xt7dfn10s45x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dfn10s45x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-04-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 2007 2007 2007-04-16 2020 true xt7dfn10s45x section xt7dfn10s45x Star quarterback begged for extra time — and got
it _. during Saturday's scrimmage SEE PAGE 4





.I().\' I I()()I\'1{R RI‘ZBII‘ZMBICRIJ)

APRII I I), ltlll,"

\\’\’V\\". KYKERNEI .( ‘( )M




Arts extension
expands across
county lines

By Josey Montana McCoy

'czuwiw. i.

aiis \‘\Ik'II\I\‘II itiotziani tuo
\t'ais ago iii I':|sr‘ (\ttiith
III\ I‘It‘1\\I,I\IIt“~\II as I‘ikt'

I)a\:il Itcl‘oitlt' liatlit' \its
sccn nttith :It‘IIC \\:th at .ii

'A as it't oxiia't'tl u Itt‘ll

.I It'sx'l‘tc'tI \‘IIC it? IIIK' .‘I'III‘



Flight 5l91 crash victim, former player
remembered at Saturday's game

ml to IIooI.;i iIlillli.‘ '33:.

tiiotitt,‘ ht“



Iul‘st [‘2 {H'W‘ «3 iii' 3

i...’, .V‘..i



(iiccntiit (‘oiinti hetoic a
month ago
I'ht' tiiccntiit

IIthIt \hiiol lanytiayc arts


kutxltt‘l \.II\I a not ottitt' iii
the .lIk‘tl \tas aiit-ath than}:
in; that I I\‘s tiitc .iits otit
it'ath cttoits han- tittir‘iit‘it
\\IIII the atltlitioii ot an A.
tt'iisioii (IIt'x‘I‘iIII‘
('otint} antl \tith tint“ .ii‘ts
c\tt'itsioit agsiit ( oi i Hit-4h

.tttit; ll'i

\'\ tt\ lI\ ItL‘atI

~'\Itt' Ittts I‘k'Clt Ilt'tt' 'itt .t
i’nontlt aiitl has t‘atiit :i‘oi:
than I‘tt spun .lonc «toi 'iit
aitsi iti IIEC itas' f'tt‘ \cais “
Ik‘I‘ttItIt‘ ‘.II\I

U\\\‘ Ilti'ss' .: IN? n'.‘ I..I\IIII
in (iit'citiiit t oniitt ana up
“.tIlIs‘tI sotiico'iu \\;tli gsgtt
i‘tL'Ilst‘ antl 'sl\lt‘li to tona-
:ii and st»; '-.\l soul


i the it;
to t. \ IIt‘ "lliItt

t “3" v ' I},
“(iitm :it' ‘.\ itli 'i‘ic


\t‘ll Iii

L'l'\t'\ kt\I‘ ‘I‘tt‘Is ls'tt
\\.titt 5- st.
tiict-naitt titan".
IItiglit‘s sail
'liost~ iti\:toi‘ii;.,"~
iii the .iica s
IIICI’x' to til»
"I ;:t i‘o' t
cittf Iliuhgs --.i.:
linipiii: To tttiiiiz‘iau



II\ }.,,.. \II\ ‘..\.‘.

(it‘\\‘IIltiI s \\\aitl in 'lit'
It; itimalin}; aii otitlt't


atts .ii itiiai tit'i;
I’ikt' \its- lit-tantra
”NC at ‘ht tiis'. ;tiii_'i.i":s of
its IsllltI in thy
IItight's saat

I I\ ias .ltlllsllII'le' t'\
:n uncix



't :‘isim'i tt'liti‘s

titiizit‘. ltizt (iit‘t'ittiit oit!\
at‘ltlt't‘ a into arts I‘li‘L'IaZl‘
Millet: tiiotsin; ‘.\tIIt iht
\tts, ‘.\ith the all '
IItiyglns zit cail\ \Iaith


lilt‘I‘: HI
I\IL‘II\2\\EI .s

'.IILI .tl‘iHIIh‘!

\lixI I its
arca tit «\t ':
stitii .lIItI tin. ai's \\.f
h int: the ;:\:s of ixwtgm
quit. \\.t‘-

a It‘llllx‘I

ainl tangiai'.
'ia‘oi the I l\
I‘iogiaa‘ IItigiit's
”liar? "‘ illii\\'l\.3\ s
icitiitatwii Ai'i. la':
'Iit toairtx \Ix saat s

Ilt‘I‘K“~ Itt it.ih\'II1t‘Z‘t-t,'t.i"

I Iuman rights

By Eric Lindsey

I3 H.ICCV“:.V‘LH ' ,_

Returning to tiit' sanzt' IIt'I\I tltat
.lon IIHttIxCI' plated on inst si\ :tt'tlI\
ago is Itaiil sitoiigtli tor fointt‘i I K
hascltall Itcat! .oatli Ist-ith \Iatl:son
Htit to set tl‘i; toi'iiic! plan-1‘s Italtts‘
on tho t‘ItI
right held at ('lili Hagan
Stadium al'itost l\ioiiglii
him to tears

"I can‘t Ii.tI'\Il\ tools at it
to he lioncst \\lIIl \oii Etc
cause it makes .t iral,"
Madison "I'lici't- aic
tinics \\I|k‘II I think or In!!!
tltat I atttiall} nionit'iiiaiiii
lorgct that he's gone Htit
\\hcn I \Ct‘ that up there. it
Itl.tI\C\ it \t-r\ i’t'al "

Madison ..
IrlCIltI\ antl taiiiil} iiiciiihcis :ii .Lllt‘ti
tlantc toi a u'iciiioitt to honoi
IIooIsci l‘cloi‘c \attii’rla} ctt-niitc‘s
I'KVVantlL-iltilt panic

