xt7djh3d0r3z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7djh3d0r3z/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_588 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 588 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 588   2014 true xt7djh3d0r3z section xt7djh3d0r3z ` K I k
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By S.H.PhiI|ips cmd F.A.L0effe|
Acsucuuun: Arm Home scowomcs

 — Growing Corn in Kentucky
Corn is an important crop in Kentucky. More acres are devoted to
I corn production than to all other clearr-cultivated crops. Corn is a ver-
satile crop since it can be fed to livestock as grain and silage or sold
for food and industrial processes. The annual value of this crop to Ken-
y tucky’s economy is from 80 to 100 million dollars. Much of its value is
not shown in cash receipts since most of the crop is fed to livestock.
\Vhen you grow corn on good, well-rnanaged soil, it will produce max-
4 imum feed in comparison with other crops adapted to Kentucky con-
Improved practices make corn production more efficient and result
in a lower cost of production.
Land that is deep, fertile, and least subject to erosion is the best on
which to grow corn. If your farm has limited level acreage, it is wiser
to produce continous corn on the more level land rather than in rota-
tions. Provided you use proper management, continuous corn is a good
practice when 100—bushel yields are produced. Newer methods of pro-
duction, such as wheel-track planting, contour cultivation, minimum
and mulch tillage, higher populations, or a combination of these, per-
mits you to grow corn on land formerly considered too steep for row
Land preparation for corn is being reduced each year, thus lower-
ing the cost of growing the crop and reducing the destruction of the
physical condition of the soil.
\Vheel-track planting is a revolutionary practice in soil preparation
(Fig. 1). Planting corn in the tractor tracks of newly plowed ground
has attracted wide interest and is being used by more and more farm-
ers. After breaking, little, if any, soil preparation is made. The planter
behind the tractor places the seed in the soil which has been compacted
by the weight of the tractor.
\Vith the use of similar fertilization and production practices, yields
from corn planted by the wheel-track method are equivalent to yields
. from corn planted following the conventional method of soil prepara-

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Flg. 1.-—Wheel—track planting reduces erosion, helps maintain good soil struc-
ture, and cuts roduction cost. iPhoto-——U.S. Soil Conservation Service)
The U.K. Agricultural Experiment Station publishes each ]anuary
a iro rress re Jort on h brid corn tests made during the revious ear.
It lists the ields de rree ot lodging. maturit ran e and disease resist-
ance ol many corn hybrids used in Kentucky. This report gives
you valuable information on selecting hybrids. It is wise, when you
plant a relatively large acreage to use two or more hybrids of diilierent
maturity dates. Full—season hybrids normally will produce higher yields
than earlier hybrids. This dillerence will usually run from 6 to 10 bush-
els wer acre. Since the Ohio Valley is a center ot white corn yroduc-
. l
tion. consider growing white corn hybrids tor cash markets.
Single-eross hybrids are becoming very popular. and they presently
are producing yields comparable with those ot the be iter regular hy-
brids. Unitormity ol appearance and maturity can be easiiy olwserwed.

Early planting is possible with today’s modern equipment and high
quality seed corn. The planting date will vary with the soil. Recent
studies at several locations by the Department of Agronomy, Univer-
sity of Kentucky, show the planting date to be important to eiHcient
production. Evidence of this importance is indicated by the experi-
mental findings at three locations for a 3-year period. These data are
` shown in Table 1.
Table `l.— Effect of Corn Planting Date on Yield*
BuPcr Acre
’ April 25 95 8
V May 12 91 8
May 25 81 10
june 8 74 14
° A 16,000-stalk population was used in the tests.
The data shown in Table 1 indicate the probability of a yield rc-
duction of about one-half bushel for each day that planting is delayed
after May 12. Some soils will not permit April plantings each season;
however, producers can readily see that planting as early as conditions
will permit is important.
Determine the rate of planting (stalk population) by fertility level,
soil conditions, date of planting, and moisture. Fertility and date of
planting can be changed, but moisture and soil conditions cannot be
easily changed. University of Kentucky Agronomy research indicates
a 12,000- to 16,()()()—stalk population is a good stand for average condi-
tions (Fig. 2). I·Iigl1e1‘ yields result from a thicker stand, as indicated
by the data in Table 2.
Table 2.— Effect of Stalk Population on Corn Yield
  1 `f.Y.·aYiEmF if l
llu 1·t·r Acre
8.000 May 12 7:3 wr F     F
12,000 May 12 88 7
A 16,000 May 12 91 8
Most of the corn in Kentucky is drilled, although some changing to
hill dropping is reported. Modern equipment and less lodging make
this method feasible. Regardless of the method used, low planting

