xt7djh3d0r2c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7djh3d0r2c/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1938 journals kaes_circulars_003_327 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 327 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 327 1938 1938 2014 true xt7djh3d0r2c section xt7djh3d0r2c   Health Program
For 4-H Club Members
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wl- Extension Division
Tium THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
?Cm‘ Lexington, Ky.
mm November, 1938
Published in connection with the agricultural extension work carried on by co-
1ll(‘       Gum condition ........ . ....................................................._.....l..............,...................l...........__ -
    A .f]I[fj]]]]f[fX[j]Xf[]]ff[f[fZjfX]Z][[]ZZ[] fj]ffffffffffffjjfjffffff[ff]ff[ff[[f[[[Ifffffjf ''`‘ *
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  ·;.,_ Recommendations .. .. .................................................... . ................,..................................,. I
  -‘·‘‘i     jjjffjfI][]Xff[]Z]Z]j[j[jif]j[[]]fZf]I]Zf[]fZZ[YX] `"`'` ]j`f]j `"'"’'```" Z] "``""``"`"```"```"``"`“
ljf       (Dentist) (Dentist)
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  t°‘   The food requirements of growing children as well as adults
 ;€—i§q; ; , , . . .
*§`?{?$Q**%‘  if are a balanced diet of )l`O[Cll1S, fats, carboh *drates and mineral nu-
!     · use . . . I . . . .
    trients. Proteins build new body tissue and keep it in repair. Some
  ‘ of the foods rich in protein are lean meat, poultry, fish, cheese, eggs,
  ` ¢;— __ milk, and dried beans. The carbohydrates produce energy and
  ;_:___i; warmth. Foods giving these are: sugar, jellies, preserved berries
  Qzgg  and fruits, bread, rice, potatoes, bananas, and cereals. Fats also
      contribute to the energy and heat of the body and the fats in com—
    mon use are butter, lard, vegetable oils, pork, and nuts.
   ·~  The need for salt is met b oro erl seasoned meats and ve e-
l=" ifgff i-‘¤·.i=e% A  . . Y I P Y. . .  
 7; ; tables, while calcium, phosphorus and iron are supplied in milk
._-· ,~.,~’;¤2r<»¤   . .
    roducts, meats, liver, reen ve etables and whole- rain cereals.
'· 129;-) `·-E_E€*3   ‘€ P g g gl
    Eat regularly; eat a variety of foods; eat some fruit at each meal; 1
  Gill slowly; avoid overeating; consume a quart of milk daily; drink
  water freely to aid elimination; use orange and lemon juice thru-
  out the year and freely in winter. Exercise regularly when in school;
;i:-==·£gy t; *.. i   m . ’ . ,
  sleep eight to ten hours each night; keep hands clean; don t usc
—·;t·5*=·.a;; VM   . . ·
    drinking cups or towels used by others; bathe regularly; sneeze or
 if cough into your own handkerchief.
    fg * See Meal Planning. Ky. Extension Circular No. 316, and Food Project. Unit I, Ky.
    Extension Circular No. 321.
  il if