Ilookcr. \\lio itlauxl at l I\' tioiii
I‘M" to :INII.'\\.I\1‘IICHI the 1‘! t.»
tints \\ ho tht‘tl iii the ('oniaii I ItL‘IlI
5N] crash near Hliit' (it'ass .\iiitoi'i
on Put}: 3" IIt.‘ anal his \\II\', \t.ti‘lt‘tt
I’arslc}. hatl ntai'i'ictl ins? hoiiis L'.tl.i
or and \wrc licatl: d to (atIIIttI'IIM on
their I]l‘It\‘}IIItN\Ii

IIookcr"s iiiotht'i, triaiitlitai't‘nts
ltrothcr aiitl toi‘nicr toath all litttIs
part in thc cci‘cntom

\\ oi’cltoaiti in


“as ting tit stat-M

Jon Hooker

Iaits .j-av ‘oiiit'tl i'i a

\\ III\ I; \t as thcii

join: thc panic
ntonir‘nt oi ‘tIK'IIsK.
IHIIU\\L'\I I‘} iIlC ‘Z‘ts'
\-‘I‘IItls‘iIIUI'ttIHt sanit- hall lion‘s tin
ICIII lit-at! math loltii ( oht-n
\liliotiylt it's I‘t'L'I- iitsailt tight
inoitths \IIIKL' the trash. tlta' IIookt'i

sciitation ol a

taiii'ls tottH hint:
IIICIII\s ho had to the place
“IICIC IItittkt’l Use-.1 lit t‘Ia)

"It's a littlt siii‘ical .ltIII'
all} “ saitt KCIII (:i.i\ Howls
ct‘s atint. alto spoke on he
halt wt tho IIt‘t‘hL'I I.Ill‘lI_\
"(inc ot the III]II_‘_'\ lac l't.‘.tIr
l). I‘UCII thinking ahoiii ‘.\IllIL‘
lac ltccii hcit' tonight 1\ him
littlt‘ ho\s «lit-ant alto'it iila}
in: ‘ti IIIL I [1‘
I\k‘IIIII\I\_\ and lit' attiialh got to txltI
I/L' that disaii‘

“’Io Innis out time at that Jttlr
3mm. not oit1\ docs that it‘iticsciit
hiin I‘llI lI lintl ot it-iticsuiits that

ihos; tlicaiiis can tonic :iiit' ioi alt}

It't‘slH t‘I

\‘tts‘ H

'I’hc uniltlcni.
llight ntiniltci' uiittcn insitlc at it antl
IIoolst'i'K nant: \\llIIt‘II aiotiittl ll,
ioins I\\it other nanit-s on IIiC ‘\UI\‘
I‘I‘JIkI \Iatlison's aiitI that oi toi
IIIL'I [Kttlatt-i antl .\l'l/itl\.t Itia~
lIlt‘IliII‘uk l.s I‘IIk Ik‘l' HIJIItIt‘II \M‘lilx

‘It‘s Isiiitl it! a Itittt'isut'ct 'titt'
iItlltf.‘ ” .\Iatlison said "It's ticntt'n
«Ions that the I k I‘ast‘I‘aII itiogiant

.1I‘.:st"‘.:li HH'Ii flit'


actiVist to speak
on Child labor




\a't lI'Ii






'I he Iionorai‘) t'niltlt‘n: on IIIC uhl
scorchoartl in right ticlil uas tlcilitat

Hooker :1» 3 SEE PAGE 3


By Lettcra Janes

Human Rights

Brown University prof. creates own art world on Web

By Erica Mitchell

(tritiri I‘NIIIEKVhQVt‘QI . .tni

When Mark 'I‘i'iltc \\as C‘sIaI‘II‘IHIt}; hinisclt
as art artist. hi: lclt as though our) innotation
iii art had alicarlt liccn \ItlIIC

But he soon IttttlttI a no“ trontici and platc
to makt‘ his mark thi.~ Irttcrnct

"I‘hc Internet is .1 hip tonstriittion sitc."
'Irihc said "I Isltt‘“ the Internet was turning the
“orltl into a global \ illagc "

It'lIk‘. assistant piolcssor of IIIIKICIII t llIIIIt‘C
and media stiitlics at Hromi I'niwrsit}. “as ”to
final speaker in this year's Visiting ‘\III\I\ and
Scholars Series. hostcd h} the IR Art Depart

During his \isit. the artist and curator. “ho
concentrates his touts on Cttltthlnln): emerging:
tcchnoiogics mth contemporary art. addressed

First issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.

tht: iitililit iii a tree Icttiii't‘ in IIIL' \\'hit.‘ Hall
('lassiooitt Iiiiililing: IIItI.l\

[hiring II‘L' lt‘tttii't‘. Irihc presented [‘tt‘IlIRW
ot his tic“ ittt-tlia .ttI\\ittI\. ‘.\IllsIt haw hccii m
Itiltitctl .it gallerics iit .\c\\ \oils ('itt. (it‘iinaiti
.ti‘al \tl‘sII'IJ

Io iiiontotc ltis .tlltI t‘IIIt‘I Ititcrnci aii Iiihc
It‘lIIIsIk'tI Rhi/oinc org. an on‘iiiic toitiiii toi ncu
itit‘tlia art \ ihi/onic is a hotanital It‘llil tor
plants that hau- lioii/ontal roots IIlt.‘ ioitts tic
ate a Il\lIt}J. nt'ixtorls oi plants iiittlciuoiintl
I'iiltc saitl the tcrni tit toi “hat IIt' \santtrtl to
ti‘catc with tho “ch sitt- and [N‘IHtIIIIIt‘tI his
\ lt‘\\ oi thc Intcrnct

l nlikc iiiost tornis ot art. Intcrnct art is itot
ntcant to he cthihitctl in galleries hctaust‘ it IC
quires more “HR to \IC“ promoted or tilmcd
plt'k'C\ than is I_\PI\.II tor other gallcr} PICkCM
Irihc saitl \o in 31W”. hc introdutcd “()pcn

Mouse." .i plat on "(iron \Iit s a '\'
\ItIII.lI\ tan tlisitla} IIIt'll iligi'ai
screens ziiitttnil k ItlI‘s