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Fig. 2.- Start with a good, thick, even stand of corn.
speeds are necessary to insure good, even spacing in addition to the V
matching of seed-corn grade to the planter plates. (See Table 3 for rate
of planting.)
You will need information from soil tests before ordering your fer-
tilizer. These tests are the most accurate method of determining your
fertility program. Most growers plan to have yields of 100 or more
bushels per acre. These high yields remove large amounts of plant
food. One hundred fifty pounds actual nitrogen, 60 pounds actual
phosphate, and 100 pounds actual potash will be removed with this
production. \Vithout a soil test on continuous corn land, this amount
of fertilizer may be applied annually. Corn following good sods will
not need heavy nitrogen application and can produce an efficient yield
on 80-100 pounds of actual nitrogen. Phosphate and potash levels must
he maintained to produce vigorous plants and reduce down corn.
Many corn stands are lost or damaged by placing too much fertilizer
» too close to the corn seed. About 40 pounds per acre of total nitrogen
and notash is the most that can be used safel . This would he the
l Y

 amount in 200 pounds of 10-10-10 fertilizer.) If you use a planter fer;
· tilizer attachment that places the fertilizer below and to the side of the
V Seed corn, you can put on 120-140 pounds total nitrogen and potash.
(This would be 600-700 pounds of a 10-10-10 fertilizer.) The best pH
level for corn is 6.2-6.8. Lirning for future crops may be timely as cul-
tivation will work lime particles into the soil.
Table 3.— Rate of Planting Guide
NOTE: The numbers of plants per acre have been adjusted to account for an aver-
1 age of 15 percent loss due to germination, cultivation, etc.
(Area enclosed by shaded lines denotes more common or usable row widths.)
7 DRILLED CORN lnches between rows
Spacing in rows 42"_ 40; 38; _ S6";
‘i Plcints per ocre
6" 21,100 · 22, 200 23, 400 24, 400
8" 15,900 16,700 17,500 18, 300
10" 12,700 n 13,300 14,000 14,700
, 12" 10,600 11,100 11,700 12,200
14" 9,100 9, 500 10, 000 10, 500
HlLL DROPPED CORN lnches between rows
Spocing be- l<€Fl'1€lS 4211 4011 3811 3611
tween hill per hill —_ " t _—
Plonts per ocre
16" 2 15, 800 16,700 17,500 18, 300
20" 2 12,700 13, 300 14,000 14,700
3 19, 000 20, 000 21, 000 22, 000
24" 2 10,600 11,100 11,700 12,200
3 15,900 16,700 17,500 18,300
28" 2 9, 000 9, 500 10, 000 10, 500
3 13,600 14, 300 15,000 15, 700
4 18 100 19,000 20,000 20,900
CHECKED CORN Inches between rows
Kernels per hill 42x42 40><40 38x38 36x36
Plonts per ocre l
1 3, 000 3, 300 3, 700 4,100
2 6, 000 6, 700 7, 400 8, 200
3 9,100 10,000 11,100 12,300
· 4 12,100 13,300 14,800 16,500
5 15,100 16, 700 18,400 20,600

\Veeds rob corn of food, moisture, and light. You can control them `
by chemicals, cultural practices, or both. Certain new chemicals, ap- P
plied before the corn comes up—called preemergence treatment-will
be helpful. Special problem weeds, such as gaint foxtail, will require
this type of treatment. Use all chemicals according to label. Table 4
. . . 4
lists some of these chemicals and their uses.
Table 4.— Recommended Practices for the Chemical Control of Weeds
Matedal° Time to Apply Rate L
2,4-D 1-2 days before corn co1nes up: 3-4 pt (4 lb acid per gal con-
Do not use on sandy soils. centrate) to 20 gal water; solid _
Simazinc Prcemergence, or for Atrazine early 13-20 oz of 80% wettable pow-
postemcrgence. der in 10-13 gal water,eentered
or .
on 12-14 in. bands.
Atrazine Do not use if small grain or other crops are to he planted the same
year or tobacco the following year. Cultivatc middle.
Lorox Preemergence (or early postemerg— l/fl to 1 lb per acre in 10-13
ence when weeds are less than G gal water, centered on 12-14 in.
in. tall; direct spray to keep chemi— bands. Cultivate middles. Di- .
cal to base of corn plants). Do not rected spray postemcrgence 1%
use on sandy soil. Plant corn at lh. Follow instructions on label.
least 1% in. deep.
ltandox T Preemergence. Do not use on 10 lh per acre in 12-14 in.
Granular sandy soil. Caution: Caustic to skin. bands. Cultivate middles. ‘
Eptam For trial use to control ]ohnson- 1l/Q pt liquid or 20 lb 5"f. gran-
grass seedlings or wild cane. Use ules per acre in 12-14 in. band.
at planting and work in lightly be-
hind planter. Plant 10% thicker to
make up for loss in stand. A
° Cranules of the chemicals mentioned above may be used as well as the sprays.
Insects usually affect corn yields. Soil insects such as wireworms,
northern and southern corn-root \VOI`lHS, aphids, seed—cO1‘n maggots, and A
eutworms feed on developing corn plants. Soil insecticides such as Al-
drin, Dieldrin, and Heptachlor will reduce this loss. These can be ap-
plied as broadcast treatment or banded over the row. Two pounds of
the actual material per acre broadcast or 1 pound banded over the row
will give good control at a moderate cost. Chlordane may be used at
increased rates.
(Zorn borer and other insects attacking above the soil level may need A
to be controlled. See your county agricultural extension agent for cur-
rent insecticide recommendations.

