- to Operqt “0t haVe 6mm 1 as 11111 11111 1 1
1 10313111113 own . ,g \elnmentI re 1 1.6 thCSe 1103131111, g1 meme), 11 1 1 1 . 1,1 1.:
1 1950111‘ces, i.e. 1C 1 so ted in a Crisis in th L s properIyI This 1 1 .1 1 ’ 1 _-.
> c - .105 e 310‘ 7 . . 1I1 l1 1 / I I
plldls Were 100(1th foil 1‘. lleleln these 11 1 ‘ i , 1 ,1
, 1 it meant the 111 : j 11 l1 ,‘
.1111; 1 1 1
1:1} 5 a r 1;
11 11: 1.1 , .1

 3a" " :33”3:'*3'i"31‘ 3 3 3 3
33, 3333 ‘ 33:3 :3 33 PAGE Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS FEBRUARY, 1964 3 FE
3i 31‘ 3‘3 _ 1'
33'3””“3 “333333 3 3 3‘ withdrawal of the finest hospital facilities unless this feeling of dislike and distrust nursing home and rehabilitation service '3
‘ 3: 33 333 33 3 3 3 that were available in the communities was altered to one of mutual understanding and one entire floor had been used for th: 3 munity W
33 33 3‘3 ‘ 333 3 3 wherein they were located. A secondary, and friendliness, that the new venture had purpose. These patients are no longer being this hospi
33, 3 33 and a very direct crisis also loomed if the little chance of success. It was absolutely sent to Whitesburg by the Area Medical33 Of the sys
33 ‘3 ~ 333 3333 hospitals closed because it could rather necessary that these hospitals should be Officers. Serious consideration, however is This W
33 3 :3 3 3 3 well be assumed that if these hospitals used by all qualified doctors in each com- now being given to converting this spacéin that woul.
1 3'3 3 3i ‘ 3 3 3 closed, the doctors who worked in them munity as a means of increasing the census the hospital to a skilled nursing home for Mount M
3‘ 33 3 3 3 would probably leave, almost to the last of each hospital and, accordingly, the utili- the people who live in the area. the existir
‘3 3 :3 3 3 3 3 man. zation of each hospital. Conferences have been held with the at a COS“
3 3; 3 33 3; ‘3 3 3 3 1 The seriousness of this situation can well The greatest period of trial that these Health Department regarding this, and all than half
3 33 3 3 3:33 3 3 3 3 be appraised when one realizes that when hospitals have undergone took place during the present time, serious study is being3 number 0
E3 3: 3333 ‘33 3 3 3 the physicians who were employed by the the month of October, for it was at this given to the advisability of initiating suchi Hospital.
3'»: " 3 333 33 MMHA were included in a total doctor time that all the transitions took place. a service. If such a program can be satis. physicians
3i : 3 3 3333 count in the appalachian plateau, there When one stops to realize that it was factorily developed, it could mean thei centratet
3 31 33 ‘: 3 3,: 3 3' existed a ratio of approximately one phy- necessary to not only change the practice salvation of this particular hospital whichl “3011M be
3; 313333 3 3 3 sician to each 1,716 persons (based on patterns of the doctors who had been appears to be somewhat overbuilt as 33 eitheroft
3 33 33 1 ‘333 :33 3 33 1960 census), or less than one-half the salaried physicians in the hospital, as well general hospital for the area. _Thls WC
‘ 3 33 33 ‘ 3 :33 national average. Bllt when these doctors as to change the image of the hospital in The crisis in the operation of these hos] pital to O
33 3333 3 33 , ‘3‘ ‘ were excluded from the count, the ratio 0t each community, from one that was a pitals continues but there is much brightness consistent
33‘ 33 3 3 doctors to persons was reduced to ap- private, or proprietary institution to that in the future, and it is due to some of the3 120313131511 t1.
3 3 33 33 3 3 3 ! prox1mately l to 4,113, 01 about one-fifth of a.truly voluntary non-profit community steps that have been taken that I have3 oeeratgsgl
3 1:3 33 3 1 the national average. _ hospital, one can recognize the problem. outlined to you, plus the possibilities that, 3) 1 3
3 ‘33 3 ‘ it was correctly stated by the hospital Add to this the fact that the town phy— appear ahead. Before getting into this, how-.3 p3etelzdy 5%
333 3 3333 3 3 , 3 consultant who rewewed the total Situation sicians who had not been accustomed to ever, it is important to call attention to: 32;“ t}:
33 3‘33 33 3 3 3_ 3 3 1n the Spring of 1963: that the impact of being welcomed in these hospitals, now the help from the appropriation which was th ph 3
,3 3 3 l3 3‘3 ‘ : CiOSlng the Miners Memorial Hospitals 1n found that they were being,r SOllClteCl by the passed by the special legislative session edy me,
i 3 :33 3 33 ‘ i3 terms 0t lUSt the availability 0t medical new managers, and were invited to join called by Governor Combs in June, 1963. an W332:
3 333 33 3 3 3 3 3 services WOUiCi be very severe, If, as ex- the staits and to bring their patients into As you will recall, the anticipated deficit Esp a 3
33 333 33 31 3 pected, mOSt Of the employed physicians these hospitals. of these hospitals was $700,000 for the first‘ late opfiiat
3t 33 33 3 . ShOUid leave the communities in Which they As expected, the census in October and nine months of their operation. The appro: 0333’}? 3:
I3 333 33 ‘ were located. ‘ early November was low, in fact, it was priation was established at this same level of 516815 3 (3
3 ‘ 33 3 3 3 :The story 0t how the National Board Of lower than expected, primarily because a of $700,000, and to make it possible for3 present] It
3 333 1 3 : ‘3 3 3 MISSionS entered into the Piottire and estab- certain number of physicians who had been these five hospitals to earn this money, it; Fi Hi:
33 3333 ‘3 33 3 j 3 lished a new all—sectarian Board Of Trustees, expected to remain in the communities of was made available in the form of payments? lea in i.’