I‘riltc s tiii'rciit [‘Iltlk‘tI is a ‘t‘Ils'~
.ILIIIIL‘III\ ol III\I|‘IlL itiott'st sinus lit:
I‘N‘Its anti ‘tis tallwl tItt‘ I‘itit Hit: a. I"
I‘tttIl L\t‘ttl laIst‘s :‘I-Ix L‘ ‘1' 'IM‘ Ithatiw;
ttIlL'll‘..|I srttt-th art-f i\[\IL"\‘III1\I "\

Iht‘ lilt‘Ii\.tIlitI‘. ht'hiiitl ilit' i\iit y.“ t
Ii'iltc “ht'ii ht' returned to [liotxn .is I'\I\"L
Ill \Cats attt-i R'IIICIIIIL' tht‘ tollcgv as a '1 sh
nian I'ht‘ \IIIIt'Ik'IIkC thxsccn iht- taniitiis . it

IlllL‘ during: and alter the \it‘tnani cra stint I.


”I thought it \\ as t‘tItI that the \.IITII‘II\ ts is

quiet.” hc saitl. uhcn hc rt‘IllI’ltk‘tI In Hti‘ul‘i

Trihc told the audience that \IlItIk‘III\ i‘law-l a

hlfl part in the end ot the \ictnain \\ar IItIittlL'I


.1 'Il: I"
;~.iils.i1~j .t
“I; ;‘I“\\“\

IIii' 'Itx l‘lt‘tt
migagv-l 'ht' \‘IIIIIL' tw-riiritiiitih ,ii

imtt'iinint~ ‘tit t‘ItIK'I it: ot sotiai

Lecture ; r- 6

Newsroom: £5777918i Advertising: 257-2872



PAGE 21 Monday, April 16, 2007

suveku Go to wwwkykerneleom for the solution
I —

















K1m it C C’“
l» W" l;

«e » tit v and
tar iris . am a;


.' "t raft Ni















your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kemel ‘ Ql

'I’I‘le Di8ll

Scary Split

Sear) Movie star Anna
Faris. 30. tiled for divorce from
her husband or nearly three
yearx. actor Ben Indra. 2X. on
April 3. erung irreconcilable dilV
Just Married

Serubx‘ John (I McUinle)‘.

hole Kexxler‘. 3—1. at their Malibu.
California. home Aprii 7
It's a Boy!

lildext Hanson brother Isaac

Hulhtm. 36. and ill) wile ot
nearly \eyen months. Nicole. 2-

replace him “hen he ietiiu in
10 I\e.ii\

(limit. 53. .signed on for a tounh
season of the Bran) xho“. wt to
air thix summer.
Big Win

Whitne) Houxton. 43. “ill
haxe \ole cuxtod} of daughter
Bobbi Kristina. 14. when her di-
mree to htisband Bobb) Brown.
38. becomes tinal April 24

Cameron. 2“. xer\ ed the day
in a count) Iiail al'ter pleading
gtiilt)‘ to underage drinking and
prmrding alcohol to tumors at
hh family ‘5 borne in Pertdleton.
Oregon. March 3, Kexin‘x rep
had no comment

to.\ icated.

Family Feud


don\ the DLIII} Mirror April H
that he ha\ sexered tie~ \th
llurle). 4i. and hh \on. Arun.
42, became “tlte_\ placed more
importance on \htmmg ot‘l' than
lonl their our) l'aniily‘ at their
March nuptial»

tan Drew

Justin's Bratty Interview:

9 2 / g 47. wed his girlfriend or two and Busted R d 2
a half _\ear\. )oga iiisti'tietor Nic- Kenn l‘t‘ticl’llllc'\ brother Ollll

Justin 'I‘iinberlake IN ci‘)ing
himselt‘ another met thi\
time mer his 2003 endorxement
deal “ith Mcl)onald\.

Alter complaining to l)etail~
that the (3ramm)\ “axed" him
for ratings. he tell\ the Ma) r»

\xelcoined their l'ir‘xt child. _ \UL‘ ol' Britixh (i0. “l \ie\\ the
IIIIII INN nutty Use in at energy to make sure ( larke. April 3, stflkC a P058 . (r‘r‘amm) \I the name \\a_\ axul

mrggcgpegv Cancer (June 22 -— July 22)II‘ it um all Vilul nanerwu irk IS lll order New Note LINN) Limit“; 30- l‘ ”W “L Pad“: T9112 11' “WM _"
W (i ‘ i Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21) Bexonce Knmxlex. :5. will ““C ”11'” 5mm" ‘ m” “m“ . .1391“,va My“ “.H‘infjl.
ldt‘ if” t \l r,‘ ‘K'l'. ’lLI"ti\'.\ it" lt'tldV 2‘.) d 7 Yt'll are Sll New Bl lek n“ .l three-month NONI] paign. th dClli “le hrUkchd h) IlldIthi :.;~113111(),l-] ~“r [§*IF"]EhI,1.L
1' i 33'“ M V' ‘ " t “it“: V 3”» W "”W ‘IVS Ham " 9“ a mo American tour in Ne“ ()i‘leanx h” Ullomey Mlkc Heller. 3t), uor ‘» ”I 0‘1” 1“ rm U'