. Corn diseases can be divided into four groups: seedling, leaf, stalk,
and ear. Bacterial wilt causes loss in germinating and young corn
plants. Severely diseased fields should be disked and replanted. The
only method of controlling leaf, stalk, and ear diseases is to use
, resistant hybrids. Serious early infestions of northern and southern
corn-leaf blight may reduce the yield 40-50 percent (Figs. 3 and 4).
Stewart’s disease, a serious disease on sweet corn, can also be a prob-
lem in field corn Figs. 5 and 6 . Di Jlodia Cibberella and Penicil-
. O I. 7 ’
lium are fun Yi that cause both ear and stalk rots. The irogress re >ort
on hybrid corn, previously mentioned, by noting the degree of lodging,
indicates the stalk-disease resistance and gives the relative leaf-disease
I resistance of the particular hybrid. For further discussion and identi-
iication of diseases. consult the U.S. Department of .·\gricnlture
Handbook 199, “Corn Diseases in the United States and their Control.”
The Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky,
is conducting tests in flame cultivation. This procedure involves ap-
plying an open flame to weeds in row crops. For further information,
see your county agricultural extension office. Cultivation in the nor-
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Fig. 3.- Northern corn-leaf bli ht is identified by elli tical, ra ish- reen or
9 r> s Y 9
tan spots ranging in size up to 6 by `IV; inches.

 -—~·  V — ` J `· ' ‘ 1 ~ QT- .
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 "   *.3.  °‘·: .‘Qa~_ _ T   A "
Fig. 4.- Southern corn-leaf blight causes small grayish-green or tan spots rang- A
ing up to 'l by M4 inch in size. The spots have parallel sides. ~
mal manner is effective and is still a good practice. Be careful not to
prune roots by close, deep, or late cultivation.
With the increased cost of producing corn, the first 40-50 bushels
is needed to pay production expense. Calculate your yield by harvest-
ing measured acres or several representive sample areas. Your county
agricultural agent can supply you with a quick method, or you can'
use the ones supplied by many of the hybrid seed companies. The
method explained in Figs. 7 and 8 may help you.
Also, you can use strip tests to determine the value of other factors
contributing to production efficiency, such as planting rates and fer-
tilizer. It is important to have an unfertilized check strip and a strip
receiving twice the quantity of fertilizer applied to the remainder of A
the Held. This enables you to determine if your investment in fertilizer V
was profitable, and whether you used too little or too much fertilizer.
The number of corn plants per acre in Kentucky is generally too low
for top production. It would likely be well worth the time and effort
to change the setting on your drill and compare yields at different

 rates of planting. However, remember that plant population and fer-
tility level must be kept in balance for efficient production. Strip
tests may also be used with chemical weed killers, soil insecticides, or
methods of minimum tillage for preparation of land.
Corn left in the field after harvest represents a direct loss to you
unless your livestock can eat it (Fig. 9). Correct adjustment of com-
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Fig. 5.-- These corn leaves show injury from Stewart's leaf blight. The least
diseased leaf is on the right; the center and left leaves show greater damage.