3 333 ‘ 33 3 3 3 3 ‘ the Appalachian Regional Hospitals, Inc. ill Whitesburg and McDowell, had left. VVith— for services rendered to the medically in- chzilf mm
3 3 3‘: 31‘ ' 3 ‘3 3 June, 1963 is a well known one, and the out physicians, patients are not seen in digent patients who lived in the communi-l b mget
E ‘3 33 33 3 :3 details 0t it Will 110t be recited to you today- the hospital, nor are they admitted as in- ties served by these hospitals. 3 tilt]? langtll
.i 3‘ {333 ii 3 ‘ What i think you are probably more in- patients in the hospital. This results in a Although this money is an important help musty ban
. l 3 ’33 33 terested in is what has happened in the reduced service by the hospital to its com— to the hospitals, the program was slow i113 all tene I;
33 1 g‘ ' 3: 3 Eastern Kentucky area since the new corpO- munity and this is reflected in a lower getting underway because of the lack of Amie ,0
3 33 3 3 3 ration has assumed the responsibility for income because of the loss for service knowledge by people that the service was3 pitals is}:
3 33 ‘ 3 3 3 the operation of the five hospitals 011 Octo~ charges. The cost goes on, however, be- available, and again because of the shortag63 COOrdinateg
33 3 3 3 .3 her 17 1963- 3 _ 3 cause all hospitals must be staffed properly of doctors, particularly at McDowell and of Such a
331 3 3 ‘3 ‘ I had accepted the p051t1011 0t Executive to serve their communities in the anticipa- Whitesburg, limiting the service that the” Countr
3‘ ‘ 3‘ 33 3 3 Director Of these five hospital prior to that tion that its sick people will come to the hospitals could offer. Accordingly, the iii‘3 A y.
3 33 ' 3‘ i 3 time, on September 26 to be exact, hllt 1 hospital for service. It should be noted come was low in October, but it was higher andswiinhofi
. 3 3 dld I10t assume full-time responsibilities here, however, that personnel had been re- in November, and in December. The hit to the 3)!
3 33 33 3 3 until December 1- duced in these hospitals prior to and after impact Of this appropriation will be feltin- for th 316‘
3 3 During the months of October and NO- October 1, in anticipation of a reduced the months ahead. This appropriation 33353 30 3e 00
3‘ ‘33 :3 3 vember, much thought was given to the census, and also because there was evidence a real God-send for, without it: thereli‘l Sergio? exe
i ‘ 33 3 3‘ manner in WhiCh we COUid secure and en- of some overstaffing in some departments. great question that these hospitals could‘3 com encan
3 3 3 .3 3 : courage the participation by civic leaders Towards the end of October, the utiliza- have survived the tranSitional period. ‘ Elnplh Live
; 3 31 3 3 3 iii the various communities where these hOS- tion of the five hospitals began to increase, Now, I think we should spend the :93 by 13333333
3 3 3 3 3 33 pitals were located. Also, attention was and with the exception of the chop at maining minutes looking into the future to hospitals 1%
x 1 . 1 given to the manner in which friendliness Christmas, this trend has been a constant see some of the opportunities, and t0 evtluii tion of th
31 3 . 3 could be established among the physicians upward one. At the present time, the utili- ate some of the remaining problems. Fihi" 3 very signifis
_» 3 3‘ 3 3 who had decided to remain in private prac- zation rate is at satisfactory levels in all it seems proper to speak briefly 0f the OP. extensive t(
‘ - 3 3. tice after their salaries were discontinued but two of the hospitals. We continue to portunity that exists in one of these 00ml be Can-yine
3 i: , j from the MMHA after September 30, With have trouble at McDowell, a hospital that munitieS, that being Hazal‘d- MO“ 0f iguhthese 1305 lgt
3 j I 3 the local community practicing physicianS- has worried us from the very beginning have seen the announcement in hathd, 63 for $331,323
3 ‘ it is unnecessary here to review the hard because of its remote location, and also Louisville and Lexington papers regal "133 nurses lab
3 3 3 3 3 feelings that had existed prior to this time because of the shortage of physicians there. the otter which was made by the Apptd niciani pliC
. 3 between the doctors employed by the The census is low at Whitesburg also. lachian Regional Hospitals, to develop 50:3 nurse )anesi
:3l3 : Miners hospitals and local physicians. This was a hospital where the miners had program whereby t