lake. 2r» \nips. “I regret the Me

By a r it Bar x ' ‘ l "rent" aeaie Srine very assertive Jill) (,I Freshest mince l)orrild\ do” ..
r; . ., , _, IIZeo Jul 23 All 22 via sa ii‘r'rrii's at"; demandinu your atten . ,. . , ‘ i ‘ ' .
flit, It M, . I. l V . flag» I III ”Vii.“ ir‘v r _, a MOVIIIQ w,” Smith. 3h wax named He also ClitlIDN be tipped
213:1 iii 1 'l i" . . i‘i‘" t it Capricorn (Dec 22 — Jan 19) iii A\\l'll l a\i"ne “ and her the mm! ptmertul actor 0” the ”1"” market \hare ‘25 PCT?“
at r i Iv, 9 .» vi ,. - « ~ ~ I - I I ' ‘ ‘ r ‘ 7-: W planet 1“ Ne“ wreck. \\ hen l “alked into thoxe otlicex
Aries (March 21 - April 19) it y .r a '\ .m x a i Yi u aunt have to ex hu~band. l)erI\ek \V hihle). _ i. - 'ind eli‘inued their “mm. -~
II I .. II ,‘i I} may“ erg-W's t tr artyr r‘ it), but VOL; bought the eightvhedroom home Farewell \ Q1f‘l)0n.lld—\ I‘C; [i‘HN [N
.. . 2 A at ate rt "vt lSa'ilO'l Wit“, ol Tra\r\ Barker. 3|. and Shane . _ . . - . , ‘ k ‘ . i L . "
_ .i I r ‘\ . , I“ _ . A ( hlhlnlih Stor} director “Vie appreciate hl\ role in the
. , it; i we: » r: it: ]i\ m nders let .i na .Iloakler. .II_._in 11““ x Bel Hob ('lark. 67. and h” “m Ariel. campaign ..
x . Virgo (Aug. 23 Sept ZZl 'Q ‘ "Jut l A” In" “MT: '\In_;m”11””‘ 'l 13. died alter being hit b} a dr'i- 8a)» marketing expert R);in
' . Aquarius bl?“ 20 Feb-18) )“nINH "h“? “ 0‘ ” lLll \er. Hector Vela/qtiel—Nma. 24. Schinman. "You newr \\ ant to
Taurus (April 20— May 20l “ t 2‘ M‘ “ ‘7) l ”ass" n f y “33" mil “if In.“— H room In“; U‘ \\ ho wax allegedl} going the hug the hand that feeds )ou. but
i ; i ii ":i i. .itrtill5t3, vIti iii rulrl ,rigatr. if. _ a itornia. utate .or c mt “In”; direction on (“alit‘ornra‘x .luxtin can PW") much write h“
"'1' . y ‘ ’ V 1 no ri‘i‘l’l‘vl‘lS [Wit WWW OWN" 1” 54'5 ”“Hmn' Pacitic ('oaxt Highum April 4. own tieket at Ihh point,"
, , ,~ m, ’iI r :: ~m fr in, an: . , v ~ ' .
.. \ w .‘ . I . ‘t W ‘ ‘It ' l “ at l “ Passmg the Torch \ela/qttei-Nzna pleaded not ran Dim“.
m . t Libra (Sent 23 — Oct. 22) “1‘ 11”“ '3 (‘NNK I am K- iig‘. 7“. r . grain to too eountx o1 groxx \ee
' ; r i . , i c ~ » ~ . .
t ' " ' - -~ ‘ P'sces (Fab ‘9 Mam" 20) 2 L hiciilar manxlaughter “bile in—
, oiiiniended R}.iii Se .‘itie »t to ~




H . I “ , 1. ‘ ; ,; pm i‘ it "aw t'i: llll . ”if"
‘ “l f. Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov 21) ' If, H Wu! "’1 l1 t i' T'W Work It lair/abeth Hurle_\\ lather-Hr
H .5 .. . In .. . '~ - i My ,_ _ . law \inod Nmar. or». told Lon \
. ;. . lioieti Runna) \ lint - -
Todd)’ 5 C HARUL or. mini m- "PE“ All! Taps CAMPUS Party Pics...
Horoscope B OWN'S n I) "II” PnTlo Interviews...
_ A. '3/
Sponsored BY Nt"!.|ll!.lllt and llHllliL_ ) WOW. Covering You!





iNIltv’ [ )l’i





















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lint ,4 3rd, but u. Yr ,., 1‘”? ti», y’iilll t'w‘li moo






l’mt iir iii: inr'l internshipx.


it) (it

1., “HI “Int r,:rrr' ltlll‘w


Spnrrwvmr ( mummy




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April ll), 2007
Page 3






‘at'tdtxattt‘s Alex Fet'tnerq slid at" tsx ’trtttte rtlata t ,‘ st:

.'.tt"t a 2“ S‘Ctttt’: because til rain

'51 lt‘d'llS

ll: 'tj 't‘t 'tWa "t it " .rll




Cats lose series to No. 1 Vandy

Rain delays force doubleheader yesterday, UK
pul s comeback to take one in three-game series

81 £519. Lindy

otntdseydkyketnel com

llte l'K baseball team enrrltln‘t nterv
entire the l‘lllCl"(UlLl conditions or the nar
ttnrt's tnnrartketl club thrs \teekentl trt a
'ltreeegartte ser'tes against \aneler'btlt

llte Nn: l‘l (Kits (Solid, 0er South
eastern (‘nr'tt'et'erteet r'alltetl lnr an R-(t \tetn
r1) against tlte No l (‘nrrtmntlnr'es t Urn. ‘l b
\l-il‘t in tire first game nl the tlnttbleheatlet'
at (.‘lrtl Hagan Stadrum yesterday 'l‘he_\ tell
trt tlte second contest 0-4 trt a r'estrrttptrnn nt
Saturday's game. ultreh “as suspended iii
the SH”) rnrttng because nt’ inclement

lhe rtr‘st game. which started at 1 part.
lasted only sexen tnntrtgs tn .lL'k'lllllllltltltllL'
the r'errtatrteler' nl Satur'da} \ game

’l'tl like tn think tltat these \teather t ntt
\lllllfll'» are nuts. tltat ue e\tel trt these cnrt
titttnrts." head coach ,lnhrt (‘nhen and "lint
tia some reasnrt nr artnther' \\ e ha\en‘t e\
celletl tn these enndtttnns here recently"

lit the l‘rt'st game. tlte (‘ats t‘ttlletl ntrt a
comeback \tetnr') alter a tnttr' rtrn \l\llt rrt
rttrtg Sentnr eateher' Sean ('ntrghhn's tun
nttt. r‘ttnrrtrrr ltnme run “as tlte tlttterertee:
i‘t'ealxtttg.‘ a lt-(t tie

"lle gate the a tastball «in the ntttet’ ltalt
all l \t as [list uertt \xttlt it.” ('ntrglthrt saitl


,.,. in ,.4 ,r - tlttt‘.
’ r ‘ print


aral tlte athletic tlet‘ar'trttertt are hnttnrrtrg
hurt it‘s a tinnus necastnrt reall}

llte tnrrtter enrich \\,r\ nne n1 3r» \ttll

tttentls and tantrlt \thn attended the
ererttnn}. trteltrrhrtg l‘arsle\\ lather.
litlllttl} l’ar'sle}.

