xt7djh3d0h6v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7djh3d0h6v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-04-23 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 23, 1976, no. 125 text The Green Bean, April 23, 1976, no. 125 1976 1976-04-23 2014 true xt7djh3d0h6v section xt7djh3d0h6v , T,
22-23 April - 29th Annual.Kentucky
Foreign Language ` G R E E N
25 April - Softball practice -
3:00 PM, Old Stoll
Flew- 2 umverzsxrv 0r= Kzmucxv LIBRARIES
_ ` NEWSLETTER NO . 125 4/23/76
27 Aprll · AAUP UK Chapter David Farrel1,Edit0r Ext.sz26s4
business meeting - ·-—————————————--————--—-+~————————
4:00 PM, Student Center President's Room.
28 April - Public Services Area Meeting - 8:30 AM, Tech Services
Conf. Rm.
29-30 April - SLA Kentucky Chapter spring workshop at Berea. Topic:
"Computer-based Library Networks and Bibliographic Data
Base Search Services."
30 April - Library Staff Organization meeting - 3:00 PM, Old Rare
Book Room (see note).
Extended Hours for Reserve Room - MIK ‘
April 25 (Sunday} 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m.
April 26-29 (Mon.-Thurs.) 8:00 a.m. — 2:00 a.m.
April 30 (Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 Midnight
May 1 (Saturday) 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
May 2 (Sunday) 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m.
May 3-6 (Mon.-Thurs.) 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m.
May 7 (Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 Midnight
May 8 (Saturday) 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
May 9 (Sunday) CLOSED
Summer Advising Conference Volunteers: A
The Libraries have been invited to participate in the Summer
Advising Conferences in July. Volunteers are needed to meet with
freshmen and their parents to discuss library resources and
services at UK. See Larry Greenwood or David Farrell if you're
interested in helping.
Carolyn Hammer to Address Symposium on Book Arts:
Carolyn Hammer, Curator of Rare Books, will present a paper entitled
"The Private Press" at the Symposium on the Book Arts at the Uni-
versity of Alabama May llth. The symposium will also feature
former Lexington residents Fritz Kredel and R. Hunter Middleton
and will include a typographic workshop from May 10-21.

 3 ,1
1 Library Staff Organization Program: _
i The Library Staff Organization is pleased to have Ms. Sharon Bale,
j Horticulturist, College of Agriculture, as guest speaker at the
z next meeting to be held Friday, April 30, at 3:00 P.M. in the Old
A Rare Book Room.
i Ms. Bale will speak to us on floraculture and will display her
{ talents in floral design with samples of her work. She will also
E have some gardening tips for us, so bring your questions, take
g notes, and share your gardening ideas. All are welcome. Refresh-
§ ments will be served.
i Green Bean Facelift Due:
Q The venerable, aging Green Bean: University of Kentgcky_Libraries _____
; Newsletter will be sporting a new coversheet in the new fiscal
j year. Doodlers, graphic artists and Old Masters are invited to
L submit their designs. A distinctive logo, photograph or line
» drawing representing the Library or its services have been suggesux
° as possibilities.
3 Request for Periodicals:
The Periodical Room needs the following issues:
Southern Living January - 1975
October - 1975
Science Vol.l88 1975 April 25, 1975
A Vol.l88 1975 May 9, 1975
i Staff Development:
2 "Supervisory Management Concepts for Librarians" June 24-26 at
, Washington University, St. Louis. Registration $125. For further
{ information, see Faith Harders.
i i Softball Practice:
1 Sunday April 25, 3:00 P.M. at Old Stoll Field. Anyone who wants
to play is welcome.
i The Library is now subscribing to a small monthly publication entitled
"Bits and Pieces" subtitled a Monthly Mixture of Horse Sense and
Common Sense About Working with Peopldl The editor has generously
n agreed to let me share some of the pieces from this publication on a
{ regular basis. My first selections are: a piece from April 1976
i . issue entitled How pp Develop Good Assistants , and a bit from March
? 1976.
; J. Bryant
i A Piece - "The most valuable executives," once said a leading business
man, "are those who are training others to be better than they are."
i Why do good leaders usually have capable assistants? In the first
g place, it is because they have the taste and judgment to hire good ·

 i, A
people in the first place—people with the potential to grow and
develop. Secondly, it's because they know how to develop them.
i Leaders such as these are not vain, insecure people who try to hide
what they know. They share their knowledge and talent. The more
their geoyle know, the more they can handle. Thus the leader can
delegate more, which frees him or her to work on other problems.
That°s one of the marks of good managers-willingness to teach others.
They aren't just willing-—they insist on it. They expect their
assistants to pay attention, learn, grow, and take over as much ‘
responsibility as they possibly can.
I Insecure managers——who feel that nobody helped them on the way up-
are often reluctant to teach anything to their assistants. If they
had to learn the hard way, why shouldn't everyone else?
Usually, such people view everyone, including subordinates as potentid.
rivals for their position. They want to do it all themselves and
get all the credit for doing it. Needless to say, they make poor
They delegate as little as possible, assuming a superior, arrogant
attitude——no one can do it as well as they, therefore the whole
load is on their shoulders.
Most successful leaders, fortunately, are not that selfish or
shortsighted. Nevertheless, many still don't train or develop the
people who work for them nearly as much as they should or could. For
some reason they just don't appreciate how important it is.
It is important . . . it benefits everyone connected with a business.
Helping subordinates become as qualified as possible is important to
their morale and to good results. Most people want to improve
themselves; they like working for leaders they can learn from. ·
Conversely, they lose respect for a manager who obviously doesn't
intend to teach them a thing.
It's also important to the leader. It's a great satisfaction to
help people develop and grow in their jobs. Sooner or later, what
you do for others always returns to benefit you. Not the least of
those benefits will be greater recognition of what a competent
leader you actually are.
A Bit — To give people help, while denying them a significant part
in the action, contributes nothing to the development of the indi-
vidual. In the deepest sense it is not giving but taking-—taking
their dignity. Denial of the opportunity for participation is the
cknialof human dignity and democracy. It will not work.
Saul D. Alinsky

A preliminary program for the 95th ALA Annual Conference has been
received in the Director‘s Office. The conference is scheduled to
meet in Chicago 18-24 July and will feature programs and pre-
conference institutes on a broad range of subjects. Included will
be programs dealing with staff development, library instruction,
federal information dynamics, the impact of networks on libraries,
collection development, subject access to educational literature,
self—directed change in small and medium-size academic libraries,
videotape sources, and many others.
Head, Interinstitutional Library Services. Indiana Univ. l July 76.
$13,750 maximum.
Subject Specialist for Political Science, Economics and Forensic
Studies. Indiana Univ. l July 76. $15,500 maximum.