 Heal!/1 ]))'(l‘g`7`(l7H for 4/—H Club 1\‘I(Z7}?f}(fTS 7
ttion . . . . . .
\/Vholesome outdoor exerc1se is important in health building but
......,......,, it is not the only thing necessary for vigor. Rest is Just as important
·-·-—··-·-·»·-~ Young people who are underweight will End it helpful to lie down
.............. a half hour to an hour after the noon meal. They should sleep nine
‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·*·· to eleven hours each night, with plenty of fresh air.
‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’··· For the sake of appearance alone, good posture is worth while.
‘ ''````‘‘``‘’t A girl cannot be truly beautiful or a boy handsome unless her or
'````'``"`""‘`` his posture is good. There is always something attractive about the
''``’i` person who has good posture and carriage, but it is not for the sake
adults   '`i' ’Z*     V»V‘ ‘ £.A._f,_:l ·
ral nu- I ·._-;       `i‘h.i"CZY  
  r 2 V 1 A i     J     vj»._J· an
3, €ggS, it   p :.· ‘ ` y- .Z;_ji§‘;'   `'»‘.. if- 
yy and .j‘-V: l __-—‘   .,_, f·· :;._yg<‘
berries <   '   ` . .° · -   “i
ts also V V `· qi i, digi
1 com-   , * · Y  
l vegc- y 1 %   V  
1 milk ,, " ,
als.   _ _ . y
mcilli Excellent Postiu·e Good Posture Poor Posture Bad Posture
drmk 1. Head up, chin in, 1. Head slightly 1. Head forward. 1. Head markedly
thru head balanced forward. forward.
h   g?§;€asg0;§;l;Sé_ 2. Chest flat. 2. Chest depressed
C   V  ChQSf, up, bl`€B,$lj   (Sunken).
! l. USC BOEE fthilpastf Of 3. Abdomen relaxed, 3. Abdomen com-
EYC O], wir? M ms DI" 3'L0“.€I. abdomen part of body far- pletely relaxed
· KLOWH abdomen in but not Hath thest forward. and protuberant.
in, and flat. 4. Back curves ex-
4. Back curves with- 4. Back curves 4. Back curves ex- tremely exagger-
L L Ky in normal limits. slightly increased. aggerated. ated.
Children's Bureau, United States Department of Labor, Washington, D. C., 1926

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  8 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 327
 5 um wuoim WAY THE RIGHT WAY O
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    Climbing stairs *
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  getting up .
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 Health Program for 4-H Club Members ll
WAY of beauty alone that posture is important. With good posture, the
organs are in their best position for normal functioning. With poor
_Q posture, many parts of the body are not in the best positions. The
  head is held forward (see hgure l, C and D), the chest sunken, the
` shoulder blades prominent, the abdomen relaxed and the back
curves exaggerated ("sway back"). Inside the body the important
organs are also out of line and tend to sag. Study figures showing
good and poor posture.
What your teeth should do for you. VVhat you should do for your teeth.
Chew your food Build them well
Help you speak clearly Keep them clean
Improve your appearance Give them exercise
Keep them in repair
Avoid abuse, such as cracking nuts and biting thread.
Building Teeth. The teeth are built of the foods we eat. lt is
important that we eat plenty of the best tooth—building foods during
) the early years of our lives. The main food elements necessary for
the development of healthy teeth are the minerals, calcium and
· phosphorus, and the vitamins. In general we may say that these
elements may be had by including in the daily diet a quart of milk,
fruit, leafy and yellow vegetables, whole grain, bread and cereals,
eggs and, in winter, cod liver oil.
Giving Teeth Exercise. By chewing coarse foods such as apples,
celery and raw vegetables, we exercise the jaws and gums so that
— ) the teeth are better supplied with blood. This aids in keeping the
T teeth healthy and strong, and also in keeping them clean.
Keeping Teeth Clean. There are several approved methods of
brushing the teeth. A simple one uses the sweeping stroke, brush»
ing down on the upper teeth and up on the lower teeth. Brush the
teeth the way they grow. uppers down, lowers up. Every tooth has
live sides to be cleaned, the inside, the outside, the top or chewing
T side, and the sides between each two teeth.
Begin by placing the bristles of the brush flat against the gums.
Sweep towards the chewing surfaces using about forty strokes, mov-
ing after each eight or ten strokes, until all surfaces touching cheeks
and tongue are brushed. In this way, brush the outside surfaces of
the upper teeth, then inside surfaces. Repeat on outside surfaces of
lower teeth, then inside surfaces. Brush the chewing surfaces of
both upper and lower teeth. Brush the roof of the mouth and the

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      T ji I0 Ken/urrky Extension Circular N0. 327
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  V  -Y     tongue with two or three light strokes ol` the brush. Proper clean.
  ;__      ing of the teeth helps greatly in preventing decay.
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