\ttet‘ playrrtg under .\latlrsnn tnr'
ii iii wars. llnnlxer‘ trartstert'etl tn l‘ast
ettt Kentuck} l nr\ersrt_\ \\ here he ttrt
l\l'tL‘tl his undergraduate degree lilte
( |e\eland Indians then tlrattetl Hooker.
and he later signed with the ('hreagn
\\hrte Sn\ as a tree agent

llnnker‘s baseball eareer ended in
.‘ttttl. .llll.l he mntetl hack in his hntrte

trin\.ttg tn leurtetnn tn he

\\tle_ sartl \ttstzrt \l.ltll\|lll

rtt rtzx ntttee arttl llls‘it _\ not a ila_\ rtat
goes ht tltat | tlntt't llltl':l\ abnttt thettt “
K\‘l!ll \ldlll‘wt‘l‘ \.l.\l
hrs tatttri\ e\erjn.laj\ . and l ,lntt't \\ant tn


espectall} tltt‘n llll lnr llt)tll\t'l"\ tttttlllc'l
and grandparents lhe 3,.-.r ttttte the\ ,k'llx
here there. the} \ket'e shalt brne lltlttle‘l‘
play the game he ‘n\etl st- :ttttelt (tr'at

”t\\ttht the “uni hltmtng nttt tntlay t'naeh
(\thert named me in get underneath the
ball "

\lthntrgh the (‘ats capttttetl the
the} struggled detertsrt e1)

l'he') .tllnttetl t\\n ttrtear'rtcul trttt-. iii the
ttrst rttrtrtte nrt errnrs h} ttttttnt thtrtt base
rttatt llrran \‘tteat .tllll tttrttnr \l'lllk‘i Ttehlet
\rttntre l)e.lesrt~

l'he (‘nrtttttntlnres lliiLl tl-ett sitare n!
struggles rn tlte buttnttt halt nt the lit\l tn
ntttg as '\\c‘l

‘\ pass ball b} (ntttrttntlnre tattlter' »\rt
the“ (itnhbt. uhn “as rrrakrng his lll\! \.l
reer‘ Sl‘C start at catcher. allnuetl 't K to
score rts trrst rtrrt ,\tter ( nttglthrt \lllg'lk'tlr
\atttl} pitcher xlkl‘c (‘hrtstrattt ttallxetl three

straight batters tn lnt‘ee trt attntl‘ter t'ttl tn tte

‘A Hi.

| . . ‘ ‘
ltte \t‘lc a! A.

lilx' (ails .tllti (‘l‘l‘tll‘llll\llllx-\ (\t littllL'x‘tl
tltlllllg\ ll‘e (’ ‘17,!
t:‘ the tlartl and Nth
‘»l'\ll‘ tttrtatg

tic'kl a run at the setnttil

rttrts nxer the tte\t trxn
rrtntlnres sentet: .1 run
itillttlfl\ and "an ttttts trt tit:
\thtle the Cats set
anti tntttth tnrtrttgs. betnre the ( atC tn-rr tttrt
st\th tnntrrg ptrt therrt up \ tt

lreshrrran ttttther‘ lltttart lergtrsnn if lt
lll‘l\llk‘kl the “lit rrt the inst Carrie. htrrirrtg
:3 nt art timing in rehet lttzrtn: llll\ll\‘l
ltrne‘K Haber teenrtlea tut.» it,ll\ at the se\

et-th trtntng tnt his first saxe nt the \ear

in“ It , t it it :3 .“ ', ., s4 ll

'atttlrtts 'itillilgll fellt'l‘lillallt‘t‘. \i
:t‘atr'_\tr‘.g l’arsley it: ttlartttta ntt \l‘e
uttlt ltl\ l‘ilil

l\.‘tth \latlt

s silt} and llnnln t1 ttttttter 'eartt it't'”

"l gnt a picture nt litrt ,ttltl Scarlet?

"l tr_\ in prat tnt

l ‘.\artt tn rerrterttltet "
('nttttrtg hat .k t,. llagart Starlttrm ttas are


» 0- or -»-« v . "w. e. s” e s'
'0 ‘ fiV‘fireQR 1‘ «kit‘s;tggsasikl‘gftfi‘tfi


ll“\'l llttttl-.L'l as

s trtte trttte ll br':rtgs back tttc‘ttlttllc‘s that
\er\ thtttctrlt,"
lllllll\ it‘s a \knrtdertttl tltrttg that the at.t
tlet‘ar’trttettt ts
tlte_\‘te tlnrrtg t1 and l‘trt ‘ll\i 'hattlxttt‘

artal hrtrtnretl in be a part tit 11'

l‘he seentttl game resttrtretl it: the tntt nt
the \t\llt trttrrrtg “till a _‘ l \tntc. ttn nuts
and \arrtlerltri! ltlllll~.'[\ nit t‘rtst arttt tltttii
Hit the rttnttrttl
tnt’ Satttrtla_\ starter \rttltetx \ll‘ers. ga\e lil‘

three hits and a sacrttne tl\ tn help e\terttl

lllL' (‘lllllllllltll‘li‘ lead 'at h l

"l ittst tried in stat eahtt 'lergtrsnrt \.tltl

l'er‘gtrsnrt, uhtt ltil‘h met

n1 starting the setnntl game ‘.\l‘,li txttt Ittlt
net's I‘ll anti ttn nttt~ "( nttttttg tl‘. rlls-I tlt ll |
tttst tried in hate the ttnrttlset tttat llt‘l'tttl'~.
\\.t\ Ul‘, l‘rtnfi U

llrel :ts raE‘tI-exl ttt the sutl; :rttttrte ntt.
l1tll\ 'tt‘ltt till'ilvx'l\ varies
\atxxer l arrnri.