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Fig. 6.-— Stewart's leaf blight infection around flea beetle feeding points is shown
on this leaf. The spots have no definite shape. (Disease photographs were fur-
nished by A. J. Ullstrup, pathologist, U.S. Department of Agriculture.)
hine, picker sheller, or picker is important. Two kernels per 3 square
feet left in the field equals 1 bushel lost per acre. One ear per 138
feet of row means 1 bushel is being lost per acre.
Twenty percent of the corn produced in Kentucky is lost or dam-
aged in storage. Insects, birds, and rodents cause some loss, and heat-
ing causes damage. Sanitation is important. Cleaning the premises and
the use of poison bait stations, along with rodent-proofing measures,
will help cut some losses. Storage structures should he thoroughly
cleaned and sprayed with a 5-percent DDT or a premium-grade
57-percent malathion emulsion solution for insect control. Spray-

~ ——lH
Fig. 7.- How to measure your corn yield. Pull the ears from `l2Vz feet of row
from each of the eight areas. Weigh this corn shucked; estimate or check the
moisture content. Then measure across `I2 rows. (From Ga. Agr. Ext. Pub. 381)
Row \Vidth Percenta e Moisture
Inches 14 15 16 17 18 19 @ 21 22 23 24 25 26
30 5.17 5.10 5.01 4.94 4.84 4.75   4.59 4.52 4.42 4.82 4.25 4.18
31 5.02 4.95 4.87 4.80 4.70 4.82 4  8 4.48 4.89 4.29 4.20 4.18 4.06
32 4.88 4.81 4.73 4.66 4.57 4.49 4  0 4.88 4.26 4.17 4.08 4.01 3.94
33 4.74 4.67 4.59 4.52 4.44 4.36 4. 8 4.21 4.18 4.05 3.97 3.90 3.83
34 4.60 4.53 4.46 4.89 4.81 4.24 4  8 4.08 4.00 8.98 3.86 3.79 8.72
35 4.47 4.40 4.33 4.28 4.19 4.12 4  4 8.97 3.89 3.82 3.75 3.68 3.61
36 4.35 4.28 4.22 4.15 4.06 4.00 8  8 8.88 3.79 8.71 3.65 3.58 3.51
37 4.23 4.16 4.10 4.03 8.98 8.89 8 2 3.75 8.88 3.61 3.54 3.48 8.41
38 4.11 4.05 3.99 8.98 3.86 8.79 8  2 3.65 8.58 3.52 3.45 8.89 8.82
39 4.00 8.95 8.89 8.82 8.78 3.69 8. 2 8.58 3.49 8.42 3.36 8.80 3.24
40 3.90 3.85 3.79 8.78 3.66 3.60 8  8 8.47 3.40 3.34 3.27 3.21 3.15
3.81 3.76 3.70 3.64 3.57 8.51 8.89 8.82 3.26 3.20 8.14 3.08
‘ Q  .   - 7 · :       8.24 8.18 8.12 3.06 3.00
· 3.64 3.58 3.53 8.47 3.41 8.85 . - 3.23 3.17 3.11 3.05 2.99 2.94
44 3.55 3.50 3.45 8.89 8.88 3.27 3.21 8.15 3.10 3.04 2.98 2.93 2.87
45 .3.48 8.48 3.37 3.32 3.26 3.20 3.15 8.09 8.08 2.97 2.92 2.86 2.81
48 3.26 3.21 3.16 3.11 8.05 8.00 2.95 2.89 2.84 2.78 2.73 2.68 2.63
Fig. 8.- How to convert ear-corn weights to bushels when you know moisture.
The distance across the 12 rows in feet will be the average row width in inches.
Read the figure in the tabulation that is opposite the average row width and
moisture content of your corn. Then multiply this figure by one-half the weight
of your shocked corn. This will give you the yield of your corn in bushels.
EXAMPLE: Assume that the row width is 42 inches and the moisture content
of the sample is 20 percent. Then by referring to the tabulation in Fig. 8, we
find the figure to multiply by is 3.37. Let's say that one-half the weight of
the corn pulled from `IOO feet of row is 28 pounds, then 28 X 3.37 Z 94.36
bushels of shelled corn to the acre.

 ing bins in ]uly tends to reduce field infestations. For milling purposes, »
white corn must be clean. Premium—grade malathion added to shelled
corn will give excellent insect control with no insecticide residue pro-
blem. Fumigation of structures that can be made airtight will provide
complete control and partial rodent control. For better grain protec-
tion, consider replacing your storage building with more modern types.
For more detailed information ask your county agricultural extension _A.
agent for directions on preventing and controlling insects in stored
Many growers are shelling in the field and reducing moisture with
drying equipment. Caution: corn dried at temperatures too high re-
sults in an unusable food crop and reduces feeding value. The max-
imum safe drying temperature is 150°F. ,
Shelled corn requires careful observation to prevent heating or
other forms of deterioration in storage. Good air circulation and
temperature and moisture tests can save your valuable crop.
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