pat! nt hnrtte


'Altn startetl l’l rzgiit
tnr the first turn tltrs seasnr‘: tn! tletetnwe
purposes. hiastetf r. txtn ttttt \lil‘l has seenrttl
ltnnte !tllt nt the tear
treshrtrarr \rrthnn).
t'ttrt. hts lrrst career ‘tnttg hall

But the rail} tanttltht't he ettnttgh. as the
('ttmtttntlnr'es tacked nit a run :rt the eighth

-lt Yttt tttrrth trtritrrg tn

llk' \‘~.l‘~ lKlllllh‘se'll l‘\

llttrarriln's stile lrnrtte

timing and three llllt‘
seal the gartte

"\\e rttrt try: illi‘l hers atrtt Kept suttrtytrt;
the l‘als 'her. hit! 1- e tas' rla'rr't ; ettnttgh
:n the etttt

tn tall {at its '1 artttlr‘ \.a‘.

\iiters 5 ltsttttcretl ll.\ tits: tins \‘l the
:xear \\htle l‘ntttrrentlnte l‘ilrlic'l \ltlte \ltt‘a‘r
ttvltt ttrclax! art the \.\:rt exert tanrtelt tn:
thet itrtthtr 'hteu .: ytzttlt tlt \rtrtttajx
"l :ea‘tl\ tlttrtl, \\.e sitttttitl ltaxe '.\it!l all
three thew L'all '( ar'tni. satil '\\e had

tltettt .t: nit: hath \ attt: \\.' hillti nt let them

sill" ,t‘aax

re llnnker :it\ t_\~ tttaast tater: a e

and characte: {it :\ \t

invites ttettple \xril always tctt, "'

in: has "heattkfttl with

\latlt-uttt hopes ttc'tti‘le‘ ~t.=.n:'


flirt,“ '\.tr'\

r‘tiaual lvasel‘tll and it'll! in
trash but .r\ snmenrre Vlltt' '-\.t-
\t‘llie \\ Pt'l'Nlll I.

\ trtltttte nrt the .teltt ‘nhl 1‘

re tr trtti tltettt

'\ a \er‘\ class't thin; but t"

r t

\l Hll‘ltll \attl 'l

lining l'rtt glarl


i7 :‘ 3“ .' ,, , J ’V’ i .
t]%/u'<‘ (If; c;\{tlxl4‘41r1 .A/r‘Huuu-a , ,,,,,, ,~.,


., . rnrr

ain hinders
ultimate game

of routines

l‘he} played baseball _\estettla\ at ( htt llagart \l.l\ll
ttrtt lhn garttes. aetttall} l l\ \tntt nrte gartte and \n l
Vanderbilt \\nrt nrte gartte lltat rttrght l\ newt tn \n‘a. be
eattse chances are _\ntt \\erert t at the garttes lrt tact. aitttnst
rtn nrte “as \ \l\l\\\l nt less than Silt) penine sa\\ l l\ ttse
late game hernres tn \\tll the trr‘st gatrte and \artih trse nl
iL‘ll\l\ e trr'epnuer tn eiatrrt the \k'tJ‘lltl

\\ h\ ‘

lleeattse nt the Heather \eitltet
teattt enttltl sheep the tlnttbleheatler.
but the \\eathet enttltl. \\lllt lit tle
gtee terttttetartttes rtttrrtrtg slldllkk"
int .1 huge cttt\\tl his! as \n l"
l'lx”s lnss trt gartte tmr r'ttrrt-etl the
( als
trntn the nattnrt's rnp team

\ \\ll| lit the \k'sllllll game nl the
\\llt\ll “as .tetttall}
the enrttttlettnn nt a \ll\l\'llkl\'\l gartte
trnrtt \atttrtia\ tttgltt
ittrlictt the ('ats ll,l\l\ tn e\ert ttt
Sntttheasterrt ( nrtterertce pla}. .trttl

'anttltl hate l'ltttl;'l‘l a ingtartt trt the

charttes nt taking the ser'tes


c i)lttlttllt\l


\tntthl ha‘t e

l.t\l tlt\l\lttlt c“\\‘ll Lli'\L‘l lt‘fjelllet
lrtsteatl tltel .tl\ rertt_t:rt t‘ttlt rrt the \ll\ .stnrr. atterttt‘ttrrg
tn tread. ertnttgh \tatet t.» tttttt their W H ~tart rrtte
utnsectrtne lttl‘ tn the \( \.\ lnttrrrarttettt
lint ll unttltl be ttree :’ the}. thiltt't


.l ‘~k"\tlll\i
tta\e att\ taatet in

l l\\ g'at‘te~ ntt “ethicstiat _ _' ~ It t .tet atttt
Satttttia; lmtlt startetl late because nt 1.1111 and Saturdays
garttt etaretl eari\ ill.tlll\~ tn tlnttrtttnttrs l’itts_

\.\eatlter has been rtnthrrte \ltt‘t'. nt i‘llle‘l

the enltt
[\‘atrt anti see
\nttt lveath tetrtperxttttres male the 'ettsltest spot: in pla\
e\er‘: tuttgher tn play
llasettal‘ i\.1g'ttit.c‘ gtt“
at the plate and nrt the Il't‘llllxl 'hat's \.\lrx \la=nt leaette
tel t‘.‘\ ttlat Heath e‘.er\ a; .. let II :e teartts ;tia\ tnttt
ttrttes a \\\".'l\ llttt nttt Hanna :1\ \nnt \\eatlter tlm tttnrttl:
tttttitrrg that ri‘tttzra

\shn ate \'lllL‘;‘"tllL‘ tn ttt..tt tr e, ' st-

tatetl ttl’t .xt‘attg mm a rntttirte

ll.t\ llitttlt‘ .t \lllltklll: efti‘te lt‘l ‘lt’e'l al~

wit s tttrtZetettet their

titlatt x: t;

been lelt ht nttrtrelae.
ill \t'asnttl because n? ., x '
'\\l‘:ell “1‘ late lt‘l" lt.:It~leti 1‘21
l)\\\\el tr trtt the right sttle: '( nher; ‘
Speaking nt \aeartt, 'aat‘
\ll\l ultn tnttltf “is.

lhe taint. thtttttetl tlttnttg‘t the ‘t ;‘_11* am:

\1at‘r1tttt: \\.t\

\emterttat '.tl1\ :nt \hfltitg‘ lltttilt'

\tthl lg'ttpert
ltlt'L‘\ ttt tgssaatett bani. t, air-1 unit, ttttttett~ ntt
titetlnr'ettsnt flirts situt' "l
the am lla‘ etttzt‘”

aax art ttrttalt, .tt ;‘
tittfitt - :w .i}‘r_.. RM ttttxt.
btrtgt :t ~innkgtt; tttt tltt' :'

"ttl tttt ‘.l\'

t Ktttll t I‘,‘ lit it

Mr n-tzr

‘ College Democrats
Meeting, 7:30 PM,
Room 211 Student

- WildCard UKID v2.0,
107 Student Center

0 UK Budo Karate Club,
8:00 PM, Barker Hall
Dance Studio

- FUEL, 6:30 PM. 508
Columbia Avenue

- Yates Elementary
School Tutoring, 4:00
PM, Yates Elementary

0 Solar Car Team
Meeting, 7:00 PM, DVT
Engineering Building

- IGNITE UK: A Campus
Church, 6:30 PM,
Student Center



- WildCard UKID v2.0, 107
Student Center

0 YMCA Center for
Achievement Tutoring,
5:00 PM, YMCA Center For
Achievement Tutoring

0 Cheap Seat Tuesdays:
"The Good Shepherd",
8:00 PM, Worsham
Theatre (Student Center)
0 UK Students for Life
Meeting, 8:00 PM, 115
Student Center

¢ lGNlTE UK: A Campus
Church, 6:30 PM, Student

0 BINGO, 7:00 PM, Student
Center Cats Den

0 Students Taking Action
Globally (STAG) Meeting,
5:00 PM, Student Center
Room 211

. Session, 1

0UK Budo Karate Club, 8:00
PM, Barker Hall Dance

~lKD: Ping Pong Bali Drop
ILittle Kentucky Derby
°Everything You Always
Wanted to Know About Sex
(Late-Night Flint Series),
10:00, Student Center
Worsham Theatre

~Bryan Station Middle
School Tutoring, 4.00 PM,
Bryan Station Middle School
SHOW!, 8:00 PM, Student
Center Cats Den

0L.E.C.M. Food for Body and
Soul, 5:05 PM, St, A’s (472
Rose Street)

oWildCard UKID v2 0, 107

. Student Center

OLKD' HUGE Concert (TBA)
Olnternshi Information

:00 AM, James W,
Stuckert Career Center

' OIGNITE UK: A Campus

Church, 6:30 PM, Student

t Center

OlGNlTE UK: A Campus
Church, 6 30 PM, Student

OBBO. Patio Party
OChtldren of Men (Late
Night Film Series), 1000
PM, Student Center Center

0Ltttle Kentucky Derby
'WildCard UKID v2.0, 107
Student Center

OFinding Nonprofit and
Social Science Careers, 3.30
PM, James W Stuckert
Career Center

OLKD. South Campus 880
-Trap 8. Skeet practice, 700
PM, Wilmore, Ky

OMaktng the Move. Tips for
Relocation, 3.30 PM, James

W. Stuckert Career Center

'LKD (Jolt 'Tcturrtrw’

othe Btg Ln muskt v’Latt-
Night Firm Snrtc‘s), 1000
PM, Student Center
Worsham Theatro

OAlpha Gamma Delta
Weenies for Diabetes 5 00
PM, Alpha Cant HUHSC’
OWtidCard UKlD \.2 O 107
Student Center

~Lttt|e Kentucky Derby
OlGNlTE UK A Campus
Church, 6 30 PM, Sill(l(‘l‘l

060x60 Electronic Music
Concert, 1200 PM: The UK
Fine Arts Library

'UK Budo Karate Club, 4 30
PM, Barker Halt Dance

clKl) Hint it" Patina)" trace

0L the Kerwin to, Britt),
alfaltTE UK A Campus
Cl‘ttirrh it 30 mm Strident

-LKD Hot Arr Balloon Race

:mrtrrt n(1)

OUK U'ttntate Fr shoe
Orqar‘t/attor 1000 PM
Intramurat Fields

OLtttIe Kentucky Derby (rain

~|GNlTE UK A Campus
Church, 6 30 PM, Student


 PAGE4 | 11111111111111.1111 iii, 311111


Vols dominate Cats in 3-game sweep

8y Kenny Colston

kcoIstonIDkykeinel eai11

l‘he l'K stilthall teatn “as out~hlt. 11ut~
pttehed attd ttltttnatel) outmatehed this
weekend 111 a three game series against
No, I 'l‘etmessee.

l‘hc \VUIUHIL‘CH Utttsentcd the (Ills I‘M!
1111 the weekend. \\hteh meltided a 94 \\In
in tlte seennd game 111 a dotthleheader _\es1

"We didn‘t plat.” ltead eoaeh lztleen
Sehtntdt said "($011111 against the N11 |
teant and No I pttehet attd \\e 111st didn‘t
pla) H

Although the (‘ats 1 l9»: 1 . 4~ l 5 Soutlr
eastern ('onlereneei \\ete dntmnated. the}
had their hest ehanee I111 an upset 1n the
seeiind game.

l‘ennessee raeed 11111 to a 511! lead. hut
setit111 eateher Katie (Innphell and lreslt
man thtt'd haseman Mulls Johnson lttt haek-
t11 I‘.I\I\ home runs 111! starter
\leean Rhodes 111 tlte l1ittt'th Inning:

ln tlte llllll tnntng. senior shortstop
Brooke .\l1ll|‘1ll/ htt lter I‘lth home run 11“
lettttesseds \ltitnea .-\hhott u ho had enr
tet‘ed tn reltel 01 Rhodes [11 pull the (Kits
\\!llilll one lint l'ennessee stored loin more
runs 11l'l~ l'l\' pttehers Megan loll} and .-\m
her \latottsek 111 the temamm; t\\11 innings
111 pm aua) the ('ats

:\I‘l‘till sltttt d1mn [K 111 the ne\t t\\11
titntnes 111 e\tend her t'eetitd t11 VLl 1111 the
teat loll) eaw 11p eight runs s1\ eartted

111 the loss 111 e\ en ltet reenrd at - ‘

She \\ as .1 111.1101 pt'ohletn 1111 the (‘ats


Woodson sh

By Matthew George

1;. _» kani”.

()11 the 111st pi1ssess11111 1 t the l l\ f1111t
hall te.111;' se111111
.ntattet'hatk \ndte \\1111ds11n e11itneeied ‘1\‘.lll
tight end I( lhak.’ 1111
Itittt’hdimn pass that tapped 11H .1

ttaee 1111 \tttitdaj.

s s111111:
.111 l.\ and

111;.1111s' the ‘1is1 ‘..1111

end 11! his 1la_\
.1‘1tttent \‘.IllI s time

\\as itpposed I11 l1; the
lItIl\11NNIHli 1\ hi] I
~11: the 1.st 111

"\\e .2111. \111l1.

\\e I11i1I litt‘. lie

1111.1 st‘11es1111d
s 11d

l k I III11lIll“

’ll. ‘11.;

;1..'i1'1 I111 .1

\ 11‘,\‘j
lite e11a1hiite statt L“~1‘|Ilti1lll\
ed 1111.! sent \\11c1ds11111111t 1111 one
lIli'l.‘ I‘iW‘t'sMiill

"l'iii 1111t sitt 1.\e \\1111l1t liaxe

kitttfs 11. ‘I

.l'litlIifls s. II\I

sa'a ‘h11s. .1-11s 1111..
I.I\I \1'111.‘
\\11111I-11tt 111i ‘t‘I 'til \ 11? I:

1““ ‘.|l1:\ ‘-‘ III lll'.‘ Ullt
'111..3‘1'1:11i1l-111‘1n;:h. 1‘1... t1, e the
"11s 'i'1“~'e'1l l1‘ \llt’t'l l'1'I-.I llI‘Itst‘
11? 'I '»‘t'.1'l'it't (Huall

1‘.11I‘. I‘I‘.li

l‘1l‘\\“ th

l‘hiiiiks K1t\
‘\ 'I‘ ‘l-tt l1._ s.i‘\ {11111.
”W I l\

1‘1.1.‘_1\ .\ s. .1

11 _;\,~'

\\11...1e.1-1 111.1Il11 1111.11


[$111.11. .

'1111‘ 'I;‘ I I . »_.1 .‘V1' :t': Fid'e' II‘IIL'k‘\'

marteth. 1 Is
.t I:.1 .Ilt‘ . 1111





81.111111: 1111111s111t11_111111 Mm111:_11111111111


this weekend

In IR 3 3 Innings. she strttek out .W hat
ters. She struek out 17 on Saturda} 111 L' l“s
l3~h um. and It» 111 'lennessee s XE}. \1111 iii
the first game 111 )esterda) ‘s doul‘leheader.

“We \\ ere prepared for Ahhott." ('amp—
hell said. “hut \\e didn‘t t'eah/e \\ hat she
aetttall} hrotteht."

l'l'x' also struggled detensnel} tltts
\\eekend. l'he (‘ats eommttted t\\11 errors itt

SPRING l’R.\(T'l‘l(Il{


1'9111 tieitte 11111 111111119 yesterday 119 -1 less against N11 ‘1

the second game _\esterda} and two on Sat
urda). The) also itllO“CtI I(1 stolen bases
this weekend.

“It _\ott‘re going to \\111 against the N11.
1 team. _\ou‘\e got to pla} \\ell tn all three
aspeets of the game Schmidt said.

Marmt/ added: ”It was disappointing.
We are better than \\e played this week--

ines, backups struggle

pettne 111 he \\1111ds1111's haekttp
“Rteht 111m netthet 1111.11'te1haek 1s pla_\
1111; Indie le\el the} need I11 pl.i\." liriinks


til I idler ea1h pla\ed1111e se
tiist teaitt11tlense.11ne \\tth the
set11ttdIeantuilenseand t\\11\\1t|1
the thiid teattt allense llartline
1111‘) I‘asses hit “I
.1 4h _\.11'd t1111eh
tteht end ,latoh

\.111ls 1111I111l:11;_1
l11llet 1111111eete1l 1111 ‘l 111 14 .It
t1111pts 1111 \l l11llet’ 1l111\e
1'Hllt‘ l\\lLL‘

i‘1t\\ iii

the intense 111111 the ted
with to see itztssed Iiel1l euals spoil
h1it|1 suititi; 11ppi1iitmities

\\111111s11n said the Inn 1.111 111.11
h1eks .111111111‘11111: IHI the h altip
si111.\t|11 1 \IIU'L‘ tiithe
peed 11l h\e sitt1at111ns. hnt
1.11111111/t1tl that Ihe_\ ate .1is11 I111th
1.111 1.1.11ll tttl 111 the

"lhnse 2111s 11eh111h heshnten
liijII 11111.1 s11 the\

1e1l iiltttstine

11l hetne s11. tess

.Ilt L't iIiL' I1) i‘I lht
\\1111ds1111 said
apahle 11! planne 111 the
and l111tlt
.1111l \.ei\

theit 1111s'akesf
the) aie.
\i\ttII‘1“"1,'llI I
